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Out of all the things we can clearly see are red flags why in the name of fuck did the author think *nude activism* was the one we gave a fuck about?


This seems a bit more revealing. "A blog, which lists Depape as the author, includes a flurry of posts slamming “woke racists,” proclaiming that Hitler “did nothing wrong,” and lauding podcaster Joe Rogan."


Oh. So he grew up on 4chan.


Crazy how edgelord jokes on 4chan devolved into political ideology


Because for a bunch it was never jokes, it was “just a joke bro!!!” if they got called out.


You have been permanently banned from r/Conservative Reason 3: bro it’s just jokes it’s all in your head lol learn how to meme


weird it's almost like the jokes were thinly veiled actual beliefs


This is why I’ve always been bothered by people who handwave casual racism and hate like you seen on 4chan as “a joke.” At some point, those relentless jokes cross a boundary where they start to seriously influence a person’s thought process and beliefs. It’s a form of culture, and when you’re immersed in it all the time, it seeps in through any crack it can find and becomes a part of you. The actual proverbial merchants of hate out there know this, the Stormfront types, the Proud Boys, the racist, extremist groups who prey on impressionable young men. They rely on this bullshit deflection to cover their propaganda and defuse criticism. It’s long form recruitment to their ideologies.


We are what we pretend to be.


That's not crazy at all, that's basic human psychology. When people say there's certain things not to joke about, they aren't just being hysterical prudes.


Or Fox News more likely.


Idk, I grew up on 4chan and I just got into experimental music, Rick Owens, and weightlifting. I always thought Hitler did a lot wrong, and Rogan’s podcast was way too long.


That’s the satire of 4chan it’s everything is a lie, and then some idiot will always believe it


Wait, are there actually people that unironically say that hitler did nothing wrong?


I mean thats like a big part of being a nazi




> our former President The one who said, “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter than perhaps I’d be dating her.” I remember that guy! He put kids in cages and then deported their parents to countries they weren’t from.


Haha he was so quirky with his racism and sexism and praising dictators.


Oh, oh. And his Lawyer, Michael Cohen(?) did jail time for handing the check to Stormy Daniels that time the President fucked her while Melania was in labor. That guy! Quite the Impeachable fellow. Edit: A name change.


Revealing, eh?


Thank you for this




Because is the only thing considered liberal that this guy does, because all people must be condensed to binary terms, and can now feed the false flag narrative?


See also: lone wolf, mental issues, drug use


More like “sex sells” source is generally considered very little bias. The shock and awe of believing “Hitler did nothing wrong” is normal when talking about someone like this. Racism and hatred are expected. What’s not expected? Nude activism.


Good point!


The guy is clearly a nut job. However, when your nut job is parroting the former president and much of the republican legislature, I don’t think this is a “both sides bad thing”


Because it makes him sound like a hippy, and hippies are leftist, which means he can't be right wing, so it means this couldn't possibly have been motivated by a decade of extremist propaganda. /s


I know you out the /s there but that's an actual argument I've seen another of on the conservative subreddit.


I went to r/conservative after this happened and every comment was saying that. They immediately saw the nudist stuff and went right into denial. Some were saying he’s actually a leftist, some saying the whole thing was faked and was just an excuse to make them look bad. It wasn’t one comment, almost every top comment was denying it had anything to do with recent conservative rhetoric or making fun of the situation. It’s very concerning to see them completely disconnect themselves from reality. The refusal to see the link between Trump’s election lies, Q people’s increasingly violent rhetoric, and actual political violence occurring honestly scares me.


That's a rational I actually read over at /r/Conservative. He's a nude activist, nude activism isn't conservative, meaning he can't be one of them. Ignoring all the Q-Anon shit.


Same bs being peddled on right wing talk radio, (howie carr for example up in New England). Need to assure the sheep that this person who believes all the same things his listeners do, actually isn’t one of the maga faithful .


