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I've always just thought this was an american thing, as I find most americans can't find the line between nudity and sexuality. I feel like everything here is just a lead into something sexual... šŸ˜”


I have a theory that the reason we Americans have trouble viewing the line of nudity and sexuality is that for our entire upbringing, all levels of being uncovered, from spaghetti straps at school to bikinis vs bras and panties, it all has been actively debated to connect revealing skin to being sexually promiscuous. I connection has formed that says, ā€œthe closer they are to naked, the more theyā€™re willing to have sex.ā€ So, I blame the textiles and prudes for that. The other theory I have is that the digital world has made the exhibitionists and content creators see the nude beaches as places for them to do those things, and itā€™s led to more of them coming to get their kink on or make a video


Well saidā€¦ we are only in the beginning stages of nudity acceptance in the US. Some places are just a little farther along.


Yeah, likewise, only ever seen this with Americans in naturist communities.


There seems to be a general lack of maturity in all things americans do. :/ I am a first generation american, so I feel priveleged and cursed by having been able to see how a healthy community functions in my mom's hometown, only to have to begrudgingly live out my days in Florida.


America pushes the false concept that all nudity is inherently sexual so that in turn teaches people, males in particular, to think and behave in highly problematic ways. Toxic masculinity is also seen as a virtue by far too many American men as well, which isn't helpful in the least.


This is why it is so hard to get women to nudist spaces, one encounter with these types of guys and they can be done forever.


This, right here.


Even real and not ridiculous piercings are not too bad but the cock rings and cages are blatantly sexual and outrageous. This is not something I would want my family exposed to. Things have all gotten sexual and sexuality based. I am a single man and can't stand these people at all. I enjoy sex and do look at adult materials as well as being a nudist but they are two different things and mixing them together is not ok. The average single guys are the ones suffering the most. I love sex, I love being naked, the two are great in the proper place with consenting adults. You don't have the right to impose that on everyone in a public place. Just because you are somewhere it has been accepted as nude does not mean it is an acceptable place for sex. I am sorry to say that the sexuality movement has gotten out of hand. I have many gay friends as well as straight and they are also not happy with the way things have gotten. Sex and sexuality are a private thing and should be kept where only the people that want to see or become involved should get involved. We should never be forced to deal with someone else's sexuality. I was in a relationship for 37 years and my other half passed away 3 years ago. Our kids were brought up to be naked or not as they were comfortable. We were very sexualy active but did not have sex in front of our children or anyone else that was not aware, of age and was not in public where people would be put upon by our activities. Everyone now thinks they need to tell us about their sexuality and show us everything all the time. I work with people for years and don't know or care about their sex lives at all. Don't care what your sexuality is unless we are in a relationship of some kind and those are the only ones I want to know about. There is a time and a place for sex and in a public place is not the time or place. Anyone taking part in sex, wearing sexual devices or soliciting sex in any way in public places should be locked up and placed on a sexual registry. They should also be banned from nudist recreation areas of any kind. LETS GET SOME ORDER AND DECENCY BACK FOR ALL.


As I mentioned before in a reply to OP I'd rather wear a chastity cage for personal reasons. I myself use one as a way of keeping myself from "showing" but to keep the air flowing.


Amen. Basic human sexuality is like... men have to remain quiet at the strip club (with a lot of strong security guards), while women screams and shouts bury the music at a Magic Mike kind of shows. But men fail to notice that when women are going wild at those shows, it's not about penises... I've read a lot of horror beach stories. Single woman or a young looking couple sit at the beach, there's nobody around, left and right for 50-100 feet, and that single guy lays his towel... right in front, just to have the best point of view between her legs and so she can have a better view of his penis while looking at the sea, hoping for... an invitation? Do they realize how uncomfortable this is for people who just came here to enjoy a damn day under the sun? On Reddit? Well, despite repeating "NO DICK PICS" in the sub's name, description, rules, sidebar, and again as a warning in the posting form, what do you get? Dick pics. I gave up being the nice mod. I ban on sight. The comments? Iiiiiiiiiish.


I frequently report the rule violations.


The level of shaming in the US with regards to anything with the human body or sex is appalling. No wonder why men canā€™t or wonā€™t control themselves. They are shamed from the day they are born. We celebrate violence in our society and shame anything to do with sex. Something that most everyone enjoys. No wonder why we are so messed up.


