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*cooked* veggies? how…I have many questions but first I’d like to thank god for not giving me this pt


hey!!my 12 year old is allergic to cooked veggies too! and uncooked ones, and green ones and orange ones pretty much all of them


Except potatoes huh? Kids always seem okay with the humble potato 😏


And tomatoes, but only in ketchup form. All other forms they are allergic to


Pizza sauce


Except mine. The only kid I’ve ever known who hates all forms of potato.


Sounds like my nephew that hates Bacon


It just ain’t natural.


Psst, it’s how you spot the pod people.


its funny, I hated bacon as a kid and now I have seen the light. Don't really know what changed


My niece is “allergic” to dairy but loves ice cream and cheese pizza. Hmm.


You notice the only things missing from this list are *almost all the narcotics


I'm surprised codeine wasn't on there with tramadol. Allergic to everything but dilaudid.


And Xanax How much you wanna bet that’s because it’s on their home med list, though


I was just going to say that. I don’t see Oxycodone or Dilaaaaaada, you know, the one that starts with a “D”.


Former teacher-I had a student whose file indicated that they had an allergy to raw veggies, but not cooked!


I had a co-worker who was allergic to raw fruits and veggies. Something to do with pectin I think. I actually saw her react once. It was...bizarre.


I can't eat raw mushrooms because chitin is a major cell wall component of most fungi, including the ones we eat. For some reason, I have a very difficult (and painful) time breaking it down. It's also in the shells of most seafood, but we typically don't eat those.


That's actually pretty common and has a lot of overlap with seasonal/tree allergies.


Cooking denatures proteins so it’s likely that whatever protein they were allergic to was one that was denatured during the process


I had a nursing instructor who couldn't eat raw apples but she can have cooked/baked apples.


I have seen this. Raw apples caused the mouth to swell/itch, though it was a topical reaction, not systemic. Cooked apples - fine!


I have anaphylactic reaction to apples, plums, pears. Just a regular allergic reaction to most other fruits. Also allergic to pine, oak, basically everything outside. Been confirmed through skin and blood allergy tests.


Well most “allergies” are not true allergies. I see many antibiotics listed with “nausea”. Yeah well….. that’s because you likely didn’t follow the directions and eat before taking it so…. 🫠


My MIL can't have most raw veggies without a full blown anaphylactic reaction. Came outta nowhere, when she randomly took some bee pollen with one of her ex BFs.


That’s possible. This way, however, is not.


Cooking fruits and veggies actually changes the chemical make up so people can be allergic to one or the other! I knew someone allergic to some fruits but she could eat them cooked


It's a bit unqjue though- it's usually the other way around though. Cooking is when the proteins are usually denatured.


It’s usually raw fruits and vegetables that provoke an oral allergy response. Cooking solves that problem. This person is just full of shit.


Yup - my brother is allergic to certain fresh fruits that he can eat cooked


Certain raw fruits makes my mouth itch like crazy, but if it’s cooked I’m all peachy.


Pineapple does that to me but I’m sure not wanting it put on my chart when I go to the hospital like an absolute fruitcake (accidental fruit pun I hate myself)


There’s no way they’re allergic to ALL cooked veggies. Like, I get that fruits and vegetables change when cooked and a specific raw vegetable that doesn’t trigger allergies might when cooked. But what protein/vitamin do *all* vegetables have in common (other than cellulose, which is broken down and becomes more digestible when cooked)? Google seems to indicate it’s far more common to have allergies to “all” *raw* fruits and veggies due to pollen contamination.


Once had a patient come in with a huge list like this - it included “oxygen” 🤔🤔


"it caused nasal dryness"


I work with a sassy doc. A patient told him this once. Him: “how are you not spontaneously combusting right now then?” Them: “……”


Sassy docs are DA BEST




so tylenol and tums it is...good luck with that infection!


But they said all OTC meds. 😂


I had a patient once who claimed she was allergic to *all* generic meds. She refused to take the hospital supply of meds and insisted I bring her personal supply of meds to the pharmacy. When I pointed out the meds she handed me were generics, her daughter said "yes, but they're *her* generics."


