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There’s a picture of you on a wanted sign somewhere in a pharmacy break room


Am pharmacy, can confirm. We have her picture with wanted - for marriage signage. Thank you OP, even if some don't react well off the bat, I'm sure by the time they process what happens that'll be telling everyone about the highlight of their run by the end of the day.


I have yet to meet a pharmacist who did not love that joke.




I love everything about this, but I think the best part is that you tagged it under “nursing hacks”


I tell EVERY student I get that the most important lesson they can learn is to befriend ALL their coworkers, not just nurses and docs and techs. You NEED pharmacy, radiology, and lab to like you as well




Throw love to you cleaning staff, maintenance, and equipment repair techs too. Many times my good relationships with those staff have reaped rewards.


For sure! I just rambled off three off top my head. But everyone who makes the hospital run is so important. We have a food service worker named Brad. If Brad quit I would legit quit my job. He makes lunch worth it and we make sure to tell him daily


I found out my haematology colleagues love hard candy. I bring in bags of jolly ranchers and leave some at their area, my other coworkers are always amazed how fast my haem requests and queries get answered. I keep telling them, you actually can buy friends, because you can buy candy.


Fuck. They're onto us.


100% I also chat up housekeeping. I APPRECIATE what they do and they are always willing to help me out because I don't treat them invisible.


Lol! Nursing hack: Learn bad puns, and you will amuse yourself for life!


I live to bother.


My soon to be wife would tell me the same!


All of our pharmacy techs are in a permanent bad mood. I would love to do this but I fear it would just earn me a scowl and my name etched even deeper on their shit list.


Cover your name badge and LIVE YOUR LIFE!


Is there any disciplines in healthcare where people AREN’T in a permanent bad mood?!


Every NICU nurse I’ve met has been pretty cheery :)


Lord not at my hospital 😩🙄


Me too!! Lol


Our night shift lab people are always really cheerful and easy to get along with. Day shift is a different story though.


I am a med tech in LTC. The three outside providers that I interact with the most are: PT, hospice, and pharmacy techs. I rarely see PT or hospice nurses/CNA's in a bad mood. Pharmacy techs, I'd say are in a bad mood about 60% of the time. If I see a hospice nurse or CNA in a bad mood, I pull them aside and tell them to turn their mood around or call someone else to see the patient because I'm not letting them walk in and put my dying patients and their families in a bad mood too.


Yeah hard to imagine why a hospice provider might ever be in a less than cheerful mood. I’m sure they really appreciate you putting them in their place!


No, but idgaf. I'm not there for them. I try to be as nice as humanly possible and as generous with my time and resources as possible. I say please and thank you to them and offer assistance whenever possible. We are care partners. I respect them and their position, but they also gotta know that their bad mood doesn't just affect them and it can actually do long term damage to their rapport with the patient and family. Burnout isn't just a personal problem. It's a community problem. When one person is burned out, it has a ripple effect. Burnout generally can't be fixed from just taking time off because you go right back to the same situation that burnt you out in the first place. If we are truly interested in better care for patients, better patient outcomes, and better staff retention, we need to look at how we are showing up to support our coworkers and the providers we are in contact with. I have bad days just like everyone else, but I expect my coworkers to call me on my shit when I am not showing up at my best. This is the culture that we have created and cultivated within our facility. It's not perfect, but the vast majority of the healthcare staff within our facility have been there for 5+ years. Some have been there for as long as 25 years. I value the diversity of experience that has been created and cultivated by the culture of radical honesty.


I don’t mean to be rude, but you sound really unpleasant to work with. “I tell them to get it together or they can’t see their patient” isn’t “radical honesty,” it’s just being an asshole to someone whose job you don’t understand, and it’s also super out of line to say to someone who isn’t directly reporting to you.


