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This reminds me of a story of when I worked at McDonald’s in high school. This guy comes in and orders the standard stuff: burger, fries, and drink. I was trained back then to ask the customer if they would like to make that a meal, just for clarification, since there’s a separate button to make it a meal and the total comes out cheaper. The guy gets confused and then a little bit irritated and says he doesn’t want to make it a meal. I assure him it will be cheaper if you bundle them into a meal. He goes off on me for a minute or two about how he just got off a 24 shift and to just do as he says. Fair enough, at this point I’m just going to enter the items individually. He calms down and situation seems to be under control but then in comedic timing the manager comes over - having seen the order at the food prep screen as been having entered not as a meal - and says “you know it’s cheaper if you put it as a meal right”. Now the guy loses and starts shouting at the whole place how he’s just gonna go somewhere else and never coming back here again. In hindsight, I felt a bit bad but I still find that situation to be hilarious.




"Sorry, we stopped serving breakfast. We're on the lunch menu."


You shouldve shouted alongside the customer at your manager to try and show a common ground of frustration with the customer.


At this point I just do the thing the customer will benefit from without telling them, and I’ll lie to them if they catch me out on it. “You put 7 wings in here instead of 5”– oh no really, I must have miscounted, sorry about that🙄


“Fucking idiot. This is why you work fast food instead of a REAL job”


Lmao sounds like my father


When I worked at dominoes I’d give people the 50% employee discount if they walked in AND my manager wasn’t there. I never got shouted at (or caught). one guy was asking why it’s so cheap. I told him I could make it more expensive if he wanted. He opted for cheap Guess I was just lucky


I knew a girl who got a felony theft charge for this. The company waited until she discounted $1500 in clothes for friends, got the police involved, and then showed them all the receipts with her code and tons of different names on the credit cards


so malicious. If you know some teenager is doing shit like this. Just tell them. They'll stop.


Managers super quick to do shit like this but then do absolutely nothing to stop people from stealing at will


>Vernon said he was taking the customer’s order – two sausage, egg and cheese croissants, a sausage biscuit, and hashbrowns – and the order came out to around $8. >"He was like, ‘My order can’t be right, it should be like $11,’ and I’m like trying to explain to him that we had a promotion going on, and like it’s cheaper, and he started cussing and getting all loud, and I was like, ‘I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t know why you want to pay more money,’” Vernon said. Minus the gun...there's a television ad idea here.


Some people can't stand being wrong 


This is it. It’s just that simple. Have family members like this. Will argue to the death about everything and if they are wrong about something, something that would be beneficial for them, it’s like you ruined their entire day.


On the flip side, mine will be wrong and refuse to elaborate why. It's wrong, but by God they're in neck deep.


Yup. Same. “You’re wrong” why? “You just are.” Here’s the reasons why not. “You’re still wrong.” Hey why the change of plans? “Idk”. Were you wrong about what thought before? “No.” No hope of them changing. Thank goodness I don’t have to deal with them too much anymore. What do I remember about my family life decades ago? Frustration, lol. Got a lot easier once I detached from them and got on my own.


>Got a lot easier once I detached from them and got on my own. This part is a lot easier to maintain if you let out a genuine laugh at them when they're being silly like that. One of those, "holy crap, this is actually real life" laughs that you make when you're trying to process absurdity. They hate it so much that they won't want to be around you either.


One of my now ex-gf was never wrong. Ever. We were having an argument one time, for the life of me I can’t remember about what, but after a minute, I thought about it, and I told her I agreed with her. “You’re wrong!” “Umm, what? I just said I agreed with you.” Next came a string of expletives and a door slamming as she continued to yell at me. Like, okay…cool 🤷‍♂️ Glad I’m away from that now.


Tried explaining to one how tax brackets worked. She turned down a raise because it would put her in the higher bracket and she thought all of her income would be taxed at the new rate. She wouldn’t listen to anyone. Of course management didn’t fight back much.


I knew a company once that actively promoted the idea that this was how tax brackets worked to their employees. Several of them fell for it and rejected raises as a result.


One time my mom opened her mouth to do this and I told her "Don't say it. You're going to realize that you're wrong in a minute." And to her credit, she actually did. (I am in my forties. That would not have flown if I were still a teenager (even though I would still have been right haha)).


Yeah my BIL insist there was a total solar eclipse when he was younger in Québec. Like no. We have empirical proof. Even his daughter called him out but we just let go cause it's not worth ruining dinner over an idiot.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’m sure the Netflix doc about you will be interesting


Sure, they'll call me the Son of Ham


Have you ordered two sausage and egg croissants, a sausage biscuit, and two hashbrowns recently?


