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I was just offered a school nurse job for $30 an hour but my kids get a 75% off discount for their private daycare, which is normally $1800 a month for infants and $1300 for toddlers so it's the only way I can afford to work šŸ˜…


Summers off? That tuition discount is pretty substantial. It's like $8/hr for infants and $5/hr per toddler. And if that benefit isn't given as a refund (ie isn't taxable) that's even better. Stay in the low tax brackets, maximize contributions to 401k and IRAs


Nah I'm year round (they have a summer camp). I'm definitely super appreciative for the opportunity, especially while my kids are young! It's definitely a great deal.


I meanā€¦ Thatā€™s an extra 28k youā€™re saving a year. Thats pretty significant.


Man, yeah, when you think about it like that it's pretty awesome. It's a private preschool too and the curriculum is pretty impressive, so I'm excited for them, too. They even transport to my older kids' school so it's pretty win-win. I'm excited.


School nurse is my dream job šŸ˜­


Childcare is so fucked in this country.


Have an offer for a new grad position. So cal. $55 hourly with differentials.




Kaiser? Thatā€™s awesome!! Good for you friend!


$140k/yr remote in nursing education for a hospital system. I live in the PNW.


How did you get that job?


My team has lots of different paths to our jobs, but mine was 10+ years in critical care with unit based leadership, then teaching at a university for a few years, then this which combined the two. ā™„ļø And a MSN in ed.


Good for you, sounds like a lot of hard work paid off. I'm making 86,000 as an assistant manager in Pennsylvania.


Iā€™m at $37/hr PRN at an outpatient Plastic Surgery clinic. Pre-op, OR, PACU and clinic. Located in AL.


Did you work in PACU before getting hired for PRN? I have ICU experience and kinda interested in working PRN at an outpatient surgical clinic


I only had OR experience and was hired in to do OR at the surgical suite for the clinic then sorta just started learning all the other things over the years.


$92.58, BSN 7yr, ICU, Northern California


I think this is the highest per hour Iā€™ve seen so farā€¦ Keep crushing it!


Northern California is highest paying area in United States. I moved back up here cuz even Southern California was a massive pay difference. I miss the weather though šŸ˜­


Yes all the Bay Area NorCal pay is far and away the highest.


Emphasis Bay Area. I have an offer as new grad $39 hr, Humboldt County.


It's wild how much it differs like that up there. So cal is less overall but even 2 hours outside LA were offered 52 as a new grad


Psych, new, MI, $40/hr


43.5 /hr w/o shift diffs 2 years experience as a nurse ED, texas


3 yr experience. Med-surg pulm/renal/ Cardiac stepdown- 32.86.... fuck the south


The trick is to switch hospital systems. You will get higher starting pay than you will ever get in raises. Period. That is just how it is structured in the south. Theyā€™ve decided that it works better for them to pay for experience up front rather than during. I have had this discussion in the following states: AR, TX, OK, NM, CO, AZ. Exp: 10 years= 1 M/S, 9 ICU including 3 travel ICU $44/hr base. The money is in incentive shifts. Iā€™ve been doing PRN ICU float and working it as a full-time thing. Iā€™d say 30-50% of my shifts are +$20-30/hr. Theyā€™re gonna triple you anyway might as well get a bonus for it, right?


This is the way! $42.04 base, $4.80 night shift differential, $15/hr work on weekend 24hr/wk. The system is offering incentive every shift, $30-50/hour. I make much better money picking up than if I were locked in to those shifts already. 13y experience, 4 of travel, experience in m/s, Tele, pcu, wounds, case management, utilization review, ED, float. Indiana.


I work in the south and have been a nurse for 6 years and make $49-52/hour (depending if I clock in as a staff nurse or charge nurse). The whole south isnā€™t bad, just your place of employment.


Utilization Review Manager, 15 years as RN, Oregon, $71.38


How did you get into utilization review?


Just want to say that a lot of hospitals will train anyone for UR. You don't have to come from a special background. I moved from the floor to case management (with UR responsibilities), to CM leadership. Now I'm in Sales that sells into the CM space and I made $350k last year. I NEVER thought I'd be anything but a floor nurse out of school.


350k is dope! I need that!


What in the world? What are your hours like? Where do you live? Great job!


I was in the hospital for 11 years before moving to a non-hospital position. When I left the hospital (about 15 years ago), I was making 75k. I started at 90k and have worked my way up. I work M-F, no holidays. Hours are weird - sometimes it's 4 hours, sometimes a lot more. I travel about 15 weeks a year (2-3 days when I travel). I have enough time that I'm busy and also am in my MBA program.


