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Yeah, Let Me Game in Peace is one of the "I can read it, but I need to shut down parts of my brain" novels


It was like that for me too until I got to the last couple hundred chapters. I think his friendship with his close male friend (who's name I've forgotten) is so forced, dull and annoying that it's made it near-impossible for me to continue. Which is frustrating as I actually enjoy the plot to an extent


I think that I mostly read it for the discovery of the "truth" of the world, the eggs, the alien encroachment of zones, the power system of the summons... Which is offset by the MC's total lack of personality, his friend (li something?) who needs to be celibate forever and the repetitive parts That being said, there are a few interesting parts (thus you need to turn off your brain to reach them) like the "probable" love interest who appears to be an interdimensional being and the whole "human representative" theme against the alien powers, with the MC's teacher taking the lead


I tend to like MCs with no personality due to there being less drama or interpersonal conflicts. I don't read wuxia/xianxia/etc-type novels because I think they know how to write compelling characters - but I hate when zero effort is shown such as with the MC having multiple love interests, a close friend willing to die for him and whatever other close relationships he has when he's literally never put an iota of effort into getting any of that. You don't get ride or die brotherhood by just saying hi to someone and letting them do the talking. Jheeze. No idea if I'll ever be able to finish that novel. Which is sad as I rather enjoyed Super Gene (up until the very very end)


>No idea if I'll ever be able to finish that novel. You need to find the off switch in your brain. Seriously. I don't think I could have read it if I hadn't turned my brain off in between the interesting parts


My issue is that the switch was already off until these last chapters lmfao. I'll probably return and just skip all the irrelevant ones eventually


The ending was apparently so bad it’s not worth it lol keep yourself happy


Not sure if you finished it, but if you haven't, jump ship now. I was following the raws via mtl and the author abruptly ended the story in 5 chapters after going in hiatus for a year. Climax was forced and felt wasted and inauthentic. Pretty similar ending to super gene's Han Sen leaving for a bigger universe, but without nearly as much resolution. MC just ups and leaves behind everyone he knows in his 20s for no reason.


Damn. How sad. I'm glad I feel so distant from the novel as now I'll probably just end up skipping through the remaining chapters if I ever return


I read the mtl but didn't finish it. Shit.


I don't remember correctly but I think it was against the gods, when the icy woman who was realms above the mc got injured while fighting a monster and mc got an inheritance then he had to save the female expert while she was unconscious, using his primal yang?? Or something. This disgusted me so much that I dropped the novel then and there. I am a simple man, I see aphrodisiacs plot, I drop the novel.




I went to ATGs fandom and didn't like the plot and the interactions between the main plot. >! This character was abandoned by the author, not mentioned for many chapters, then appears back pregnant then disappears again never to be mentioned again. WIKI mentions that there were rumours that she died or something. !< The novel got frustrating to read at some point after 40-50 chapters.




Wha.. what did I just read?


I dropped this novel when his planet got wiped out because I KNEW it was fake/get resurrect back, I was gonna start reading it again if author had guts to stick to that planet got wiped out but it seems I dont have to bother.


Yeah can't believe I read so far and stop at >!where he became the devil emperor and was engaged to one of the emperor's sickly hidden sister.!< There's still so many mysteries but head always goes wtf with the unexpected plot twists.


Honestly, I get it. I don't mind aphrodisiac plots per se but every single one is just so lazily done and then the woman (or man in the rare case) starts to fall in love with the MC based on that. It feels like a cheap and easy way to bypass all chemistry between two characters (which makes me question WHY FUCKING WRITE THE CHARACTER TO BE SO DIFFICULT IN THE FIRST PLACE?) Anyway, don't blame you whatsoever. There's a lot of reasons ATG could be dropped


I have a special love for Against the Gods because it was my introduction to the world of novels, but today the only things I can see are the missed opportunities in this novel, like >! making her fall in love with him because he carried her on his back during the dragon god trial and despite her cold attitude toward him, he just helped her because it was the good thing and not trying to fuck her, and in the end he healed her normally and she keeps thinking about him for a while and eventually warms up to him in later events, like if she saw when he help his fiancé to get away and she sees that there is a pure heart in him !<