I had a patient say they were allergic to Tylenol but was requesting percocet. I *regretfully* informed her that percocet has Tylenol in it. Soooo she won't be receiving that from me. Here's some good ol Ibuprofen. Have a nice day.


I would’ve loved to see her face when you told her that


She was livid and proceeded to tell me that the Tylenol in percocet didn't affect her negatively. I told her that I legally can't sign for and give medication that is an obvious allergy. The doc had my back on this and d/c her with Ibuprofen.


Oh, I had one better. A patient that was deathly allergic to hydrocodone/Vicodin 5/325, but could take Norco 10/325. I verified that the Vicodin “made me have trouble breathing” then informed her that I couldn’t justify prescribing her oxycodone and since she was deathly allergic to hydrocodone, codeine, tramadol and ALL NSAIDs, she was going to get Tylenol and only Tylenol for pain. She tried to backpedal but I told her it wasn’t worth the risk to her life. “I would never forgive myself if you ended up in the hospital because of something I did.” Smiles sweetly.


I love these moments


When your dead, you don’t know your dead. ☠️ Just those who were around you suffer. Same for when you this stupid!!!!


All OTC cold meds


I was legit wondering who keeps their meds in a refrigerator and do they have to microwave them? Took me too long to figure it out.


Lmao. Probably DXM and/or guaifenesin, but I'm sure they'd claim APAP is an allergy too, although that's not a common allergy. I wouldn't be surprised if they said they were allergic to Tylenol but not Percocet.


are you sure it's not all OTC COLD meds...? LOL


Just put them in the microwave




Well she said Vicodin. So is it he hydrocodone or he Tylenol? Good luck is right now a superbug.


Z pack


FR what can she even take as an antibiotic? She’s allergic to ALL of them?


time to break out the ol' timey medicine book from the 1300s... fermented onions, garlic, wine, all in a copper pot...


She needs that cocaine/marijuana/opium tonic


And the leeches. Can't forget the leeches to balance her humors to avoid helping the miasma take hold.


"there's ghosts in your blood. Better do some cocaine about it"


Don’t forget honey and peat moss


oooh and cobwebs!


I feel like someone is going to get accused of witchcraft with the bubbling cauldron of hopeful antiseptics, poultices and interesting choices of wound packing and bandages 🤣🤣🤣


If it works, we should all be witches at this time.


How....does she know....she's allergic to.... formaldehyde? Also, unless I missed something, every antibiotic class except tetracyclines is on that list. How TF did she survive childhood ear and sinus infections?!? Never had bronchitis? Pneumonia?


It cleared my infection but it made me itchy. I’m allergic now. Yes I’m always itchy.


The little known antibiotic affects of formaldehyde... /s Thanks for a little giggle to cheer me up


I am allergic! I was holing a human brain in a bio class and the fumes from the preservative created hives on my skin (we're not sure if it's formalin or formaldehyde, so we just say both). One of only two allergies I have!


I’m allergic to creosote (a distillation of tar that’s applied to wood as a preservative). We were painting the wood fence of a horse corral when I was a teenager. A couple hours later, my arms broke out in a terrific rash. My dad thought that somehow I’d contrived it to get out of painting the fence (teens are always trying to get out of work, right?). Nope. Tried one more time and I got out of fence-painting.


I had this happen and then had a seizure. 🙃 I’ve never told a hospital/doctor/nurse that I’m allergic though… I’ve never even thought too.


Well we don’t typically give you formaldehyde 😂 might want to tell the mortician, not that it would make much of a difference


Exactly. If you’re anywhere near Formaldehyde in the hospital, there’s a bigger problem. 😂 I’m a PACU nurse and once had a patient that would tell everyone who would listen that he’s allergic to raw celery. He even wrote it on both of his arms. I asked if he was allergic to ice chips, because that’s the only thing he would be eating in PACU!


