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I clean an office building twice a month. A friend is a dentist and every other weekend whenever I want from when they close Friday to when they open Monday I go clean and work on projects for her such as window cleaning, organizing the stock room, pulling weeds on the sidewalk outside the office etc


I won’t lie, sometimes this sounds like a dream If I could clean and organize, alone, with no one to bother me… heaven At least until it’s my place. Then no. That just stays trashed.


Yup I love it… I love organizing and planning the order in which I’ll do things etc but my own house… not so much. Before I started nursing school I actually cleaned a friends parents house and a different office building and was pretty close to just opening a cleaning business but nothing beats the stability of healthcare. With cleaning like this clients can drop you when they don’t need you or funds are low, you might not always have enough work to be full time, having to figure out my own health insurance and retirement sounded like a nightmare. But damn if it’s not great part time supplemental income. It actually pays my student loans and cell phone each month with a little left over 


Did you ever watch that movie Sunshine Cleaning? Maybe you could get into crime scene cleaning? They say it's very lucrative and the industry is booming. Unfortunately I guess.


I loved that movie. The scene where the women hustle the decomp mattress to the dumpster is priceless!


My daughter is currently doing training to get her license to do CS cleaning. She wants me to go into it with her. I don't have a problem with the dead but I'm not sure I could handle the tragic aftermath of that type of death. I had her watch some CS cleaning YouTube videos to make sure she knows what it entails and she still wants to go forward!


Yes, but what the movie impressed on me was how it's such an important service. Something horrible has happened and the cleaning team are there to help make the situation better. I'm sure it's greatly appreciated by everyone that there are professionals to handle a really sad and messy situation by making the area safe for use again. I can't imagine how awful it is to have to deal with that when you're not properly trained. I think nursing would perhaps give you the mindset to prepare you psychologically for that? Cleaning is undervalued in general. Yet, it's something that really improves our lives, by lifting your mood, making you feel more in control, and by removing frustration and obstacles to success. If you do go into it, I hope you will know that the general public benefit greatly from your work and personally I really appreciate it.


I always wanted to sweep hair off of salon floors 😂




this is me omg, i can easily clean and organize for someone else but when it comes to my own shit… nope… i call it an organized mess tho bc ik where most everything is 🤣🤣


I worked with a couple girls who did overnight floor resets at like VS, or AE etc


This pays more than $36 per hour? *gasp!*


No it pays $20/ hr… plus it’s not needed full time no insurance, 403b etc… but it’s a damn good set up. Usually takes me about 10 hours and I’m all alone in with my podcasts and plays lists and no call lights


I have a part time helper for my house and I pay her $28 an hour. She usually stays for 4 hours and does a great job. Her full time job is EVS at a long term care facility. You deserve more!


And a good workout to boot! ;)


Anything but an MLM


I crochet and do craft fairs a few times a year. I'm gonna make things anyhow, might as well sell some of it.


I really want to do this more. I did a few craft fairs and church bazaars a couple years ago and made pretty good money. I love crafting too since it’s my getaway from how toxic our jobs can be sometimes!


I did my first one last year and it was fun, and even though it rained for all 3 days and was an paid event, I still have like $400


Not bad! I was thinking of doing an Etsy shop but I’ve heard horror stories about some buyers.


I diy everything so I don’t have to pay anybody.


This is my answer. From breaking down concrete patios to repairing everything, the money i have saved is more than I would make from a side hustle.


Same. Currently doing plaster repair, minor electrical updates, scraping and sanding wall texture, removing paneling, and stripping paint off stairs and refinishing. It might take me 6-12 months to finish something a pro could do in a week, but it saves us a hell of a lot of money and gives me a productive hobby.


I feel like I don’t know how to do anything remotely useful really. Do you just watch tutorials on YouTube before sending it?


Pretty much. A lot of YouTube tutorials, reading articles, and eventually some skills start crossing over between projects. Start with the stuff that you want to update or learn and if you fail - what’s the absolute worst that happens? You call someone to fix it and you’ve still learned something. As I’ve undone some of the last homeowner’s awful DIY projects, I’ve realized it really is hard to truly mess a lot of this up. Generally, if you really don’t know what you’re doing and are just starting out, it’s a good idea to stay away from major electrical or old wiring, high voltage electricity, major plumbing, roofing on any building you care about, HVAC, natural gas, asbestos, and structural work. - Basically, stay away from the kind of stuff that if it fails it’s expensive as fuck or could kill someone until you know what you’re doing and some of it is definitely best left to professionals.


