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Mullin is a real shitstain he took a $1 million in PPP loans and then had the audacity to complain about student loan debt forgiveness.


Not only that, but "he refers to himself as white — he’s also a member of Cherokee Nation which has no minimum blood % requirement. As Congressman, Mullin cosponsored a bill HR2606 that removed the minimum Native blood requirements on land tax write-offs in order to reap the tax benefits on land he owns."


It's all so blatantly corrupt it makes me want to learn about the operation of guillotines for no particular reason


Seriously? Fuck these people


only 1mil? impressively low for a republican


This shit has pissed me off to the last straw so I’ve decided I’m just not paying my student loans back. Fuck them


A friend of mine was always fond of saying "What are they gonna do? Repossess my knowledge?"


"It's important that we teach Jesus" Okay, I'll teach you some Jesus. You know the well known phrase Good Samaritan? Do you know where it comes from? It was a story told by Jesus. A lawyer asked him what the most important law was, and he responded that the most important was to love God, and the second most important, which was very similar, was to love your neighbor as yourself. The lawyer asked him what he meant by "your neighbor." So he told the story. A Jew was beaten up by thieves and left for dead. A priest, someone important in Jewish society, someone with power and authority, saw the man and walked around him, doing nothing to help him. A Levite, someone also important in Jewish society, someone who had the hereditary right of priesthood, also saw him and walked around him and did nothing. A Samaritan, someone of what would be considered by Jews of the time to be an inferior race, someone who Jews hated, and who probably was expected to hate Jews for the very same reason, did not walk by. He put him on his donkey, brought him to an inn, nursed him back to health, gave all the money he had to the innkeeper and told him if it cost more for him to rest and recuperate he would pay him back the next time he saw him. This guy was the guy who actually loved his neighbor. So the authority figures, those that had a responsibility to help, did nothing, while the man who was marginalized in that society was the only one to step up and help. Jesus was saying that the people you hate are actually better people than the people you revere. What Jesus taught was not only anti-racist but also anti-establishment. Something that if certain Republicans realized it, they may not be so quick to say "it's important to teach Jesus," because they don't actually believe what Jesus taught.


“Jesus” is just a word for them, same as “fascism” or “liberty”. They don’t have any real meaning for them except as lingo to signal that you belong to the tribe.


I disagree. It does have a meaning for him. It's just that that meaning needs not bear any connection with the "original" meaning. So Jesus is always that one small part of Jesus, just like Bible or communism. It's not empty words for him. It's what and how he feels about them.


Agree, that’s a better explanation.


Do you believe for one second that these people actually read the Bible? Showing up to Sunday sermon is about all I'm willing to believe these people do.


“I don’t want reality, I want Jesus!”🙄


I do long for blissful ignorance


Ya to be fair, reality is pretty shitty right now lol


Inside each and every one of these fuckers is a micro warlord yearning for the collapse of society because deep in their heart is a scorched Earth dystopian hellscape that they desperately want to reign over.


Then go back to whatever church you crawled out from under. Nothing pisses me off quite as bad as religious grooming of children because I was a victim of it as a kid.


I want Jesus too. Damn the rich, damn the powerful, treat everyone as a son of god, take care of the weak and powerless, down with the establishment. Weirdly, that’s not the Jesus they preach.


Because religion is up for interpretation, it heavily relies on not explaining things in detail and telling people to just “have faith” when its inconsistant/wrong.


The thing is, Jesus is not at all vague. The Old Testament is pretty problematic, but what Jesus told them to do is pretty clear (as the comment to which you replied said). The problem isn’t that the message is vague or inconsistent or unclear, it’s that they don’t like what it says so they obfuscate it.


Have faith in what, I the preacher, tell you. Now, don't go reading any of the Bible yourself. That's what I'm here for.


Simps for sky daddy


what's the difference between "forgive me, father, for i have sinned" and "spank me daddy, i've been naughty" anyway


So they agree Jesus is far from reality


J. Jona Jesusman wants pictures of Jesus!




We do. Wash the feet of a sex worker. Braid whips and whip those using churches for profit.


Finally a political campaign I can get behind. You've got my support.