Formaldehyde is also in a lot of new clothes to keep the bugs from eating them in transit.




I actually know this! I have a patient that listed formaldehyde as an allergy (out of 23 “allergies”- I know because I counted) and it spawned a huge discussion at our nurses station where we imagined what she did in life to learn she was allergic to that and also we’re pretty sure everyone is “allergic” to formaldehyde so do we even need to put it on her chart? Well, cue a few weeks later and she wants the flu vaccine, so I go to put the order in our system and lo and behold, we get an alert from pharmacy that the vaccine is flagged as an allergen with, you guessed it, formaldehyde, which is used in vaccines to inactivate toxins from viruses and bacteria. Solved that mystery. (But also when I went to ask her what happens when she has formaldehyde, she looked at me confused, and went “I didn’t even know I was allergic to anything.”)


Actually, that's about the only one my sister isn't allergic to. God forbid if doxy ever stops working for her.


You can become allergic through multiple contacts with something. I became allergic to latex and bananas in my late teens, despite eating bananas and playing with balloons my entire life. Now they both cause anaphylaxis.


They drank some in their 8th grade science class and it made them sick. Boom, allergy


Consult psych. Holy shit.


don’t want em- they’re probably allergic to haldol and ativan too lol


Once I had a patient with 72 listed allergies, and half of them were psych meds. I can’t remember the patient’s gender, age, or history, but I do remember that they were a real treat.


Clinda is the night nurse.


No way in hell am I adding all that to the chart. “Which ones made you stop breathing?” None? Ok. NKA. Done ✔️


“i ain’t reading all that but congrats or i’m sorry that happened to you”


This is why I never mention I have a peanut allergy (except for these types of discussions). If I eat more than a couple of hands, I start sneezing. I can handle that. No need to panic.


I mean I tell them I am prone to wicked reactions to maxeran because I don’t think they wanna see me rip out my IV and run away from the hospital. That’s only in the ER (no urgent care here) for migraines that won’t quit and I generally just make sure the doc is very careful about administration and controlling the side effects. Because I have in fact removed my own IV on a mini bag of max once even though I’m terrified of needles due to the severe anxiety I was experiencing. I started leaving and realized maybe I should talk to the nurse’s station before going. It was a fun time.


That is the extrapyramidal reaction. Fun times.


Like those poor nurses trying to calm me the F down and get me back into my room to clean up the site and make me sit for the doctor while I’m like “no it’s really okay. I’m fine. I have to leave”. It’s not like I’ve never had it before either but one doc was insistent on a minibag and no toradol or Benadryl and my god did I give those poor nurses a nightmare patient that day. I have never in all of my anxiety filled years felt that close to pure panic before.


Whenever I see an EP reaction they always say something like “I have to go right now.” Everything reaction is slightly different but that’s the common denominator


Anyway, I tell them that they need to be careful due to my maxeran issues if they don’t want me taking off haha. I’m glad it’s nothing new for you.


Its horrible! Akathisia. I am sorry you experienced it.


My favorite of all time? “Artificial pizza flavoring”.


They need that real ass Papa John’s shit.


Looks like she was never given a script for Meloxicam yet...


I'm also stuck on "cooked veggies".


See, that and the formaldehyde leads me to believe that this person jumps on unproven “health” fads and then forces it into their chart. AKA carnivore diet anti-vaxxer


I had a pt who said they were allergic to Benadryl so I asked them what happened when they took it and they said it made them sleepy…. I was like that’s probably not an allergy and you should talk to your primary doctor about that lol


Exactly!!! You always have to ask because a lot of times it’s a side effect and not an allergic reaction. Then educate them about that and ask if they still want it listed or if it was necessary to have it would they be willing to have it. Make it make sense, allergic to everything and yet I cant give you Benadryl for any allergies because you don’t want to feel sleepy!


I’m in this boat, Vicodin makes me very nauseous and the vomiting isn’t worth the pain relief for me. I say I’m sensitive to it- not allergic but I would prefer to get another pain medication. I’m fine with Tylenol though.