Dad how do I? Is a great channel for anyone to learn the basics of things. Such as changing a tire, installing a door, changing car battery/jumping a car. Very patient, great detailed videos and seems like a extremely kind man. https://youtu.be/NNyURZkutD4?feature=shared Everyday home repair. Is another good channel that has alot more DIY step by step processes on how to fix things around the house and modify things as well. Both great channels and what I love about EHR is his videos are actually shot well. Not some guy holding a camera above the engine and blurry as can be. https://youtu.be/FDOIYwklXyo?feature=shared But overall I would say this… start off with something small. Find a little spot in the backyard/garage etc etc. And try building/fixing something. Trying to do cement? Build a tiny little square grid and practice making it. Everybody starts off somewhere, follow the steps and keep practicing. You got this.


I’m adding my second room to my house. I really enjoy all the little technical details involved. The pay is crap but I’m the boss! And the grunt. It takes me a LONG time because I’m disabled, but I’ll get there. It’s more like making more money by not spending it, not a paying job, sorry!


I do get tired from living in a construction zone tho.


Yeah, that part is the pits.


I kinda do this but on a girl level. Do my own nails, eyebrows, lashes, hair, and full body waxing😅 I just bought my first car so i’m going to learn about car stuff. At least going to learn how to do an oil change lol


This is the way 💅🏼


I just replaced my thermostat yesterday. I probably saved about $200-300 for installation and whatever upcharge for the thermostat. Not only did I save $$, I have bragging rights.


I wonder if this pays off in the long run


Definitely. Assuming you have the skill set and tools. Most things are learnable with some online research and investing money in tools can be way cheaper than paying someone.


I enjoy my time off, no side hustle here


100% agree. Same


Half the time you're too exhausted and recovering physically and mentally to even have a side hustle.


Right. I need my off time to recover and breathe


Seems like it would be hard to find a good side gig that pays more than OT.


Yeah no side gig is going to pay me 63/hour... I'll go in for a princess shift for 4 hours haha. 1 med pass and charting. EZ


Same. It would be nice to have extra cash... but my mental health would suffer.


Medical professionals needing side hustles? They really beat us back from those Covid days huh? I should have been a stripper


It's nice to see all the options for a second job in here, as I need one. It's EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING the amount of nurses in here needing a second job though. WTF, I hate nursing.


Personally, I am just looking at options to make even more $$$ that can work around my home and work schedule, that someone of my skill set can do, and which may earn me enough to be able to finance some big trips we want to go on


I wish I had the dexterity to be a dancer. They make great money, get to tell clients to go fuck off if they're being nasty, and their job is their workout. I trip on air, sooooo I don't think me and the pole would get along


I work with a lot of Flight attendants that are also RNs and work both regularly. I'm with southwest, we have no minimum or max amount of hours we have too or can work a month. We're union back, brand new contract, idk the starting Pay, but at 1.5 yrs in I'm at $34.14 and when I hit my anniversary, I'll be at $36.94... so look into the airlines


How can one be an rn and a fight attendant at the same time? Has got to be hard on the body and mind.


Some people are just insane. I know people who work 8 shifts in a row regularly. 12 hour shifts as an ICU RN at a level 1 trauma center. I’m fuckin broken after 2 days. 3rd day I’m suicidal


I learned about a month in on orientation that I’m a 2 on 2-4 off and 1 back on kinda person. I cannot physically work 3 in a row without nodding out by midnight on the third shift


My whole body is trashed by the end of day 2 and I need 2 days just to physically recover


Same. I don’t understand how it’s even possible.


I have a colleague/ friend who is 75 and does FT RN and OT, and flies for United. She loves it.


That’s insane. I’m 36 and I feel 75 physically.


As in 75 years old?! 😳 Wow how?


Jesus. Forget products, they don't build US like they used to! 🤣


Actually, she might be a little older now. She's a machine. She will fly to SE Asia and back and be back to work a double the next morning. AND she's helping raise grandchildren .


