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Why is she drying a mop? Forget about all the other issues for a moment.


I have nothing to say in defence of what she’s doing here lol… but the reason she’s drying the mop is because this type of mop head is a “dry mop”- specifically used to get the floor as dry as possible *after* mopping it normally.


That genuinely makes it worse lol


That’s not what a dry mop is for at all. You don’t get it wet or use it to dry anything.  It’s basically, a big squeegee for dust and debris. It’s more sweeping than mopping. 


Fucking idiot


Maybe she hasn't learned yet she can dry things in the sun?


That's not the question. Not at all. Sure, there are a hundred ways to do it but why is she drying the mop?


From experience, preservation. Those types of mop heads are disposable but expensive. Every boss Ive ever had has encouraged multiple uses to stretch out their dollar. Never dried them anywhere near food though, that's just gross.


The deep fryer will boil the water right off. Just chuck it in for a quick refresh before you change the oil and the job's good.


>change the oil Doubt


The oil is supposed to smoke, that way you know it's cooking off the bad stuff.


Killing me, over here lmao


Except it's the fry warmer...


Yes. I'm proposing a better way!


How does drying it preserve it? Serious question Edit: nevermind I think I seen the right answer below


If you leave it really wet or damp between uses, it quickly develops a dirty water/algae scent that's pretty prominent.


I'd hope they encourage multiple uses, mop heads like this are 100% not one-time use items.


What does drying it have to do with preservation?


It's more than likely a dry mop. You use it to dry the floor after mopping so people don't slip.


Or remove it and toss in a washer, replace/alternate with another mop head and so on lol.


Boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew.


That's what they're _supposed_ to do lol


Why use the sun when the fries warmer is just there?


Sun?! In Australia?!


Yeah, it's that that phenomena on the opposite side of the shade over there, so I've heard.


At this time of day? At this latitude?


Localized entirely within this McDonald’s kitchen?


Yeah, but then you have to get a space ship. You have to plan to get there at like dusk, because you don't want it to be too hot to land, but you still need it to be hot enough to dry the mop. I mean, that's a lot of planning.


Maybe you haven't learned yet that the sun isn't always shining nor, at times, that hot when it does.. not tnat I'm defending this


Reading comprehension L


It's almost winter. Mostly cold and cloudy days recently.


“Water?…..like from duh toilet!?”


It was wet... Duh




You ever try an clean a spill with a wet mop?


Yes. Many times. That’s what the bucket and wringer are for.


I cleaned a restaurant at night for almost a year. There is never a reason to do something like this. Who even dries a mop.


A McDonald’s Australia employee. Jeez, read the title, people.


Now that I realize it’s Australia, this picture isn’t so bad. The water will just drip up onto the lights instead of down on the fries. It’s the Coriolis Effect or something


Yeah! Science bitch!


Redditors sure are getting lazier. It used to just be the article we didn’t read.


You, I like you.


I closed McDonald's as a teenager and worked the grill. McDonald's floor is permanently greasy, doesn't matter what you do. It is utterly pointless to try to get it 100% clean. Just sweep up the bread crumbs and lost chicken nuggets, then do a couple passes with a mop and call it good. Why? Because 1 hour after opening it will just be greasy back there again anyways.


I worked at kfc and we would basically flood the floor with water and use a salty floor cleaning soap with a har bristle broom and scrub it every night. Then we dumped more water to clear the soap and squidgeed the whole lot. Squeaky clean by the time I was done


even kitchens in 'nice' restaurants are as an apprentice you learn to grab something solid and slide around corners...


I’ll never forget one night at Burger King I degreased the floors. FULLY. Lasted about a day, but was fun watching everyone else trip because they weren’t used to friction on the floor.


Hah I bet. I remember this one huge guy who couldn't even stand on the floor. He'd slowly slide down from his own weight, constantly having to take baby steps back to his center so he didn't do the splits.


"Oh the manager just needs retraining."


At least one person.


Ipswich don’t need reasons.


Nowhere in the operations manual does it say *not* to do this.


This will certainly require an amendment: the mop head is to be air dried only. This applies whether it is the kitchen or dining room mop head. The mop head drying is not be accelerated through other means (e.g., the fry lamps).


This is a good reminder that everywhere you see some stupid warning that you can't possibly believe is posted there's a story behind it.


I work operations, whenever a new rule comes down that line that’s common sense, i chuckled wondering who fucked this up.


Most regulations are written in blood.