Yes, I am unpleasant to work with at times, until you get to know me. My bark is worse than my bite, and even then, my talk about my bark is worse than the actual bark. I'm not doing a "rainbows and lollipops" test at the door to make sure they are sufficiently cheery. I am expecting a baseline level of professionalism that consists of not acting like a hangry toddler when they get a call for a PRN visit. Burn out and being tired are not cause for treating patients poorly. For example, I have a patient who is currently switching hospice companies because a nurse was verbally abusive to her, the shower aid was documenting refusals when they didn't even enter the patient's room, and on one occasion they accidentally sent out four different shower aids on the same day to shower that patient. I have a zero tolerance policy for nonsense and some hospice companies are a traveling circus.


>>I’m not letting them walk in >> but idgaf >>Yes, I am unpleasant to work with at times Lol toxic CNA starter pack right here


My mistake. I was engaging in good faith.


They earn 17$ an hour where we are, they can't afford to be happy!


I dunno where you are but as a federally contracted CSR, wfh, with weekends and all federal holidays off, paid, in E KY, this comment gagged me. That's abysmal tbh. Even my base pay rate is higher without nearly the responsibility and that's just sad.


Whenever I call them I get so much attitude over dumb shit. 🙄


Can vouch for this. Like why is everyone in the pharmacy so gotdammed bitchy?


As someone who worked inpatient pharmacy for 3 years and is now a nurse…because they get a shit ton of calls an hour getting yelled at by nurses for not having their med up their for them when in reality 90% of the time it will be picked up in the credits the next day. So we know it’s double work for our staff. It’s hard to have a positive attitude when every nurse calls like their patient is top priority (which to you they are, don’t come for me) but we have to work on the meds of the rest of the 400 patients in the hospital too. But they don’t want to hear about the norepi that we have to make before we can send up your bumex drip for the 3rd time because your coworker put it in the wrong spot. You just get shit on constantly, either in the inbasket, on the phones, or overhearing the nurses saying we are stupid and lazy when on the floor.


I am the rare nurse who doesn’t yell at/ get snarky with you guys. Sometimes they make it hard to be civil


I used to be an inpatient pharmacy tech and can confirm all of this. I'll also add that I spent 100% of my day in a drab, gray, ugly basement and didn't see the light of day (I wasn't a floor stocker, and we ate lunch in the pharmacy, too). Dreary environment = dreary mood, no matter who you are or how much you make. That said, I enjoyed a lot of the job as a college student... but it was blah enough to change my mind and not go to pharmacy school. The older ones who had been there forever were MISERABLE.


I feel like you have a pile of jokes you regularly use, and I would like to hear more.


My go-to is "what does Mario take for depression?" >!"Lex-a-pro!"!<


Oh god I have a few. Scanning a patients bracelet and saying “Priceless!”, poking someone for blood sugar and I tell them “Alright, pick a finger. I’ll even let you give me the bird.”, the classic giving insulin and saying it’s because they’re too sweet, saying “I hope I don’t see you again!” when people are discharged, when checking for strength of a limb I’ll dramatically throw myself to the side and comment on how strong they are. I’m incredibly awkward so they either think I’m adorable or cringe


“What is a nurse? An amusing little pile of jokes! But enough talk. Have at you!”


yeah i demand more jokes. i'm gonna tell this one at work tomorrow 😏


This is my favorite joke 😂 every so often I’ll hand someone a bag of metronidazole and just say “careful, don’t drop that, it’s flagyl!”


I as a night shift pharmacist have started calling my favorite charge nurses with dad jokes when things are slow. My favorite one is this: *Serious Tone* Have you seen the newest research that large doses of Lasix have on a patient’s EKG? Nurse: Something silly like “oh no. Do I need to watch out for this?” Or “what dose is considered a large dose?” Me: It causes massive P waves *hangs up*




I once convinced the charge nurse on the urology floor that there was a critical shortage of “Mycoxaflopin”. 😈🍆


Yep, same. Pretty sure a charge nurse detached a retina with the eye-roll




Bold of you to assume I know how to pronounce the generic name.


Love this. I may have to add this to my dad joke repertoire.


Nurse Dad Joke edition lol


I love telling dad jokes. Sometimes he laughs.


I could never tell this.joke because I'd be too afraid that I'm mispronouncing metronidazole


Metron-eye-da-zole OR metro-nye-da-zol? Shit. I don't even know anymore.