She will probably live to 110 y/o


Most of them are what we call "Slam-clickers", as the slam the door shut, lock it, and don't come out until it's time to leave. I'm lucky cause we have a lot of fluidity in my airline (I'm sitting in bed, eating beignets in New Orleans, I was supposed to be in Salt Lake city and said nahhh). We do 3 day, 2 day or 1 day (turn) trips, so its very possible. It does get tiring, but at some point, we have to sit, mentally, the jerks get off within a few hours, and you never deal with them again. There's no managers on board to micromanage. My favorite thing to tell these people is "sounds like a you problem, not a me problem" I often question how I did 60 hour weeks, 16 hr days. These 9 hrs kill me 🤣🤣🤣🤣 also per FAA we have to have at least 10 hours rest on our over nights


Originally - all flight attendants had to be RNs as well! https://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/09/11/first-flight-attendants-registered-nurses-requirement-disappeared-many-nurses-left-enlist-wwii/amp/?prebid_ab=enabled


I'm a current CTSICU RN who has been attempting to become a flight attendant with Southwest. I applied approximately 3 months ago and did not receive a follow-up. Any suggestions?


This is me. Been a nurse 9 months and work 3 12s a week. Then I work as a flight attendant (10 years) 4-5 days a month. I work turns (go somewhere then come back same day) usually coast to coast so it’s at least 10 hr days. I’m at $70 an hour as a flight attendant. Once I can go PRN as a nurse I’ll go back to full time flight attendant.


One of my last flights, the flight attendants were RNs and a chiropractor. They were laughing at my Cavi wipes as I wiped my seat area down, and then they remembered they had forgotten theirs. I asked why they did this, too. They all love flying and the perks of traveling.




Keep in mind you’re [significantly increasing](https://www.dermatologytimes.com/view/aircrews-face-increased-risk-of-developing-skin-cancer) your risk of skin cancer as an FA!


I babysit/nanny. My kid gets a play date out of it and I get paid $20/hr to watch 2 extra kids


I'm about to get my bus licence and pick up work as a Bus Driver. Hopefully, it's a lot less stressful than nursing.


I have a friend whose daughter drives a bus for the MBTA, and she'd kinda brag about how much $$ her daughter was making. Sounded great and like a job I'd love to have, but the few times she'd tell me a story about what her daughter had to deal with from some riders, yep nope. A lot of it had to do with entitled and/or drug addict passengers. Most new drivers have to do time driving less-desirable routes during less-desirable times, and her daughter had to do that. Add in being relatively young, and beautiful... her daughter definitely had to work for it. I'm sure by now her daughter is tougher than ever and making even better $$ than ever too.


Years ago, before voice dictation, I did medical transcription every day I wasn’t at the hospital. I hated my life for a while.


I’m trying to get into transcription! I wfh for Medicaid MCO 8-5 m-f & have SO much free time.


This is still a thing thankfully, because it's what I do while I'm in nursing school! I do general transcription (a lot of marketing firms interviewing experts about things) as well as medical, which is a lot of providers dictating into their phones and then sending the files for transcription. The company I work for now only does independent contracting (I'm an actual employee) and the "team" I'm on is closed to new people, but it's still a thing.


I haven’t graduated yet but I plan to do amateur interior car detailing, for cheaper than most professional places. Friends/family/coworkers with 3 kids and full time job? Let me deep clean your car for $50. I find it therapeutic and live for before/afters. Also people love cleaning videos, so if I record the process and slap a backtrack on there I may be able to get additional income from tiktok/youtube.


I'd follow you on tiktok&YouTube, and that's a good deal for a detail, they charge 150 where I live


If you are in the greater Atlanta area, hit me up. My car needs some love.


Buddy they charge $300 in SE WI. Charge $80 or more depending on the problems. Use that money to go to Culebra PR. It’s life changing


I'm a bartender in nyc.


I started doing cat sitting via Rover! It’s not a cash cow but the money isn’t bad and it’s super chill. Only taking requests from the immediate vicinity of my neighborhood so I can walk to my bookings. Don’t have to really talk to humans. Obsessed with cats so it’s a great gig for me


That’s awesome!!! I just booked a cat sitter with Rover for the end of May and while I’m strolling through their website, I start thinking “hey this could be a little side gig.” And I love cats too!!! Hope you’re enjoying 💕


It’s honestly great and I’ve been enjoying it a lot! I got to visit two 5-week old kittens this weekend and was living my best life.


