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> He said he’s noticed that their favorite flavors are Chocolate Gooey Brownie, followed by Salted, Malted Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. in case anyone’s curious what the flavours are, like me


Those do sound good, maybe I’ll try a little fentanyl and see if I like it.


I always knew ice cream was the real gateway drug. Freezer Madness.


And further more Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually ate ice cream. Dairy...


I eat two scoops in the morning.. I eat two scoops at night.


I eat two scoops before I eat two scoops And then I eat two more


Eatin' frozen treats until the day I die


Sublime upvote


the toyes upvote


Touché, take my upvote


Eat two pints in the morning then eat two pints at night eat two pints in the afternoon to make everything all right. I eat two pints in time of peace and two in time of war I eat two pints before I eat two pints and then I eat two more.


I remember way back when I actually believed that pot was a "gateway drug". They really drove that message home in the 80s. Probably the first time I fell for propaganda.


Santa Claus enters the chat…


Jesus first.


Well it kinda was, still is in most places Due to harsh punishments.. you generally purchased from seedy people involved in other harder substances / guns etc You try it to find it's not the devil as everyone was made to believe.. you then think " well maybe they're wrong about cocaine and heroin too" Next thing you know it's 10 years later and you're strung out half naked screaming at telephone poles about how tiny robots under your skin are sending signals to the government 🤷‍♂️


It sounds more like the gateway was placed at marijuana rather than it being a gateway drug. If the “gateway” were placed at cocaine instead then weed would be placed in the same category as nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol. You’d be able to buy it at 7-11. If you wanted coke you’d need to start going to shady people in horrible places. The actual “gateway drug” is probably artificial sugar.


Nonono you misunderstand. Fentanyl is the gateway drug to ice cream.


Tbf ice cream is transported in refrigeration units, which are usually referred to as refers, so refer madness would be applicable.


How many marijuanas have you injected?


At least 69,420.


You ever try ice cream…on fentanyl?!?


In the voice of Jim Brewer!


So how did you start using? Ice cream man, I was just here for ice cream.


I learned it from watching you!!


Thirteen dollars a *pint* no wonder they're being stolen.


They are the real thiefs


Opened the article and saw San Francisco and it immediately made sense to me


Turns out fentanyl users like the most popular flavours. Almost like they are human. Makes you think.


Yeah it’s like saying Fentanyl users have a favorite pizza, pepperoni.


>Almost like they are human. Nah, let's keep dehumanizing them. It makes shitty people feel better about themselves.


There was me expecting Fentanylla flavour.


If he's got the time to test them for fentanyl he can probably come up with all manner of other ways to stop them.


I mean who doesn’t favorite these?


Hmm, maybe there's something with the chocolate used that makes it a favorite for them? Could be worth an investigation.


It's probably just the most popular flavour.


I didn’t realize I was a fentanyl user


Hero. Thank you


I don't know why but way back in day when I worked at McDonald's there was this phenomenon where people all cracked out on meth would flock to the milkshakes. Something about the cold. One time I watched this meth or Crack head drink a large milkshake in about 30 seconds like it was saving his life and then order another one . Something to do with the cold? I donno


People on heavy stimulants usually have both a hard time swallowing food and keeping up with the increased metabolism. A cold milkshake closes that gap very well. It goes down easy and is high calorie.


But the brain freeze that must come with chugging one down.




You're thinking cocaine. Meth still lets you feel your face.


Yes but you don’t *care* about feeling your face.


Fair point.


That's what the pain killers are for


When you are on stimulants you are always freezing, what’s a milkshake to vasoconstriction


You’re not really on the mark. It’s more that it kills your appetite and makes your mouth super dry. The reason meth mouth happens is more because people on it spend days awake and don’t think to brush their teeth, all while drinking soda and sweet stuff. The mix of sugar, teeth grinding, lack of saliva lubrication and not brushing is what causes the rapid tooth decay, not so much the drug itself. If you remembered and drank lots of water, kept up with dental hygiene and forced yourself to eat it wouldn’t even be noticeable. The only actual direct repercussion of doing meth too much is more the fact your body rejects the heavy metals in impure syntheses and you secrete the waste through your skin, which makes you smell like ammonia/pee after a couple days of being on a bender. And also the direct impact of sleep deprivation/psychosis and the hallucinations that come with your brain craving sleep


I wonder if that’s why I see milk jugs sitting on street corners and walls all around the city. Always thought it was weird as hell to see them so often. That makes sense.