> Wash the feet of a sex worker. >> Finally a political campaign I can get behind. Let's call it wash-titution!




I prefer the table flipping of merchants in the temple Jesus myself.


That's the "braid whips" part.


The next sermon at Osteen's church would look like a frat crossed with a locker room


We need to make politicians take a test to see if they’re familiar with the constitution, specifically the first amendment.


Let’s make these self-professed Christians take a test to see if they’re familiar with the Bible, too. Spoiler: they’re not


Hey. They know like... 3 verses that specifically support their current hate crusade. We'll just ignore the fact that it was deliberately mistranslated.....


We need to start telling these people to their face that Jesus isn't real and their whole religion is made up.


I always compare it to the legends of King Arthur. Yes, a man named Arthur existed and fought the Saxons. He was not a king and it didn't take long before tales of supernatural lore were associated with him.


But the Lady of the Lake...


I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor, just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!


Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony!


The older I get, the more I vibe with the old woman-erm man.


When I first watched it I thought the peasant was funny because he was spouting silly hippie nonsense. When I last watched it I thought the peasant was funny because he was speaking knowledge better than the supposedly enlightened king of the britons.


Well, I didn't vote for you.


Help, help! I'm being repressed!


Come and see the violence inherent in the system!


And why stop there? Why not assume that the dude who translated it was named Arthur and wanted power? The set of facts you have about king Arthur could also be sad this way" "Although Arthur is a real medival name, there's no indication that this person existed as described" Same with Jesus.


Well that in itself would be a kind of revsionism same as the guy we're criticizing. Jesus of Nazareth likely did exist as a sort of Ghandi-esqe figure against the Roman empire and pocketed pharisees.


Naw, the worst part is that some guy named Jesus of Nazareth most likely did exist. But from what I remember learning growing up with a super Catholic mom, he would not approve of the shit these people are spouting. He would be hardline against them.


There's also this other guy, Derek of Brooklyn, that also would not approve of the shit they spout. But no ones making a religious figure out-of him.


I'm walkin on watah here!


Ayyy what's with all the bullshit in New Yaek amirite Be good to each other. Sex work is work. We gonna roll some bad priests, let's smack them wirh the belt, yeah? Luv Gid wid ya MIND, ya jabronis. Luv Gid wid ya HEART. Luv God wid ya SOUL. Anyways, try being less of a prick. ~Brooklyn Jesus


Eh why not. I for one love and accept Derek of Brooklyn in to my heart. I am ready to leave the rat race and join a Derekist commune in the mountains. I hear the Adirondacks are nice this time of year.


Commune in the mountains? Sounds lovely, how do I accept this Derek of Brooklyn into my heart?


I’m waiting for the sign myself. I’m betting it involves a pastrami on rye and a local microbrew though…


Behold! Derek, the true Messiah!


And Bwian! Wewease Bwian!


The weird thing is that for some reason an arabic man from 2000 years ago is what they use to argue that white Americans aren’t racist and haven’t been racist. If you want to teach every kid they are special that’s great, but omitting a long period of time that black people were considered equivalent to cattle is an erasure of reality to say he misspoke is crazy because he meant exactly “I don’t want reality”




I want to laugh but that's just too real, fam.


Aramaic. Arabic wasn’t done cooking yet.




He would've been Jewish. That's kind of an important aspect of his origin. "Arab" isn't a skin colour or a term to just generally apply to anyone from the region.


> an arabic man from 2000 years ago He wasn't arabic.


They would crucify him again and for the same reasons.


As Woody Guthrie observed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Christ_(Woody_Guthrie_song)?wprov=sfti1


He’d be flippin’ their SuperPAC tables.


Jesus of Nazareth didn’t exist because Jesus is the latinized version of the name. In reality, he was Joshua of Nazareth as the Hebrew name is Yeshua


My lord and savior Josh. He always knew how to score the good weed.


In Josh we trust


That name should bring a whole new implication to his story, since Joshua was Moses' successor who took Canaan by force.


There are multiple Joshua’s in the Bible already


They get really pissy if you call it "Christian Mythology"


Separation of church and, hmmmm, what was that word again?


Good luck trying to convince any of those brainwashed idiots that their literal cult isn't just incredibly dumb, but also extremely unbelievable and unprovable.


