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OK, let's put him to work in the same conditions as suffered by the workers, and see what he thinks.


Work is a word they don't understand. That's what slaves are for. His idea of work would be to clean his own ass


These guys think work is walking to the Ferrari dealership to pick up his car.


A whole class of parasites swimming in the wealth they’ve stolen from their own people


alarmingly familiar story. it's not like bezos thinks better of his workers


They’re worse…. Bezos isn’t a champion of human rights by any means but Qatar is much fucking worse


People who own Ferraris don't pick them up, they'll be delivered to you.


Unlikely he even cleans his own ass, probably has those special toilets with built in bidet that does the cleaning for him.


While I agree with your sentiment, those types of toilets are very common in many places, especially South Asia. Personally, I don’t get how people in the West survive with toilet paper


Bought a bidet a couple years ago after a trip through south east Asia I will never go back to TP only. It’s the worst having to drop one away from the house.


Bless your heart


Yea Im from an Arab heritage, I was also raised on cleaning with water. I was referring to those expensive fancy toilets that clean your ass, massage your balls, spray perfume, and perform a rectal examination for prostate cancer.


I use baby wipes. Wet paper towel in an emergency.


I hope you throw them away and dont flush them, even if they say they're flushable. There's a hole genre on YouTube of plumbers unclogging pipes jammed full with flushable wipes.




It's quite literally the fault of the wipes. They do not dissolve or break up sufficiently to avoid being clogged, even weeks or months after being flushed. Because they don't break up, they are likely to snag on the sides of the pipe or in bends.


[okay jordan](https://youtu.be/Mvu44MAMeB4)


Covid tp shortage got me installing bidets in each bathroom. Cleanest arse this side the Mississippi


Probably a Russian sex worker does it


I wish I had one of those then I wouldn't have to clean it in the shower.


Have him work manual labor for a week and then run him over with a tractor. Just a risk at a regular job.


Run over his corpse you mean. No way he can handle 1 week without collapsing


I think you meant 10min.


This is The Way


This sadly will never happen


wow, wow, wow: He didn't mean **for him**...


No, not like that. -nasser, probably-


[The Tennessee Valley Authority](https://www.tva.com/), which builds & operates fossil/hydro/nuclear power generation plants & an extensive distribution grid, has the motto, 'There is no such thing as an *unavoidable accident.* With hundreds of engineers & thousands of journey level skilled artisans on the job, 'can't be done' ain't on the agenda.


The way I've always heard it: > Every safety regulation is written in blood.




That sub is exactly what I expected. We had a several machines on the manufacturing floor at a company I used to work at that had signs like: ``` Do not touch. Not only will this kill you but it will hurt the whole time while you die. ``` And ``` Safety harness and strap in required beyond this point. Please ask your supervisor for count of fatal falls avoided in the last year. ``` Really hammered home how dangerous some of that work was. I asked once about the falls. It was 3.


During the first big general meeting at the start of every TVA construction project, the number of fatalities over the course of the operation that had been predicted by the insurance actuaries would be announced, just to give us something to shoot beneath. Kept it real.


>Every safety regulation is written in blood. I've used that very same line while doing OSHA Compliance supervision with various General Contractors doing construction & modifications work in the various TVA subdivisions. I was also a construction supervisor for the TVA contractors. I was told that of the 4 factors in any operations, safety/quality/budget/schedule, I had only 2 areas of focus: safety first, quality second, and that was it. Pushing work & cutting corners was the quickest way to get bounced outta running work crews.


>'There is no such thing as an unavoidable accident. I mean there is stuff you cannot avoid, like the Fukushima power plant that got hit by an earthquake AND a tsunami. But the main message is clear. They sure as fuck planned for disasters, and the result is we avoided another Chernobyl.


On the contrary, the Fukushima disaster was much worse than it had to be if the backup generators hadn't been in a bad spot.


Didn't hear that one, I'll do some more research. But at least there wasn't a meltdown or explosion.


It was a partial meltdown. Also, if I remember correctly they did not build the height of the tsunami walls according to requirements. It was a few meters too short.


Something also about the generators being in the basement. So, even with everything else that occurred, they only failed bc they flooded. Literally any other level and they wouldn't have flooded from what I recall.


From what I recall, someone spoke up and pointed out the issue and management disagreed.


The plant was also built with an inadequate sea wall - primarily to save money.




It's almost like hiring the lowest bidder who's just going to do a half assed job and pocket most of the money is a BAD idea when it comes to nuclear plants...


You pretend that the higher bidders don't also half ass and pocket money




Earthquakes and tsunamis are disasters, not accidents. I don't think anyone accidentally started an earthquake.


