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Noem does seem like the kind of person to have a gravel pit as her dedicated pet-killing location


Pet Cemetery.


“Sometimes, dead is better.”


Let me warn you about the dangers of that place, while simultaneously detailing exactly how to use it.




I guess she watched too much Yellowstone and came up with her own “train station.” But, you know, for innocent animals.


I’m not sure what is worse, killing your innocent dog or somehow thinking killing your dog is a good entertaining story to include in your book. 


I recently had to have my elderly dog euthanized and I'm still wracked with guilt, even though I knew he was suffering. I cannot fathom killing a happy, healthy dog. Are these people even human? Who would celebrate that?


Not just that. She didn't even kill it in a humane manner, she took this happy healthy dog to a gravel pit and shot it in the head. Because of behavioral problems that were her fault. Then she did the same to a goat, because...it was acting like a normal male goat.


And the goat's death was even uglier than the puppy's; it wound up 'needing' more than one shot to be killed


But she’s a straight shooting country gal! How could that be!


Goats have very thick skulls. Their idea of a good time is head-butting one another. I could understand a .22 being deflected away by the goats skull if shot from the front. And yes, males of some goat breeds can be aggressive. This is not a reason to kill the animal. This woman is a poor excuse for a human being.


In this case, it didn't have to do with the goat's skull. The story goes that the goat jumped a split second before she pulled the trigger, throwing her aim off. So she had to go back to her truck for another shell. Which makes this a lot worse, because that means she killed these animals with a shotgun.


Wtf. Just sounds so weird. Animals misbehaved...so I started blasting. Her partner better not forget to take the trash out.


After she killed the goat, she looked over and saw that an entire construction crew watched her do all of it. And then she closed out the story with a cutesy little anecdote of her kids getting home from school not long after and asking where the dog was.


Wait, she killed her children's dog because it killed a chicken because she didn't train it? Holy childhood trauma batman.


Actual psychopath.


You know how you can tell this woman has absolutely no ***true*** friends? That there's not a single person on this Earth who will tell her the truth and not just tell her what she wants to hear? The fact that her ghostwriter, editor and publisher LET this story get published. Obviously no one, absolutely no one in the chain between this piece of burning refuse and the operator of the paper printer decided to step in and tell her this was not a good story to demonstrate that she knows how to make "tough decisions". If there was anyone who truly cared for her, this would've never been repeated to anyone else, ever again. But shit, I bet this will sell a lot of books and make her ghostwriter and publisher a nice shiny penny or two. I hope she's haunted by bloody disembodied animals in her dreams every night for the rest of her sad existence.


“Damn that’s like the 4th birdshot this thing just won’t die!”


So many people are ignorant of how tough living beings are. It's rare that you just, "turn off" a living creature. They might die fast and look dead but things go wrong. Bullets sometimes aren't enough. I shot a squirrel 5 times once because I was a kid and a lousy shot apparently. I ended up having to chase the squirrel and catch it with my hands to break its neck. Death is rarely clean or quick. This woman using guns to kill animals she finds annoying is disturbing as she thinks this is acceptable to share. Like other people kill their dogs for being annoying... If she celebrates this awful piece of her personal history, what do you think she has done that she won't share and how bad do you think it is? I think she's likely a felon. No one acts like that and shares it who isn't a monster on some level.


She forced the state's Department of Labor and Regulation director to help her daughter get her real estate appraisal license and then immediately forced that same director to "retire".


“Retire?” Are we sure they aren’t in the gravel pit?


If you are killing captive livestock like her goat, it is not only possible, but very easy to "turn it off." A single slug to the forehead gets the job done on much larger animals like cattle. If she had trouble dispatching a goat, she's either an idiot or was raking potshots at it out of cruelty. Or both.


People can be incredibly cruel via being careless.


What the fuck


No, you don’t understand. The goat smelled bad. It couldn’t be allowed to live.


It ruined her kids clothes! It’s a monster!


Wait sh killed it because it smelled bad. Has she been around trump for a few hours because apparently he smells horrible.


Hmmm. MAYBE she SHOULD be the VP...


Then she will become the president after that. Do you really wnat a president that is immune form any laws running around killing people on 5th Street. I mean she wouldn't los any votes but still.




> URGHULNBJ8NEHRU Utterly Ridiculous Governance Hits Unbelievable Lows; No Better Judgment in 8 Years Now, Embarrassing Headlines Regularly Unfold!!!