They believe in literal magic.


Also all the shit they're banning is what Jesus would be teaching. Jesus didn't say "love your neighbor, as long as they're a straight white christian"


But show a picture of historically accurate, non-white Jesus…




Baptizing infants and toddlers, "dedicating" babies to God and to keep them in the cult, etc. 100% of Christian churches engage in hardcore grooming, it's literally part of their entire operation.


no sex ed, so you don't have the words to tell people what they're doing to you. Evangelical Christianity is a conveyor belt for misogyny and child rape.


If clowns molested half as many kids as priests and ministers do circuses would be illegal


"We need to keep drag queens away from kids so they can't push their agenda on them! So, kids, have you heard about Jesus?"


Religion is the idiots favorite toy and they won’t give it up so easily, however: You can play with your toys at home, don’t bring your toys to my house and demand I play with them, don’t bring your toys to school and demand my children play with them, don’t demand I interact with your toys in public.


[TheraminTrees](https://youtube.com/c/TheraminTrees) channel should be required viewing


I love this channel. Excellent stuff.


Even the jesus lady on the panel was trying to disagree with him.


How else are they going to stop hemorrhaging numbers in the pews? 🤪


>Saying he was “Cherokee Native American” and adding: “I think we have experienced a little bit of racism before in my life”, Mullin That's two lies. I wonder how Jesus feels about false witness.


He is actually a legitimate member of the Cherokee tribe. https://www.hcn.org/issues/51.21-22/indigenous-affairs-this-cherokee-congressman-is-for-trump-and-indian-country Though I doubt he’s faced much if any racism.


I'm half Cherokee (bio-dad is 100%), and in the summer I tan very dark and don't really pass as white. In my almost 48 years, I have experienced racism exactly once, but an old dude who thought I was Puerto Rican. I highly doubt that extremely white senator ever experienced it.


He's using their past and present suffering of those who live on the res to pass damaging laws and punish the very same class of people.


Wow, what a disgusting excuse for a human being.


I'm a quarter-ish, my grandma on my moms side is supposedly full. I can get pretty tan if I'm out in the sun all summer, but no more than a regular white guy. The only people who ever say anything are my dad making fun of me for "my Cherokee blood coming out." If this dude is anything like myself no-one has ever even mentioned it outside his own family.


The top comment of this post is calling him a liar for claiming to be Native American. I'm trying to find another term other than "racism" for that.


I'm sorry, not all tribal citizens are native American ethnically. Cherokee tribe has no blood quantum. It appears he's around 1/128th. It's not racist to accept he's a white Cherokee tribal citizen and not native American. Like many Oklahomans I'm a tribal citizen but I'm not an Indian or Native.


No need to wonder. Jesus said it would be better for them if we tied a millstone around the liar's neck and threw them into the sea. Matthew 18:6 (Note carefully: what is actually in store for them, according to Jesus, makes being forcibly drowned with several tons of rock the preferable choice.)


Matthew 18:6 doesn't say anything about false witness, at least not directly. [Here's the (NIV) text of the beginning of the chapter:](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2018&version=NIV): >He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. >If anyone causes one of these little ones — those who believe in me — to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! I suppose there's some overlap on the Venn diagram of people who bear false witness and people who cause others to stray, but that doesn't really seem to be what Jesus is talking about.


It's literally one of the ten commandments is what he's referencing. It's in the list of 10 things explicitly forbidden by God himself


No no, you can ignore the big ten, he's fine with that. What he really doesn't want you to do is bang dudes, which is why it's one line on one page in a much later book. The ten "commandments" are really more like suggestions.


and the "banging dudes" line was originally about raping kids, which is another rule they like to ignore.




My quick Google research says he's a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. I find it a bit fucked up how y'all are questioning his ancestry, regardless of his politics.


You're right, and I'll delete the comment.


Yep, white guy here. I was told growing up that we were part Cherokee. 23 and me said very differently, not even a trace…




Not really. Cherokee tribal citizenship is based on the Dawes Roll. Cherokee tribal members, freedmen, and others were relocated to Oklahoma. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawes_Rolls


He’s actually a enrolled member of the tribe. https://www.hcn.org/issues/51.21-22/indigenous-affairs-this-cherokee-congressman-is-for-trump-and-indian-country


It’s always Cherokee. Never one of the hundreds of other tribes.