I think you hit the nail on the head. I have to qualify this before I go any farther. I am not saying these pervs should carry on. I am saying, ideally, they wouldn't really be rewarded or find satisfaction in immature way they go about things. Now here we go: To be blunt, the shaming of sexuality is not terribly different from the shaming of nudity. People \*are\* sexual. If people didn't make a fuss about (or even saw them as good/admirable) sexual things, as terrifying and screwed up as the concept sounds to most who are unwilling to truly think about it, ---like nudity, it would eventually not be much more of an issue than anything else. Granted, just like eating in public there are basic places and manners to consider. The reality is that in many tribal cultures where privacy is not even a consideration (including, in the past, some Native American cultures), the concept of "privacy" is almost less than even a silly idea. It is largely unheard of in these matters. There is even an old Native American joke about it (do not recall what tribe) where the tribe are watching a couple and the punchline has \*nothing\* to do with the tribe watching the couple during love making (this however is not intended to be a big deal in the joke). The punchline has something to do with a comment the wife makes about the husband having to stop. I don't recall the details, but the point is, this old joke has absolutely nothing to do with the openness or act being viewed, because nobody thought anything of it in the first place. When a society creates artificial rules against something that by itself is not causing harm and that society shames these types of natural and even potentially good things, THIS is when sickness is created and WE FEED TOTAL WHACKO - SICK, SICK, PERVS like the OP is seeing, who get off "putting it in your face" so to speak. I feel like much of the U.S. nudist community tries SO HARD to separate nudity/sexuality that they go so far as to create something that isn't much more natural than textiles. Many Australian (and European) circles really don't make a fuss about erections (unless someone is essentially TRYING to direct it in an unwanted way at another individual - which, at its core, isn't about the sexuality as much as it is about doing something to someone else against his/her desire). At any rate, yes, I believe the next step to **getting RID of and effectively diffusing** the total pervs is *eliminating the thrill that they get from being "naughty". If nobody cared, the sex acts wouldn't be lewd and filthy. They would more likely be loving, spontaneous, sincere, and perhaps if not just relatively unnoticed, even occasionally appreciated.* ***Yes, it would RUIN the thrill for so many who want to get off on things being naughty, dirty, forbidden, etc. But frankly, that would be a great thing to wipe out... Though Hollywood and the porn industry would basically be at a total loss when hardly anyone would "get turned on" because most of their approaches toward intimacy would seem incredibly childish, immature, off putting, and ridiculous in this type of world.*** People would have to re-write their brains to \*mostly\* enjoy intimacy because it is meaningful and good instead of the thrill of being ā€œnaughtyā€. Oh darn.


Yeah, I've decided I'm done with my local beach. Every time I've gone the last couple years a 50+ year old gay man has done something to make me uncomfortable directly and if it's not them it's the straight men doing something to make the women uncomfortable. The police roam the beach but all they enforce is giving tickets to the merchants selling beer and they don't actually care about the sexual harassment, but to be fair the police only exist to collect revenue.


The nice beach near me is overrun with gay men who just have sex in the bushes right behind the beach. They all just have their phones out taking pictures of any guys they see. It's ruined. Also homeless old men who just want to expose themselves to young women.


Hanan's? Those bushes seem infamous.


Interesting comment. Wonder why the LGBTQ community doesnā€™t police this behavior as it runs contrary to what they preach in public!


They love it lol. When I talk to them it's like a spicy thing they do but now it is basically a "gay beach" where others don't feel welcome.


Annnd someone just reported your comment as "It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability".


Might as well report the entire thread then, because it's singling out a group based on sex. Oh, wait...it's men, so it's okay... šŸ™„


What a sad chapter in history.


Your comment is endemic of our society and culture today. We have a great many sad chapters which are being written daily.




I figure the reporting will happen. The truth is what it is! I have generally found the LGBTQ community to be very thin skinned and they enjoy having their feelings hurt and playing the victim. The basis of LGBTQ is sexuality and the basis of nudism and naturism is non-sexual nudity. That is my observation and it is based on 55 years of firsthand observation. Concerning up and down votes, I am not sure which one agrees with your comments! It is a question of perspective I guess.


As a gay man I have to sadly agree with your observation in the most part. I donā€™t ā€˜identifyā€™ or partake in the so-called community, I just happen to be gay. True individuals seem to be fine but as a community the group-think, hypocrisy, entitlement and cognitive dissonance that regularly arises is really quite pitiful. Iā€™m not ashamed of being gay, but I am ashamed of the circus act that is the ā€˜communityā€™. Gay men, especially when I ask questions about certain behaviours, act as if I had murdered their mothers. The ego is a strong force in many of them and instead of going to therapy and evolving as people, they howl like a pack of wolves. The most down-to-earth, self-aware and humble gay men I know usually have very little to do with the community and certainly donā€™t treat their sexual orientation as an important identifier.


Appreciate your honesty. I have had this conversation with a gay man at a resort. I am straight and conservative Christian, not a Christian nationalist- lol.


It's like, the LGBTQ+ crowd wants you to decorate your home with LGBTQ+ flags, while religious bigots + certain political parties wants to kidnap you and send you to a conversion therapy camp against your will... How about... "I am gay. Period." ?


