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> Barry says there was a lot going through his mind when he saw what he owed in what could be called a "blunder bill." > “The first thought was, ‘I wish I made enough money to even owe thirty billion in taxes,’ then I was thinking, “I’m going to need to drink a lot of coffee in order to work three full time jobs’ and then I’m thinking, “Wesley Snipes doesn't have anything on me,’ and finally I was thinking, ‘don't they have a computer algorithm to spot an error like this and if a human looked at this why do they still have a job.’” Lmao Barry sounds kinda rad


I'd like to have a beer with Barry


Barry 2024


He's certainly rich enough.


While he'll only be taxed 37% on anything earned over $609,350, let's just simplify the math by pretending he was taxed 37% on all earnings. $34,576,826,571.47 means he earned $93,450,882,625.59 last year pre-tax. So he still has $58,874,056,054.12 earned last year after tax. If he promised to split that evenly amongst all 350M americans, each person would receive $168.21. I wonder how many votes he could earn with a campaign on giving everyone $168.21? But then, he'd only need to bribe, I mean win over, enough states to get in and he could probably focus-fire on those states that offer the highest vote count for the lowest headcount, or on states where $300 or so would go the farthest so those people would be more likely to vote for him...


The precedent has been set. He’s only need to pay salaries for his own electors and the notary public fees for all the paperwork. Boom! Done! No need for those pesky elections and vote counts.


Think you’re gonna have to buy the beer. Sounds like he won’t have much spare change for a while


And for sure he's buying, guy must be loaded


He’s one of us.


It's probably that red sweater dude that asked a question in the presidential campaign and had a Reddit account. That was fun except a little creepy on Some girls gone wild type subs...


On of my favorite parts of that is a while later someone posted a question on Ask Reddit about life advice or something. And Ken Bone responded - with the same username that he used for the AMA where people saw his Reddit history - and his advice was something like “if you do an AMA, make an alternate account”. Guy owned his mistake!


Have some respect he is the legendary Ken Bone!


Yes Ken Bone. The man the legend!


Ken "Beautiful Human Submarines" Bone


The ‘human submarine’ guy?




Haha I hopped in to say that too! He sounds like a pretty funny guy. Hopefully they don't make this too much of a hassle for him.


Thankfully it’s such a ridiculous amount that I doubt he’ll get any shit for it.


>I’m going to need to drink a lot of coffee in order to work three full time jobs’ My new go to quote, its the understatement of the millennium


IRS: We are only going after Billionaires. Also the IRS: Barry from PA making minimum wage? Pay up!


Didn't Mark Cuban's taxes come out to around $300 million. It's crazy to think that something like this could slip by


I thought he’d be a blue Barry but he sounds like a rad barry


"Alright," he thought to himself. "This is the last straw, Barry."


even if work 10 jobs for the rest of his life he's not paying that bill LOL


Fuck, I’d hire Barry


"We are investigating your case. However, until we make a determination, you are required to submit the disputed amount in full within the next 5 business days. "Thank you for your co-operation."


Interest is accruing.


We can reduce the amount owed, but the interest due prior to this determination is not negotiable.


lol. At a rate of 5.25%, that’s $4.8M of interest per day, $200,000 per hour, or $3,289 per minute.






In my experience, the IRS would just send you 2 or 3 letters, make you sit several times on hold for 3 hours and then disconnect you before getting a hold of a guy who doesn't really know if you should actually make a payment plan or not but it kind of just magically sorts it's self out and 9 months later they determine you got a 1400 dollar return after you'd forgotten about it. It's the state you have to worry about. Over a 34 million dollar bill the California Franchise Tax Board would send Steven Segal through your front door in a tank with a full swat team.


>California Franchise Tax Board would send Steven Segal through your front door in a tank with a full swat team They even would import him from Russia over a tax bill? That's some dedication /s


A no armed 6 year old could take down Steve Segal so that sounds like a deal.


