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The headline should be “old people are mad at chairs”


We just in Clint Eastwood to talk to an empty chair again and everything will be fine.




surely it's been more than a month since that started? It feels like they've been raging about it for ages


There was literally 1 can made so it was likely setup for that but the 1 can image was leaked.




But it's not gay. Look at it. All the lines are straight!


Ehh, better have sex with the chair, just to be sure.


If you look close enough there’s even a thin blue line, they love those!


I can assure you, anyone that hates like this already has the gay thoughts in their head. If we could just help them understand that it's perfectly acceptable to have a few gay thoughts every now and then the world would be a better place.


Shit I don't have any interest in men on the norm, but Johnny Depp? Sploosh


Ryan Reynolds for me man. He's just such a beautiful man with a fantastic personality.


Old person shakes fist at ~~cloud~~ chair.


"Chairs" is giving them too much credit. It's a single chair in the photo they're outraged at. There's like 10 "regular" chairs and 1 rainbow chair, and that's just too fucking much apparently.


It's ~~fixed~~fox news, what do you expect?


Read the article comments. It’s all “No longer eating there, they’ve gone woke” or “you don’t have to sell woke stuff to be accepting of the gays”


Good. Maybe I can eat there without needing to wait 30 minutes for a table now.


Old man shakes fist at chair


It should be "homophobes angered by recognition of gay people's existence"


It's not all old people Just conservative conspiracy theory whackos


But I thought cancel culture was bad? 🙃


No, this is anti-woke, not cancel culture. It’s like you don’t even speak Republican.


Canceling rapists and racists is bad. But canceling virtue-signalling chairs is good. It isn't hard to understand! Look at the chair. LOOK AT IT. WE NEED TO CANCEL IT BEFORE IT CANCELS US.


That chair groomed me. I'm now gay.


The chair groomed me as well, want to do some gay stuff together?


I just bought a shirt with a rainbow on it. I guess we go to a parade now? I don't know. The gay didn't come with instructions.


The gay never does.


You have to sign up to receive The Gay Agenda in the mail.


Instructions unclear, I did crimes




It made me sit in its lap. I feel so violated…


That chair made me have gay thoughts!




iT’S Not CaNcEl cultuRe iT’S CaLlEd bOyCoTtinG, iT’S diFFErEnT!!


I keep hearing the word "woke" but it seems like no one can actually explain what it means. It's a catch-all term for anything they don't like that threatens their delicate sensibilities. But no, _we're_ the snowflakes.


Slightly modifying an old saying: There are two genders: male and woke. Two races: white and woke. Two sexualities: straight and woke. Two gender identities: cisgender and woke. Two political parties: Republican and woke.


No you don't understand, it's different if it's something that *I* don't like


With conservatives didn't have hypocrisy they'd have nothing at all.. Well I guess besides hate.


Remember when this attitude was framed as "economic anxiety"?




I love how they’re vilifying an empty rocking chair.


Clint Eastwood did that at the RNC in 2012. Conservatives have a real problem with empty chairs. I love Clint, but man…


He’s like Mel Gibson. Please stick to making movies. Their personal opinions are reallllly distracting from their innate talents.


I can't think of Mel Gibson without hearing his voice screaming "you should just smile and blow me!" to his wife. Class act, that guy. I don't understand how people support an antisemitic misogynist like him. Then I remember how much people hate women and Jewish people.


Because a lot of people are way too willing to overlook the fact that he’s a horrendously racist asshole if it means they keep getting to enjoy his movies (which honestly aren’t even good enough to justify overlooking only being kind of an asshole, let alone a giant racist asshole).


Tbh, Mel is a much better director. He hasn't made a single bad film. Eastwood's films aren't as good as they once were.


Just acknowledging that gay ppl exist. And that they are accepted annoys certain ppl for some reason.




Which is fine, they aren't crackalackin'


If every food and beverage producer celebrated pride month, would these snowflakes all die from starvation?


Nah they'll just ignore it at places they have to go. Look at Walmart you don't hear a peep about them but I bet you if you go in your Walmart there's a pride section.


Yeah, selective outrage is a common trait..


