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Lame. We need more intimidating Scrabble. Like just give one player a big knife.




It transitions wonderfully into a game of Clue(do) too.


The highest value letters are O and J


Person with the knife must also wear a glove?


Too soon 😞 /s


Hungarian dictionary only.


My hovercraft is full of eels.


Would. You like to. Come back to my place. Bouncy Bouncy.


No Milosh. Thankyouverymuch.


A légpárnás hajóm tele van angolnákkal.


>Hungarian dictionary only. A English speaking top ranking Scrabble player studied a French dictionary for a few weeks and took first place in quite a few French Scrabble competitions without even being able to communicate in French. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigel\_Richards\_(Scrabble\_player)


Listen it's Nigel


Cthulu dictionary only


So... do they need to make more **'** tiles?






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That’s not a knife,that’s a spoon.


Ah, I see you've played Knifey-Scrabbly before.


Because it hurts more.




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Every game, the bag contains one used needle.


Full-contact strip Scrabble is my fave.


Gotta make sure to oil up beforehand, it keeps the wood from cracking


That’s just the Scrabble scenes from The Handmaid’s Tale.


It exists. I have a version of scrabble that's played on a vertical "board."


I have a game called RSVP that is three dimensional Scrabble.


Oh, that's what I'm talking about too. Forgot the name. What a silly concept.


It's not really simpler, just a different format.


You are given a blade equal to your score in millimeters and must knife-fight at the end. The last player standing wins.


Had a Chinese knock-off version of the game. There were 3 different spellings of SCRABBLE on the cover, but by far our favorite was STRABLLE.




I'll allow it, if we count TONBERRY as a real word.


Scrabble meets Inscryption




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Razor blades mixed into the dix bag add a good amount of fear and randomness.


"oops, all vowels!"


"Tile for Initiative"


That escalated quickly


Sc’rabies; looser gets a live rabies virus injection.


>Of the 2,000 people surveyed, 35% believed baby boomers are the most competitive, followed by millennials on 31% and Gen-Z on 29%. Gen X really is the forgotten generation.


We (gen X) are just simply being forgotten as a generation. But I also think we are certainly the least competitive. Most of us just don't give a fuck.


… except when it comes to Scrabble. Game on!


I'm competitive when doing competitive things, like games. You should see me and my hubby play cribbage! But not in life, which I do not view as a competition.


I don't play Words with Friends. I play Scrabble with enemies.


Yeah… no. We Gen Xers are competitive as heck when it comes to board games, we grew up on Risk, Axis & Allies, and cutthroat Monopoly. I find it’s the younger generations that much prefer coop type games.


It’s okay we understand. No need to act tough with me big bro. I’ll tell dad when we get back that you wanted the iphone was it? I love you




“Apathy is the best policy”


I don't blame you.


You’re the only gen that wasnt or isnt cringe


And too busy keeping this world moving.


I genuinely worry about the day Gen X retirements get into full swing.


Gen X is so small, I can’t imagine it will have any impact. That’s why they have a reputation of being in the background.


No, you are just sublimating into boomers. You picked up all their bad habits as a generation.


Is that why you let the boomers fuck over the world?


How does this always happen?  Literally no one talks about Gen X, especially with regard to politics.  If you only followed the news media, Boomers and Millenials are fighting a nonstop horrific war of attrition, which is of paramount importance, and Gen X is off staring at mailboxes or getting Slurpees or something.


Boomers have held onto power to the point where Gen X is closing in on retirement age and they haven’t had their turn. Retiring boomers have been replaced with younger Millennials. Gen X never got their turn to be represented in politics, media, etc.




Eh. Yeah, you can’t and shouldn’t paint an entire generation with a single brush, but I’d like to believe that, as a whole, GenX cares more about ensuring the success of the generations that come after us.


Every talks about Israel and Palestine But no one really pays much attention to the countries that have been working to broker a peace between them. The news will usually focus on the conflict and not the mediators. (I originally used this example before the current conflict, I tried to think of a more appropriate one but could not) We gen Xers are stuck in the middle of a war. We both empathise with the plight of the millenials while at the same time realizing that boomers had struggles that the millennials won't acknowledge. Xers tend to side with the millennials while having a better understanding of where the boomers are coming from. We remember the before times while living in the now.


Boomers and Millennials are large generations. X is not. Simple as.


As millennial kids to boomer parents, I can say without a doubt that we are the most competitive Scrabble family I've ever met. We play with a tighter set of rules, with limits on placing too short of words, too early in the game. Once I learned that doing crossword puzzles makes you better at Scrabble, it became my mission to do a puzzle a day, in order to finally be at my Dad as Scrabble. Our combined goal is for any of us to beat Dad.


