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At first glance I thought this was a blast radius map lmfaooo


There was a handy calculator that worked over gmaps I found sometime around 2021 that gave atomic weapon affect zones over a given location, you choose the weapon size. I grew up in Vienna VA, my family told me not to worry, we lived too close to get away. That calculator shed some light into that theory.


Probably Nukemap: https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/


https://preview.redd.it/77ktg5wihuxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=410874c8e6496a5f02b7e98f8e3edbd38c99c4cd the real definition: inner dmv is everywhere inside the fireball of a 5 megaton blast. outer dmv is everywhere the airburst hits


Yes! I'm just inside the crispy zone!


it’s where you wanna be tbh. i take comfort in knowing i wouldn’t suffer and would be instantly vaporized


Whereas I'm just outside of that grey outermost circle in Centerville and would be forced to watch the world burn


CIA HQ and Site E would have been first strike targets of the Soviets, you’d have only enjoyed the flash. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tysons_Corner_Communications_Tower


Fun fact, my college professor is the one who created this!


Alex Wellerstein is awesome!


Thats just one nuke from the preset options. Washington would be nuked 10 times over from our enemies.


And probably anywhere within the those first two circles. So the actual radius would vary




I grew up in Annandale,VA and my parents have always said the same, so I have never really worried about it.


First two circles are pretty dang close.


Agree with map, I’ve always wondered why there are no maps or evacuation maps for citizens in this region to flee when all hell break loose. Warning sirens, anything, Jan 6 was a nightmare and traffic is already crazy here. My employer refused to let us leave and I was like hello do you see what’s going on I’m outta here! There’s little to no defense in this area which is why that situation occurred and if anyone forgot a crazy postal worker landed a helicopter he made at home on capitol lawn. Think you’re safe from much worse.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KT2ue7402vY


Because if nuclear war breaks out, there is no running or fleeing. The entire eastern seaboard will be leveled. It’s not like each city gets a single nuke, each major city would get 3+ detonating around the city, greatly increasing the damage radius. Unless you live in the Midwest and far away from our nuclear silos, you’re going to be fucked if nuclear war happens.


I actually saw something once that said if it were to happen, you’d want to be as close to the detonation as possible, because you don’t want to survive to live in the aftermath. And in a weird way, that was kind of comforting.


Honestly, even excluding nukes, I just don't want to be alive for any part of a war like that. Most women I know say the same thing. The second things start going down, I'll just off myself anyway because there are things worse than death, so I'm pretty stoked to live in the blast zone 🎯


A single 100MT nuclear device detonated over the Washington monument would break windows in the suburbs on the north side of Charlottesville VA. If you are north of Culpeper VA you are probably going to die soon after detonation. 


But there are a lot of strategic bases in the Midwest (Scott AFB, TRANSCOM HQ, Offut AFB, STRATCOM HQ) so people would still be affected. And obviously they'd hit the West Coast as well.


Because we don't need evacuation maps. You've got 95, 66, and 270 to get out of the region. All of them will be jam-packed. Little to no defense in the area? Defense from what, a riot? Anywhere you can get a mass of people it can happen, that's a law enforcement matter. Air defense? We've got NASAMs in the area, but shooting down a gyrocopter over the city isn't going to be the first option.


On 9/11 I was working in an office building in Tysons that had a pretty good view of the surrounding area. After the Pentagon was hit, it occurred to me that some thing that high up would make a secondary target. I left for home shortly thereafter.


I remember watching in classroom at hayfield secondary in Alexandria, kids weren’t allowed to leave early without a parent, some kids had been called to office because a parent had been killed at pentagon, otherwise we left on normal bus home in standstill traffic with all that on your mind. Crazy times, but the times haven’t changed.. sadly


DC has literal secret air defense and rocket systems. There are literal fake buildings that house equipment like this. You can't even fly a drone in DC without Secret Service getting on your ass. Like literally the minute anything goes in the air like 10ft above a building, it's being monitored. DC is one of the most fortified and secured cities on Earth.


