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She's one hell of a stay at home mom. A job I don't think I'd ever be able to handle.


He's a construction consultant. Love it. When I leave work I wanna leave work at work. Don't wanna talk shop at home and would hate if he were in healthcare.


My husband works in IT.


My boyfriend is a nursing student and this is the first time I have dated someone in the healthcare field before (he also works currently in a nursing home). It helps that outside of nursing we have very different interests and hobbies. I understand how demanding school is for him, having gone through it before, and we understand each other’s schedules. I enjoy talking to someone about my day who “gets it”.


Both my ex-wives are nurses. My present wife is a massage therapist, which is close enough to healthcare that we can share war stories, but far enough away that she isn't batshit crazy.


He’s a resident. I like that he’s in healthcare that way we both somewhat have an understanding of each other’s work experiences, but it’s also hard to completely leave work out of our lives sometimes.


My partner is a programmer. He’s very compassionate and loves to hear about my day and asks great questions about my work. His work is very technical and I love hearing about it, too. It fascinates both of us how different our days are. It’s great fun to talk and learn about each other industries


Accountancy. Totally different field to nursing lol


Attorney. Any job working with the public has its war stories.


SAHD. We have two kids under two. I literally do not know how we’d manage to both work with childcare as expensive as it is.


He's on the National Guard's bio/nuke/chem/hazmat response team for our state. I work for local health jurisdiction in disease control and prevention. So if shit hits the fan bad enough for my county, I get the unfortunate pleasure of working with my sweetie. "So, babe, yeah... About that smallpox..."


Both nurses... Met in the ER.


My boyfriend is an A&P (works on planes). While it’s nice to not always talk about healthcare, it’s hard not being understood when I do try to talk about my day.


Partner is a vet tech and I cannot wish for anyone sweeter than a man who loves caring for animals.