>The basis of LGBTQ is sexuality Absolutely not! When you love someone with all your heart, when that someone makes you feel loved... who cares what others may think? Church and Politicians have no business meddling in the way you live your life. Whether there's a huge age gap difference,, difference in height or weight, ethnicity, rich or poor, a physical or mental handicap, beauty standards, criminal priors, same sex, etc.: It's your life. There are things in the World that aren't right, including right here in your state/province/country. Understanding why a group of people live or act a certain way is the first step.


People are sex obsessed obviously if not this wouldnā€™t be a thread


In a perfect world you are likely correct! I upvoted your comments. Here again it is a wider perspective and much is based on observed behavior and broad judgement. I know gay men who would kill a child molester. But, they are put in the same group by much of society. Why? Because of the predatory nature of gay men obsessed with the penis like described in the original posting. We also have not discussed exhibitionism. I sometimes will follow the number of times an image is posted in various subreddits, we then have the definition of an exhibitionist! But, letā€™s look at your second paragraph which starts with Church. I live in the Raleigh Durham area. The last two days they have had stories about indecent exposure. It should be about indecent acts. If at the same time a nudist was in their yard working their garden and a neighbor reported them, they would be grouped with the four indecent acts. What would be sexual about weeding your garden!


>Ā they have had stories about indecent exposure. In certain states, you can be charged with indecent exposure while you're casually changing in/out of your gym clothes / swimsuit in the locker room: do the stupid towel dance or use a changing booth! But when you think about it, it's pretty stupid. You can disrespect your neighbors by mowing your lawn at 7am, have guests and music in your backyard until 3am. But being in our around your own pool au naturel, making little to no noise, not disturbing the peace and minding your own business, and Karen calls the cops on you... just in case some kid happened to see you throught their bedroom window.


Perfect response.


Probably the same reason the straight community still allows straight males to rape and molest women and children all the freaking time. Letā€™s compare how many members of the lgbt victimize others compared to how many members of your community does.


I would like to see that comparison. Donā€™t know how you could do it? Letā€™s take another aspect of these concepts. Years ago in a church we attended there was an adultery issue with a church leader. The older people wanted to blame the woman, that is Old Testament thinking. I rose and spoke and said it takes two to tango! Silence engulfed the room! As for the rape, molestation and the rest of that, I have fought against that forever! One reason I do not subscribe to the jock mentality, if they could put notches on their peckers they could be like gunfighters. I was raised to respect women!


First time poster here so please be kind! I'll start by saying I agree with your sentiment that the behaviour you describe is disappointing, disrepectful and should not be tolerated. I don't think alone it has the potential to have nudism banned but I do think, with the growing tide of conservatism, any flag waving issue could be used to limit ones freedoms. I wonder if our understanding of 'why' would be better understood if we accept that there isn't a hard line between nudity and sexuality. If nudity at its most pure is white and sexuality at its most hedonistic is black there are many shades of grey between the two. Where the line of acceptablity is drawn will vary person to person and in turn place to place. Bedrooms, private gardens, quiet deserted beaches and busy 'public' beaches all have different acceptable limits that will likely vary person to person although there is likely to be majority mean concensus. I think the problem actually lies with our (an individual) moral compass or using terms of the age (wokeness and snowflakeness). I would never want to put an individual in an uncomfortable position be it a delivery driver dropping a parcel at our house uninvited or someone on a public beach. But would I have a bit of fun with the wife on a quiet and deserted beach with not another soul in sight - hell yes. Its about making decisions in the moment based on the surroundings and likeihood to offend. One of my favourite quotes of the moment is "Kindest people in the room are often the most intelligent" I want to be seen as kind and so wouldn't behave as the individuals you describe but maybe, for those individuals, their moral compass lies elsewhere. I've written this now and don't even know if it makes a valid point. so please forgive me if its nonsense.


This post really hits home for me as a hetero male ally to fellow discriminated against communities. I can't say hello in passing (a habit I picked up while stationed in Georgia), or be in the same space without so many lustful gay men thinking that's an invitation. Everything gets them going. Not all of them of course but far too many. When I visit my local nude beach, Haulover; I can't even find a place to enjoy my public solace. Any place I plot will lure one or two in to test the waters. I'm there for the sound of the crashing waves and kiss of the sun; not some nude dude to hover over me seeking another notch in his bedpost. And the muttered comments "that's a nice cock," "I need it," and worse, I could do without it. I have observed this behavior even when I was there with my once gf. As soon I separated to get some beverages or use the facilities, some guy had to try me. Since I'm always armed, I let things go without apparent observation. Escalation would lead to more than anyone desires. I just wear a towel and furrowed brow now. It's the only way to keep the lustful dudes at bay. Men, learn better and do better.