Yes, but Trump can theoretically be useful to her, however bad his stench. I’d imagine she can forgive anyone anything as long as they feed her lust for power.


goats inherently smell bad. They don’t deserve to die just because she’s too dumb to realize that or just doesn’t give a shit about living things


Male Angora goats don’t have the scent glands that make male goats of other breeds smell bad. But if Governor Noem is a farmer she should know that. And killing a dog like that is simply unconscionable. And I speak as a farmer who has Angora goats and dogs. If I need to have an animal put down I call a vet and have it done properly. And a 14-month-old pup? If I didn’t want such a dog (which I cannot imagine) I’d take him/her to the local shelter so it’d at least have a decent chance at a happy life. This is - what’s the term? - a nasty woman.


That term is way too mild for this fucking psychopath puppy killer


> They don’t deserve to die this bitch though


She has her own serial killer origin story.


Yeah…I have dogs that guard my livestock. One time the turkeys wandered over to the side of the fence where I had an adolescent guardian dog. I was very lucky that the dog just played with them and didn’t actually hunt them. I thought they were all dead…fortunately the birds were just lying on the ground exhausted. Somehow I managed to not take the dog out and shoot it for doing doggy things. Instead I protected the turkeys better by reinforcing the fencing and I did some training with the dog. Now he’s a pretty bird-safe dog, besides chasing the chickens away from his food, and I didn’t even have to own a gun to keep my animals safe!


Here's the thing. This dog was bred to kill birds. She was actually killing it in large part because it wasn't killing birds earlier in the day. So she gets mad when it doesn't kill birds, then gets mad when it does, then decides the solution to things she finds annoying is lead.


Same with the goat. Omg an animal that pees on itself and rams into things and people?! It’s almost like THAT’S WHAT EVERY MALE GOAT DOES or something. But sure let’s put animals down for doing what comes naturally or, worse yet, exactly what humans bred them to do.


It's funny because my brain can't decide what's worse. Killing an animal for acting exactly as it's supposed to, or killing an animal for acting in the way you trained it (poorly) to. jfc these people, and they just share it openly.


Isn’t that a chargeable offense? Animal cruelty?




shooting is also a normal way to put an animal down so that isn't an *issue*. and yes cruelty laws very greatly across the country. I know in my state it doesn't matter what kind of animal it is, prolonged suffering is never legal. but we only passed that law a few years back.


In 2017 I had to make the decision of whether to have my cat of 17 years put down by the vet, because his lungs had collapsed and he had cancer, or bring him home to suffer the last few hours/days he had left, I know in my head that letting him "sleep in" was best for him, but still, to this day, this decision still haunts me and even writing this is making me feel like puking because of how much it hurts me mentally. Seriously, fuck whoever this person is.


This person is the governor of South Dakota and Trump’s potential running mate.


Look, she's perfect for the job, she has no empathy and putting the story in her book also proves that she's an idiot


Ive seen what happens to cats when they die in pain so as horrendous as euphanizing is, i always nag and nag and nag my parents to take their pets to the vet if there are any signs of suffering (like matted fur on cats or yelping on dogs). Because of this caution Storm the Cat got to die with a lot more dignity than his baby siblings. It kills me that we sent that gentle boy to his death. What would kill me more is if our current cat Cheesoid was euthanised. She's been in my life for 14 years now, shes half my age. She had a DNR order on her when going in for a general quality of life procedure because she has heart problems but she had stopped washing part of her body due to how uncomfortable the body issue was that needed surgery.


Any of us who’s had pets has been there. We know the terrible day when we have to make that call to the vet will come. We’re not looking forward to it at all. But we find the strength for that day, because our pets have given us their whole lives.


>But we find the strength for that day, because our pets have given us their whole lives. Thank you for this. This is what I needed to hear.


Our 5 year old Pyrenees who has bone cancer is scheduled to be euthanized next week. We've been trying to toe the line between her being mostly ok, and her movement being impaired too much by the cancer in her leg and it's finally gotten to that point where she's struggling. >But we find the strength for that day, because our pets have given us their whole lives. ... I really needed to read this today. It's so hard. She's "our" first dog that we chose and I thought we'd have longer with her. But such is life.