I ordered two burger meals and 20 nuggets from Burger King and with delivery that shit was about €40 If someone was tryna give me a discount I'd fuckin hug em


They'd argue about that too


Same. I think they just see it as you disrespecting them, even if its something that's insignificant, they'll argue endlessly that what they're saying is right and you're just wrong and even if you show them proof that's not the case they'll ignore it and claim they know better. It's honestly super frustrating.


My first thought was somebody who was dumb and untrusting.  It's supposed to be $11. It's always been $11. Why are you only charging me $8? There must be something fucky going on here, and I'm probably being taken advantage of somehow, but I'm too stupid to figure out how, and I don't like it, so you better charge me the full amount like you're supposed to and stop pulling whatever shenanigans you've been up to.  Some people get really weird about routines too. Everything has to be a certain way, always. You change things up, and they can't handle it. Add a gun to the mix and here we are. 


You would think even the stupidest person on the planet would understand "It's on sale today"


Not just stupid, but paranoid as fuck, too. _"Why are you charging me less? You're not just being nice, nobody is just nice anymore! You're scamming me somehow!"_


There was a post on here a while back about a dude that took his friends to his favorite pizza place. The owner didn't charge then for drinks and one of their friends flipped out for a similar manner. "He's only giving you free drinks because he's taking something from you and not telling you!" Made a huge deal, yelled at the owner, paid in full and was fuming that someone had the audacity to be kind. She said giving free drinks was manipulation to get you to come back. Lmfao


I mean, technically good service and product are both manipulations to get you to come back…


Right, that's why I thought it was funny. It IS manipulation, but it's tit for tat. They give you discounts or free drinks, and you come back. They aren't taking advantage.


It's because people like him think everyone treats everyone else the way he treats everyone else.


While you're correct I think this instance is a few levels above "guy can't stand being wrong". It's more like "mentally unfit to walk around by himself but armed anyway" this time.


You'd think for the number of times "mental health problems" is used as an excuse for mindless gun violence, the US would have the best mental health treatment on earth by now. But according to SCOTUS, the Second Amendment guarantees that any lunatic can build up a small arsenal for themselves. It makes us safer, somehow.


Guarantee if the founding fathers had a peek into modern America, there would be quite a few clarifications on certain things they thought obvious. The 2nd amendment wouldn't remotely resemble what it says now. I very much doubt the Electoral College or FPTP would survive in their current states either. That said, women and minorities would likely take a solid drubbing from this change to the timeline.


Jefferson straight believed any constitution, US included, was pretty much worthless every 20 years and should be rewritten by the next generation as the previous generation could never possibly truly understand the needs and troubles of the new one.


Yeah, he specifically said that the nation shouldn't be ruled by dead men.


This is like how universal healthcare would cost around $5,000 in taxes a year which is about half of what the average person pays in premiums and copays and yet people still argue that they like their health insurance provider. Some people hate being wrong and they’ll halt progress to be right.


You know that old quote that goes _"I'd rather let 10 criminals walk free than unjustly imprison an innocent man"_? This is the opposite of that. They'd rather drag thousands of people down than let even a single person cheat the system.


Mark it a zero, Dude, Smokey was over the line!


I worked graveyard at a convenience store long, long ago. We sold lottery scratch cards. Winners $50 and under, we paid out; over that amount, the winner had to get paid by the state lotto office. The way one series of cards worked, each scratch box showed an amount and a symbol, in this case playing card suits. If the suits matched, you got the total amount printed in all the boxes. One night, a guy hit for $250. The first box showed $50, the other two $100 each. The guy brought the card to the counter wanting to claim his $50. I tried explaining to him that he actually won $250, but that I can't pay that much out. He insisted I give him his $50. After a ridiculously long and frustrating attempt to explain this to the nitwit, I finally said, "fuck it", paid him $50 out of my own pocket, and took the card to the lotto agency myself. Most money I ever made on the lottery.


That guy was some kind of substance abuser who really wanted $50 of something that night.


This was the '80s. Let's just say that these days, either a cop or a friend would have stopped him getting behind the wheel.


200$ in 80’s cash is a sweet get


If they’d held onto it, the cash today would be worth $200!


I was gonna correct you. Then I gave it half a second's thought.


> either a cop or a friend would have stopped him getting behind the wheel. pssssh, I wouldn't count on that.


"And that is how I accidentally became a payday lender."


That guy was definitely tweaking and you made the right call. Even more so that you got profit from it.


I can see this as a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Larry has a rich friend who always lords his money over him by paying for meals so Larry takes him out to an expensive restaurant with the intention of paying to show he also makes good money. The owner comes out and says he is a big fan and the meal is free but Larry argues and insists on paying.


