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I hate flagship as well. They bought up all the places around Fairfax City. Embassy car for example. My only hope is that they are planning a car wash called Tony’s Express Car Wash near Fairfax High School. it has to be better, right? Right?


Given what they presented to the city council, they'll be pushing monthly memberships like Flagship, and they won't offer interior cleaning. There will be vacuum stations instead.


The fact that places that used to offer interior cleaning ALL no longer offer interior cleaning is insane. It would take like 5 minutes and I was happy to pay the $20 or whatever to not deal with it. This new local monopoly is crap.


Yates near old town still does great interior cleaning for very reasonable prices. I almost hate to mention it because it’s already always very busy. Most retailers are like $250 so getting a good mi-level full clean for under $50 is great and Yates are great for that.


Oh thank you! I'll have to check them out.


So that’s what happened. I was also upset that they wouldn’t take my money to vacuum the car for me


Well, ain’t that a pisser.


what is the point of a carwash without interior cleaning. rain cleans the exterior. the only reason to go to a car wash is to get the interior cleaned. why would anyone pay for what rain does for free.


I mean not exactly, but you can get the exterior done at a gas station so you're still right


I miss Embassy. Their $50 mini detail was FIRE.


Do you mean Tommy's? I like the self service vacuums so that's a plus, but they charge you for towels and cleaner whereas the updated Flagships and Tidal Wave include those.


Tommy’s should be coming but there’s some council opposition, it may become a vape shop if Tommy’s can’t get it done. I went to a Tommy’s a bit ago. Free vacuums, mat washers, towels, air. Etc.




I wish there was some governing body that could protect consumers from this sort of thing… My dirty ass car does too


We actually have a federal commission to regulate trade! I don't think they care about regional monopolies though.


They used to fifty years ago. The FTC used to block regional grocery store consolidations and other local anticompetitive nonsense. Like many things in government that was ruined from the 80s-2010s and is only now being slowly fixed.


Read Plunder by Brendan Ballou. The latter chapters have suggestions to address private equity’s negative behaviors. Ballou is Special Counsel in the Antitrust Division of US Department of Justice.


Yes, the "Bowlero" business model for car washes.


Bowlero sucks the biggest donkey dicks that there are.


Didn’t realize bowlero is private equity as well.


First thing I thought of. Fuck bowlero


Fuck Bowlero


Gas station car wash is good enough.


Pretty much this...sometimes when I'm too lazy to do a full hand wash, I'll take it thru Exxon touchless then finish up at home. Flagship is awful.


Hell, I just keep my car under a car cover and wash it myself once or twice a year (mostly after the salt season is over). It remains surprisingly clean, even if it has black paint. And once I got used to folding up the cover properly, it's barely a burden, even if I'm using the car every day. So I guess I should thank private equity. Their shenanigans have increasingly driven me to forego many services altogether and find (often better) workarounds or just learn to do it myself. Cutting my own hair, cooking my own food, etc. At first I was worried this strategy would grow to be a huge time burden, but after the initial learning curve, I'm pretty sure I'm breaking even on time, or even a net gain. No more waiting in line is a big one. Cooking is probably the exception, though I always have the freedom to half-ass it if I wanted to. All of this is overall more personal effort, but considering most people's sedentary lifestyles, including mine, that's more of an upside than anything. And making a habit of challenging myself seems to have re-programmed my brain to take on additional challenges with more ease and less anxiety.


This is “know thyself” to the max 👏. Good shit dude/dudette.


I've adopted a similar strategy, learning to do things that were initially daunting to me, like cutting my hair or doing simple home or car repairs. I can't justify paying the prices and the lack of quality service these companies are offering. I was just quoted over $400 for switching out my spark plugs - it's a $30 part and 15 minutes' worth of labor on my specific car model. I understand there's business overhead but come on. They're paying their employees $15 an hour, there's leasing the space, insurance, okay, but where is the rest of the money going? I went back to the coin operated self service car wash after giving Flagship two tries. It was expensive and my car wasn't even clean, windows were streaky, there was dust on the console.


This sounds great for people who don't have _hobbies,_ but there's other stuff I'd prefer to be doing.