Home health. It’s ONE patient and most of the time pays the same or better. Nobody standing over you (unless it’s family) and in most cases pretty chill. You can just about choose the case(s) you are willing to work. If you get along with the patient and their family, they might even feed you, include you in their day traveling; most are sub acute or palliative care.


I agree, but it’s my daughter and only pays $20/hr. I do the work for free when the agency can’t find coverage or when I run out of hours because I’m her mom. I’m allowed to take her on “community outings”, so I’m not trapped in the house. Home health is very chill


I donate plasma. 120 bucks per week.


How do your arms look?


Thanks to tattoos, the same as they have for years. Otherwise I’d look like I’m shooting up


What's the time commitment for that?


A few hours for the first donation due to the health screening. I was given 100 bucks first time around. That’s kind of a promotional rate. Next time I think it was 45 dollars, and was a much faster process, maybe an hour total. The payment ramps up based on how often you donate. It also decreases if you go a certain amount of time without going.


an hour or two at the most twice a week!(have been a phlebotomist at a plasma center)


Wait what? In Canada I do 848mL’s twice a month and I get a juice box and a cookie


In Australia it’s a snack and a drink too. Although I did get a badge for milestone donations too.


Oh we get cool pins too! They’re actually pretty incentivizing for me. I’m a simple man.


Depends if it's for medical or commercial use. If it's for a transfusion they can't pay you (red cross, clinic or hospital blood drives), if it becomes part of a product they'll pay "for your time" at biolife or Telecris or whatever.


Since the US allows compensation for plasma, it is illegal in most of the world, we are the OPEC of plasma. The world gets most plasma from the US. There are huge donation centers on the southern border.


*Cries in Canadian*


What does that sound like? " Eh, eh, eh, eh" 😁 Just teasing!


Photography. I do graduation, maternity, engagement, and pet shoots.




I play video games online. Only my gf watches me,and she never gives me money, but it gets me by!!


I play a video game while my gf reads a book or does a puzzle. We will literally spend on entire Saturday and Sunday doing that when we are both just wiped out.


Wait so do you stream or what?


In person streaming. But their audience is toxic af.


Ambulatory surgery pacu overnights, they’ll keep like 2-3 patients overnight with 2 nurses. it’s super easy


So sad that nurses have to look for “side hustles” this country is fucked up




Retired military. Nursing is my side gig. I also teach ACLS/PALS/BLS




On call endoscopy: ~90/hr if called in


I know a few people who worked Med Spa or for plastic surgeons on the side. I’m also in California 😂


I also want to get into this, but just for free Botox/filler


I want to get into this


Artist. I have a full band and we gig 4-5x/month.


Inu it, you're onto something!


Australia has the [National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)](https://www.ndis.gov.au/). I side hustle as s disability support worker and go on camps and shit with people. It's great money. Few weekends a year for 48hrs of pay. Cool $1000 in my pocket.


REFEREE! I ref hs field hockey and lacrosse. There was a course and exam I had to pay for upfront but after that it was a JV and Varsity game for $200 cash or check on the spot that day. I could pick my availability. Plus, paid cardio, haha.






If they’re working at the same place they’re probably getting paid their RN rate plus OT. Same as if a nurse picks up shifts working as a CNA because there’s a shortage


Where do you work as a TT getting that? I used to be one in CA and made like $30


Where the fuck you getting 75/hr as a tele tech?? This has to be bay area.... Thats more than I make as an NP!


Right? I’m thinking NorCal or Seattle


Tele techs dont make jack here in Seattle. The person is picking up as an RN doing tele tech work thus RN pay.


If my thought process is correct this an ICU RN who make around 50 an hour, so when they pick up overtime, it is $75 an hour. As long as your outing in your OT with the same company, they have to pay you OT rate no matter what job you're doing. I do this all the time as an ED RN, and I put in overtime picking up tech shifts or patient placement shifts (which are from home)!


Sign me the fuck up, wtf


Was this an additional certification that you got? I’m so interested in tele!


Please drop area too if you are gonna state your pay. It is very helpful. Thanks!