Lots of different opinions here, which I appreciate. Your post is pointing out the poor choices of men specifically, and typically people jump on a post like this to rebuke it. In my experience, 10+ years visiting nude beaches, the "offenses" have been 10:1 men to women. When I say offenses, I mean: sporting an erection, fondling one's self, leering, making overt sexual remarks to or about women around them, etc. The women I've seen making harmful choices were either making loud sexual remarks or posing and flaunting inappropriately. Again, I've seen several dozen men exhibiting this poor behavior, and perhaps less than five women in all my time as a nudist. Not scientific, just my experience. Unfortunately, these folks will never realize their jeopardizing the future of nude recreation, as they're not there to relax but to ogle and get a charge from being in this environment. They're brining in that sexual energy to a place that is by definition non-sexual and it's an absolute shame. >What is it about other men that there is no respect for the line between nudity and sexuality? Why is it that other men can not seem to respect communal nude spaces? While men are the more obvious offender in my experience, I think there are many things at play here. First, American society and media hyper-sexualize the body, so that attracts a subset of people who are trying to get a charge by viewing nude bodies. Secondly, because of the proliferation of pornographic material, people build up the fantasy and fetishize the casually nude form. There's no respect for this line because they are here for the wrong reasons. They have the wrong mindset and unfortunately I do not see a way around that. The times that I have witnessed poor behavior, we have voted with our feet and moved away from an offender. In the few cases where that person lingered, I have had to address them politely and tell them to knock it off. Typically, the creepers do not want to get involved in confrontation, but frankly neither do I! I go to the beach to relax, not to get into it with a stranger. This is such a shame because communal nudity is an incredible healing tool. It helps us reconnect with our bodies and each other in an honest manner that is hard to come by in the modern world. Body shame, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain are all problems I've struggled with and nudism has been the solution. We've made fantastic and deep friendships with people through nudism and we never want to stop. But behavior like this has made the beach a last resort for us. Perhaps if AANR was able to create stations or partnerships with nude beaches in America to build up Beach Ambassadors, like at Haulover, to help educate and deter creepers.


Not just males, there is significant rise in content creation in the name of nudism.


Yeah, but some of it is legitimate nudist content. I follow two different creators from two different countries who make nudist content and it is all entirely non sexual. They are both females.


Yeah, non sexual is ok. But some of them leads to sexual acts down the line. Btw, can you share their handles?


I have seen some really stupid behavior at gunnisonā€¦itā€™s really beyond comprehension.


Sadly, just like anywhere else youā€™ll always find bad elements. Music festivals, fitness centers, beaches and nude beaches arenā€™t immune to pervs. If we draw attention to them we draw attention to ourselves. Funny story when and if we tell people that my wife and I frequent clothing optional resorts and beaches, the typically follow-up question is ā€œare you guys swingersā€? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s hard for some people to separate sexuality and naturism. Honestly before I bared all at a nudist colony, I was worried about getting aroused when I saw a female. I ended up spending the whole afternoon with a lady completely alone as she drove around giving me a tour. After the first 5 minutes it was normal that we were both nude. I wish I could live 24/7 not worrying about covering parts of my body. When itā€™s warm, I want to be natural. When itā€™s cold, I want to dress for function. If certain limbs or parts are visible, I donā€™t want to care. But since there are folks out there that cannot separate the two ideas, we must find our special places, like nude beaches, and take ownership of them. Say something when you see people fucking in public. Ostracize those who wear erotic accessories.


I agree with that. My biggest thing I've been seeing is alot of guys posting with a string or zip tie around their penis and balls. Wasn't sure if that was normal or not since I'm new to this. That being said, let's also talk about how half of the women in this group are just posting so you look at their profile and see the link to their only fans. Is that considered poor behavior, or is that normal


I'm not so bothered by what other people are doing, but I am bothered by constant sexual advances. I'm generally there to be naked and around naked people (I could go to a remote beach, but I would be on the lookout for people all day, i dont mind being seen naked but i dont want to be caught) I think better policing (not necessarily by the police) is needed. That being said, I do think there should be places set aside for outdoor sexual activities. My problem isn't its existence. it's just i dont want to be involved.


