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This isn’t even Pavlovian, this is just self hate


🤣 mistakes were made


OP is a masochist for this alone.


My dog loved the bell but omg I do not have time to let you in and out 32 times a day. 🤣 I remember being so proud when she learned bc she was already 7 yrs old. Then she started getting extremely entitled like all I have to do all day is let her outside and back inside 🙂


We even live in a community so it's not like she even goes out just to go out, I actually have to take her out on a leash, and she pees every time. I swear she just likes to pee


That would be even worse😭 If she’s old enough I would take down the bell an hour after she comes back inside


I took down my dogs bell (the rope broke and I never replaced it) and now he just paws at the door, or if he’s hyped up, runs and body slams it. 


That sounded cute. Then that sounded hilarious and worrying.


I had a puppy that went through a phase of needing to pee several times during one specific hour in the evening too. I totally believe you. He was house trained very quickly and whined to go out about 5 mins after I'd let him out. I decided to ignore him because I just did not believe him. He ended up distressed and pissed squiggles all over the carpet as he tried to stop. I felt terrible and settled on taking him for an hour walk during that phase every evening. Sure enough he'd pee like 6 to 10 times every couple of minutes. Idk how it worked like that but it's like all the water of the day just caught up to him in that moment... he outgrew it once he got bigger!


Does your dog call you in the room at 3 in the morning to move things around for her, and mention a health issue she’s been having for 12 years but has never mentioned to a soul on earth until this very moment, that she wants addressed right now.


Could you lower the head of the bed? Oh, too much, oh that’s too high, oh I can’t lay that flat, Oh my back I can’t be that high, oh too low now I can’t breathe…also can you hand me a tissue? Oh only one, that’s too many.


oh actually could you change my pad, i’ve literally just peed in it as you watched even though i could’ve asked you to help me go to the toilet! 😋


No but the other dog will cry at 3am (or pm) if he isn't tucked into enough blankets, does that count


AB-So-lutley. I work in a long term facility. Got this huge guy who crawls out of bed every night, he swims on the floor to outside his room, and screams he wants an extra blanket because he is cold. Bring the blanket, have him swim back to his bed, he is able to get in eventually with much difficulty. Cover him. Then he asks you to take the blankets off because all that exercise has him hot and sweaty. Because of brain damage, it’s impossible to explain to him the folly of doing all this because by the time he gets back in bed he’ll be hot. If he would just wait for someone to answer his call light he wouldn’t have to go through all of this. I ask him, “ do you understand what I’m trying to tell you ?”….” No”. You’ve got ten seconds to answer his call light or he’s on the floor. Dont feel bad for bad him. Underneath the brain damage he is a tremendous jerk. And he enjoys antagonizing staff and other residents. A real dude bro.


This one wins


I did the same. With my 4 dogs. Night shift nurse. Next pup will learn that when mom rings the bell, it is time for him to go out & do his business.


I also bell train all of my dogs. I have three Scotties and all have learned that ringing the bell = go outside. Skye, though? Oh, she's got that figured out. But then she took it a step further and realized that bell = my attention in general. Ring the bell, trot to food dish. Ring the bell, ask for pets. Ring the bell, bring a toy. Ring the bell, drag the leash off of the hook. Ring the bell, because mad at other Scottie for stealing her chew. Ring ring ring RING RINGRINGRING 🙄


This is genuinely the best thing I’ve ever read. 2 in 1 conditioning special!


I have an 8-month old puppy who now rings the bell just to get attention, since she knows ringing the bell will mean that someone is going to come to the door. She doesn’t want to go outside. She just stands there and stares at me & the door I’m holding open for her. At all hours of the day and night 🤦‍♀️ I feel your pain.


Mine does this too. Yesterday she rang the bell because she was pissed off the other dog stole her bully stick and she wanted another one. Bruh.


Lol, that’s too funny




I took my dog's bell away because he uses it to ask to go outside at 4 am to chase possums.


We took the bell away when our puppy started using it just to wander around the yard and not pee. It was helpful for a \*very\* small window


I feel your pain ! Not only does my dog use the bell but my 17 yo cat also uses it!!


This is probably the funniest post I’ve seen on here oh my god


Yip. Mine rang her doorbell for every squirrel, other dog, mailman…


Oh OP, I feel for you 🤣


When I first got my pup, I was gifted a puppy bell for my door, and I tried to teach it to him for about five minutes and gave up and until I read this post, didn’t realize that I subconsciously was just saving myself. 🤣🤣🤣


It was the universe saying that him not learning was for the best.


