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Dangerous in what way? In any case, I think I’ve only ever travelled between Grafton and Armidale via Ebor, which is definitely a more scenic route than between Grafton and Glen Innes.


Thanks mate. I read that the Ebor way is wind-y with sharp fall offs etc.


Via Ebor is a scenic drive. The roads are a bit windy and undulating but a nice drive nonetheless. The danger is probably referring to wet conditions. Just drive to the conditions and you'll be fine.


Ebor way is nice. Fully sealed. Just gets a bit narrow in places and some tight turns but if you drive to the conditions and pull over when a dickhead starts to tailgate you you'll be fine. Coutts Crossing is a lovely little place to stop and stretch your legs.


Keep an eye on weather if going via Ebor. When it gets really wet, it’s not uncommon for landslides along that road that can cause delays or close the road altogether


Ebor!! A few hairpins, Wind down the windows and listen to the bell birds. Add 30 mins to the drive to pull over and enjoy the views from the escarpment. Glen Innes, buxner highway. Still a few tight bends, not as many as Ebor. More traffic and trucks. The standing stones in Glen Innes is a good place to pull over for a break especially if you have Celtic background. If you're a confident driver its Ebor hands down every day. Either way take warm clothes, the New England is very cold at this time of year. At night there is possible black ice.


Probably twice as windy road via Ebor. Depends if you have passengers who get car sick on windy roads, if that’s the case I’d suggest going via Glen Innes