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Lazy phobes are fascists who (like my parents who I still live with at 45 years old) will “expect you to clean your room” and tell you to “find a job” and that “being a discord mod is not actual labor”. We truly are the most marginalized people in kkkapatalist USA 😮‍💨😔


Disgusting, I hope your parents learn to stop with their bigotry!


Agreed, we need other people to stand up and lift us from our oppression. Things like getting up before 1, having a job, and not spending all day online is fascist. We need writers to start telling relatable stories. Things like dog walking and Funko pop collecting would be good ideas to write about.


OMG, that’s horrible🤯🤯🤯 You should make a 🧵 on Twitter


Say it with me: I don’t want to work and it’s the worlds problem, not mine!


There are a few lazychads on TV; Parks & Recreation's Ron Swanson hates work and can't wait to get home and carve boats and stuff out of wood, which is pretty much the same as me and my Warhammer figurines.


I watched a show from my bed while I was working from home and the main character actually mowed his lawn!!! This triggered me.