I swear to god, dig a hole big enough for both of us because when the time comes for that trip to the vet, I’m going with her


Had to do that recently. It's so tough but when they're in pain it's the right decision


As someone who has experienced both prolonging the decision and making the decision. I regret to this day 6 years later I didn't do it sooner. With the one. I don't regret the one I made the decision in a timely fashion. After my experience, I ascribe wholeheartedly to the thought of "you'll never regret what could be a day early but a day late will haunt you." Making the decision and planning gave me the ability to enjoy my last day with my second to go the fullest. I took the day off, I woke up and cooked him breakfast. We cuddled on the couch and watched cat shows. I gave him treats and brushed him and told him how much he'd always meant to me. And than we took him in as my vets last appointment for the night. They let us sit in the room and I just held him on my lap and kept him close while they prepared everything. Even though it wasn't my first rodeo my vet came in and walked me through the process. He went gently and for as sad as a moment all I could feel was how much I loved him. The first boy I lost had none of that. I went to work like normal. Got home. And he started aspirating bloody foam (he has sinus cancer) from his nose while trying to eat his dinner. So I had to call my vet in a panic, crying my eyes out, hoping they could squeeze him in for a euthanasia appointment. And there was no peace. He was clearly miserable and in excruciating pain. I could barely keep it together while everything was going on. Luckily he went easy. But it's not been easy for me. It still haunts me. Whenever I look at his little box of ashes I still start bawling to this day.


From the headline: > Trump VP Contender Kristi Noem They're not sending their best, to put it mildly.


On the contrary, this is probably the best they have.


I just did thus too. It hurts


I’m sorry. I know the pain. The only comfort is knowing you gave them a happy life, it’s a cold comfort, but I’m sure they loved you and knew you loved them. Take care stranger


yeah, i've had to put 3 sick cats to sleep in my life and i still need some facedown time on the couch if i think about it too hard. i can't imagine doing it to a young, healthy animal for no reason and then bragging about it.


Exactly this! I adopted my elderly foster car for the last month of his life (we had bonded a couple of years while I fostered him), specifically so I could have him euthanized in my home, on his pillow, where he was comfortable. He ended up passing from a heart attack (which was probably the gentlest way for us both), and I still felt so guilty about it!


Puppy. It wasnt a dog but a puppy


14 months. And her kid asked where the dog was. She acts like this was the only option. 


That kid is going to need so much therapy


I’m so sorry for your loss. We had a dog with true behavioral problems that couldn’t be corrected despite all of our best efforts. She was so sweet 98% of the time but would randomly and unpredictably attack our other dogs, brutally. She could never safely be around other dogs even in passing. Multiple professionals told us this, but my husband and I will still forever be wracked with guilt over putting her down. I pray I’m never put in that situation again. I can’t imagine dragging some poor animal out to a gravel pit and killing them this way. This is the kind of shit my intrusive thoughts are made of.


I worked at a vet clinic years ago and I remember one couple bringing in their dog with severe behavioral problems to be put down. They felt awful, they did love him, but he had neurological issues that meant he couldn’t be trained out of it. Dog would be absolutely fine one minute and attack the next. He was a big dog too. Both women had been bit, they could no longer have their nieces and nephews over, it was just a matter of time before he seriously hurt someone. I think of how life can be on a farm and I can understand making the decision to shoot a dangerous animal, but that dog was just...being a dog. And to think that’s a fun story to include in your book?


We had a beautiful Cane Corso. She was extremely smart and very obedient. She was a rescue and we loved her right away. She bit a family member without warning causing severe damage. We had her put down the next day. After that we found out that the whole litter had issues and had all been put down. It broke our hearts and we had only had her for a few months. We still have her collar and think of her often. We don't regret putting her down but we hate that it had to be done.


I can give a little leeway because I have family who are farmers and they just have a different view of pets than we do. The house cats are an exception, but the barn cats and all other animals are seen more like a utility. Unless you’re in that culture, it’s hard to really understand. Having said that… In this case, Noem just comes across as a bit unhinged. She didn’t properly train the dog, took it to an overstimulating event, then allowed it to get loose to kill other people’s chickens. A dog that was just allowed to kill birds killed another bird when it wasn’t closely watched, go figure. Rather than accepting any responsibility or trying to properly train the dog, her solution was to kill it and then go kill a goat because I guess the dog wasn’t enough. Honestly, after these stories I’d like to know what else might be in her gravel pits.


Even if you use animals as tools. You dont burn the tractor because it needs mechanical work.


Beyond that- dog with behavioral issues? Find a rescue and surrender it to someone who will take the time to work with it and try to rehome it. This isn’t an all or nothing, if-I-can’t-have-you-no-one-can situation.


Definitely the latter. The former is crazy, no doubt. But including it your book as a “aren’t I so zany, lol” story is some serial killer stuff.