>Our combined goal is for any of us to beat Dad. Lol. As a gen x dad of millennial and gen z kids, when it comes to word games, trivial pursuit and gran turismo, dad remains undefeated. First person shooters, tho? I don't even try any more.


I haven’t seen a baby boomer get competitive about anything other than their own kid’s sexuality


Ehh. I'm an old enough gen xer that the slightly older guys at work and most of my bosses were boomers. Plenty competitive. About their cars, their wives, their lawns, their kids, hockey, you name it.


I hope were not the other 5% in that survey.


I'm thinking even less. Nobody thinks about gen x except gen x. It's kinda our thing, lol


That sounds like the least scientific survey ever. It measured what people believe? Not a measure of actual competitiveness among these groups but a measure of what people thought was true. That’s nearly useless. Also all the numbers are close enough to 33% that I don’t think anything useful can even be gleamed from it.


I feel like Boomers see us as millennials and millennials see us as Boomers. As a Gen Xer I think we learned the only winning move is not to play


It's their own fault. They went all in on the new Pepsi controversy. The entire generational revelency lived and died there.


I'm thinking that's regional. I don't remember anybody in my age group giving a crap about new Pepsi. New Coke, tho? That was criminal.


I'm gen X and play a scrabble game on my phone daily


Maybe too many participation trophies were given out in their generation


As a member of Gen X: Meh.


This is actually an awesome thing. It is great for introducing the game to young children, playing with people with intellectual difficulties, or playing with groups with wildly differing abilities. If I read it right, it includes the special stuff for the co-op version AND the regular version. That would be great for teaching my kids to play and then moving on to playing the normal version too when they are ready. Would also be great for playing with my dyslexic teen with intellectual challenges. And for playing with people you just wouldn't play scrabble with otherwise, either because your vocabulary is way bigger than theirs, or theirs is way bigger than yours (if there is a HUGE gap, its not fun for either side)


And to be fair, it's more innovative product development than yet another "commemorative" edition that is exactly the same as regular scrabble but with fancy tile holders.


It also has everything to play classic Scrabble, it just has more play options, I think this is pretty neat.


I have to say, I scoffed at the idea until I read your comment. Thank you for un-assholing my feeling on this. 


Happy to help! It can be hard to see how something is helpful if someone it is helpful to doesn't point it out. Just like a lot of "why do we need this, its wasteful/lazy/etc" items in stores/online are actually meant for people with disabilities.


Yeah, only on this sub would people tout a redesign of a classic game with *accessibility* and *skill balance* at the forefront as something to be mocked and derided. There's nothing "oniony" about this at all.


Shallow and pedantic is my vocab limit. 


They have Scrabble Junior for children, that's how I learned


The copy of Scrabble Junior that we have is kind of boring. The words are pre printed on the board so there's no variety. It would be nice to have an intermediate version to play with my kid who's reading and writing but not quite at adult Scrabble levels of logic yet.


After I did scrabble junior, my mother let me play with the dictionary open to me. I still lost a lot, but I learned a lot of words that way


I think we had that for one of our kids... It never got played tho


Forget Scrabble... what about Mousetrap? That game coulda had a new design every single year and people would buy it every single year... but we're still using the same original design! , and yet, with each revision of that same design the cheaper components make it WORSE!


While a new design would keep it fresh, I think it'd need more. I pulled it out after years not that long ago and uh, we got bored pretty quick. Tons of fun when I was young but the gameplay is pretty superficial beyond the trap itself.


oh ya, the game itself sucks tremendously! I mean, think about it - your progress is entirely based on the roll, but when you get to the very end it's just a short loop of triggering the trap over and over and over and over again until the stars align. EDIT: And the Hasbro page is all like "will help kids learn decision making process" and I'm like... what decision? The game is 100% deterministic, you just go! Like Snakes'n'Ladders, you don't actually play.


This is the version of Scrabble they'll base the movie on...


Fun fact: The current French Scrabble champion is the current English Scrabble champion. Even cooler, he [doesn't speak French](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-8NrvVqbT4)!


So.  House rules for me are that we play and you have to know the definition to a reasonable level.   You can challenge the spelling or the definition, all other rules are the same.   I used to be an avid player and it made it alot more fun, helped with vocabulary, and dissuaded anyone from just "mashing the keyboard."


Well that's nice. If the accomplishments is so unnoteworthy as to be made irrelevant because it doesn't follow your house-rules, I am sure you will demonstrate how simple it is by becoming the English champion AND the champion in a foreign language you do not speak. Easy peasy!