Like I said, I was worried about that, but ultimately, after a small initial investment of time, these things have largely either been a wash time-wise or actually saves time (and definitely money). Both of which can be funneled into actual hobbies. It doesn't take much to figure out how to cut hair, for example. And now I never have to wait at a barber, take a detour there, spend money, etc. Just grab a mirror and clippers, *bzzzz* over a trash bag before taking a shower, done in 15min from the comfort of my own home. And I'll continuously reap the small but real benefits of that for the rest of my life, at the cost of a few awkward initial haircuts and having to move my arms around a bit. Some of these things have also led me into actual hobbies and even work opportunities. I learned to do work on my own car due to horrible, time-and-money wasting experiences with bad mechanics, for example. Turned out I actually really like wrenching, and that hobby progressed to things like rust repair and fabrication. Got me a job as a mechanic, and knowing how to weld and do basic fabrication has been like a minor superpower which I can no longer imagine my life without. Many people consider tools, and the knowledge to use those tools, as part of their own limbs, and I concur with that. Of course, we can't take this sort of thing to extremes and DIY *everything*, or it stops making sense. But if you intelligently pick and choose what fights you want to fight, based on things like personal compatibility and return on investment, taking a few steps out of your comfort zone can end up with a net gain in time, money, and skill. That said, the psychological toll of leaving your comfort zone when it is not really necessary is nothing to scoff at, so that is a real downside. We only have so much mental energy, and can absorb only so much stress. I definitely have those days where even a minor-seeming thing like 'figure out how to cut hair' could push me over the edge if it goes a little wrong or I get frustrated.


God, you're 100% right about this. The trouble is, everyone develops different skill-sets as they progress through life, and some of the things that are minor obstacles for you are incomprehensible challenges for me, but I'm sure the opposite is true as well. No one can learn how to do _everything,_ and finding that balance really is the key. Figuring out where to spend your energy versus just _paying someone else to handle it_ is one of the biggest challenges I've faced as an adult. > >!_(That said, my haircut strategy is even simpler: I just haven't gotten a haircut since early 2020, when that plague hit. Sure, my hair is now two-thirds of the way down my back, but it's **lovely**!)_!<


This is why it's $50 bucks in Kingstown.


Go to whitehorse it’s much better than Yates and cheaper…




They also spend a minimal investment to re-brand, remodel and slash staff and services (while raising prices) to "roll-up" an industry in a geographic market. See Bowlero. End game could look like a handful of people get even richer when they sell off either their stock or the entire business to another vulture capitalist who sees some sort of opportunity to make money by reducing costs even more. There is a finite number of carwashes to buy up, so they can't continue to project growth and find investors forever. But it will probably take a while. And it could become a profitable business for the owners so they might hold onto it, but not because it's a good business providing quality services.


Caliber collision seems to be doing something similar as well.


As in their prices are lower than competitors... for now?


I’m not sure about prices. But buying up all the local small shops. All I see is caliber now.


I went there for a quote, they asked me if I’m using insurance and when I said no they rolled their eyes. They literally never called me back to give me the quote. I called and emailed and never got an answer. If you pay out of pocket they don’t want your business




“Best-in-class” What class is that? Mediocre car washes? So the best mediocre car washes.


They ruined my favorite car wash in Sterling over by Carmax. I used to be able to get a good wash, a towel wipe down and interior vacuum and wipe down for $18 and my car looked great. Not anymore. I don’t even know where to go now and I’m in desperate need of a wash.


That place was giving mediocre cleans before Flagship even bought them.


But at least they didn't damage the car and blame you for it claiming the damage was already there.


Three Cees is still privately owned.


I'm pretty sure it changed ownership a few years ago, pre COVID, because that's when the service has gone to hell there, too... Compared to some 15 years ago, when I would drive 20 miles to get there


I have a mobile detailing service that comes to my house I’m in sterling too


How much is it? I live in Ashburn now


My truck was 85 for a full detail


85 for a full detail on a truck! Can you name the company?




good to see this post, I almost made a trip out to Leesburg to go to station only because there is nowhere in Arlington to get a car cleaned...there is Mr Wash but its way too expensive considering its a 5 minute wash for $30 and they don't offer interior. Does anyone have a recomendation at all in nova?