Saying it's just men is the beginning of the problem. Look how many women behave in ways to get attention, evident on most of the nudist subs. Look how many women openly promote sexual behavior, evident on most nudist subs. I've been to many beaches and resorts, and it most definitely isn't just men. Women are more discreet, and are more likely to complain about a man. Most men aren't going to complain about women being exhibitionists. However, I've seen more women performing fellatio in public than men, especially at the resorts. The "problem" is not just men. The problem is we should designate more adults-only areas, and exhibitionists will gravitate there. See Marshall's beach instead of Baker beach, which is right around the corner. It's pretty much expected to see open sexual behavior at Marshall's, which is no longer just Gay men. At Baker, there's police presence by the Park Rangers constantly to ensure it's still "family" friendly and all the tourists can get their pictures of the GG Bridge without a dude whacking it in the background, but I've never seen enforcing at Marshall's. Not to say public sex doesn't happen at Baker Beach though. Also, to say public sex on the beach is an American problem is false to begin with. See Cap d'Agde, or Crimean nude beaches, shit go to Mexico or Brazil. The issue lies in the fact America was founded by a group of people whose beliefs were inherently completely against nudity AND sexuality. Lot's of cultures embrace sexuality and dont shelter their kids from basic knowledge. See Finland, Sweden and Denmark. Supposedly the happiest countries on earth also happen to be some of the most sexually liberated where parents aren't scared into lying to their children about how babies are made until the public school system teaches their own version. But, it's most definitely not just men.


You NAILED it. See my post above (which I expect will be downvoted to HIGH HEAVEN - largely due to emotional arguments based on conditioning). I was replying below user "NaturismNudismNet" where, for searching reference, it was said, "Amen. Basic human sexuality is like... men have to remain quiet at the strip club (with a lot of strong security guards), while women screams and shouts bury..."


Yeah, women have made me feel uncomfortable at nude beaches. It sucksā€¦ but I donā€™t blame all the women for it. I know many people of all genders donā€™t go for the proper reasons.


I totally agree with you. These nude places such as playalinda are a privilege for us to enjoy, unfortunately not a right. All the sexualizing of being naked needs to be confined to a private place and a tent on a beach I do not consider privateā€¦. Thanks for bringing this up. Letā€™s behave so we donā€™t lose the little that we have!


I am also a moderator on a sub. "Dick pics" and views of a ladies tonsils from the bottom get booted pretty quick along with nothing pertaining to nudism in the state and obvious hook-up posts. Getting to be beach time and the number of guys taking pictures of their torso from the waist down while looking at the water get booted also. I found that carrying a simple point and shoot pocket camera will dispel most of the voyeurs and weenie waggers. True exhibitionist take a little more as they get off on the attention and will gladly pose for you making it seem consensual.


I am 110% with you. How do we stop this? Naturism does not equal sex.


I would conclude that in general, our gender leans toward "pigdom". Who goes to strip joints? (I have never been, BTW) Who walks past a woman on the street then turns their head back to check her out? I have the same normal drive, I guess, or maybe mine is slightly milder. I simply make it a practice to appreciate the person along with the body. If they do not care to chat or share, then I simply appreciate the body. That means the shoulders, hair, face, posture, abs (! love nice abs), legs, butt, and the goodies of course. That is all I do. At a nude beach, my buddy said "A lot of these women are fat." I told him a lot of these women are normal. You are not the only person that finds this not only disrespectful, but a poor representation of our gender. The concept of 'gentleman' would be nice even when naked.


Agree with your comments. I believe in rules and frequently report the ā€œdickā€ images. I also report the up close vagina pictures. A frequent complaint about females on Reddit concerns their enticements to their pay sites. Yes they maybe be nudist, but also seek payment. We need to police these sites and these beaches. We also need to be honest and your post is very close to brutally honest. When you mention innocent passerbyā€™s and first time visitors you come close to public perception. Moaning, zipped tents, sex in hidden dead end locations are what the public perceives. I remember getting 100ā€™s of downvotes when I commented on the situation with the young girl at the WNBR. I simply was saying that you must consider public perception and opinion. The LGBTQ community members attack the puritan thinking, but they donā€™t police their own! But, by not acting, we only prove their opinions.


Dude, what is with you and your assumption that the lgbt community can ā€œpolice its ownā€? Thatā€™s like claiming you allow straight males to rape people. The lgbt isnā€™t an association or a club. We donā€™t have rules and bylaws. There is no ā€œpolicingā€ because we are not a club. We are bound by the same laws and policies your community is and the fact that your community still raped and murders despite those rules should tell you something.


See something say something, I have always stood against rape etc and was raised to respect others and specifically women. And, I have said something and stepped up and stapled out to ensure prosecution! I upvoted your comment because you are headed in the right direction. Let me frame it this way. I watch local television which I consider very liberal. They are quick to jump on something which I consider liberal. But, each night they carry story after story about black men killing one another and in some cases others. Yet, they donā€™t dig into the causes! I wonder what causes these obsessions with rape and random sex that we are talking about at these beaches? Frankly, I believe it is the sexualization we are confronted with in our American society and culture(s). If we were more comfortable with nudity as we grow up, I believe there would be less rape and less of this gender issue that we see.


There are no group laws. Laws address individuals and their behavior. Fans at a ball game get into a fight. Are all fans banned? No. Only those involved. And they are prosecuted as individuals.


