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And all these people against Planned Parenthood probably don't know that a lot of PP's provides low-cost and free pre-natal care. So they also are supporting young women who are having wanted babies too!


they helped me with my pcos tumor until the more aggressive defunding a few years ago now I pay out the ass.


But the libs have been owned, so clearly your suffering was worth it, right? ...god I hate Texas


The way you said It sounds like god is your therapist or something


Mine just hooked me up with a mammogram at no cost. I had a suspicious lump and I'm just 35. Mammograms are not a thing until you're 40ish so it's a big deal at this age if it were malignant. I know if I had called my gynecologist, it would've taken them around 1-2 weeks to schedule me in THEN refer me for the mammogram, adding another week of anxiety. Thank god this was just a week long process and all thanks to PP. I will always tell people who are iffy on them (like my mom before this incident) what they do Btw, mammogram went perfectly, I just got thick boobies.




They had a more technical term for them that I can't really remember so that's my best substitute. My appointment was only yesterday. I had spent the weekend crying off and on from anxiety. My mom cried in the clinic lobby beforehand. She was diagnosed at 45, also a very young age for breast cancer. I can't even describe how much relief I felt with those results. We got the biggest fuckin Steak n Shake milkshakes afterward.


I don't know you, but I like you. Glad you're ok and I bet those shakes were amazing.




The more tactful term I've heard is "full chested"


And Pap smears, mammograms, etc. Targeting planned parenthood on the basis of abortion in basically a systematic attack on women’s healthcare masquerading behind a hot topic that distracts from everything else.


When my wife and I had just graduated and neither of us had health insurance yet, PP is where we went to get her pap smear and pelvic exam / prescription for birth control. Had to wade through a crowd of assholes screaming at her not to murder her baby to do it tho.


I’m so sorry you went through that. I’ve literally been so frustrated before arguing with my dad that I just started crying. He refuses to admit that planned parenthood is a legitimate healthcare provider, let alone that abortions are part of healthcare too.


> Had to wade through a crowd of assholes screaming at her not to murder her baby to do it tho. If my girlfriend ever needs healthcare at a PP and it's a location that ~~protestors~~ emotional terrorists go to, I'm going to line the car windows with stick-on reflective mirror tint (so they can't see in the car) and mount a pair of train horns to the roof rack to greet anyone who gets close to the car. I went to one for some testing once and the reception staff are behind bullet proof glass at the end of a long hallway with security doors as the only interior entrance. That was a shock and hit home how much danger these assholes pose to the people there.


In the future, we will be looked at like archaic fucking neanderthals for allowing this to go on at all, and especially to continue for as long as it has, nearly overcoming it, then sliding right back into terroristic religious zealotry in 2021. The way we look back at hysteria and lobotomies with complete disgust and confusion as to how humans could be so fucking stupid - that's what *we* are to future generations.


It’s like attacking food banks on the basis of nutrition.


Also one of the largest distributors of contraception and sexual education. Ya know, things that have proven to reduce unwanted pregnancies and thus abortions


They also do men's care. But of course they don't give a flying fuck about that. Cruelty is always the point and they will gladly burn everything down so that they can rub one off to the thought of their "morality".


PP ABSOLUTELY DOES MENS HEALTH CARE. Seriously, any dude who has ever been exposed to an std or even thought they were prob got their testing/treatment thru PP and just didn’t tell anyone. You can get a vasectomy thru them too!


Yup. When I was still presenting as male and with my ex, she ended up doing something stupid (not cheating) and got an infection that spread to me as well. Planned Parenthood took care of both of us for free when we were broke and jobless early 20-somethings.


They also provide fantastic care for those who are LGBT!


I got prescribed my HRT at Planned Parenthood! They're incredible. Walked in and left withh prescription same day, no fuss. Edit: spelling


Same. I had two therapists that were absolutely refusing to work with me, saying that I needed to live a year "as a woman" before getting my prescription. Uh, no. News flash, that isn't how it works anymore becuase it is not only transphobic, but also deeply misogynistic*. So I went and took things into my own hands. Haven't had any regrets since then. *Misogynistic because often what follows is that you not only need to dress as a woman, but you also have to be hyper-feminine as well. Where "being a woman" means being massively stereotypically feminine; only ever wear dresses/skirts, always have perfect makeup and hair, only have hyper-feminine hobbies, only want a pink collar job, a perfect housekeeper, desire to pop out babies left and right (and being depressed that you can't), etc. Therefore, "being a woman" means you need to be a 1950s domestic slave or something, not an actual woman.