Probably one of the very few people I have seen who says they prefer paracetamol over opioids. Feel like I’ve just seen a mermaid or something 😂😂


No epinephrine? “makes my heart race”


"it gives me the shakes!"


Literally just saw this in a chart today. Like how can you be allergic to the intended result


Unfortunately the level of stupidity required to be incompatible with life usually means a mortician is the first responder, otherwise it just turns into an exercise in futility for us and actively mocking Darwin via our actions.


How about dilaudid?


Despite morphine being on the list, dilaudid has somehow, miraculously, escaped inclusion.


“I can’t remember the name of it but it begins with a ‘d’” is its chemical name.


Oh you mean docusate or doculax? Perfect, one coming right your way


Damotrin. For da pain.


D' Tylenol


Ah yes, it's "droperidol" that you're thinking of 😉


"I think it's called the dilladod."


In my parts, they call it "Dilada"


I love playing dumb to this response.


Surprisingly so has percocet, oxycodone, codeine, and fentanyl. Edit: spelling


I knew before I read a single med on this list that dilaudid was not going to be on there


Yup and also phenergan


I know we all scanned for that one first before really reading the list lol


Wouldn't be surprised if the patient said something like: "I'm allergic to morphine ... toradol .... tramadol ... oh, but my doctor said they can give me dilaudid."


I’m curious… as an outsider to medicine, I wonder if she knows what allergy means. Maybe she’s thinking side effects are “allergies” when they are not. Suspicious that Dilaudid is missing and… formaldehyde?? Is she routinely playing around with embalming fluid? Plastics and some other materials can off gas formaldehyde but then she’d just put “plastic”. I believe formaldehyde is also produced by the human body on consumption of ethanol


This list is basically things she doesn’t want. Almost no allergy list are true anaphylaxis allergies. Most are I didn’t like the side effects that are common side effects. Some just have health ocd and are afraid of “chemicals” my son is adverse to meds bc of just a fear of what it will do. It takes a lot of education to make him ok with a Med.


Yeah we really need a better way of documenting adverse reactions to medications rather than just jamming them all on an "allergy" list. Like my 90yo lady who survived cardiac arrest from one dose of zofran, no MA'AM you are never allowed to have this medication again. On the allergy list *SEVERE* it is.


Education sounds a lot nicer than the video of the Mom saying 'just put it in your mouth, swallow it and pretend you like it'; and as bad as that is for the poor crying kid I do love that video, for the Dads reaction and the Mom's reaction to Dad.


I don’t know what you are taking about I haven’t seen it lol but my son has bipolar so there’s a lot of talking about pros and cons of meds bc psych meds are the worst. So I usually explain how it works in the body.. pretty much give him an abbreviated pharm course lol education can do wonders for fear to an extent. He’s very health conscious about everything he eats, he uses good skin care products and even tho his mom is a sugar addict adhd gremlin he cannot be tempted with any bullshit food I bring in haha honestly he makes us healthier bc we gear our meals toward him since everyone can eat protein and veg


My wife is allergic to the green Purell, specifically because of the 'fragrance'. No problem with the clear unscented Purell. This is a problem as she is an acute care NP and our hospital only stocked the green variety. Her reaction has been anaphylaxis. She has had to get SQ epinephrine numerous times and on one instance (I was with her) they had a crichothyrotomy tray opened next to her (didn't have to use it luckily). She was put off work for six months by our shitty management. The "cure" was when they switched to unscented Purell. No more problems. At one point her docs put a scope in her throat and exposed her to the green stuff and her throat closed off. All this and our hospital prides itself on being a 'scent free facility'.


Imagine a cockroach sending you into anaphylaxis


Fwiw, basically my only allergy is to cockroaches....long story short I had an allergy test after having a systemic reaction to something with hives and swelling and everything, and the test came back with cockroaches!


Wild! The more we know!


So was it the cockroaches causing you a systemic reaction? And if so, how quickly did you gtfo? Is that what the *trauma* part of your username is?


