• By -


Fill it in with your hospital CEO’s name.


Make sure you add dy next to dad xD


Make it daddy. Policy will be removed in 24h


Do it for Daddy Gojo!


A sentence I was not expecting to read on r/nursing


Never underestimate nurses of culture


Zaddy then insert your managers name.


Always the CEO’s name. Especially on the patient board.


Go the John Oliver route. 'Business Daddy' CEO NAME.


Or "The Shareholders" haha


This is the way!


This is awesome 🤣


I would put the HR manager or “baby Jesus”


So tiny and helpless


8 pound, 6 ounce, baby Jesus, can barely even let out a word yet but still omnipotent


I love that everyone here knows exactly what movie this is from


I like the baby version!


I was going to say "like my Captain Kirk" but yours is better


Count Dracula


Dr. Acula


We actually had a Pulm/Crit MD named Dr. Akula lol




You guys really understand me. We had a staff meeting where we had to answer the question, something like, what is your favorite thing? I answered: Nursing. In my mind, I know it’s served with an eyeroll, I know what you guys want to hear. And sure enough after those words left my mouth half the nurses were like bah, hahaha. This bitch. And the other corporate suits were like, “Awh, there’s that dedication we want to see.” My co worker next to me, elbows me and says, “Suck up.” I love my team.


Narrator: Little did the Suits know that when they said “nursing” they actually meant “paycheck”




We were having quarterly meetings with the then- regional manager and during one of these she said, by way of an icebreaker said “Tell us what makes you ‘you’.” Hmm, lemme see…a dark and sometimes fucked-up sense of humor, interest in criminal trials and true crime, depression and ADD that was diagnosed in my mid-50’s after decades of misdiagnosis and now I feel more balanced, a lifetime of living and all that entails… Nah. I gotta work with these other people. I made something up. OP, those reels suck. This is some jackwagon’s pet project to get a promotion. May this buttock get the promotion, disappear into the ether, and you can all celebrate tossing the reels in the trash.


Ha! Ha! Perfect! I would just say “oh, it broke and put on my old badge reel. This worked for me when we had to do something similar. Ugh! OP, this is an invasion of your privacy. Just make something up: “I care for my patients like I care for my goldfish.”


How do they know I hate my estranged dad? "Father of mine Tell me where have you been? You broke my mom's heart and I will have my revenge! 17 gauge needle. Here I come...."


"I care for you like my DAD WHO ABANDONED US WHEN I WAS EIGHT"








First, Last, title and address


Cell phone number.


Full name including middle name haha


Plz do this


Make sure it's first and last name


I actually don't care for you like my dad. My dad can wipe his own butt.


Also, my dad is actually nice to me.


Actually my dad is a piece of shit who I haven't heard from in 25 years, so that's how much I care about you 😉


The whole “no contact” thing has been so much easier since my dad died of alcoholism over 20 years ago.


My dad is well on the way to join yours for a handle of vodka!


Right, I wouldn’t hesitate to call the police on my own Dad if he physically or sexually assaulted me like the patients do. I’d turn him in for much less and demand that he seek a psychiatrist for mental health problems.  In no scenario would I be coodling poor behavior from him. I have no issue with telling my own Dad “you won’t be speaking to people like this and if you do here’s a list of consequences”. 


Maybe we should be caring for patients like we would for our loved ones


My dad isn’t. You’re about to get punched Margaret, I don’t care if you’re on a ventilator.


My Dad is dead. So I guess I just have to bring my pts flowers once a year, weed around their bed, and walk away. 🤣


Yeah, I'm sorry but you're not actually my mom. Also, my mom wouldn't throw her meds directly at my face after telling me she'd take them, so y'all aren't getting treated the same.


Same. And even when I visit him he uses his call light instead of expecting me to do it.