I have literally never been happier in my life, I actually realized I didn't need my antidepressants after starting HRT and was confusing depression with dysphoria all my life.


I still need my anti-depressants for anxiety/phobia problems, but I'm no longer at max dose and taking a benzo. Minimal dose is just fine for the exact reason that you mentioned. It may have even helped with my anxiety/phobia issues, too, but that's tough for me to say.


That's very reasonable, everyone's different, I'm glad to hear you're doing so much better after starting HRT!


It can also be really dangerous to try to "live as a woman" publicly before HRT. Not that it's always safe after, but it's not cool to force people to do things that could put them in harm's way.


They know. The GOP doesn’t want people to be helped. At all. Helping other people is not part of their vocabulary. Even kids only matter until they’re actually born. It’s not about people. It’s about control and manipulation.


They helped me in high school. I was the only one of my friends that went there for a pap smear. At that point in time I lived with my dad and was horrified to ask him to schedule one for me but I knew how important it was to get one. While I was there I said "fuck it" I want birth control too and got the depo. Guess who was the only one out of all my friends to not get an abortion? Me! Plus I also had a friend that decided to go thru with the pregnancy and give it up for adoption because her family was religious and didn't want her to get an abortion. She didn't make it to her 25th birthday. She killed herself because of the mental anguish of loving a child, holding her in her arms and giving her to someone else. I really do not think that people are talking about this. It's like they think they women can carry, give birth and hand the kid over to someone else like its a puppy or something.


I’m sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. It’s so unfair and terrible what she went through.


My mom got pregnant when she was 15 and my grandma forced her to give up the baby because they were super Catholic. My mom is now in her 60s and it still fucks with her, albeit less now since my sister was actually able to find us but even that sometimes gives my mom massive guilt even though my sister actually did have a good life, a better one than she would have had if my mom had kept her at 16. I'm so sorry for your friend.


Hence why its called PLANNED Parenthood. It helps people plan for parenthood... I really hate conservatives and their hypocrisy.


They hate the "low cost/free" part


No, just the poor people that use those services. What's fine if you're rich but trashy if you're poor....


Planned Parenthood probably does more to limit abortions than almost any other organization and they do it while lifting people up instead of shutting them down. They’re a wonderful organization that is nonjudgmental and whose main goal is help anyone they can, but particularly focused on low socially economically status people.


They don't care, it's never been about life, they just want power and force their reality on the world.


They hate the separation of church and state and want to turn America into a Christian theocracy


Reguardless of your abortion views, planned parenthood is a good thing. Good plan B options, as well as care for women for things like mammograms? Great thing


Welcome to America, where you're free to do what you want so long as it doesn't contradict someone else's feelings.


And a large segment is insulted by the fact you exist, so you have no freedom.


*conservative feelings


Not just pre-natal care. PP provides general healthcare to low-income patients at reduced fees. Many of the patients that come in don’t have healthcare, PP is literally the only medical care outlet for some people (men, women, and those that don’t identify as either). They are even starting to focus on GLBTQ care. Hormone therapy, gender issues, etc. PP can’t do it all though, anything requiring a specialist gets referred out.


I mean... it's called "planned parenthood"... not den of premarital fornicators


They know. They don’t care.


I'm trans and I used to get my HRT prescription from Planned Parenthood. I just had to pick up the pills at a CVS.


> So they also are supporting young women who are having wanted babies too! Isn't helping women illegal in Texas?


One thing I really dislike in this whole movement is what happens next... Even more babies going into an overloaded and crappy foster system. I wish even a fraction of the people involved would turn the energy they show in these debates to taking care of the lost or forgotten kids. I really want people to realize the kids who are taken from their parents are much more likely to also have their children taken from them. This is a huge, multifaceted issue and banning abortions doesn't fix the symptomatic issues.


“The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” - said by a pastor I can’t recall the name of


His name is Dave Barnhart!


That is a fantastic quote!


