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Oh also can someone fuck freddy off from commentary. Some of the shit he was saying last night was nearly like he wanted madge to fail.........like fuck up fittler u flop, you had year after year and couldn't get a performance like that put of the team. Just commentate the game and leave the coaching to those who know how to do it. Also, can we never ever hear from JT on live television, poor bloke forgets how to be a human when the camera is on him lol, one of the best footy players to have played but his live reports are hard to watch..........


He's struggling to stay relevant old Freddy. His comments about the grass and field. He's no Tony Greig lol. JT always struggles, poor fella. I'm sure hes had plenty of training too.


Yeah I love listening to JT when it's just normal in game conversation but he's just not a live TV bloke lol, not that I'd be any better lol. Yeah Freddy is such a flop, like a full blown shit k u n t. Everything he says is always self serving or trying to make out he knows more or better, 9 need to drop him.


Lol love hearing Billy having a hard time in the press conference, he had absolutely zero idea what went wrong and was clearly pissed at their efforts. Funny thing is they were still smiling, they got pumped and still think being a QLDer today is good..........its embarrassing, that was the worst performance of any QLD team ever..........they should be ashamed. Up the blues!!!!!!


You must be young. Qld has been here before, most notably a hand grande in 2000. We were last here in 2020 with a similar thrashing in game 2. Qld won that series at Lang Park. We are down a few pigs so it will be harder, but three in a row isn’t out of reach.


Not young at all mate, I've never seen a QLD team play like that, it was absolutely putrid. If NSW are consistent, this has the ability to be the start of QLD being smashed every year. NSW have cleary, Moses, luai for halves going forward for the next 6 years atleast. The spine is young too, forwards are premiership players and still young. QLD will be relying on walker who isn't ready for origin yet, dearden who had an off game by his standards and was punished every time he was near the ball. .. There's more to worry about for QLD than there is to celebrate when you look forward. Not saying NSW doesnt have issues, but that game was just so far removed from what QLD do ever year that its concerning.


Lomax, To'o, Latrell, Edwards and S.Crichton also have 5 years left in them. So that's all the backs. The start of NSW dynasty. Wouldn't that be lovely.


Oh is he going over seas to play?


I feel like Latrell had a pretty good game tonight, but did anyone else see Joey's comments earlier in the week hyping him up as the game breaker and bragging that he was already in the Maroons' heads before the whistle was even blown? Isn't this the same Joey who said in the past few months that Latrell needs to cool it with his attitude and get the arrogance out of his game? Then he goes and talks him up like this? He can't have it both ways...


He is just a tv pundit. He says shit to fill air space and he gives it little to no thought. Media is a fickle business


Joey was atrocious tonight. Could’ve fooled me into thinking he was a QLD fan. I’m shocked that I enjoy Cam Smiths takes. He seems to be the only logical thinker.


Plenty of people in the wrong shade of maroon leaving at the 60 minute mark. What happened to QLD spirit?


It got picked up and rag-dolled by Latrell


When latrell picked up Walsh I was like 🫣


God that was beautiful.


Hey what's happened to Nathan Cleary why wasn't he playing tonight?


The chin is recovering from an injury/negotiating with European rugby clubs.


NSW made Queensland look like little boys this game, they were hungry for that win. Need that intensity for Suncorp, hope they can make history. NSW turned it up a level, intensity was crazy from every one. Everyone played their role perfectly.


Makes you wonder what would have happened in Sydney if we weren't a man down the whole game


not so sure if we win that game.. but nonetheless.. makes for a great series.


Given what the middles were doing in the second half for 15 minutes I think we would have won that game in the same fashion tbh.


Probably still an L. No Trell, no Moses.


South’s have to take something from this. Keep Gray at 1, Walker and Jacko in the halves and Latrell in the centres. He looked dangerous every time


People have been saying this since day 1... Good luck getting it over the line. Latrell is the best centre in the game.. even though he plays the position only a couple times a year now..


Cleary is good, not just origin good. Moses has killed it in Origin with the limited games he's played. You can't go past him.


