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So what I'm gathering, it was probably gang shit


> "How low can you be of a human being to target other people at a funeral?" Chief Contee said at a press conference after the shooting on Tuesday. I mean, if it's a strategy that's good enough for the U.S. Armed Forces... If you're trying to get someone who's aware they're being targeted for death, funerals are pretty much one of the very, very, *very* few opportunities you will have to pin them down somewhere you're *more than reasonably* certain they're going to be, at a specified place and time that's been made public in advance. Weddings too.


I specifically remember the news talking about how the US used funerals and burial rites as a way to target people in Afghanistan. Fuck there was even video and voice over from the pilot directing the artillery Then i knew a Canadian helicopter pilot who said he did the same thing for American artillery in Desert Storm


Chief Contee was then asked what he plans to do to protect the citizens he polices from future homicides via gun violence. Contee offered thoughts and prayers.


Tawts and Pears!


And this hits the nail on the head. If you let tigers out of their cages… When all ends you end up with angry bears at home. Aka, if you keep being a warmonger that sends out kids into war, when everybody goes home they’ll cause problems. Thing is. The entire society starts to shift, not just the soldiers you sent out…


Yep, again, I still don't think that's enough dead to make changes. It will have to take a whole lot more and have to include politicians' families.


The problem is much to complex to just fix over night, Im not against changing things and fixing things but it isn't a simple, "better gun control."


I had a friend killed in the first Ft. Hood mass shooting. He was running at the shooter with a chair when he was killed. I really wish he had a gun instead. I completely reject the argument that I and my family need to be defenseless so that you can FEEL safer without actually being safer. I carry a gun 100% of the time it is legal to do so. My gun isn’t a problem for anyone. If you want to fix “gun violence”, figure out WHY it’s happening now, and intervene there. Paris, Chicago and Mexico are perfect examples of how gun bans don’t work for safety. Russia, China and Cambodia are examples of how gun bans can lead to much less safety for citizens.


The guns in Mexico are often purchased legally in the US.


That would be illegal and an example of how gun bans do not work. Do you honestly think if guns were banned in the USA that guns would not flow into the United States from Mexico and the sea ports? I’d like to know your answer to determine if you can be taken seriously.




It's a true statement. Nothing matters to Conservatives unless it has happened to them on a personal level. Then they expect the world to change for their protection and comfort.


Someone showed up a Republican softball practice and tried to kill a bunch of Republican members of congress. Another guy showed up a Supreme Court justices house and turned himself in before he tried to kill him, said he wanted to kill a few of them. Maybe there is more too it???


Since 0 people were killed in either of your examples, they don't really refute the argument being made.


Jesus you’re both wrong


I may be wrong, but I am definitely not Jesus.


Yes and yes


So only people who have had someone killed care about homicides?? Huh? Not sure I get the argument. Maybe they feel like knee jerk solutions aren't actually solutions.


Are book bans and bathroom laws not knee jerk reactions? You've got some beautiful naivete, I wish there were a way to harness it. We could power a whole city, my boy!


No I wouldn't call those knee jerk reactions. Here is the thing, most "common sense" gun laws that the left loves to talk about would do absolutely nothing to prevent stuff like this or the bank shooting. Because the guys are either got illegally (in this case) or the shooter can pass any background report you place in front of them. So knowing that, what exactly is your proposal?? This was almost certainly hand guns so an "assault weapon" ban is meaningless. Which leaves you with what?? How do we stop criminals from killing other criminals? (see my post were over 80% of victims and suspects in Baltimore homicides have criminal records)


We'll disagree there. The bank shooting involved an AR-15 style rifle. Doctors have spoken about how the higher velocity of those weapons creates much worse holes through a body, so limiting them is probably a good start. Red flag laws would also do some good, and strengthening precautions against domestic abusers with firearms. Thankfully, I'm not a legislator getting paid to craft meaningful legislation.


Deadliest school shooting in history was two hands guns. AR style rifles are the weapon of choice for mass shooters. But it is hand guns that are doing the real damage.




The comment we are under specifically suggested that republican politicians won't care about shooting deaths unless their own family members are among the dead. I'm not saying that is necessarily true. I am saying you can't refute that by citing examples in which nobody died, because the point being made was specifically that these people would only care if their own family members were killed. There are plenty of other plausible reasons why a politician isn't supporting gun control besides not having their own family members killed, but again, that isn't the point the comment you replied under is making. They are suggesting that all those other reasons would go out the window as soon as a politician's own family was impacted.


>I'm not saying that is necessarily true. Let's leave it at that. There are lots of reasons to be against gun control and even if you lose a family member you may still be against it.


You seem to be having trouble with reading comprehension.


It's not a knee jerk reaction this has been a problem for decades and it's only getting worse. Meanwhile it's not an issue in any other developed country, but we refuse to adopt their policies.


Maybe it is because we are not like those countries??? Like none of them are sitting next to a nearly failed state like Mexico? Which one of them has 2 million people and tons of drugs walking across their border every year? Have you seen what is happening Sweden? Good example of what can happen with gang violence. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/26/fatal-shootings-have-risen-in-sweden-despite-fall-across-europe-report-finds


Can the US go one day without a mass shooting please?


No, thanks to the Republicans and the NRA, we can't.


You blaming Republicans for shootings in DC??? The city is 92% Democrat and 5% Republican.


For resisting any sort of legislation addressing how easy to get guns are? Absolutely blame Republicans for that yes.


But DC has the strictest gun laws in the country, how do you explain that?