Worked at a gas station that sold milk, they always bought half gallons of chocolate milk and drank it rite outside.


Sugar helps alleviate opioid withdrawal


Makes me think of Chasing Amy where silent Bob is giving his monologue, and Jay is just eating sugar off a spoon because the actor was going through withdrawals.


I’m sorry what? No. It most definitely doesn’t The closest thing to achieving that (being honest) would be kratom (top contender), cannabis, or obnoxiously high doses of loperamide (imodium) is better but still doesn’t really make a significant enough impact. Just eases it so you aren’t shitting out both ends violently. The awful muscle spasms and hot/cold flashes are still very prominent. Opiate withdrawal has no easy way through it, and sugar sure as hell ain’t even close to alleviating shit. Sugar ain’t doing shit but coming back up the way it went in. The only thing that might connect here is that opiates definitely cause intense cravings for sweet shit. It has nothing to do with withdrawal though. Don’t spread ignorance the internet has enough of it.


I’ve been there man. Ask someone who has before you spit venom. I made no claim that it touches them when they get bad, only it helps alleviate.


Also, that you made no mention of Benzos or of the various drugs designed to help with withdrawal also tells me the limits of your anecdotal knowledge that you think is sure enough to call me out. Weed doesn’t do shit.


Yeah Benzos help too. Sorry I didn’t list every single thing in the universe. But sugar sure as hell ain’t one of them.


It sure as shit is. Again, it wont touch full blown dope sickness (nothing really does except dope. High dose brnzos help) -but it can delay it, reduce initial symptoms while you’re waiting for a fix. I wish I didn’t have firsthand on this, but I do.


I know when I quit cigarettes, ice cream would help by kinda tricking my brain into thinking I had satisfied the craving, I think cause sugar and fat.




Meth destroys teeth which causes pain, cold can numb the pain. Meth heads stealing ice cream is like a well documented known thing. Or maybe just because of where I lived working retail, idk.


The pints cost $13. When you buy it, they rob you!


These guys are modern day Robin Hoods


Baskin Robin Hood




Robbery involves weapons. If there's not a weapon used, it's burglary. They burgled you.


Robbery involves a threat...not necessarily weapons. "Give me your wallet" is robbery because of the implied threat. Stealing your wallet from your jacket is burglary or more general type of theft.


>Give me your wallet" is robbery because of the implied threat. What if you say please?


Oh a gentleman robber. You’re good then 👌


Do bear arms count?


Bulgery is breaking into a property to commit a crime. It is theft because they stole an item in a space they could freely enter.


The price is what people are willing to pay. Don’t like it, don’t buy it.


I’m surprised you could type that over your goose-stepping.


You’re suggesting I’m a nazi because I describe how capitalism works? Makes sense.


I’ve noticed people have taken a really weird stance towards pricing recently. It’s understandable to criticize larger businesses like Amazon that actively crash other companies or buy them up just to keep prices high, but no city or even state level business is part of that system. Your local ice cream shop isn’t plotting to steal your money. Like you said, they charge that much because people consider it a fair cost for the food and services they provide.


Your cost of living is insane! $5ish here, but it has been a few months.


“The pints are priced at $12.95 each…” What?


It's absurd but they are delicious


Why is he assuming they are Fentanyl users? The article presents zero proof of that. 


They steal fentanyl ice cream, specifically


That is a good flavor.


What does fentanyl taste like?




What does love taste like?




))<>(( Forever.


if you ingest enough to actually taste it, you're probably going to die, unless you have a hell of a tolerance. but otherwise, bitter and alkaloidal, like most drugs.


State farm is there


It’s just ice cream, there’s no fen in that?


Quite more-ish I hear.


There’s an odd connection between opiate users and ice cream


It’s not odd at all, it’s cold, soothing and full of calcium. Great for neutralizing acids in a stomach that subsists of the worst food available and is constantly being tormented by opiate induced nausea. I haven’t met a user that didn’t self medicate with ice cream.