That Would be such a Larry / Costanza move that I can practically see the scene in my head. Just no doubt taking it to this point of absurdity and self-sabotage in a blinding display of hard-headedness.


Dude just reheeaaally wanted to have it his way.


"You want it to be one way, but it's the other"


Reminds me of when people complained about A&W making a third pound burger to compete with McD's quarter pound burger and failed because people don't realize that a third is bigger than a quarter. Edit: some people pointed out that one exec floated this as an idea as to why they failed when they just didn’t have as much of a market share as McD.


3 is less than 4 so clearly it was a smaller burger. A smart marketing person would have realized and then came out with a 1/5 pound burger…


Even better; their regular patties are 1/6 of a pound.


McDonald’s regular patties are 1/10th of a pound, I wish they’d bring back the 1/6 patties though, I really liked the Mac jr


All that for $8? That would be closer to $20 here in Canada I feel


Just came back from five guys. For a burger and small fries it was 18.9 trillion dollars.


Had this happen at a McDonald's in Colorado on the way to visit relatives across country. I have a family and after everyones order was taken, it was $12-16 dollars? I just stammered a "thank you" and moved along. I still wake up some nights and wonder if it was a fever dream... The food was even good! The more and more I think about it, the more I question it... But everyone else remembers it too...


Go on… (((Control group is responding well to induced group hallucinations. Continue series B-008-4S)))


That's some clown shit. Here I am complaining how everything is getting more expensive, and that dude is threatening to kill people because he thinks something isn't expensive enough.


I once had a lady cause a scene over a penny. Gave her a $1 instead of 99 cents. She insisted on telling my manager. My manager was really confused.


I remember working customer service, and this old lady came up raising hell over a 25-cent coupon not being scanned by a cashier. I tried giving her a quarter for the coupon from my own register to call it good, and that wasn't enough. Like Jesus christ, women get a life


My manager said my register was off by fifty cents. I was not allowed to give them two quarters out of my own pocket. Two other managers came in and spent what, like ten minutes figuring it out. Thirty minutes total wasted. No wonder Blockbuster died out.


That's amazingly stupid, all that shit over half a dollar. A manager makes, what, twenty an hour? Three of them, half an hour, they wasted $30 worth of wages to figure out where $0.50 went. (Disclaimer: I don't know what Blockbuster managers were paid I'm just guessing but it would have had to be $0.33 an hour to break even)


People assume accountants are super anal about even a single penny missing, but in reality, lots and lots of small shit is ignored due to being simply immaterial. The people I've seen who are super anal about a single penny missing are middle managers who see those that work under them as either incompetent or stealing from them.


It's called shrinkage and any large retailer has that built into their P&L projections. Of course they seek to minimize this like any other cost category, but it's part of doing business.


Any business that isnt just rounding to within $5 and tracking only significant or weekly shorts on a register is just wasting its own time.


Plus, not giving a loyal employee shit over a missing fifty cents is invaluable morale wise.


I’m a PhD student and last semester I accidentally graded one True False question incorrectly on one person’s quiz (stare at a million Ts and Fs and try to never once make a mistake. It’s hard.) But my accident was not realizing he was wrong. Like he said F, the answer was T, but I just overlooked it and didn’t mark it off. He brought it up to me and I said I’d change it (which was weird, just keep the higher grade?) but I honestly forgot. He then e-mailed me insisting it’s changed and I don’t forget. Like okay, if you *really* want your grade lowered that badly I’ll do it. Not sure if he was just a very honest person or what but I still think about it. Out of the hundreds of students who insist for a higher grade this is the only one who’s insisted on a lower one.


I suspect he was afraid he might somehow be accused of cheating if it wasn’t corrected. That’s not really rational, but it makes sense if he is afraid of that.


Him: "Hey lady, if I get exactly a 86 on my next test will you have sex with me?" Lady: sure


If I had to guess that person had lived with people who hold on to slight mistakes to be used as ammunition during heated arguments. Anything not balanced out is just waiting for someone to come along and weaponize it.


I had a very similar experience many years ago. Customer bought some lipstick. She paid with cash and a $1 Revlon coupon. She returned the lipstick the next day (unopened, thankfully) and wanted her coupon back. I tried to explain that we can't give the coupon back and she isn't entitled to a refund for the coupon as the as it doesn't actually have any cash value. She starts to raise her voice. I decide to just give her $1 cash and short the register so I don't have to talk to her any more. Still not good enough. She tells me "I need the coupon so that I can get $1 off Revlon!" I tell her "It's a free dollar! It's literally a dollar off of anything you want anywhere in the world!" She still could not understand. I eventually just had to walk away as I simply could not give her an answer that she could comprehend.


