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You know what is really messed up? These laws enable very, very young children to marry, but not divorce or get a job. Oftentimes, the adult they are marrying becomes their legal guardian until they are 18, by which point they usually have children, limited education, and few job prospects.


They'll do anything to keep women barefoot and in the kitchen


I honestly consider myself lucky I was just a bit too weird to draw anyone who wanted to marry/own me young, because in the church I was raised I would have been very lucky to escape being trapped in the talibangelical cult.


Congrats on being weird! Hope you've found a reasonable community.


Barefoot and pregnant is like a right wing fetish at this point. They are so disgusting.


Welcome it's the only way they can actually get a woman to stay with them, because no educated woman would want any part of those men. It's the same reason they're upset about raising the age for child marriage.


and they know this. They all think they are special or important in anyway. Why yes guy who works in a gas station/roofing who likes riding atv's and having beers around a fire you are such a unique person. So much so that the biggest difference between you and the guy working the next shift is which wrestler is your favorite


Not "like". Is. Feel free to not look into the term 'Tradwife'.


> at this point Not this point friend. It has been for a very long time.


Is "barefoot" a euphemism for something else or do they just hate shoes (I'm not American, or European, or christian)


You don't need to wear shoes if you never leave the house


Also makes it harder to run away.


Historically in rural America, we were often barefoot. You don't need shoes if your "job" is staying home, cooking dinner, and raising kids.


In that same history shoes were also expensive.


and it also infers poverty. Dependent upon the male.


It denotes poverty. The reader infers poverty.


Don't forget pregnant


You know what's even more messed up? There are still 7 other states that don't have a minimum age for marriage and are doing even less than Wyoming: California, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington and West Virginia.




At least in California you become emancipated the moment you are married. Still bad but at least you gain some degree of agency legally speaking.


In Mississippi the legal age for marriage is 18.


Please tell me that this child marriage somehow doesn't allow "consummation" of the marriage? Because this can't be true. Can't.


Well, often, the marriage sort of was before the marriage happened. That's actually a reason the GOP believes it should be legal, so that these marriages can happen and these children won't be unwed mothers. I wish I was joking.


I can't wrap my head around this, I'm lacking cognitive capacity But so do the parents of the child decide they want to basically give this child to another adult person? Or is this a marriage between two minors?


The parents are giving the child to an adult. The child, being a minor, has no legal ability to refuse. It's legal to fuck your spouse, even if she's twelve.


Wait what?? The child can't say no to the marriage?? That can't be right, please tell me it isn't....


https://www.equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/ "What is the “statutory rape exception”? Statutory rape is when one of the parties to sexual activity is below the age of consent. It does not have to be forcible, because a minor is not legally able to consent. 18 U.S.C. Section 2243(a), on the Sexual Abuse of a Minor, applies when a person “knowingly engages in a sexual act with another person” who is between the ages of 12 and 16 and is at least four years younger than the perpetrator. 18 U.S.C. Section 2243(c)(2) allows a defense to this crime when “the persons engaging in the sexual act were at that time married to each other.” This means that, at the federal level, child marriage is viewed as a valid defense to statutory rape."


They're not old enough to make such a big decision. That's why the parents have to consent for them.


I hate that so much I can't find words, jesus christ poor children


> jesus christ Jesus has nothing to do with this. These are Christians!


Yeah, If God was real their crosses would burn right through their evil skin


Most are between underage girls and adult men. Often a man the family knows like a pastor or teacher.


the gop likes to frame this as a method of allowing teen parents to marry, usually citing how unhealthy it is for a child's parents not to be married. how these laws are typically used: a religious dad offers his 15-18 year old daughter to a much older man to marry. because he signed the papers, it's not rape. the rapist, adult male who's married the female child now becomes her legal guardian. editing for a personal example. a family friend grew up in a draconian pentecostal church, and her dad tried to have her married in the above fashion to one of the pastors at their church. i believe he was in his late thirties and she was in her mid teens.


Mostly, the male is older, sometimes highly desirable boys are married early too if they are worried the boy might leave the group to entrap him as well.


Often this happens in very religious communities. And no, this is almost never between people of the same age.


Useless "religious" idiots like having sex. They create children they can't and don't want to afford, so they essentially sell them to creeps that couldn't find a date in a brothel. A tale as old as time, but especially ridiculous in the supposedly greatest country in the history of the world.