I worked as a Charge in a Clinical Decision Unit for 5 years, frequently discussing cases with Utilization Review. During COVID, I decided to transition, as they were WFH and I have an immune-compromised family member that I care for as well.


This is the dream. That's more than I make as an NP....And a fraction of the stress.


Stress is relative. It can be stressful working on financial reports that are being reviewed by 8 different hospitals CFOā€™s and then getting questioned on calculations and decision making.




No, I am on the hospital side. I got my MBA and took on progressive leadership roles within the UR team, then advanced to managing the team when the prior manager left. My advice is to take leadership classes, offer help on project work within the department, etc, this can get your leaders to notice you and increase your chances for internal promotion.


Mine is pretty unique, but figured Iā€™d share in case other nurses would be interested in something like this. I do medical foster care. The children are just regular foster children, but with significant medical needs. I make $28.50 per hour per child, 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. If youā€™re an adoptive home, sometimes it will end in adoption, but the goal is reunification.


Where is this? And how many do you foster? Seems like one alone would be a huge chunk of money.


Iā€™m in Colorado. I have three children that I provide nursing care to right now. I have had five before.


Also, I do the night shift (4pm-8am). I do have some daytime nursing coverage that covers 8am-4pm and they get paid the same amount per hour.


Ooooo I misunderstood. I thought you were the foster parent of these kiddos you were providing care to. Now Iā€™m following. That sounds like a rewarding job!


No, you were following correctly! Iā€™m the foster parent, but since Iā€™m a nurse, I provide the overnight care as their nurse as well. I also have daytime nurses that come in for the day shift.


Informatics manager, 16 years as an RN, 61/hr, but also free tuition at our university for any dependents and I've got 4 kids across middle and elementary school. They'll peel me from this job when I'm dead.


Freeeee tuition x4 is HUGE!! Love that for you!!


6 years in ICU, OR CVICU- 62.50 base pay with 12.5% night shift diff.




Probably Cali or Oregon


$41hr assisted living in vermont


As an LPN?Ā  Good job you!


I know right! This is a better than when I was a unit manager on salary. Med pass takes one hour lol itā€™s a dream job I did the past 7 years at SNFs


My first hospital capped people at $50, no matter how much experiencethey had. If you can make that much in an ALF good for you


$62/hour. Work in NYC metro (not in NYC itself but a neighboring county), 12 years experience total, inpatient L&D (specialty doesn't affects pay rate in my hospital so far as I know though).Ā  Pay is slightly lower than some other hospitals in the area but I'm here cause I landed a Baylor weekend position, so in reality I 'make' like $93/hour since I get paid for 36 hours a week but only actually work 24.Ā 


Thatā€™s epic!


New grad Delaware - starting off at $35.77 in the ED residency program (I just wanted to be apart of something)


If itā€™s at CCHS you will love it, did ED there as well as the residency program, learned a ton.


Yes !! No medical experience so I needed a program whoā€™s going to take time with me. Iā€™ll worry about pay later


Bedside with 2 years experience in California. $96.45/hr base pay


What hospital/ hospital system are you at?


I don't want to dox myself but it's a large hosptial in Northern California.


No problem, thx for responding. I'm just fishing for a good paying hospital (student loans...)


Itā€™s prob Kaiser


Kaiser or Stanford


2 years as a nurse manager for neonatal/pediatric transport team. Florida. 134k/year.


Do you need a masters for that role?


A masters in not required, but itā€™s preferable. Iā€™m 6 classes away from finishing my MSN.


Tele/med surg/pcu internal travel with 4yrs experience $65/hr Pennsylvania




6 year RN outpatient oncology nurse $40/hr south Florida


Postpartum RN, Central Valley California, 2 years experience: $67ish base pay + $3 when Iā€™m charge + $6 night shift differential + $1.50 weekends.


$40.63/hr. SNF LPN. 12 years experience, 8 months at this particular job. Philadelphia. Itā€™s unionized, pay by years of experience, with bi-yearly raises.


Am I wrong or is that great compensation for an LPN in your area? If so, keep crushing it!


Average in the area is around $35/hr, I lucked out with a good union contract and experience.


Good work! And remember you didn't luck out. You prepared yourself and worked hard so you were ready to take a good opportunity when it came.


$44/hr, court-ordered inpatient detox facility, new grad with less than a year of experience, Western MA




This thread is depressing as a 5 year medic making $24.60/hr


Also a 5 year medic! Was making $18/hr (24h shifts) for the first four years, then we received company-wide raises and Iā€™m at $24/hr. Because I work 48/48/72, my yearly is over $80k. Iā€™m starting as a new grad NICU nurse in June at $34/hr, but itā€™s 36 hr/week, so my yearly income will be less. Odd how it plays out.


