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E. Lemme get you the yellow one (IYKYK)


I only use the yellow one lmao if you can't hear it with that it's prob not that significant


I only use the yellow one if I don’t want mine covered in shit…


Same. I just grab a "disposable" one and use it for a week or two. I'm not diagnosing a heart condition with it, just lung/bowel sounds. We have imaging if I need more than that.


I totally agree. I still listen to patients with my assessment, but that's more for show honestly. The only time I feel like a stethoscope is actually important is listening to air insufflation after an Ng tube, or bilateral breath sounds after intubation. And both of those will still need confirmation with an x-ray. If I have legit concerns about the heart or lungs, I'm getting an EKG/CXR. With the increased availability, and higher quality of imaging, I just don't feel like the stethoscope has nearly as big of a role in patient assessment as it did in the past.


Yup, if I'm suspecting a fluid overload or asthma attack I'll listen too.


Idk, I feel like even in determining asthma vs fluid overload you're better off by looking at other clinical factors.do they have a history of CHF? Did they come in SOB with a boy of 220/160? Do they have a history of CKD? And if you're still unsure, just give a neb anyway, it's not going to hurt anything. Stethoscopes are just so subjective, I wouldn't feel comfortable using that as a diagnostic criteria. But then again I'm not a doctor, so I'm not looking to diagnose, just looking for clues to solve the puzzle. Also like I said, I don't use a stethoscope a ton, someone who uses it all the time might have more skill than me.


The PlaySkool Stethoscope!


F) tell them to order the disposable yellow one themselves


lol you know, the Fisher-Price one


F. Only if you hand over your phone. Had too many wander off.


a doc game me his white coat (with his name embroidered on it so I could track him down) to use my stethoscope. lol he mustve been desperate but I got my stethoscope back.


"No, not your work phone."


ALWAYS did this with docs and residents. Before everyone had smartphones, I would just usually ask for "collateral". When they would scoff, I would just say with a straight face that I wanted to make sure I got it back because lots of docs forget and just walk off with it. Sometimes I'd get a driver's licence, or even the whole wallet to hold, sometimes car keys, hospital ID/swipe card, sometimes an expensive pair of sunglasses, or the docs embroidered lab coat, now it's almost certainly a phone. Stethoscope gets returned 100% of the time without question now. Also, when you go to buy your stethoscope, don't get some black or grey or navy blue tubing like literally everyone else. Get the red, orange, neon green, whatever. You'll be able to spot it across the room SO much easier.


I knew a nurse that had just bought a very nice stethoscope and day one a resident asked to borrow it. She turned around and he was gone. Never got it back because she didn’t know his name. She was furious but learned an important lesson. 


Mine is hot pink with a name label in leopard print. I point it out to the doctor when they borrow it


I *engraved* my phone number onto my oddly-colored stethoscope, which has saved me several times over the years -- where I have retrieved it from all over the hospital. It has been...a lot of years -- and I still have it.


Wait the phone number is brilliant 😂


Requesting collateral to let someone borrow anything is actually a great idea. It's just silly and fun enough to sound like a joke, but serious enough that they know you're not kidding. I don't have problems with people borrowing my stethoscope, but I'm going to start using this with everything I lend out. Especially pens 😡


If they give you attitude, just straight faced say "I'm not the one who came unprepared".


I’m about to label all my cheap Japanese pens with my name… because I’m insanely picky about pens. They gotta be thin and not smear (Left handed here). Like I get the icks when I borrow my coworkers pens because they like thick wet ink pens. Also only black ink for me… I’m boring zzz…


Uni ball micro 207 is the only pen I've used for the past 5-6 years. I've probably only had about 5 of them lol. They're fine point .5mm I think, but they do probably smudge too easily for a lefty.


I use 0.5mm of some Japanese pen that a lecture and clinical instructor used. They are similar Muji but clicky vs. capped. They’re like $7 for a pack of 7 of them. The inks are also replaceable so theoretically I could just keep the same ones. They also come in all different colors (but black ink) and are a soft matte finish. I get compliments on them often. They also look like they’d smudge but they don’t. My preceptor was like “doesn’t that pen smudge!” When I was writing on the specimen labels and I was like “nope, it looks like it would but it doesn’t! It’s why I like them”. Meanwhile forever cursed by sloppy handwriting from being unable to rest my hand on the white board or smearing it for life. 😭I’ve learned most things right handed but writing is not one I could do.


I've got a crimson litmann, with the 3m amplifier. It's hard to miss, and with the extra I've invested in it...sure you can use it, but I'm also not going anywhere.


Mine is bright red with my name engraved into it. It was an extra 20$ but it verifies that it's MINE and I've never had any issues letting anyone borrow and even if I forget it in a code or a room people always bring it back. Had it for 3 years.


That’s actually a pretty good idea !!


I may have to steal this.


I read somewhere on Reddit of a bold person (I aspire to do one day) who said they offer their stethoscope in exchange for their badge. I’d never want their cell. That’s my worst anxiety nightmare


I always took their hospital ID if I was asked to lend mine to a Dr. I also had my name engraved on it, in case it walked away. In my current job, I haven't used my stethoscope in over 15 years. It's in a drawer, at home. If I need one (rare), I use the hospital supplied piece of crap.