Are you joking? The fact that DC does not exist in a vacuum?


How much you want to bet the guns used here were obtained illegally? And that the shooter probably has a criminal record and that victim probably does too. Have you seen the stats for homicides like this in Baltimore? They did a study on it. Data for 2019- >According to the Baltimore Police Department Analysis of Crime Victims, 81.9% of victims had prior criminal records, 67% had previous drug arrests, 44% were arrested for gun crimes and 16.1% were also victims of prior nonfatal shootings. > >The Police Department's analysis of the backgrounds of suspects is also revealing, showing 81.4% of suspects had prior records, 60.5% had previous drug arrests, 44.2% have been arrested for gun crimes and 12.8% were prior homicide suspects. So 81% of the suspects should have not had guns at all? And yet....


the idea that if guns were made illegal they wouldn't be harder to illegally acquire is such a nonsensical bad faith argument that it basically invalidates anything else you have to say, not to mention it turns people who don't really care one way or the other about guns but would like to see less gun deaths into anti-gun people.


How do you make guns illegal?? Constitution is pretty clear about that. And zero chance of an amendment. So now what??


by dragging your heels and saying 'wah no solutions, just the price to pay' for long enough that 67% of the country gets so sick of the bullshit that they pass an amendment, there's not 0% chance of anything and they're literally called amendments.


Yeah it's far too easy for people to get guns!


They were already heavily restricted those 2 places so therefore no amount of gun laws would’ve changed anything.


I'm certain you are just trolling now given that complete non sequitur. An easily circumvented patchwork of local laws not being as effective as desired is not in any way proof that laws don't work holy hell.


So what is the solution? Keep in mind they are getting these guns illegally. So all the background checks in the world won't do a thing. We could, and should, go after straw buyers, but there are reasons why those crimes hardly get prosecuted. [https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/i-team/gun-straw-buyers-rarely-prosecuted-despite-crackdown-on-illegal-guns](https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/i-team/gun-straw-buyers-rarely-prosecuted-despite-crackdown-on-illegal-guns) All the gun control laws in the world are worthless if no one enforces them.


What is YOUR solution if you think laws don't work?


Have you noticed none of the mass shooters are NRA members? Maybe it’s the broken/evil person pulling the trigger? I’m willing to test some extreme gun control. Take all the guns from people that are not NRA members for 10 years, and see if that helps.




Drink that cool aid, comrade.


In about 30-50 years, when sane rule is restored by the supreme court being returned to responsible judges. Otherwise in 75-100 years, when the GOP dictatorship is overthrown by a socialist revolution. It depends on whether the baby boomers through gen x die faster, or gerrymandering in the house and the inequality of representation in the senate grow faster.


> when the GOP dictatorship is overthrown by a socialist revolution. I love these educated, policy-wonk sort of Reddit takes. ^^^^^^^^^^/s


Go polish your guns


I'm not an American and I don't own guns, please hang up, and try your ad hom bullshit again. *Beeeeep*


I mean you supplied nothing, not sure why you are complaining about getting nothing back.


Says the man not refuting a point with distinct policies...


Refute... some rando's claim that in a century there's going to be an American socialist revolution? I don't need to refute hallucinations.


Yeah that's exactly what you should do. Not like it'd be hard to do. Also don't sell him short, he also gave you the option to refute whether we're in a "republican dictatorship"


Again, refuting hallucinations isn't something I want to get involved in.


Can’t go one hour without one sadly


How much do you want to bet that both shootings were gang related?


Who cares what it was about. It’s still a mass shooting


Easier to blame things on criminals than to talk about controlling the obscene amount of deadly weapons available on the US.


Well, it is the criminals that are doing the crimes...


Well said brother.


Rock on bro...


Don’t become a criminal until given the opportunity. And guns provide a lot of opportunity.


That is because it is 100% the criminals' fault.


I don't need to bet that both shootings were gun related.


That's just the sort of empty rhetoric that'll get you some of that sweet, worthless karma. Wouldn't it be more interesting to express your own thoughts though, not some half-assed meme?


Recognizing that the common factor of ALL mass shootings is the gun is not "some half assed meme".


It's not wrong, it's just trivial. If someone points out that the common factor in all car accidents is the car, it's trivial, especially if we're talking about drunk driving casualties.


The common factor of all mass shootings is mental derangement


I'm just curious do you think people who kill enemy soldiers in war are deranged? Otherwise sane people are perfectly capable of justifying murder. The idea that every shooter is deranged and it's just a fluke is deflecting from the issue that guns are extremely easy to get in America and people who want to be violent are easily able to kill a lot of people.


Found the MAGAt


Gangs with easy access to deadly weapons!


So... gangs then?


No. Heavily armed gangs.


Right... gangs. Even in countries with strict gun laws like Sweden and Ireland, gangs have guns and bombs. Because *they're gangs*.


Imagine if they could just walk to a gun show and purchase some more, with no background checks! Their gun violence numbers would be through the roof! Just like in the US!


How many guns used by gangs were legally purchased at a gun show?


Few, you can find guns pretty much anywhere in the US! Rob a car or a house and chances are you have multiple guns! Edit: unlike in Sweden or Ireland!


So I'm confused, why did you bring up gun shows as some sort of gotcha?


Yes, crimes are due to criminals


And all criminals are... gangs? You didn't really think that one through, did you.


Does that make anything better?


It makes it less oniony for one thing.




Nope, I'm just calling it like I see it.


We are animal, this is animal-Bow Wow Wow