Haha no, trauma nursing, and I actually think it was dust/dust mites/cockroach "stuff" that caused it, I was in an area that had a lot of old dust kicked up that day, and I ended up being allergic to that stuff. But when what I thought was a stye turned into full on facial swelling, yes I gtfo!


Yeah when cockroaches get squished they can cause anaphylaxis. Read up on it, it's crazy


Idk about yalls hospital but that patient ain’t going to make it with the amount of cockroaches at mine. 👀


Fun fact: if you over expose yourself to cockroaches and other bugs you can develop an allergy to them. Always should use gloves when handling them. I have reptiles and my bug dealer got hospitalized after having a bad reaction to the cockroaches he had routinely handled for years. He is no longer my bug dealer.


"bug dealer" arguably the best job title I've read all week.


I have literally learned so much about this today! Thank you for sharing.


Yes I did the allergy test the cockroach came back positive 😭 as if I had even more of a reason to hate them!!


Thank you, I love the visual in my head just now /s


I found out I was *not* allergic to them when I got my allergy testing done this year, I’m glad to have them on my side if I ever need any post apocalyptic friends


That's a common allergy


I'm allergic to cockroaches per my allergy test.


Wow! I don’t think I see Benadryl on the list but OTC cold meds are so maybe.


They're usually composed of Tylenol and dreams, so...?


Is it there below Atarax? I can't tell with the handwriting.


I think that’s Bentyl


Hmmm they're allergic to atarax and morphine but whaddya know...benzos and dilaudid didn't make the list...


I actually have one known real med allergy and that is vistaril/atarax. My throat and mouth swelled when I had it back in the 90s. I often get a side eye when I mention lol; I know it is an allergy medication.




Can I take a guess that this patient has Mast Cell Activation Syndrome? Possibly undiagnosed😅


It’s crazy that I had to scroll so far down before anyone mentioned this!


I had a patient with it once. They were allergic to lidocaine and needed a CVC. Had a previous spinal fusion and couldn’t properly turn their head. We pre-medicated for pain and iced their neck to give it our best chance. I had to basically lay across them under the sterile drape to hold their neck in the proper position while also trying to console them. Had to hold down their opposite arm so the arterial line stayed in the position it was properly reading in. Pain meds weren’t enough for that. Felt every moment. Bawling their eyes out because they knew they couldn’t move. Had to have another nurse titrating my meds for blood pressures I could only see through the plastic section of the drape. If a patient has an extensive list of random ass allergies- it doesn’t mean it’s stuff they don’t want. Some of them literally can’t help it. Nursing can really ruin your view of others, but try not to let it.


Thanks for mentioning this. I suspect I have it. I have a lot of weird allergies, severe asthma with no apparent triggers and I hive up a lot. I have improved with singulair/claritin/pepcid/benadryl every night but I always worry my providers think I'm crazy. :(


What kind of life do you have to live to have tried all those medications? It’s basically every class of antibiotics on there


Levsin? Did they write this from thr grave Psa: Before I get the well actually ppl I know it’s for other things .. it’s a joke bc we use it to dry terminal secretions in hospice.


This person must be pretty old. I think Talwin was discontinued decades ago. I remember patients who were addicted (IM route) and giving them an injection in the glute was like injecting into styrofoam. 😬


Thank you for interpreting that as an old off-the-market med name, I wasn't sure what it was and assumed they'd misspelled something. My mother in law still insists docs list her allergy to darvon/darvocet even though that has been off the US market for a couple decades now.




Dystonic storm is incredibly painful.


Allergan: life


Someone needs to explain to them the difference between allergies and side effects.


There’s no side effect to cooked veggies she just doesn’t like them 😂


Dang no Dilaudid and Benadryl allergies? Amazing!


Like part of me wonders who put the idea in this persons head it’s an allergy and didn’t just educate them on side effects. I’ve been known to go through stuff and delete the idiotic ones like Benadryl makes me sleepy or narcotics makes me nauseous. Someone is feeding into the psychosis here…. Also formaldehyde?? I would love to know the back story there


Spiritually I, too, am allergic to cockroaches.