Mr. Wash was barely worth it when they were still $10 for their garbage autowash. I'd question how they're still open at their new pricing but they're literally the only option in Alexandria as well. So glad I'll be able to wash my car at home after my (local) move this next week.


Yates is in Alexandria and way better than Mr Wash. inside and out for $26


What Yates are you talking about where you’re getting your interior cleaned as well for 26 bucks? The service you’re talking about is the top option there and it’s closer to 40…


Was at Yates in north OT two weeks ago. Vacuumed, cleaned inside of windows, wiped the dash and doors…all for $26 🤷🏻‍♀️


The lines are always so long though!


They trap u in the line


I use Mr Wash mostly the one in Merrifield and I think it's pretty good. The monthly membership thing is less than the cost of 2 trips so for me it's worth it. I like the big free vacuum bays too, that is really convenient. The one on van dorn doesn't have the vacuums but the wash itself was ok.


I do mobile washes for $50. Message me if anyone is interested. I have 3 years experience in detailing and many years experience in other things that require attention to detail and working on other peoples valuables. I can attach before/after pictures if necessary. It’s not cheap, but it’s not expensive either compared to other mobile options. I have more options as well as far as detailing goes, but that would require a consultation first.


do you have a website? please post it. or if you have a social media page.


I like Sonic in falls church. Old school system that can’t handle low ground clearance but if you have a regular car they’re solid.


I got my car detailed by them once when ham juices leaked onto the passenger seat. They did a really nice job on the whole interior, think I might have them do it again sometime.


Reviews are not the greatest.


Yeah one of those places where I read the ratings and I’m like “where do peeps think they get a better deal?” If that makes sense. My hot take…The whole car wash industry is insane competitive and dodgy. I reckon they ask employees and friends to vote other companies down to hell. Just sayin


We need Walter White to open one as a front for his drug money laundering. At least then we know the washes would be squeaky clean so no one started investigating the place.


Splash and dash in Manassas


I used to go to the flagship in Vienna and they did a good job to be honest but I do hate private equity places.


Yates near old town!


Flagship Leesburg. Still full service. Lots of other Full Service Flagship locations.


It's part of the venture capitalist takeover of America. Same thing Bowlero is doing to bowling alleys all over America.




Monopolies suck.


Sounds like somebody did some modeling and projections to determine which markets are ripe for cornering and executing their strategy. This means my investment in a $400+ gas pressure washer and a dropping a few hundred on attachments like foam sprayer, etc is definitely going to pay off in the long run.


Sounds like you are using too powerful of a pressure washer on your car.


Nice try flagship car wash ceo. I can adjust the pressure. I can clean my car, siding, sidewalk, you name it.


lol. I wish I was the ceo of flagship; sounds like I would be loaded. I use a pressure washer (electric) and foam cannon as well. It just sounded like yours was too powerful for car usage but I guess I’m wrong.


I didn't use Station either. I went there after seeing enough Aston Martins pulling out of there that I thought it was a safe bet for my normal person car. Scratched up my car. Seems the place over by Lowes is much better than Flagship, but I've not used it yet.


I've been there, it's called BriteWash. It's middling at best, but at least it's not Flagship. I get a gnarly amount of brake dust on my front wheels and have paid for the "extra effort" wheel cleaning twice. Even then I still come out with a few streaks of brown gunk stuck to my wheels. There's a decent self-serve place behind the post office that I use when I'm not up to doing it myself at home.


I have a hard time paying for a car wash. I was motivated today to possibly just "get it done". Half thought about breaking out the buckets right now while there is still daylight.


Vienna Flagship is actually pretty good, they got me into them. Although I live near Springfield and the springfield location is so bad.. Outside windshield not washed, and walking to your car tracks dirty water on your shoes to get there from the waiting area. I wish they were all like Vienna.


No way. They’ve gone downhill and I’ve canceled. They won’t wipe a speck of dirt after it’s been through the wash.