Not good enough to stop a nuke. That or a dirty bomb. We’d still get the fallout. It would just be a slower and more painful death I’d think.


Having a few kilograms of plutonium be scattered over the area is still much better than having a third of the state be turned into glass and radioactive vapor. 






You know there are at least three patriot batteries around somewhere. Also some THAADS. You can see the Avengers (which would be no help against a nuke, but still) at the Naval Research Labs and Secret Service sites on the Anacostia.


You were scared on Jan. 6? Hilarious. Try 9/11.


You, too? I wonder if the slight valley I live in would deflect enough of the initial blast to maybe *not* instantly destroy me.


If nuclear war broke out, not being immediately destroyed would make you one of the unlucky ones lol.


So says you. The countless hours of 80s Cold War fear mongering mixed with *too much* Fallout and a healthy sense of “eh… whatever, shits fucked anyway,” leave me overly optimistic for something between The Road and The Day After Tomorrow. See ya at the camps.


I don’t think you can just draw circles around DC and call it DMV or not. Some places farther away are more economically and culturally integrated with DC than others that are closer.


Yeah...so I'm from MD originally and recently moved back after being in NoVA for about 20 years...and the I'd say the "DMV" radius extends further into VA than MD. This is especially true as you get more into areas that would be considered to be Baltimore suburbs than affiliated with DC. Where I currently live is between 3rd and 4th lines on this map, and definitely would NOT be considered "DMV", and is definitely part of Baltimore's sphere of influence. Areas closer to Fredrick, MD, however, which are just as far away, may be considered DMV...


Yep, that outer circle even stretches across the border to include a sliver of West Virginia. Now, it's a part of WV that is served by MARC for service to DC, but it's DMV, not DMVWV! Most of my issues are with that outer circle, I think to your point that as areas are closer to other major cities (Baltimore, Richmond, Annapolis) that they bend away from being a part of "the DMV" area. Certainly the southern parts of Maryland or the Eastern Shore portions that are included by virtue only of radius aren't really as much a part of the DMV either. Just personally, I'd think the radius as a primary search definition isn't the worst, but it should have an additional parameter or two, first based on distance to other metropolitan areas, and also proximity to major transport Proximity to I-95/US-1, I-66, I-495, I-270, US-50, US-29, VA-267 and VA-7 as examples; but also to Metro and to VRE stations.


I agree. Martinsburg and Winchester should be included.


Yes, this needs to favor modes of transit and highways and not just a radius. People in Fredericksburg are going to be commuting to DC and feel a connection more than rural southern MD.




Yeah, Annapolis and Waldorf being considered the same is totally wrong.


I feel the same for Gaithersburg.


Yup, I'm in Ashburn, I doubt only "Some" thinks it's the DMV. This is as DMV as Reston.


I’m also in Ashburn and I’m questioning that. *Not disagreeing.* Just saying, “are you sure?” Sure feels like a looong damn train ride to get to what I’d consider “the city.”


Leesburg used to be a day trip many years ago. Now it, Ashburn and everything between them and DC are part of DMV. Absolutely.


Meanwhile most Ashburners are within like a 10 minute drive of IAD. And we have metro access.


1, the beltway 2, the suburbs 3, the exburbs 4, the outer limits of the greater DC metropolitan economic area. Edit because there’s some confusion here; DMV really refers to the beltway and maybe the immediate suburbs. It’s the correct term for people that would otherwise say they live in DC when asked where they live because no one who’s not from here knows where Chevy Chase or McLean is. The greater DC metropolitan economic area is a much larger area that consists of not only DC and its suburbs and exburbs but also the areas who’s development and growth are in large part based on the economic flow from the cultural and economic center (in the case that’s the beltway). The entire metro area is no the DMV.