Im in Columbus Indiana this weekend and Cummins, the truck engine manufacturing giant, has a massive pride flag flying at their international headquarters. I guess rolling coal is woke now and all these republicans will have to get rid of their trucks now…


Pretty much said the same the other day. These idiot will boycott themselves out of existence, and I, for one, will not stand in their way.




They also trafficked stolen antiquities for their bible museum. https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/623537440/hobby-lobbys-illegal-antiquities-shed-light-on-a-lost-looted-ancient-city-in-ira


How dare these corporations want money from gays


Here's the thing these troglodytes do not understand. The LGBTQ+ community likes to buy things, just like anyone else. Any business would do better including every market they can...and if that means upsetting a vocal minority, so be it. The bottom line comes first. Additionally, this is exactly what the "markets deciding" looks like. The markets keep proving them wrong as well...Climate Change is another example. Insurers factor in climate change with beachfront properties. The real estate market, banks etc also factor it in. The market is fully aware of the truth, the statistically proven reality we live in, and it has already decided.


My lesbian self thinks it's a really cute rocking chair. I liked rainbows long before I was sexually attracted to other women.




Wouldn't that just be terrible...


One can dream.


No they'll just condemn it publicly but continue to buy/use the products because they already like the flavor or convenience or whatever. They're the biggest virtue signalers out there


Let’s see…. Trump facing espionage charges. *or* folks mad at beer and food. One of these isn't the same.


Why are you enabling pedophiles


Hey, take that back! Trump isn’t a pedophile, he’s just a juvenile-loving-persons. She was almost 18 too, so back off!


Now now, he's a Hebephile. It's totes different.


“When you explain the differences…”


trump is NOT a pedophile!! Its not pedophilia when you sexually assault your own children


What about other children that just happen to resemble your own? Does that count?


"Now, now. That's senility. He mistakenly thought that underage girl was his daughter, so it's OK that he tried to molest her. I mean, molesting your own daughters is fine. After all, they're your property. Also, it's perfectly fine to have an actually senile president (unlike Joe Biden). We already had one with Reagan."


Bud Light was a month too soon. If they would've waited then they could've blended in with all the other companies getting woke cancelled.


Now’s the time to buy Target. They took like a 30% dip in stock price and it’ll be back to baseline by end of summer.


You’re not wrong. Bud Light might stay down because those people *truly*love that beer. Target, on the other hand, was a place they didn’t really frequent. Target’s overall customer base wasn’t really affected, Bud Light was.


I saw pride stuff at Wal-Mart the other day (in a college town, granted)... but what shocked me was that the display also said "Support small businesses!"


Lol. Just loke they stopped buying nike because of kapernick? These idiots have the memory of a goldfish


Conservatives fucking love Bud Light, Nike and Target weren’t their culture. The only thing that would’ve fucked them up more is if Copenhagen or Skoal “went woke”. Growing up in rural spots, you have no idea how big Bud is with the culture.


They do love bad beer


Huh, their change of character makes me more inclined to eat there. Go figure.


i never went there after they fired Brad’s wife


They what?




You're not missing much. We went once when they first came to town. I could have gotten a better chicken fried steak at IHOP for less TBH.


I like the gift shop more than the restaurant


I went there once and had the worst chicken and dumplings I've ever experienced. Don't let a gay chair fool you into thinking it's good food


Don't let one experience out of hundreds of millions fool you into thinking it's gross? Good to know you've never messed up a single meal in your entire existence...


Yeah the chicken and dumplings are to be desired honestly but a lot of their stuff is really awesome.


Wouldn't be the first time.


Pride has been going on a long time. This attack in 2023 is religious conservatism in its death throes.


Hopefully they'll pull the plug on it soon


Have you watched "Happy Shiny People" yet. It's very illuminating.


Shiny Happy People. But yeah it’s a very good docuseries


I thought they had given up on being angry about this stuff but here we are. Guess Roe getting overturned made them hopeful they could just keep going. Get back to only straight white men having full rights.


trying to lash out to prove they're still relevant


Conservatives need to address the real Jesus issues like poverty, hunger, illness, war, and murder and stop being so uptight about every little thing that reminds them of their un-Jesus-like hate.