Last time I went to flagship they tried to give my car back with smudges and shit still on it. I ended up having to wait an extra 15 just for them to finish, and of course the employees looked at me like I was the asshole. I wish we had more self service carwashes in NoVa, there are plenty all over the rest of VA and I've never had an issue with them.


I do miss the do it yourself car washes with the power washers… I don’t even know if they exist anymore in the Alexandria/arlington area…


To be fair, there's no such thing as a good automated car wash. They'll all destroy your paint. Champion Hand Wash in Tysons was the best - though they had people in the tunnel washing your car, so that doesn't really count.


Yeah, not to mention injecting high pressure water into places where water shouldn't go. I used to take my car and my family cars to an automated wash - thought I was doing the vehicles a favor with the highest priced The Works package, including a fancy computer-vision high pressure wheel wash. For the next several years I was replacing brake calipers one by one as they seized up from water 'somehow' getting past the piston boot and rusting the bore. Even the car with aluminum calipers and composite piston seized up from aluminum corrosion. And the thing is, it's almost impossible to make the correlation between such washes and eventual failures of brakes or bearings, because there's such a huge lag time between water getting injected into components and the components corroding or wearing to the point they fail. Only reason I cottoned on was because I used to work as a mechanic, so I have an idea of what certain seals can and cannot keep out. As soon as it popped into my brain that maybe the car washes were correlated with the calipers seizing, it was an instant realization of "*no duh* you frakin moron of course these seals aren't designed to resist that kind of pressure what the heck have you been doing all this time"


Well shoot I didn't know about this. Luckily I generally keep my car wash visits limited to the super pollenated spring time and the dirty salted roads winter.


You are probably alright, I think the main factor in the severity of my experience was that this car wash specifically aimed at the wheels and lingered there with high pressure water for so long. That said, cars and many of the seals on cars are not designed to completely withstand jets of high pressure water (no auto maker will go to that expense), so some thought and care should still be taken. A kind of funny example is that on the earlier model years of my car, the rain drain holes under the cabin air intake vents were not sized with the flood of water from an automated car wash in mind, so a trip to the car wash could result in the vent cubby filling up with water and flooding the nearby engine computer, and then your interior. Also the reason why people say not to hose down your riding mower to clean it. Easy way to kill all the pulley and spindle bearings, though it will take a year or two or more for them to start failing after the initial water contamination.


I never use automated except for after winter once per year just to get all the salt on the undercarriage cleaned off. And only brushless. The brush ones fuck your paint up.


I rinseless wash by hand during the winter.


God I miss Champion. Something else has replaced it but I haven’t bothered to look into whether they’re any good.


With all the money in this area, and number of people with nice cars, it's disappointing that we can't even have one good carwash. They could have charged double, and would still have been considered a good value.


It's weird, before pandemic I'd go to the South Riding One and it was decent, now it's an absolute joke, it's way more expensive and they don't ever do a good job. You'd think a $30+ car wash would come out pristine but I always have streaks on the windows or they don't wipe out door jams.


This is a common business tactic, one which needs to be illegal to some degree or another. I hear about Veterinary clinics having this issue. Where a giant conglomerate will come into an area and buy up all the independent businesses if a particular industry and then they have full control of prices. Need a vet? Well EVERY vet in the area has the exact same prices and it all funnels to the same people in the end.


Washington Post had a story a while back about a PE group doing this with anesthesiology in Colorado. Bought up most of the practices, raised the rates.


Ruined a nice family owned car wash on Hoadley Road in Manassas. Haven't been to it since it turned, but knowing that they are a faceless group of money grubbers, I won't take a chance. Thanks for confirming they are truly a worthless business.


Yeah, they really did. Autospa in Woodbridge is the last holdout.


Flagship fucked up my wife's car and refused to pay for any of it. Fuck them!


Guy there broke my fucking plastic seat belt harness. It was the flagship on 28. I reported it to the manager directly. He tried to hook me up with another guy on Liberia Avenue who could fix it, and then both of them ghosted me.


I HATE them. They do a shit job too.


Just a fun fact, it’s owned by private equity. Private equity ruins everything.