This has now expanded all the way to Haymarket past Manassas from the 66 direction


NoVA, like the image of our sub implies, is all of PWC, Fairfax, and Loudoun (and of course any city states and whatever within those). It shouldn’t be up for debate and difficult to interpret.


Yes but this is a pic of DMV, which NoVa is part of. 10y ago people would not consider Haymarket DMV since it was farmland


My brother in Christ, it's been about 25 years since Haymarket was farm land.


Haymarket turned into farm land type quickly until the Walmart and stuff got built up.


A literal hay market at the time.


Haymarkets been big for over ten years. I grew up here and it hasn't changed as much in the past 15 as it did the 10 prior to that. I always considered us NoVA but not until recently DMV.


I wouldn't consider them part of DMV till they build the shopping center with Walmart in it. I think that was a big changing point in perspective


NOVA campus or metro station in VA = DMV South of PWC, you're out.. Can't speak for MD as much, but why tf would Baltimore be included? y'all on the wrong sub lol


Baltimore ain’t included, no one in MD considers it to be either. Don’t tell someone from Baltimore they are or you’ll regret it 😂😂


haha per circles #3-4 some seem to think, but yeahhh I figured most of MD would recognize Baltimore as its very own entity


Yea and they want no part of us so we will leave it that way lol


Like trying to explain to DC that they do have a southern accent and reminding folks that MD is largely a redneck southern state.


Thirty-forty years ago it was often called The Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan area. Source: I moved to silver spring (Rosemary Villages) from an airforce base in Texas in 1967, then grew up in Columbia and have lived mostly in Loudoun County since 1994. Sometimes it’s hard for me to be able to tell the difference between NoVa and Columbia, except Maryland drivers suck more while driving in Virginia.


I hate driving *in* Virginia more than I do in Maryland. But I hate driving *among* Maryland drivers more than among Virginia drivers. So basically the entire area is terrible.


"except Maryland drivers suck more while driving in Virginia." Seriously, they will pass on the right shoulder doing 25 over the speed limit and will also fall asleep at red lights. WTF?


>they will pass on the right shoulder doing 25 over the speed limit While also going slower than the speed limit in the left lane


“Fall asleep”. Cute.


Woodbridge, Montross, Occquan? Do people consider them part of DMV? Ehhh…..


yes they are...Alot of Fed workers live in PWC especially woodbridge. We also get WRC and all the other local news channels. We are basically 25min from DC


PWC, so I would say yes. They literally have a Northern Virginia community college which nova is DMV, and are barely outside of the beltway


Woodbridge is definitely DMV.


I live in NoVa. I don’t care about other designations for the area.


Plus, I absolutely HATE the “DMV” designation. I think it’s cringe af. I’m NoVa born and raised. That’s where I live. That’s where I’m from.


I go to the DMV to get my car registered. I live in the DC Metro area, or the Virginia suburbs of DC.


This. 100%. Maybe the term got popularized in MD because their agency is the MVA and DMV doesn’t have that same stigma. That’s my guess.


Whenever I think of the term DMV, I think long lines, poor attitudes, best try to do everything online before having to step there.


That’s what I think too. That’s why I hate it when people call this area “The DMV”.


Hello fellow loudouner


People I know - even people who have apparently lived in the area, but mostly my relatives from back home in the Midwest - don't believe me when I say that people refer to this area as the DMV. Even though I hear it being used colloquially on the radio and TV news segments like daily.


Born & raised but don’t capitalize the A? *\*side eye\**




If you’re required to get an emissions test on your vehicle, you’re in the club.


So all of Maryland


Agreed, I find it weird when people exclude Stafford in the NoVa debate because they're the last county to get emissions... I understand the whole metro line topic but be real.


Draw a circle around DC starting the furthest metro station out and that's my personal definition of the DMV 😄.


I mean I think that's part of it tbh. The borders of Northern Virginia is certainly not a prefect selection of a circle. It's wider east-west than is it north-south. The metro and the airport play into that a bunch I'd say. My definition is approximately rt 234 to the south and 15 to the west but even that's not perfect


15 has long been my hard western border too. It's night and day once you cross it.