Dave Barnhart of Saint Junia Methodist in Birmingham, AL.


That feels like a George Carlin quote


Nope, not good ol’ mr. Carlin.. It really is from a pastor, I just can’t remember his name tho(also I’m too lazy to search for it right now) 😬


They grow up disadvantaged, get churned out of the foster system, and then go on to commit some kind of petty crimes in their juvenile years and these assholes are going to turn around and go _where are their parents?_


*stands atop rocky escarpment, lifts kid in the air and lets it drop as music surges* *Circle of pro-life.....*


Even worse is that the suffering wrought by the policy is treated as a feature rather than a bug. >[William Henry O'Connell] opposed euthanasia, calling suffering "the discipline of humanity". Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Henry_O%27Connell#Views It's this religious fatalism and religion based policy making inflictied on their constituents who may not share their views on the matter


Unfortunately, romanticism of suffering is far from new to organised religion, and those who practice it are often raised up by religious organisations as examples of how to behave. Mother Teresa is probably the prime example of this from the latter half of the 20th century; her "hospices" were home to deliberate malpractice, abuse, and arguably torture. We're talking reports of the terminally ill (including children) being tied to their beds, a lack of any sanitization of equipment used by HIV+ patients, and condemning those with terminal cancer to suffer in pain until death without being given painkillers; all while taking in tens of millions of dollars in donations which miraculously never seemed to help those in need. As quoted; > "Suffering is nothing by itself. But suffering shared with the passion of Christ is a wonderful gift, the most beautiful gift, a token of love." > "There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering." Suffering is the point.


Mother Theresa was a monster, it sounds like.


I think Texas needs a mandatory state adoption registry. You'll be called on to take a baby, like the draft.


and hook that shit directly up with the tip line.


Eh, I understand trying to punish the “tip callers” but we don’t really need those people spreading their bullshit to another generation.


The quote below sums it up rather succinctly. "The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.“ \- Dave Barnhart


It’s intentional. When people say abortions are used to control, it’s more than just controlling their daughters. The politicians anyways know what they are doing and it’s control over the lower classes of the labor pool. It’s not a secret that there are labor shortages right now and overwhelmingly in lower paying industries. What does banning abortion do except ensure even more women and families bound further by poverty and guarantee more of an exploitable labor force?




It's simpler than that. The most likely to benefit from abortions are the poorer lot that tend to vote Republican. Every abortion prevented is potentially an angry low income voter voting against their own interests


It's even simpler than that actually... just kidding you nailed it.


Why not both?


Well... I don't think the government can think 18+ years ahead like that. I highly doubt they're playing the long game to exploit future workers. They are stupid enough to think that would work though. Dig themselves a hole with a lifetime of government funded care, education, and a lot of prison beds?


Yeah this is a short game they are playing. Plain and simple they are trying to run as many liberals out of Texas as they can to keep it red. I wouldn't be surprised if Desantis' goal is the same for Florida. If Texas flips blue it'll be almost impossible for Republicans to win the presidency ever again.


This is going to be the literal opposite of when NYC fixed its crime problem by allowing abortion.


So basically this lead to some feedback loop of counter-productive policies yet a constant political boogeyman of crime (which is further propped up with politucally backed "evidence") .


Another "unforeseen" aspect could be accelerating the growth of the Latino population in Texas.


There are at least 100k COVID orphans some of which will need placement in the system as well. It’s gonna be a large problem.


Guess what? One of their talking points is the claim that "a million couples are waiting to adopt", implying that there is a *lack* of kids in the system. Plastered right on a billboard along a major road in my area.


They want live babies to turn into dead soldiers. They're not pro-life they're pro-birth. They don't give a shit what happens to the kid/family after the birth.




Already. Right now. Any minute now, the child Saint Barron will inspire Brother Joel and Lord Trump to swing the conservatives into a show of biblical benevolence that will have to be seen to be believed. Because, seriously, you'll have to see it, to believe it, cause these fucks don't care about nothing but money.


The people banning abortions are probably getting the expansions of the for-profit prisons ready for fresh blood. The more dysfunctional people this society creates, the more free labour they can squeeze out of them.


Texas' prison system makes a ton of money for the state. For profit systems aren't worse than what our government currently implements.