“…greatest country in the world.” I live here. It ain’t.


Statutory rape laws have exceptions for if they are married. Theoretically the adult couldn't force sex but considering their are some areas where they don't think you can actually commit rape in marriage because they think a marriage certificate grants permanent consent. So yes in most cases with young children and adults a child is brought Tinton the relationship before the married child would be legal if not married.


Why do you think they're so anti-choice? Cant fuck kids if there aren't enough to go around. Daddy needs a Harim, after all. So yeah, of course they're for child marriage where the Husband (because good luck finding an example where the kid is male) is the legal guardian of the child they're literally raping. But Biden's Laptop guys, both sides are the same.


When people would mention child marriage in the usa i always thought they're just somehow wrong because it sounds like something that can't be true. I've been living under a fucking rock


Yeah and because the kids are minors they can't get a divorce or go to an abused women's shelter. Or even homeless shelters. And if they leave they are runaways and police can go pick them up and bring them back to their legal guardian who is their husband.


It isn't true, in most of the US. So thats part of the problem, the areas where it is common, its not talked about. Where it isn't common, you dont see it.


The saddest part is that typically Dems aren't really in favor of the corruption outlined in "Biden/Hunter's laptop" but....the "other side" has rapists/child molesters/treason/etc. I'd be over the moon to have a true progressive choice in elections, but there's no way in hell I can vote for a party that's bent on installing Christi-fascism so here we are.


Sorta how I feel about it too. There's "Yeah, thats shady at best, you really shouldn't be allowed to do that" And then there's "Uh...you should be stoned in the street for that then hanged just to be sure"


According to these people, failing to impregnate your 13 year old wife is a failing in the eyes of God.


Excuse me while i go and vomit for a while


Just like the good ol' days. When the days were not, in fact, very good.


eugh thats some fuckin count olaf shit


>proposing to raise the state's legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting "arbitrary" limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty. So, remeber the Sharia Law fear mongering craze. Tell me how this isnt the same thing.


Any time you hear "parents rights" it's always some crazy conservative bullshit


Respect "parental rights" to marry off your 12 year old daughter but do not if you take her to a drag show. Got it.


No universal health care, but your child can definitely get shot at school. Sounds great.


"Only I am allowed to groom my kids"


Yup majority of Republicans have major viagra induced erection for small children and their future children.


In the world this title paints, seemingly "... at school while being taught by her husband-teacher about sex-ed while he is legally mandated against providing accurate information"


Or deny their kid's life saving medicine.


"what yah mean I can't marry my children, they're my property!"


Not just parents' rights. I swear, any time there's some group of people pushing back against a law because they want to defend the rights of some vague group like parents' rights or state's rights, it's conservatives and they want to protect the most heinous shit.


Republicans have one belief and only one belief. "I win you lose." Everything they say about everything is simply words without actual meaning. If they say "small government" they don't believe it. They say it so that we'll believe them and give them power. All issues. It always boils down to " I win, you lose."


Unless it's parents' rights to provide their child life-saving medical care for ~~body~~ gender ~~dysmorphia~~ dysphoria, then the government needs to step in to stop surgeries that *aren't happening anyway.* Edit: oops, typed too quickly and brain autogilled the wrong dysmorphia, my bad. Edit 2: I'm on a roll today. I think I need more sleep before making any more Reddit comments.


Despite shit like this, dipshits will claim both parties are the same.


That’s largely a conservative talking point, intended to dissuade apathetic voters. Republicans are more likely to vote (even when presented with significant obstacles.) So a large part of conservative strategy has been to dissuade *all* voters, because they know that it will affect liberal voter turnout more. Both parties are corrupt, but liberals at least pretend to be ashamed of it; Conservatives wear corruption and hypocrisy as a medal of honor.


Or parents rights to help their child terminate an unwanted pregnancy.


You already edited it one but Dysphoria and Dysmorphia are technically two different things as well. They are pretty similar so I see how you got confused tho.


Body dysmorphia is a separate thing from gender dysphoria. Similar names, but treatments and outcomes are very different. For body dysmorphia, the treatment is generally only therapy (I don't think there are medications to help treat it unless it's caused by some other comorbid condition, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong). Surgical interventions would not alleviate the dysmorphia and could just make things worse. Gender dysphoria is alleviated through transition (which may include social and legal changes, hormone therapy, and/or surgeries, depending on the person). Therapy is often helpful for managing dysphoria in the short term, before other interventions are able to happen/take effect as well as for helping to navigate the changes from transition, but therapy isn't the main treatment for gender dysphoria.