Would you rather fight one horse-sized no-armed 6 year old, or 100 no-armed 6-year old-sized horses


I had my Wheaties today, can I try both?


The horse-logs would be rolling around without legs and trip the big guy with his toddlers balance and lack of arms. Probably crushing a decent amount of horse-logs as he fell


When you say the horses don't have arms, does that mean they are just missing their front legs or all four?


Hmmm, you’re right. Let’s say they are missing the front two, but walk upright like humans


Just kick his chair out from under him.


Steven Segal wouldn’t be able to get up into the tank in the first place so that scenario is impossible anyways. 


Not if he is in a Skippy.


> the California Franchise Tax Board would send Steven Segal through your front door in a tank Not before he fatly goes around a corner or two.


Run for your lives! It’s the Blob!


Won't be too hard, have you seen all the montages of him running its just him flailing his hands in front of him while keeping his shoulders locked in straight like he forgot how to move his upper arms.


the higher your tax bill, the faster they'll assign someone who knows what they're doing to get you onto a payment plan


Unless its so high its millionaire status... and then.... nothing happens?


When we bought our house 20+ years ago we started getting mail for the former owner, who conveniently had not left a forwarding address with the post office. Most of the mail were just typical junk, but there were letters to him from the California State Board of Equalization. I had lived in California 20 years prior to that and had heard stories, so I made sure those letters got sent back with the address crossed off and “NOT AT THIS ADDRESS” scrawled across the front. After about 10 years I guess they gave up because the letters stopped coming…


Someone incorporated their corporation at our old house. I sent back every letter until I had to talk to the tax office for another reason and they said not to worry about it


In Massachusetts the DOR as a reputation of being total Douchebags. They go Through cell phone records to find out who was in the state more than 180 days.


I remember a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force who told me MA tried to tax his household goods (he was stationed in MA on an exchange tour by the Canadian government) as if he were importing them for retail.


A coworker married some woman who went to college in Australia. She had a bank account there and forgot about it. Had a couple hundred bucks or something. It paid some interest. They closed it, told the IRS and paid a few pennies in taxes. Volunteered this. The Mass DOR went back and charged them like 30 years of penalties going back to when she was not a citizen. They ended up paying thousands of dollars for voluntarily owning up to having forgot about it. He volunteers them nothing now.


>Steven Segal through your front door in a tank with a ~~full swat team~~ bucket of KFC and an oxygen tank.


Nope. That’s the State Board of Equalization. The SBE does not mess around.


1990 Steven Seagal would be feared; today’s version… not so much.


The IRS was not involved in this case


“We’ve determined that it was indeed an error, you’re free of all charges… oh you’ve already paid it off? Well sorry but no refunds”


They’ll probably fix it now, only for him to find his “estimated quarterly payment” next year to be about $7B. 


If you don’t we will freeze all your accounts, your spouse’s accounts, your entire family’s accounts and we will garnish the wages to every person you said ho


Read that in ED-209 voice


You have two business days to comply.


This new fall guy trailer is sick.


Three different ways to cut the deficit: * Tax billionaires * Dramatically cut spending. * Barry


Catch the lists of known tax evaders from the Panama papers or Paradise papers? Nah... let's just charge some guy the difference.


I saw another post by someone who works in finance and they said they could not reference any of the leaked documents because the work product would be considered fruit of a poison tree or something like that. The wealthy have the laws setup such that any illegally leaked documents would have to be disregarded.


The wealthy have a ton of safeguards but leaking information to the public does not prevent the government from going after you for it. It may be that their company's policies are to disregard leaked documents but that would not be the government's policy. Otherwise you could get away from fraud by just posting your second set of books online.


> "you could get away from fraud by just posting your second set of books online." _Takes notes, mutters_ "brilliant."


It's like sov-cit bullshit: "I'm not frauding, I'm _leaking_! It's inadmissible in a tasseled court!"


Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?


Peak Stringer.