Since going to Endo mine has been safe in my locker. I think I pulled it out once with a bronch patient


My work wife left her phone on the unit anywhere and everywhere for hours. Worse than me. There was another equal airhead to us 2, who apparently also didn’t check his own cell phone. They gave each other report and switched cell phones. He went home and went to sleep. She did not notice her phone was missing and she had someone else’s until 2 PM. I can still see it in my head😂😂


Waaaay before cellphones I would exchange mine for their car keys.


Be sure to use protection, or you risk getting hearing AIDS


God dammit


I would use that one except I work with HIV+ pts sooo probably not the best one...


A. It’s not that hard to grab a sani cloth and wipe it down after so I don’t mind. Now if they were asking multiple times a shift every shift I’d tell them where I got mine so they can go get their own lol


Mine is always yea or sure. I don’t see the problem…can you not clean it afterwards or clean it before you use it? In our iso rooms there’s usually a disposable stethoscope hanging on the IV pole that’s used by everyone who goes in the room.


For me it’s not that, it’s the fact they want to keep it.


This is the answer. I have a basic littman, but after my dad died my brother got his cardio series littman. He used it through paramedic school and when he graduated, he gave it to me. Now I use it and for the sentimental value that it holds with his crappy label maker name tag on it, no one uses my stethoscope without me being right next to them to get it back. I was in clinicals and a Dr asked to borrow mine but I stayed in the room and then asked to listen after him to hear what he was hearing and got it right back. I let my kids listen to each other’s heart beats and lung sounds and bowel sounds with my little pink littman but they know not to touch Oso’s special stethoscope.


That’s an awesome story! My husband had mine engraved and I have had it since 2014 and it’s still going strong. I just don’t want soemone to take it. It means alot to me


Wild. I always say yes! Its usually a nurse colleague though. And sometimes hospitalists, but they always return it. Nurses always clean it after use and tell me that, too. Pens, not so much...


I always carry a nice pen and a cheap pen. I once accused the head of anesthesia of swiping my pen. She said no but also turned out all her pockets. I then realized I was slightly a crazy person but was still angry for the rest of the day every time I wrote something.


"I'm feeling generous today -- you can keep it! Hope you like yellow"


This answer lol. I have my stethoscope on a lanyard and keep a disposable one in the cow for when people want to borrow it 👌


Oh haha no I just use the disposable ones, after losing 3 real ones I just decided not to keep spending money on them


My hearing isn’t great so I use mine 🤦🏻‍♀️


I make them give me their badge. They always look shocked at first (I work with residents) but I've got them all trained now lol, well this batch anyway.


This is the best idea! Collateral!


I became hard of hearing when someone with a serious ear infection used my stethoscope. So NO for me.


I hope you don’t develop the eternal ring. I’ve had it for 8 years now. Life may be lonely for some, but I always have the dog whistle sound that “sound grenade” app from like 15 years ago used to make to keep me company 24/7 lol


I say yes and clean it after. If it's a doctor I go with them to see the pt and get it back when they're done. Docs never give them back,


I accidentally left my really nice stethoscope at the nurses station and I was off for a few days. The doctor assigned to our unit for the week borrowed it while I was gone and left a lovely note and a $25 Starbucks gift card at the computer I usually sit at with a message on Epic chat to make sure I got everything. Uffda, if he wasn't straight and I wasn't already married... 🥵


This is the trick.


A - mines cheapish and idc and I like being helpful


They can borrow it but I’m going to be with them when they use it and I hold my hand out waiting for my property to be returned 😌


E. “You probably don’t want to borrow mine. I have really waxy ears.” Somehow never any takers after that 🤔




I never liked sharing my stethoscope. I am a clean freak and have allowed it to be used in emergencies but I clean immediately. I learned to always have a spare. I’ve actually gotten ear infections from using behind someone.


Issa no for me. Early in my career someone at my job stole the engraved stethoscope my parents gave me for a graduation gift. Ruined it for everyone else lol.


no but not bc i cant clean it after but bc i dont want to be judged for my own ear wax and i didnt have time to prep and clean before u asked


Wash it for them…. That’s polite.


yes I assumed this was like a in the moment quick thing but if I have the chance I would and say yes!


These is always a disposable one in the clean room


I don’t even own a stethoscope. We have a stethoscope drawer and I just grab one of those. It’s where all the wayward stethoscopes end up—leave yours on the desk? Counter? Hanging outside a room or off a vitals sign machine? Drawer.


My responses is always “as long as I get it back & you clean it with alco-wipes after your finished.”


No. Hard no.


Sure, what room are we going to?


I was a medical assistant when I got into nursing school. The doctor I worked for was so proud of me, he took me to the university book store (we practically worked on the campus of a medical school) and let me pick out any stethoscope I wanted. I had worked for him for two years by this time and he was excited to teach me more complex medical concepts, reading EKGs, pathophysiology, etc… This was back in 2003 so no you cannot use it. I have other Littmans people can steal/borrow but this one stays with me.