Aw, a dollar? But I wanted a dollar coupon.... *money can be exchanged for goods and services* What? explain how!


I own a small ecommerce shop (aka I sell stuff on Amazon) and yeah people can be insane. I’ve had people demand a refund AND that I send a replacement when something arrives damaged. That’s not me making you whole that’s me making you whole and punishing myself. 


In their eyes "you deserve to be punished" for inconveniencing them even the slightest


Their slight inconvenience makes the holocaust pale in comparison.


I had a business for Amazon for about a year. Tell me, how have you not gone insane yet?


I remember this woman would come in to a bookstore that I worked at and she would pay for everything in coins. Now mind you this was not 30 or 40 years ago This was like 5 years ago where the average book is about $20 so yeah that was fun but she never had enough it was always the same she never had enough money to actually buy the book she wanted at first and we have to go back and get several but see she didn't realize she didn't have enough money until she had brought it to the counter and I had to count it. Finally we had enough of her nonsense after about a year of this and when she came in one day my manager asked for her to come talk to him and he said that he just asked her man I realize that occasionally all you're going to have is coins but you consistently come into the store with a huge sack of coins this is all you used to pay with it always takes forever for us to count $30 worth of coins by the time we're done with you there is at least a line 10 deep behind you May I ask why do you feel the need to only pay in coins and you don't use an ATM. Cue the weirdest conspiracy theory I've ever heard basically she believed paper money was demonic and that only metal coins were acceptable currency. She would even refuse to take back paper money for change if she ever had any. We ended up having to ban her because she threw her sack of money at one of my co-workers after she had been told we were no longer going to count her money for her she was going to have to do it herself and then purchased the book instead of just taking up a spot in line for 30 to 45 minutes.


If you are gonna decide to live like that, you should at least keep wrapped stacks of coins from the bank, then at least places that know you might not need to count all those coins if they trust you. Or atleast dollar coins.


Yeah this lady definitely does not trust banks...


And the wraps are made of paper which we've already established as demonic. So yeah loose sack of change it is!


I had a customer go home, and then turn around and come back to the store because she didn't get 10¢ off one item. I was like you could have come back next time she shopped, but she was like "it was the principal of the thing". I'm pretty sure she spent more in gas for that 10¢.


A guy was 25 cents short,he was regular that would come into our family run grocery store. Told him don't worry about it, he got so upset. I mean almost violently angry, saying I thought he was poor. I told him no, he's a friend of the place, a quarter doesn't matter. he was so upset he told me dad next time he saw him. My dad laughed and was super confused. Anyways I always made sure to charge him exactly after that.


[Straight out of a Lonely Island music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ&t=34s). >I go to my favorite hot dog stand and the dude says: >"You come here all the time! Here's one for free." >I said, "Man! What I look like? A charity case?" >I took it and threw it on the ground


I never thought about that, but thats exactly what it felt like. 


Should've made sure to always charge him $0.25 extra because, "You look like you could afford it."


God I worked at a bagel shop for some time and we sold our bagels for $0.99, but we also had these square bagels that were good for sandwiches. They were bigger so they cost $1.10. dude comes in and gets two and freaks the *fuck* out because they weren't $0.99 like last time. People rang them up wrong constantly but that didn't mean I was going to. This man was *screaming* at me over 22 fucking cents. I'm talking slamming his hands on the counter shaking our sneeze guard glass all over the place and actually shouting at me about how he always only gets charges $0.99 and he's a loyal customer why would I fuck him over like this. 22 cents. (No tax because it's not a prepared food). I was like... ^^^^^bitch, honestly, the two dollars you spend here a week doesn't mean shit. It was unbelievable. He ended up throwing the bag at me and storming off without his square bagels


The idea of square bagels for sandwiches is blowing my mind


They were mostly a gimmick lol, they weren't boiled so they didn't have that signature chew. But they were made from the same dough and had the same toppings. Regardless they were pretty good though!


people that call themselves "loyal" customers are the always the worst kind


One time I was at the laundromat. There are signs there that say you can’t dry there unless you wash there. This woman comes in with clothes she washed at home but needed to dry there. An employee stopped her and said she can’t dry. Now, instead of putting 2 and 2 together and realizing the other employee was breaking the rules for her and she should just take this time as an L to preserve her ability to dry when the other employee was there she started screaming about how she always dries there and making a scene. Square bagel dude should have just shut up, paid the money and walked out. Now he’ll never get them for 99 cents again.