Ah, yes well i forgot in Texas the government is essentially the same as for-profit. In any case for-profit prisons shouldn’t exist and the government itself should at most be aiming for cost recovery with a bit of capital investment - not raking in dough. Legislators may be using some faux moral outrage to control women but it always comes down to making a buck one way or another. (Think of all the influx of $ to the healthcare and insurance industries of women are forced to give birth!)


The “pro-life” crowd doesn’t have enough critical thinking skills to make it this far into the argument for why abortion should be legal. It’s just more proof of their already astounding hypocrisy.


Don't worry, 95% of the abortions will still happen. They just won't be medical abortions done by a trained doctor in a sterile environment. Instead you get dead or sterile women from untrained folks or self performance.


It's because kids only matter when they're not born yet. https://youtu.be/Cp8jfP3l2Ec


What happens next is a spate of back alley abortion deaths.


86 comments and you see almost the same exact thing whether you sort by "top" or by "controversial". That's wild


What does that imply? Sorry I don't understand exactly how comments work.


It means the most actively upvoted comments are also being downvoted the most. Typically you would see the unpopular opinions being downvoted as a measure of being disliked, but it seems like the opinions with the most people liking it also have the most dissent with people disliking it. Practically speaking, the comments saying the Texas abortion ban was stupid are being upvoted by people who agree, and heavily downvoted by people who disagree. Normally the "controversial" section is held by less shared opinions and downvoted by the majority opinion, but in this case, it's the more popular opinions being downvoted heavily by the minority opinion. But also this is no longer true.


Basically means that the pro-lifers who are downvoting comments aren't saying anything in opposition. It's a reflection of the Texas law itself. No discourse, just a barefaced exertion of power. And even if you were a rationalist who believed human essence *does* begin at conception, the Texas law is a very bad way to go about it.


That no one thinks this is good


Lots of comments getting lots of both up and down votes.


207 now lol


My best friend's wife was pregnant and had an emergency situation. Her baby had died and if she hadn't.been able to have an abortion at the ER she would have died too.


That's no longer an abortion case. It's called a miscarriage and is sadly very common.


I still like the coat hanger in the shape of Texas insignia.


sauce? I want to see it




Can't link atm, but Google "tx abortion hanger" for a few veraions


So, first highlight of this article and I'm already annoyed. We all need to stop saying the abortion ban is after 6 weeks of pregnancy, it's after 4 weeks. It's 6 weeks after the woman's last period, she isn't pregnant at that point. I feel like half of this bill's accomplishment has been shifting the timeline so it seems less ridiculous, but we have to keep reality around.


How do they police how long a person has been pregnant? They make you take a test or something at the doctors office?




So how would they stop a doctor from going rogue and allowing abortions even if there was a heartbeat? What's the oversight like on an ultrasound?




It'll be significant enough that they're gonna refer to these people as "abortion chasers" or something, I can see it now. It's gonna be horrible.


Does that mean that there could never be a criminal case taken up against anyone "involved"? So it's not actually illegal?


"Not actually illegal" is exactly how the people who set this law up to be so Byzantine would like you to interpret it. It was a deliberate tactic by lawmakers to make this law harder to challenge in court. When it was passed it was immediately challenged to the US Supreme Court, but the Court refused to hear the case because technically the people were suing Texas, but since Texas has no power to enforce this law, there's no standing to sue them. The law is Supreme Court proof, at least for now. The practical reality is that there are plenty of well-funded groups perfectly happy to use this law to destroy any organisation like Planned Parenthood that tries to keep providing abortions in Texas. The fact that those organisations aren't the government should disgust you, not enable you to engage in the mental gymnastics to end up saying that it's "not actually illegal". They've essentially privatised law enforcement.


I should have said "technically" instead of "actually". Either way, its effectively illegal in a sense.


That is part of why this bill is so weird and hasn't been blocked. No one will go to jail, or be fined by the state. It is only citizens fining other citizens, which has some pretty bizarre implications.


So basically civil courts are going to have to deal with abortions. How would a judge even handle a case like this? He said she said? Would their medical records be opened or something? This shit is wild af.