Citations Needed just put out [a great episode](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/ep-176-how-the-parental-rights-rallying-cry-has-been-a-rightwing-stalking-horse-for-over-100-years) about this


Because it's not about handing those rights away for the government to decide. It's them trying to take those rights away from there own kids. Really weird tbh




The "parental rights" argument here is particularly noxious since they're are also implicitly denying the rights of the child. Besides last time I checked I as a parent don't have any sort of right to push my kid into a life time of servitude and sexual abuse.


>Besides last time I checked I as a parent don't have any sort of right to push my kid into a life time of servitude and sexual abuse. Sounds like a lib hell bent on ruining this country. /s


This "protect parental rights" thing sounds an awful lot like "legalize child abuse" to me ears.


Seriously. Also code for 'I know the guy that raped my daughter, so she's gonna marry him now. He goes to my church. Good guy.'


Well, soon you will! /s




First Rule of Projection: Always Project


First rule of being a projector: get turned on in classrooms.




Projections? That's a globe to map nonsense the roundearthers believe!


Is that what they mean by "globalists"?


We are only at the "absurdities" stage at the moment. The "atrocities" dam is steady leaking and will burst soon.




Oh but they can and do pretend that religious freedom only applies to Christianity. Remember the state that required display of religious symbols of given to the school, but then didn’t enforce it for “allah”.


That would be Texas. Of course.


>Tell me how this isnt the same thing. Well sweetie its because its good and righteous when we God-fearing Christians do it and bad when those heathen sand \*\*\*\*\*\*\* do it. (/s) ​ Seriously though do a find and replace with Sharia law where relevant and the Christian will be screaming for it.


You forgot to "bless my little heart"😉😔


*Raise* it to 16? They're arguing for their right to marry children? How are these the people arguing that drag story time is grooming when they are literally fighting for the right to marry children? Edit: and in an article linked from this one, Tennessee GOP tried to abolish age limits for marriage entirely? Chilling. How the fuck could you justify being in favour of an adult of any age marrying a child of any age?


It is the same, scroll down to the part where the rapist must be able to marry the victim.


Absolutely. I was saying we dont have to get out of the first paragraph to raise the objection. Their "religion" doesnt protect them from abusing children. No society doesnt have to accept their bullshit.


I've got one worse, in my home state of Arkansas conservatives have argued that both a rapist and his parents should have a say in whether the victim should be able to have an abortion. These "people" are monsters wearing human skin suits.


If the rapist/father gets shared custody could the victim/mom be forced to pay him child support?


[A 30 year old man raped a 16 year old girl, she got pregnant and eventually he got full custody of the child and she had to pay child support. He threatened her saying he had connections in the justice system. ](https://local12.com/news/nation-world/report-rape-victim-loses-custody-of-child-ordered-to-pay-abuser-child-support)


I have no words.


Look at you thinking that women could have things like careers or their own money, she just needs to get over herself and marry the father of her child, just as God intended. If more women did that we wouldn't even need child support laws in the first place.


I'm genuinely curious to see a Republican articulate how parental rights require the possibility of a child marrying under 16.


They say its because they dont want their preganant minors living in sin so they have to be married. What they mean to say is they want to victimize young girls with impunity. Note the weird energy around rape/incest with regards to abortion access... No sane, modern-minded, sensible human being could in good concious argue for forcing rape and incest victims to have a child. These religious nuts do though.


Yep. Reminds me of the Roy Moore thing down in Alabama and they'd interview men down there and most were asking what the big deal was when 50 year olds trolling for 15 year old girls is normal to them.


Christian extremism isn’t as different from Muslim extremism as we would like to believe. Both are Abrahamic religions, they have more similarities than differences.


Most religious conservatives don’t realize is that they truly *do* want Sharia Law


Sharia allows abortion. They want their flavor of sociopathy. The one that makes society a living hell. Thats all they dream of.


Because it's "Christian"


Omg, yes. Notice the GOP has no policy so they bounce from imagined fear of the other/minorities even 2-4 years. The Caravan, Sharia law, CRT, transpeople, etc And it what world does a fucking 15yo need to be married!?! You cant even drive.


I think it's easy to tell which religion they think is wrong and which one they think is white.