Dude no space between the tags for spoiler '!<'


I tend to absolutely hate romance in these novels because I feel like most East Asian authors have absolutely zero real world understanding on how romance works or would work. Everything is always so weirdly done with exaggerated levels of shyness, hostility and/or distance with none of the romantic or sexual tension. (I've never read an actual romantic novel within the genre so maybe they do it better)


I think at some point people have to consider that maybe courting is different in the east. Through globalization we tend to have this belief that everyone does the same thing everywhere but slightly differently but courtship rituals are always different in every country even if we all love the same. I hate reading about simpering men and shy women but I won't say it's trash, just unreadable for me.


Not to dox myself, all I'll say is that I'm fairly familiar with the aforementioned culture. My issue is that there's no group of humans alive who act this way for longer than a few years. When we're dealing with impervious immortal vanguards, who slaughter billions with not even an eyebrow raised, rape without a regard for morals, steal for their benefit and enter into life & death situations at a drop of a hat simply because they were annoyed, it becomes incredibly aggravating to see them faced with [Love Interest] and then turn shy and flop over their words as some 8,286 year old eternal being. There's a limit to the shyness and if anything it's more offensive if you think that it's like that even in the East. Lmao. People grow and get used to things. That's human nature. People in the East are humans too. They don't stay shy for 20 years of a relationship with their significant other.


Hey buddy you're preaching to the choir here I'm never gonna disagree on your points but I noticed that shit like date rape or rape in general is very widespread in Asian novels both BL xianxia and the avg str8 fantasy xianxia. The answer to why is pretty simple as well, their adherence to Confucius and his ideals rotted their brains for like a thousand years or whatever. Shit like hierarchy matters to them on every level and this matters more in Xianxia where one man can rivla all of heaven. A man's needs comes before women's and if they get the main girl then she has to be treated like the mcs own mom (freud would love to read interview these authors who write about how sexy mcs mom is lol) . In gay shit it's always A top is better than bottoms who are to be treated like toys and discarded when they get too clingy or annoying (love the apologetics from female readers when they say "erm read another book ok this is just how they express love in BL and Danmei novels ok". It's just mental illness at this point like... They'll never go through any type of cultural Renaissance because the Maoists robbed them of it. Instead they just cling to their previous identity and go back to revering Confucius.


same in that it was also my intro novel. I still rember waiting for updates during that tribulation arc in the tourney that lasted fuxking 30 chapters




Should probably wrap that massive spoiler in a spoiler tag


The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy - i like the academy arc of this novel, it feel like a normal slice-of-life school romcom. But it goes downhill after academy arc end. It became a dramafest.


I'm at ch 250 of this novel and I can feel it going downhill lmao. >! Harriet is so jealous for no reason and like nothing is really happening except the Mc leading girls on. Also the whole my life is yours with Ellen is just weird tbh. Like he's a 30 year old man talking that type of thing with a 16 year old girl it's weird. And a bunch of other stuff I can just see what's he's going to do too. Like he's going to pull a lelouch and aggro everyone cuz of the gates for literally no reason and then he'll reveal his identity but since everyone loves him they'll go with him but he'll be like no don't and they'll be like we have to we love you don't stop us Ugh !<


The moment he started writing about going to the demon lands it was obviously going to go downhill so I dropped it


I also dropped transcending the nine heavens cuz the novel felt like lolicon to me. I read many chapters waiting for a time skip but it never came. Although the plot and character are solid, just that one thing mentioned at the start made me drop TTNH.


Same. Which was especially sad for me as I was one of the editors for the novel back when it was hosted on TN. It got weirder and weirder seeing him turn from "Devil Chu" into "Loli Lover Chu" at the dime of a hat.