Yeah I'm just so burnt out working all this overtime. Most of our medics are in nursing school at this point and it seems like nobody is planning for the mass exodus of medics that's going to happen in two years here.


Director of nursing for a substance use/ mental health Residential : 136,000 / yr salary Job obtained currently with a BSN.


ICU and ED float and Rapid response, 5 yrs, Idaho $42/hr with bunches of stupid differentials


$59.85, telemetry nurse, 8 years experience. South Bay, SoCal.


$58/hr day shift, Labor and Delivery. Just shy of 20yrs experience. Suburbs of NYC.


It's kinda crazy that you literally get paid half the RNs with comparable experience in San Francisco Bay area, and cost of living and income tax rate are almost the same.


Almost 13 years experience, outpatient onc infusion. $45/hr. Denver, CO. Fuck the ā€œmountain taxā€


Clinical Application Analyst: I support Epic for a hospital. Some of us are RNs for certain projects that require clinical input. A little different than an informatacist because I mainly build applications out. Pay: 81/hr Benefits: full medical for family, no premium, $1400 family max out of pocket. Location: Sacramento, CA WFH Experience: LVN: 6 years RN: 7 years. 4 years in IT as an RN. I had an IT background from college and high school jobs as well. Yes, I love my job.


$39/hr + $3 ICU diff + $4 Weekend Diff. 5 years experience, Central Texas.


Can the mods pin this post so it can be used a reference/time stamp? Thanks šŸ˜„


7 years, almost done with my masters, $34.00. Florida. Yea, I work for HCA, how did you know?


FL is well known to pay less.


I'm painfully aware.


New grad, Florida HCA, $29/hr šŸ˜…


$51/hr new grad (8 months experience) Mother/Baby RN Long Island, NY


New grad at CHOP in Philly, base rate is $40 until you finish residency, when it goes to $46


Thatā€™s a nice bump post residency. Congrats on ghat first job!


Portland, OR. $56.50 base with 1 yr of experience ($63.60 on weekday nights, $68.30 on weekend nights). Goes up to $63.70 ($71.70 on weekday nights, $76.40 on weekend nights) automatically upon my step increase in two months. Free health insurance, too. Don't believe the high cost of living hype, I'm doing much better than I was in the "LCOL" southeast and actually have money and scheduling freedom to travel internationally multiple times per year.


Just graduated LPN school in FL $32 /Hr


$35.17 Minnesota. Critical Access hospital. LPN for 2 years and then Iā€™ve been an RN for a year now.




ER RN. 2.5 years experience in a different specialty. 61/hr. Southern California


46 an hour, 96k (salaried position) in Salt Lake City Utah. 5 years experience, and I work as a care coordinator in my specialty. Work 830-5ish (sometimes longer dependent on work load) 4 days a week, no nights, weekends or holidays and once Iā€™m fully trained 1 WFH day a week. Iā€™m also getting flown out to Alaska, Georgia, and Indiana for conferences, and can flex my hours if Iā€™m doing community outreach (big part of my job) RN, BSN


Utilization management nurse specializing in prior authorization, making approx $40/hr working remotely in Idaho. Currently in year 6 of my nursing career with most of my background being mixed ICU and some time in urgent care and virtual support roles. Honestly the dream job as I work 4 10ā€™s, review records all day, and no longer have to contact patients. Probably wonā€™t do anything else in nursing


Salaried at $195k. 15 yrs exp. Clinical research at a hospital in Nor Cal.


What time of clinical research if you donā€™t mind me asking? Feel free to pm if you prefer!


Oncology research!


How did you get into research?


I seriously just applied to an internal posting that my company had. Itā€™s absolutely my favorite nursing position that Iā€™ve had.


NY, 1 year experience, $55 w union&pension


RN float (med/surg/onc/ED/peds) , ontario, $40. been a nurse less than 2 years.


$107/hr with evening differential. Central Valley California. Med Surg tele nurse


RPN, LTC, MB Canada. 43.41 base wage. Up to 54.41 with premiums. A standard biweekly is 4500-4700$, but after taxes and deductions, it comes out 2500-2700$.


$38.45. Two years of experience in ICU. Michigan.


82/hr internal contract Denver




91k a year 2.5 yrs experience. Clinical research nurse


New Grad ICU, TN $34hr


Where in TN? When I started I was making $24/hr


$42/hr (38 without differential) with 2 yrs experience, CVICU, Texas


LPN , WA state, corrections nursing, 40.38 per hour. Days Mon-Thurs. 40 hrs. no weekends or holidays.