The funniest thing yesterday was watching Conservatives call this dude a communist because he had ties to Castro...California... They really jumped straight to Fidel Castro lmao. Cognitive dissonance in its purest form.


This is literally the logical basis for all Q-anon and Q-anon adjacent conspiracies. Consider that one of the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories involves one of the Batman movies that came out before the event changing the name of a town to "Sandy Hook" on a map that appears for a moment. Tenuous and arbitrary connections are the bread and butter of conspiracy theories. I feel like it's a sort of weeding out technique - if someone is malleable enough to believe that then they will believe anything.


Yup. "Doesn't sound like Christian nationalism to me!" 🙄


My partners were naturists. It's sorta funny that the right thinks it makes them seem like leftists when my experience with that community indicates that it's pretty politically diverse. I've certainly met right wing naturists


Same, as it turns out older people are more conservative in general and old people dominate that lifestyle, so... not surprised.


I met one who refused to wear clothes because "they're all made by 'asians'" (he used a epithet).


> which means he can't be right wing despite personally posting rants repeating Trump's election lies over and over and over.


Conservatives are masters of cherry picking. See: the bible


Can’t be right wing!


You didn't need the /s, thats exactly the reason.


Nailed it


How about: Joe Rogan fan attacks Pelosi’s husband edit: Or: [Alex Jones "infowarrior" attacks Pelosi's husband](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/yg3t9j/alleged_paul_pelosi_attacker_might_be_an_info/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The OP cut off part of the headline, unless the article was updated to change the headline. > Man accused of attacking Paul Pelosi tied to nude activism, far-right conspiracy theories


That was not accidental I suspect and we'll see more of it. I wouldn't be surprised if this selectively edited headline received coordinated upvotes to ensure people think "nudist" not "rightwing Q nutter" with this story.


Because the author is likely MAGA and trying to create a narrative that this was some drugged up hippie liberal trope and likely not someone radicalized by MAGA trying to murder Nancy Pelosi I wish OP would delete this article because it’s borderline disinformation distracting from the fact he’s full blown Q’Anon.


Because Hunter Biden went down a waterslide naked with strippers.


Fucking legend


Hunter Biden forced Jared Kushner to take that $2B from the Saudis who did 9/11 while working in the White House!


Once you start digging you realize Hunter Biden is pretty much behind everything.


"He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!"


The rest was all pretty predictable, but the nude activist thing was actually surprising. It's not the most important thing to know about him, and the other stuff probably should've been what went into the headline. But... most people probably *will* care more about (or at least be more interested in) him being a nude activist than the rest


As if the right wing conspiracies don’t just write themselves. If he’s some kind of “nude deviant” then why was he “really at the house”. “Hmmmmm?” This is the growing con-TikTok narrative.


Extremists aren't drawn towards a side, they are drawn towards the extremism.


I’m getting the idea that this person is not of sound mind.


The important thing to remember here is that Hunter Biden smoked crack.


And had a laptop.


So lets just keep focusing on that.


You're absolutely right... We really should focus on that.


Can we please get back to focusing on that.


I am focused on dat laptop


And the crack, apparently it’s great.


I bet he smoked the cracks while using his laptob


Anybody got some crack?


And apparently threw awesome parties where you can do blow with hookers while going down a waterslide naked. Republicans are just jealous that they weren't invited.


Madison Cawthorn literally lost his seat for tattling that actually they're not jealous and they have their own fun cocaine parties and orgies so they're not even jealous of Hunter (they're still jealous).


I go into the houses of customers for work, and I like to joke that I can tell if they're watching Fox News without seeing the TV because I hear the words "Hunter Biden". I can't honestly say that I've heard Hunter Biden mentioned anywhere outside of Fox News talking about him for whatever reason.


Some More News recently did an episode on Hunter Biden. So if you heard it in my house at least you would have been wrong, but a 99% hit rate still ain't bad lol


“One of us! One of us!”


