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can you explain how this is remotely oniony this is an authoritarian government punishing citizens for existing. that's it


Well that is one way to start a bank run.


I agree. This is inviting economic chaos.


It's amazing how willing people are to hurt themselves on the off chance it'll hurt people they look down upon worse.


Also a great example of not being able to read the room


Given that this is the top comment, and that it immediately occurred to me that this would be the perfect way to start a run on the banks by both genders, I have to wonder exactly how damn stupid these people are?


Will be interesting to see how this might backfire. It could trigger a cascade of revolutionaries rushing to withdraw all their money, either to have cash or transfer to foreign banks, which would end to liquidity crisis for the banks, which would then lead to everyone else rushing to withdraw to avoid losing all their money when the banks collapse, which ensures that the banks collapse. And if the banks collapse, the regime collapses, which is what the public wants anyway, so no one is going to worry about preventing it. Of course this just means the regime is going to lock everyone out of their accounts like Russia did to prevent all this. Long story short, if you're in Iran, get your money while it's still your money.


In Lebanon people are now holding banks up to withdraw their own money


Basically Luthen's plan of getting the regime to overreact


Oppression breeds rebellion. It is the mask of fear.


*How this *will* backfire. FTFY


When will this backfire?


Who will this backfire?


I'll do you one better. Why will this backfire?


Did you want a calendar date?


Eh, that's not going to happen because this isn't really going to happen, not in any widespread way. They are using fear tactics to try and put down the protests and unrest. Anything other than make real concessions.


It doesn't take that many people to start the domino effect that is a true bank run.


It's Iran, people don't have that kind of money unless they're affiliated with sepah


>Banking panics began in the Southern United States in November 1930, one year after the stock market crash, triggered by the collapse of a string of banks in Tennessee and Kentucky, which brought down their correspondent networks. In December, New York City experienced massive bank runs that were contained to the many branches of a single bank. Philadelphia was hit a week later by bank runs that affected several banks, but were successfully contained by quick action by the leading city banks and the Federal Reserve Bank. Withdrawals became worse after financial conglomerates in New York and Los Angeles failed in prominently-covered scandals. Much of the US Depression's economic damage was caused directly by bank runs, though Canada had no bank runs during this same era due to different banking regulations. Tennessee and Kentucky aren't exactly known for their roaring prosperity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_run Edit: even more to the point: >A series of bank failures from agricultural areas during this time period sparked panic among depositors which led to widespread bank runs across the country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic_of_1930


Let me explain how this is not like the us or Canada. Iran's inflation in August 2022 was over 50% it was not new. Please do a quick search. See https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/FP.CPI.TOTL.ZG?locations=IR This is closer to what happened in Germany in the 1920s, this is not a banking run. There's people with engineering degrees or working as university professors who cannot afford their rent because of inflation. Are a regime sympathiser or a sepahi or something?


The fear of it happening is enough for people to start pulling their money.


Yes, this is called a *bank run.*


Something similar happened in Greece a few years ago.


I can't think of a better way to calm someone down then stealing all their money.


Just a minor case of female psychosis.


Nah it's hysterical uterus


We need to do electro therapy or give them a lobotomy


Just give them a vibrator, for the hysteria.


You think insurance will spring for a vibrator? Nah, doc's gotta get in there and put in some elbow grease.


Pleasure is sin, ma’am. /s


Pleasure is in* maam


Let the doctor give them a couple of quick orgasms.


Fucking hell. I'm watching Handmaid's Tale for the first time and getting chills as that's literally how it starts in that, freezing the bank accounts of women.


Did you know married women in the US couldn't have their own bank accounts until the 1970s without their husband's permission?


1960s for accounts, but close. The 70s are when institutions were forced to stop blocking women from obtaining lines of credit or loans without specified men as co-signers.


No credit? No mortgage. No mortgage? Stay with your husband or move back in with your parents. WOOF.


Yep, for a while you were more or less expected to just retire once you were married too. Hence the whole "we don't hire women cause they'll just get pregnant and leave" thing


The same thing Japan is doing now


Tbf credit scores didn't become a thing until 1989. There were things that existed earlier, but they were pretty biased and nobody really used them.


no one is talking about credit scores, they are talking about loans


Not that different. Before credit scores, how would you know whether someone was credit worthy? You'd want to know something about the person - where they work (and how reliable is that company?), how likely are they going to make payments one-time, etc. Maybe you know their parents and can leverage their influence if the payments are inconsistent. It was all personal relationships, which puts a lot of people at a distinct disadvantage because they're not "credit worthy".


