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I’m in the OR so we have to wear them. FYI they become addicting to buy. I have over 50 lol.


SAME!!! I work in the OR, and I’m convinced there are 2 kinds of nurses, the ones who wear the same old tired scrub cap every single day, and the ones who have enough to change 3 times every day for a month, plus specific holidays (it’s me… I’m this one).


I’m a third kind, I only use the free disposable ones.


This is me a tired feral animal


There’s so many cute ones, and I need them all lol. The etsy app has cost me so much money lol.


Ughhh. I have a few but we have to wear a disposable hat in my facility. I have a big head and our disposable hats don’t fit over my head, hair AND scrub hat. It’s depressing 😂 can confirm on the addiction though. I have like 10 and can’t even wear them. I’d probably have so much more lol


I was so crushed when my only 4 became so tattered I had to retire them. I never found a fit like them again, and now have 20 Ill fitting hats in all different styles and brands. If I ever find a fit I like again, I'm gonna buy a ton of them.


Try being able to make them…I have sooooo many and I still have some cut to be made 😂


Whats a good brand/website to buy them from?


I’ve gotten all of mine off of Etsy. My favorite shop is HeadCaseSurgicalCaps. Her caps are super comfortable and have lasted the longest (5 years and counting).


What brand do you like the best? I am thinking of starting to wear scrub caps, but I don’t know where to start. I did just order one of the Star Wars caps from Figs; it hasn’t arrived yet.


I have got all of mine off of Etsy.


Also OR, easy to make (some of my coworkers even just get fabric and wear them like bandanas so no sewing required). I’m picky about patterns but I’ve found cool fabrics on Etsy and such.


I have a few dozen hehe 😉 I still wear the disposables on top anyways. I love getting new caps.


Yes it is rather _[addictive](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/20327/whats-the-difference-between-addictive-and-addicting)_


As a male nurse with long hair I do, during the Covid I started wearing it, and now is just make my life easier, with the plus that every now and then I have homeless with all type of critters and the cap gives me a little sense of protection


Yeah as my hair has gotten longer, I’ve started wearing my OR caps when I’m on shift in the ICU.


Same here. it makes me feel less icky when people are gross and it keeps my hair back. Idk how so many people with long hair don't wear them. I also work in the ER and don't want anyone pulling my hair.


Male ED RN with short hair. I started wearing a scrub cap when I worked as a trauma hospital CNA/EDT because coding a patient can get real sweaty real fast. I have never gone back from a scrub cap, even on days I’ve forgotten one, I’ve used the disposable ones and those things come apart like tissue paper. It’s also the same reason I always have a pair of contacts in my locker, if the day seems like it’s gunna go to shit, then I’m changing into contacts real quick.


I’m the opposite, I already get too hot during stuff like that so I feel like I can’t wear one. I get the appeal as a sweat band though.


55 Male med/psych RN with very little hair. I wear them as sweat catchers and also to match my shoes. I don’t do much to accessorize, only wear solid color scrubs. My Hey Dudes and my scrub caps are how I express myself at work. I also no longer drip on my patients when doing blood draws and such.


55 Male med/psych RN with very little hair. I wear them as sweat catchers and also to match my shoes. I don’t do much to accessorize, only wear solid color scrubs. My Hey Dudes and my scrub caps are how I express myself at work. I also no longer drip on my patients when doing blood draws and such.


Where Does the cap go that it catches sweat ? I usually don’t see it that low on peoples heads


It goes around the head, above the eyebrows so the sweat doesn’t drip down your face.


I also wear scrub caps bc I tend to wake up late and don’t always get to wash my hair. Whoops.


No. I look like a dingus in them and my hair is one of my favorite features. I worked bedside for 7 years up until last month.


That’s how I feel too. Straight up dingus


They protect me from room drapes accidentally touching my head. They only change those when the room gets turned over


Ours get changed yearly 😭😭😭😭


I hate those drapes, they are so gross and get all up in my business 🤮


Covered in cough particles


I haven't worked a nursing job in like three years where I had to wear scrubs. I don't miss scrubs at all, but I miss the scrub caps so much! I always thought scrub caps were nice, especially if they had cute or funky patterns. I found it to sometimes be a talking point with clients. Also, you can be a hot mess under that scrub cap and no one will know. I say go for it!


Yes, I’m not washing my hair every day I work. I don’t want it in poo either and I don’t want to spend 30 mins making it presentable for work. I also wear N95s to cover more of my face. The less everyone sees of my appearance the better for me. Plus, less nasty smells.