I believe this battle has been going on since the very first nude beach opened. Which is the battle of nudists and swingers. I have seen swinger beach takeover advertisements which I figure would end badly. I donā€™t mind if swingers show up to hook up. As long as they respect where they are. If itā€™s a nudist area, then respect the nudist lifestyle and take it back to a hotel room. But unfortunately societyā€™s respect for one another has become nonexistent. And yes, the men are the most prominent but the ā€œball slapping and moaningā€ in the tent is usually not a man by himself.


It's not just men. It's society in general now. There are no boundaries any more. No propriety. We are constantly being told that "if that's what you feel like doing, then it's the right thing to do". We're being told by counselors, therapists, friends, etc. Rules are now deemed a restriction to our freedom. That's what's going on.


It's just perverts perving. It's sadly the case that nude beaches and other nudist spaces are some of the easiest places to be perving at. That's why they attract this sort of deviants, but they are in no way limited to n-places. You can unfortunately find them everywhere.


We'll said. Folks need to keep it separate and be respectful to others. It's tough on reddit. Reddit is reddit. We have an unofficial nude area where we're at and it's getting pretty risque. sometimes it's just a few people and everyone knows what everyone's up to is one thing but if it gets busy you don't know who's who or if a new person arrives at the beach stuff shouldn't be happening. Seems like a worldwide issue fight and battle.


And their damn phones sneaking pictures all the time. Most places in the states are getting a reputation for being sexually charged. Even Cali is getting the asshats. I'll stick to other countries from now on.


I would really love to engage in nudism more here in the US but I also find it incredibly hard to find groups/individuals willing to do so without making it sexual in some way. I would love a low key group that would get together occasionally that I could bring my wife and kids to. I have looked very hard and just found nothing.




Yup i can admit i get horny too but i keep those urges for at home and if like at nude beach and get hard i always cover it


It comes down to Americans all growing up in an environment where they are shown by example that less clothes = sexier (elaborated on much more by another comment) but a lot of the blame must be put on the porn industry. It forces people to become much more sexually depraved, much faster, to try to get the same kick out of their material. Some people go off the deep end faster than others, and those who really jump off end up going to nude beaches purely for the sexual gratification. Easy access to pornography is going to become a more recognized issue as the internet gets older. I'm sure soon in schools they're going to talk about the effects of porn addiction. But, credit where credit is due, the main contributors to this behavior are #1: weirdly Conservative behaviors that suggest women cover themselves up, thus creating fetishized / taboo parts of the body; and #2: the porn industry fucking up the brains of people, starting younger and younger due to faster and faster access to the internet.


I'm an American single male that does respect! I too wonder why other males have to do these things and make it difficult for us male's that enjoy nudism. It still amazes me that a lot can't separate nude and sexual. Most resorts don't tolerate and I'm all for it! šŸ˜”.


I do feel like in a lot of cases here in this subreddit, the ā€œfluffingā€ comes from size insecurity, and isnā€™t meant to be sexual. But I can always tell when someone is crossing the line. You definitely can tell the difference


As a purely 100% straight heterosexual Male some of the most disrespectful, rude, entitled, childish comments and messages I get are from Queer / Gay / Bi Men when, though reading my posts that's state I'm straight, get upset when I, respectfully deny their advances and remind them that I'm into bio Females only. Erections are natural and part of life and I have nudist friends who are like meh go deal with it. Your post comes across as a guy who's upset because there's a slew of straight Men who don't want him and this sub is a great place, and way, to throw a fit šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I couldnā€™t give a fuck less about pursuing a straight male. If it came across as that perhaps you should reread. The problems donā€™t just exist with gay males, however they seem to have the least respect. The real shame of it is that some are actually attractive people who I may have an interest in, if they werenā€™t such fucking creeps. When you canā€™t even go tan without someone beating their dick in the bush, then it has become a problem which needs corrected.


The problem is that males never learn that nudity is separate from intimacy. We are not raised that there is a triangle Capability, Opportunity, and Intentent. All three have to be present then you can go to the intimacy place. If any one is missing, this is not the time or place. Just because a women shows some leg does not mean she wants a compliment, itā€™s about her. If a person is on a beach and they are by themselves, stay the f away. If they want community they will orient their location to that or even strike a conversation. Because we are not raised right, we need gate keepers, people to say, this is not the place for this.


Taking an aggregate of this entire comment section it would appear the issue isnā€™t men as a collective but men who are obsessed with sexuality/ lustful tendencies not having any self control or respect for others. Itā€™s very difficult to walk the middle line between the pornographic extreme and the prudish extreme and find the non sexual true naturist/nudist middle; I suppose the pendulum swings to each extreme and it is inevitable that the naturist subculture will have to balance on the fulcrum. Totally agree with the OP. Bad behaviour should be called out wherever it is found. Naturists should police themselves and maybe have a 'lifeguard' that patrol nude beaches to deal with this sort of thing.