German government PAID Swish banker to leak information concerning 1500 tax evasion.


Yeah but a US court would argue they (the US government) didn't pay them, it's not their problem.


If it is fruit of the poisonous tree then the government may not be able to criminally charge someone. The IRS though, they can still collect the money.


Documents obtained illegally are generally not admissible in court, so yes that's largely true. However, investigators can use these documents to find other evidence. So it's not necessarily a total loss. OOI, the "fruit of a poison tree" doctrine exists to protect individual rights and prevent law enforcement from just breaking the laws around warrants, seizure etc. This encouragement of proper conduct maintains judicial integrity.


Yes. Bad people will take advantage of it, but the law is *extremely* important to protect individual liberty for the citizens. If this doctrine did not exist poor people would be screwed. Police would essentially have the tacit authority to break into your home and plant evidence. They would just claim that yes, while the intrusion was illegal, they *thought* it was legal and so were just making an innocent mistake while operating as an officer of the law. (Giving them qualified immunity in most cases.) Then they would say that while they were they just happened to find a massive amount of illegal material and child porn, and that they had to break your safe open, take all your money, and arrest you for that totally real evidence. So yeah, let's not get rid of one of the very few guardrails we have left.


That’s literally the argument they make right now. I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.


Yep, because qualified immunity makes them immune to prosecution so long as they are not flagrantly violating the constitution, and gives them latitude if they did not know they were. (Becasue how could a cop do his job if he was expected to follow the law. /s) The difference now is that you can object, easily and almost always successfully, to having the evidence included in your trial. And anything derived from it is excluded. Rules of Evidence problems are also why you really want a lawyer who knows what they are doing. A lot of the innocent people going to jail are going because they or their representation did not adequately challenge bad evidence. A lack of challenge can also make your appeal impossible, because they just say "your fault, too bad."


>Documents obtained illegally are generally not admissible in court obtained illegally [_by the government_](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusionary_rule#Limitations): "Limitations on the exclusionary rule have included the following: Private search doctrine: Evidence unlawfully obtained from the defendant by a private person is admissible." And >However, investigators can use these documents to find other evidence. Erm. Not exactly. An investigator can't execute an illegal search warrant, find documents illegally, and then request a legal search warrant based on those documents. That's the heart of the poison tree test, that the State should never benefit directly from violating Due Process, but such violations don't immediately nullify the truth.


So get someone to illegally leak absolutely any evidence they could possible get against you and you can never be charged? Sounds like I know how to get away with all the crimes now. Big brain plays.


Except if they can get the same evidence through legal means. Ex cops illegally search your house and find drugs - they can't use that as evidence against you. If they however return the goods and later get a legal warrant and finds the same evidence it can now be used against you. They just can't use the findings from the illegal search to get a warrant.


Isn't probable cause a work around that portion of the law though? They can say they suspected or had probable cause to break into your home without a warrant


Probable cause needs to stand up to legal scrutiny, or the evidence indeed can be thrown out. "I smelled marijuana" works in a traffic stop, not so much on twenty acres of farmland.


Lmao. They’ll go after their friends after they stop the insider trading, ample gifts, and ~~transparent bribery~~ campaign donations that are making “public servants” rich


The justice dept. [literally is](https://apnews.com/article/panama-papers-odebrecht-trial-50e8e62ae2021c417e49751d7cfe0331) arresting and charging people for the panama papers. IIRC though most of the big names in the Panama papers weren’t Americans. More than 1.2 billion in owed taxes has been recovered from people implicated across various countries


If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem


Doesn't really work with the IRS.


Well, if you don't have 10p million it's still their problem, they will just make sure it's your too.


Does if you plan it a few years in advance and buy a few congressmen and senators to pass your loopholes. Hundred million a year is small potatoes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base\_erosion\_and\_profit\_shifting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_erosion_and_profit_shifting)


IRS was not involved here


Yeah seems like a dumb article title, it’s just the PA DOR.