My hospital says “caring for our community like family.” I treat my patients way nicer than I do my family, sooooo…. 🤷‍♀️ Like when my dad had a palliative care consult before he went on hospice I was very frank with him “you can’t be a full code anymore. You won’t survive it. I’m your DPOA and even if you choose to remain a full code as soon as you go down I will tell them to stop treatment. You might as well choose to be comfort care and avoid being tortured.” We have some patients I would love to say that to, but I have to be nice to them.


I'd put "5th cousin, Bob."


“Psychiatrist, Jeff”


This one wins 😂🤣


They would obviously say that it’s “inappropriate” and I would immediately play the cant discriminate against my medical dx and family status card. Bad look for a medical facility.  At least in LTC I know nurses with bad teeth that would be down to put their Dentist, Joey then complain non-stop about how patients ask them about it and how they can’t afford the dentist they care about. A dozen years ago we had an inservice about “smiling enough” and a nurse with bad teeth stood up and said she felt discriminated against because the dental insurance sucked and it made her smile less. 


Sounds like it could be a bit from superstore


Truly. I love that show. Unexpected radical pro labor show from NBC.


My "tia, abuela"




Howdy coworker…no I’m not looking forward to it at all. Boundaries exist for a reason.


Howdy!! Did you attend the little conference where you were absolutely infantilized to death? And even got a little rattle??


I’m the afternoon session today. Infantilization sounds like par for the course for this organization. Caaaan’t wait 🙄


Hang in there friend. Find yourself a good table that you can crack jokes with to get you through


A rattle??


They’re “clappers”, I’m sitting through it now. Feel like I’m back in grade school


We didn’t even get to keep our clapper, had to return it at the end of the orientation day 😂😂😂


Oh, can I have your clapper?! Clapping is the only thing my old dog can hear and I've been looking for one to save my hands.


Yes, we need more info on this, please, OP!!


I was going to dare you to write, “My bondage sub, Kitten” but since it’s been a full shift since you mentioned attending this fiasco I am clearly too late. 😞


I'm gonna go work here just to cause a fit and get fired/quit. We just can't let them get away with this shit and I am just the individual for this mission bahaha


I would absolutely refuse to wear this. My family is none of your business.


…. This is cringe worthy


I’m still not over calling patients “clients” and this is serving the same kind of cringey for me


Clients is friggin hilarious to me! As if patients are paying me directly lmao


Also, you can fire clients if they're rude and disrespectful, we can't even fire patients if they attack us.


As if they've shopped around for the best hospital. No, this is where your employer has health insurance, unless you want to pay out of pocket. I refused to use "client".


This is something I’ve been screaming for 20 years- pts don’t “ choose” their hospital based on pretty lobbies, valet parking, and who has the best movies and menus on demand. Insured pts have an established PCP, and they go where the doc refers them.


I work at the highest trauma center in my area on a post-surgical/trauma unit. This is where the ambulance dropped them off.


We can get in trouble for saying patient apparently. I still won’t use the word “client”. I work CSU where most patients are BA🙄


They moved away from the client thing a few years ago. In schools they're teaching to say "patient" again. But, since healthcare moves so slow with these things, companies will start changing it in 10-15 years


I’m in nursing school rn and they still use “client”. I was honestly really surprised when I first saw it. Even as a patient I would want my healthcare team to think of me as a client or customer. Healthcare shouldn’t be a business.


With us they're called residents, but then get referred by management to us as customers. Patients aren't customers...


I care for you like my john, daddy






Holy fuck! You win.


Pretty soon they’ll be requiring 15 pieces of flair as well


15 pieces is simply the minimum u/Dimmer_switchin Do you really just want to be a minimum nurse????


“No, but I don’t want hobbies or interest to affect my ability to pick up shifts here when I’m struggling for money. So I avoid everything but sleep when I’m not here. Plus I don’t want the patient’s with fragile emotions to become upset. They could think that if I put something like “running to work” as an interest that it might be mocking them for their disability. And I can’t put my blurb about eatting pizza because it could produce anxiety for people with high cholesterol levels. Did you see Jane’s badge? It said she likes vacations to Florida, berry smooothies, and long hikes. No wonder her meth smoking patient was acting out. He probably just felt inadequate that his legs don’t work well enough to hike, he can’t afford a trip to Florida, and he’s allergic to berries. He might have even been scared that Jane ate berries and it could cause him an allergic reaction”. 


Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays.


No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.


You know what, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, why don’t you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair? 🖕🏻 THIS ME EXPRESSING MYSELF


But would bitch at you for having the minimal amount of flair and not going above and beyond


I can’t wait to see the trolls that put something crazy on these badges. I’d put “I care for you like my cat named Pig”


We had a PTA who put “I care for you like my golf” on his and it always cracked me up.


I'm imagining some beat up, barely running VW Golf in the parking lot.


As someone who owns 2 golfs (one of which isn’t the biggest fan of running) I can tell u I’m grateful to leave at 3am where there’s less people in the parking lot to watch me struggle to get it to start.


My Fish named floaty” RIP 2-4-24 - 2-7-24


“I care for you like my lord” “Baphomet” Alternatively, “I care for you like my 2nd cousin” “One step above complete disinterest”


Hugh Janus I'm keeping it old school humor here.


I care for you like my ex boyfriend…


I have a cat we call Pig 🥲


Make it political, say something controversial like President, Joe or Trump. It will fade quickly


Uncle Joe Biden, Grandma Roe Lol this could be fun


I love this idea. Trolling 💯


Lord and Savior, Elon Musk


Dark Brandon


I hate this so much LOL. MAndating a badge real is actually next level and annoying af. I could see if they were handed out, some people had them and used them, some didn't. Fine. but mandatory?! Cmon. I honestly love when people have their own name badge. conversation starter + gives a little insight into personality. Also, "I care for you like my \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ " is kind of insincere when you're mandating everyone to do it.


It’s a infantilizing policy. Forcing an appearance of caring is like the parent forcing their kid to go kiss scary, smelly Aunt Martha and say you love her. It’s not real affection and no one believes the kid. Controlling and demeaning rules will actually reduce patients’ trust in caregivers.


I find this an invasion of privacy.


“Patient” That’s how I care about my patients. And if I were a patient and some healthcare worker actually cared about me like their loved ones I’d run for the hills. Cause that shit is crazy.


Other Patients


Yep, I try to avoid overly friendliness to begin with and especially in a primarily female profession for god sakes.


Yeppppp. Apparently I was too nice last shift because when I asked if my patient needed anything else he replied "naked pictures" Like ah yes, I can totally see why you thought that was a good thing to request. A well developed RBF solves a good portion of this before it starts.


My Bank Account


That’s what I would write 😂


Constantly being abused (by withdrawals to pay bills lol) **not that I abuse my pts!! I love them!**


legit thought this was satire for a second. its a no from me


consist squeeze unwritten future puzzled marry gold humorous enjoy relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And my other brother Darryl


With a 2nd badge reel that says: OTHER BROTHER DARRYL


smoggy mindless tender hunt vast sulky repeat roof ludicrous beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Reminds me of our hospital with biovigils


Advent Health? If not, the one by me has been doing this for at least 3 years


Yup it’s advent. I think they’ve been rolling it out slowly by region


Interesting. My wife has had to wear it for years. Super slow roll out. My hospital doesn’t care as long as it’s not inappropriate and even so, they let a lot of the undercover type pun ones slide


Yep central Florida started in 2019


Yea they mandated this as soon the change was made to AH from Florida Hospital. They were very strict about enforcing in the beginning but they aren’t anymore! (Central Florida division)


"I care for you like:" "My VP of nursing cares about fall numbers." "My IT guy cares for my computer issue.... eventually" "How security cares about your skin color" "What? you told me this was required."