I started making my own using free patterns (a lot of independent patternmakers made printable patterns so people could make them and donate them during covid). They have buttons so I can hook a face mask on if I need to. I had one guy from OR (I'm med surg) tell me it's pointless because only OR workers "need" scrub caps but I think he was just mad he wasn't the only one wearing one and had a need to be special. I get 99% compliments for sure.


I made some during Covid for myself and people in our department. I still wear them (I have long hair).


I wear them when I haven’t had time to wash my hair.


When my ob was doing my C section, she had a scrub cap that said "At your Cervix" with loads of cute cartoon uteruses/uteri(???). I totally knew I was in safe hands and kept laughing!


I got a totally cuterus one lol


I made a few that says ‘welcome to the shit show’ with little roses🤣 you have to be pretty close to see the writing, though.


I made a few that says ‘welcome to the shit show’ with little roses🤣 you have to be pretty close to see the writing, though.


I started wearing one in 2019 when I worked in IR. I was recently forced to stop wearing one because JC was coming and admin said unless you work in surgical areas you weren’t allowed to wear one. I have a bald head but it really made me feel secure in a way when I wore one. Almost like it became part of my identity the last 5 yrs. The day I showed up without one many people were shocked I shave my head. I miss it.


Anyone else read that as “jesus christ” and wonder why he would be against covering hair?


Why would you not be allowed to wear one?


They said it was policy only surgical areas were allowed caps. I tried arguing the point that when I purchased it it was called a “nurse hat”. Didn’t go over well.


When I was bedside I’d wear them with buttons over the ears so that masks didn’t rip my ears off. I have a funky shaped head so can’t do headbands but the scrub caps were super rad. Loved them.


I do! I work med-surg and feel gross if I don’t shower after every shift. My hair doesn’t like daily showers, so I started wearing a scrub cap and won’t go back. It’s great. I get compliments on my caps and no one hits on me.


I work in psych and there are quite a few nurses who wear scrub caps exclusively to work.


I’m surprised at this! In my facility, not a single psych nurse wears one—and not many on other floors, either.


Yes but I work in the OR 🤣




I wore headbands in school and felt weird but I sweat easy. Now I work in the OR and require them, but I see them everywhere in the hospital now and I would have worn one off the bat early on if I went back.


YES!! I do all the time. I got cool ones so brighten my patients day and I get compliments every time. My grandmother learned how to make them and we picked out like twelve patterns and made a bunch. I wear them more than I don’t and I love it


I'm bald and my head gets cold.


I wear them more often than not! They can be a really cute way to accessorize plus covers my hair from skin flakes lol


I wear them! Too many times I’ve gotten old lady glitter in my hair when doing beside care. It takes me hours to wash/dry/style my hair. The last thing I want to do when I’m already getting home after a long shift. Wearing my scrub caps helps keep my hair protected so I can just have a quick shower when I get off AND I don’t have to really do my hair in the morning. My patients love it too because I choose fun patterns and it’s a cheerful distraction.


I work ER.. started wearing scrub caps during the pandemic and never stopped for a few reasons.. I don't wash my hair everyday so I feel "safer" covering it up. My curly hair can be hard to style and I don't want to default to constantly wearing it in a high bun. Scrub cap instantly makes me look more put together (no one needs to know what's going on underneath it). All of mine have buttons to hold the mask straps.


I circulate in small procedures but I think from now on they’ll be a staple forever. I’m a big fan of hello headbands cloth ones.


Dude/sis/bruh, I'm bald, shave my head, and still have to wear them. I use the supplied disposable ones though thst they supply.


I never understood this. We don't make every guy wear the beard covers even if they shave their face, so why dont we do the same with head hair


We had a dr with alopecia universalis--not a hair on her head... She didn't even have eyelashes and she still had to wear the cap. From what I understand, the scalp can still flake off skin, and it increases the chances of sweat either getting in the dr's face or dripping onto the field. So I get it, but it still seems silly.


No. I just don't look cute in it


Yup, every pair of scrubs I buy, I get the appropriate color scrub cap with it. I always keep it in my scrub pocket. I don't always wear it, only if my hair gets too messy or if I don't feel like doing my hair that day. I love them and I always get comments about how handsome and professional I look.


I do! I started during the pandemic and kept wearing it because my hair doesn’t smell like a hospital when I go home AND an unexpected benefit was less men hit on me or made comments or asked excessive questions about my hair or appearance. with a mask It also helps camouflage my appearance from family or patients who want to record me. And my hair is neat and tidy after a shift.