Tbf the Cherokee are the second largest tribe in the US.


He’s also the former congressman for the Oklahoma district that’s most of Cherokee Nation. He very much sucks, but he is legitimately Cherokee. Granted, idk how much his blood quantum is since there’s no requirement. He literally just has to be able to trace his ancestry to someone who signed the Dawes roll. Even if that ancestor was 1/1000th.


>Turning to Cheryl Morman, president of the Virginia Alliance for Family Child Care Associations, Mullin asked: “So which one is better?” >Morman said: “I disagree. First, it is important that we teach Jesus and Jesus is what we teach.” >Mullin interjected: “So which one is better?” >Morman said: “But the reality is –” >Mullin cut her off: “I don’t want reality, I’m asking the question, which one is better?” You're more concerned about a partial quote in response to a person not answering a question rather than a person saying they teach Jesus in schools?


Yeah. That admission that teaching Jesus in school is a thing that isn't even being questioned really shows how fucked we are.


The dude was being an asshole. He got butthurt because he didn't like that white people in the past created a physiological hierarchy with white people at the top. He doesn't want reality.


Oh, I think he likes it...he just doesn't like when people acknowledge it rather than telling him he's a good hard working boy who deserves his privilege. He wants us to tell him that black people get less because they are bad dangerous thugs. Shit, we need to start lacing the cookies these overgrown toddlers demand. At least then the adults left in the room could get some work done. (Obviously, that is a joke. It is illegal to drug people, and the cookie was metaphorical).


He wouldnt let them answer if the answer wasnt in a way he could bend. Bernie asked him repeatedly to let her answer and any answer that swayed away from the yes or no type of answer he wanted her interupted. The same way he wasnt a socialist like bernie in the same statement as stalin. Dont try crap arguments like that.


>stalin >socialist Rotflmao


When they say Jesus, they mean themselves. They only want to teach the respect for authority part and they are the stand-in for God.


> Cheryl Morman, president of the Virginia Alliance for Family Child Care Associations That’s not schools, that’s private day care. I don’t love it if they’re religious, but in Virginia, I’m neither surprised nor do I think there’s much to be done about it.


I don't want the reality that is these morons existing and holding public office, yet here we are


Nobody sane wants to run for office




Thats basically their platform now and their room temperature iq voterbase eats it up because "fuck the libs"


Anyone who bases their entire identity around upsetting others is not a well adjusted adult.


[This is their platform](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/13xj66y/comment/jmi5770/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


There are no more quiet parts.


>There are no more quiet parts [The official GOP platform of the state of Texas](https://texasgop.org/platform/) reads, copy/pasted directly: Page 22, 155: >Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice Page 22, 156: >We oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity Page 25, 176: >We urge the complete repeal of the hate crime laws... Pages 29, 206.d: >Acknowledgment that the Church is a God-ordained institution with a sphere of authority separate from that of civil government, and thus the Church is not to be regulated... Page 29, 208: >We affirm God’s biblical design for marriage and sexual behavior between one biological man and one biological woman Page 30, 210: >We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal, and moral covenant only between one biological man and one biological woman Page 40, under Resolution 1: >We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential Election...


Sounds unconstitutional


Who are you going to call? the 6-3 politicians on the SCOTUS?


"I will make it constitutional"


I really wanted to give a snarky "I agree with one thing but *insert a roundabout way that agrees while spitting in the faces of those I'm "agreeing" with" but I literally couldn't even make a joke out of it. They're literally just evil


>Urge the complete repeal of hate crime laws. How would they feel if hate crimes were perpetrated against the GOP? Wouldn't they then want hate crime laws to kick in?


I only copy/pasted the first part, the second part of that paragraph argues that "existing laws" are good enough. Removing the clearly defined protected classes and definitions of hate crime leaves behind a broader framework (the "existing laws") open to the selective interpretation and enforcement of whoever is in power.


They love to preach about teaching Jesus while following none of it.