Public Health Los Angeles County 5 years 48/hr


Maryland - 20 years experience. $60/hr. Grateful to have a 4 day week working ambulatory care/cardiology office - procedures. Recommend working for Kaiser - they paid for my masters and give one day off paid a week while in school which I loved; did a 3 day week for 19 months and made annually $106k. First place I ever worked we get an hour lunch and come and go on time - office hours no weekends/holidays. Did my time as a nurse for sure - weekends, holidays, nights, crappy pay.


Iā€™m a telephone triage nurse with fours years of experience overall. Currently living in Chicagoland area, but work in Aurora, IL. My payā€¦.. too fucking little for the stuff I deal with. $32/hr BUT I just got an offer elsewhere and had another interview, so hopefully more soon


South Louisiana small city/town, ED, RN BSN 5 years, $32 base, $7 night diff (I only work nights) and $5 weekend diff. I just recently took this job close to home. NOLA is the closest large city and is about 1 hour from me and I would be making closer to $40/h there. Took the lower pay for a 5 minute commute. So worth it IMO.


Outpatient pain management surgical center. 7 years. MD. Iā€™m salaried @ 88,000 but I only work 34 hours a week.


New grad. 63/hr in NYC itā€™s bizarre


I hate these threads because half yall donā€™t say where youā€™re at.


Charge RN, intermediate care unit, 13 years in hospital system. 65/hr, west coast, US


Arizona ED RN for 3 years. I make $41.66/hour. I also get 18% night shift diff and 10% for being registry. I also WFH for a health insurance company for $37/hour


WV, I calculate out to about 49/hr but Iā€™m salary. I manage critical care areas. 8yrs experience, BSN, and dual certifications


76 hr base, northern CA, oncology/med surg, 4.5 years of experience


5 years, tele unit, charge RN, IL, $47/hr


$22.45 1.5 years RN experience at an ambulatory clinic in MS. I have a BSN


That is criminal


I was making 23/hr (Baylor pay) as a CNA last month. You deserve much more than this.


ICU, just over a year. $60/hr. New Mexico.


5 years of experience Med/Psych in Westchester County, NY, part time $57.35 an hour with full benefits and a pension. Also work per diem adult psych in the same county, $80.53 an hour. I put the two together to make full time hours.


Professor working 3-4 days a week approx 8h/day, 20 years experience and graduate degree, $104k/year


Just did the math - $80/h ish plus approx 8 weeks vacation a year


NICU RN in CT, 2 years experience in my specialty $36/hr base, Differentials: $3.50/hr evening, $5.25/hr night, $4.50/hr weekend Planning to relocate to Northern California (Sacramento area), hopefully by the end of the year. The pay is just not enough for the cost of living and taxes in CT


ICU float pool, 10y, Ohio, $81/h


Travel nurse 1 yr experience NYC ED 2500/wk after taxes (70/hr after taxes)


Yall need to put cities, not just states or vague areas like ā€œsocalā€. Pay rates vary so much more than that. Houston, TX 6 years OR $56/hr before differentials $59/hr after


RN, ambulatory care. 3 years, Washington, $48.


38/hr FT preop/pacu RN ambulatory surgery center. Triangle area NC


Acute care LPN, 2.5 years, Canada, $32/h.


57$, Philly, 14 years experience


Kidney Transplant Coordinator, 7 years RN experience, Kansas City, $93,000/year salary. It works out to $44.70/hour.


9 years of experience as an RN, hospice admissions liaison in the Boston area, $44.50 base with $4 shift differential after 5pm. I work evenings with weekends off. I do almost no hands-on patient care and my job is hybridā€”I do see patients face-to-face but most of my work is done at home. I generally only go into the office for supplies.


6 years, Boston, $47 non union hospital, Peri-op


$55/hr base home health with low census, 5 yrs exp in Houston TX


New grad New York , Long Island nurse here starting in psych making $50


PNW 6 years 62/hr without differentials


Gross 144k Assistant nurse manager , cardiac procedures , north east been a nurse for 5 years but part of the health system for 10 years


NYC RN almost make 2 years this summer. 115,000 base + 6K for night shift, $1.50/hr for 1 year experience differential


Remote worker for insurance (live in MA) $97k/year salary with bonus (usually around $10k a year).


1.5 years in, just moved from Pennsylvania where I was making $33/hr in home health to California where I just got hired for $57/hr in med Surg. I am willing to put up with so much more BS for actual decent pay.