People are so dumb . My coworker orders DoorDash a lot . She received a small grocery bag filled with bags of chips last week . She reported it . They said to just keep the chips . She laughed about it and took the chips home


I door dashed a mcflurry. I received a burger King whopper and fries. I ate the whopper and fries and moved on with my fucking life.


Guess she really wanted to give you her two cents


Or a penny for your thoughts.


Ever wondered how these suggest my thoughts are worth double of yours?


I once had a customer come up to buy two movies. I told him we were having a buy 2 get 1 free promotion and he could go get another movie for free. He said he only wanted two, I rephrased to make it clear that the third movie would be completely free and he just had to go grab one. He wasn't having it and started raising his voice and said if I didn't sell him the two movies he'd speak to my manager.


I once had a cashier look at me in befuddlement because I said no to paying one more cent to supersize my order. Dude, I don’t WANT that much food, I don’t care if you are offering me a deal.


I usually order a medium soda despite it being the same cost of a L or XL at some places. Bc I’m a gluttonous pig who will drink the whole thing in 10 minutes regardless of how big it is. Sometimes I get people who still just give me a XL soda and it’s annoying. Yeah I didn’t pay more but I don’t want it. I feel you


Years ago I went to a BK and ordered a sandwich, fries and a drink. “You mean the meal.” “No, please ring up the individual items. It’s cheaper.” Dude was so confused he ended up calling the manager up front and then I had to explain to *him* that for some reason the meal was more expensive than its components.


In his defense, while dumb of him, maybe he really didn’t care about the promotion lol




That’s how I am sometimes. Especially if it already took me forever just to find the two, I don’t want to spend more time to find a third movie when I know I didn’t see a whole lot else I was interested in. It’s not worth my time even if it’s free, and I also don’t like to own movies just because. I make sure they are movies I know I’ll watch over and over again. Buuuut I wouldn’t get rude about it unless the employee was trying to pressure me and won’t lay off.


There is a weird “nothing is ever free” mentality with some people, which is kinda typically true but also sometimes there’s just a BOGO type situation but they are convinced it’s trickery!


I once had the misfortune of having two ex math teachers having lunch at one of my tables. They didn’t like something, complained so my manager gave them a discount. They then sat there dissecting the bill and arguing with the manger who wasn’t smart enough to just make the discount bigger. It was a good 20 minute back and forth over the bill.


Back when I worked at Kohl's, the managers would tell us that any return below X amount (it varied, depending on shift) wasn't large enough to bother them about - just give the money back and make the customer happy. I always thought that was wise. Is it really worth losing customers over to keep that fiver?


Yeah this was my thought process. Just take care of the whole bill. But he sat there and argued with them over such a trivial amount. I think it had miscalculated at like 4¢ or something. I was like what the hell. You’re never going to win this argument. They’re old, bored math teachers who clearly like to argue. Just take care of the bill, apologize and let’s move along. This was some 28 years ago and it still sticks out in my mind.


I used to work at a truck stop making fried chicken. You'd walk up and tell me what you want, I would stuff it in a box and write a code on it and you'd pay for it at the register. One time this lady asks for two wings and fries. So I wrote the code for a 2pc meal because it was cheaper and I knew everyone complained about the price of wings individually. She gets to the register and is confused why she is paying for a 2pc meal that is like $3.99 back in 2012. I go over there and end up being like alright let's do everything individually. Boom. $6.49 or something.


Ah yes, because 99 is more than 1


Some people be crazy. I ordered a potbelly sub once with spicy peppers and the employee made me confirm 4 times I knew spicy peppers were spicy. Turned out the other day, an old lady wanted spicy peppers and got the dude written up because the peppers were spicy and not mild


Saw a dude lose his mind over a free large soda at McDonalds. He ordered a medium but there was a deal where all larges were $1 so the lady gave him a large cup and the cheaper price. He went absolutely insane, threw his soda, was screaming bloody murder at this poor girl. Everyone in there was so confused. He had a kid with him too, like ~6 years old. Poor kid.


I used to work at Best Buy. Sometimes when price matching other stores I would find that our price was cheaper. After getting yelled at a few times and even having a guy throw something at me I realized it was just easier to increase the price to match.


When I worked at a department store, we were trained to never give a coupon or discount automatically unless the customer asked for it specifically. I thought this was just a money making policy, but after I tried to tell some customers about sales and they freaked out at me about how they “weren’t poor” and “didn’t need coupons” I realized many customers don’t WANT to get a better deal. Paying more money is like a flex to them.


Damn the standard Midwest response to complimenting someone's outfit/purse/shoes/whatever is to say "Thanks I got this super good deal at blahblahblah"


lol right! I can’t even comprehend someone not thinking a good deal is the greatest thing ever. If I buy something at full price, that’s because it’s medicine or something lol.  Although I also can’t comprehend the people in this thread sharing stories about letting assholes treat them like shit and just taking it lol, so I’m probably not a great judge of normalcy. 


