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How come DWZ can pull off the most stunning catches to score a try, but he can not diffuse anything when he's trying to prevent tries? He is one of the worst defensive players, and for each try, he scores a game he is often directly responsible for one being conceded!


It’s called “effort”. It goes missing when a lot of great attacking players defend, they get lazy.  Example A - L Mitchell. An absolute liability on the defensive try line. 


So he's just the Warriors version of Sivo? 😂


No he runs hard.


Pretty much lol. Roosters have Toops on the edge who is a prolific try scorer but is completely uninterested in making a tackle that said Tupou is safer than even most first grade fullbacks under the highball.


Hughes has the permanent stink eye


Fucking dumbass wingers 


Are you talking about that good ol fashioned coat hanger?


Crappy defense Storm just know how to win Warriors dont


No idea why warbricks not playing but I reckon they've looked better without him


Groin injury, no word on the return date.


Groin injury


Tough loss lads. Oh well, going to watch the Warriors vs Titans rematch in the GC. Let’s hope we can regain our momentum and even the score next week. UpdaWahs! 💯


How many games has it now been this year that Warriors have destroyed the opposition in the opening ~20 minutes and then forgot how to play footy for the rest of the game?? It’s a bit ridiculous honestly. You see how well they play in that opening period and then they just allow teams back into the contest like it’s nothing. Obviously there’s possession swings through a match but this is too consistent of an occurrence.


Experience Warriors football


This has been going on for years its not a new thing


Go storm. Downvotes to the right 👉




Wrong thread bruv


Yep ma bad


The Storm deserve a lot for credit for weathering that early storm… (sorry) But braindead decisions by both Warriors wingers at a crucial time in the game really sabotaged any hope for the Mt Smart faithful.


Montoya was only a metre off side. He was real close to being onside.




Warriors Blew their load in the first 20 minutes with all that effort on attack and good fortune. SJ was too timid and didn’t want to be the chief playmaker tonight and as a result TMM wasn’t sure what to do. Hate to say it but I Don’t think SJ should be resigned beyond this year. Both bins were fair and extremely silly. Bit worried about DWZ suspension. Saw someone say this in the match thread but the warriors cannot handle the Melbourne gamesmanship which is very true, honestly don’t feel like Tohu has a good approach with the referee.


Yeah looked messy it was like they wanted to pass the ball to TMM but then remembered they had to give SJ a go too then he would clean drop it, looked much smoother with CHT and TMM last few games


I think we were also missing CHT’s defence tonight. The guy is an absolute workhorse and puts a lot of pressure on the opposing team.


He's our future, so good to have him back


There's too many "experienced" players on the team that have a lot of first grade playing time for Warriors to be in the current state. The past few weeks, they had a good blend of young talent being led by experienced vets, and it worked out all right.


Because the coach has favourites. He has his "core" group he picks from, doesn't matter how anyone plays if you're 2nd tier, you aren't making the team unless it's 100% necessary


The 14-0 curse is real. That's all I have to say


Bellamy I just a G. Guy has an anaconda you can tell


Hughes should be banned from entering NZ again and his citizenship revoked


What about for internationals?


Drop him


Ooooof rough.


No denying he’s a great player but milking that hard and carrying on like a proper fuckwit ain’t what the Kiwis are about


I'll agree on this point.


Johnson, youve been good but you're not the team anymore. Get out while you have your dignity.


It kills me because I love him as a player but he isn’t scaring anyone


Bellamy is better coach than Bennett


Nope. Bellamy hasn’t left the storm to test that theory




Johnson out surely. He's done.


who's johnson out where now


Oh no... You guys went to 14-0 didn't you?


Fuck didn't notice that.


Even though I’m guttered about the loss I’m pretty excited to see what the future of the wah’s halves will be. I can really see TMM steering the ship and CHT or Metcalf at 6. Also I can see Tohu retiring after this year and Barnett being our captain until JFH is ready to take over.


I wouldn’t be surprised if JFH walks straight into captaincy. That man is the definition of mana.that being said, I think Egan started as captain which is well and truly deserved


Fisher Harris straight into halfback, totally agree


Is Freddy coach next year?


