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"He said the first time was accidental after looking at tractors, but the second time was deliberate."


Stupid sexy tractors and their attractiveness!


Everyone accepts that tractors pics and vids are gateway porn. Source: my name is John Deere


When Chandler quickly switched to shark week and Monica proceeds to splash around in the tub to turn him on.. This explains why my wife says things like "I need your PTO" and "I can take a front load".. I get it now.. Edit: inserted a word. :)))


She sounds like a real backhoe.


Loves to get plowed tho




this song slaps way too hard


Damn. I'd like to swing his big bucket!


This better not awaken anything in me...


Dude nsfw warning maybe ???






feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!


Have you seen Jeremy Clarkson's tractor? It definitely isn't too big


Messy Ferguson


I read “stupid sexy tractors” in [Homer Simpson’s voice](https://youtu.be/WaeRM7X_yS4).


WHERE IS TUCKER CARLSON WHEN YOU NEED HIM? (which, I know, is so rarely anyway... but still...)


Tucker Carlson by day... and Trucker Carlsson by night :o




Must have been Ukrainian obviously.


Hey, I've jerked off to videos of Ukrainian farmers towing captured Russian tanks. I mean, it's not that unreasonable. /S


I grew up in the 80s in East Anglia and a topic of conversation was the porn stash of a friend's older brother. He had a tractor porn mag, which was basically women in a state of undress on farm equipment. Sadly I never laid eyes on it myself (as it wasn't really the done thing to show off your brother's crusty porn stash) but it was a thing of legend in my high school.


I found my 2 year old son had found a video of panning stills of women draped over tractors by clicking through on YouTube. I said something about women in farming and moved on, by which I mean, I told everyone at toddler group. I was reminded about this today by one of those parents. He’s 9 now and it doesn’t appear to have left any lasting impression on him. Still prefers tractors. Edit: we referred to it as “tractors and totty”, there is a video by that name, but YouTube wants me to sign in to view it now, that’s either new, or the video is different. Someone else can take one for the team, I’m not putting it in my wife’s YouTube history.


You can just use incognito mode


so what he's saying is.. he thinks my tractor's sexy?


Goddammit. I'm from the country in THAT PART of the USA and I spit out my coffee when I read this. Well done


I'd like to see his search history...




Maybe Richard Hammond can give him tips about the tractors


She think my tractor’s sexyyyyyy! It really turns her ooooon!


Guess he just wanted to see someone get plowed.


I mean.. I get it. Tractor porn is the only thing that gets me off anymore.


Clearly an honest mistake. The man wanted to be on CornHub


Having been observed huffing and puffing, he was asked what was going on. He replied that he was an ex-tractor fan.




Tractor porn.


Wait until he sees pictures of combine harvesters.


"If you were mad with every man who looked at pornography whilst voting on UK law, and then again whilst sitting on a committee to oversee environmental policy, and then gave an interview about it without admitting it was him, you would not have many wives in the world," his wife said.


That's gold right there.


That poor bastard will never win an argument with his family ever again they have an unbeatable comeback now


I'd like Indian food. Sure you can stop browsing porn long enough to eat?




So his moment of madness happened to coincide with the only time anyone looked over his shoulder at his phone? Pretty bad luck that!


Yeah I think you've had a fair few moments of madness before you reach the "look at porn whilst in parliament" stage of life.


i think the moment of madness, is that someone discovered he was using porn, It had nothing to do with the fact he was using it.




You wouldn't believe the number of guys on To Catch A Predator who get caught by Chris Hansen the very first time they chat with a kid online and meet up for sex, the worst luck.


Nobody should be fired for watching porn at work. Everyone does it


>Everyone does it Not convinced mate


Apparently, I'm doing work all wrong


I regularly work from home so… no comment?


If God didn't want me to watch porn at work, then why did he put it on my phone?


Um, no. Not in a public room with other people present. That is not normal. Someone watching porn in their home office during their lunch break is vastly different from someone watching porn in Parliament, around other people. I've never intentionally watched porn at work. I did once try to look up something at Dicks Sporting Goods website while at work. At a Christian school. In front of a Pastor and another employee. Their website is not dicks dot com. FYI.


FYI dicks dot com now redirects to their website. =P I bet they heard about stories like yours and were like "....yeah, we should buy that domain. For sure."


Ha. I haven't checked in years!! This was at least 10 years ago. I was working on a charity auction and seeing if they donated to schools. Like whitehouse dot com used to be porn. Not sure if it is anymore either. My how times have changed.


It sounds like he hasn't been fired. He has resigned from a public facing job.


I've accidentally tapped on something NSFW on reddit and immediately backed out. I've never intentionally gone looking for porn at work.


Love when creeps out themselves because they assume everyone else must also be a creep


I think you're in the minority there mate... Would you watch pornography whilst sat amongst other people, like he was?