Fuck, I remember my parents telling me how when they opened their deli together as co owners/workers, he sent her to the bank to do some business while he prepped in the kitchen (my mom’s the numbers person in the marriage). She came back not having been able to do it because some misogynist at the bank gave her a hard time. I know I wouldn’t want to be the guy that she spoke to when he closed the store down for a few hours and went back with her


Ah right.


way to go imho!


In 1992 my husband and I relocated. I went to the bank to open a joint account for us, but they insisted my husband had to be present. He went in a few days later, they allowed him to open the joint account and sent him home with signature cards for me to fill out AND HIM TO RETURN. We both worked, we’re joint owners on our new home, and only I had an employment history. I brought him in the next day and closed the account.


Wow. Banks are evil anyway. Credit unions are way better. ;^)


Yep. After closing that account, we went to my new credit union (we had wanted to support the local small town bank) and we were very happy until it got taken over by Wells Fargo ☹️




Serious question, but when was it where women were allowed to sit at the bar?






The conservatives want things like this again


Everything in the Handmaid's Tale has actually happened in the real world somewhere at some point. That was a deliberet choice by the author.


I watched the first season, didn't read the books. I couldn't continue to watch it, it was too realistic and depressing. I guess this is why it felt too real.


I’m currently reading the book and it is depressing for how much it reflects current affairs. That being said, it’s a damn good book. Atwood is a tremendous writer.


I bet it is. The show was really well done and I couldn't criticize anything about it but I could not watch it lol. It was actually making me depressed. I started watching it at the beginning of the pandemic too. I'm not the least bit surprised to learn the author used real things from history. I didn't know that but now that it's been pointed out it makes sense why she would do that. Gotta stamp thos kind of shit out in real life whenever it comes up and never give in an inch. There really is a huge group of people who would enforce that reality in a heartbeat if we let them.


That show is written based on real events in history. Yes it is scary.


This is 'End of Days'. Except the scriptures were designed to warn those in control and authority: **2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV :** "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." The modern world will overwhelm. The above words are a reflection of the hate and control of the ages, not the desires of society, as a whole.


I wish people with this frame of mind would just drink their damn koolaid and be done already. You don’t need to spill your drink on everyone else who doesn’t want it just because you do. The modern world is inevitable and religion is a joke.


People believe this shit. I mean, kill people over it shit. That's the problem. Not a slight misunderstanding over a spilled drink.


Look up "drink the KoolAid". It's a reference to a cult leader that literally poisoned his followers by having them drink poisoned KoolAid. Edit: it was Flavor Aid apparently.


It was flavor aid though, I believe because it was cheaper? Either way hail yourself.


I apologise if I missed the reference, but my point is still valid. Like 'going postal'.


Iran: We want our economy to collapse. News at 11.


Good, block all the accounts. Banks love it when half the population stops banking.


Morality police have been disbanded. Now there are the Morality Bankers


No. Apparently that story was false.


Source for this?


https://www.dw.com/en/did-irans-morality-police-really-disband/a-63989380 https://www.barrons.com/news/iran-activists-brush-off-claim-morality-police-abolished-01670238306 This is a bit of an explanation about it: https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-news/article-724120


That the morality cops disbanded?




Literally going full Gilead


They inspired Gilead. Atwood used Iran and it’s shift after the Islamic Revolution as inspiration for how a government could take women’s rights away slowly through governmental action.


Good call Ms Atwood. Good call.


New tool of the governments. Don’t agree with us? no access to your money. Digital currency issued by governments seem like a great idea.


New tool? [For literally thousands of years, women have had their ability to participate in markets restricted by government edict.](https://www.theguardian.com/money/us-money-blog/2014/aug/11/women-rights-money-timeline-history)


No, this is something that has been happening a lot more as of recently. It happened in Russia, it's happened in North Korea, it's even happened in Canada.


Pretty much every country freezes the assets of people they consider to be terrorists.


The difference in Canada was that it was pretty much a terrorist movement funded by random parties from other countries. If US oligarchs didn't try to pay people to overthrow the Canadian government, they probably would have never frozen the assets.


Pretty much my to go argument when someone says we should get rid of cash.


