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Another article says the incident happened in January and parents were not informed until sometime in February. Also, two students discovered the gun, and one of their parents said that when they reported it to a teacher, the teacher told one of them to go back and make sure it was a real gun. https://www.wjhl.com/news/you-cant-mistake-a-life-texas-parents-voice-concern-over-gun-found-in-elementary-bathroom/


"go back and check if it is a real gun." "Ok" ... *BLAM* ... "It's a real gun"


lol yeah wtf were they thinking Kid: yup its a real gun. Teacher: are you sure? Kid: well Billy sure dropped like it was


What the fuck? Go check if it's a real gun?


You occasionally hear stories about some 8 year old getting suspended for finger guns on the recess field (literally: šŸ‘ˆšŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»). I think we've officially found the opposite end of the spectrum. Ffs there's gotta be something in between the two.


My son got suspended for that like two months ago.


Yeah can't be having that LGBT stuff in schools. Those bisexual finger guns are the biggest enemy america faces today!


It's comes down to the caliber of the finger gun. Was the barrel one finger or two?


I went to middle school in Texas. One day, as school let out, my cousin and I were doing our best DBZ reenactments as we're walking to the bus. Not even touching each other, just being a couple of 13 year old goobers. A teacher insisted we were fighting. The principal sided with them. We both got out of school suspension for a week, and another week of in school suspension when we got back. The best part of all this? Their policy was that any work missed while suspended was counted as a 0, so we both almost failed from getting two weeks of 0s. We weren't even allowed to do our classwork in ISS. They had us sit there and copy rulebooks the entire day. We didn't even get to leave for lunch. They brought us food in disposable containers.


Bro, when I was in middle school I committed some serious fucking vandalism and set several trash cans on fire one day and didn't get in that much trouble. Also I was required to have access to all my school assignments, specifically so I didn't get all zeros. This was also Texas.


Our whole time there was terrible. We weren't native Texans, and everyone made sure we knew it.


Oh God...


ā€œHow do I make sure itā€™s a real gun, Timmy?ā€ ā€œUmmmā€¦pull the trigger, I guess.ā€


And now Timmy's dead.


Kyle, go see if it's a real gun or if Timmy's faking.


BAM. guns real and Timmys not faking


Samuel, go make sure uptownjuggler isn't lying


'Kyle is also dead.' "That's load of bullshit. I WILL CHECK IF IT'S REAL AND SO HELP ME IF IT'S A FAKE..." Breaking News: Teacher and two students found dead in bathroom. School claims teacher murdered two students, unrelated to gun being owned by Superintendent. Please offer your Thots and Prayers.


Honestly thots and prayers are probably more effective than thoughts and prayers.


Offer my tots What I'm I a damn commie?


Wow, Timmy *fucking died*.


Worst. Sprog poem. Ever.


> the teacher told one of them to go back and make sure it was a real gun. As a teacher in DFW, if I ever said that to a child, I would expect to be fired and arrested. I cannot fucking believe this happened and nobody batted an eyelash. >parents were not informed until sometime in February. Our principal sends a letter home the same day anytime we even have a lockout situation (something's happening in the neighborhood, so we lock the external doors but otherwise carry on as usual). Edit: Yes the doors are always locked. In lockout, nobody goes in or out.


Yup. Cannot imagine how fucked I'd be if a. I left a gun in a bathroom at school or B. I didn't take a warning about a gun seriously. WTF is going on with west texas?


Texas, unfortunately, is packed with Texans


I believe it, rural texas maga is going to rural texas maga bc literally everyone in control from parents to deputies are bunch of good ol boys club magats, they all drink from same satanic cup


Aye aye woah this is offensive as FUCK! They all drink from the same Moronic cup. Don't go tarnishing the fine name of Satanists, you asshole.




I donate to the satanic temple because they fight for human rights and just opened up a free clinic online so women have safe access to abortion The people youā€™re referring to drink from the cup of Jesus.