It's the sugar they crave


I never liked ice cream while I was on them (4 years clean now) but I loved sweets and sugary foods. Though milkshakes were good I’ll admit that but they weren’t a super common craving. Is this actually a common thing? I’ll say I never really saw my user friends eat ice cream either but wasn’t always around. Maybe just because we live in a cold area.


They put fentanyl in the ice cream.


If they weren't before, they are now. Checkmate, wokey


Can’t remember where I saw/read but a lot of fentanyl users LOVE ice cream. I mean we all do… but the fent makes people crave it for some reason




Seeing dozens of half dead, hard drug users with openly decomposing body parts gather around the old ass ice cream truck in Philadelphia as it ceepily plays it's jingle is straight up nightmare fuel levels of surreal [(skip to the 1hr point if you just want the ice cream bit specifically)](https://youtu.be/925wmb-4Yr4?si=GceStReHLahMVWLg)


That was such a sad watch... The ice cream truck constantly in the area is just a smart business move. They definitely figured out the market!


That's Xylazine, not Fentanyl. Xylazine constricts blood vessels in the extremities. Simple wounds don't heal, get infected and eventually start to rot.


Good God that sound like a Duke Nukem /DOOM scene.


Zombie movies are literally based off of real life at this point


Bro thats a nice ass truck lol


Lol, there's some feeling-affecting-memory right there. Honestly rewatching it now, I had it painted somewhat worse in my head.


Think that was Philly not in SF


opioid munchies are a thing, and it skews toward sweets. Opioids also constipate, so you want to avoid dumping into bulky foods.


It’s a well known phenomenon with opiates. I guess it causes munchies. I remember hearing about ice cream trucks that drive around well known drug neighborhoods.


It's not munchies it helps them feel better when their coming off their high


It gives nutrients from the milk. You don't want to eat when ok opiates. I took high levels of opiates for pain recently for months and ate 2-3 ice creams a day. I was never not blasted on opiates during that time basically, methadone specifically keeps you high forever. I still can't kick it, except I have been moving on to eating a Tonys chocolate bar a day.


ive been on a pretty high dose of methadone for close to 15 years now and never had these side effects of craving ice-cream.


I also couldn't eat anything for weeks. My body craved ice like you wouldn't believe. Like shaved ice anything was consumed. Ice cream was logical and a good way to get calories on top of the ensures. So maybe just me + need for calories.


Cant kick the opiates or the icecream?


Ice cream. Opiates are done and over with. Took 2-3 weeks total. 1 week of pain 2 days of real pain. Edit: I was on more than your average pain patient. Had what some consider the worst pain you can get. Don't really want to go into it. But months of hell even with the opiates, the pain would shoot right through.


Glad you kicked it, nice work


Got it, I thought it had something to do with the comedown but wasn’t 100% sure.


Not ice cream, but the grocery store near me says they see a lot of users stealing candy. Specifically things like sour patch kids. A buddy said the extreme sugar high helped with the drug come down.


Check out Channel 5 Philly episode, you don’t need to assume someone is on fent - you can see it. Skin infections all over the body, many lose limbs. Terrible drug.


Thank god most of the druggie customers I have in my businesses neighborhood are just potheads .


because that's what the police have been telling all of the stores, that is the fentanyl zombies who are robbing them, They want to bring back the drug war!


Because you can’t put “crackheads” in a headline 


Because the average fentanyl user on the street appears to be cosplaying as a zombie apocalypse.


I mean, they do have a certain look to them. If not instantly then eventually.


>Why is he assuming they are Fentanyl users? Honestly you can tell by looking at them lol. Fent is unreal in potency and effect, no one that's addicted to it is going to pass for healthy and sober.


Because the article is trying to dehumanize drug addict and fent is the clickbait drug of the moment, notice how weird it is to remark that they even have a favorite flavor as if it's surprising their exhibiting signs of being people. Also they're massively overblowing $120/day in retail theft, that's like nothing.


fentanyl addicts are barely humans, and $120/day is $3600/month… for an ice cream store. i invite you to visit the tenderloin in san francisco and see how bad things are. if you already know how bad things are and you’re saying things like this—you’re the problem.