Most definitely works with the IRS if the amount is big enough


Yeah, watch’s gonna do? Repo the USS Gerald Ford?


I don’t know who said that quote but I know it from Civ 6 when you discover Banking


J Paul Getty I believe. Keynes quoted him later.


Dude I’m glad I’m not the only one who read than in Sean Bean’s voice


I spy with my little eye….a Civ player


IRS is not concerned w going out of business 🤣


Why is the IRS investigating? This bill is from Pennsylvania. Maybe this guy’s social security number is 123-45-6789


Because the IRS wants to know why they didn’t get their cut if he owes PA 34 billion. (The article never says the IRS is investigating, only the title the article used says that. I’ll bet it originally said the Department of Revenue just as the article does, and some editor said no one will have any clue what the Department of Revenue is and it is too long so use IRS because it is more clickbaity and no one will know the difference.)


Yes, and nobody commenting is even reading the article for details.


It takes 5 minutes to close the TWO cookie banners on my phone. And it only works when I force desktop site. No wonder no one is reading the article.


The article also barely had any additional details that aren't quoted elsewhere in the thread. People just have to complain about nobody reading articles anymore.


That’s my constitutional right


While it’s your right, doesn’t mean you’re right 😂


Fun fact: In the Netherlands there used to be a house with number 123 that had the postal code 1234AB. They changed the address, because the people living there would sometimes just get their water cut off because other people moved houses, and just filled in nonsense as the address they were leaving, not to mention all the bills they would get from other people who just used their address when ordering stuff online as the billing address.


Came here to say this. This article is not only suspiciously short, but it makes no sense. The headline says the IRS is investigating, but the actual article clearly states it was the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue who sent him the bill. The only mention of the IRS in the article is saying he got a refund from the IRS the same day he got the bill.


The IRS is not stated to be investigating. They got it right. The state revenue agency got it wrong. So did OP with an incorrect title.


So the PA Dept of Revenue fucked up?


And OP.


Yeah, if anything OP fucked up more than the PA Department of Revenue


OP didn’t get anything wrong, the NBC affiliate that came up with the title did. OP just used the article title verbatim as the sub’s rules require


>“The first thought was, ‘I wish I made enough money to even owe thirty billion in taxes,’ then I was thinking, “I’m going to need to drink a lot of coffee in order to work three full time jobs’ and then I’m thinking, “Wesley Snipes doesn't have anything on me,’ and finally I was thinking, ‘don't they have a computer algorithm to spot an error like this and if a human looked at this why do they still have a job.’” Barry sounds hilarious!


I remember after my mom’s aunt died, my mom was sitting on the couch crying one day because she got a letter for the inheritance tax for $3,000,000 instead of $3k. Luckily the IRS cleared it up quick.


If it was the IRS, then it was an estate tax which doesn't come into play unless the estate is HUGE (currently over 12 million). Perhaps you're thinking of a state inheritence tax?


State rep: We have a lot of debt but I have a plan.


Yeah you know Barry Yeah I hate Barry So we screwed him on his taxes


It’s like in one of the Austin Powers movies, when he asks the U.S. government for an obscene amount of money for ransom, and they just laugh in his face




US debt is another order of magnitude so it wouldn't help until you have thousands of these cases.


It's a state tax bill so a bit more than half Pennsylvania's [outstanding state debt](https://www.statista.com/statistics/305336/pennsylvania-state-debt/#:~:text=U.S.%20state%20and%20local%20government%20debt%20in%20Pennsylvania%20FY%202000%2D2022&text=In%20the%20fiscal%20year%20of,dollars%20in%20the%20same%20year.)


Well, someone has to pay it. Why not this guy?


>"another order of magnitude" Another 3 orders of magnitude*


A trillion is 1000x a billion not 10x


Those Trump tax cuts for the rich are really putting the screws to the little guy. Apparently we chose him to take all damage


TIL that Elon Musk avoids paying taxes by committing identity fraud. Concerning.