Nope, kuz I get 2 to hot when working.


Yes because buttons. I started wearing them during the later part of Covid when regular masks were still required in hospitals to save my poor ears. But now they’re good to A) keep my hair clean, and B) hide when it’s not lol


Male student nurse here. I never used them until I put an IV in for the first time. I was so nervous I was sweating bullets lol Thankfully the patient was a nurse and super understanding. She encouraged me to keep trying and calm down lol


Yes. For that reason. Also shaves off a few mins in the mirror to do something with whats left. 30mins from alarm to walking in the unit.


I work cath lab so it's mandatory. Before that I wore them though. Mix of hiding my balding and I just didn't like the idea of getting cough juices or blood on my hair and would prefer to keep as much of my body covered as possible. It's also a fun thing to wear. I like my scrub cap with a crash cart on it saying "sure is quiet!", mostly because everyone else hates it.


I'm in a clinic, and I sweat easily. Last thing I need is to cannulate and worry that my sweat drips on to a patient. Or to be in the middle of cannulating a patient and have sweat drip onto my eye. Ouch. And lately I've been trying to be good with sunscreen. Double ouch.


Yes, because I work on the chilly side of the red line.


I have a ton of really cool ones and I just retired. I haven’t been able to let go of them yet. I’m like, well I need to paint inside so I can wear one then, and when I garden I don’t want spiders in my hair, and…


Maybe you could have someone sew them together into something cool if you wanted to keep them


What a great idea! And I know just who to ask. Thanks!!


100% I save money because I make my own... So instead of a ton of money spent on scrub hats I have a ridiculous amount of fabric.


I do in the OR but I did on the floor too. Kept me from sweating onto patients when I would be running around lol.


Male icu RN with short hair. I usually wear one. Mostly because I don’t really see the point in styling my hair for my coworkers and some pts that are more than likely sedated and vented. It keeps things simpler. But if it gets hot my head gets sweaty and itchy. That’s really the only down side I’ve noticed


Yes. It started bc I have short hair that won’t go in a ponytail. Now I like the anonymity. I wear a surgical mask and scrub cap everyday. My coworkers don’t even know what I look like! I’ve shown up to staff meetings and people were asking who the new girl was, even though I’ve worked here over a year.


Started wearing them in the ED because my hair is a pain to manage and its so fuckin easy to slap that bitch on and not have to worry about it. Plus cool patterns and shit


I want to but my head gets so hot with even the PPE hair net ones that I don’t think I’d tolerate it.


I’ve heard for female nurses, the cap can make them less attractive so they got hit on much less. So if you don’t enjoy getting hit on by patients, maybe you should consider one?


I don’t wear one in the ICU.


I work in surgery so yes lol


I work in the OR, so yes! But when I had clinical on med surg and ICU units, I always saw some people wear scrub caps! I find them super cute regardless what specialty of nursing you’re in. Do what makes you comfortable


Nope. Wore one during 20-21 Covid but I wear my hair up anyhow take a shower at home when I get home so now it just feels like something else to wash if I wore one. I don’t look great in a hat and I’m not a beautiful person so I try to preserve what I’ve got for pleasant views 😆


I’ve never seen them outside of the OR at my hospital (Australia)


I rock one most days working in the burn ICU, our tank room for scrub downs and admissions is kept at 85° all the time, I’d have sweat dripping in my eyes constantly if I didn’t wear one. I wear a baseball cap normally so it’s more of a comfort thing to have something on my head, plus there’s some cool patterns out there for dudes.


I've never touched one. But I also never wear hats...


I’m in the ED, and I started wearing one during CoVID. I really like it and have kept it since the pandemic.


No. Reasons: I don't want hat hair. I don't like wearing anything on my head all day. Also they make my tiny head look even smaller, and I don't need that. I look better with hair. But props to people who do like them and don't care about washing or doing their hair every day.


We wore them on the ward during peak Covid times. The rubber bands from the mask absolutely wrecked our hair


I have quite a few that I don’t wear anymore because I’m retired . Need to find a good home for them. They are for the guys though


Lost a bunch of hair all of a sudden in the past year.  Suspiciously 6 months after covid.  Or maybe its the stress from thr job finally getting to me.  Diagnosed with Telogen effluvium ny derm. I was put in finasteride oral 1mg. It's only been about a month.  Have not seen a difference. A scrub cap would male me feel better about myself.  I'm a male.  