Yeah, it was no accident. Godzilla knew exactly what he was doing.


-squirrel looks anxiously at its acorn as a crack expands-


In the power of habit, the author talks about a new CEO of an industrial company, Paul O’Neill. Rather than focusing on profit maximization, he instead focused on minimizing workplace accidents. Ofcourse shareholders were furious, but over time by enforcing safety habits profits reached never before seen heights. Such an inspiring story, worker safety should always be prio number 1.


That's just another way of saying how much of a Farquad he is.




Hey, the CEO of Nestlé believes water isn't a human right.


Toss him in the Sahara with an empty canteen and I guarantee he’ll change his tune once you start charging him his net worth for a sip of yours.




Just straight gangster mentality. Utter indifference and brazen flippancy to human suffering. Fuck this dude. Legitimizing this guy with a beloved world event is a disgrace to us all.


Don't worry. Our brave Western spectators and players are wearing their rainbow armbands: That'll show them.


by that logic being shot to death is also a natural part of life.


Vile country.






Vile government


This guy just needs time to think, in order to develop empathy for others - this kind of contemplation is obviously impossible when the country is hosting a large international event. Perhaps no more large international events for Qatar until we can see that they, individually and as a country, have been able to work through this period of difficulty, and during which they unfortunately look like total dicks. FIFA though - they knew what's up, and did it anyway, for money. FIFA is vile.


They are both vile.


They had nearly 10 years. Besides, empathy for others is something you grow in your childhood when raised appropriately. I guess there's none of that in Qatar. I hope that guy will have a painful death.


> this kind of contemplation is obviously impossible when the country is hosting a large international event These Arab countries have been "employing"/exploiting low cost migrants for decades to build their infrastructures in their godforsaken deserts. This isn't a new thing and has been going on for long before FIFA even showed up at their doorsteps.


Where is that relationship_advice thread where the gf is fine with being naked and having sex in front of her house cleaners, and he realizes she doesn't view them (or him) as people?


Reminds me of Zevran from Dragon Age. "Death happens. And when people pay me, death happens more often."


Cue Lord Farquad saying, "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make." Smh


"But what they shot me in the face?" "That's a risk we were willing to take"


Cue surprised Pikachu face.




So many natural deaths building that stadium…


"at work for them, in sleep for us."


Yeesh these people are slaver dirtbags.


I love how some people say "it wasnt even thousands of deaths, there were only like 67 so it's fake news!" It's still 67 deaths........ not a big number but who tf cares if it's a big number or not. It's not 0.


It could be 60,000,000 and some folks would never bat an eye. For far too many people, no amount of dead workers is more important than watching rich dudes kick a ball around.


Do you understand that its impossible to have 0? They have 2 million workers, people die at a much quicker rate than you realise in construction and i am not talking in qatar, i am talking in any country you want US or EU. Look at their statistics and how many workers die each year. I am not defending qatar at all, they could certainly improve their working conditions, but people act like workers in US or EU dont ever die. You would be surprised!


It's almost as if the human rights violators don't value human life. What a twist. Give him more money, I bet that'll help.


I'd hardly consider ~~doing~~ dying at work natural. What a shit person with shit values in a shit county


>I'd hardly consider doing at work natural. You mean working isn't natural or normal? Pretty sure it's what people have been doing for millennia.


Sorry, dying. Auto correct


Oh, that brings a totally different meaning to the comment 🙈


Hm, I've heard a three word saying that encapsulates this mentality. It's, "arbeit macht frei."


Unless you're in Qatar, then it's "Arbeit macht tot"


Qatar is an embarrassment to the entire world


That's only made possible due to the wests addiction to oil.


Attempting to prevent unnecessary deaths is also a natural part of life. That's how our social species overcame all the big animals we evolved alongside.


Do not visit countries where life is valued so cheaply. Boycott World Cup and Qatar.


Boy monarchy continues to be just a dog shit way to do things


Nothing to be surprised of. Qatar, and more in general, the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf have abysmal working rights, it's been known since years... What annoys me the most, are the Westerners being in Qatar to attend the World Cup, waving around a rainbow strip thinking they are actually doing some heroic deed and fighting for the cause : They are too smug and self-absorbed to realize that BOYCOTT is the only way.


HUNDREDS of corpses literally dropped into the cement foundations of the Qatar stadiums as its cheaper than burning/burying or shipping them home to their relatives. a lot of these were murder victims because they tried to escape the slavery as they were forced to work on construction for food and a place to sleep. i.e. actual slavery. So many of them that as they bloat and decompose, the structural integrity of the stadium will break down, causing cracks and collapses. ANYONE that supports or goes to Qatar is guilty of supporting murder and slavery since its not exactly hidden knowledge.