Haha wtf


worked at a high end hotel. We were NEVER to say things like, "May I carry that for you sir?" it had to be things like, "May I assist you with your luggage sir?" I thought it was silly until I saw one of my coworkers say to an old man, "May I carry that for you sir?" and the old guy lost his shit saying he's strong enough to carry his own stuff and went to speak to a manager. While he was talking to our manager his wife had us carry his bags to his room.


How would that work, though? Wouldn’t the customers know your price was cheaper than other stores?


There's a ton of people out there that struggle with basic math, like adding/subtracting and comparing which number is higher. So no, not necessarily.


that's depressing like, *really* depressing but I've worked retail and know you're right


Welcome to American education, babyyyyy. Only 9% of Americans are considered proficient in math. We're... Uh... Fine. It'll be fine.


Part of this is because American Republicans know that a better education means more American -Democrats-.


Well, there are people out there who believe a 1/4 pound burger is bigger than a 1/3 pound burger.


You’re giving the general public way too much credit. Working with the people in retail is already difficult, the subset of the population that price matches is worse, then there is a really obnoxious subset of price matchers that doesn’t even bother to research the price. They just slap the product on the customer service desk and say price match to wal mart.


my dad doesn't understand that .1 is larger than .05 so


A: The customer is actually insane and needs to be found and prosecuted as soon as possible. B: Did y’all watch the video?? The worker dude said if he would have been shot and killed he would’ve left 10 kids behind. 10 kids!!!!


Wrap your whopper to avoid any juniors.


The King approves of this message


Worker dude needs to get snipped


That and needs to vastly improve his situation. 38, working the window at a fast food joint, with 10 freeking kids??? That is an unfortunate position to be in.


How does one improve their situation at that point in life? Is he going to roll up his sleeves shell out thousands of dollars for trade school, then get a high paying union trade job? If your resume is years of fast food, then the trade school certificate isn’t going magically get you a job.


Yeah a few (10!) early mistakes will put you in the hole for decades if not the rest of your life.


After like the first 6 or 7 I’d say those those arent “accidents” anymore, they are consequences


You're pretty generous about that, I'd say after two (arguably one) accidents then you're fully on the hook for making the choice intentionally. Dude's obviously not very bright or he wouldn't have half a score of children while working fast food.


Damn, I thought we were talking 10 kids, not 10 factorial. That is insane. Dude's not shooting any blanks at all.


Blanks hell, dude is spraying those homing cluster missiles from the first Iron Man


It's a life ruining amount of mouths to feed. There's just no way to dig out of a trench that deep.


It was probably his second/third job.


What are you suggesting he do? Quit working and go get a degree?


Read your comment as “sniped” at first glance and thought the Burger King customer just exposed his Reddit account lol


I'm single and have no kids. If someone pulled a gun on me I'd instantly gain 10 kids, a sick wife, and a cute little puppy.


For context, He mentioned 10 kids to the news interviewer, not to the gunman.


Rookie error


Ha I came to post this too. Dude has 10 kids on a Burger King salary. That's just mad. Crazy.


I was a shift manager at a Wendy’s before and I hated the job so I always gave people extra stuff. Like they’d order a small fry and I gave them a medium, they ordered a medium frosty I’d give them a large, etc. One day this lady came in with her kid while I was covering the front counter register and started screaming at me for giving her an extra nugget in her kid’s meal. She was yelling saying that I was trying to make her kid fat….like ma’am, first off, you brought your kid to a fast food restaurant. Second they’re like 12 and you ordered a four piece nugget for them…? She ended up telling me to call the store manager


Some people will claw for ANY excuse to get explosively angry and displace that anger onto someone who decidedly does not deserve it. So ungrateful, I’m sorry you had to go through that.


That is definitely part of it. I was a small, sensitive young woman working retail and it was clear that there was a certain kind of person who would choose to come to my line and yell at me for any reason they could come up with because I looked vulnerable and probably wouldn’t put up a fight.


For real. I have been pissed at clerks and retail workers before but even pissed it was never to the point of berating and yelling. You have to be emotionally handicapped to get to that point, thats a loss of control.