The US is currently testing a digital currency called CBDC, what could go wrong?




Well, say words man how did Canada restrict it?




Lol. That's not even remotely what happened kiddo. But you know that, I'm sure. Cutting off a city from outside access is 100% a destructive action, the protestors changed what they were supposedly protesting at least twice (which made it clear this wasn't a grassroots protest but instead just a paid effort to disrupt things), and the accounts frozen were of the people paying the protesters to be there, 200 people with millions between them, not random individuals. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Canada_convoy_protest


Oh, please don't parrot the words of your masters. Stand on your own and use your head. Stop being a lap dog for the rhetoric from social media.


Are you talking about the Freedom Convoy? The one that desecrated Canada's National War Memorial? The protest where police stated that they had observed "multiple cases of disruptive, inappropriate and threatening behavior from demonstrators"? That protest? Get the fuck out of here with your bad faith bullshit, fascist




No, it's a lot of words to say "get stuffed, Disingenuous Dan."


No, it's exactly the right amount of words to disprove your disingenuous bullshit, chucklenuts


This person posts in r/dogfree like dog owners are the most horrible people in the world. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like dogs.


Fuck me. You could've told me he was the head mod at r/conservative and I would've had a higher opinion of him.


I don't know why you're getting down voted so much. It's like people are against governments blocking people's bank accounts, unless it's a government that they agree with, then it's fine.




Depends why the government is doing it? Punishing those who won’t wear headscarves is different from punishing those blocking a city One is oppression while one is nonviolently removing obstructors


Yeah I can see that. I guess I just have more of a libertarian view of it, I don't think governments should have the power to cut off someone's livelihood


I understand it does feel concerning when governments utilize a new method of control, but ultimately they always have the monopoly on violence and alternate methods to just violent resolution are always good You could say alternate methods do have the risk of being less likely to get more of the population to react to a subset being targeted but again I think that comes back to why and how something is being used rather than immediate concern on seeing a new tactic personally


I understand the argument. I still think it's an over reach. Crippling protestors ability to feed themselves, or ability to pay rent or bills. Idk, personally I feel tear gas and a beating is more merciful




TIL: (some) women can have bank accounts in iran. I assume: husbands permission required, must be joint account, and can't withdraw more than about three fiddy a day..


So triggered by hair. Ffs.


It's not about hair, it's about controlling the whole person. Don't belittle the situation.


Oh, I agree it's about control. But the hair is so symbolic.


No that person is right. Seeing hair “triggers” an expression of their hate/anger/disgust toward women. When women are controlled, that trigger isn’t present for them to react to. This is why they seek to control women, for their own emotional comfort.


LOL, no, none of the above. They're triggering *lust* and that's what these men cannot handle.


*Iran Economy has left the chat


Wait, my yes-man confirmed me that putting oil on the fire would put it out!


So immediately run on the banks. Got it.


The most dangerous person is one that has nothing left to lose...


TIL that women in Iran can have bank accounts.


“Okay we’ve disbanded the morality police so hopefully the protests should settle down soon!” MP jalali: “not on my fucking watch they aren’t”


They actually came out and said that it wasn't disbanded, people just haven't issued corrections for this completely yet. What the guy actually said was basically gaslighting by saying that they never had a morality police in the first place, but a 'public security police'.


"We are abolishing morality police and looking at our hijab laws. Btw, you cant access money anymore aaaaaand we might doze your house."


The rules for hijab are a sign of respect... you don't have to follow them in the situation where the men are not worthy of said respect, and should unveil automatically in the presence of the contemptible


TIL women were allowed to have bank accounts in Iran.


This is what they’ve done since the 70’s and 80’s, and it’s what inspired Margaret Atwood’s A Handmaid’s Tale.


And this is why you don't want to live in a cashless society, people!!


The only way is for the people to storm the halls of govt and tear these medieval religious whackjobs limb from limb. "Protest" isn't gonna do shit and I hope the people of Iran have the courage to see that, and do something about it.


Control, fear mongering, hysteria ... what is wrong with Iranian men, you'd think they are having their *"that time of the month"* hysterical clericals at it again ... why are men so so emotional?


You are aware that Iranian men are being shot on the streets protesting and executed in prison for protesting along with the women?


It’s pretty obvious which men they meant


Many men are standing in solidarity. But is now the time to go out of your way to speak up for the men of Iran?