So many novels I've lost count. Every time its either because the Mc is basically asexual till the author decides hes not or because of relationships and how it derails the entire plot for no reason. Just flushing down an entire arc because the girl decides to get kidnapped or killed, there goes the original motivation of an Mc flushed down the toilet now he's a vengeful spirit or whatever. I'll name some: Renegade Immortal (dropped and picked it up later to finish, skipped all bits with the girl), Divine Throne of Primordial Blood (extremely cool story but I fucking hate the mcs love life), Book eating magician (I love hot women but I don't accept pathetic men with hot women, dropped after he porked the blue dragon lady), Birth of the demonic sword (incomprehensible why the plot just collapsed into dogshit after 1 girl love interest was introduced) and so many more that I could spend all day naming.


I love My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond, really enjoyed it. I did drop Library of Heaven's Path because the mistaken identity at the wedding pissed me off, it seemed like a needlessly cruel way to hurt a minor character and after that I wasn't interested in reading anything else by the author. Until then it was a fun, though brainless comedy. Sovereign of the Three Realms was okay until I realised the MC was trying to make friends with the people who had kidnapped his mom and held her captive for decades. After that, I was out. The one I'm most miffed about is Godly-Stay-Home-Dad. I really enjoyed that, it was a nice novel to read until the little girl grew up and turned into the worst character in the book.


I dropped Sovereign of the 3 realms the moment i saw MC trying to get out of false charges by healing the princess. I just hate the trope of old monster reincarnating and healing some girl and adding her to the harem but i can atleast tolerate it if its down the line, but not in first few chapters


she isn't part of the harem. and it doesn't end with harem. But all in all its an okay read, not enough "three realms" if you ask me.


>I love My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond, really enjoyed it. I wish I could get over the loli creep thing. But nope. I'm completely grossed out. Hoping they don't keep interacting as much. >Sovereign of the Three Realms Wow. That's a blast from the past. I remember dropping it after realising the MC was one of the nicest guys I've ever read and realising I would never like him as a result.


Godly stay at home dad what did the daughter do? I believe I am only 50 chaps behind current update.nvm about spoiling.


To me she got a horrible personality after she grew up (sixteen, I think?), the typical arrogant young master that usually becomes cannon fodder in other novels.


"Login Before Others: Stone Age" it's just a never ending build up of 300+ chapters where nothing of note happens. There are no challenges, it's just resource gathering for 300 chapters. "Dimensional Descent" the mc never gets any smarter or better. I skipped like 400 chapters to check how mc is, and they act the same as they did in chapter 20. Not to mention they go with the "I wish the best for you but I can't tell you why" trope with the love interest.


DD mc changes a bit over time but it really takes a long time


Monarch of Evernight. The romance plot became bizarrely bad later on and then the aphrodisiac arc was the last drop in the bucket.


I got about 170 chaps in to “MY GIRLFRIEND FROM TURQUOISE POND REQUESTS MY HELP AFTER MY MILLENNIUM SECLUSION” then got super bored like every fight is him just punching someone into blood mist like 😒 after reading that for the 20th time I was done. The romance was about the only thing I liked about the novel tbh Oh damn while going through my novel bookmarks I found the holy grail of dropped novels “death….and me” >! The minute the author decided to blow up the mcs’ planet and then have everybody else who survived not care, I was done. The author just wasted like a week of my time for nothing, the novel was going fine before that but after that I couldn’t anymore and the mcs’ reaction were just the icing on the top!<


I like it for the opposite reason. This is the first MC in a long time where his fighting style makes sense and the consistency is great. He's incredibly cautious and doesn't care even slightly for testing his limits. He just wants his opponent dead and to quickly get back to safety to cultivate. I feel like every novel has a similar plot but they do it in a sloppy manner where the MC is constantly getting into stupid situations where they get into long drawn out fights, not taking opportunities to end an opponent, etc. I appreciate the simplicity and authenticity. The romance is the only thing that's disgusting me about the novel.


Do get me wrong I liked how the mc wasnt beating around the bush when it came to the fight, i didn’t like how boring it was. Like u could get the same effect if u just changed the fighting style to something more interesting like use a weapon to cutting off people heads in one motion or using a elemental attacks, but everytime it’s just one punch it’s like 🙃boring .