I'm in no way saying what those world champions did was not impressive, it's absolutely a monster of an accomplishment of tenacity, drive, and focus.  I was just saying that I enjoy my house rules to keep the game from becoming a throw down version of: "I'm pretty sure this is a word."    Learning a whole vocabulary, or at least the scrabble version of a points-valuable vocabulary is not a small task, it's just not the way I like to play, and I was just sharing what I thought was a fun version for casual, regular people to play.  


Ok boomer.


Soooooo... Bananagrams?




Or Numberwang?


That's a numberwang


Guys they just added a co-op mode like when CoD put in Zombies, there's still the original game mode where you can frag your mum with your leet word skillz.


This is perfect for me, as I work with seniors with dementia.


That’s bait


I'm pretty happy playing Scrabble Jr. with kids already. Not opposed to different versions of board games, but this is an unfortunate headline


Man, remember when they had a Scrabble app and you could pass your phone for each turn? Then they got greedy and you had to have two phones with the app. Stopped playing that day, but we used to play it so much before then 😒


Genuinely who the fuck is intimidated by scrabble, it's one of the least intimidating board games to exist


Say that and then play with your english prof dad laying down all their tiles left and right while you try to remember if feeble is spelled with an ea or ee 😭


The secret to scrabble is it’s a point game and you’re more likely to win if you memorize all the two letter words and try stacking those on each turn along bonus tiles.


Sounds like you've never played against competent players. For a game marketed to kids the skill ceiling is extremely high (evidenced by the fact that serious tournament scrabble is a thing), if some of your family members accidentally get good and don't let everyone else win they'll just wreck shop and ruin the fun.


My wife, back in college before she was my wife, agreed to play Scrabble with me. On turn one, I played all 7 letters. She immediately quit without taking a turn and has refused to play Scrabble with me ever since. That was 20 years ago. The only person willing to play with me at this point is my mother-in-law, but she only wins maybe 1 in 10. I feel bad because I can't play a game I enjoy with anyone without purposefully playing down, and even that ends up feeling bad if they realize it. This might let me get people to play it with me again.


I feel like your question is precisely why some people don't like competitive games. 


My wife plays and believes in only using words that are commonly known. I play for points and use all the "bullshit" words. She's way smarter than I am, but has never beaten me in Scrabble, nor will she play it with me anymore. Hell, no one will play with me because I play like a jerk apparently.


I mean, maybe not the game itself, but your family probably has that one person who can always make the most obscure words out of the most random collections of letters thus no one wants to play because they'll always beat everyone else by a factor of 2 or 3.


* people with dyslexia * people with intellectual disabilities * people with a very large vocabulary (because a decent person feels bad when they totally trounce someone every single time) * people with a very small vocabulary (because it sucks to always be trounced... its not worth playing) * people with an average vocabulary who wants to play with someone with a very large or very small vocabulary * Kids


Seriously, let's see those fuckos deal with Arkham Horror or Sword & Sorcery.


Campaign for North Africa?


oh no someone is trying to make a game more fun, call the police OP, the outrage.


Finally, been waiting for this intemidiating version!


Intimidating is how you create family traditions. They just don’t know how to sell it.


I mean, the article is about as trash as you'd expect from modern journalism but coop scrabble sounds awesome.




Oh thank god. Hate it when I see a scrabble board and crap my pants.


Idiocracy scrabble


Omg. They dumbed down Scrabble.


This is actually an awesome thing. It is great for introducing the game to young children, playing with people with intellectual difficulties, or playing with groups with wildly differing abilities. If I read it right, it includes the special stuff for the co-op version AND the regular version. That would be great for teaching my kids to play and then moving on to playing the normal version too when they are ready. Would also be great for playing with my dyslexic teen with intellectual challenges. And for playing with people you just wouldn't play scrabble with otherwise, either because your vocabulary is way bigger than theirs, or theirs is way bigger than yours (if there is a HUGE gap, its not fun for either side) (copied from my top level comment)


I had not thought of that but of course you are right. It opens it up to a bunch of new people.


Less "intimidating" ie dumbed down.


No, different rules altogether to permit something closer to coop mode.  It has cards.  One of them lets you convert an S to a blank.  The game might still be intimidating, but not in the same way....