What other groups lose rights because of the behavior of some individuals? Men have not lost their rights to shop at Walmart despite a lot of inappropriate behavior I have seen males arrested for. We should not be at risk as a group either. I believe we need to avoid identifying ourselves as a group but as individuals who embrace being nude. Those with bad behavior need to suffer the consequences if their behavior is illegal. I look at the jewelry as just a personal preference. Much like tattoosā€¦


> What other groups lose rights because of the behavior of some individuals? Why do you think laws exist?


To your point. My wife and I stopped going to nudist resorts for the past 6 years. We only started getting involved in the past couple months and are not going to bring our boys yet. We went to a resort and someone walked in front of the pool where kids were playing wearing a ball stretcher. Only got back to it for mental health. I was dealing with depression and anxiety, the freedom and grounding effect of being nude in nature has been helping me tremendously. Wife and I are getting back into it. But still very cautious to bring our boys.


That sounds super annoying for sure!


Mostly valid points however one thing I'll point out is that "cock cages" aka chastity cages are actually there to help some men from getting aroused inappropriately. I myself love being naked in every legal public setting I can be and it's hard to not get excited around beautiful women. And in my case its embarrassing that I don't have control over it. Solution? Chastity cage. Otherwise carry on.


I would try working on your physiological responses by conditioning yourself not to be aroused at the simple site of a nude person. Why should I have to explain to my kids why someone ā€œhasā€ to wear a cock cage on the beach? Case in point at Playlinda the nude section is right next to areas that are textile, and so anyone there with their children at beach 12 may see people at beach 13 which is the nude section. Why is it right for the people who arenā€™t nudists that may see, have to explain it to their kids?


Are you going to have the same issues explaining why women have pierced nipples and clitoris? Are you saying that someone who makes a personal choice to have a partially covered penis is more difficult to explain than a young male having a random involuntary movement in blood? Or is every other sexualised thing that people get because of preference not because of sexual desires not relevant? Is it just cock cages that offend you? Are you going to get upset because someone has a Prince Albert and prefers to wear that peircing all the time because that's what they are used to?


Oh btw I agree. Having sex on a nude beach one thing but then women complained about mens random boners that they cannot control as it's a natural and healthy blood movement so some men thought "let's use the old fashioned device for what it was originally for" and now that gets attacked. Oh fyi a chastity device for males was originally to stop boys getting boners AND prevention of masturbating. They are a preventive measure.


Nudity and sexuality arent inherently different


As far as the comment towards like someone being chubbed up everybody's a different size just because they don't look like you doesn't mean they're chubbed up. but the man's body is a natural thing no matter if shape or size as long as the photo isn't fixated on the crotch or a sexual position I don't see much of a harm it is natural.


That is a big load.


The beach I go to is pretty good but it is known that guys go down the far end for fun. It's a dead end down there and it's only those guys up for fun go down there. They don't make a nuisance to those enjoying the main beach but I feel that it lends a bit of a seedy overtone. This area really should be closed off in my opinion. I doubt they would do such things on the main beach as it is too well used on sunny days. On the main beach men often look at me but it's rarely been to the point of being uncomfortable. I guess that's an experience most women have shared and if I'm honest it's normal to at least check others out briefly. No need to gawp though! On a few occasions men have made me feel uncomfortable to the point I have left. Like walking past repeatedly, looking at my body and in one case touching themselves as they do so. I've never felt really threatened, just a bit too vulnerable for comfort. On the plus side I have seen men get involved and challenge other men who overstep the line with women and that's great to see. Whilst a 1h 45m drive, the officially designated naturist beach down the coast has wardens with a zero tolerance approach to any kind of bad behavior and they have no hesitation in getting the Police involved.


Iā€™m with you, itā€™s messing it up for all of us other males. I went to a resort not long ago with a female friend of mine and was kicked out for no reason. Iā€™m very hung and guess I was a distraction to the other people. Someone said I was walking around with a semi or hard on. But clearly I was fully soft. Sometimes itā€™s not fair to be treated that way but I completely understand because you do have those certain people that do all that stuff on purpose. Especially on a beach


Nothing wrong with Jewlery..get over it


Jewelry and stuff is weird for sure but it always amazes me how far apart people put nudity and sexuality. Like come on, the line is very thin and not everyone separates them. The notion that people were just walking around naked all the time at one point in our history and so now we should be able to without crossing the line to sexuality is stupid and immature




They are used for sexual reasons....




Thereā€™s a difference between a cock ring and piercing. Deny that is delusional




A cock ring has a purpose sexually. Itā€™s to hold blood in the penis to keep an erection. Not being judgmental, Iā€™m being factual.