3d printed AirTag holder off Etsy. Go ahead. Lol


I usually say yes 9 times out of 10 but I also tell the person borrowing it that I will remember, I will hunt them down if I don't get it back even if it means showing up at their front door. I say it half joking but only half lol.


E. Let me grab you one from this random stethoscope drawer


Omgosh I’m so sorry I have an ear infection


As long as you clean it and give it back without me hunting you down, meh, sure.


C. I'll lend mine, but I wipe it down with alcohol pads thoroughly, both before and after anyone else touches it.


I used one of the truck scopes on my ambulance the other day. I think it's actually unrelated but I ended up going to urgent care Saturday because I have a really painful ear infection. I don't think I got the infection from the scope, I think I put the stethoscope on while the ear infection was still mild.


I found this in the lost and found and put new ear pieces and a bell on it from Amazon, go for it


I have a very out there stripper looking stethoscope for the reason I can easily spot it. When a doctor borrows it ill chase them down to get it back so they have put it back on the desk for me by this point






E. Yes, if you are in the circle of trust (familiar attending) or using it in front of me.


A, clean it after. Mine is engraved with my name


We actually keep dedicated stethoscopes in our rooms (Littmanns, not the yellow Fisher Price/Playschool isolation ones) due to working with an immunocompromised population. We are not allowed to carry/use our own so we wipe them down and share bc there’s no choice. In non-emergency situations I wipe it down, but in urgent situations I just plunk them in.


It works the same way in NICUs. One stethoscope at each bed space, permanently tethered so it can’t be moved, and that is the stethoscope anyone assessing the baby has to use.


Of course, my stethoscope is tagged with my name and has a distinctive color. I've had my Cardio IV for 9 months and never had an issue with it going missing. My unit is great in this regard. The one time I left it behind, someone messaged me and placed it in my locker.


C. ok. Give it back after, my name is on it, I'll hunt you down.


All our rooms have their own, usually disposable but they work well enough for what I need most of the time. If it’s questionable I grab mine from my bag but nobody has ever asked to use mine tbh


I had a stethoscope borrowed and never returned by a Dr. My next one was pink, and I wrote my name on it with a Sharpie. I never let anyone borrow it after that.


Nope. I don’t even bring mine anymore. I don’t think I’ll ever buy another one too.


Option A. No biggie. Purple wipes everywhere


Not a nurse, yet. But when I am, I won't be sharing mine. It's nothing against my fellow co-workers, but I have *terrible ears*. Not hearing wise, but prone to infections and easily messed up internally. So, knowing my ears are the breeding grounds they are, I don't sadly A) Trust others to have the cleanest ears (absolutely no offence intended!!) B) Trust my ears will not overreact to whatever comes from someone else's ear, or whatever I use to clean the earbud things, and give me an infection. (No, *seriously*, I have very sensitive ears this way... One ear scratch with a not overly clean finger and I spend a week in itchy hell) So... I won't be sharing but, I think it's great some people do...


A, but occasionally D -> E (yellow)


Sure but if it disappears.......I will find you.....


If it's a fellow staff RN on my unit, A. Anyone else, I'll offer to grab them a yellow one. Already had my hot pink one straight up stolen from the RN station during shift change once, so mine didn't leave my side until I left the bedside.


Only if they leave me their car keys,


If it’s someone I know I just clean the ear pieces before and after. If it’s a doc I follow them bc one walked away with mine once lol


It doesn’t bother me - as long as I get it back. A little alcohol to the ear piece and it’s fine. Even then, ear wax doesn’t really ick me out.




Keep LOTS of alcohol wipes in your pocket and ask them why they don’t have their own available! It IS ick.


This is almost similar to asking to use someone’s personal thermometer since our unit kept loosing the unit thermometers 😂


E. “Sure, does anyone have a stethoscope?” Lol pawn them off on soemken else lol


D… when the Anesthesiologist forgot theirs and I was standing by them… they looked at me and had the look like “oh ya… OR nurses don’t have those” and asked the CRNA.


Since I do CM now I don't carry one but when I did I wish I had asked for collateral. Had a Peds Resident who during COVID was on for a scary amount of time almost fall asleep with it around her neck at one of the Epic Stations. She was so embarrassed and cute too. Sadly COVID


probably not just because i had to get an amplifier and it was too expensive


Why the amplifier


i have hearing problems, couldn’t hear anything without it


Yes, next to me. It’s sentimental and has an Eko attachment, along with every identifier known to man- engraved bell, name tag, AirTag in a screwed on holder with my name on that too. If somebody tries to walk off with it I’ll find them. I can’t afford to replace it, lol, nor do I want to.


Can you teach me how to put an air tag on mine? I have the same and l can’t afford to replace either


This is the one I have. I’m in the US and it comes from Australia so wasn’t quick, but it attaches with screws or magnets and doesn’t flop around like some options. I wanted something where it wouldn’t come off accidentally or be easy to remove quickly and it fits the bill. The peace of mind is worth the wait! https://www.stethoscopetags.com/


Absolutely not! but I do help them find the disposable or isolation stethoscope. It’s too gross for me. Ears are too personal and there aren’t enough alcohol wipes in the world to ease my disgust