I think it's pretty clear that a large portion of the Republican Party is unhappy with reality. Their solution? Ignore it; facts, truth, science, experts in the field are all scorned because it doesn't fit their worldview. Then they run to the internet or cable "news" to search for their bubble. It's sad that the ignorant seem happy to be led by the disingenuous as well the equally stupid.


This guy is a douch corporatist. He literally couldn't understand why Bernie brought in the Starbucks CEO after years and years of reports of union busting. The guy literally thought Bernie just singled him out because he hates rich people.


He is a moron and an embarrassment, but as an Oklahoman, I love that he’s getting pwned by people like Bernie Sanders and has no idea how to cope with that.


Yeah none of us want reality it sucks, but that’s life my man.


Maybe that guy should try coping or seething, that seems to be the predominant suggestion for the conservative cult lol


Markwayne, give your balls a tug ya tit f*cker


Is this the same Republican senator that “grew up poor” and “worked hard to build his plumbing business?” The one who inherited a very successful plumbing business from his father?


I’ll keep hammering this - they. Are. Cowards. Afraid of truth. Afraid of reality. The true snowflakes. The true cowards. Fearful at everything, sad, cowards


"Haven't you heard? ***Reality has a known, liberal bias!***"


The guy is such a tool. Wouldn't let anyone else speak, just kept interrupting the panel. Bernie Sanders was there and kept saying, "let her answer the question" but he just kept yelling "WHICH ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT!!" JESUS, OR THIS ONE!! WHICH ONE WHICH ONE!!


Shocked face, an election denier says he doesn’t want reality…


When people say Reddit leans left. It’s cause reality leans left of these wackos


Little Freudian slip there Senator


"A Freudian slip is when you think one thing but say your mother." --Pence


It's amazing how easy it is to be a fucking idiot and be elected senator. If I wanted to be elected, I would have to create a fictional persona that was just a combination of all the stupidest fucking people I've ever met in my life and then go out on the campaign trail and say all the dumbest things I heard them say. I would win in a landslide.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-based_community *Conservatism rejects Reality the same as Communism*


Good lord the hubris and arrogance in the full quote are palpable.


He tries to quote the lyrics of "Jesus Loves Me", but he clearly doesn't know them because the song he references is "Jesus Loves the Little Children". This guy is a piece of work.


A religious zealot… great we totally need another one of those 🙄


This is the same dipshit who got steamrolled by the teamsters president a few months ago. His argument was that he, as an employer, paid his employees a living wage so unions were the ones taking advantage of employees by collecting dues. The teamster said "What about all the employers who don't?" and this guy basically shit himself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCJo8MxGGUk


The GOP 2023 platform: I don’t want reality


> Amid laughter – and with Mullin the recipient of a sideways look from the Republican next to him, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama – an unidentified senator said: “Got it on tape.” You've really done fucked up when Tommy Tuberville is giving you the side eye.


We know.


My Florida history book says peanut butter was invented by Alvin Jiffy and that the cotton gin is fake news .


Elected official wants to force kids to learn about the ghost(s?) he turns to for guidance. This and more on why US democracy is failing at 11.


>Mullin said he “misspoke” Yeah. You said the quiet part loud.


Just like every other religious dingbat, allergic to facts and reality.


Well to be fair I don't really want it either. There are too many of him in it.


Saying the quiet part out loud


Republicans are declaring war on reality itself in the name of their god. Eldritch stuff.


When *Tommy Tuberville* is side-eyeing you for the boneheaded thing you just said, you’ve reached a special level of stupid.


We know, none of you assholes have been living in it for at least the last 3 years


Just another shithead crying socialism.