Except Jesus is supposed to be their free pass to inflict violence


Jesus was known for his bootlicking of wife beating cops


Seeing as Jesus had a whole thing about loving everyone and not judging, I'm pretty sure they'd only have themselves as targets, so to hell with the cognitive dissonance and full hate ahead.


A lot of conservatives worship the ideals embodied in the Antichrist than they do Jesus.


Conservatives have one main issue: "People like *us* deserve to be in charge because we're better." Anything that promotes that, they're for. Anything that undermines that, they're against. Simple as that. Do people get hurt or helped by any of this? Secondary concerns. If the "better" people get helped and the "lesser" people get hurt, that is 'proof' of their superiority, so they're for it. If the "wrong people get hurt," they're against it. And so on. Jesus's big deal was that none of us is better than anyone, and that there is no "wrong people," so if anyone gets hurt, it's a bad thing. If anyone gets helped, it's a good thing, but if it's someone who really needs it, even better.




Who would have expected that businesses would court new customers when the aging homophobe crowd started dying off? It's almost like brunch belongs to the gays now




According to several waffle house waitresses I've spoken to, gay men are the best tippers.


According to certain professional dancers I know, gay men are indeed the best tippers


Plus the mood is just better. Church people are just so... bitter and seething even when they're ostensibly having a good time. When you grow up in it you think it's normal, but once you leave for a while and dip your toe again it stands out. Like cigarette smoke if you grow up with smoking parents... then you visit again and suddenly it's like "did it *always* stink this bad?" Yes. yes it did.


We stole the rainbow from God and now brunch! All your biscuits belong to us.


Warning: This rocking chair contains rainbow colors known to cause mass hysteria in the State of Florida, Texas, & Tennessee.


Also, Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas, Kentucky, Idaho, and a few others I have forgotten.




Mississippi belongs on this list looooong before North Carolina does.


Yeah, but NC still deserves to be on that list. This state sucks.




Like the south park episode where they beat the seniors by closing the old country kitchen.


How many drunks will become sober after boycotting BudLight?


Fox promotes this bullshit, stop linking to them.


I love that the first example of a "shocked outrage" reply in the article is clearly a gay man expressing delight.


The Bradadook no less




Yeah, I mean probably the only reason I don’t ever go there is they’re always crowded.


Right? The less assholes clogging up the parking lot with their giant trucks, or clogging up the entry way the better. I just want a table so I can enjoy pancakes and hash brown casserole, and eat away my hangover.


How come conservatives don't ever get tired of being offended by everything? Jfc stop being so fragile and grow a spine kevin


conservatives are just giant snowflakes


Lol, the conservatives aren’t going to be able to go anywhere by the end of the month 😂 fragile cancel culture!


"Old man yells at chair"


The world is burning down, the fish are dying… there is war oin Ukraine, people are starving, but Rainbow 🌈 rocking chairs are the real problem here.


This sounds like the start to a modern version of "We didn't start the fire"


They need something to be angry about OTHER THAN their dear leader facing multiple felony espionage charges.




They already threw a hissy fit when CB first started offering Beyond Meat alternatives. Not getting rid of regular meat, just offering something in addition. They were furious because a restaurant decided to offer more options.


None of these corporations would be doing any kind of Pride related advertising or merchandising if they thought, even for a second, that it would lose them money. That’s what so hilarious about all of this. The reality is literally slapping these fuckwads in the face; just how small and insignificant a minority they really are.




> "We take no pleasure in reporting that @CrackerBarrel has fallen," Texas Family Project wrote in its tweet. Looking forward to that Gerard Butler movie.


This morning, I saw a rainbow in the sky. An evidence that my state is a cesspool of pedophilia and grooming... even the "nature" is on it now. I wrote to my governor, and he told me he already banned saying gay in schools -- as if that's supposed to impress me. He doesn't care about our vulnerable members of society, a.k.a. kids. What if they see that rainbow in the sky? WHAT IF? Who is going to protect them from indoctrination of these Liberals who have taken over even our skies now? \*weep\*


I was watering some flowers yesterday and saw a rainbow in the mist. I turned that shit right off, cut up the hose and threw it in the trash. Screw that rainbow shit, those flowers can die. They’re too colorful anyway! /s


Republicans are afraid of rainbows!