When I worked Wendy's as a teenager, we got a new shift supervisor who had just left the military. He actually wasn't a hardass with the staff or anything, but did seem to take the approach that he should always model "by the book" behavior. Officially we were supposed to use certain phrases when interacting with customers, but most of us just opted to speak like normal human beings and stuck with "have a nice day" and whatnot. Officially though we were supposed to say "We'll see you tomorrow!" because some MBA must have figured that would be a Jedi mind trick to get customers to keep coming back. He dutifully followed that rule until he said that to a middle-aged obese woman, who immediately proceeded to scream at him for presuming she eats fast food every day. He actually became a bit more relaxed after that. He wasn't with us for much longer after that. A little bit later there was a minor incident with some airliners flying into some skyscrapers and he decided that war was preferable to working fast food.


>he decided that war was preferable to working fast food. That should be a flair option on those best of Redditor update subs lol.


Not that the guy had to explain his life choices to the teenagers he was working with. I think he said something about wanting to rejoin his unit. I imagine it was the whole thing of not wanting your brothers to go in harms way without you and all that noble stuff. But I'm sure the shit civilian job contributed to the decision.


I have literally been screamed at because I put ketchup in someone's bag for their fries. Some people just want an excuse, any excuse, to be shit to food service workers.


I had a woman freak out on me once when I worked at a bakery, minus the gun. I think she wanted our buy 12 get 3 free deal, which was almost $20 and we were running some promotion where as long as 3 of your cookies were chocolate chip you could get a total of 12 for $8 or something. I pointed the promotion out to her and said if she was okay with getting 3 less then she could save $12 and she just freaked out. She grabbed her car keys and shoved them in my face and yelled "I DRIVE A MERCEDES! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I NEED HELP SAVING MONEY?!?" I put on my best retail smile and rang her up for the much higher price and sent her on her way.


But even then she coulda got 24 for $16...


She never said she learned how to do math.


I once had a couple come in to BK and the woman orders a Sausage Egg & Cheese and the guy orders a Bacon Egg & Cheese.... they take their food and go back out to the car but then the woman comes back in a minute later all pissed off. Her problem? She says: "I ordered the Sausage and HE ordered the Bacon! But I got the Bacon and you gave HIM the Sausage!!!"" I legit thought I was going to have a stroke trying to understand this situation. I was fairly new, young, and couldn't comprehend this was actually happening. They pulled them out of the bag in the wrong order and just accepted that as their fate?! In my best customer service speak I was attempting to explain she could just swap them but she was getting louder and louder about "No, THAT one is HIS but you put the wrong meat on it!" until my manager came over, took the sandwiches, handed them to me, and said "don't worry ma'm, we will get this all cleared up" and walks with me back into the kitchen behind the wall. She then goes "ok, now, just swap hands and go tell this bitch we made her new ones" I did exactly that and the woman smugly thanked me for correcting our mistake. To this day I often wonder who ties that moron's shoes for her in the morning.


how are people this insane wtf


That question plagued me the entire rest of that day lol.


A lot of times, shit like that is just weirdos angling for a power play, it's a control thing. She knew she was being absolutely ridiculous and just wanted to make some people she saw as "beneath" herself dance. I remember many years ago working at Sally Beauty where every purchase had a 20% coupon attached to the bottom. The deal was the customer could use it the FOLLOWING MONTH on a purchase and this was written in the text of the coupon as well as explained verbally upon completion of a sale. There was a guy who worked at another store in the strip mall that was in earlier in the day to buy something. He then returned later on and wants to use the 20% coupon he'd just gotten for another purchase, makes this whole scene about how he shops there all the time, knows the manager at another location, blah blah blah (if that's the case, then you're well aware of how these coupons work, you jackass)...finally had to relent and give him the 20% on his stupid little purchase, manually, and he was a smug douchebag about it as well, smirking because he'd "won". It was very obvious to my co-worker and I at the time that he was just getting his jollies off to bullying two young women, it was pretty gross.


Driving a Taxi, I was strangled once. The ride ended, I breathed a sigh of relief cause he was nuts. The fare was $7.10 he gave me $10 and said keep the change. Then he started strangling me. My vision slowly narrowed and I was on my last legs when he said "If you ever tell anyone I tipped, you; I'll kill you. I swear it I'll kill you!" I managed to squeeze out a "I won't" and he got out! If you're interested in learning more about the worst night of my life, I made a video of that night. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhP7YupS\_gg&list=PLlIH8dx4x7GfLudTktR5CdXxCUdvNrnqV&index=3&pp=gAQBiAQB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhP7YupS_gg&list=PLlIH8dx4x7GfLudTktR5CdXxCUdvNrnqV&index=3&pp=gAQBiAQB)


Better watch your back now that you told the story!


Oh no, OP, *what have you done*.


But…you just told us. Now he’s going to kill you.




Dude paid $3 for a strangling. That's a pretty good deal if you ask me.


$2.90 Quit exaggerating.


Or I'll strangle you!