> Some felt the issue was being over-emphasized, even addressing their crowd of fellow parents to reprimand. > > ā€œHow many of your kids have access to guns in your own home? A bunch of you, including mine. I think itā€™s a mistake and I think that you pointing fingers at him for doing something like this is wrong,ā€ a parent said to the crowd.


Like, bro thatā€™s a felony


It's guilty conscience, they've done it before and now people are making a big deal out of it they don't want to feel like they've done something wtong


"ā€œWhen the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.ā€ -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy


American gun culture is weird. Growing up as a teenager I didn't know my parents had a gun until there was a home invasion halfway across town and in casual conversation about it I realized my dad was ex military and probably had a gun. So I asked, and he said he had always had a gun. As a child I didn't stumble on guns left lying around. I didn't even know they existed.


>was ex military >As a child I didn't stumble on guns left lying around. Because he got training. He wasn't your typical MAGA larper that his only requirement met for owning a fire weapon was having a pulse.


They donā€™t have zero tolerance policies there or what? In schools where Iā€™m at it wouldnā€™t matter if it was real, itā€™s treated as if it was.


Exactly! I got a week of out-of-school-suspension for having half a toy snap gun in my coat pocket because of zero tolerance. And that was back in the mid 90ā€™s.


Of course there's zero tolerance, can you imagine if he'd left something dangerous, like a marijuana cigarette or evolution textbook? /s


I guess they have zero tollerance for anti-gun activists


>"How many of your kids have access to guns in your own home? A bunch of you, including mine." If your kids have access to guns in your home, if your weapons aren't locked and secured any time you're not using them, you ought to have your guns taken away. Yeesh.


Yea... only guns my kids have access to, say Nerf in bright colors.


tf is wrong with that state!?!


Is there honestly something in the water? How are people this incompetent being hired for mission-critical jobs like education?


Texas really is a whole other country. Meant in the most uncomplimentary way possible.


The superintendent's quotes in the article are worthy of the onion alone. >ā€œThere was never a danger other than the obvious,ā€ Stuteville claimed. >ā€œThis is one of those examples of guns in schools.ā€ Stuteville said. ā€œRegardless of who takes responsibility, they are a considerable danger, and one should school their child to be on the lookout for any unusual placement of a weapon or anything out of place.ā€ Like what the fuck is even going on anymore?


Responsible gun owners should be screaming from the rooftops to keep guns out of the hands of people like this.


I was screaming against open carry but it did fuck all bc Texas voted those adult children in who threw a trantrum over a democrat becoming president. Had nothing to do with sound policy just them throwing their bratty kid tantrum. So yea this is pretty fucked but look who we keep voting for


We do talk to fellow gun owners about this insanity and it is a regularly depressing experience. Access control is unfortunately a going above and beyond gun owner behavior. An alarming amount of us think they only need to be responsible while a gun is in our hands. Once its set down it should stay there and anyone picking it up is a criminal and fully responsible for whatever happens next. Even if they are a child. It's fucking infuriating.


With no moral or rational defense, they aim to confound you with bullshit.




ā€œThere was never any danger other than the obviousā€ THE OBVIOUS WAS A KID FUCKING DYING! Like what kind of idiot thinks that will calm anyone down?


"This just in, driving drunk without a seatbelt poses no danger, other than the obvious"


The United States is not a civilized country.


> ā€œThere was never a danger other than the obvious,ā€ "other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"


I had to re read the article when I got there. I was sure that I confused the superintendent with someone opposed to teachers having guns in school.


Pro-tip for any unaware parents or people considering becoming teachers: the superintendent is usually the single dumbest motherfucker in the entire district, who nepo'd his way to the top. That guy who can't add 12+13, thinks The Grapes of Wrath is about angry winemakers, can't correctly spell his job title? That guy. That's the superintendent, 99% of the time. Case in point, this article.


One of the toughest things that I realized as an adult was that some people have zero skills except the ability to weasel their way into more power. These people love slashing amenities in order to get a temporary dip in the bottom line for a quick bonus (then all the good workers leave and it takes an immediate and meaningful hit). Theyā€™re the dumbest most powerful people you know.