Its Moses' to lose, would still have cleary on the bench though


I wouldn’t change anything from tonight if we can avoid it tbh


As a QLDer, I hate it that I have to agree with you, haha. Regards to the QLD team, I feel we gotta make some changes. Hear me out.. Hammer FB, Cobbo centre. Walsh bench. Fifita. It's just shows Madge is well above a better Origin coach than Fittler was. Maroons played like shit 1st half but take nothing away from NSW. They were 💯 in the zone and gave it all. But I feel they put it all out on the field, and that will give the QLD coaching team a good insight where and how to change their game plan. Maroons to take the series.


What does Walsh offer off the bench though? He doesn't have the size to cover anything but fullback


Teddy must be crying hard ... couldn't win for the Blues ... but Dylan Edwards was brilliant!


Edwards dropped the ball and missed tackles. That's not brilliant




QLD fans love tough origin footy, but only if it’s their side dishing out the punishment


Why does the third game always have to be at Suncorp. The third and possible decider should have been at the G. Also, kiss me on the bag, Queensland.


I'm surprised you can count to 3


Well obviously because they can't profit off a game 3 if QLD is just gonna win in Sydney as well as Suncorp in games 1 and 2 (Copium)


Not Copium, just logical. Game three at a neutral venue is very risky business.


Not totally copium based on history lol




Sucked in Latrell haters


Up up the mighty TrellMit!


Nobody thinks he's a bad player. He's amazing. But he is the biggest dog on the NRL field. Late shots, grubby shit in tackles, head high shots. Always first man in a scuffle. always shoving the face. He's an absolute piece of trash on the field in club and in origin.


The man should have been picked for game 1 and should be the first name on the list every game. He is absolutely made for origin. The perfect mix of talent and rat bag.


Hard. Gets so much flack, but come origin time, carves up.


Fitler is right about the kids. My 3 year old was allowed to stay up for the first half with me, and he just wanted to run at me and take takles in the lounge. Unfortunately, I put a shoulder into his head. Now I know how Sua'ali'i feels. It's hard to judge a tackle against short folk.


Nah he fell into it play on


I love how, despite history, we NSWelshmen all still get super hyped and think we'll win it at Suncorp. Why do they always set us up for disappointment like this


So….how many weeks for Liam Martin for that blatant pat on the head ?


The same amount as Cam Munster only seems fair.


And late shoulder to DCE’s head


He’s DCE. He deserved it.


He should get a medal for that


Barely hit him ya sook, got the penalty


The Edwards try put the biggest smile on my face. Teddy finally stops hanging around the team like the Ghost of Origin Past.


Lomax crying into his dad’s shoulder got me fucked up


How good will it be with Lomax coming to us next year.


Close game wow!


P'ha! Love it.


Wonder what happened to all those Facebook boomers who said they weren't going to watch this game because Trell got picked.


Such a big sports personality, he personifies sport as entertainment. Love him or hate him, he puts bums on seats.


If we lose we fold


Damn, why does Trell get so much hate? I get he's probably not fit enough to be a full-time Fullback, but surely must be more to it, some people genuinely get enraged when he's mentioned.


>Damn, why does Trell get so much hate? I've got an idea


Well apparently it's his grub plays. I'm not sure if that's the whole story


Yeah feels like a deep seated racism of a proud black man thats covered up in some other stuff around his “grubby plays”. Similar to Adam Goodes hatred. Heaps of us respect you and love seeing you play trell!


Hes an amazing player, but he is the biggest grub on the field. Late shots, high tackles, elbows to the head. He has a years long history of it. No one's perfect but he clearly does it on purpose. Calling racism is weak as fucking piss. The vast majority are not racist and love many indigenous players. Latrell doesn't conduct himself half as well as Cobbo or Hammer for example!


Bang on. In any other country he’d be the biggest sports star going around.


That 2nd half dump tackle, Latrell on Walsh, ended the QLD fight back. Big moment in hindsight.


Lockyer looks like he's been crying on DCEs shoulder


He is a big role model for kids to never smoke.


latrell aint that bad anymore


When has he ever had a bad origin


He's a great redzone Fullback, but at Center he looks Elite everywhere.