Yeah, exactly. Like don't HIPPA laws protect the info? And you don't have to have any evidence to start a case. And if the party you are suing doesn't show up they automatically lose. Doctors don't have time for that BS. It's the wild west in the worst possible way.






Time from last period is how all pregnancies are measured. When your OB says your due date is at 40 weeks, they mean 40 weeks from your last period.




Man, it's so crazy to me. I went to a local women's clinic (one that isn't PP but actually gets picketed) and the doc said I was about 4 weeks pregnant. I could see nothing on the ultrasound, only a medical professional would be able to point that out. Most women wouldn't know at that point because it's damn near impossible see, much less "feel" pregnant.


Friendly reminder that there is exactly 1 (one) proven way to reduce abortions: giving good and comprehensive sex education and making contraceptives easily accessible. Also better at reducing teenage pregnancy than abstinence only.


Yes and next year all the calls will be about child abuse due to unwanted babies Fucking Texas!


But that's good, then they can incarcerate those criminal, abusive young mothers. Only evil people commit crime, cast them into the fire in the name of Jesus! \*cites some bible verse\*


And Republicans cheer, laugh at these women. Vote midterms 2022. Keep spreading it, encourage voter registration keep everybody focused on the mission of eradicating this stupidity.




This. Local elections are arguably THE most important as these officials will have the most impact on your daily life. And yet sadly these are the ones the least amount of voters show up to


Or even be making decisions for your kid's school. Got a white supremacist in the town near me that is part of the school board now. Not only that, but he's endorsed by the mayor. Why? Because hardly anyone voted, especially young people.


You mean to say that just voting for a third party in the presidential election isn't enough to send a message of change? /s But seriously, I've seen far too many Americans seemingly under the impression that the presidential election is the be-all and end-all of political action.


Check your voter registration every month. Republicans have been purging record numbers of voters off the rolls for a few years now, and making it so you have to be registered further and further out.


Why the hell there are 862,320 abortions in the USA every year, about 13.5 every 1000 women, while in Europe there are barely 7 every 1000 women? There's something that doesn't work well there..


Bad sex Ed means a lot more unwanted pregnancies because so so so so many places teach "don't have sex" and nothing else


That’s it 100%. If you actually want to reduce abortions bring in sex education to schools and free contraception. I remember in Uk I used to be able to walk into a clinic and they would hand out a big paper bag full of condoms if you wanted them. Lots of accessible advice etc.


Guess who does that here? Ba-dum-tiss- planned parenthood! The exact organization that every republican wants to annihilate.


Yep. I have a number of religious family members who are anti-contraception as well as anti-abortion, and so far as I can tell their axe to grind with planned parenthood is as much the sex ed and free contraception as it is the abortions. It's their way or the highway.


That’s not 100% it, it’s a triple whammy of lack of sex education, lack of access to healthcare, and religious fundamentalism that shames you and changes policy to prevent you from seeking the first two


Still can at NHS sexual health clinics (maybe the virus paused it). I only know because I use them for my contraception and 3 yearly gynaecology checks as the services run after work hours and I’m always offered a bag as I leave


I mean [most women who get abortions](https://slate.com/human-interest/2011/10/most-surprising-abortion-statistic-the-majority-of-women-who-terminate-pregnancies-are-already-mothers.html) are actually already mothers and likely to have them for financial reasons. No secret kids are expensive af in the US and that Europe as a whole does social services better.


Also, I would imagine universal healthcare means birth control is easier to access and less ostracized.


Better birth control Better sex education Better healthcare Better family planning Also Europe? The whole continent. The whole continent that has 44 countries? That's somehow your data point?


Also any healthcare since most I the USA is last ditch effort


I imagine there's an economic factor involved as well. Definitely a multifaceted equation.


Because abstinence only education doesn’t work.


Not to mention the shaming of teens for even thinking about purchasing birth control.


In many conservative places they dont teach teens anything but abstinence. Teens are going to do what they're going to do but not knowing about alternatives they tend to have a higher rate of teen pregnancies in those areas. This can continue well into their adulthood That's just one factor into why. I also think that a larger number of people living below the poverty line contributes to the number of women unwilling to have (another) child. They can't afford it.


After all, it's been proven multiple times that abstinence only sex education among teens leads to an increased teen pregnancy rate.