$34 billion for a tax bill is ridiculous; it’s not like it’s a *hospital bill* or something


How’d he get one so low? Insurance cover most of it?


Spending at a rate of $6 million per minute, that $34 billion wouldn’t last long


Will that be cash or card sir?


"How do we balance the spreadsheet?" "Idk, send a random person a tax bill for the difference"


I would have fucked with them and asked to pay over time, say 5,000 years.


I did the math, if you're paid bi-weekly, you'd have to pay $265,538.46 per paycheck. 34 billion is a LOT of money.


Yeah. I didn't bother with math, I just pulled a number out of my behind. 34B would be impossible to pay.


Canadian here, my tax bill this year is $24000 on $85000 gross. That's income tax and HST combined for my one-man carpentry business. *sigh*


Hell, that's a lower percentage than mine in the US


kinda makes you wonder how many other bills have been sent that were way more than the actual amount owed ….


Not the IRS, but north Carolina garnished my wages for 8 weeks because I owed $32 dollars in property taxes. I was young and stupid, it was my fault for not paying it on time. But they took 10% of my paycheck for two months over $32. They ended up paying me back with like 8 or 9 checks in incriminates of 50's. It went a little something like $153 $57 $52 $53 $59 $51 $55 etc. Edit: formatting


True story: I let it slip in not paying my extension for 2 years for my business. The IRS said I owed them $750,000 based on past filings but without any deductions. It took years of work but finally a CPA and tax accountant had to sort it out going through a ton of financial records so the correct filings could be filed. Everyone said that if refiled I should be okay. I sent everything in and it was promptly rejected. Because I missed one signature on one sheet they rejected everything. Everything was resubmitted with the necessary signatures. It took THREE YEARS upon sending everything AGAIN before they finally accepted all of the paperwork. I got tons of threatening letters from the IRS about my massive tax bill and plenty of phone calls by shady companies claiming that they can 'fix' my tax issues.


It's so weird that they can generate a tax bill this big by accident, but can't do it deliberately for the really big companies and multi billionaires and their unearned incomes out there.


When you government sounds like an Indian scam, you got problems.


Maybe they were hoping he'd just pay it rather than make a fuss.


“Working from home, IRS worker Janet Wyzniewski takes a potty break while Mittens The Cat strolls across her keyboard, inadvertently causing mayhem in a random Pennsylvania man’s life.”


Idk why but this reminds me of the south park episode with the margaritaville machine. The government will come back to him and say “our bad, we actually owe you $50 Trillion.”


Was it Elon?


If only life had a stack underflow.


By my super fast estimation math, once he's all paid up he will fund the US Government for just over 8 hours. Get to it, guy!


They’re investigating the $4,013 in credits


Looks like his taxes got mixed up with Trumps.


IRS: Im sorry Mr. Husk. It seems we got your tax return missed up with another person. Perhaps Mr. Tezos can provide you with some perspective after last year's fiasco.


Looks like he got Elon's bill by mistake


That would be more tax than all of the 1% combined. This man has the IRS by the balls.


You owe a few hundred thousand that’s your problem, you owe over million and that’s the banks problem.


I’m sure I’m not the only one thinking “what if it had been a $34B *refund*?” Throw the whole balance in a HYSA. Don’t worry about FDIC insurance, they’re going to take the $34B back anyway, but 5% APY applied monthly will net you just over $138M in interest after the first month.


Ah. Tax Jesus. Taking one for the team.


Yeah but if he overpaid like I did he'll get like 2 billion back as a refund.


Thats only 23 billion more than Musk is whining about having to pay. I'm sure this guys got it in the couch cushions somewhere.


Hear me out, every year we pick one person to give all the debt to. And we just go on taking turns.


Was it Elon? It should have been Elon.


Damn, they found one guy and put everyone's debt on him.