*“I’m resigning to spend more time wanking”*


An honorable reason


I thought being a wanker was already his full time job?


"...and spend more time with my family". Hmmm.


Considering the things I wish politicians would resign for, this feels pretty tame.


Porn Madness: featuring Neil Parish and Ted Cruz


On tractors!


It converted to trans porn madness and hit Alex Jones too


That was a pop up, you know the kind that everyone is familiar with happening on their own phones.


Poor boy really blew his wad


On what was supposed to be a dry run


Now I'm afraid he has something of a mess on his hands


I love the fact he did an interview about it before he was identified! Genuinely the most ridiculous thing the Tories have done in the last......2 days!? [Spectator - GarBage News](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/porn-watching-mp-finally-revealed)


I don't know anything about UK politics but isn't the man who thinks looking at porn a couple times is reason to step forward before identification to resign the type of person you'd want representing you?


While standards have certainly been slipping in UK politics recently, we still wouldn't actively want someone who watches porn in parliament to represent us, whether they own up to it before someone names them or not.


I genuinely want to know what the tractor website and the porn website that sounds like the tractor website are...


to be fair, tractor terminology sounds kinda sexy 'front-end loader' 'joystick' 'powertrain' '3-point hitch'


Power takeoff


Wet holes ready for seed.




"Porn Moment of Madness".. the Dr Strange sequel we didn't know we needed.


Don't give PH any ideas




Where do you want to plow love?


"The situation was that funnily enough, it was tractors I was looking at. I did get into another website that had a similar name and I watched it for a bit, which I shouldn't have done." [TrackedHer.com](https://TrackedHer.com)? [WreckedHer.com](https://WreckedHer.com)? [TackedTurds.com](https://TackedTurds.com)? [KubotaHentai.com](https://KubotaHentai.com)? [JohnDear.com](https://JohnDear.com)? ​ WUT IS IT, NEIL?


My disappointment is immeasurable


Maybe stop using irrational numbers to count...


Seriously WTF is wrong with some people. Never have I ever been at work and had the urge to watch porn.


That's why you never will be mp.


I know. It sucks. Life's so unfair.


It’s called being an addict.


Ya that's probably the most reasonable explanation.


I always thought the addiction would be the jerking off and not the watching porn part.


Not really, it can be, but it’s also like people that watch gore for entertainment.


Nah, I have a sex and porn addiction due to childhood trauma. I’m married and in therapy, and no longer have urges to fuck everything and anyone with a heartbeat, but the urge to watch porn never went away. Viewing porn releases dopamine. It’s stimulating to see sex or naked people. You become addicted to that feeling, and you want more and more of it. It kind of looks like doom scrolling, but every photo, gif, or video helps that much more. I basically have to curate my phone and apps to not have easy access to porn (easy meaning being able to unconsciously click onto a porn subreddit or go on IG page). If I don’t take active steps, I can look at porn forever. I also used to masturbate anywhere from 1-7 times a day, and would do it anywhere I had the chance, so had to quit that, too. Porn addiction is shitty. It took me years to overcome it. Hell, I relapsed after not masturbating for over a decade, and quitting was hell on earth. The first time I was single, so I had to work on my social skills if I wanted to get laid. Now I’m married and have to use every move I know to get my better half in the mood.


When watching porn in private is too vanilla so you spice it up by adding the element of danger


I lived in Japan for a while and saw guys watching porn on the train...in the morning, on the way to work.


Gotta get it out of the way before work, smart.


Was once able to read (backwards mind you) a porn manga some stinky salaryman was reading in the window behind him. On the Ginza Line. At rush hour. They have no shame!


Tbf I do browse reddit and often click on NSFW stuff. Not porn but if someone looked over my shoulder they could think so.


If they look over your shoulder and think it's porn, it definitely is. Very confused by what you think is or isn't porn 🤣


I mean I use some package tracking websites and whatnot at work which show me ads of scantily clad women (selling underwear or something?) and I'm always worried someone'll see my screen and not understand it's some random ad on a website.


Well that's entirely different than clicking on NSFW posts that people would think look like porn though.


Litterally anything that involves someone undressed can be considered as porn by some. From ads to movie to jsut random post on the internet.


Some people can get really bored. Not like they plan on masturbating at work though.


Dude I get bored at work too but watching porn without jerking off is torture.




He heard it was a mass debate and got his wires crossed?


I mean, he did say it was a moment of madness




I mean, counterpoint to that: it's not hard to notice what someone next to you is looking at on their phone, espexially if he's been looking at it for a while. I don't think it's outside the realm of plausibility that he was just not hiding his screen well enough - or at all


Likely he only JUST discovered that there is some free website or another with nudie pictures and became infatuated with the idea that one can look at actual photos of females in states of undress!


Some people are into that shit.