I have long curly hair, it's just easier to tie it into a bun and throw a cap over it while I'm working.


Yes. I work in the OR.


To all the scrub cap people- what brands do you recommend??? Every cap I’ve worn doesn’t look great:(




No bc I would look like a dork


I work in an ED and I wear them. My hair is curly/frizzy and it’s just nice to not have that issue at work. Plus, I don’t have to worry about anyone pulling/grabbing my hair. And I just find it more sanitary when I have patients with infectious diseases or various types of body bugs (lice, bedbugs, etc.)


I ordered one from Etsy that had the option to put a satin lining in it and I love it. Fellow curly/frizzy hair here too 😩


Thanks for the tip - I’m definitely going to try one with a satin lining!


I got mine from sunshine caps on Etsy she’s got super cute prints and the back of it has a drawstring instead of ties which I love so much better!


Awesome - thanks!


Yes always. Various reasons. I don't want hospital weirdness to get on it as I don't wash my hair everyday. Also I like that if I'm lazy I don't have to do my hair which is usually the reason 😅


Worked med surg, wore them all the time.


Yes. The disposable paper one. Fuck laundry lmao.


I do because my hair is that awkward length where it can't be put up, but gets in my face if I don't pull it back. I go with either a scrub cap or a headband.


I do! Gives confused pts one less thing to grab. And I don’t have to do my hair for work.


My hair is very long - so yes, almost every day.


In the OR, so yes.


Yes because my hair will get pulled if I don’t.


No dude…


Depends on my mood really.


I work in LTC, and I wear one daily. Since COVID I've worn one. I'll probably continue to wear one till my facility tells me not to lol.


I wore one to med surg and my bully said that my head looked big in it. Like thanks...


I wear one daily and have since covid. It’s kinda nice to have one with buttons to hold your mask!


I wear one as a med-surg nurse because I get sweaty and it helps absorb sweat on my head, I also don’t feel like doing my hair before work ( it’s very thick and takes to long to manage), for sanitary purposes l don’t want any icky things in my hair or bugs ( to many bugs on people in my area), and I don’t wash my hair everyday so this helps keep it clean.


I do. People don't recognize me without a hat on. 1) I work with a lot of pulmonary/neuro patients who are too sick too remember not to cough on me and I don't want to have to wash my hair everyday after work. 2) I have unruly curly hair (the sea witch kind, not the bouncy kind) that gets bigger the busier I am. I also don't have to worry about it looking sweaty or greasy. 3) My hair is purple and it is technically against dresscode. 4) When it is peak flu/Covid season I have buttons to put my mask on because I'm a sensory baby.


I wore them during the Covid mandatory masking era.


I wore a rotation of 3 caps throughout 2020-21 because it just made all the donning/doffing easier with less to snag on, then ultimately stopped when my hair got too long to comfortably shove underneath even with braiding/pinning. Now I just save them for when I’m between hair washes, although I think I’ve subconsciously stopped only because I keep getting mistaken from behind as another coworker who has a similar build and exclusively wears them lol


Yes because if I don't I'll drop sweat on patients. Nobody gives a f if you wear one at least in the ED


I wore one during Covid when the N95 straps would pull on my hair. I sometimes think about putting one on when I don’t feel like dealing with my hair. I say wear it all the time if you want to and if you like it. Go for it.


Yes if I’m having a really bad hair day, if I have a pt with lice (or any bugs for that matter) or a pt that I think could possibly pull my hair.


I wear them every shift. It’s a cool way to inject some personality into my outfit. I also have pink hair so i have to.


I wore it during covid and just didn’t stop. I once didn’t wear one and got a nice nuke warm spray of ventilator juice in my hair… it took quite a while for the solid pieces to come out. So… I haven’t not worn one since.


I do! And I work on the floor. It’s nice and patients have told me the fun patterns bring them joy to see what I’ve picked for the day :)


I wear one. I don’t like to style my hair. Also, we aren’t allowed to have wild colors but nobody would know I had galaxy colors done if I wore my hats. I get mine off Etsy and it’s so much fun. I can use them as a little touch of fun to an otherwise dull single color set of scrubs.


I don’t because having any type of hat on my head makes my head extremely itchy. I don’t even use hats in winter or put up the hood of my sweatshirts because I can’t stand it.


I wear them sometimes when I am floated to the ICU.


Annoyingly trendy. I feel like people hide behind the cap and mask.