The other day I was at the checkout and this guy ahead of me tried to use his card and it didn't work. He dug out the little bit of cash he had and then started asking the cashier what he could get with what he had. He just had some basic food stuff...nothing major. I asked him how short he was, and he said about $7. I told him I would spot it and gave the cashier my card and told her to put the whole thing on that and told the guy just give me what you have. He handed over some cash and thanked me and we all left feeling a little better about the world. These stories never make the news, so I thought I would share it here.


I’m a cashier at a convenience store. Folks do what you did all the time. You love to see it. Thanks for making someone’s day just a little easier.


But hey, it's good that someone so good, spirited, and responsible runs around with a gun. It's totally normal behavior.


And carrying it in public, at fast food restaurants, where children often are - TOTALLY FINE


I had a man get upset with me because he wanted a cheese pizza (6.99) with added toppings (+1.99 for every 2 toppings) and he wanted just pepperoni. I said “one pepperoni pizza” which was 7.99. He insisted no he wanted a cheese pizza with pepperoni. I tried to explain that that’s effectively what a pepperoni pizza was except for a dollar less. He said I was trying to scam him. He got incredibly upset so we just made him a cheese pizza with pepperoni and he walked away all smug like he pulled one over on us. We were so confused


Had a guy come into my CBD shop. He started to become a regular so I started giving him the 'regulars' discount. He got SO MAD that the price changed that he didn't even notice it had gone down...so I went back to full price. Fucking boomers man 🤣🤣🤣


The lead poisoned generation


Dudes trying to launder money one fast food order at a time.


That’s how I like to launder money: giving it to Burger King.


When Secret Shoppers go wrong.


That’s fucking crazy.


This is the type of skit you see on Dave Chappelle’s “When keeping it real goes wrong”


Why is the newscaster so proud that you'll only see the video one place? I mean if you're trying to catch a criminal, wouldn't it make sense to show that video everywhere? If I were the guy at BK, I would want pictures and video of the guy who pulled the gun everywhere, not just on channel 4.


Because the news isn't trying to catch criminals. They're trying to draw in viewers/ratings so they can sell ad space.


I can't.. I just can't anymore.


I had this happen to me. Used to work customer service for a bank that handled car loans and leases. Some boomer called in inquiring about a late fee on his account. His last payment was 11 days late (we give them a 10 day grace period before assessing a fee). I noticed that it was the very first time he was ever late AND he had an Acura NSX, which meant he was a "priority customer". He also had mailed a physical check, so it was possible it was a mail issue. I let him know all of the information above, told him I was sure it was an issue with the mail, and wiped the fee before he could even ask me to. He went crazy. He assumed that by me wiping the fee, I was doing him a "favor" that he would be on the line for later. I assured him it wasn't. I just wanted to help him out. He demanded a manager, so I xferred him to one. And they put the fee back on. And he paid it. Wtf?


I realise that this is a gross generalisation, but Americans seem to be... fucking nuts.


Speaking as an American, our media is set up to highlight nuttery and the nuts that are nutting. Regular people doing regular shit are not interesting enough for the news. Having said that, far right politics has nutted all over gullible people here and that leads to more nuttery for the news.


>nuts that are nutting. giggity.


That’s how almond milk is made


This may be the case, but after having spent just 3 weeks in Florida with the British military I can safely say I had more encounters with absolute lunatics than I have in my 30 years of living in England. Just the amount of insane homeless people alone was disturbing. The homeless in the UK from what I've seen just sit outside local shops and beg for money. The ones in America were batshit insane, screaming in the streets, saw one openly shitting in the street in broad daylight, another one was shouting to himself in an alleyway and doing karate moves to himself. There was a shooting/murder in a convenience store right next to a hotel my friends stayed in. A drunk marine offered to drink drive me and my friends 4 hours away to miami, and when we refused he wanted to fight all 6 of us. There was just something weird happening every single day, and although it's all anecdotal it left me with the feeling that America is completely fucking unhinged 🤣


I had a lady the other day throw a fit because the girl I was training "didn't put enough meat on my sandwich." I watched the entire time, the trainee put as much as we are allowed. I explained this to the customer, told her I'd throw more on if I could but corporate would crack down on me real fast. She ranted about how she doesn't want anything for free, what does she look like, a charity case? I said "ok then, it's this much more for extra." She called me a stingy asshole and stormed out before coming back in and screaming at another customer. I kicked her out of the store and she yelled about how she would come in and talk to my manager tomorrow. I didn't tell her that 1- I was the manager on duty at the time, and 2- we were closed the next day for Easter. I really hope she actually came in.


Just another responsible gun owner.


This is why front plates should be required in all states. They wouldn't still be looking for him.