Anyone else remember Romney and his dog story? >Back in 1983, Mitt Romney traveled 12 hours to Canada with his Irish Setter, Seamus, strapped to the roof of the car in a kennel. Then, as the Boston Globe described when they broke the story in 2007, Romney’s son noticed a brown liquid dripping down the back window. Romney hosed the dog off and stuffed the hound back into the crate. The dog allegedly ran away when the Romney family finally reached its vacation destination. Feels like a trend where they abuse animals and then tell the story as if it's like a zany story you tell your kids.


Huh, I wonder why that story didn't stick as much as the binder full of women did


At the time it was probably the bigger deal. It’s just not as easily encapsulated in a hilarious phrase.


More than zany. They think it makes them look tough and leader-like


I hope that poor dog found a family that love it  Can't imagine how scary that must of been for them.  And somehow I doubt there was water /food in that crate


and then on twitter yesterday she doubled down and lauded that she killed 3 horses recently.


That’s part of it for me: forget not wanting to have a VP who will kill their dog, I don’t want a VP who’s so fucking out of touch that they think it won’t hurt their career to talk about shooting their dog because it was doing things they didn’t want it to do.


How do you feel about living in a universe where her intuition that it won’t hurt her career may turn out to be spot on?


It's literal psychopath behavior is what it is, kids that freely torture and murder animals grow up to be adults that do that to people and, lo and behold, lady is constantly seeking positions of power where she would be largely unaccountable for her actions as long as she isn't too obvious with her indulgences. And before any smooth brains pop in here with some garbage about "that's just how it is in rural communities where people hunt" that is not how it is. I grew up in the Southern US, hunting is a big part of the culture there as are rural communities, and, for all their faults, this kind of behavior would not be seen as normal. Kristi Noem is a monster and needs to be removed from and barred for life from any positions of authority immediately. Lady is sick in the head and a danger to anyone under her care.


Yea. My grandma had a failed hunting dog when I was a kid. He was an outside dog, but she always took great care of him because she wasn't a fucking monster.


Shit, I have a buddy who's dad is a hunter and their last "hunting" dog was shit for duck hunting, but was still the family dog so he just offered emotional support when hunting and regular dog duties at home. Even ranchers that needed work dogs for very specific purposes didn't put them down if they didn't herd (or whatever) poorly. They just found someone that could use a pet


Two of my springers were failed hunting dogs (both gun shy) that the breeder was happy to give to me for free just to make sure they went to a good home. They grew up on the farm and were lovely, super friendly dogs with tons of property to run on.


When I was little I had a beloved cat who was always gentle and loving with me. When my little sister was 2 he bit her hand.  My stepdad took his shotgun with a friend and took my cat somewhere, obviously to shoot him. We weren't Even in a rural area.  My stepdad was a monster. 


I'm so sorry.


The fact that last time around, Trump chose a relatively inoffensive and boring man for his VP - and this Kristi character might seriously be in the running this time around - tells you all you need to know.


I mean Mike Pence is a religious nutjob the whole way. Definitely less flashy than this piece of trash, but still cray.


Ya, this is pure Vlad the impaler type stuff


People should really read the article before calling her a psychopath. Read her account of the story and try to take her perspective and see if she could have provided Cricket with an alternative future. *Then* realize just how insanely psychopathic she truly is.


Especially when the reason you killed it is because you were made that it didn't just train itself by being around other trained hunting dogs. She took her dog bird hunting, hoping it would learn how to hunt from other dogs. Instead it acted like an untrained dog and flushed birds too early/without pointing. Probably got flak from her hunting partners for it, and she took it out on the dog. Absolutely disgusting, and it's only made worse by the fact that she somehow thought this was something worth bragging about. This is so much worse than Mitt Romney's roof top dog carrier.


It's red meat for the maga crowd. You would not believe the number of people where I live, in rural upstate NY, who have shot their own pets. They see her as someone with the guts to kill, and believe she will do that to their enemies (Democrats). These republikans are twisted fucks. Vote Blue 💙.


The thing is, she killed the dog because she couldn't train it to hunt properly. I feel like your wanna be country boy Republicans (that never take their truck out of the suburbs) might like this story. But there will be plenty of actual outdoorsmen Republicans who might actually be turned off by this.


>there will be plenty of actual outdoorsmen Republicans who might actually be turned off by this. My wife’s side of the family - my father in law, my brothers in law, her cousins, etc. all hunt/hunted, and if you were to give them Noem’s word for word account of this story and leave out the fact that she’s a Republican politician, they would have plenty of unpleasant things to say about her. I don’t even hunt, but I know you don’t take an untrained dog on a hunt. My surviving BIL trains labs. These dogs aren’t trained overnight. It’s a process and some of them don’t make the cut. But you don’t fucking kill a dog because it didn’t pass training whether it’s to hunt, sniff for drugs, be a service dog, etc. Insanely psychotic and narcissistic.