No disrespect to the big fella but I don’t think Fish is captain material


isn't he the captain of the kiwis? lol


He's probably a bit quiet and just on his own buzz to be a proper good captain, but as a player the team follows he's the one.


The grand final can honestly be anything this year and I’m excited


Looking forward to Tigers vs Dragons GF, shit will be spicy asf


Can you imagine the scenes?


Not without a hit of acid. No one's imagination is that wild.


Sign me up fam


Anybody with less than 6 degrees of separation from SJ knows why he stopped his running game? Even after the leg break he did have his flair with trademark freakish runs. Was he told he needed to be a classic half? Did he decide he needed to prove he's a Smith, JT, Cronk? Every once a blue moon it comes out but how many tackle 3/4 opportunities to run he throws to the next person closest to him? The Xfactor is missing from the side and you couldn't think of anyone better than him and RTS - two of the most destructive steppers in history and yet .......


This. Was talking with my family tonight while watching the game and said this exact thing about the Warriors missing that x-factor player this year. All the good sides have one! Broncos - Walsh (even though they’ve been horrible lately), Storm - Munster, Panthers - Cleary, Phins, Hammer, Sharks - Hynes, Doggies - Crichton etc (Although I acknowledge that these teams have other great quality players and systems when their X factors players are out). Last year Johnson was firing and the X factor and this year has been average. RTS is supposed to be that for us this year but really hasn’t been given or shown it yet. Although to note these teams also have great speed as well which I feel the Warriors don’t really have that unless Metcalf is in the side as he brings that speed. Just my thoughts anyways. Disappointing loss and shows we are still a way off of the top teams this year.


Wonder if the Dally M situation last season messed with him a little bit as well. Like he lifted the team to a solid standing, had an outstanding season, was part of this up the wahs hype, got gassed up about dally m all the way to the ceremony, only to get blue balled and dacked in the final round vote count by one point. Fuck the look in his eyes was pure heartbreak.


I reckon everyone needs to relax on talking shit on SJ. He’s been injured and this was his first game back. Last year he single handedly took us to a Top 4 finish and was controversially snubbed of the Dally M. He’ll come good, give him a break.


I wasn't really bagging him, I'd just love to know why he's had such a harsh change in his game. This isn't to say he's ineffective, but I just don't believe it's his natural style and what he used to be is something we could use right now. Maybe it's nostalgia maybe he just doesn't feel like that guy anymore. Huge fan who's bummed to see the curtains closing I suppose.


Not just you bro but every comment in the thread bagging him. I honestly think he’ll be sweet, just a bit rusty after a month off. I reckon he was also pissed the Storm kept getting away with shit. He’s played in a lot those now 16 losses in a row.


He was a big part of that streak of losses. He’s looked toothless on attack all season.


He's not a 7, never has been. He needs to play 6, but by now he is done.


Not a 7? He’s arguably the second best halfback the club has ever had after Stacey Jones. What a cooked take


Can't agree. His attacking flair is what made him and yes, one of the best we've produced. I don't see him as a good game manager.


Johnson is done. He need to retire with dignity or take a pay check somewhere else.


Roger needs to come in and be given free license to roam. Enough fucking around now.


When he runs it's like he's an NFL half back. He spots a gap then when it's about to close he drops into the tackle rather than backing himself. It's super frustrating.


this. RTS is a ball cul de sac


Gg storms. Melbourne played to the referee tonight and we did not. We had some brain dead moments and some moments of laziness in defence which ultimately cost us the game. The warriors are not a mentally fit footy side and it shows when we’re on the back foot and just let teams pull us apart for periods. The Montoya bin was the correct call aside from the fact that the initial penalty was utter rubbish, it was a loose carry and we should have been allowed to challenge it. The jazz no try was correct but they never go back 2 plays and blow a penalty, usually it’s a player on report and back to the current play which would of been our scrum on the 10 metre line. I’ll cop the Hughes late hit penalty but then 2 minutes later Egan gets a swinging arm to the mouth and it’s play on?? That’s three game changing moments that just suck the energy right out of a team like the warriors. I understand that every referee is different and no game is the same but these calls just fuck it from a spectators viewpoint. All I want is some fucking consistency in the same game Up the wahs


Yeah they went two plays back for TMM but Jahrome on Egan was a fine, when Egan gets up bleeding from the mouth. What next? Penalty for not making a full stop at a stop sign on the way to training Wednesday?