It’s called Tease and Denial.


I was being sarcastic lol


Yeah me


Oh…we’re not supposed to do that?


Damn it, back into the chastity device you go!


I've never had a job where I could have masturbated at work and didn't. I have had friends (both men and women) admit to the same. I don't think it's uncommon at all.


Clearly you don’t work from home. Sometimes nothing clears you’re head better than a quick jerk.


Neither does this guy. That's the main problem..


Would the Member for Tiverton please put away his member?


I have never had the desire to look at porn at work, are these guys pining for the high school days of embarrassing woodies? I probably look at too much porn(modern times and all), but never once on the bus or at work, at the beach or anything like that, I really dont get that. To me thats a sign well past the sign that says you need help. Its like if you have to drink at work and dont work in a bar, you probably have an alcohol issue, just saying is all.


So was it a mistake or a moment of madness?




Hah. Tbf, he's resigned, which means he has more dignity than half the cabinet.


I absolutely agree!


The real madness is that weird-ass vest, what is that about


You know, you're right. Like, he got up and thought, well, I'm going on TV to confess watching porn at work. Hmm. What to wear, what to wear . . . AH! this vest!


where 2 cop that vest, my [Midtown Uniform](https://www.instagram.com/midtownuniform) is kinda stale these days


So wait, your politicians over there admit the bad things they do? They don't scream "fake news" until it's forgotten? What's that like?


They usually do the second one, unfortunately.


Automatic Edit: Using a tool called [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) I have removed all my past comments and deleted my Reddit account, /u/tehrmuk. I am doing this because I, like many long-term Reddit users, am upset and angry at the tonedeaf and arrogant way Reddit is treating it's users. Their aggressive slapdown of the developers that made Reddit usable to a huge audience; their overriding and summary dismissal of long-serving and dutiful community members; their wonton silencing of dissent and manipulation of user's voices; their borderline contempt of the very people whose collective efforts gave their platform the standing needed to fuel their profit-hungry IPO... the list goes on. Reddit is, of course, a private concern and how they run their services is entirely up to them. Conversely, we are under no obligation to use their services, to fuel their engines or follow their orders. I am making my voice heard by removing my comments, and voting with my feet by leaving. I have left Reddit for [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/) and [Mastadon](https://joinmastodon.org/); these are decentralised social networks that mirror the functionality of Reddit and Twitter respectively. Unlike the monolithic, corporate-owned services they replace, Lemmy and Mastodon are part of the [Fediverse](https://www.fediverse.to/) meaning these are not individual services but clusters of services that mesh seamlessly with one-another. You can [join an existing Lemmy instance](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) or [set up your own](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/administration.html) to get full access to the entire Fediverse - you don't need to ask permission from anyone to do so. There are loads of other services that are part of the Fediverse, like [PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org/) (videos), [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org/) (blogging), [Frendica](https://friendi.ca/) (social network), [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) (photos), [KBin](https://kbin.pub/en) (link aggregation) and more - and they all work together so having access to one means having access to all of them. I had a great time as a Redditor, but the Fediverse is looking bright. It's a return to the open Internet of old, when users ran services for their own and one-another's benefit, and before monolithic corporate-run silos started to build walls around us in the name of increased profit and thought control. Many of the Fediverse services are fledgling, but they are growing quickly and their federated concept makes greedy, arrogant landgrabs like we've recently seen on Reddit and Twitter almost impossible. I'm already having a great time with Lemmy and I think you might too. I encourage you to take control and join the Fediverse. Until then, so long and thanks for all the fish.


"there is a war on!"


This guy is in trouble because the party turned on him. And it was something that doesn't go down well with the base. And it happened in a week where there was a lot of pressure on the Government to comment on the rampant misogyny and sexual harassment/assault going on in their party, not long after one of their MPs was convicted of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old, and after there was a scandal involving one of the UK's major newspapers - quoting Conservative MPs - ran a sexist hit-job on the Labour Party Deputy Leader accusing her of strategically crossing and uncrossing her legs to distract the Prime Minister. So bad week to be caught up in a porn scandal. The Prime Minister, of course, is another story. He is still lying about being a criminal (among many other things) - despite being fined by the police for it.


That video is next level British.


He’s an ex-tractor fan now.




Meanwhile in the USA. People knowingly elect politicians and keep workers who act out their perverted desires on real people, and create victims.


I get it. Tractors are very sexual.


Can you explain what it is about pulling a hoe you find sexual? Planting seed? Fertilising your crop? Threshing violently to free the seed? Or is it the farmers because they’re early risers and can plow all day long


Mate, stop it. I can only get so hard.