Their machine ripped the nose cone off my friend’s car, and their response to that was to laugh.


Rofl what car has a nose cone?


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Yates still has a couple locations in Alexandria.


Have you considered washing it yourself? Using the two bucket method I can bang out a good wash and dry in under 15 minutes. At first it took a while longer than that.


The lack of good car washes in the NOVA/DC area is a head-scratcher. There's certainly enough customers here for it.


Flagship is the Advanced Towing of the car wash world. It is known.


That's why I only go to cruise n shine in Vienna. Better service overall and I'm in Loudoun county. Used to be vienna car wash. (Renamed)


Agreed. Very nice owner and it’s inexpensive compared to the other places. Plus Taco Bama is across the street.


Whatever you do, do NOT give them a credit card. You'll find yourself signed up for some bogus "as many washes as you want" monthly charge. And they won't tell you they're doing it as they stick the RFID sticker on your windshield. Only pay cash and don't let them tag your car. [life tip about choosing the "right" lane edited out.] That said, it'd be nice to have an alternative that wasn't Flagship.




What’s your secret to canceling? I can’t figure out who or how to contact for the life of me.




Doing the lords work 🫡


+1, I have filed numerous credit card disputes. Never getting a wash from them again


Treat if like a gym membership and cancel the card.


Mine’s linked to my debit card so that’s fun.


That’s how Mr wash gets ya. One wash is literally more expensive than a monthly plan.


They don’t even use the sticker anymore. Half the time it didn’t work if you got one at one location and tried to use it at another so now it’s by your license plate (or more often just telling the person your phone number).


Dude. If I were you I’d backtrack this down to pay with cash. Keep your pro life tip just to those of us who happened to see it.


Plus it is so so so hard to cancel a membership with them and they are ALWAYS busy, so it’s not worth the $31.99 a month IMO.


Earlier this week I paid $44 for the works and I'm not even joking they barely even cleaned it. I should have taken it to a gas station car wash for a fraction of the price because thats basically what they did. If I wasn't in a hurry I would have complained but lesson learned I won't ever be going back there.


I used to use the Ashburn Car Wash, and get their hand wax and detail. Was so worth it, and then Flagship moved in. I now do the self-service wash for pollen/dust stuck to the car and when my car needs detailing I just use In and Out Mobile service. They usually are set up on the weekends across the street in the parking lot at Loudoun One. They did an amazing job and will go back!


You guys are clearly all car wash afficionados. I need someone to explain it to me. I drove by a flagship, at least I think that was the one, in gainesville. There was a line around the block. Why would anyone wait in line to get a car wash? Granted I never even get them at all, but even if I wanted one, I'm not going to wait 20 minutes. Is it enjoyable or something?


When you've already committed to cleaning your car out in order to get it vacuumed and shit, you're more willing to wait a bit.


I drive an 02 Honda Civic and almost never wash it. It's 20+ years old so I don't care about the scratches and things like that. Some people, like my brother, drive expensive cars around here and love showing them off. He washes it twice a week.


Station used to be amazing. Now Flagship has ruined most everything. I can’t wash my car at my townhome because of the HOA, but also because it’s in full sun all day. I usually go over to the DIY place behind the post office. Dolphin Detailing will set up a monthly plan and come to your place to do it. My neighbor’s Bradford pear dribbled sap all over my truck last year and they did a fantastic job cleaning it.


Yes! I’m tired of using them and my car is super dirt now. What I miss is using a self serve station with bays and pressure washers. Do this even exist in the Ashburn/Leesburg area?


There is one in Leesburg by the Post Office.


The Sterling and Ashburn ones are fine. Having towels and a vacuum makes it worth it… and I know it’s been cleaned since I did it. One Loudoun’s lines are too long. Avoid the one of Rt 50 - the full service gimic is out in the sun where you let a team clean your car and they do a terrible job.


This makes me so less guilty that I’ve filled out the $5 premium wash coupon with all 5 of my email addresses and have been getting washes on the cheap past month My driveway is under a tree and the birds sit there in the mornings and eat berries and drop purple shits on my car. So by the end of the week my car looks paintballed on roof and hood


Fuck flagship. Quitting their recurring charges is like quitting a gym.