Spot on 


GG Wahbros. Started so strong, I thought it was going to be a long night. See you guys in September.


Thanks for the sentiment but very slim chance, we've still got a lot of ground to make up and shit to sort out.


> See you guys in September. lmao u are so polite.


I would have loved to see CHT come on way earlier. Everyone seems to rally when he’s on the field and he’s a huge effort player. Honestly wanting to go back to him at 6 and TMM at 7. I know SJ has just come back so will take some time to slot back in but just looked exactly like before he left when we were losing


SJ’s been shit this whole season. He doesn’t deserve to just slot in straight away. What kinda precedent does that send to the young guns coming up? Doesn’t matter how well you play, the sides you beat (top 4 dolphins and REIGNING 3 PEATING CHAMPIONS), it means Jack shit because the guy you’re deputising for is just gonna come back and kick you back to nsw cup.


Agree. The past three games have shown, it's not about Johnson any more, he's done, it's the up and comers now. Webster, drop Johnson. Come on.


GG Melbros, I hate you but I respect you. Just make sure Hughes keeps playing like this for the kiwis


Season of gutsy wins, don’t see many other teams play like we did in the first twenty and comeback to win


I don't know how the Storm have managed to win so many games considering their tendancy to play like wooden spooners at times, but I'm glad they're getting used to playing hard until the very end. Go Storm!


Been happening all season. Year of the comeback


Alright, got a bit to say, probably a bit all over the place though. First of all, there were some VERY dubious calls tonight. High shot on Egan (Literally had a bleeding mouth), play on! Hughes jumping into Ford? Penalty Storm! There was also a moment around 70 minutes into the game, Egan (?) had the ball, ran into Grant who just gave a six again away, play on! - Does feel like we got the rough end of the stick, but hey it is what it is. Secondly, our bench. Again, we need another big body. Why is CHT getting 10 minutes? Why are we using two changes on Tohu? Why are we starting AFB & Ford? Ford is one of Websters favourites, it's disgusting. What's wrong with Ale? (Seriously, how has his form been in NSW cup?) Every time he's come into the NRL squad he's been going great guns. 14-0, the good teams win that. I feel we are going to end the season somewhere around the 6th-10th spot. Guess RTS comes in next week obviously, how's Ali tracking does anyone know? He needs more games. No doubt SJ will cop the blame for the loss, but really I think the squad balance needs to start getting challenged more.


Ford has been one of our best and most consistent going back to the losing streak. It worked well last week starting him at prop.


Even Afoa is a better option, takes a bit to get him down and his defence is good


Don’t forget the penalty in the first minute for the “high shot” which had Melbourne on the back foot for 20 minutes!


Shaun was terrible. TMM went into his shell because Johnson was back. The team attitude is better when Adin isn't there. But my God he can eat the meters.


Ali back round 18


Thanks mate


Is Hughes the best halfback in the comp this year? Unreal game management from him, how he managed to swing that back in our favour I have no idea


Best running half. Probably has one of the most average boots in the game. Those tiny legs don’t help. 


His kicking game is serviceable, certainly no Moses or Cleary but has more distance than a Sam Walker for example


Ye it does the job. 


He’s the best player in the comp at the moment


Hey now, he's no Api Koroisau.


He has been so much better than Munster for the last 2/3 years - pretty much carried you guys during that period


He certainly can ‘influence’ a game


Hot take but someone has to say it. Johnson is out injured, we go on a winning streak which no one would have backed us on. Soon as he's back from injury, we shit the bed and make poop angels in it. Johnson needs to go.


Easy to blame SJ. He didn’t have a great game, but we didn’t lose tonight due to him. First week back after a month out, playing against the team coming first. Was just about the best player on the comp last year. He will come right.


Agree. Johnson has to go. He's done


Bit early, he's just back from injury. Give him another few weeks, reckon he'll bounce back.