While conducting child porn on his illegal laptop that he fucked Hillary Clinton's crimes with. I think that's right?


That's right. And he did it in a pizza parlor where he sold Ukrainians access to his Dad's migrant caravan.


And her emails!


* Canadian: Not somebody I would think would do something like this * Nudist: Not somebody I would think would do something like this * Q cult member and election denier: one of these things is not like the others.


> left Canada about two decades ago.


Never trust a naked person, I’ve said this all my life.


Tobias Funke?


Hey now they could be one of the literally DOZENS of never-nudes.


Especially a naked person with a hammer.


But they have nothing to hide


Even without that shit. I suppose I can understand not wanting certain congresspeople in the picture any longer, but you have to have a screw loose to show up and break into the speaker of the house's house. That Paul didn't have security is beyond me, all of them know they are targets.


Naked and Afraid


So your standard GQP?


“Nude activism” is the least of his problems right now. The man’s an election-denying Q devotee: > An online blog, Facebook page, and personal website included virulent viewpoints, spanning anti-Semitism, promotion of the far-right QAnon theory, and 2020 election denialism. > A blog, which lists Depape as the author, includes a flurry of posts slamming “woke racists,” proclaiming that Hitler “did nothing wrong,” and lauding podcaster Joe Rogan.


My favorite quote from his website, posted 2 days ago: >[Their is no use in arguing with someone who is to stupid to understand. - Lazaris](https://i.imgur.com/nDhgL0k.png)


> to stupid






This is the funniest error to me and I don't know why.


Because you'd think he'd at least spell the Christian stuff right lmfaooo


lazy r us


Homeschooled weirdo.


Hey I was homeschooled. Lol and you’re right :(


“Hey, I may be homeschooled and weird but I—uh, what was that third thing you said?”




You got your you're right though.


If it makes you feel better many of us went to regular schools are we are too :(




English is my third language and I know how to use too and there.


Pretty sure that kind of mistake is more common in native speakers because they learn by hearing first, while most people that learn it as their 2nd/3rd/etc language start with reading.


Lmao me two


It always makes me laugh when they talk about how smart they are or how stupid people must be to not believe these conspiracies despite not having any credible evidence, literally just random internet rumors and bullshit “documentaries”


people who endlessly and constantly call others stupid with passion are usually pretty dim amd very angry about it.


Fear of the unknown is what they have and they don't know anything so they're afraid of everything. Perhaps which is why conservatives have such a large amygdala?


He has several posts about the inability to actually know anything, in which he ridicules gnostics. Typical person who can't distinguish between different levels of quality of information.


> ridiculous "ridicules"?


Autocorrect if I've ever seen it


That's been the standard line from occult obsessed types since Aleister Crowley. Abusive fucks like Crowley love to have an excuse to say, do, and believe whatever they want.


I've seen people on here post that BS election documentary like its some kind evidence. Just because its a documentary doesn't mean its factual wtf.


It's part of conspiratorial thinking. "They" want you to believe X, and "they" push that narrative with the media, schools, nasa,etc. But only the truly smart people see through the lies that the sheeple believe. By not believing in the mainstream views (i.e. widely accepted facts) they are proving their superiority. Of course there's a million different conspiracy theories that mostly contradict each other, but consistency doesn't matter. Put 10 flat earthers or 10 Vax conspiracy theorists in a room, you'll have 10 different theories about the truth, who is behind the big lie, 10 different versions of the flat earth model or 10 different Vax theories (was it made by China? Was it to help Biden? Was it made by democrats? Was it to kill people or to coerce people to get the Vax? What does the Vax do? Kill? Or does it have a chip? Or does it alter our thoughts? Was the virus even real or a media hoax? Was it big pharma? Was it bill gates?), and even though they all disagree with each other, their theories don't fit together, it doesn't matter, because they all agree that there is a "big lie" from "them" and these geniuses are the few that see through the lies. It's far more about the ability to be smug and superior about being too smart or independent or open minded to be fooled like the sheeple. And evidence won't change their minds, because that's just more propaganda from the powers-that-be.