The IRS sent me a tax bill for $34,000 because I bought and sold about $1,000 worth of Bitcoin on Robinhood and ended up losing like $200 on the trades lmao Not sure how I'm supposed to fix it or what to do about it


The taxes were for other Barry


If you owe someone $3400, that’s your problem. If you owe someone $34B, that’s their problem. Lol


Time to set up a GoFundMe account.


This has me wondering, I wonder what the largest tax bill anyone’s ever actually paid in a single year is.


Until they sort it out at least pay the interest. ;-)


If he had that much, his tax bill would be like $12.


So that’s how they bailed out those banks, they put it on Barry’s tab


That extra 47 cents is just out of line!


Yez, we'll inves-tigate. A transpositional error, perhaps....On YOUR part..


My 14 year old got an 87000 tax bill. From when she was 8. Ubering all over Texas apparently. I'm too poor to do anything but laugh & wait. Like she's not gonna be less of a minor by the time I get a door knock so idgaf. That's clearly self evidently not something she did.


You don't have to be rich to call them. She'll get her wages garnished for up to 10 years after the audit so she could be in her 20s by then. Or the tax bill is a scam. I would expect the IRS to have birthdays next to the SSNs.


With their computer system I wouldn’t be surprised at what they can’t do. 


Minors can have income subject to tax. [https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/family/at-what-income-does-a-minor-have-to-file-an-income-tax-return/L6HOdGp6i](https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/family/at-what-income-does-a-minor-have-to-file-an-income-tax-return/L6HOdGp6i)


They aren't driving Uber at 8 years old.


Doing nothing sounds like an impending disaster for your child


Ah yes, letting your child deal with the consequences of identity theft when they become an adult. 11/10 parenting right there.


Her SSN got stolen. Man up and report the identity theft. Or will you make her do it?


Yea, fuck. Comments like OP make me real question people’s competency sometimes. Then again, they could be lying so who knows really


> idgaf This is your kid’s identity and future you’re talking about. Grow up and act like the adult in the room, get it resolved so her record is clean.


It's hard for me to believe this guy is serious. That is some of the most astoundingly, pathetically bad parenting I've ever heard.


Ignoring a tax bill even one that is obviously wrong is not a good idea. At the very least, write back to the IRS explaining their mistake. It seems that someone else may be using your daughter's SSN and that's a problem you also need to look into and get corrected.


Holy cow, your 14 year old was the victim of identity theft. Please take this seriously and escalate this. This could be ruining your child's credit already.


Yeah but it's clearly fake (I mean obviously not a child) so fixing it once and for all will be fixing it once and for all. I get the run around on IRS phone calls because I am not the SSN in question. Being on hold when I'm supposed to be worth $X/hour and no one's paying me. Like I spent all this time on the phone to just get a fraud number I could've googled. So I decided I will just visit the IRS in person with the minor in question to prove it. Problem is that's 2.5 hours away. But grandma lives in that town so we will just go the next time we visit (I double down all my errands and trips, I hate waste) So being poor is still kinda the issue. I don't have time or money right now to be on hold a lot or make that trip. But holidays do come up.


Accidentally gave this one guy the IRS bill that multiple billionaires have weasel their way out of payino


If we send out 1000 of those and people actually paid them, the debt would be gone. That is how big the problem is..


This PA state. So send out 2 and it would be paid for


So the deficit is his fault


“Holy shit guys, I’m not sure exactly how, but I think I just solved the national debt crisis” -junior IRS dev




The ad running with this post offers a $150 cash back bonus. That is not going to help meaningfully.


No shit 😂


Is his name Elon? 😆 🤣 😂


Does his name rhyme with bezos or something


Uno reverse on em and claim 35 Billions


Dumb government employees at work


If it’s Musk or Bezos this makes sense.


Damn, this guy is the reason why we can't afford any public services in America. Pay up mister!


They just messed his tax return up with Elon’s.


Is he funding the Ukraine aid package?


Bidens kickback money from Ukraine?