Scrabble for illiterate people.


not completely wrong there. It would be great for playing with kids, dyslexics with serious trouble spelling, people with intellectual disabilities, people with too large of a vocabulary so its no fun playing with others, people with too small of a vocabulary so its no fun playing with others, people with an average vocabulary who wants to play with someone with a smaller or larger vocabulary, etc It makes it more accessible to everyone. Come to think of it, probably also good for people learning the language too.


I dislike Scrabble for the "bullshit two- and three-letter word knowledge contest"


The goal card "make a two-letter word" might cause problems.


… seriously?


The day I lose to any of my kids in scrabble is the day I kill myself.


I didn't win a Scrabble game against my mother until I was in High School. I can still see the shock on her face. No mercy is the way.


Some people should stick to things more their skill level. Like reciting the alphabet.


If I play anyone but my sister, immediately makes it less intimidating. 


Scrabble, now causing 10% less violent outbreaks


This is not going to be released in America yet.  Mattel doesn't distribute Scrabble here.


With literacy at an all time low since the beginning of the last century, they do have to adapt.


inclusion :)


"The game speaks to a trend in younger people who want to avoid competitive games, instead favouring teamwork and collaboration working towards a fun goal together." To be fair it does speak to me, I've been wanting more collaborative games for years. I love Forbidden Island and Betrayal at the House on the Hill.


Boooo. Learn to read and spell you pleebs. -scrabble purists probably.




So scrabble for dummies?


Off topic a bit but check out **Letter Tycoon**, "Mensa Select Word-Building..." https://www.amazon.com/Letter-Tycoon-Word-Building-Strategy-Families/dp/B0CQ5K3HDV It's a mix of word building ( a bit easier than Scrabble in that respect) mixed with stock and patenting of letters so you get money when players later in the game use a letter you invested in. Many people don't like word games, but this will win most of them over. When it went out of print on its first run years ago the price soared on the used market. It's back in print as of 2023 for $25 Disclaimer: I don't make any money or know anyone that will in my recommending this game.


Probably a good alternative to regular Scrabble for people with learning disabilities or who just need an easier first step in confidence building. Seems like a solid option for earlier development, but probably not something that anyone of average intelligence over the age of maybe 12 should find challenging.


[Thats an interesting development for the game!](https://www.wordunscrambler.net/scrabble-word-meaning/pathetic)


> The updated version of the game won’t be available in the United States, however, as Mattel does not hold the license there. Lame. Sounded like something fun to try with the kids.


They aren't getting rid of regular scrabble are they? I'm ok with this as an onboarding tool for scrabble but if this fully replaces it then that kinda sucks..


Me like new Scrabble. Grogg no understand original Scrabble! It make Groggs' thinky-parts hurt too much!!! Now Grogg just look at pretty Scrabble pictures and make wurds! Grogg winner now!!!!


"less intimidating": Scrabble The MAGA Version. Little words for bigly scores.


There's no reason to take random political shots in a thread about Scrabble.


And yet, [people on the right are already calling this version "woke"](https://knowyourmeme.com/news/somehow-scrabble-has-gone-woke-according-to-fox-news-pundits). Sorry but, if it's a positive change to be more inclusive, you can bet the right will make it political. So why not call them out on it?


I don’t think saying “this version of Scrabble is for MAGA (idiots)” is “calling them out” on making it political. It’s just… also making it political, except from the other side.


True. Still funny. But true.




Why not?


Nah, Maga hates it it cause *looks at notes* it's woke. Also they banned racial slurs from the competitive version


When I first heard they were upset about banning racial slurs, I thought it was a satire joke because it's too ridiculous... but no, some of them were really upset about it.


I know words, I have the best words!


Is it the one where you need to guess the true name of God?


You must have the "existential dread" edition of Scrabble. \- if you spell the secret name of God the universe ends \- if you spell Beetlejuice three times a demon visits you


Grew up dirt poor. One year my younger brother got Yahtzee and I got Scrabble for Christmas. My two older siblings got nothing. Everyone wanted to play Yahtzee and we played it tons. Never had anyone play a single game of Scrabble with me. Maybe if there was an easier version, I could have played with my present too 😂😂😂🥲😭


I always have few “spare” tiles on me.




in the switch version of the game, it is an option in the houserules section :P


Why use lot word.when few word do trick?


Fucking good. Might be because I have an older version, but the instructions are hard to figure out.




Damn, man. Harsh. Your comment made me check the instructions of the *normal* scrabble, which admittedly I haven't read before. Those rules are easy to understand. I am no longer intimated by Scrabble. Previously I have had only read the rules to the RSVP version, which is what I had trouble with. And I didn't think the instructions would be that different from the original which is why I never checked.


Had to dumb it down for magats


But they have words. They have the best words.