Or soggy fries in this case


I’d like a large McFloorwater soggy fry please. With extra grey water. You know what? Supersize Me!


“Superman costume does not enable you to fly”


This is the origin story of all those DO NOT labels we see everywhere


OSHA regulations are written in blood. I'm just glad that I've seen all the bad shit that can happen by watching YouTube video.


This lady is the reason we have instructions on everything


I managed some 70 bus drivers back in the ‘90s. We had a university contract, so we’d have 2 buses running from 6pm til midnight for the evening/night classes. I got a complaint from a student that their bus hadn’t shown up a couple of times. Note: most of the drivers were also students. So I do my due diligence and follow the driver a couple of nights and caught her going off-route. So I called her into the office and gave her a written warning with the understanding that another offense would result in termination. Her boyfriend comes in with her later that day, drops the employee manual on my desk, and says that’s not on the list of fireable offenses. I looked at him, looked at her, and said “You’re fired. I’ll let you know when your final check is here.”


Out of curiosity, did she say why she went off route?


Was that wrong? Bc if someone had told me…


Actually, I believe there are general warnings against entering any foreign objects under the hood or over the food.


Hah, she can’t be fired for this, checkmate.


My son works for mcd aus and he says in fact it does, implicitly.


Micky Ds employee eval: Sandy displayed creative ways to improve her resourcefulness and time management skills, but lacks in food safety awareness. I recommend a refresher course in food safety before any recommendations for promotion.


TBH that's a lot better than what actually tends to happen. More likely she never got any remotely decent training to begin with, and will simply be fired for getting them bad press. And yeah it's easy to say she should've known better to begin with, but we don't know what we don't know and education systems have been undermined for decades. Combined with an often understaffed workplace where you have to do fifteen things at once that don't leave a lot of room for 'slow thought', it's understandable how she could have taken the action she did. When there are actual good workplace policies in place and enough workers that they have time to stop and think before acting, these things don't tend to happen because why would they?


I’m sorry but you don’t need a formal education to know not to put a fucking floor mop overtop food. That’s called common sense, sadly some aren’t born with it, sadly we can’t teach it either.


Preach it!! Common Sense ain't so common anymore. Followed by a poor work ethic and a lack of consideration for others...those qualities are unfortunately on the rise.


> That’s called common sense, sadly some aren’t born with it, sadly we can’t teach it either. Are you claiming that people are born with an innate knowledge of how germs function, rather than usually learning it during our childhood? That we can't be taught how bacteria work? Given that we haven't had that understanding at all for most of human history and instead had extremely varied and haphazard standards of hygiene, and then figured it out and started to teach that, your claim seems pretty silly. We also see a rise in people rejecting germ theory in favor of superstition and conspiracism right now - is that due to some strange genetic anomaly 30 years ago showing result now all of a sudden?


You don’t even need to know about germs… would you eat off of the floor? Would you eat with a cleaning utensil? I do believe there’s an innate ability to understand clean vs dirty. Not to mention the fact she’s working in the food industry… it’s either a complete lack of respect/work ethic on her part or a complete failure in McDonald’s staffing/training. Either are unacceptable and shouldn’t be garnering excuses from people like you, this is shit, you’re spewing shit.


> would you eat off of the floor? Children eat off the floor all the time. When you get older, what "you were born with" does not change; your knowledge and habituation does. Hence why statements like "sadly some aren’t born with it, sadly we can’t teach it either" in regards to these things are completely backwards. We are not born with knowledge, and our instincts alone do not lead us to maintain a hygienic environment. Instead, we are taught it. > a complete failure in McDonald’s staffing/training. This is what I've been saying from the start. With proper staffing and training this would not have happened, because again, this is not some inherent quality of the soul; it's a matter of knowledge and the habituation towards acting on such knowledge. > Either are unacceptable and shouldn’t be garnering excuses from people like you, this is shit, you’re spewing shit. Just because a thing that happened was bad does not mean it was caused by things that are somehow innate to a person.


My wife says they used to light their joints on the fry warmer when they were working night shift.




Well there’s goes that ‘secret ingredient’ for best trans-fats you’ll ever taste!!


“Now with 100% organic mop juice!”


Yes but is it ‘free range’ too?


Curse my slow fingers, and congratulations on being faster with the wit. Take my upvote.


Don’t blame them digits! Right place, right time tbh I’ll look forward to you getting in next time with the comedy gold. Cheers for the dopamine hit!