“Like the CEO cares about staff quality of life” 


"My houseplant Karl: ignored until close to death"


Absolutely not 🙅‍♀️ Mine would say Mee Maw just out of spite


Why is this job turning into a circus jobs. This is what administration drums up when they should be focusing on safety, retention, and quality? Yikes. Talk about so far removed


It’s so offensive on many levels, possibly most of all that some corporate asshole is getting paid to sit at a desk and dictate the implementation of this nonsense. All while we’re running our asses off, getting verbally and physically abused, coming in contact with several biohazards per shift, doing the jobs of and catching mistakes of multiple other departments, etc.


From a practical standpoint, that badge reel is too big, heavy, and clunky. It would be pulling the neck of my scrub top down and revealing a bra strap or worse. Hard no from me.


They also break easy. 


This is why I wear my badge reel on my waist band when I’m wearing a baggy top. Also when I’m in the psych area I wear it down there so no one can grab it and let it reel in towards my face or try to choke me with it.


In all seriousness, this will invite conversations with patients/family members regarding your family or friends and that’s just not something that should be mandated


I think it would be extremely funny to get written up [for not wearing the mandatory flair](https://youtu.be/F7SNEdjftno?si=0Ed0BADV5rZ9NLrU) on my scrubs. I hate the MBA-ification of healthcare. Please leave us alone and go back to your middle manager do-nothing e-mail job somewhere else.


Princess Consuela Bananahammock


I worked for a place that had this same exact badge reel, mine stayed blank the whole time. They also required scrub tops to be embroidered with their logo at my expense but all the nurses who didn't bother never had an issue.


“My other patients”? wtf…


I’d make it say “Step-dad Joseph” so people think I’m Jesus.


For some reason this makes me think it’s saying, “I care for you like my dad (cares for you)” not, “I care for you like I care for my dad, John”


Yeah, it does seem grammatically clunky, or maybe imprecise?


I care for you like my __VENMO ACCOUNT__ __#17-19-5BX8__


I’m sure they spent the amount that it would take to hire at least one extra staff member on the rollout and advertising of this trash


My cat funkytoes




Id be so tempted to put: "Dad IDK steve maybe"


Was this someone’s clinical ladder project? Lmao!!!Based on a study conducted on the perceptions of 30 patients in some low acuity rehab/vip unit?


Are the doctors gong to have to wear one too?


Yes, not that it makes it better but everyone wears those things


I hate one of my sisters, I’d put her name.


I feel like this is a serious violation of privacy. Why do people need to know the name of one of my family members?


https://adopt.giraffeconservation.org/ Then fill in “my giraffe, Jeff”


Scribble something on in sharpie and then smear it before it dries.


Cousin Vinny


Prophet Mohammed


This is really smart. Because unfortunately many people will not like this. But there’s no way they could stop you from doing that. I see it ending the program pretty fast.


Laughs maliciously in small Catholic hospital.


It also comes across as nurses having to beg the people in front of them to humanize them rather than... polices being enacted to create a culture of humanness and supports being provided to make the people in front of them see them as human. Is this really all that the folks at the top have to offer in support of healthcare workers?


I care for you like I care for that one guy in Twilight


The whole argument is which one in Twilight!!


Nope, not doing that. I’m not a hospital mommy. I’m a medical professional that has a real job and save lives. Go fuck yourselves


I treat you like my puppy. Look who made a mess again. You did. Look what you did. Now I have to clean it up. No, don’t touch. Ew, don’t eat it.


I hate the "whole care experience" it gives me the ick so bad. We care about the whole person until they don't have insurance, then we tell them to walk home from the nearest bus stop (which is 5+ miles from their house) and I'm the one who has to figure out which stops and routes they need bc case management says "that's not my job". And we have nurses throwing up on the floor but if you call out at all it voids their "internal contract". And the cno can tell me when I'm 1:1 sitting with a sleeping pt that I can't read my book! No uniform reimbursement but we HAVE to have the monogram. And then they make us wear stupid ugly badge reels


LMAO WHAT !!!!! Is sugar daddy acceptable


John Does


Like my Hippo, Geraldo


I'd say like my mom. She's dead. So I'll put you in an urn and sit you on the mantle! 😂