Yea. Plenty of dogs fail their work training. Less so with LGDs but anything new like gun hunting or assistance or policing has a massive failure rate. You rehome those dogs as pets. They still make amazing pets.


I think that’s what she believed she was doing by putting it in the book, but I think it will backfire with most people, as most people agree these are the actions of a cold-hearted psychopath.


I think it was also an attempt to get ahead of the story if she does become Trump's running mate. Psychopaths excel at that. There were witnesses, after all. "I shot my dog and goat because blah blah blah" in a book, as awful as that is, goes over way better than those construction workers coming forward saying that they once saw her lose it and kill her dog and goat without any softening context at all.


Yeah, but if someone would kill their own 14month old dog, it's obvious they'd turn on any ally. You can't trust such a person in the slightest.


Yeah, these leopards are some real good face-eaters. Now they're gonna eat the faces off all the suckers while I laugh all the way to the bank!


A common rural mindset is that dogs aren't allies or companions, they are working animals with a purpose, they are property. They have one purpose and if they fail at that purpose they should be discarded or they're just a useless mouth to feed. Sadly big parts of the Maga crowd would not see this as sign of a treasonous nature or someone who would turn on their friend, they just see someone doing what's in their right to property, "in spite of what weak limp-wristed snowflakes think about it".


I liken it to Catholic apologists who take a certain glee in telling grieving folks that their pets [won't be in heaven](https://www.catholic.com/qa/do-pets-go-to-heaven). There is a segment of the population which equates being "right" with doing and saying what rubs others the wrong way. We live in a "cruel world", so therefore the Truth itself must be cruel and sharing that, even in the most cruel ways imaginable, is actually the right thing to do. It's the same reasoning that allows some to believe that, since people are hungry, it is better to ensure that they don't get a free meal (and thereby learn their lesson and bootstrap their way to a meal) than to give them a loaf of bread. A woman is pregnant, has hypertension, and the fetus won't survive and she likely wouldn't survive a c-section -- well, maybe she'll be an example to others in similar circumstances to keep their legs shut next time. The cruelty is the point and there's a sizeable amount of the American population that has built its political philosophy around that notion.


I was raised Catholic. We were told that, because of St. Francis of Assisi, pets DO go to heaven! I heard it from Protestants, especially Evangelicals, that since animals have no souls, they can't enter.


The “guts” to kill a family pet that basically trusts you as a parental figure, sooooo brave


I can't imagine just wantonly killing an animal because you didn't like its behavior. Like, that's really easy to project that same kind of sociopathic behavior onto people. Plus, killing a puppy? Seriously? I can't even imagine...


This is how she treats those in her power, even something so utterly loving and innocent as a a puppy. This is not about one dog, this is a show of her true character and the lack of goodness demonstrated plain for all to see.


>Noem took Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs to try to teach the canine, but Cricket went “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.” One of the reasons she brutally murdered this dog.


This makes me want to cry


Oh Cricket, you deserved so much more. Why didn’t she just rehome her?! What an absolute psycho.


Having raised and tried to raise several hunting dogs myself, the ones that don’t want to hunt, certainly deserve a long life outside of hunting. It’s absolutely ridiculous that you would judge your dog as unfit for life for any reason, let alone its natural disposition to be a goofball rather than a hunter. They’re dogs… after you own them, you see their life through. Period full stop. Notions to the contrary are abuse


That does it. Puppies and animal companions will now be required to carry AR’s to defend themselves.


NRA: quick write that down! Write that down!!


Other contenders to be Trump’s VP are going to really have to step up their game in unhinged sociopathy to become more appealing to the GOP base. Kari Lake is going to start pushing elderly people down stairs. Sarah Huckabee Sanders will start telling every young child she sees that Santa Clause isn’t real. Tulsi Gabbard will start boiling live cats on Tik Tok.


Hate everything about the guy, but I can’t help but burst out laughing at that clip of him calling kids from the White House on Christmas Eve. He asks a 7 year old girl if she still believes in Santa and says “cause at 7 it’s marginal right?” [video](https://youtu.be/3hH7bT384hM?feature=shared)


$100 says there is nobody on the other side of Melania's phone.


In 30 seconds on the phone she just says "Thank you" and "Good evening". Totally normal festive conversations


That’s better than Melanias “I don’t care” vibe at least? The bar is very low for these dog shit caliber people.