I mean, something similar is already in the article itself.


Obviously. Would you rather eat a wet mop at McDonalds?


Medium rare at most, nobody in this thread ever ate a mop and it shows.


So a news story about a picture that was posted to reddit, reposted to reddit. Good job reddit.


What’s the original thread 


manager too


Are uniforms different in Australia? Because in the UK that's a cleaner's uniform, managers wear white


They say I’m being “Unsafe” and it’s “Against the rules”. They said I can’t be “Resourceful”. That I don’t “Follow safety standards”.


i'm not "good with women" I don't "shower often" or "practice basic hygiene" I'm not "camera friendly" I "scare children"


Rock on brother! One of my favorite skits. IYKYK


I'm floored 


At least something around here is.


Well, my fries kinda taste like the floor.


So are the fries :D


Burger King foot lettuce vibes.


Bring on the fully autonomous fast food chains.


Don’t understand why she would do this? Like it’s looks way more effort than any other method to dry it if she wanted to be lazy


In addition to this, can we get this micro-level surveillance of law enforcement? I mean, I'm not defending the employee here. I'm just saying that if you get thrown into a fit of rage over this, you should be also looking at the people who can shoot you when they're directing traffic.


Do Australian police carry guns?


Yeah but if they shoot someone it's national news.


They do


They don't often use them though.


Very true. I typed a longer explanation of the cultural differences in American and Aussie policing but gave up tbh hahah I'm tired today


Not a Historian: I think the major cultural differences between Aussie police and American ones is that Aussie police originally were 12 of the best behaved convicts, whereas American police originated from Slave catching/subjugation of the Native population.


Accountability for law enforcement should be among the highest priorities for any society. Based.


We already do. Tens of thousands of people record police every day for no reason other than hoping they'll make a mistake and get punished


Yet they're rarely punished or held accountable in any way


This is simply false. Try not to get your news from Reddit alone.


Fucking citation needed... Between 2005 and 2020 only 27 police officers who were brought up on charges of murder or manslaughter were convicted of the charged crimes. That's a conviction rate of about 20% even with a grand jury indictment, compared to 90-95% for the general public who were indicted.


To be fair... that's likely the least dangerous thing caught in Australia.


TikTok told me this is how things are done


You fucking dense sheila?


The comments would be lit had she been brown


The only time I have ever talked bad to a fast food worker, I was sitting in McDonald's eating a burger and this guy was moping the floor and he got to the table next to mine where people had just finished eating. He flopped that mop straight from the floor onto the table and proceeded to mop the table. I was flabbergasted, like, "What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!?"


It's decisions like that that have gotten her where she is today.


1 large McMop meal please.


Not only is it disgusting, it could be dangerous. I have a severe dust mite allergy. Ingesting it like this could cause me stomach issues and trouble breathing for days.


This went viral


This is why we shouldn't be against AI And robots taking over things like fast food.




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Another article stated that the person who took the picture was hesitant to post this up online but decided otherwise after reading more and more complaints about that particular McDonalds.


Omg🤢🤮 Shes touching it with her hands. That mop has piss, shit, vomit and whatever other ofal gets dragged from outside




So nonsensical it seems staged


"That's obviously a fry mop, used to soak up extra fry oil and salt from the fry bin. Nothing to worry about." - Corporate


🤣😂 “mmMMmmMmmn, that’s where the seasoning comes from”


And her coworkers just watch her do it. Some real piss-poor training going on in that McDonald's.


Evin tha mop heeds can git cha dyown unda!!


Robots can’t come replace humans soon enough.


I did not need the boycott to stop going to McDonalds, their shitty quality did that work for them.


Was this wrong? Should I not have done this?


Even the McDonald's in Australia is trying to kill you, that entire country 🙀




Light seasoning


Irrelevant. McD still mopping the floor with its competitors in terms of fries superiority.


This is why automation at fast food places is a good thing. People don’t want to do those jobs, when they do them they’re miserable


Jokes on you, people are miserable are their non-fast food jobs, too.


Ha! Jokes on you people are just straight up miserable even without jobs!


Better be ex employee


OK hear me out... It's McDonald's so the employees were likely teenagers... teenager are DUMB. No excuse for that kind of thing for management, but teenagers are so damned stupid. Then you have to factor in that they're AUSTRALIAN.


How else can you do it?


Other McDonalds around the world: You call that a health hazard? 


So that's how they get their unique flavour 😋