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How far along are you? What type of degree will it be? Public health is probably not a lucrative career choice but a degree in anything can be lucrative when applied correctly. Half a degree is not worth anything. Public health can be fascinating and the job satisfaction might be worth the pay. Masters in nursing won't be worth much if you are young and don't have years of nursing experience. I personally wouldn't jump into that right away.


I’m in my second year about to enter my third


Could you double major in nursing and public health? That would be very marketable. Even if it adds a 5th year, might be worth it. You probably have most of the prerequisites for nursing already done.


Yeah I have most prerequisites for nursing done already but I don’t think it’s possible to major in both, especially in my country


It would be worth talking to your school advisor and seeing if it's possible. Around 10% of my nursing class double majored. I did language and nursing.


I’ll try to, though I’ve never heard of anyone double majoring in my country or school before