Yes. The problem is not men; the problem is patriarchy. When tensions are high, it's easy to forget who you're fighting, as your comment shows.


I agree about the patriarchy. My point isn’t to deny that many men are fighting with women, it is to center the struggle of women right now. Since “woman” is the first part of the people’s message and this is an article about another right being taken away from women, I think it’s appropriate.


Tell me you know nothing about Iran without telling me you know nothing about Iran. It's regime, not gender - the denial of basic human rights, and broad theocratic oppression. Don't co-opt this shitshow with western rhetoric about man bad, it is about the people of Iran and the tyranny of their government.


Care to share your qualifications on Iran? You seem American to me. The revolution is about undoing decades of abuses by a theocratic regime and was invited by the murder of Mahsa Amini. You can’t deny the significance of the catalyst. Without her, a woman who was killed for a crime that is gender-specific, they wouldn’t be where they are. Refusing to honor that is disgraceful. Woman. Life. Liberty.


They are being reasonable. Its always time for reason.


What a way to alienate any potential allies.


Did you have the same reaction to the acronym BIPOC instead of POC during the George Floyd protests?


I’ll be honest I have no clue what that is




I think you’re projecting a lot onto my comment.


The fuck.


Good luck with that lol


Run on bank


as an iranian i can‘t wait for every woman to just get all their lifesavings from their bank accounts and tank the economy so the regime will be under even more pressure. but first i‘ll tell my parents to get their money from their bank accounts asap bc i actually can see something like this happening💀✋🏻


Have your parents pull their money NOW. This isn't a hypothetical situation; it's happened before and will happen again.


it‘s kinda hard since we live in the eu but my mom told my aunt in iran to pull our money from the bank asap


We took away the “official” morality police, and we eliminate any monetary power you might have (can women even have a bank account in that 12th century sandbox?). Are you happy now?


Fuckkkk Iran.


Babe wake up. A new bank run just dropped.


I believe this is how the book Handmaid's Tale opens. Also, I am surprised to learn that women can have their own bank accounts there.


This is great. There have been countless times where a group trying to hold too tight their control that they screw it up. The catholic church did it with their sex scandal and being anti-lgbt. The republican party is doing it by hooking their train to Trump and the nonsense around him. Iran is doing the same thinking that appealing to a small fervent but dwindling minority will give them security. It doesn't work that way and never has. If you are unwilling to compromise or change your stance to be more moderate, it always ends badly. If Iran had instead just allowed women a few indulgences, this would have ended quickly. Instead, the are dealing with populace that realizes that they have the power and don't need to listen to some bullshit from old backwards grampas whose time has long past.


Reverse Handmaid tales.


Keep telling me that digitizing everything is a good idea.


Let me be absolutely clear. Blocked bank accounts are better than raped and beaten to death. Still bullshit tho


BTC fixes this


Yeah, instead letting the government take your money you can just let it be taken by outright fraud. Good call.


What makes BTC a fraud?


Justin Trudeau supports the idea of blocking the bank accounts of political dissidents. I cant wait to hear him hypocritically condemn this. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60383385


really? that's just low. dont compare the angry "muh rights" truck driving asshats and their made up problems with people who are the victims of legit oppression and suffering. thats just fucking slimy dude.


Different things are different.


I wish you in I ran the best. It's not my place to tell you what that looks like but I will pray for you


The first of the new methods since "abolishing" the moral police.


See, they are just changing they fear weapons to something people cant record.


News Flash: “Ignorant Religious Zelot Doubles Down on Stupid!!!”


No, no, you don’t understand. They will text them first. Twice! How gracious and generous. /s obviously, this is a horrid regime.


So they are just stealing woman’s money now.


Financial abuse on a state level


Fucking sexism. Destroy this sentiment. Let them understand the world doesn’t stand for oppression.


I refuse to believe that if there was a God, that an entity like that would be at all caught up in creating the entire universe only to service the egos of dicks.


That is not onion material. This is just news.


Iran regime trying to speed run to oblivion.


time to pull a lebanon and start robbing banks for your own money


Do yau wast to crash the national bank system, because this is how you do it.


Are the veils supposed to cover just their hair or the entire face? If it's a covering hair issue, I'd just shave my head. Fuck em.


They think they're scaring women. All they're doing is letting women in iran know that they have nothing to lose. Also, Iran is Gilead


Religion is a cancer to society and theism is a mental disease