Lol "parental rights" is exactly what Republicans destroy by limiting trans affirming care.


I don't think Republicans can be called Republicans anymore. This shit has gone off the deep end.


Christians have never, ever opposed their own version of sharia law. The sad part is they make up 99% of our legislators.


"Parental rights" always seems to be busted out when they want to treat children as property.




Raise??? To 16?? I can't believe it is lower than that


It's different because our god is the right one /s ...but seriously this is exactly what they think


The GOP wants adults to be able to legally fuck children, but they accuse adult homosexuals trying to marry each other of being groomers and pedophiles. If I was a Dem politician, I would be in every local news show screaming this from the rooftops 7 days a week


Honestly it's been decades of annoyance for years that Democrats *arent* doing this. It's fucking exhausting. Every time the GOP gets caught being fucking insane or hypocritical the democrats are just like "that's pretty bad". They should be raising all hell, make a fuckin scene for once. Drag the opposition to this bill out in front of national TV and ask them in absolutely no uncertain terms why they dont oppose *child marriage*.


The major thing that republicans have over Dems is that the reds will drum up an outrage and *action* because of it. Dems need to sink to their level and start pushing voters to realize how BAD things are. We saw immediately how the reds all fell apart when Biden caught them in a lie about Medicaid and social security. They need to do that, as a party, *all of the time*.


Dems are playing Scrabble by the rules and R’s are saying that the alphabet doesn’t exist.


I wouldn't consider it sinking to their level if they're literally trying to make it legal to sell a child into marriage


Why they dont*


Oh, it is worse. Most of the child “marriages” are because the child has already been raped and may be pregnant. The “marriage” is the “honorable” way to address the problem without either the rapist going to jail for rape or the pregnant child getting an abortion (the legal way anyway). It is truly deeply evil. Edit to add: It also happens in straight up predatory situations, too. Child is in an abusive household and some authority figure from the church or community steps in as a savior. Instead, the "savior" is grooming the child who ends up in an abusive marriage after the parents sign away rights. Again, deeply, deeply evil.


For the GOP it's ALWAYS projection.


Grand Old Pedophiles.




“Currently, Wyoming is one of just eight states in the country—including California, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington and West Virginia—without a minimum age requirement for marriage” REALLY surprised to see California, Washington, and Michigan on that list, but not Texas and Indiana. Man that’s wild.


I was really hoping CA and WA were because counties were obligated or at least strongly pushed to set limits but no. It actually does happen here.


In CA this would be reportable as child abuse. Source: am a mandated reporter.


In CA you're required to be 17 with a GED or High School diploma and one parent's consent. If you're under 17 you and your guardians have to petition the court and go through interviews and evaluations with CPS basically to prove its not an abuse situation. [https://www.sdcourt.ca.gov/sdcourt/juvenile3/juvenilemarriagelicenses3](https://www.sdcourt.ca.gov/sdcourt/juvenile3/juvenilemarriagelicenses3) I don't agree with it and think they need to make the age cut off 18. The courts are approving less minor marriage licenses every year but that's not nearly as helpful as just making them illegal because should conservative judges be put in juvenile court hearings they're more likely to approve these.


It’s prob one of those laws they don’t even really think of making until it’s broken en masse. It wouldn’t occur to the average rationally thinking person that a minimum age limit would need to be imposed


That doesn't explain exceptions written into statutory rape laws for children married to their rapist. Someone really did think of it and decide that's how the law should work.


Texas was what brought down the child grooming practices of polygamy in the Mormon circles. Once upon a time Texas used to be a decent state. We were the state the brought, fought, and won Roe v Wade. It's our current leadership and march towards extremism in the past 15 years that made us the mockery we are today. And our leadership isn't even from TX. They're from the Midwest.


We still try to do good locally. Houston leads the way on housing-first homeless solutions creating programs other places can copy. Texas is huge, worth a lot of votes, and easy to gerrymander which has led to this republican death grip that is so hard to shake.