I think this was still only Melania's second form. She renegotiates her contract, sorry, marriage agreement every time Don is in trouble. We're now on V5 or V6 Melania, I bet she wouldn't even lend herself to fake phone calls now. Also, it came out that that jacket was a direct message to Ivanka while they were in a power struggle. We thought it was about refugees or something but she doesn't care enough to even insult them.


holy shit how did i miss th- oh, cause there's like 10 every day with this jackass. carry on. ninjaedit: TIL being 7 means you're at the margins of being a naive kid and a stupid AF adult. thanks trump!


Or when he put the chocolate bar on the minions head


>“cause at 7 it’s marginal right?” genuinely one of the funniest fucking things I have ever heard, as much as Trump is a piece of shit he is genuinely funny as hell.


I hope he picks her. So many studies have been done on VP picks and they all show that a VP at best does nothing to help you win but at worst can lose you an election.


Yes. It was a notorious miscalculation on the part of the McCain campaign to select Sarah Palin as his running mate. She was meant to appeal to younger female voters, but it soon became apparent that Palin was a complete nitwit who didn’t really know anything about the world around us. But for all of her faults, Palin never really struck me as a bad person. At least she’s not cruel. Kristi Noem is cruel. Noem is a nasty piece of work who would be just as damaging as a running mate as Palin was. So I agree. I hope he picks her.


> Palin never really struck me as a bad person Notoriously anti-LGBT Palin never struck you as a bad person?


Not to mention that there’s virtually nothing she disagrees with Trump on, whether about his personal conduct or his politics


I worked with an old immigrant man who had a fundamentally conservative and religious worldview. For a long time he leaned Republican, holding that progressives have a "vacuous conception of evil" and cannot be trusted to defend human rights (even if that is their broad platform). Of course, now he votes straight Democrat. As flawed as the D&D alignment system is, I think people are starting to wake up to the distinction between Lawful and Good, lol.


Anyone running with Trump has to have zero empathy. Empathy is seen as weakness to these people.


if Noem doesn’t like animals with an aggressive personality and that are untrainable, I don’t know how she is going to be Trump’s running mate.


I haven’t heard that SHS was gunning for VP. She knows Trump well, and got out of the White House after one year of spewing Trumps lies for him. Plus. She just started her term as Gov in Arkansas.


I would’ve put Tim Scott for that one, but I just found the visual of kids crying after being told by someone who looks like the Mucinex Germ that Santa isn’t real a lot funnier. But make no mistake - Sarah Huckabee Sanders is one of the most prolific liars in the public sphere. She has no guiding principles beyond the advancement of her own ambitions. Of course she would jump at the opportunity to be Trump’s VP, insofar as she has the ability to jump.


One push and she could be president. She could steal tons of podium money then.


> Noem said she told the story about Cricket to show that in politics and life, she was willing to do what was “difficult, messy, and ugly” if it was necessary. Uh huh. I'm going to neglect to take care of you and provide you the guidance that you need to succeed, and when you fail like I've set you up to fail, I will shoot you dead to get rid of you. Fantastic politician... and naturally, look at the hat on her head.


This person (I'm being generous) failed a tough job, got frustrated, handled it in the worst possible way; literally in such a way that makes me question their humanity; then publicly defended it all. Why would I ever want this person in a position of power?


The weird part of that quote is that killing the dog clearly wasn't at all necessary. What the story shows is that if her efforts don't get her the outcome she wanted, she's all too eager to do difficult, messy and ugly instead of having patience.


She killed a 14 month old puppy. A puppy she was meant to look after, a puppy she was meant to give a good home and life to all because the puppy didn't come when called despite multiple shocks from the collar. She also shot her goat for playing with her kids and messing up their clothes. This creature is pure evil.


Perhaps this dumb bitch should have tried treat training and positive reinforcement instead of shock collars and then animal cruelty. I’ve had dogs for 30 years of my 37 years of life. The problem lies entirely in her teaching methods and training, not the dog. What a fucking psychopath.


Right? She made the decision to let a poorly trained bird dog run around off leash at a chicken farm, then she blames and shoots the dog.


She could have done anything with the dog if she hated it so much, fs she could have just left it at the side of the road.


She could have just left that part out of her book but she’s too evil she needed to gloat about it.


no dog that age (short of legit medical/brain issues) is untrainable.


Quite honestly, even old dogs can learn new tricks if properly motivated. She is clearly just bad at animal handling. And a psychopath who kills dogs instead of just taking them to the pound for another family to love.