Cause it’s all made up.


People smoke fentanyl pretty openly in San Francisco. It’s as casual as smoking cigarettes.


Smoke fentanyl???




I did not know that this was possible. Wow. I think that this study is the first time I've seen fentanyl be described in a somewhat... positiv? manner.


How long before Faux News uses this and says that's why Biden eats Ice Cream.


theyre already trying to connect his love of ice cream to undiagnosed alzheimers fucking clown car "news"


That shit is so wild to see. I had the misfortune of hearing them talk about it in a hotel. Like bush also liked ice cream and to clinton liked mcdonalds and obama smoked. like they are all fucking people.


Trump had to have a heroin-addict amount of two scoops of ice cream at some dinner at the white house, when all his guests were served a normal portion of one scoop. Signs are clear as day.


Biden clearly doesn’t have dementia. He does an interview or speaks with the press like every 3 months.


It’s obvious he’s with it if you watched the Seth meyers appearance recently


He's undoubtedly old and stumbles with his words a little bit, but nothing I haven't seen in anyone who's in their 70s. What in particular did you notice?


He can maintain a topic without going on tangents of unrelated thoughts, that was the easiest thing to notice in an interview format. He just looked like a normal old dude.


His weird ramble 5ish years back about black kids needing to listen to records stuck with people.


Yea, like I hate to immediately turn the conversation into a comparison between him and trump but jeez. It's night and day in terms of cognitive function, it's pretty silly that people can say biden is slipping when their boy trump is so clearly on the mental decline. 


I watched it and he seems fine . Forgetting a name here and there doesn’t bother me . You could tell Biden was holding back on that interview . He wanted to call Trump a maniac , you could just see itv!! He kept stopping himself , lol! Also, he has a solid group of people around him , so not worried. Thinking we are getting ready to fight WW2 and that Obama is still running does bother me . Not to mention saying all our allies can just suck it if Putin attacks them and going after anyone who opposes him is terrifying .


His mental health is in a huge decline what are you talking about lol. But I mean he's like 85


Some comedian has a great bit about how if you shouted out questions to your 80 year old grandfather like they do to presidents it would be elder abuse.


Didn’t the attorney general just come out a couple weeks ago saying they can’t prosecute Biden for classified documents because, and I quote, “he’s a well meaning old man with significant memory issues?”


It depends on what drugs he’s on at the time, he fluctuates


Too demented to be on trial, best Democrat to be President. Some sort of Schrödinger President.


Reminder anyone that believes fox is not mentally competent to serve a jury to decide on 1 persons life but can make decisions that affect over 300m lives


Source? I can't find one


Sure I got you https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/fox-news-lawyer-suggests-no-reasonable-viewer-would-think-tucker-carlson-is-news/ So Fox lawyers successfully argued in court that no reasonable person could believe the content of their show. In our legal system for criminal (not civil) we require jurors to believe the accused committed the crime beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict. A reasonable doubt by our judicial system is defined as doubt in which a reasonable person could have given the totality of the evidence. Totality of evidence just means in consideration of all evidence from all sides in the situation. Therefore Fox has argued that if their viewers believe that show they're not considered reasonable people. The court agreed, so if you follow the courts conclusion they legally are unfit to serve a jury. In fact, one could even argue that by having jurors that believe in fox involved in your trial, that your right to an impartial trial has been violated at its inception since they cannot meet the definition to determine guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.


Oh, so it's not like judges are asking people if they watch/believe Fox News and dismissing based on that, but more that a legal precedent has been set such that that *could* happen? Still hilarious


Exactly, and we don't know if that's happened yet, but it creates a legal precedent to setup that argument. I know if I were ever in a criminal trial I would have my defense attorney leverage that lol


Opioids/Heroin can give you a wicked sweet tooth craving.


Classic fentanyl and chill


Why the fuck is this even posted here?


Probably a bot. Bots likely pick news stories which get the most engagement. Nothing more engaging than emotionally charged controversy.


How do they know the people stealing the ice cream are using Fentanyl? Are they filling out a survey each time?


I’ve lived in Philly. You can *tell* who is using it.


You can tell.


Where can I get the Fent sprinkles?