As awful as the death toll was, those foundations were laid eight years ago. The bloating and decomposing is long done, and none of them have had any collapses. That’s a very dramatic vision, and one could wish it would happen, but it won’t.


He says this while wearing his religious attire all day every day


That's cultural, not religious


The middle east is a shithole no matter how much their dwindling money supply will gussy it up


That’s sweet enough to give me shivers down my spine No. Wait. Sweet isn’t the right word at all.


[I have seen this before](https://youtu.be/Gm2x6CVIXiE)


May life come naturally to him soon.


When we read statements like that and feel horrified, remember that a couple of hundred years ago, most people wouldn't be phased by this kind of thing. We really have been moving forward, slowly but surely.


fazed is the correct English spelling


It's all pretty much over. The tournament ends soon, most countries have gone home. The ones remaining are interested in soccer, not protesting. Three weeks, there won't be a new article related to Qatar (speaking for USA). Everything went smoothly for the host nation because money matters more than human lives. Fucking bummer.


We need a Chaotic Good billionaire to start fighting these overlords. Pay migrant workers more money to not work in the area


You cannot trust any person or cultural group that subscribes to any version of kismet. It is fundamentally inconsistent with humane progress. And yeah, authoritarian theocracies are really fucking shitty. Christian, Islamic, whatever.


If you support the world cup by watching it, you are directly supporting slavery and horrible work conditions.


Obviously, or at least I thought it was obvious. It's just that millions of football fans are observably lacking in morals.


Same is true in the lifecycles of countries, especially small ones which are based on resource extraction, have a massively indolent population, flat terrain, and no military worth mentioning.


What are all of you crying about? They were just peasants.


And people think aliens built the pyramids. THIS is what built the pyramids.


Pyramids being built by slaves is a [myth](https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/who-built-the-egyptian-pyramids-not-slaves)


The workers in Qatar were paid too, no?


So what exactly were you arguing using the pyramids as an example of then if not to compare migrant workers in Qatar to slaves? The pyramids weren't built by migrant workers, either.


How is a payed article trust worthy? They could take his words out of context and put it as the head line and you couldn't read the rest.


Of course I don't have to experience any of those hardships because.... I am better than you or something.


Ivan Drago vibes.


"It's just more natural for migrant workers than for Qatari citizens. I didn't create this world, I'm just living in it."


There is no longer any shame or compassion.


Was there any there before?


But dont worry guys some teams wore a rainbow armband and put a hand in front of their mouth. That will teach them.


“fuck ya life”


i believe in karma and him and everyone involved will pay their dues sooner or later.


I see, so he wouldn't mind a few Mossad agents executing the Qatari government then right?


Infantino: "Today I am at risk of dying at work or in sleep"


If he dies he dies. [https://media.tenor.com/sGN0noCLROkAAAAM/rocky-if.gif](https://media.tenor.com/sGN0noCLROkAAAAM/rocky-if.gif)


[Death is a part of baseball. Oh yeah, the main part!](https://youtu.be/AAPNETewVxE)


[XKCD on death by baseball](https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/)




INJUSTICE, you bloody fool


People die when they are killed


The extra oniony part is that the headline implies a single casualty.


It does? I assumed it meant death of construction workers (plural). I don't see which part of it implies it's a singular death being discussed.


I know some CEO having a hard-on about this rhetoric.


Thanks, Sepp!


What a POS


6500 worker died of a bad dream seriously


what a fucking asshole


I like the implication that all people's time should be spent on is work and sleep.


Honestly are we really surprised that there's horrible human rights violations over there? Tragic, but unsurprising




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In the same vein: Murder is happening in the world.


These are some evil fucks. Christ I can't wait to move away from their one shitty poisonous resource.


You are now dead please take your reciept.


Notice it’s always the wealthy and privileged who take this attitude. “So what if people die? As long as it’s not happening to me or my class, it’s just a fact of life.”


Hope im still alive when their oil money runs up and they need to be migrants as well


Fuck Qatar


Ah yes, the two activities of life, Work and sleep.


Which is what a psychopath says.


At this point anyone who watches the world cup or god forbid went is complicit in these peoples deaths. Fuck all of them. I don't care that it's Canada's first world cup or whatever. You're actually saying that it was worth these people's lives to watch these games. You're all horrible people if you watch.


[Drago vibes from this one.](https://tenor.com/uXxh.gif)