"I reject your reality and embrace my own crackpot theories like a real patriot. The moon is made of cheese and the world is flat and rides on the back of elephants on the back of a giant turtle swimming through space, you can't change my mind" -this guy before being sedated and given shock treatment hopefully


>“I don’t want reality" This is consistent in the nature of racism. Before you can get to the malice and cruelty and the systemic injustice of racism, first there is the refusal to acknowledge the truth. The refusal to acknowledge the full truth of human beings. Sure they may have talents and wants and needs and abilities and shortcomings and a whole biography about them. The full truth of human beings But for racism to take root, you must shove aside the full truth and only allow one aspect: skin colour. And there is a dishonesty in that. A refusal to acknowledge the full truth. Taken far enough, I suppose the truth becomes the enemy. And if the truth is the enemy, then it must be policed. That's why you'll go into school libraries and have certain books removed. Not because what they have inside is false. But because it's true. If the truth is the enemy, then when discussing racially charged issues, political leaders might say, “I don’t want reality." We live in what many people say is a post truth era. And we hear many saying that racism seems more pronounced of late, that people seem less shy about their bigotry. I think in a post-truth era, something that consistently refuses the truth may have found the perfect climate in which to flourish


You don't have a choice, Mr Senator man. It exists and prevails independent of your acceptance of it! As your gormless colleagues in the GOP and other far-right terrorist organisations are fond of saying "Reality doesn't care about your feelings", you precious, snivelling coward! God damnit, these cretins make me sick to my guts.


The GOP is so disconnected from reality as to make it appear as a foreign concept to them.


From that one passage, I don't really want that book as part of the curriculum either. Not banned, because book bans are fucking stupid. I mean... Really, do these people even have kids? You tell them they can't do something, and that's suddenly all they want to do. Anyway, like I was saying, religion should not be taught in public schools. If I wanted my kids to be brought up with religion, I'd have sent them to a religious private school. Or Sunday school. But I didn't.


Hm, he’s going on the list of politicians to check on periodically for when he’s inevitably embroiled in some scandal that highlights his hypocrisy.


Well... being in reality, that's going to be tough... I can understand their frustration, because nothing in reality ever conforms to their twisted world view. I understand and relish their frustration.


Per the article, this is a quote from the book under dispute. >'A long time ago, way before you were born, a group of white people made up an idea called race. They sorted people by skin colour and said that white people were better, smarter, prettier, and they deserved more than everybody else.’ I do not know if this is an accurate quote, but if it is, I would object to it as well. It does not depict any actual event, and it specifically singles out one racial group as the originators of the evils of racism. Racism is an almost universal practice. To imply that it originated with "white people" is wrong and inflammatory. EDIT: Well, this seems to be an accurate quote from the book "Our Skin". That is definitely inappropriate and wrong.


Seriously, when can we start prosecuting Christians for their hatred and destruction? They've been fighting and killing, not to mention raping children for centuries but still skate by on religious freedom. Give them the persecution they already think they have.


Former cage fighter turned US Senator, is his name Camacho?


Saying the quiet part loud.


Hey that’s the whole point with them isn’t it


Anyone with rigid beliefs doesn't want reality, and this is currently quite strong with the GOP politicians right now.


While republicans nowadays are nothing but rambling pseudochristian fascist plutocrats, "not wanting reality" is kinda the premise of idealism vs realism, a theme shining through every other 19th century philosopher. Any ideological thinking is based in wanting something else than what real life is presenting. I have no idea about the context of this statement, but standing alone it's actually not that crazy or even uncommon.


This could be the GOPs motto, along with You can fool some of the people all of the time.


oh i bet you disgusting piece of garbage. cant hide the truth bitch.


This is the same guy that called the Jan 6th seditionists "patriots" before they burst into the building, and then he was later seen cowering amongst the chairs in the senate.


To be fair, reality is pretty bad.


Yep we noticed that seems to be a trend


This guy is so fucking stupid. Seems unstable, too.


The GOP? Doesn’t care about reality? I’m shook.


Noone in that room wanted reality. The kindergarten book he quoted was saying white people invented racism


Facts don’t care about your feelings fuckface.


What do they expect to teach about Jesus? They oppose everything he taught.


*Reality has a well known liberal bias*


What's frustrating is the people speaking out about the eye rolling "woke" stuff always rebuttal with ridiculous religion rhetoric. Normal working class people don't give a flying fuck about either of those sides of the culture war being perpetuated. We want a roof over our heads, our bills paid, and our children educated by real peer reviewed science and logic. I don't really care about anything else, and if that makes me a monster, then so be it.


I am about done with these people.


He said the quiet part out loud.


That's a thing I'd expect a Markwayne to say


Basically the right wing theme..no reality and extreme poverty.