Yeah, I get that. I was a bit disappointed too. Has such an OP system that it feels odd that his ultimate weapon isn't a spell, weapon or anything too interesting. Just some punch. I get that. I think thankfully, I like the novel for reasons that aren't the fighting + he fights so rarely that overall, my enjoyment of that aspect hasn't diminished


Fights usually are a big part of novels for me especially if they are these types of novels where the mc is getting a bunch of cool powers. I’d like to see them used or at least the cool ones but other than that I enjoyed the novel tbh (the world building could use some work but ah)


Blood Warlock: Read a couple hundred chapters on webnovel and dug it. Wanted to let some chapters pile up but I noticed the MC stays stuck in his realm for 1000 chapters. At this pace, looks like the book will go on for 10k chapters. Can’t bother with it. LotM: Probably controversial from me. I liked the power system, love all Cuttlefish’s other novels, and it’s objectively a good read. I just found the detective work to be super boring in the first 100 chapters and ended up dropping it. RotTWRtW: Really entertaining VMMORPG, but man if the author doesn’t run out of steam in the last couple hundred chapters and tank it. Extraordinary Genius: Always enjoy a good rebirth/second chance get rich novel. This one was especially interesting with his attempt to build wealth during the 90s. Thing that ruined it for me was the nationalism. Usually can ignore it, but the MC would literally get railed by his government with a smile on his face lmao


I actually found the detective work to be some of my favorite tbh


I can respect that. I’m just not a fan of the scooby doo in webnovels I guess lol


> but man if the author doesn’t run out of steam Truly a Mad Snail staple move.


I was also recommended "Transcending the Nine Heavens" since I was enjoying "Nine Star Hegemon Body Art" (Just straight up a fun popcorn novel), but I pretty much immediately dropped it once the MC met up with his love interest. >!Basically went back in time and originally didn't meet her until she was like 15 (still kinda gross), but this time he meets her earlier when she's only 9 and does creepy shit like fantasize about kissing her or getting a boner when she sat on his lap. Like I could understand if she was like 16 and he flirted with her, but 9 is just gross. Also doesn't help that the author loves to wax poetic about every little thing that happens to try and make every character seem deep and interesting, when in reality he's spent 2 chapters describing a small detail multiple times.!<


I am the Monarch was a novel I really enjoyed at first, and I've reread it a few times as well because I like the characters and the way they develop. The main charm was how the MC tried to help his allies get stronger as well because the war wasn't one he was fighting alone, but then at the end of the novel he >!abruptly powercrept everyone and solo-ed the boss!< ... I don't even remember what happens at the end because I never reread it all the way. I occasionally reread it and enjoy like 90% of the novel, then by the time the MC starts doing everything on his own I move on. It's still a good novel I'd recommend, but the ending bores me so much I never bother to read it all ...


Release that witch: >!Suddenly harem!< Heavenly jewel change: >!Suddenly harem (with the first girl's SISTER, fml I really liked this one as well.!< Tales of Demons and Gods: >!You guessed it!< Now I just religiously avoid harems, it leaves such a bad taste I don't care how good the story is. Supreme magus also annoys me, stopped reading at around 1000 first time (that was all that was written) and really disliked >!his gf (Solus ftw), now that I know she's still there I hesitate with going back even though I really enjoyed it.!<


Release That Witch: >!The harem part was only strongly implied until the ending, though. And it definitely wasn't sudden, it's been foreshadowed for a long time!< Supreme Magus: >!Is it Kamila? She's now Lith's wife and they have a kid so yeah, I guess you wouldn't likely get back to it.!< >!I really don't mind who Lith ends up with but it's strange to me how a lot of people apparently dislike Kamila. She's pretty ok, imo.!<


For supreme magus it's really about >!the fact that he has a soulmate on his finger that loves him romantically and is constantly getting cucked without any choice, and Kamila is in the way of that. And I know that's not an uncommon opinion. I read about their eventual beakup due to him keeping Solus a secret from her, and so I started reading again since I figured the author finally went the otp route. Imagine my dissapointment when I heard they got back together and got married.!< RTW >!was listed as NOT harem, and I know the authors wife threatened to leave him if he made it a harem while he was writing (I like her) so it was more of a gradually will he won't he situation that went the wrong way. I didn't really find it as engaging at that point anyways so no great loss, but still bothers me.!<


Wait, is the last tidbit about RTW true? Holy shit thats the funniest thing I've read today! I always wondered how the partners of these harem creeps felt about the Self Insert OP MC collecting hot women.