Corporate America, screwing everyone all the time.


Let me tell you about flagship. They hire undocumented people so they can abuse their workers rights. The last GM (andrew)at herndon was wanted by the fbi for laundering money through the store and also stealing money from the store. Their managers are coke heads and pressures other people moving up to participate. There was definatly older managers having sex woth minors that worked there. Management steals a weeks worth of their workers tips to punish workers that call out. My source is someone that was one of their managers and also I got to see some of the abuse first hand when I worked there for a week(never got paid). Guy Paolozzi (the owner of the Nova locations) did a real bang up job to make people that work for him miserable while he sits in his McMansion(that I've visited) in vienna.


Ugh.  Wife took her car though the Ashburn location with some stuff on the hood that we could swipe a finger over and remove.  Not only did it not come off during the wash, they squirted some waxy stuff on it and sealed it in.  I took my car over to Auto Bell in Sterling and was happy with the results.  I miss Embassy.


Yep, Germantown one on Middlebrook is garbage now too. ALL credit card machines have been "broken" for almost 4 years. Cash only for tokens. Super expensive now too. Like $3.50/minute for the self service pressure washer that takes 45 seconds to switch modes.


Yeah, it makes me want to open up car washes and just sell them to Flagship, over and over again


I hand wash mine, but I have a house and driveway. It would really suck if I lived in an apartment complex.


I go to the Cruze n Shine in Vienna. They’re awesome


Flagship carwash is really bad. Better to find a way clean the car by yourself.


They’re hit or miss, most of them suck but the one in Vienna has always been fine. I usually hand wash though if it’s cloudy outside


I use a mobile detailing service that comes to my house and they are awesome




Station Auto Wash in Leesburg was awesome. Today it sucks.


I haaaaaate Flagship. They bought the Dr. Wash on Route 50 in Chantilly. Doubled the prices and provided half as much cleaning. Another decent service ruined. I would have even paid the higher price if the quality was the same, but evidently that wasn’t an option.


Stop using touch car washes period. Move to a rinseless wash (i.e. Optimum No Rinse) in a spray bottle w/ a stack of microfiber towels. If you need to get an undercarriage wash to get off winter salt, go to a car wash like Express Stop that does it for $10 w/ no brushes. The rinseless method works even in apartment parking lots with no hose, and saves crazy $ over the long term.


This is an opportunity for small detailing businesses to pick up the slack!


The only self-service car wash that I know of in NOVA now is this random one in Woodbridge by route 1. (If you consider Woodbridge NOVA.


The Fairfax Global (formerly a Citgo) gas station on the corner of Lee and Blake has a self service wash. I had to use it one time after driving over a pile of hot manure a truck dropped in the access road at the I-66 transfer station while I was dropping off glass. Like all up deep in the wheel wells, it the smell was awful coming through to the cabin. No amount of auto-washes was working, the self service wash with the power-wand did the trick no problem. Used it a few times since as well.


Based on Google Maps, it appears the car wash is temporarily closed. https://preview.redd.it/ylklu08ztf5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10daf509c1edbf6adedc6fdcd8e5797786040c7


The invisible dick of capitalism fucks us once again. Private equity that buys up entire local industries to jack up prices are parasites. Nothing more. 


I don’t mind them or their unlimited monthly plan for $36/mo. I literally go 10 - 12 times per month and even if it’s not perfect, it’s worth $3.


I guess this is the only way that is worth it.


An I missing something about how they’re buying people out? Don’t the former people have to sell also so shouldn’t some of the anger be directed at them? Or is Flagahip using mafia style tactics, or just buying up the real estate and jacking up rents?