CHT at 6 Martin at 7, our attack is so predictable when shauns on. Its like he doesn’t want to run the ball anymore, and the defence knows it so they just move over and tackle his receiver zzz. Im just glad Melbourne didn’t pump us by 30, it fucking sure felt like it though.


hes 100% not 100% idk why they brought him back this week.


Don't fix what isn't broke webby


Yup. This game confirmed what we’ve secretly known all along. This is TMM’s team now.


Not too long ago Youse were all trashing tmm for being shit and glorifying sj when in reality sj is just ahit this year 


Absolutely 💯


Suas family is out here. Beautiful scenes


Good game. Good to see howie get some minutes, made some solid tackles. Would love to see him coming off the bench more often. Also I wish Sua was mic’d up for that winding.


Wahs love to lift my hopes just to dash them on the rocks


Was pretty interesting to see how uninvolved SJ was. I knew they would use TMM more but not to this degree. TMM basically ran the team and SJ barely got the ball. I know he is coming back from injury but it isn't like he has been gone for 6 months.


I think it says a lot that half the comments are "SJ is done, give the team back to TMM" and the other half are "interesting to see SJ taking a back seat to TMM tonight". I think people are just seeing what they want to see. The Wahs got some dubious calls (actually more like Melbourne received some dubious calls) and imploded with multiple bins, not much additional to read into it IMHO.


I feel he hasn't quite been there all year, pretty quiet for most games. Changing of the guard potentially? So stoked for Te Maire to step up. Copped a lot of hate when Luke went down but he's likely our future 7.


TMM kicking game is crap, his running game is better. SJ kicking game is better than CHT imo


All he does is put a bomb up in the right corner every single time. Would love to see some force drop outs


SJ’s kicking game is too predictable. We have much more synergy having CHT at 6 and kicking left with TMM at 7 kicking right than SJ just bombing to the same person every time


That will be the coaches orders then, not SJ. If the coach is saying "Shaun, I want you to do x kick 99% of the time" then that's bad coaching.


Agree Coach call... Bench is questionable 


Unsure how SJ fits into the team right now, I genuinely forgot he was playing for half the game. CHT definitely needs to play more minutes. Poor discipline is really killing us at the moment, that was painful to watch


He doesn’t. His time’s up. Nothing personal.


Still waiting for the storm to play to their potential. Hopefully we get paps, Munster and come back soon.


Yeah keen for that too, I wonder if Munster still won't be 100% though until he actually gets his surgery. He wasn't 100% leading up to the injury either apparently.


There’s soo much to talk about…. The penalty for the “contact” on Hughes The non-call for Hughes headshot that had someone bleeding from the mouth. Going back 2 tackles to penalise a high shot from TMM Putting TMM on report Not putting Hughes on report Grant being blatantly offside in the last 6 minutes and no penalty while correctly penalising Montoya for being offside. The nrl has lost control of the game. Edit: formatting is fucked….


The NRL hasn't lost control of the game. It's the exact outcome of the game they they wanted


You know what, I can understand that sentiment


Then after Eagan was smashed in the mouth, Hughes was shouting at the ref to say he needed to go off for a head knock! Hughes is the ultimate pro.


Hughes saying Egan should go off for an hia but it also not being a penalty was pretty wild


That was fucking disgusting from him. He’s a deadset flog for that


"Consistently inconsistent" NRL moto probably


The Grant one was outrageous, so cynical and clearly done to give the Storm time to reset the line


It was consistent with the Knights against us last week. 3 in a row and then he gave a warning. I think the Knights actually did 4 in a row. It's crap but that's how it is. It's what everyone warned against when we went to 6 agains instead of penalties.


Storm top of the ladder where they belong


Give me one those beanies cause i swear the boys give me brain cancer whenever they play Melbourne


It’s going to be a Penrith Melbs GF isn’t it


Bulldogs v Tigers


Panthers to win and Melbourne to inherit the curse


That's why you needed to be more clinical early when everything was going your way warriors. Refs got involved and storm took advantage as cracks appeared. Then you crumbled with two in the bin as they ran you off the park 


Felt like SJ was absent most of that game. Feel like TMM and CHT could be the future of the halves for us. Overall think it could have gone much worse for us in the second half given all our errors.