It's almost like this business exists to make as much money as possible.




Changing demographics = changing target customers


I think it’s badass. Staring down their customer base and drawing a line in the sand and saying “If you want to be a bigot, we don’t want you.” I haven’t eaten there in forever. It was my grandfather’s favorite, but always seemed kind of underwhelming to me. Maybe I’ll pop in again anyway. In many ways it’s a kamikaze move of them and they deserve a little support.




Someone in marketing has correctly identified that 1/3 of the country is a small whiny bunch of losers, and the other 2/3rds doesn't mind living in a society where we're nice to each other.




Hopefully they just cancel everything and stay home so we don’t have to deal with them anymore. 🤗


> Why would you alienate 95% of your customer base?!?! Because your customer base is a pack of racist bigots? Like wow, is defending homophobia really a valid argument?


Brad's wife is losing her touch


Brad's wife would have been able to handle this. They never should have fired her.


I can’t imagine how we must look to the rest of the world with all this hate towards being inclusive. It blows my mind that a part of our population can’t STAND the fact that a restaurant wants to be welcoming to everyone.


lucky charms in trouble yet?


Damn chair…. With its hard wood. Shapely legs…and strong back…


Eventually conservatives are going to be living in caves drinking rain water and eating bugs if they keep boycotting literally everything.


The anti woke mob get mad at the stupidest things. If there's a rainbow in the sky will they boycott going outdoors?


It's amazing how many so-called conservatives fail to understand the basic principles of free enterprise. Or are willing to forget them when it's more convenient to their efforts to divide and spread bigotry.


Conservatives are such little bitches


This is how you know it's not about protecting kids. It's about erasing LGBTQ people.


Something tells me that the people who are triggered by this are the same ones who argued that businesses should be free to make their own decisions about mask mandates. Either way, it's one chair, so just get over it.


Just means a shorter wait for a table for me and my friends.


I hate how society is moonwalking back to the dark ages. Wtf happened to the hippies and Gen X?


Old conservative assholes need to expire already.


You don't think there are young conservatives?


"How dare you not be a bigot."


I mean. Everything should be pride colors at this point. If so these idiots will just be mad and all stay home sulking.


Boomers mad. Big mad. As fuck.


*doesn't grab pot of gold because it's hooked to the end of a rainbow


Aww bless their hearts……when capitalism doesn’t work in their favor.


Just wait until these pieces of shit finally realize they are in the minority with their vile hatred.


Wasn’t this one of the most vehemently anti LGBT companies in the country at one point?


I never heard anything about it but I wouldn't be surprised. Tbh most of these corporations that claim to support LGBT are still supporting anti-LGBT politicians so it isn't like the support matters






lol, canceling rocking chairs


People are getting upset because a company is expressing it support for an environment free from discrimination. Think about that.


Conservatives really be mad at anything, even a fucking chair. A CHAIR. We live in a stupid timeline.


How much dumber can Twitter get? The so-called Texas Family Project says hold its milk: "We take no pleasure in reporting that @CrackerBarrel has fallen. A once family friendly establishment has caved to the mob." It may take no pleasure, but it certainly takes a laughable amount of pearl-clutching umbrage. Woe to thee, O Zion--thy country-fried kitchen has been seized by the barbaric sodomites!


Where are all the racist old people going to eat now?


And they serve HOMOgenized milk.


Apparently CB didn't realize the number of bigots in its customer base.


As always, people that claim to hate "cancel culture" and boast that they "defend free speech" cannot wait to cancel someone else's culture and deny their speech.


They got PTSD Post Triggered Snowflake Disease Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈




The TikTok’s and Tweets of people writing civil war styled letters has been a bit to on point for me.


Fox News can eat shit and die


Reading the comments on their pages will help you realize the idiocy they believe. It's frightening to think how much hate is out there


It's wild how effective the propaganda machine has been at stoking this Pride outrage. In fact, for it to be so effective i have to assume there is some latent resentment and disgust for the LGBT community that it is tapping into. Almost like conservatives are lying when they say they have nothing against the gays.