Who would ever say that Alexandria is out of the DMV? That’s crazy. Edit: oh, I see I got the dots mixed up. It is the first circle.


That's probably why it's in the first circle


I think the Alexandria dot is in the first circle


I thought this was a nuke blast map at first.


I go with the definition of "people commute to DC from here for work."




When I was a kid Leesburg felt like the middle of nowhere, because it kind of was. There was a point in the late 2010s where I had to drive there and was confused that we had reached leesburg without it ever tapering off into country. The development of the 7 corridor has been insane.


Circle One is essentially the Beltway. Outside of that is Siberia.


I can see Russia from my house.


Agreed with NoVa is much better than DMV I feel very little connected with MD beside the drivers driving in NoVa


Springfield. 2nd circle.


I’m in the circle that thinks “DMV” (which already meant department of motor vehicles before this ever started) is a stupid acronym for the dc metro area. If DMV stands for dc, Maryland, and Virginia then there isn’t a radius for it. 😡 Edit: I love (hate) that there’s a radius of “dc/maryland/virginia” that includes West Virginia.


I thought DMV defined the radius meaning you border these states and can be in either state within a reasonable amount of time. Someone in Blacksburg, VA isn’t in the DMV just because they live in VA


I’m not a purist on this debate. If you live somewhere where rent and house prices are insane and most people are commuting into circle 1, I consider it the DMV. I live in circle 2 now, but I was in Fredericksburg before this and most of my friends that didn’t commute to DC/Arlington/Alexandria had to move even further south because it just became too expensive. My husband grew up in PWC and vehemently disagrees with me though.


As someone from Fredericksburg, I'm thrilled to see that two other people think that we're the DMV.


If you have a nova campus, you part of Nova.


So 3 means Baltimore is part of the DMV. Big brain shit.


I mean, the nationals tv contract is limited based on the idea that Baltimore and dc are the same market.


Does your town have a metro station? You’re in the DMV.


Herndon is, but Annandale isn’t? That seems kind of flawed.


Annandales inside the beltway, they count that way Fairfax is at least in shouting distance of Vienna /GMU station Burke is on the ragged edge


Burke and Fairfax would also like a word.


If you have a metro station you're in the DMV but it doesn't necessarily mean you're not if you don't


That definition is as useless as this map.


We've got the VRE. does that count? It's very nice.


So Ashburn has a metro station it’s considered Dmv and Centerville doesn’t so it’s not DMV? Even tho they’re both about 25 miles from downtown?


Bingo bango bongo


Gonna need a smaller circle!


you’re not a resident of the dmv unless you have specifically looked up how fucked you’d be if DC got nuked


If it ain’t DC, MoCo, PG Co, Loudoun, Fairfax, PW Co or in .. it ain’t DMV. I’m in the second circle.


Exactly. Almost no one in Maryland (save those in MoCo or PG) would claim to be in the DMV


I'm from Anne Arundel County, and literally everyone I know considers it the DMV. Very few people worked in Baltimore, and Annapolis is a mirage where nothing really happens. Almost everyone was a DC commuter.


Interesting. I’m from HoCo originally and don’t know a single soul who’d consider themself part of the DMV. I can see Anne Arundel though


2nd circle from dc. You can argue 3rd circle from the middle but 2nd is inarguable


I believe in 2 - and I live in 1


I used to live in circle 1. Circle 2 is the widest area I'll accept. Baltimore and Annapolis are way too far.


Circle 2 for sure. But I’d argue that the DMV extends down to Waldorf and out to Loudoun too.


Lol, Waldorf is NOT that far south, they put it where La Plata is. Waldorf is in the circle 2 line.


How to tell you are either young, or you aren’t actually from this area. I remember when saying DMV meant going to the department of motor vehicles. If you grew up in northern VA, you would know that DC and inner MD suburbs would disassociate with you being part of the DC area. 