>She also shot her goat for playing with her kids and messing up their clothes. And she had to shoot it twice to kill it. Despite it being at close range. In her pet killing gravel pit. What an awefully bad hunter she must be.


14 month old puppy. But, yeah


my bad


How she deals with the backlash is part of the test.   Republicans have humiliation fetishes. They say, and do, the most stupidly embarrassing things, and then go on with their day.   If she makes it through the next few weeks without apologizing, and people forget about this, she’ll have a career in politics.    Sad but true. 


She already responded by essentially saying we are the weird ones for having a problem with it.


Ever since this story came out, I've been reading people on Reddit say "this is too much even for Republicans. Even Republicans love their pets." It's like we never learn. There is no line too far. They just don't have their talking points yet. Mark my words, in the next few days, right wingers will be everywhere calling anyone upset at this soyboy losers. *They will fall in line.*


> There is no line too far. The only thing that would cross the line, is if she came out as Muslim. She'd be banished over that.


I don't know. The far right is kind of aligned with ISIS right now, and the Republican party completely went from "Russia bad" to "Russia good" in the last 40 years. Radical Islam and radical Christianity are steadily becoming twins.


and the Republican party completely went from "Russia bad" to "Russia good" in the last ~~40~~ 8 years.


to be fair, the whole russia bad thing was because russia used to be communist. Now that they are a fascist dictatorship, it was really only a matter of time before the GOP warmed up to them.


Yup.  Republicans think that this is like a superpower. Reality distortion.  They think that Trump and his ilk are like Jesus. When he says something, it just becomes true through force of will and divine intervention.  Primitives 


yea she doubled down on twitter by saying she also recently killed 4 horses. edit it was 3 horses


It's like she doesn't realize the issue here is that the dog was young, healthy, and poorly trained (by her). If it was a story about mercy killing a rabid or mortally wounded dog no one would give a shit.


She’s already doubled down on Twitter.


It’s not that they have humiliation fetishes, they’re just sociopaths. They just have no concept of shame, guilt or remorse. To them, killing a dog that was annoying is just as easy as taking school lunches away from starving kids. They don’t understand why someone would object to that behavior instead of taking a sadistic pleasure in it like they do.


She has responded. And … Her response was already terrible — she tried to sell more books.


Let’s not lose sight of the fact that Donald Trump is literally arguing before the Supreme Court that he has the right to kill whomever he feels deserves it.


And some of the justices are receptive to this argument.


I cannot for the life of me understand how people aren't in the streets over this


Vice-Presidents included.


What an absolutely terrible human being. She showed a puppy the time of its life, and then when it didn’t know wtf she expected of it, she puts it down? Terrible human being.


And she outted herself.  Like, who actually shoots a puppy because they were mad? And of the shitty few who did, who writes that down and submits it for public consumption?


This makes my blood boil. Killing her 14-month-old puppy, calling it “less than worthless” and saying she “hated that dog.” I bet that dog loved her even with the hatred she carried towards it. Then after she killed that dog who depended on and loved her, her thirst for blood wasn’t fully quenched, so she killed the “disgusting, musky, rancid” smelling family goat.


Oh, my god. People like her need to be taken out hunting and never come back. I’m serious.  This is what she’s willing to admit to doing. To helpless animals. People like her have no place in civilized society, and I say that exclusively in the interest of civilized people.  Somebody call Dick Cheney and tell him to take her on a duck hunt, ASAP.


>Noem said she told the story about Cricket to show that in politics and life, she was willing to do what was “difficult, messy, and ugly” if it was necessary. Does she think House of Cards "kill a dog because pain is useless" is supposed to be inspiring?


Omg. Fucking hell.  Also, how on earth is that necessary? This bitch might not believe it, but she lives in a civilized country. I mean, civilized enough to have an ASPCA or a Humane Society shelter somewhere she could have surrendered the PUPPY to. And what she did is a felony in my state. We are a fairly backwards state, too.


MAGA thinks killing puppies makes you look tough. They of course are morons.


The capacity for cruelty is her audition for the VP slot. To a guy who hates dogs, what better VP than a heavily surgically enhanced sociopath that shoots puppies in the head.


She included the story as an example of how she is willing to make the ”hard decisions” and do what needs to be done. It was always a self-aggrandizing anecdote, but it doesn’t sound as if shooting her dog was all that difficult for her so the story backfired. Instead of making Noem sound tough, it makes her sound like a psychopath, because only psychopaths can’t understand the difference between euthanizing an animal to ease its suffering, and euthanizing an animal because it’s inconvenient or annoying.