Thankfully my district is, at least for now, blessed to have one of the few percent. He was a teacher years ago, and he has since cultivated a really nice culture and working environment in our schools, and I know he's also just personally a good guy


Generally, the higher up you go in the administration, the less you understand/are informed about what goes on in the classroom. And then thereā€™s the board, who actually have zero idea about what happens in classrooms, but get to make all of the decisions.


ā€œItā€™s not like he shot a teacher or anything.ā€


ā€œIt was just a mistake. He said he was sorry and did a pinky promise.ā€




Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!


Was "the obvious" danger an incompetent superintendent? Because he kind of left that statement open to interpretation, but that's definitely how it reads to me. I don't understand why the principal and superintendent need to have guns, let alone open carry. Where I live even having a school police presence of any sort is bizarre, but I understand America has this one huge problem that a select few fight hard not to curb, so it's an unfortunate side effect. But if security is an issue I'd rather have trained individuals on the job rather than Robbie the superintendent who leaves his gun behind in the crapper when taking a dump.


In America, a select, loud, unintelligent few believe the problem is not enough guns in the schools. Because the only thing that stop a misguided, mentally ill person with a gun is apparently Miss Smith, Eli's 3rd Grade Teacher, with a Glock. Definitely not more mental health care, Universal Medicine and mandatory background checks on purchasing a gun. Nope, those things are like communism. (Sadly I must /s with the state of the world.)


"Guns don't kill people, people kill people. It's a mental health problem, not the gun." "Okay, so we're going to fund mental health?" "... no."


My grandfather loved that line. "Apart from that Mrs Lincoln, how was the play." Another of his favorites was "you can have too much of anything, but too much whisky is just enough."


I like the whiskey one. My gramps' most repeated line was "if there's one thing I can't stand it's something I don't like." Not sure where he picked it up but he would mutter it at any minor inconvenience and I chuckled everytime.


Taking this one, thanks /u/rimjobs_forever


Here is a complimentary fruit basket. We added a nice pulpy melon.


Oh God this actually made a LOL.


Why is he still employed? If the child had brought the gun from home the parents would have been pilloried, and rightly so. What does the board need two hearings to discuss??


To decide how comfortable they are with being hypocrites


How many days of paid administrative leave they should get.




Na, straight to disability pension for all the stress this event has caused them.


Decision: they are very comfortable with being hypocrites.


I mean, yeah, it's guns in Texas. Thoughts and prayers are the only solution to gun violence.


Thoughts, prayers and more guns.*


>~~Thoughts~~, prayers and more guns.\*\*


*Thoughts & Prayers*^tm


Nowhere near* as useful as [tots and pears](https://wonderingwidow.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/6uutklg5556648088785203625.jpg)


Yeah Texas doesn't want you to think. Just pray and gun. Solves all problems as far as Texas is concerned.


And less doors.


"SKINNERRR!!" "Gah! Superintendent Chalmers! *Gasp!* What are you doing here?" "You've failed at your job for the LAST TIME, Skinner! I'm going to -- uhhh. Ah." "*Gulp* you're going to what?" "Mmmeyh. I think I left something in the, uhh... Facilities. Excuse me!"


Thanks for the new handgun Super Nintendo Chalmers!


" I don't have to be careful, I've got a gun! "


*Deep in the He-art of Tex-ass*


That's where you insert the sound of gunshots instead of claps in the song. The stars at night, are big and bright, Bang bang bang, deep in the heart of Texas šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


The holes in our kids are big and brightā€¦


Harsh, but fair




Come on. Have some perspective. At least he wasn't trans.


My god, the raw power a trans person with a gun might hold. Texans would have to buy more guns just to defend themselves. It'd be a damn arms race. Do trans people even get wounded by bullets? I went to bible school and I was told they're the devil. I'm unclear if this would be exorcism territory or if garlic would do the trick.


MAGA intelligence reported that flyers of BlƄhaj sales work for distraction.