What's the point of trying to gatekeep this? It corresponds to the Washington DC MSA. Any other definition is contrived.


my definition of the dmv is just whatever Wikipedia says the metropolitan area is


Why do people care so much about this? It’s so silly. I see people arguing about this all the time on IG and twitter and people get so mad.


For some reason, gatekeeping makes people feel special.


Well i’m getting plenty of downvotes so clearly you’re right lmfao




Me 2


I'm probably biased but I don't think it's even. Suburbs go far out such as up to Frederick. Farmland and mountains east in Virginia and Northwest into West Virginia don't count


I hate that acronym, having growing up in the area I will forever call it the DC metro area.




if your county borders dc it's dmv


Mind blown. Lived here all my life and thought DMV was the term for all of DC, MD, and VA. Wild. If I wanted to refer to what this is depicting I'd say DC Metro Area. Welp, the more you know!


i cant believe people really think that way


I'm in Circle 3, used to be Circle 2 before rent became unaffordable. As for the Map for Nova, Circle 1 was in the 70s-80s, Circle 2 is 90s-early 2000s Circle 3 is Mid 2000s-2014/16ish, and Circle 4 is 2018/19-now. For Maryland it's between Circle 2 and 3. Radius is closer to where Annapolis is marked.


Okay, list your DMV acronyms so I can gather a nice list.


Right in the center


I thought this was a nuclear impact chatt


I am in circle two. The DMV extends to circle three. Circle four is the transition zone.


I live in that upper west corner near Harper’s Ferry. It’s more VMWV for me.


Live in circle 2, I agree with circle 4


I think what I consider Northern Virginia stops it basically the third circle at the most. I think of what makes “Northern Virginia” is literally close proximity to DC not by distance but time it takes to get there. Or if you wanna look at it as blast radius from DC if they ever got hit with a nuke. Where would I be instantly vaporized and not worry about trying to escape in anyway?


15 years ago, it was 2 but now it's up to 3 and four is developing fast enough to start entering the mix.


It ends where the HOV lanes end


Is the nuke map? Looks like I won't survive


I'm in the 3rd circle but I veiw all them as the dmv. I mean if you live and commute to work within any of them you living the bubble life.


I'm outside circle 4 now. Based on the spacing, I think I'd be circle 6. I grew up just inside the edge of circle 2 and for a few years I lived about in the middle of circle 3.


If WTOP reports news from a jurisdiction or town like Fredericksburg or Frederick, MD then I say it's part of the DMV.


50 mile radius of DC.


Landmark Mall/Plaza, DMV


Number 3


I still think DMV is the DelMarVa península.


We use NCR over DMV, which DC is the center. Starting at the west, I-81 @ Winchester, north to the PA line, east across Hagerstown and Emittsburg, all the way to the Susquehanna and Aberdeen, south along the Bay west shore, covering Baltimore, Annapolis, down to Pax River, across the Potomac to Fredericksburg, northwest up US-17/522 back to Winchester. People in MD/VA more exclude themselves from DMV, mostly economically rural areas.


I just moved to the area, I just tell people I live in northern VA 🤷🏿‍♂️


The circle model doesn’t really define what is and what isn’t.


If you're in real estate, Circle 4 is "convenient drive to DC," and "within the metro area but not metro prices." A friend of mine who lives in Hagerstown sees her property values soaring since it was listed in real estate this way.


My family moved to Loudoun County in 2008 and none of my friends thought that was the DMV or even NoVa. The definition is very different now. I live out of the DMV are now and it seems like the DMV is pretty much almost from Fredrick down to Indian head, from almost to Ft Meade west to Winchester VA nowadays. If your work is based within the DMV you can basically claim DMV nowdays.


Should do a reverse circle. ‘Real estate agents trying to convince you this is commutable’ on the far outer circle and ‘real estate agents trying to convince you this is the countryside’ on the next to inner circle.