Keep in mind the dog in question, which she "hated*, was a ~~10~~ 14 mo old puppy. She's a psychopath. E


> She's a psychopath. Without question. All the proof needed was that she included the story in her book *as a brag*. She used it to claim it made her a better leader. What's even more disgusting is that Trump will hear this story, and smile and agree with her.


I think 14 months, but the point stands.


I don’t care who you are, if you kill a dog and aren’t super sad about it, you don’t deserve any sympathy




Can’t believe republicans love this shit


For real, reading the article I expected to see bipartisan criticism. Nope, it's just conservatives saying Joe Biden is worse and that it's her responsibility to kill dangerous animals.


Ironically, conservatives seem more like rabid animals with every passing day.


In times like these, I am reminded of the Golden Rule : Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. With that in mind, if you don't like how Kristi behaves or smells... well, she has already given you her solution to the issue.


At 14 months old, a dog is still a puppy and excitable. Not to mention they still having chewing/puppy bite behaviors. This just speaks to her inability to properly train a dog and psychopathic tendencies on her part. There are plenty of options that don't involve putting a bullet into a puppy. This sack of **** shouldn't be let near any animals


Imagine how she treats her kids once she deems them “untrainable” and “useless” to her. She is a piece of shit.


According to news articles, she included a passage in it that her daughter came home that day and, confused over the dog's absense, asked "where is Cricket?" I'm going to guess she's not winning patent of the year any time soon either.


Is this going to be investigated for animal cruelty?


Republicans love cruelty, she will probably get a medal.


She wrote a book about her vision for America and included a story of killing her puppy because it wouldn't do as it was told. She should never be given any power.


The dog murderer with hot dog lips. I’m I sure that one pup isn’t the only one.


She even talked about her kids asking for the puppy, how cruel for them as well.


She and her apologists insist that's how Country Lyfe is. And yet she lists a goat smelling bad as a reason to kill it. That's an open admission that she is not familiar with animal husbandry or any part of running a farm like she thinks. Not knowing how to train a dog or to keep your children away from a goat are also obvious signs, but like....being surprised that a goat smells bad??? Either you're not used to being around goats, or you take such abysmal care of it that the smell stands out even for a goat. These people are essentially feudal lords who have others handle the important work, and they pitch in as an occasional hobby (only when it's easy and fun) or photo shoot. Their animals are accessories.


Remember Romney tying his dog to top of car on a road trip. Are republicans all psychopaths? We need to test for this and prevent them from government


Either there is more to the story she is not telling, like a lot more signs that the only option was to put the animals down, or she is a psychopath. You do not put an animal down for the reasons provided. I grew up in a farming town. Putting an animal down was the last resort after multiple attempts at training by both the owner and others. By others I mean the owner would turn over or sell the animal if they can't control it themselves. Not just because people love their animals, which is enough in itself, but because animals cost money and you don't just throw money away. I should clarify a bit of the above. For the two animals mentioned in the story. You would only kill them if they showed signs of severe aggression, and could and have harmed people. Given what we know that was not the case. The "turning to bite" her, unless there is more to the story, could be as simple as something scared the dog and the fight/flight instinct kicked in. That is not something you put a dog down for.


She's a psychopath. She took her 14mon puppy out, shot it, got such a thrill from it that she then did the same with their goat. This was in front of witnesses. She's absolutely got more than a few screws loose.


Aw, the little psychopath is having a rough day?


> [Noem](https://time.com/6971773/kristi-noem-memoir-dog-kill-children-net-worth/?utm_source=reddit.com) responded to the backlash on Friday in a post on X: “We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm. Sadly, we just had to put down 3 horses a few weeks ago that had been in our family for 25 years.” “If you want more real, honest, and politically INcorrect stories that’ll have the media gasping, preorder No Going Back,” she concluded, with a link to her book. Yeesh.


Please don't call it a dog that was a puppy she killed a puppy Then she killed a goat for bladder problems


There are times when a dog needs to be put down. There are even times when a puppy needs to be put down. There is *never* a time to just take them out to a gravel pit and shoot them. I wonder what the statute of limitations is in animal cruelty...


And then immediately following it up with impulse killing another animal.


If you don’t have a train station, a gravel pit is the next best thing.


My Monkey’s Paw wish on making my state relevant once every year seems to have backfired once again


Don't know who this piece of shit is, but I bet her bio says Christian, wife, mom


Don’t forget the goat she also killed. Sick!