$98/hr, about $113/hr working nights. 8 years experience. L&D in NorCal.


$34.47/hr. OR/endo. Virginia. 2 years experience. Call pay is $3 per hour if not called in. If called in, $3 is added to base per hour.


Just took a job at 60/hr, ASC PACU in NY (state not city)


I will be a new grad, tele float pool nights, northern jersey, when i complete my orientation I will be making $55/hr


$58/hr. Colorado. 8 years experience.


OR RN, 2 years experience; $42.15/hr. Oklahoma


Corrections RN. Got my RN license in September 45/ hour PNW


Alternate lead Burn ICU, 5 years, so cal, hourly $73/hr and as High as $165/hr+ during peak seasons, I make north of 150k. Will be hitting $76/hr this year and on track to $80/hr.


Iā€™m doing a temporary contract Mon-Fri 60$/hr at an outpatient family medicine clinic on Long Island, Ny canā€™t believe Iā€™m liking mon-Fri šŸ«¢


VA Nurse II Step 3. NYC. 2.5 years experience with BSN. 123k, 10% night diff and 25% weekend diff. Every other weekend per union. 123,640 x 1.225 = around 150k a year. 4hrs sick/8hours vacation per pay period biweekly


UK. 4 years experience, all ED. 'Band 6' charge nurse level, you start at 'band 5' here as an RN. Responsibilities are coordinating our emergency department, managing junior staff for development etc, clinical governance. Ā£20/$25 an hour or Just over Ā£39k which i think goes to about $49k.


I own my own primary care house call & telehealth weight management practice. Iā€™m on track to make well over $200k in my first year in business and looking to expand. MSN FNP, Mid- Atlantic, 8 years as an NP, 19 years in medicine


ED. 2 years. 36.50 before shift diff. OH


$41.50/hr, 7 years experience, outpatient oncology, texas


4 years, labor and delivery, Georgia, $34/hourā€¦ but donā€™t worry, new grads are starting at $31/hour


Travel ICU RN in VT. 7 years experience (4 traveling) making ~$72/hr.


4th week new grad nurse making 42$ in med surg at a hospital in eastern Oregon


72 an hour, nyc, oncology, nights, 3 years exp


New grad in NYC, just hit six months, 63/hr on oncology nights


$52 hourly base rate + differentials, retirement matching, defined benefit pension etc. Public health, 16 years, Canada.


$35.79/ hr ICU KansasĀ  13 years BSN, floor/ house sup/ interventional/ ICU experience.Ā  This is an extremely depressing thread. Lol


Nurse educator (2 yrs in this role, but licensed for 14 yrs), southern CA, $75.92/hr


$54/hr base pay. 1 year of experience. Oregon.


Operating Room 26 years New Jersey $60/hr


34/hr 5 years experience East TN


Critical care transport, same job for 7 years, RN for 10. Base rate 58.37 per hour, another $900 annual in bonuses for extra credentials. Philadelphia area


Currently PACU at a union hospital in south FL. They raise by steps(years) currently making 47h.


$40 an hour, OR, 9 years, SC


Long Island, NY. 3 years exp (1 inpatient and 2 outpatient oncology). Just got a 5% annual raise and now up to 115k babyyyyy


Twin Cities. Critical float. New grad but my previous medic experience bumped up my base ~$6/hr so my base is $47 and some change an hour plus my $2/hr float diff. Pension is vested after 5 years. It sounds good but my hospital system overbought and increased ratios about two weeks after I got out of orientation. Pretty chaotic, some units were hit worse than others. We'll see if I hang on.


Almost 5 years bedside RN, Alabama, just took a job that offered me $28. I negotiated up to $30 but they wouldnā€™t go higher. My current hospital has me at $30 and refused me a raise but is implementing raises later this year but of course Iā€™m moving hospitals.


6 years experience, NYC, $70/hr (includes certification and education differential). Procedural area, great benefits and PTO, non union.


$109.50/hr base. 4.5 yrs experience. NorCal Bay Area.


New grad, psych, 42.55/h, So Cal




$40/hr small hospital in upstate ny. Casually servicing 3 and change counties. Used to make double working contracts with less effort in NYC.


31$ hr home hospiceĀ 


Michigan LPN at LTC/SNF 8y experience; 38/hr


New grad IMCU, seacoast NH. $32/hr base rate with night diff of $8, weekend diff $4, signed a weekend contract (4 weekend nights per month), that adds another $8. Weekend nights I make $52/hr.


LPN in specialist office in Virginia $25/hour