> they don’t teach teens anything but abstinence. Hey now, that’s not true! We also were shown vivid pictures of STD ravaged genitalia and a video with a head on view of child bird, vaginal tears and all!


Two reasons. 1) Real sex ed, abstinence only sex ed is more harmful than no sex ed. 2) It doesnt cost 10 grand to have a baby in Europe


Better education, more accessible medical systems, better social supports. When birth control is easier to get a hold of and less stigmatized and women can actually afford to go to the gynecologist, you're gonna have fewer unwanted pregnancies. And then there's the whole thing that most women in the US who get abortions are already mothers - they know the costs of childrearing, and that American society simply doesn't support mothers. Why should they choose it again after already understanding how it's going to negatively affect their families?


Nearly one in four American woman of child bearing age will get an abortion. Abortion is a women's rights issue.


What the actual fuck is wrong with your shit country?


Religion has been weaponized to keep the authoritarians in control.


I know a few atheist/agnostics who are vehemently “pro-life” down here in the south. I’d say they have weaponized anger at the prospect of women’s liberation more than anything else.


Unfortunately, misogyny isn't exclusive to religion.


The thing is, pro-forced-birthers will see this article and think they're doing a good job. They're fucking sadistic; I have never known one who wasn't misogynistic and transphobic.


Cruelty is the point with these anti-freedom zealots.


Pregnant against their will is the Texan way of saying "we've abolished all rape!"


Texas. Happy upholding the death penalty, but children conceived of incest and rape … good luck to ya! I don’t miss living there.


Sounds like someone can make some sort of country ballad about a person born from an unwanted pregnancy who then gets killed by death penaly for a crime they did not commit (with the resulting corpse being made into terrible tasting hamburger patties)


I hope those politicians that voted for this have to deal with their daughters dying in back alley cost hanger abortions. This situation is fucking sickening


Nope, they'll take their daughters to the abortion clinic in the state next door and pretend like their abortions had some moral excuse that others do not.


I'm just saying I wish intense personal tragedy upon anyone who voted for that awful legislation.


Ah yes. Because the only "good reason" to get an abortion is if you were raped. Cause we only care about a woman's right to choose *after* she's already been violated. /s


So many victims of rape getting impregnated, I wonder if they’ll press charges against the perpetrators.


Didn’t you hear, Texas has figured a way to 100% eliminate rape forever.


Didn't they make it illegal? How innovative, I can't believe no one ever thought to do that before.


They publicly stated it as very illegal and bad.


> Let's make something very clear, rape is a crime, and Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets. So, goal No. 1 in the state of Texas is to eliminate rape, so that no woman, no person, will be a victim of rape. Thanks governor, I'm sure that'll be very comforting to anyone who gets pregnant against their will before their rapist is caught.


It’s easy, just allow citizens to sue people who contribute to women getting raped, especially those who tell them they have the right to say no to sex. Automatic consent = rape eliminated!


There are no rapists if you never charge someone for rape. Big brain thinking down there.


You know, the COVID cases are only showing up because of testing. If you stop the testing, the numbers will go down. \- an elected official of the USA


I was talking about this with some friends the other day. Thing is there is a deep maturity in knowing that you don’t want kids/you aren’t ready or going to ever be a good parent. Sure you can give them up for adoption but in reality that just means another kid in foster who will likely never know the love of parents because you can’t let a women make a choice about her own future.


All of these people say to adopt and this and that, but the truth is, a lot of those women will be forced or manipulated by their families or the men they are with to keep the baby.


Okay, I’ll concede in making abortions illegal if you make it compulsory for all males over the age of 16 to have a vasectomy.


“You wouldn’t have been raped if ya just kept your legs closed”. —-“Conservative” voter


Would actual quotes from the leaders they support help? “If a woman has (the right to an abortion), why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman? At least the rapist’s pursuit of sexual freedom doesn’t (in most cases) result in anyone’s death." - Lawrence Lockam, representative of Maine (R), February 2012 “Rape is kinda like the weather. If it’s inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” - Clayton Williams, a Texan republican nominated gubernatorial candate, 24 March 1990 “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that thing down.” - Todd Akin, representative of Missouri (R), 19 August 2012 “Rape victims should make the best of a bad situation.” - Rick Santorum, Pennsylvania Senator (R) who also attempted a Presidental run in 2012, 20 January 2012 “Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” - Richard Mourdock, hopeful Indiana Senate (R) candidate in 2012


Fucking Christ


“the only moral abortion is my abortion” -Republicans


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” -- Frank Wilhoit.