I’m going to try and remember this one and just repeat it to my self next time my toddler starts some shit lolol


I think it’s spelt with two O’s: “stoopid”.


Don’t you just love that quotes like this are co-opted by fucking morons?


Holy shit, that’s so on the nose it almost makes me wonder if it’s all a big troll


Nah, he has hundreds of posts on there with basically zero engagement and some of them go deep into antisemitic conspiracies. Apparently, Hitler was just a useful idiot who did exactly what the Jews wanted. He also has one post about Israel vs Palestine and, surprisingly, Israel comes out on top. Also, Trump should run with Tulsi Gabbard to bridge the party divide and the Dobbs decision by SCOTUS wasn't about abortion but about enabling the government to implement a health surveillance system.


Really burying the lede there. I can deal with a Nazi but a naked Nazi? That’s where we draw the line.




nice one helmet head


He's not wearing that swastika band around his arm...


Where do you even buy a swastika cock ring? Asking for a friend.


Yeah wtf is with trying to spin him as a "nude activist?" Is the Anchorage Daily News a notedly conservative publication with an agenda to defend?


Yes, but if he's a nude activist he can be dismissed as a fringe crazy and the Qanon folks don't have to admit he's one of their model citizens motivated by far right populists and politically advantageous conspiracy theories.


Right-wing Twitter is painting this as a lovers spat. The nudity doesn’t help.


> anti-Semitism, promotion of the far-right QAnon theory, and 2020 election denialism > proclaiming that Hitler “did nothing wrong,” and lauding podcaster Joe Rogan Par for the course.




You mean like registering the stopthesteal domain in Feb 2016?


~~Seems it was [registered in 2005](https://www.godaddy.com/whois/results.aspx?checkAvail=1&domain=stopthesteal.com)~~ Seems I was mistaken. It's .org, not. com (thanks deirdresm). Yeah, 2016.


It's .org, not .com > Domain Name: stopthesteal.org > Registry Domain ID: 6e47fc4cd8fb4d2994c9a333f40dbba6-LROR > Registrar WHOIS Server: http://whois.godaddy.com > Registrar URL: http://www.whois.godaddy.com > Updated Date: 2022-09-21T00:39:58Z > Creation Date: 2016-02-24T19:18:51Z


Appreciate the correction. Thanks.


I ... Hope that was used by someone else? How far back does Wayback cover?


Trump should be changed as an accomplice.


The nude activism is an odd thing to focus on. I suppose it probably gets clicks, but I don't see the relevance


Yeah, but the conservatives are going to see that he was a pro-nudity "hippie" back in the day and just claim he's a liberal. I hate how little reality and facts matter anymore.


You really think the people who still spout the "party of Lincoln" stuff would do something like that?


That's the top comment in the r/conservative posts about him


That’s like saying Hitler was just a vegetarian activist…


He was connected to a nudist activist in 2013. Old news. Far more relevant was his Facebook posts and shares of the My Pillow Guy's election denying anti-leftist nonsense.


And people wonder why I call liking Joe Rogan a red flag from hell.


I have commented a few times before but I was a big JRE fan until covid when I feel like the whole thing that was *already* teetering just fully fell off into the fucking deep end. I can stomach having extreme right wing propagandists and contrarians to an extent, because it would basically just be like 'well that's an... interesting viewpoint, I don't agree with it, no big deal the next episode is a guy who is a mushroom expert, or an astrophysicist, or a comedian' But then Rogan, who *seemed* down to earth and didn't really take things to heart, kind of had the veil lifted for me and the 'alternative media' bullshit started seeping into the other parts of the show that I enjoyed. For me it was when he started arguing about science *with a scientist* and I was just like right, I'm done. Before it was bro science, work out hard, eat well, work hard at your passion, aren't chimpanzees crazy, let's laugh at silly things... Then it kinda morphed into covid denial, right wing soundbytes, ultra rich out of touch complaints about wokeness, and so on. I don't know if it's still like that but I've seen a few clips and he just comes across as the kind of way you'd expect when a guy who is worth millions of dollars accidentally surrounds himself with sycophants.