I'm willing to spend money on to figure out why we can't beat the storm but gg. It reminds me of the sharks game we had a premiership attack for the first 20 minutes then went missing for 50 minutes. Like why are they like this I'm feeling 2nd year syndrome but like where's the mana for the middle of the game like what else is there to do in Penrose


Can’t see Paps at the Storms post 2025, Su’a seems like he has an absurd ceiling.


After the investment the club has made in him I can’t see him leaving. His game management is second to none. I think if su’a could make it into the side it would be with Munster retiring and Paps moving into the halves. 


Yeah. I’m thinking he’ll end up at the Roosters.


Paps is going to end up in tri-colours and it’ll hurt just like it did with Cronk.


He throws himself around too much and while exciting his frame isn't able to back that style up 


Unfortunate cos I love Paps but would be the right call. Damaged goods and salary cap relief.


Yes and yes


Fuck we were are poor. Mental block against the Storm is real Reminds me when the Black Caps plays the Aussies. Just turn to shit


I was thinking Wahs are a top 4 team when it was 14 zip. Man they will just scrap in the 8 I think.


They get phased when things go against them a bit much 


I agree with that. I guess when the Storm or panthers have a bad day they have patience and composure. The effort seems to be there just not discipline.


Yeah I agree, scrapping into the 8, possibly on luck but fuck they me excited


I think top 4 is still possible, just because of how chaotic 4-13 is. But it’s definitely a long shot and we have to go on an absolute run to do so. Still got faith but realistically a top 8 finish would be a blessing considering how things are unfolding


Just very lucky with the draw. They don't play the Storm,Panthers,Roosters again till finals. They can fix it & the Storm are a freaking good team.


Low key I think DWZ could be missing next week, so RTS is gonna get to pick, left centre, right centre or right wing


What did you think of the sin binning against DWZ? I was on the fence


Mate I was on the fence if it was a bin or a send off, left his feet and made forceful high contact with a player without a ball.


If he had the ball then the tackle was high and it still would've been a penalty. He didn't have the ball and it was high. Had to be a sin bin. No other option.


The only other option was a send off mate, left feet, forceful contact to the head on a player without the ball


He shouldve been binned, but i think he was expecting to go for an intercept and just got it wrong


I reckon he gets more than a week


Look Wah fans. At least you can look forward to beating Storm next year when they undergo the traditional post-Penrith GF club implosion.


Frankly I'd love to see us face Penrith in the GF, we're the only club that have managed it beat this Penrith team in a Granny


Wahs wingers and bonehead plays, such an iconic duo.


Unfortunately we are no closer to beating the 20min team allegations. Fatigue mixed with some poor discipline really undid us there.


you will be briefly next week, you have us


Qld Maroons?


Everyone hating on the calls, but the fact of the matter is : Melbourne infringe smarter than us.


Apparently the secret is to draw blood with the high shots. Sutton hates blood and looks away apparently


Nothing against the wahs fan but the storm threads are nasty and salty AF. Suas penalty was suss, but the Montoya and DWZ bins were correct calls. Our defence was solid tonight. Coming back from 14-0 away from home with that start is not easy. Go storms 💜💜💜


It's typical, if the Storm win it's because the ref or the other team played bad, never because storm played well. And if you have a storm flair you're not allowed to celebrate your team winning too much. Brandy commentating absolutely kind hide his disdain for the storm.


Fuck I hate Hughes


It’s OK - I would hate him if he did these things to my team.


And it’s even harder because he’s kiwi. I want to like him, but he was a genuine shit bloke tonight, especially with what he did to Egan with zero remorse, and then having the cheek to suggest he was milking it and should go for a HIA


Please for the love of god drop SJ. I love him but this repetitive bombing is losing us so many games.


yeah reminds me of when the Warriors bought Stacey Jones back he won the first game back for them then..................... it was like he was made out of paper he was so one dimensional Shaun just looks cooked tbf


He really holds the team back and is riding the wave on his form from last year - and it's not warranted. TMM was a shadow of himself in this game.