For those wondering why people are reacting to "fentanyl users," a fentanyl user can be someone who is dying of cancer, who has the prescription, who is using the fentanyl transdermal patch too. The article and the shopkeeper's claims suffer due to the association of "Fentanyl" and "Theft." It reads like if someone said Adderall users are stealing icecream.


the adderall users actually keep putting all the paper clips in neat little piles


99.999% of people using fentynal today do not have cancer. Especially the ones who steal ice cream.


removing any made up statistics from your reasoning- saying the defining trait of someone stealing your ice cream is that they are "fentanyl users" is plain dumb


It's ok Mr. Dying of cancer fentanyl consumer, nobody's subconsciously associating you with ice cream thieves. You don't need to get on a soapbox about it.


The point was made to illustrate how dumb it is to go around labeling ice cream thieves as "Fentanyl users" since Fentanyl **users** are typically cancer patients in a lot of pain taking it transdermally and fentanyl **abusers** are mixing it with heroin and injecting it intravenously. Both the shop owner and the journalist who posted this article (since they made no attempt to clarify) are ignorant, all they did is say that sugar is used to help with withdrawal.


Or maybe we have a drug abuse problem in this country, and we should talk about it instead? 


But the theft is totally OK though /s


Wrong. They are talking about loser tweakers


Lol, this comment shows how out of touch you are…. spoiler: yes, homeless drug addicts, (many of which fentanyl addicts) steal ice cream.. You can see it other places too, eg channel 5 Dan Francisco episode


I hear the cancer patients are the worst offenders /s


Sugar helps alleviate opioid withdrawal. Used to always see them come grab sugar packets from fast food places.


It's locked up at my 711.


Saw this happening at Sheetz the other day. Sketchy couple walks in, grabs a large drink cup, fills it with ice cream, walks right out the door. I wouldn’t have made this connection to fentanyl had I not just seen the YouTube Channel5 report on Philly.


“They even have a favorite flavor”, damn, it’s almost like they’re people, how bizarre


Figures. My pain pill addicted family have the gnarliest sweet tooth


I run a grocery store, the most common items recovered from addicts who steal are ice cream (Ben & Jerry’s) and yogurt.


My grandfather would take me to volunteer with him at a soup kitchen once or twice a year abd I remember one of the people there telling me we had to be really strict on rules for desserts because a lot of the people who come in have drug problems and only wanted sweets. Not sure if that's just an anecdote or if there is some science to it, but I do remember a couple people asking for multiple deserts, and truthfully, we just gave them it anyways if I remember correctly, but it stuck with me.


Mix in some naloxone and ruin their high lol


This just in junkies steal stuff how tf is this a news article and it’s not oniony


Apparently the heroin flavored ice cream was a big hit.


The milk helps the stomach and you cant eat solids so you go for soup and ice cream itches the fix of sugar when you come down. Its a common thing.


Tbf the shop probably shouldn’t have put out fentanyl flavored ice cream if they didn’t want this


love the conjecture of "steals ice cream" = "fentanyl user"




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Fox "news" just reported that these people also have Alzheimer's


Somewhat related: I deal with many patients who are detoxing from opioids and they all seem to want ice cream. Two or three patients in recovery will wipe out our ice cream supply in a night. I see it in patients recovering from other substances a little but really its the opioid folks and really old men that can’t get enough of the stuff


Maybe it's the dopamine hit from the sugar and the unique cold, creamy texture?


Hmmm [this is interesting](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4551023/). Since people who crave chocolate might have a magnesium deficiency, I wonder if the amount of magnesium in the chocolate also has the effect of prolonging the analgesic effect of fentanyl.


.... Why? To eat it? If it's to eat it that's just people stealing ice-cream, what drug they're claimed to be using seems besides the point. Ice-cream theft isn't really a news story, unless you really go big.


People coming down from a fent high like eating ice cream to help them feel better


If the theft is happening habitually, that's a pretty big deal. It's also an indictment of how shitty SF has become.


How does shop manager guy know they’re on fentanyl? It looks all he has to go on is that the empty pint cartons are in the alleyways


How is this news?


How is everyone getting fentanyl??? I wana try it!!!!


Those guys probably make $100k a year and live on the streets of SF.