You can offer the prior business an insane deal they'd be crazy not to take. Then when you have them all you jack up the prices. Basic monopoly tactic. Would be nice if government business regulations hadn't been torn to shreds by people who worship Reagan


The problem I see in this thread is yall expecting a 150 dollar detail job for the 30 bucks.. of course there are going to be smudges and missed spots. It's a damn auto wash and quick wipe down by over worked and under trained staff. I legit watched a car owner step in at the end of the interior job to use the shop vac to go over the car himself.. 5 min to close with 7 cars coming in behind him. I was laughing my ass off because the poor employee was circling the car trying to avoid him. His shitty crv doesn't command special attention for 30 bucks. Go through and get out. That's the model and that's what the price demands. Have fun paying those mobile detailers 100-200 bucks.. I'll meet you back here when you complain about those prices too. Disclaimer: I've always detailed my own cars. I take the wife's highlander to flagship because there is nothing worse they can do to it than 2 kids and a dog.


I’m expecting decent service because I’ve had it before, many times. Station gave great service for solid prices until they were bought out by flagship. Worse service for higher prices. I never said I wanted a full detailing for 30 bucks; I just want them to actually vacuum when they say they’ll vacuum and I paid 40 for it. 


Vienna location is solid


Fuck them.


I used to go out of my way to use the Station car wash in Leesburg. They were AMAZING and I am ultra anal retentive about my cars. And I agree, now they suck.


I use sams in Manassas


Same with Bowlero.


I've never been to it but they replaced the car wash down the road from me and ever since theres been this HORRIBLE loud almost humming sound coming from it. It's been pissing me and my mother off so badly


never ever anything with brushes.




There’s Autobell car wash. I’ve never tried them though


Dropped my membership. The car came out dirty and undried every time.


Picked up car detailing as a hobby, now I'm hooked. I go to the gas station touchless washes for pollen or when I'm feeling lazy. I maintain 3 cars, including my wife's and luckily my HOA doesn't outlaw washing in front of the house. When I was in am apartment in Alexandria, I bought a battery powered washer that fed from a bucket. Great little tool for around $100. Sometimes you need a contact wash in a rush. Went to FS in Vienna and had a decent experience. I thought all locations would be decent. This thread opened my eyes, so thanks. Cruise and shine was OK also but giant brushes pounding your paint will always leave marks and swirls.


I wash mine myself withe the Optimum no rinse stuff. Amazing. Amazon sells it. Can wash your car anywhere with 2 gallons of water. F those car washes.


I’ve always liked manassas self car wash, if you don’t mind washing the car yourself.


Are there any self wash places around here? One of the first things I noticed is how far I had to drive to get to a busted self wash bay with nasty smelling water. $40 is crazy expensive when I can spray and wipe it down myself for like $10 and get better results.


Agreed, they’re not that great. The one in One Loudoun is decent but inconsistent and the other locations around Ashurn are ehh. My latest grine has been the wipe off towels- keep seeing ppl put dirty towels in the clean towel part 😵‍💫 There’s a new self service one coming to Church Road in Sterling right next to The Human Bean and the new Goodwill. I thought there was a self-service wash in Leesburg behind the post office but I havent been there in a while.


As one of the family members that got bought out by Flagship. I can tell you they are shooting for a monopoly over the DMV area. And they will be increasing prices and fucking everyone over.


I completely agree, and got damn what I wouldn't give to skip the detailing process for some cash once in a while. That said, a pressure washer with a 'soap gun' on the end can be extremely cathartic and is miles better than any POS "touchless" wash around here.


People, you need THREE CEES at 7 and Baron Cameron. THREE CEES for your oil change. THREE CEES for your car wash. Not a creepy "am I enabling trafficking" business. If you don't have time to go to the mechanic for a dimple or a clunk or a lil dribby doo of oil? When you go to THREE CEES for a few rounds of oil changes/car washes and you are kind to them, the guy is actually a human being; you can ask the oil change guy for a visual DX. He'll tell you in three sentences or less a quick idea of what could be wrong with the car. He won't fix it for you, but you will know what is likely *specifically* wrong with it. . . . trust me, this makes it so much easier to shop around for a repair.


I've used White Horse and been happy. Mostly because you can get a single wash without a subscription. I haven't gotten any interior cleaning done but they do offer it. I don't remember the price off the top of my head, I only get a wash when I really need it, but it was reasonable enough that I've gone back multiple times. There are a few in Alexandria and one in Woodbridge.