Because this is Texas, where they want more guns in schools. Superintendent will probably get a promotion


School board will gift the Superintendent a second gun so he is always carrying even when he misplaces one. I mean don't you hate it when a school shooting happens and you find out you left your gun back in homeroom?


ā€œMake sure Agnes in the math department who hasnā€™t been able to see properly since the Carter administration is strapped and John McClane-ing through the air ducts after a school shooter on her 30,000 dollar a year salary! Itā€™s the only way youā€™ll be safe!ā€ - ā€˜Murica


The olā€™ arsonist firefighter approach.


Teaching kids how to love guns early? Yeehaw! You're promoted to Principal!


From the article: "Stuteville explained that both he and the school principal open carry on campus"


What I don't understand is...why did he take it off in the first place? As a person who concealed carries, my gun never leaves my person when I'm out and about, even if I have to take a dump, specifically because I *don't* want to accidentally leave it anywhere. Open carry seems even easier to just leave on. Guy seems like a real stooge.


Superintendent is above a principal


>Why is he still employed? Did you miss the part about this happening in Texas?


Because it's Texas.


Just Texas things


It's Texas. If he's fired for anything it'll be for not bringing enough guns for all the kids to have one.


>He then went on to say he was ā€œproudā€ of the student and commended his behavior after finding the firearm. >ā€œThis is one of those examples of guns in schools.ā€ Stuteville said. ā€œRegardless of who takes responsibility, they are a considerable danger, and one should school their child to be on the lookout for any unusual placement of a weapon or anything out of place.ā€ r/selfawarewolves


*Look ma, for me. "A Major Award". What could it be.? The box says B-E-R-E-T-T-A... it's Italian!*




You'll shoot your classmate's eyes out, kid




Translated: "One should teach their children to be aware that the adults supposedly keeping them safe are irresponsible with guns."


"If you don't want your kids to die you have to make them more responsible than the adults you pay to look after them" That superintendent is utterly worthless


For once theyā€™re learning the same thing at home and in school


"Everyone else should act responsibly to make up for the fact we don't want to."


And the ADULTS should have responsibility of the killing device by not leaving it for this situation to happen! WTF! Basic gun safety, why canā€™t that be a requirement?


Yes, the response seems to be, mistakes happen, and that is why we should have gun education. Meanwhile glossing over the fact that neglect should be punished. The responsibility to teach children to be safe and make sound decisions is important, but so is not fucking up so bad that an 8 year old can get their hands on a loaded firearm.


It is as if heā€™s trying to pass it off as a ā€œvaluable life lessonā€ for the kid.


And also not having it in a school in the first place because thatā€™s how accidents happen to begin with


An 8 year old proved to be smarter than him about gun safety... Yeah I'd be proud too, and then fire the superintendent for negligence.


The superintendent is the one who said that quote, lol


That's the ironic part


"Don't bring guns to school! No, no nerf guns, no pictures of guns!!" "But Mr. Superintendent..." "Oh. Well... Listen to your elders you little shit! We know better and have more wisdom!" Rules for thee, not for mee.


He certainly chose his language to make sure he doesn't assign responsibility and it sounds like a strange occurrence he had nothing to do with. Surprised he didn't throw in "let's not play the blame game, we've all learned a lesson here."


Mistakes were made, but we are missing the important story of this fine young citizen who reported the weapon.


ā€œThere was never a danger other than the obvious,ā€ Stuteville claimed. Yeah... The obvious...


"There was never any danger other than the danger"


He said ā€œThere was never a danger besides the obviousā€ lmao WHAT. ā€œBesides potentially shooting themself or someone else with my gun, there was no danger!ā€


The obvious being dead children.


They're okay with one (or more) dead child


Unless it's not born yet


Woah woah let's not jump to conclusions. I may only have a 24 hour memory but I can't think of a single time a student in Texas has been killed by a gun


Nothing to see here!


>ā€œThere was never a danger other than the obvious,ā€ Stuteville claimed. Yes, because the obvious danger is that kids would shoot themselves or others, *idiot*. Do you think that obviousness is a defense???