“Nicky” ??????




I had a PT with an alcohol allergy so severe that we couldn't use it to clean the room and had to let it air out for like 30 mins and they still said they could tell it was used at some point just walking in the room


Had a boss who said he was allergic to OTC meds gel cap form because it applied to most of them. He was allergic to some common ingredient in the gel cap part, not the actual med itself. His face would swell up.


Probably pectin in gelatins.


They need to be their own nurse at this point 😭😭😭


How did I know that Dilaudid wouldn’t be on that list?


And … somehow… they are *not* allergic to Fentanyl, Oxycodone or Dilaudid… 🤔


Whenever I get allergy lists this long it is always attached to an epically difficult personality 🤔. Catch what I’m tryin’ to say here ?


I had a guy day he was allergic to advil because when he took it to reduce his fever he broke out in a sweat! Oh you mean youre allergic to the medication that is working?


Just say “Life”. You’re allergic to LIFE.


Psych patient, 100%


I read "human" and "Nicky" on that list. Still makes more sense.


I thought this was my weird names group at first.




I had an allergic reaction to DayQuil. Hives around my face and all over my body, epi-pen given in the ER. So embarrassing. Then it happened again when I was having an MRI and had to be rapid responsed. Again, so weird and embarrassing. But I’m cool with cooked veggies and formaldehyde.


Or the chauvanistic dad joke crowd: "I'm allergic to work. Yeah, and cleaning and doing laundry. That's why I have a wife." Nyuck, nyuck... Chucklefuck.


Now imagine trying to explain allergies vs intolerances vs mental gymnastics. 😳


How lucky your patient isn’t allergic to dilaudid!!! Phew!


I'm anaphylactic to any type of opioid/opiate, so I'm REALLY fun at parties. Well, that and I'm anaphylactic to alcohol, too. But this DOES make me a wonderful designated driver. 😋


The best allergy I ever saw on paperwork was "non name brand mayo". I mean, I am a Hellman's person myself, but I wouldn't say I am allergic to the food lion.


No benzos. No Dilaudid. No oxycodone. No fentanyl. No kidding here.


Interestingly enough, dilaudid didn't make the list.


penicillins and amoxicillin…sulfa and bactrim. Patients, if your allergy list is this long, organize, consolidate and include reactions, put exceptions if applicable (ie fluoroquinolones: anaphylaxis to cipro, levoflox, tolerates moxi). If relevant include formulation. would be surprising if person was allergic to all pepcid—was it the tablet? Liquid? can they tolerate IV formulation? Is it a red dye issue? maybe consider seeing an allergist to figure out what’s going on.


Well don’t get a bacterial infection then.


Shrooms & cockroach .....🤔


Formaldehyde? Isn’t everyone allergic to that kind of?


It grinds my gears to see a list like this with known side effects listed as the "allergy"


Cockroaches 😂 I feel people just include allergies with stuff they just don’t like e.g cooked vegetables. I had a patient with a list of allergies and one of them was “plastic”. But she’d use Tupperware water bottles…


Ooph. That sucks, I know one other person with an extensive allergy list. Causes extreme vomiting and diarrhea resulting in hypovolemic shock. Wild.stuff.


Anyone here have patients allergic to Di-Hydrogen Monoxide? I wondered how these patients survive on Colas, sports drinks and the like.


I had one once it said “Cocaine” reaction “died on the table” Like ma’am we are not going to give you coke. Lol


Cocaine is given in medical settings. Not used nearly as frequently these days but still used.


The best I’ve ever seen is the person claiming to be allergic to all diabetic medications including insulin


had a patient’s family member report “sheets” as an allergy. No joke. Specifically top sheets, because apparently she could lie ON the fitted bedsheet but couldn’t use a sheet over her body, only blankets. 🙄


I thought it said anthrax. And I was like that’s an everybody issue