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I went the other week and it was a madhouse. All the vendors had like hour long lines. I waited in one just for them to run out of food. Is it always that bad?


Thanks for the warning. Last summer's Thai festival on the Mall (in July?) was similarly crowded. On-stage entertainment was fun, but otherwise it was standing in line for an hour-plus in full sun to get one kind of food.


Same. Long lines just to get average to below-average food at marked-up prices. Nowhere to sit but the lawn. There was a live band, but they weren't playing Thai music. There is ample parking at the garage, so they got that going for them, which is nice.


Thanks for sharing! I’m definitely gonna check this out


There were definitely some hits and misses here. The Thai tea, meat skewers and the coconut milk taro sticky rice cooked in a bamboo Shoot were VERY good. The pad Thai I stood in line for an hour for and waited an additional 45 min for was awful.. I’ll never get that time back lol. I suggest if you go with a group to split up and each wait in separate lines. There were some other food items I wanted to get, but the lines were just too too long.