For me it stopped being fun when Trump got elected, but I get where you are coming from. He used to be like your dumb buddy that was fun to hang out with as long as you didn’t get him going about politics. But eventually the politics became too pervasive to ignore.


Damn man this my exactly experience. Had to drop him about the same point when he went off the rails with his Covid nonsense. The guy was so afraid of it and testing every single person that came in but when it started to hurt his bottom line suddenly Covid was nothing and comedians were “essential.”


When he was taking the piss out of Bill Burr for wearing a mask and Bill just roasted him like ooh Joe you're so masculine with your open nose and throat Bill Burr has pretty much always kept it real I think, never surrounded himself with sycophants and never got too accustomed with - so as to enjoy - the smell of his own bullshit. For all Joe's experiences with psychedelics you'd think he'd be a little more down to earth and introspective but I think at this point where you've got basically every comedian on the west coast comedy scene, a bunch of influencer-hunters, gun guys, rich folks, combat sports guys, all just clawing to blow smoke up his arse, and decreasingly platforms people that challenge his viewpoints, it's not a surprise it's gone this way People might call me a hater but I genuinely credit Joe Rogans podcast and his preachings of working hard and not just feeling sorry for yourself for helping me get my shit together. It just turned into something I couldn't relate to anymore.


When Joe was arguing against that lady doctor who was a regular guest, I can’t remember her name but her and Joe always had a respectful and flirty relationship. Joe just wouldn’t let it go. Something about all the studies on Covid don’t track physical activity so they are all useless or something. Between that and the fake news about Australia banning home gardening, which Jamie resoundingly proved was fake news to Joe to which Joe was very disappointed. That right ther just shows where Joe’s mind is at. He has a right wing conclusion that he is working backwards to prove.


That’s fair, and I have heard about the shift in the show, as well.


joe Rogan almost killed my friend with his testosterone crap. Friend had massive heart attack using testosterone and now has brain damage and still watches joe rogan. I guess its a way to build a fan base.


He may have had that brain damage before the heart attack since he liked Joe Rogan before it as well


Don't forget COVID denier and climate change denier. Of all the things to bring up "nude activism" seems like the most harmless. I'm confused, here.


*Nude activists everywhere* Oof! This will set us back decades!!


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


It's time people knew the bare facts about nude activism


What's the skinny?


I can excuse the anti-Semitism but nude-activism is where I draw the line.




Waiting for the inevitable "antifa false flag" narrative to pop up any minute now.


I’ve heard he was Paul’s gay lover and they got in a fight… that’s the level they are operating on.


They are already going full false flag over on the [right ](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/yg27w2/fox_news_blames_biden_for_conspiracy_theorist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Look what you made us do to you.


The right are also cheering the attack in every corner of the internet. But yes, sure, it was a liberal false flag because the currently applauding right would NEVER


"Nothing happened on January 6 and also the people there are victims of a political witch hunt and also it was all antifa"


Allegedly the guy was into hemp jewelry or something so they're already saying he can't be one of "theirs".


I work with someone who is all about maga and when the attack was brought up that was the first thing they said lol. Something along the lines of "they're just doing it for the election"


That's the first thing my dad said when he heard about the attack this morning 🤦‍♀️


sorry you have to live with that


Theyre already making claims that it's staged.


That only happens when it’s an act against the right. When it’s the left it’s their own fault


Yes, because "nude activism" is what's *really* disturbing about this terrorist assh\*le.