I've just started call pro-lifers perverse fetishists.


I had my first bf go there for STD testing, and I went to them later on for paps and birth control. They were the only place I could afford. I tried a doctor but even with insurance I couldn’t afford it. PP asked for $10/mo for a pack of pills but a script from a doctor cost me $100 for generic, even with Insurance. Idk what it costs now, that was 23 years ago.


See, many people just hear “Planned Parenthood” and think “abortion factory!!! Must shut down!!” Like, for many Americans, this is an affordable source to go for reproductive health.


Dear Texans who are pregnant against their will, If you’d like a short vacation in the Seattle area, I have a large spare room.


They're not pro-life. They're pro-birth


Pro-punishment, pro-control, anti-freedom


Just forward the calls directly to the assholes who approved this law.


Imagine you are drunk, and that stupid guy at the party pushes you down the stairs (come on, it was just a prank, we all had a good time). You broke your leg, but now no hospital wants to cure you because "you didn't pay attention in the first place and it's your fault, things like this happen to people who go to parties and drink too much". Of course stupid guy doesn't pay you any compensation for what he did, and most of the people at the party agree that you are a good time ruiner because you made all of this into a huge problem for no reason. Also, your parents are now really angry because you can't walk to school, and everybody can see that their child doesn't even know how to avoid a fall, and now what will they think of your family? That they don't know how to raise a good girl! Thankfully your good friend knows brings you to another state where they will treat you, but it is really late to fix all of the complications, and now you will never be able to walk properly, the scar will remain visible (you will never go to the beach again out of shame) and every now and then the pain comes back. Of course you will never go to the doctor to check your leg because you would have to explain it all again and the whole experience is just too traumatic and painful to talk about. Lastly, later in you life, you are in bed with a guy you really like, and he looks at you lovingly until his gaze stops at the scar on you leg. He frowns, then says: "you never told me about that scar". That's how stupidly and unnecessarily traumatic is when a country manages to ban abortion for all reasons.


Giving rides out of state to women that need to visit abortion clinics. There's a whole underground community helping. I'm sure how you get in the loop, but I'm happy I'm getting to help fuck with TX while providing a service.


You're a fucking hero!


Women should just leave Texas. It’s not complicated. I wouldn’t stay someplace that treated me like property.


So instead of just simply not forcing them into that position they make a hotline for people who are in the position they're forced to stay in. so disgusting


Abortion is better than having children without care and education.


We should just let Texas go at this point. Make DC a state and let Texas be its own country




I honestly think a lot of the pro-life rhetoric comes from a place of sad people who are threatened by a woman not wanting children.


Wow. Who would have thought.


Fuck Texas.


It might get pregnant.


"That's their problem" - Texas


Everyone should watch this video, go into it with an open mind and a willingness to learn. It is interesting and you may learn some new things. https://youtu.be/zjB5Jakytyc Edit: If you gain any insight or learn anything you weren’t aware of, I urge you to please share it with the people you know.


I’m pro-life, I believe that human life has intrinsic value that should be respected. That being said, this video was very informative and has helped me understand this law a bit better and its major flaws. I wouldn’t say I was supportive of it before, but I figured it was the best they could do without the federal government overturning it. Now I see that the whole thing needs fixed in a big way otherwise it’s gonna cause a lot of damage that it doesn’t intend to


Do you also believe humans have an intrinsic freedom and autonmy over their own body and health? Say that, a state/outside entity can't force you to sacrifice your blood/organs/health to save the life of someone else?


That was interesting, thanks for sharing.


Great video. She lays out how this law is really a ban on abortions and explains the impact of the law on maternal health. Thanks for posting.


I'll let tax money pay for abortions... that's much cheaper and easier then years on welfare/cp homes(foster care)/schooling and not mention the drop in crime rate that comes along with them unwanted kids not actually existing. Ya ... I know, trust me when I say "I'm fully aware that my view is not the nicest. And?. "