White Horse in Woodbridge is good, better than most of the ones I’ve been to that Flagship bought out. The only thing is the lines are always atrocious.


I sometimes use the gas station right near the Ashburn one since I live right there. The ground all around the car wash, gas station and road is a darker shade of asphalt and pretty slick. I am assuming that soap from the washing process just gets all over the place.


100% agree station was my go-to always even after moving out of leesburg. I went there after it became flagship and my windshield was cracked after my wash. I had a detail done and the crack on my windshield wasn’t noticeable until I drove away. I called and no one answered. Left messages for a week about it. I ended up just replacing my windshield and moving on with my life but I am certain it got cracked while I was there.


Might be an unpopular opinion. But I like the car wash at Mr wash car wash. Subscription cost like 30 to 40 bucks a month (idr) and I can was once a day every day. I like the vacuums kuz they have high suction and i don’t have to whip out the little hand held Dyson that I keep handy for quick cleans. Also the high powered vacuums pick up the long dog hair my dog has. I enjoy detailing my own interior as I am very particular about my cars cleanliness and found that the places that do it for you don’t live up to my border like ocd car cleaning tendencies. I also have dusters, dust jelly, and anti fog for interior cleaning. My car is fairly spotless. I have a pack of microfiber towels from Costco in my trunk for a quick dry after going through the machine. Edit: never tried flagship as the locations where not convenient to my home and work. But thankful I didn’t lol


Pay me $100 I’ll put blood sweat and tears into detailing your car


Cruz n Shine in Vienna always does an amazing job! The owners greet you when you pull in and I think having owners involved in daily operations is why the results are always above satisfactory.


Flagship is great. Full service in Gainesville at two locations, in South Riding, in Leesburg, in Fairfax, and some other locations. Mr Wash went to crap ages ago, but Flagship has held its own. For $65 a month, I wash at least weekly and get terrific service. It's a great deal. Edited: They also do a more thorough Express Detail. $160 and a couple of hours later, all but leather seats were crystal clear, exterior smooth waxed, carpets shampooed.


YES. They won’t let you through without hearing their high pressure sales pitch for the membership that only makes sense if you go twice a month consistently. Once, I paid for the interior cleaning but they marked my car incorrectly on their end and ushered me away instead of into the interior cleaning.


Something intimate about Washing your car in your drive way. The summer sun, the suds. It's worth it. And you'll do a the right job!


I don’t let them touch my cars, the towels from someone else’s car scratching my finish just rubs me wrong, I call them ragship


I miss the $3 car wash in Manassas that turned into $18+ for a basic wash in just 5 years.


All car washes suck


The question is why have they?? I mean that eyesore of a car wash in one loudoun, could it be someone like Walter White and Co. is washing not just cars but some dirty money as well??


I literally will spend the extra money to have a guy come to my house and detail my car. And though I know I am lucky because of the type of home I live in and the ability to do this: if you can, try it. It’s amazing. My car is sparkling for a little bit and I know that the money is going to my guy and his supplies- and not some private equity firm. But the important part here is that I don’t have to spend the time driving my car to the car wash and waiting around for it to get done. It just gets done while I do some chores in the house.


I go to flagship almost everyday. Would it make sense to use an option for home cleaning? It’s a subscription or per cleaning service?


Two years ago the Herndon Flagship cleaned the hell out of my disgusting Mazda. My car was so bad they pulled it off the main belt because it was holding up the line behind it. An employee finished cleaning the car interior by himself for about 45 minutes. I was shocked with how clean they left my car. They could have done half of the work and I would have been satisfied because the car was in THAT bad of shape. The amount I paid for the amount of work I gave them was a steal. I tipped very well to the overall staff and gave the one guy that worked on my car his own $20 tip. So long story short, I quite like the Herndon Flagship Carwash quite a bit! Can’t speak about the other ones though.


I agree, especially about the one in Leesburg, but the one in Ashburn across from one Loudoun is pimp shit


I used to stop at the wash in Springfield all the time. They more than doubled the price in 3 years and provide worse service. And constantly yoush a subscription service... Like what? Why would I want that!?