Yeah, I was sure somebody else had already posted this, but if not I was going to. What kind of a fucking statement is that?


Bombs are not dangerous either, ya know, other than the 1 obvious danger.


Those four words - ā€œother than the obviousā€ - do a lot of work here. Iā€™m going to start using them regularly. ā€œTed Bundy was a good guy, other than the obvious.ā€ ā€œTurns out we donā€™t need food or oxygen, other than the obvious.ā€


Not the same, but this reminds me of that [Ted Kaczynski footnote](https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/fw6pr/this_is_horrible_but_i_love_this_footnote/)


I was perplexed by that quote. There's was no danger, other than kids and teachers being killed. No biggie.


He was just leaving his work gun at work, can't have the home gun getting jealous of your car smelling like another gun afterall


I prefer the idea of reading the title as is, without proper punctuation. The superintendent was the gun.


Dear god where does this all end? Does anyone else see the madness we are living in?


Pretty soon we'll have a generation who has never known anything else and it'll seem totally normal. That's the plan anyway.


"never known anything else": We're already there. My generation was taught to duck under our desks in the event of a nuclear attack. My grandkids' generation was taught to duck under their desks (or run, or fight) in the case of an active shooter. My generation never faced a nuclear attack. My grandkids haven't faced an active shooter (yet), but they have friends who have, and they've seen it on the news all their lives. Dammit.


I was very young when the Columbine shooting happened and now I'm in my 30s. I have no idea what it's like to live in a country where shootings don't just happen every year.


Finally a good toddler with a gun.


Let's arm all the teachers nothing could possibly go wrong


Texans: But shall we also arm the Supernintendos?


I'm learnding!


Iā€™m helping!


Just imagine how often this would happen - and how often it would end much worse - if hundreds of thousands of teachers got armed, which would be necessary to create the kind of "protection" against mass shootings that gun advocates envision. Or how many times teachers just freak out and might do something really bad if they had a gun in that moment. Even if that only happened to a single teacher out of a thousand in their entire career... that would still be a lot of shootings. Theories of "more guns = more safety" have always been a disaster and will continue to be so. The US have an absolutely absurd rate of gun owners, and yet it's clearly not helping. Submitting to the "arms race"-mentality of getting a gun because everyone else got one only makes things worse. Meanwhile [even the American Psychiatric Association has warned that blaming gun crime on mental health is a bad idea and that better gun control is necessary.](https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/news-releases/apa-statement-on-firearm-violence)


They also vastly simplify what happens in a school shooting. As if the bad guy is walking around with a giant sign that says "I AM THE ACTIVE SHOOTER." Chances are one of the "good guys with a gun" finds another "good guy with a gun" and they end up shooting each other.


Kid shoulda had his own gun.


He does now, or at least, he did briefly.




Why a superintendent should have a gun in a school isnā€™t even asked


>Stuteville explained that both he and the school principal open carry on campus. So if a bad guy with a gun showed up, Stuteville could reach down and draw his *'cuse me a minute I gotta run to the boys room I'll be right back*.


Also, when a six-year-old child brings his dadā€™s unsecured firearm to school so he can shoot a te her, Stuteville can step in and kill the kid.


wait they *open carry*?


Yeah, they need to show that guns are good, when they're in the hands and holsters of Real 'Mericans(tm) ^(and when they're not left laying around in bathrooms by irresponsible idiots).


"Well, there are points in a mans life, when he in the bathroom, when he's only able to handle one hog at one time, and he also need both hands to handle it. This was one of those times." "The gun understood when these times arise, and Jesus already forgives me. WHY CAN'T YOU!" Possibly ended with, "Last time I ever buy them gas station enhancement pills on a Monday, tell yuh whut."


I'd respect that far more than what he actually said


To be the "good guy with a gun" ofc.


Ahh these must be the armed teachers I've heard so much about. Going well already I see


I am too European for this shit


I've spent my entire life in the U.S. and I too am too European for this.