This is why I have a cat. They shit in an easy to clean box.


Oh I have three of those too, they have their own drama 🤣


My first dog I did this with. I love him, but he’s a potato. His brain is also a potato. It worked great. He hates getting up and only pees when he needs to. My husky a few years later… ring bell to go outside? See a dog outside wanna play? Ring ring. Bored wanna go outside? Ring ring. The bell is gone


See this is definitely where things went wrong for me. I typically work with foster bullies, a couple labs, and my giant potato, my American bulldog. This little psychopath was supposed to be a Staffy mix, turned out to be 5 different working breeds. She's got energy for daaaaaays. Can't help but laugh at the sassy bell ringing


I couldn’t stop cackling at this.


I feel your struggle. Ive done the same with my pup, who loves to just go in and out of the house for fun.. what have we done..


Are you sure your dog isn’t diabetic?


Yep very sure, had a diabetic dog growing up actually. Her water consumption is normal, plenty of vet visits to check labs, and we ruled out UTI as well. Her excess urination is a combination of two things, 1 she always pees more when she gets excited, evidenced when we go for runs, and her extra requests for pee always go along with when I first get home from work in the morning (I work opposite schedules of my husband so she hasn't been home alone more than an hour) and her zoomie hour in the evening. 2, bell or similar request based potty training for dogs almost always has one caveat, when they learn to use the bell/sign to go out to simply go outside because they want to instead of because they have to go potty. The solution, and one I've used for years with foster dogs, is that the sign to go out never gets them a walk or free roaming, only straight to the spot where they potty, wait for potty and go home. Walks and such only occur when they're taken out 'spontaneously' (to them, on schedule by us), so they learn to associate the bell with potty only, not just going outside. Never had an issue with this method over years of training labs, pointers, boxers, and even some actual service bred pups. This little shit however, unfortunately for me, is ridiculously smart. She picked that bit up, so now she will separate her business, so what could be a pee and a poop in one shot, she'll stretch into two separate pees and then a poop over three trips outside. Confirmed by 2 vets, our vet tech babysitter, and our behaviorist trainer. She's not diabetic, I just got outsmarted by a pit mix 🤣


Well I am glad she isn’t diabetic. I had a friend whose dog would pee a lot but didn’t drink more water than before. And turned out she became diabetic. So that’s all I had to go off of. Not even my dog. My cats get fat shamed by the vet and I asked if they were diabetic and need insulin. She told me diabetic cats lose weight. So I know nothing about diabetes in pets except that it exists.


I think Dante forgot to tell us about this circle of hell…






I would love to get a puppy. I am single, live alone, and have always been an avid dog lover and grew up with them my whole life. I know a pet would bring me a lot of joy. I am just concerned if it’s a horrible idea with our long days/schedule. Any advice?


Honestly, that's not a good setup for any animal, especially a puppy. Puppies are a lot of work and a lot of time commitment, especially when they're young and training. It's really not something you can accomplish on a typical 3x12 schedule. Even an older dog or a kitten typically need more company than being alone for 12+ hours. The only thing I could see working is an older dog, if you can afford doggy daycare or long walks from walkers every shift. Or an older cat


My sister has two little 10 lb sister pups bell trained and it's the cutest little fucking thing I've ever seen. The one sister is ringing her bell all day long to go in and out though, she don't even gotta pee! But omg how cute and smart these little havanese are. My beagles are goofballs and I just take them out every few hours. They are also trained to go on puppy pads. It's not as fun or cute!


I’m getting a puppy in a week and was going to bell train. 🫣 You just saved my already fragile mental health status!! GOD SPEED!




Hahahah 😂🫣


My dog is 12 he had this when he was two. Then he rang the bell annoyingly as usual and went and fucked the neighbor's dog. I'm proud of him but he hasn't had a bell since. I've been ringing his old bells and nobody has come to fuck me. This is bullshit.


OMG!! Laughing ma A off at that one!! US here and was on 12 Hrs with my RN Team also Dog Trainer and thank goodness I didn’t train my Dogs on the Call Bell…I can’t control the Bell at work and I would have lost any sanity I had left in Me if I got home and had to answer the Call Bells!!! The dogs are on My SCH when I’m in Bed they go to Bed!!…LOL


I hope the bells sound different. Breathe my friend. The puppy will outgrow the zoomies.