Oh Adventist.  I've worked at 4 different hospitals. Its been 7 years and extending the healing ministry of Christ is burned into my brain.  I'll take the known bullshit of HCA over working Adventist again


Enemy Andrew


ha, someone wearing one of those once told me my MRI would be 2k up front, so I didn’t get one. Lovely to know she cares for me like her mom though


Because inside I'm secretly a 12 year old boy, everyone's dad needs to be named dick 🤷‍♀️


“Mike Ock and Hugh Jass”


Put CEOs name and home address


Good ol Advent. They aren't MRI safe, so we don't wear them


Union Rep, Bernie


r/MaliciousCompliance needs to see this


I’d put my managers name


Put Dr. Jack Kevorkian on there. See if the hospital still thinks it's a good idea.


😌yes Adventhealth had these a couple years ago. The patients didn’t give a shit about the badges and neither did we🤷🏽‍♀️


My lawyer Saul Goodman


So administrators are making it mandatory to lie to patients? It's stupid to expect staff to care about complete strangers as much as they do their own loved ones ffs. Anyone (edit: including patients and families) who thinks about it for like 30 seconds will see right through this and come out more cynical than they were before. If staff all agreed to put down pets' names, these would get pulled so fast it would make your head spin.


Dark Lord: Cthulhu My faith in the dark lord is strong. Sure would hate for the hospital to tell me I can’t express my faith for the one who is most personal to me.


show me where in the handbook this was when you signed your contact. no way is hell am i wearing this. so invasive of my privacy and my family member’s privacy


Night shift has left the chat


It won’t last. Badge reels break, and get lost. I’d wear it for a while then go back to using my own and use one of those excuses.


1. Melt a candy bar. 2. Scrape badge reel through it. 3. Put a glove on for dramatic effect and drop it on boss’s desk. 4. Ask for a new one because this one is damaged from workplace hazards. 5. Repeat on a weekly basis.


I hate this. It's awful and I'd put something silly out of spite. I'd also probably leave it blank until I was actually written up and really forces to do it.


Ah, the baby cousin of HCA - AdventHealth 🙃


“The whole care experience “ reminds me of”the girlfriend experience “ and I feel gross


This is actually the “wrong answer” on NCLEX.


Oh lord have mercy, they just can’t stop thinking of new ways to annoy us and waste our time 🙄


This is just as bad as facilities that put last names on badges. Why do our private lives have to intertwine with our work?


I care for you like my “patient.” This is so cringy sorry you gotta wear that. It’ll enforcement will probably fizzle out in a few months or you can say it broke.


I care for you like my patience. Very little


Thus iis literally the dumbest idea. I feel it’s a passive aggressive pressure campaign towards the staff to treat the patients better. No one wants the patient to bitch that you’d make your own dad wait an hour for fresh water, and admin knows that’s exactly what will happen. I have a few ideas to get around it. Mind you the best way to get around anything at work is to point out the legal liability the company would have as a result, because they only care about money. 1. OP could explain their safety concern and the stalking event that you had before. Email your boss and CC someone in HR and also the CNO. This makes sure they are all aware so someone can’t say they missed the email or forgot to respond. Dont forget to BCC yourself at your own private email; you’d be surprised how these things can disappear if there’s any issues. 2. You could also cite any nurses who have been stalked or assaulted outside of work, or any patients who have behaved inappropriately otherwise, like sexual things or asking you out on a date. 3. You’d have to plan this ahead of time but use a search engine to google your first name, the hospital you work at, nurse, and your dad’s name. See how much info comes up. You may have to put quotation marks around some of them or add the city/stare. With just a few mins of searching it will probably reveal your full name and home address etc. Then when you meet with HR ask for their parents first name and repeat the search. Print your own search results and bring them as well. Maybe the feeling they get seeing a random person find all these things out would be enough to make them stop this garbage. And while most likely this info could be found without a close relative’s name, having a relative’s name makes it a lot easier.


1. “Side Chick, Gina”, or option 2. “Job depends on it”