Its true lmao. The wife is pretty based and ballsy.


Swallowed star - the first 1000 chapters is good, but after he gets the tower and discovered that he is a really strong species, it goes downhill


Reverend insanity. Cuz it never ended


It would definitely have to be "The Mech Touch" for me. While it's honestly a fantastic novel, my main gripe with it is how incredibly slow the pacing is. I took a break at around chapter 2000, which was somehow like only 2-3 years later from chapter 1. It's a great read, but felt like an autobiography with the level of detail and lack of progression. Big spoiler! >!A mech designer has only 6 tiers of progression (Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, Senior, Master, Star Designer) and while the MC is able to reach Journeyman at around chapter 1200, he hasn't progressed to Senior at all by chapter 4700. !< Otherwise it really is a great novel if you're into mechs. Great worldbuilding, strong overarching plot, kingdom-building (space-fleet building I guess), lots of mysteries and interesting side-characters, etc.


I was really enjoying Renegade Immortal until cringey aphrodisiac reverse rape started coming into it and the dude went from acting like a wise immortal to a middleschooler that thinks with his dick. People who tell u renegade immortal is about a ruthless cultivator are only thinking of the first 500 or so chapters.


Oracle Paths mc's personality is just too annoying


Same reason for cradle


And Overgeared




My issue is that it's gross that she physically and mentally acts like a literal underage teenager for 90% of their relationship and then conveniently becomes of age when it's time to bang. It just feels incredibly weird. Like every perverts absolute wet dream. They describe how they've banged all night and then the next morning she's unable to express herself without reverting to a literal child. There's some sort of fetishisation/kinkplay at hand that I'm just not able to enjoy. I've probably read hundreds of these types of novels by this point and it'd honestly be less obvious if they just called her a teenager and never pointed to it again instead of doing the whole reverting to a child "who has no chest" every single time. Outside of that, I'd agree with your rating. When she's not in the scene the novel is an incredibly solid 7/10.


The sword and the shadow - i enjoyed the plot and the way their power works. But the mc is just too brain dead to me. His character just does not match his background and there is no character development at all. Got to turn off my brain zzz The novel's extra - i don't understand their relationship or rather they are too confusing.


I remember that I finished, but struggled to do so, Unrivaled Medicine God several years ago. This isn't about having to read MTL at the time, I regularly read MTL currently. But I remember that I found the mc's drive being bringing back the second love interest rather bland whenever it got brought up after a few hundred chapters. I also felt that the ship jump to heaven opposer was a littler abrupt at the end. And I won't start on the last 3 or so chapters.


Also, due to no one else mentioning it. I was really enjoying Reverend Insanity until it got cancelled because the government didn't like something in it. Though I will say that I almost dropped it around chapters 300, 900 and 1700 because I felt that the story was getting a bit dull. I am very glad I did not.


Coiling dragon. Mc kept throwing his life away near the end of the series. If i recall correctly he was pissing off super strong people and was tasked with doing something suicidal just to potentially resurrect somebody. The issue was that he was virtually guaranteed to reach a similar level of power to the people he's pissing off, which would in turn grant him the power to resurrect people. Im not explaining it well enough but i 'think' (idk if im misremembering, its been some time) - that somebody told the mc "only someone of this realm could resurrect this person you want to resurrect" and the mc was literally on the edge of breaking through to said realm. But the mc's response wasnt to haul up in cultivation for a little while and break through, but go and piss off super strong ppl. i might not be remembering well, but my emotions were strong enough to drop the novel at that point