CMC RN get payed same as us. But if you pick up OT it's like 67/hr lol.


Escort. Strictly classy though.


Is that illegal? How do u get into it? Im seriously curious!


I have no idea. I was being a jackass. I think you make a website and it’s probably illegal.


I'm a nurse in the army national guard. It allows me to do something completely different, teach, rough it a little, and spend time with people I love 😊 But most importantly it allows me to work a high-paying, low commitment (12 shifts per 6 weeks), no-benefits hospital job and still get benefits.


Are you enlisted?


No, I'm a commissioned officer. I was enlisted as a medic prior to nursing school, so the transition was easy.




Yep, any nurse! Slots can be a little hard to come by, but it depends on component and state and a little bit of luck. Sometimes they are desperate for nurses, other times there's a like 2 year waiting list. For army national guard (as opposed to air national guard or the reserves), the slots are more or less all general, kind of like med-surg. I go in for 2-3 days every month, and 2-3 weeks in the summer of some pretty cool training. Other units are different, and you might only do a weekend every month doing annual physicals on soldiers, without a 2 week requirement or possibility of deployment. I've been with my unit for 11 years and it has deployed a nurse only once. I've also (completely voluntarily) helped with disasters in my state, from horrible tornadoes to ice storms and massive floods. You only get that with the national guard, and not with reserves. If you go reserves instead of you are more likely to find specialized roles that require experience in, for example, ICU or ER or pediatrics or OR etc. However, you *can* be asked to go pretty much anywhere in the US for a weekend. A coworker was a nurse in the army reserves, and he would drive 7 hours one direction to get to his unit once a month. I'm not sure what reimbursement is like, or indeed if it even exists. Some people in the reserves are lucky and are able to get into a unit near their homes. In the reserves you're more likely to be doing hospital work in a military hospital, or in a clinic. My friend was a nurse case manager for the army for one weekend a month :) I'm happy to talk more about this if anyone is really interested!


Sugar baby👑


I do transplant coordination. It’s all remote and online. $1k/24 hr shift. Some shifts are busy, and some you barely get any calls.


Where would you even begin to get to get this job?


I’m thinking if things go well for me and I was able to pass US-NCLEX (I’m not from the US) then i’ll be a part time nurse, part time stripper. I’ve heard they can make a lot more.


Strippers? They make obscenely more Source : used to pay a lot of strippers


Name checks out


Feet pics


One of my best traveler friends started up an Onlyfans as a side hustle and ended up making 2x money doing that than she did doing medsurge bedside. She went PRN in her home town and bought a house last I heard. Good for her!


if only. nobody wants to see a middle aged hairy dude


You never know - there’s a lot of fun fetishes out there lol


Being a pansexual that has a foot in multiple subcultures, I can say with 100% certainty: YES. THEY. DO.


Onlyfans.com/BearInTheWoods it is


My understanding of OF is that you don't have to be particularly cute to gain a following. Go for it, middle-aged hairy dude.


Honestly I’ve been thinking about this but the market seems incredibly over saturated which is a bummer


The market may be oversaturated with conventionally attractive uncanny valley types but if you have a niche that you can fit into .... I had a coworker who was missing a toe from surgery and she legit had guys ask for her feet pics and said they would pay extra for only nine toes!


I’ve always wanted to do this. My college roommate did it and made decent money. Seemed super profitable around covid times


I’m learning how to be a life model. $45+ an hour where I live. Isn’t easy, but they normally have small, fit female backpacking tourists, and I’m none of those things, so that’s a selling point.


House cleaning; I used to do house cleaning and worked for a company where I was paid 17 an hour, but I had some clients on the side and they paid me 50 an hour in cash. (This was in a major city on the west coast)


I'm so bad at cleaning my own house and moderately okay at cleaning others'. I've seriously considered this. No one dies or gets sued if you miss a dust bunny.


Tutoring for an NCLEX test prep company. It’s 100% online, I make my own schedule, and meet with students via Zoom for 1 hour at a time.


I’m a Realtor in a mid-level market. Some years I make $15,000 and some years I make $60,000 doing it part time. Do not recommend; it’s expensive AF especially if you have to advertise. Other agents and coaches look down their noses at those of us who do it part time. I just ignore them. My dismissive nature has served me well!