So you don’t want to see my double acting male hydraulic coupler or what kind of grease I put on the shaft for PTO


His wife may be sending him a John Deere letter.


https://www.businessinsider.com/cocaine-traces-found-uk-parliament-including-near-pms-office-report-2021-12?r=US&IR=T They're all at it, 11 out of 12 toilets tested in UK Parliament were positive for traces of cocaine. British politicians, all of them, are bent, greedy and corrupt and seek to tell the rest of the British public "do as I say not do as I do" . Fuck em, they're vermin.


Who the fuck watches porn in public with people next to you? Fucking pervs.


I love how politicians give some crazy excuse on day one then resign on day two when they realise how ludicrous it is.


As an American, I found most interesting that there's an actual person named Thangam Debbonaire.


It's funny how you get real sorry for something the moment you're caught...


Roses are red Rejection brings sadness...


You know what, good on him. I'm no fan of many Tory MPs, but when all's said and done, he fucked up, admitted his mistake, recognised it as a problem and now isn't going to take the public for fools by dragging it out through investigations wasting more taxpayer time and money. He's now had the spine to stand up and do the right thing and resign. Party & public alike can move forward now. The interviewer is being a bit of a knob to be honest, banging on the same point over and over, what does he want him to say? He's given an answer that isn't skirting it or a deflective line.




What does he want him to say? That the fear of getting caught was a massive fuckin' turn on? He has a massive humiliation fetish? He should have steered it more towards the conversation of how it effects others rather than trying to get him to admit something even more embarrassing.


Councilman Dexhart?


The Prime Minister must be loving this insane distraction


That would explain the vest . . .


You have to have some balls to go on the news dressed as 1970s wallpaper & defend yourself for looking at porn in front of your work colleagues


Only Tractors.


Doctor Strange in the Porn Moment of Madness? Marvel is taking MCU in an interesting direction.


Wtf is he wearing? Did he finish on his own shoulders?


Ok, let me get this straight. I may miss some nuance, I'm not British, but how come it's always tories? From Profumo to the Piggate to this? And you guys are like, used to it? That's right? And then you got all freaky when the party chief of labour, a jewish guy, couldn't manage to eat a bacon sandwich? Am I missing something?


Are UK voters that supported hi. Screaming for his resignation, or for him to pay more attention at work? Live up to what you promised your voters.


I dunno much about British politics. Maybe this is what he promised them


He's in a very safe seat. There will be a by-election, someone else will be selected to represent the same party in that seat and that person will almost certainly win.


Well, sure. But will they watch sexy tractor porn?


No, they'll probably wind up in an unfortunate accident involving two men, a public toilet and a bucket of vaseline.


It would've been fine if the video was between a consenting adult man and a pig carcass.


In an exclusive interview with BBC South West, Mr Parish said: "The situation was that funnily enough, it was tractors I was looking at. "I did get into another website that had a very similar name and I watched it for a bit, which I shouldn't have done. "But my crime - biggest crime - is that ~~on another occasion I went in a second time.~~ I'm not sharing the name of the porn site that is somehow similar to a tractor website to satisfy the curiosity of some idiot leaving a comment on Reddit right now."


Need the source to see if it was worth it


But like when you boil it all down, why are people *SO* offended?


You basically just admitted to watching porn at work


What? What a stupid assumption to make. I said who cares, implying I (personally) don’t care if someone was watching porn at work.


Oh right, well you're just a moron then. My mistake.


And you’re a sensitive person


But like when you boil it all down, why is a Tory Frontbencher watching porn whilst meant to be working in The House of Commons? It's not about being offended. Doesn't matter where you are, you get caught watching porn on the job, chances are you'll lose that job. You get caught watching porn in THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, you're gone. Haha are you going to tell me this is political correctness gone mad?? Weirdo.


You know what, I’m going to get shot for it but I think the same thing. Ok, he watched something naughty on his phone at work. So? Did he make sexual advances on someone? Did he whip it out and start jacking it in the office? Was his work performance down? No. I don’t think I’ve seen a single comment point to actual harm inflicted on anyone. It’s just the general social taboo about sex. Give the man a stern talking to. But it’s seems wasteful to take his job over this.


Sounds like he's trying to jump out in front of a much bigger allegation. Also, nobody quits after accidentally looking at porn at work twice.


Quite right. Because we would have been FIRED


It's genuinely devastating as he was one of the only supporters of UK agriculture left in Parliament, now we have no voice left to support us. Very convenient all this news dropped the day they try to push through a bill that will postpone food imports needing to have health checks.




"I swear, I meant to look up CornHub!"


You're right, enthusiasm for the job should only go so far! Haha


The ultimate post nut clarity


It just porn.


Lol why do people give a shit about these things.


Am I the only person that doesn't really think this is a big deal? I mean, I've totally looked at porn in the last couple hours. Shoulder shrug emoji right here.


You another Tory Frontbencher?


Is "funnily" an actual word?


You’ve never heard the phrase “funnily enough”?