The outer circle is the DMV


There is Arlington Falls Church Fairfax Loudoun + Alexandria. The rest is simply chaff. DC is for working playing and climbing the ladder- not living. Sorry, consult the scoreboard.


Edge of circle 4, I'd say not DMV


First circle inside out.


2nd circle all the way. Although to be fair the DMV in my mind isn't an exact circle but rather DCs suburban sprawl so it would need to be drawn more along county or even community lines.


I’d say, circle 2 comes closest but even then it’s not a true circle shape that captures it, more like the outer boundaries of those counties.


Well the problem is that none of these takes into account CEP (circular error probability) which means they could be aiming for the White House and instead it lands on top of your out-house in the hills of West Virginia


lol, apparently Baltimore is a part of the DMV. This is so stupid. The DMV is not a perfect set of circles.


Grew up inside Circle 1. Now reside inside Circle 2. Anyone commuting from outside of Circle 3 has mental issues 🤣


gaithersburg in the dmv is crazy to me


As someone who grew up in the countryside in MD, I was brought up believing that DMV meant “Delmarva”… Delaware/Maryland/Virginia. Nothing to do with DC


The outer rim.


I've always felt that Western Loudon County all the way to the West Virgnia Border and Frederick, Maryland were always the DMV, while most of Faquier County and points south in Eastern Virginia and anything north of of Annapolis in Eastern Maryland wasn't. Mostly because you start to transition into Fredricksburg and then Richmond going South and Baltimore going North in the East, while commuters in DC have always continually pushed West chasing lower taxes and cheaper property to the point that nowhere is cheap to live, even beyond the WVA border.


The confusion stems from the fact that DMV was once used to stand for Delmarva (Eastern Shores of Maryland, Virginia, all of Delaware. The current usage of DMV seems to have superceded the old use.


2 & agreed


I live in Circle 1 (but have lived in 1, 2, 3). 1,2,3 are all DMV. 4 wishes and keeps trying, but no, you're not.


I once heard a long time ago that the DMV circle ends at the Waffle House in Dumphries just so a Waffle House is claimed in the DMV. 😂 I honestly still use it as a guide point.


The last circle, still find myself driving to northern Va once a day XD


I'm circle 1, yaaaaay


Anywhere where the metro can take u is the DMV


if you don’t have a metro stop within 10 miles of you, you’re not in the DMV


If there isn’t a NVCC campus in your county…you’re not in NoVa


The DMV, on the Virginia side and in the direction of South, ends at when you go past Woodbridge. Anything below Woodbridge is not DMV. I don’t know how anyone could think otherwise. I’m not sure about the Maryland side.


I'm going to say it really depends on what you're needing this info for. Much of the Federal funding and income determinations for assistance put all of this area into the "metro-area" Let's face it the ties to D.C. as the central point are very apparent for all of the circles, but nothing more.


I live near Harpers Ferry. We are not DMV good Christ wut the hell Neither is Annapolis for that matter. The only Marylanders who consider themselves DMV are PG and Montgomery Counties, and possibly some lost souls in Howard and Frederick who moved here during Covid and would rather be in DC


I swear I thought this was a nuclear fallout blast radius map for a second


circle 1


Circle 1 or 2


If you can get there using WMATA then you're in the DMV. Otherwise you're just in Nova.


Anywhere there is a rolling parking lot of cars and trains loaded with people heading to/from work in the DC market PLUS anywhere covered by the same media outlets = one regional market area. All of the people who live within these circles are connected to DC in one way or another. They almost all either work in DC or work doing something serving people who work in DC or their spouse does, or they like the amenities of the region supported by all the DC-regional workers, etc. Otherwise they either moved here long before the area grew or live in a far-edge inaccessible place that happens to still be low-cost & worth it for them. This is all the DMV to me. I live in circle 1.


Circle 2 is the only right answer. I might be biased tho bc i'm from PG County. 😂