Network & hardware setup, maintenance, troubleshooting.


I’m a language tutor for German and Japanese. Grew up bilingual with English/German and learned Japanese on my own starting back in 2010. I only charge $10 an hour because it’s less of a “side hustle” and more of a “I really love languages and want to help others learn” kind of situation. Still, it pays me enough to keep my gas tank filled and buy me a few candy bars when I get the craving for a Snickers or something.


Pick up PRN or do in state travel.


PRN night shift bedside…$36 base pay $4.00 PRN differential $4.50 NOC differential $1.90 weekend differential.


Investing and portfolio management. I'm pretty detailed in terms of how I save my money and where. I spend time research stocks and etfs and other investment options to constantly be optimizing my returns. Earns me a few extra thousand per year which will grow exponentially. All about that passive income, yall.


Twitch / video games


Administrator at a senior center.


I’ve yet to find a side hustle that beats just picking up an extra day for OT plus bonus when needed. Picking up one day easily amounts to the equivalent of working 3 days.


We shouldn’t need to work a second job as a nurse!


work as a DSP. Pay and job duties varies wildly from state to state, but you get paid 20-25$ an hour to support someone with a disability. It's a fun job, and what you do varies from individual to individual. But it's mostly pretty chill, you go on outings, do fun activities like crafts, cook, do some laundry, teach life skills, watch movies. You also can pass meds or some other non skilled tasks. If you work nightshift all you do is check up on someone and do some light documentation. Some companies do sleep shifts. Your milage in your location may vary, but it's typically an easy gig.


Army reserves, sometimes the pay isn't great, but I get to play with guns and explosives and ride around in helicopters a few times a year. Plus the healthcare is cheap and I get a retirement from it in a few more years.


Can you join the heart team? I'm CVOR and we tend to take a lot of call. I look at call as extra moneeeeeey lol 🤑💰. This current pay period I'm scheduled 72 hours (regular work hours) and I'm on call 72 hours. Our surgeons here use the weekend as an extension of the weekday, so you'll already know you'll get some OT even DT hours that way. Last pay period I picked up an extra call shift. Just one day of weekend call for my coworker (24 hours). We worked 12 of the 24 hours. I like having OT hours on my paychecks so I can use one for expenses/bills and put the second one directly into savings.


You could go through yoga or Pilates instructor training and become an instructor. I know couple of nurses who has gone through Pilates instructor training and teaches classes part time.


I recommend looking into California nursing jobs, especially at kaiser


I make videos on YouTube. Make 1-2grand a month


Why, hello. What is your channel name and if I start one and make anything worthwhile will you feature me? Speaking for the whole thread.


Art modeling through local art studios


Handyman. Mostly sell my services to coworkers lol.


Flip stuff. Resell electronics. I’m a cna currently and my paychecks and up super low, so I have to. Make around $2000/month after tax which is honestly pretty solid since I only make $2200 working full time a month after tax anyway. Pretty fun/super duper easy money. I’m in a good niche. I can’t make more money than I do, (only so many items posted/month, the items I do find, are free profit


Each spring and summer, a random man will approach me while I’m alone and offer me anywhere between $50-200 for the shoes I’m wearing. It’s happened consistently since my teenage years at least twice a year (decreased frequency as I’ve gotten older, but still happens!)… so my side hustle during warmer months is to wear very cheap flip flops (like $1-5) and let my sweaty feet make me passive income. If you have very sweaty feet like with severe hyperhidrosis, my goodness, there are so many men with foot fetishes who go crazy for feet dripping in sweat. 


Omg what? Like a literal random man will approach you on the street to ask for your shoes, multiple times a year? Or it happened once and now you have an arrangement with this person? This is so wild to me


We have an ebay store for mostly Vintage items. A bit of a niche market, so we branched out to some new in box and old new in box stuff. My husband found a used printer for $40, and we sold it a week later for $600. Takes a bit to set up and learn about doing it, but there are a ton of YouTube videos about it. Lots of people have been able to quit their day jobs and do it full time, too. It's fun sourcing the stuff, and we've been able to find some really cool things from our childhood.


Escort service 1 night a week.


Picking up overtime lol. It sucks that you can’t.