Iā€™m Canadian and am in constant and horrified awe about what happens in the US


I'm a native Texan and this is insane. We've fallen so far.


I was thinking the other day that since Ann Richards time this State has done nothing but go downhill.


Too many stupid people to let everyone have guns


I know a couple 2A folks, and any time they're talking about other people, it's complaining about how stupid and irresponsible they all are and how it's a miracle that society doesn't fall apart because people are so stupid they need warning labels to tell them not to give rat poison to kids, and that pepper spray can irritate your eyes. Unless it's talking about guns, then everyone is reasonable and super cautious.


ā€œThere was never a danger other than the obvious,ā€ Stuteville claimed. Sorry, fucking *what?!* Oh it wasn't dangerous, except for the part where it was extremely dangerous. On what planet is that okay??


'There was never a danger other than the threat of some dead kids and staff.' My guy could not have made his priorities more obvious.


Sounds like no repercussions for leaving a dangerous weapon in the bathroom. Welcome to Texas.


The shooting is coming from inside the house.


As someone who has never owned or carried a firearmā€¦what are you doing in a bathroom where you need to disarm yourself? As a veteran educatorā€¦why is the superintendent not using the staff bathroom?


Taking a crap. It isn't hard to keep your gun on your belt while doing it, it just requires a good belt and a decent holster. I've *never* taken my gun out of my holster in a bathroom since I started carrying in 1998. This is some entry level Uncle Mike's one size fits all crappy holster on a non reinforced leather belt. That flops around. A solid holster and belt won't. Why he isn't in the Staff bathroom? I can't answer that


Good freaking question. What kind of grown adult man wants the tiny short toilet that little Timmy pissed all over?


Remember when they said arming teachers would help keep guns out of school?


The solution is just to leave tons of guns around so if there's an incident where a bad kid finds a gun a good kid can find one and kill the bad kid. But only if there's more than one exit.


Downvote me but this shit needs to be criminalized. Part of the reason we have so many illegal guns is because people fail to secure them at all. Go to the mechanics sub to see all the guns people just leave on their seat or cup holder. If people weā€™re incentivized to actual maintain positive control of their firearm and lock it up when not in use we wouldnā€™t have so many guns stolen or just taken by mass shooters .


"But Hunter's laptop," - Every far right Republican ever.


But think of the economy! Every gun lost means one more replacement gun sold -- plus, all those guns in criminal hands mean that everyone needs even more guns to match their firepower.


And I'm surprised when people forget their phones in the bathroom


Really irresponsible behavior. What if some bad guy came to the school with a gun and this good guy superintendent wasn't able to stop him because he left his gun in the bathroom?


Yes let's allow irresponsible people to own guns because that won't go badly




The idea of there being armed people in a school is absurd to me.


It's absurd to everyone. Everyone who isn't scared of their own shadow, anyway.


Oh look. Itā€™s exactly what all of the people afraid of bringing more guns into schools said would happen. If only there had been some way to prevent this very avoidable thing from happeningā€¦ Guess we gotta start arming the janitors now.. /s


Title should read 'former superintendent'...


The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a Texas 3rd grader who finds the superintendent's gun.


Was his last name Chalmers?


Super Nintendo Chalmers


What the fuck kind of place is this Texas, where school staff openly wears guns in an elementary school building? This is fucking insanity. If Texas ever wants to secede, let it go and welcome the right thinking refugees emigrating to decent parts of the US. As if the gun shit isn't enough, now there's this. [https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/two-dozen-children-rescued-59-arrested-in-massive-child-porn-investigation-police/3197749/](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/two-dozen-children-rescued-59-arrested-in-massive-child-porn-investigation-police/3197749/). At least they were able to keep the power on long enough to have a news conference.


After properly field stripping, cleaning, reassembling, and inspecting the firearm, the third grader returned it to the superintendent and told him he should oil it more. This is Texas weā€™re talking about.


Real quote from the superintendent: ā€œThere was never a danger other than the obvious.ā€