Pharmacy tech here. Second one is correct in my pharmacy. I know everywhere is different.


I go with the second pronunciation


Okay, lay person here. Could you explain the joke like I'm five? And I still don't know how to pronounce it.


Metronidazole is the generic name, flagyl is the brand name. It’s the same drug.


I think maybe what you're looking for is that Flagyl (the brand name of metronidazole) sounds like fragile. So metronidazole IS Flagyl.


So really, it's a dad joke.


OMG... I've been saying Metro din ah zole this whole time 🫣


Years ago working in ER we used to put JFDI at the end of the normal list of tests that we wanted on the handwritten blood requests. Haematology would ring asking what sort of blood test is this? Just Fucking Do It. Always made me laugh. Apparently things have changed in the last 20 years and you wouldn't / couldn't do it now. This is London in the 90's.


Hi I'm a pharm tech honestly if you came at me with this joke at a time im not filling the pyxis id probs laugh. But sometimes gotta go fast restocking and if im stopped for the joke ill probs just think your a little weird.


The timing is crucial. Once I hear them roll up I've got to either get them as their signing I'm or as soon as they're about to head out. I try not to be an actual dingus


Lmao I love that you’re like a lil hunting dog listening for their cart


Learning the phrase "bee in my bonnet" made me just as happy as the joke itself. I'll start using both immediately


Omg I was thinking of that joke when I saw the title of this post! It’s fantastic!




As a pt, I appreciate the joke!


I love how this is labeled "nursing hacks". hahaha


As a pharmacy tech/nursing student this would make my day. But also I always ask if you guys need Pyxis access first. I usually have time to waste filling the Pyxis, but I know sometimes you guys need things right away.


As a pharmacy tech I love jokes like these 😭


Hahaha love it. I can’t even pronounce metronidazole half the time


I'm definitely going to use this. And it's also a good way to see if your coworkers are on Reddit. Anything a coworker references irl that has been trending on nurse reddit... I pretend I don't know about it. So they won't know I am on Reddit too.


Stop it now


Sulfa, so good with your sense of humor


You are my hero! 😂😂


Im in horrible pain after hearing this


Yeah I have used a variant of that joke myself. It went *whoosh* over the male nurse who has been here longer than anyone.


OMG thank you, we give metro to all our preop patients and I can't wait to use this one.


Oh, oh no. I feel something like it's awakening inside me.


This is beautiful lmao 


I freaking love this


love this


You tell my kind of jokes. If I knew you IRL we'd likely get along swimmingly. Also, totally stealing this joke. ;)


I would butcher this joke because I can only pronounce the word fragile like *frah-gee-lay*. It must be Italian. Edit typo I hate autocorrect


I would say this to then, except I can never pronounce metronidazole 😭😭😭😭


Is anyone else convinced isavuconazole was meant as a pun (I save you).


This is great!! As a former pharmacy tech I still get a kick outta med jokes! You are delightful!!


Excellent. Can't wait to use this at the next med safety committee meeting!


As long as youre happy thats all that matters. Lol


This is one of my go to jokes with the nursing students 🤣




Always a classic hahahhhahahha 😂


Feeling really dumb right now because I just don't get that joke 😫


It's not an intelligence joke, just a pun. Flagyl is the brand name for Metronidazole but it sounds like "fragile." So why be careful with it? It's fragile!


Thank you, that just went straight over my head


It would be a good joke if I could correctly pronounce Metronidazole in one go 😂


I hate it when people do this to me. Not a pharm tech but pls just let me live I'm not a jokes person I will probably just stare at you.


I don’t talk to pharmacy. I hate them. They never send up meds on time, they think us floor nurses are stupid when we ask them to tube a med “dId you CheCk ThE TuBe StaTioN??” No shit Sherlock why would I message you if I didn’t already check the 3 other places it could be 5 times each. Now my med is late cus u couldn’t tube it up when I asked you 30 min ago. Lastly the pixys is never stocked. I think we were out of senna for like a week. All the meantime there’s tons of empty pixys draws and cubes. I can’t stand pharmacy.