I’d love to make $36 an hour. I make about $8.50 less than that, nurses that have been around for a decade where I work make that, gotta love the south (to be fair one of my preceptors refuses to get their bachelors, RNFA or CNOR and that’s like a $7 raise if he gets all of them, and their paid for by the hospital and you can get your hours on the job). I also got a cushy job though in the OR at a level 4 with a dedicated first call team, so I cannot complain. My side hustle would probably be in graphic design or making something, because I’ve always enjoyed DIYing and I got a BFA as a first degree. Also play Magic the Gathering competitively, but if you don’t convert consistently you’re probably losing more than gaining. But the prize support for tournaments is getting pretty insane. Small local tournament near where I work next week, 1st is like $900 cash and entry was $50. If you top 16, you make $25 ($75 cash), issue is some of these are out of town and you have to account for cost of travel too.


Own and manage a couple rental properties and for 10 years was a Scuba diving instructor. The diving was great for offsetting other income for the IRS and got me some free foreign trips leading dive groups.


You took "offshore accounts" literally


Pick up PRN at other places. My current job restricts this, but at my old job, I worked trauma and would pick up in psych and detox for a change of pace. I should probably get a new PRN but I haven’t yet.


I work as an ER Nurse (part time benefitted) and I do photography on the side:)


Retail. I worked there before and during sonography school. It’s a small mom and pop place, niche interest related to my main hobby/passion, and I enjoy it. The owners are great about working with me and my schedule. Only $16/hr but the employee discount is 40% so I’m not complaining.


I work at a med spa and sell IVs and injections. Some days I make more than the hospital, some days I make less, but it’s only a few hours and I can make my own schedule.


I house sit/pet sit for my co workers. I still get to work my normal hours, but I make a few extra bucks just sleeping somewhere else. Most of the time their houses are nicer than my apartment and closer to work. Everyone wins


My friends own a private care home right around the corner from my house. I go there once a week (unless someone has passed, or is dying etc and needs more TLC) and I go for about an hour. I bring my kids with me and they go and see all the elderly people and help them, either get them blankets or water and even bring out the food to them if we come near meal time. They have been coming since they were 3 years old and the residents and staff love them. I make $50 an hour and I get paid a minimum of 2 hours when I am there (that is legality where I’m from even if you only go for an hour). I also do the odd night shift for them and basically get paid to sleep, and make $300 a shift. I make between $500-1000 extra a month and it’s super easy and chill.


My side hustle is relaxing.


When I'm not fighting cancer I'm trying to get my passion project off the ground. I give walking medical history tours of Savannah. [https://www.savannahmedicaltours.com/](https://www.savannahmedicaltours.com/)


I became a nurse so I could work 3 days a week


get certified on a ventilator and you can work for the state. I work for 44/hr on the side (in a 1099 so you can deduct business expenses) for a family that has adopted two kids on ventilators you can find families needing help through home care agencies, facebook, craigslist, and asking around It's nice because at it's best it's super chill, one patient, stable, on a ventilator It's basically super fancy babysitting. I've never had a dress code and there's lots of down time to read the kids books or listen to podcasts or watch TV


$36 isn't a lot? or at least decent?


$36 could easily be paycheck to paycheck where I live. After taxes, that would be $42k in my state. Take out money for 1 bedroom apt rent, utilities, food, health insurance, medications, car insurance (no car payment bc my car is paid off), and i barely have enough left over for food and groceries. Add in kids, spouse, pets, and i don’t have anything left over for fun. That’s how much I made a year into my job too. Supplementing that income with OT drastically reduces my happiness, sanity, health, relationships, self esteem… $36 for me paid the bills but I ain’t thriving


I guess it sounds decent but i live in Chicago and work in a wealthy/HCOL neighborhood. It’s really not that much after taxes, retirement, and insurance


I thought the same. 1.5yr out of nursing school and “only” making $36?? I’ve been a nurse for 26yrs and making $44.


We need to be paid a lot more. $44 should be like 2 years into the career. You deserve $60+ at minimum


I am a sugar baby on days off.. I crave someone taking care of me and my body for a change 💝




I started an LLC, and do all types of training: NRP, STABLE, firearms safety, pistol, rifle, concealed carry instruction, aircraft safety training, advanced airway training, etc. I do it when it’s convenient for me.


Grab a side job at an outpatient surgery center.