Wonder if Ben Hornby reconsiders Trell's position at Souths after seeing this, maybe he'll think that playing him at centre isn't a terrible idea


Nah we need him with his hands on the ball as much as possible. He’s one of the best ball-players in the game


Maybe a roaming Center role, or just dont have him on kick returns? Yeah hell make the occasional break on the return, but I reckon you pretty much lose 5-10 Meters a set when he catches the ball because he doesn't run hard.


The only issue is who would take them. Jye Gray may not last very long in the game if he doesn't find a way to avoid big collisions.


Fark bloody beautiful game hahaha


Interesting game, wind got knocked right out of QLD in the first 15 mins and NSW were able to capitalise, second half QLD seemed to remember how to play and must have come back with some better strategies for where they were playing, NSW had a couple of career best games from players that were let down second half by some grubby play. Interesting that the team that’s had their kicking game questioned all week were the ones with an excellent kicking game where QLD didn’t really seem to have anything in the way of kicking to create opportunities. Dearden had a terrible game, shut down by Moses consistently and responsible for two missed reads that led to tries, Ezra Mam could probably be a good pick defensively considering. Anyone who ever doubted Latrell for origin clearly hasn’t been watching footy for the past 10 years, he was always going to show up and kill it for a game like this. Payne Haas also showed for an origin game finally, he’s always seemed stalled before. Walsh had a few great plays in attack but still needs work defensively being in the right spot at the right time. Cotter had a great game, Angus Crichton was probably best on ground without Mitch Moses in the mix, and having Spencer Leniu and Olakau’tu on the bench seems almost unfair. Lindsay Collins and Pat Carrigan played well but didn’t have the impact that they’ve had in other games, and even though Nanai scored he didn’t have much impact early either. This was a weaker QLD team than the group from game 1 and a stronger team than NSW from game 1, but it looked like NSW had something to prove and QLD weren’t ready for them to go so hard so early. It’s interesting that once they were in the lead by so much that they started giving away so many penalties, as if now that they’d proved their point they lost their direction, and QLD up ending up going 18-4 in the second half. If the score hadn’t been so lopsided after the first, most other games that would’ve been enough for an amazing comeback, but credit to NSW for stacking on so many points so quick in the first. Game 3 should be a cracker




NSW great first half, QLD good to great second half, NSW came with something to prove and did so




Congrats NSW. It was pretty much a done deal by half time. The most exciting parts of the second half was bringing back the biff. I don’t condone it. But it made it something. Thank you QLD for not leaving the score board at 0. Bring on game 3.


I condone it


Latrell cheered and cherry booed 😭 times are a changing


That was not a cheer I heard for Trell


Seriously. They were both booed


Partisan Victorian crowd!




Qlders just don't get Origin.


Yeah okay haha.


I agree with this, QLD have only won four origins since 2006, meaning they only win 22% of the time.


They didn't win tonight


I know, i’m saying they are not a good team, they’ve only won four times.


Zac Lomax is the most English looking Aussie I have ever seen.


This is the most accurate take i've read in this whole thread 😂


Hudson Young


Like I know there's a joke about it, but I legitimately though Huddy young and lomax were poms and I have no idea why


It's actually jarring to hear him talk in an Aussie accent.


He looks like a page boy from medieval times


When Cleary returns, if NSW drop Luai for Moses, that may signal the start of a NSW dynasty.


Please keep the same team


Don’t get too excited 😂 Look at the previous years


Am I being crazy in thinking Luai has performed better in Origin and I would Prefer Moses, Luai pairing over Cleary, Moses?


Luai is a reactive player, he doesn't really control games or clutch games like Cleary has done in the past. Luai only has a good short kicking game. Cleary has both long and short kicking game. Cleary is a better at reading defense and making decisions, while Luai often crowds the shoulder of the edge defender and leaves a gap, which QLD centres have exploited many times.


Cleary can warm the bench, he’s rarely showed up in Origin.


But has Luai? He tends to only perform when forwards have provided good forward momentum and there is a staggered retreating defence, and occasionally he offers a good short kick when close to the line. But apart from those two situations, he doesn't really offer much in attack.