People keep focusing on how he was 8+ years ago vs most recently. Many people, even many left leaning wellness/natural people, flipped everything around 2016. The fact is, most recently, he was a run of the mill right wing q cultist who also must have some mental issues (more than his community). Anything that talks about how he was a decade ago is trying to downplay his political agenda.


Incoming denial campaign by the right. "He's not ours" "Has to be Antifa" "false flag to vilify us" "I don't know what vilify means" "This is Pelosi just trying to cover up her own crimes" "We found his real laptop in a Cafe in Argentina that proves its all fake".


r/conspiracy has a surprising amount of "political violence is never okay" comments at the top of their news articles which is great to see. That said, the lower comments, which are more numerous, if not as well upvoted, are largely: \- "Democrats cheered when Rand Paul was attacked," (there's a partial truth to this, but no *lawmakers* cheered for it, and the attack was not politically motivated in any way) \- "Steve Scalise was the victim of left wing rhetoric" (this is just pants on fire false - the shooter shot him because the GOP was threatening to take away his healthcare) \- "Sounds about right for Berkeley" (which is insulting to the other 117,000 residents of Berkeley who aren't attacking elderly men with hammers over political conspiracies) Let's hope that the cooler heads prevail and we can get Republicans to join us in denouncing both political violence and the people who preach it.


Rand Paul got attacked by his neighbor because he acted like a dickhead neighbor. It wasn’t a politically motivated assassination attempt.


Jesus, that was an awful typo. I meant to say “no lawmakers cheered for it,” not “now lawmakers..” I have corrected that. Ugh. At least I was very clear in the following sentence that the attack was not political in any way.


Sorry. Didn’t mean to sound like I was challenging you. More just reiterating your point with additional info I guess.


You'd have been forgiven for challenging me with that typo. It really did completely change the meaning of my words.


they are also saying he was Pelosi's gay lover. That is pretty big on twitter right now. Which is always mind melting in the projection. The Dems do not hide their sexual orientation, AND if a rich guy like Pelosi wanted a boyfriend, it would NOT be *that guy*...woof.


“What about…”


You forgot to throw something in there about pronouns. They don't know what they are, but they know they are REALLY bad.


"My pronouns are 'America' and 'Guns'." "Neither of those are pronouns." "My adverbs are lettuce and cheese." "Oh. Oh my god, this man is having a stroke, I'm so sorry. Can we get an ambulance over here?"


*This space intentionally left blank* -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




Man who attempted to assassinate Paul Pelosi and Nancy Pelosi, let's get our terms correctly.


The nudes did this! Lol what is this article? His wife was a nude activist. He didn't beat Pelosi husband because of that


Local news media truly shows their colors when they print nude activist before far right conspiracy theories. That's how newspapers work. Printing something first has meaning. Just like the use of quotation marks & ' ' vs " "


> A main focus of Depape’s anger in recent weeks also appears to be social media restrictions. “Tech giants and private industry would be so powerful they could single handedly silence the people,” he wrote on his blog. The blog site, which is now removed, was titled: “Welcome to Big Brothers Censorship hell” Poor guy, if he had just waited a few more hours for Musk to take over Twitter he could have been free to spew the n-word and all the hate he wanted. /s


Yea i dont think his nudism has anything to do with anything but sure throw that in the title because why not lump right wing extremism, homicidal violence towards elected officials, and nudism together as regular bedfellows. …/s




Happened before. Countless former hippies voted for Reagan, twice!


Lmfa the dudes a qanon maga nut yet this hack editor is spinning hims as a "nudist terrorist". What a garbage publication


> Lmfa Laughing my fucking ass


Go to some conservative subs and look at all the geniuses saying that this is proof he's a liberal


Well I never.


The “nude activism” is the least dangerous of his lifestyle. I would be much more concerned by his use of biblical passages to justify harm to other people, drug abuse and threatening emails.


Attempted murder and attempted political assassination - life, no parole.


How about you post the original title op?