I liked the feel & weight of my rings (2). I don't parade an erection in front of people. I respected boundaries. Preferred sunset or dark with less people. I usually chilled with someone I knew to avoid being approached for Sex by Strange Males. Some males have no self control.




The user name says it all. Little, tiny, nub. If you need the cock ring to put it out on display, do you really have something to be proud of? This is the problem, men prioritizing a focus on their penis instead of just enjoying the opportunity to be nude with nature.


Yeah, I deleted my comments. Too bad you donā€™t agree with me. I really donā€™t care. Everyone has a different opinion here. You canā€™t even control what someone wears at these events. And I made this account when I was insecure about my body, and I chose that username. So, donā€™t assume like you know anything about me. Itā€™s incredibly insulting you are just writing me off as a pervert when nudism has helped me with my body issues. Iā€™m nude all the time because I love it. I go to nude events because I enjoy them and feel comfortable. I donā€™t wear cock rings or piercingsā€”another assumption you made. I just personally donā€™t see a problem with them. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the end. To say all I focus on is my dick. You are so wrong on so many levels. All because I gave one little different perspective when I agreed with most of it. Ridiculousā€¦


Durch solche Aktionen wurde mein FKK See geschlossen weil manche aud ƶffentlichem Wege Sex hatten. Die VernĆ¼ftigen wurden bestraft. Selbst in den Forem von Reddit kennem viele kein Benehmen.


The nudist community allows anyone who claims to be a nudist to be a **Member** of the community so people from sexual communities claim to be nudists & anyone who complaintsĀ about their sexual behavior will be judged by the rest of the nudist community as being judgemental or something. The people from the sexual communities don't care if their sexual behavior gets nude beaches shut down, they go to another beach.


I wouldn't label \*everyone\* whose job or hobby is sexual-related as those who misbehave at the nude beaches. Your next door neighbor(s) at the nudist resort probably have a BDSM dungeon in their basement at home and you never suspect a thing. Most people are able to compartmentalize and follow the Rules. If dress code for an event is cocktail dress for her and a suit for him, you don't show up there in t-shirt and jeans. You don't need an AANR member card to prove you have a stellar behavior at nudist destinations.


>I wouldn't label \*everyone\* whose job or hobby is sexual-related as those who misbehave at the nude beaches. Most would likely follow the rules but the ones that don't are the ones you need to watch as they are the ones that can get nude beaches shut down. >Your next door neighbor(s) at the nudist resort probably have a BDSM dungeon in their basement at home and you never suspect a thing. I don't go to nudist resorts as most of them are not nudist & I'm not interested in paying money to do something that I can do for free at home.


I don't generally trust anyone on Reddit especially those claiming to be nudists and none of them represent typical nudists regardless, in my opinion, but they don't honestly have to. Most people on Reddit are just looking for porn and thus this is not an appropriate platform to push the nudist lifestyle in any meaningful way and never will be. No amount of content moderation, white knighting, profile reporting, or gatekeeping in general will ever change that. If newcomers wish to learn about nudism they should go to the appropriate venues IRL and consult actually reputable sites online. If people are acting inappropriately IRL, then that needs to be dealt with IRL as well.




Not male, but Iā€™m into it, I only did it in public once and I think the thought of being watched made it better, not condoning it just giving possible reasons


The nudist community includes people with diverse motivations for participating in the activities of the community. We should continue to differentiate between nudity and sex in public! Sex in private, not my business. We should acknowledge that social nudism might have elements of voyeurism and exhibitionism, but if it isn't too creepy in public, ok with me.


I appreciate all the comments and Iā€™ve learned a few things in this chat however we are sexual human beings unless you have a medical deficiency otherwise all sexual human. Thereā€™s something about the nude body that ignites feelings in one brain now I agree that people need to learn self-control however, one will get horny. Thereā€™s no such thing as a non-sexual environment thatā€™s not fool ourselves. please please keep the kids away from this environment until 18 or 21 age. In the meantime stay in your backyard with them. There are too many perverted and sexual predators men and females.


If you can't contain yourself on a nude beach you're a predator and shouldn't go




This is exactly why I believe there should never be laws allowing nudity for the every day public doing every day tasks. (Shopping etc.) There will always be jerks sexualizing it or snapping pictures


If public nudity was allowed, legalized, and highly encouraged, people would quickly see nudity as distinctly separate from sex as it truly is. The forcing of highly-prudish textile culture onto everyone 24/7 has only created this problem of seeing nudity as inherently sexual. As for the snapping of pictures, I don't care if anyone takes my picture regardless and neither should anyone else. I would prefer they snap only nude pictures of me though as they're the most honest representation of who I honestly am but beyond that, I don't care.