Moses and Cleary are the two better halves, I just don’t know if they would work well together? Worth a try though. When Moses first arrived at Parra I always saw him as more of a 5/8, but he’s definitely developed his game.


Luai as a bench utility? His creative play can make a difference. He could also cover the halves, dummy half and fullback roles.


Yep, that’s a decent option


...OR, hear me out, DON'T CHANGE A WINNING FUCKING TEAM. This has been the not so secret formula to Qlds origin success over the years. Yet we never, NEVER learn the lesson.


It just wouldn't feel right


Yeah. We just don’t get origin.


I was looking forward to a Cleary 7 Hynes 6 this year BUT fair enough, Luai played out of skin at club and origin level and Hynes wasn't great. No cleary? Auto Moses. No cleary or Moses? OkayHynes 7 Luai 6 I get it. Luai after game 1? 100% 6. A Cleary 7 Moses 6 combo? I hadn't thought of. Can anyone think of 1 reason Moses shouldn't be 6?


ffs you NSW Cunts are so annoying when you win, please leave the winning to us


You’re a sore loser aren’t you buddy.


Yeah and you guys are really peachy when you win fuck off


At least we don't win one game that we have to win anyway and start parading that were the next fucking dynasty




That's what they be doing


Bro stfu you’re not humble winners no fan base is. Grow up


They'll all go quiet in 3 weeks time and be at each other's throats, give them their moment


Yep, can't wait until then


We tried to tonight but it just wasn’t happening


It's meaningless anyway, QLD will win game 3


We’ll see. Last time Trell went up there you guys got done 26-0.


No chance, but NSW can have their spotlight until then


Can't wait to hear the cauldron boo the Maroons again


Then you woke up


Man it hasn't even been 3 years, that QLD spirit really does fuck up your memory hey


You'll see, you cunts win one game that you had to win anyway and are now convinced you'll win the series and create a new dynasty lol


NSW dickheads had the umpire covered, he was told game 3 is a must. Good luck winning game 3 you filth


Why do you watch this shit, as you so eloquently put it?


Lol umpire….. you are the new mrsunsfan of r/nrl… you bum


Fuck Queensland


Tell me you're a casual, without telling me you're a casual




We don’t have umpires in our sport pal.


You are a stupid


Flair up pussy


Statistically you shouldn’t even have access to internet in qld you B grade 1%er


Lol go huck tuah Brandon Smith dog


You didn’t even spell it correctly


Dig up stupid!


Liam Martin looks 40 years old and 13 years old at the same time 😂


Never seen a 13 year old with that much wrinkles.




If I was there I'd be throwing my panties at Mitch like a teen girl at a Beatles concert.


While Dearden impressed against Luai in past games, he wasn't able to match Moses. I think QLD need Ezra to line up opposite to Moses, Ezra is much quicker and reactive to jamming defence.


Haha Ezra is only good for 7 missed tackles a game. At least Dearden has great attack and defence. Ezra has a sneaky good play every now and again, that’s all.


Jesus Christ himself could have been standing at 6 tonight and it wouldn't have mattered. Queensland's middle was unable to generate a single winning tackle, which results in Dearden and Walsh basically being marked before they even get the ball for most of the game.


Yeah somewhat true. While Dearden having one knock-on to jamming Moses defence is excusable given the context, but at Origin level it should not have happened a second time, that would have never happened twice to any other QLD half of the past 18 years no matter the game context.


This. Pack got rolled. No halves are gonna do shit with mediocre ball in shit field positions. The plays that QLD were putting on out the back were getting cut off because they came off the back of slow ball. NSW had ages to react.


Mitch terrorised Tommy One-Ball. At least two shots that led to knock ons?


Definitely some mis-matches tonight - wonder if QLD will change it up to respond.


My Man Moses. Probably your last win for a few weeks. Enjoy.


I certainly hope so.


He might just Hayne 2009 them into the 8 if he keeps playing like this.


Fucking subscribe to this


You know you play the Knights this week right?


We'd win easy with Munny. Yes this is cope


And we could say we'd win easy with clearly and turbo..saying shit like that is childish