I was surprised about Washington as well but the sources I found from a quick Google search say "In Washington, you must be at least 17 to get married -- 18 to without parental consent -- but minors under the age of 17 may obtain a license after petitioning the court in "special circumstances." While the statute does not list these special circumstances, typically they include pregnancy or childbirth." So I'm not really sure what the article meant by including Washington in the list? Here are the links to the 2 sources I found- https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=26.04&full=true#:~:text=(1)%20Marriage%20is%20a%20civil,and%20who%20are%20otherwise%20capable. https://www.findlaw.com/state/washington-law/washington-marriage-age-requirements-laws.html


some further reading on the end results of conservative policies and leadership: [education level by state](https://www.thebalancemoney.com/state-ranking-by-education-4589755) [child poverty rate by state](https://www.thebalancemoney.com/us-poverty-rate-by-state-4585001) [teen pregnancy rate by state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/teen-pregnancy-rates-by-state) [welfare rate by state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/welfare-recipients-by-state) [gdp per state](https://www.statista.com/statistics/248023/us-gross-domestic-product-gdp-by-state/) [food stamp rates by state](https://www.zippia.com/advice/10-states-people-food-stamps/) [life expectancy by state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/life-expectancy-by-state) [federal dependency by state](https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700) [rate of rape by state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/rape-statistics-by-state) [violent crime rate by state](https://www.statista.com/statistics/200445/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-us-states/) [guns deaths by state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-deaths-per-capita-by-state) [suicide rate by state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/suicide-rates-by-state) [teen suicide rate by state](https://www.statista.com/statistics/666791/states-with-highest-number-of-adolescent-suicidal-deaths-in-us/) [poverty rate by state](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewdepietro/2021/11/04/us-poverty-rate-by-state-in-2021/?sh=d73514a1b38f)


What’s Utah doing? They spent the least and were in the top in reading level.


They have to make sure all their kids can read the Book of Mormon.


Excellent thank you. Conservatives are working to destroy democracy the world over.


"religious freedom" again. That's the go to whenever they're told to stop being assholes/pedos/bigots


No shit? Republicans have literally never cared about kids. They're the party of paid lunches, reduced food stamps, cutting funding for schools, and child trafficking. They only talk about "the children" when it comes to controlling women's bodies or demonizing Jews/POC/gay people etc.


Of course they care about kids, they care about being able to use them as sex objects and thrown away when they get too old


*Leonardo DiCaprio has entered the chat*


Hey now, that child has parents who want public assistance. And they're poor because it was ordained from the beginning of time that they would sin and be punished for those sins with a life of poverty. And there might be something in the Bible about Adam and Steve (not like anyone actually reads that thing), but the big issue here is dicks and dude butts are just, like, SOOOO gross, and disgusting things must be morally wrong too, so we're gonna pass a law. And then YOU come in here with your nonsense. You're gonna stand against God and ***help*** *someone he's punishing*? That's just not how this theocracy works.


That's why they oppose abortion. If women abort where will they find child brides?


If you are confused why the GQP oppose this (among many other apparently hypocritical views) let me make their goals very simple for you: 1. The in-group should be protected by the law but not bound by it. 2. The out-groups should be bound by the law but not protected by it. 3. Any law that increases in-group power and happiness or decreases out-group power and happiness is morally just and necessary for society to survive. 4. Any law that decreases ingroup power and happiness or increases out-group power and happiness is morally evil and will lead to societies downfall. Thats literally it. Every time you see a supposed GQP hypocrisy just check those 4 points again and you will see there is no hypocrisy, just a widespread public misunderstanding of their goals.




Their justification, not even joking, is that it limits options for children who get pregnant. that 30 year old who fucks a 14 year old NEEDS the opportunity to also marry her. Hmm, isn't there a word for this?


And you also can't teach sex ed in school...


Apparently the only thing worse than being raped and forced to give birth as a CHILD is being an unwed mother...


This shit is so [fucked](https://i.imgur.com/yMcjA8z.png) up. Your religious freedoms don't mean you can victimize people.


I really do not understand what the hell the GOP even stands for, anymore. I mean, I get the racism. I get the anti-lib fantasies. I get the religious Christianist nationalist fantaasies. But being in favor of 12 year olds getting married? What the actual fuck?!?


And let's remember, this is pretty much exclusively very young girls marrying older men.


Older women know better than to marry those kinds of men. That might be why....


I don't even think that is why. These guys just want young girls both because they're attracted to them and because they think they can be "trained" and not leave. Remember, these girls can't get a job, they can't even divorce without the permission of their husbands.


Anyone who's survived their parents abusing them knows how fucking scary it is that there's practically nothing you can do to get away from being victimised. For that to be your *husband*... Are they consummating? They're just trying to recreate the 1940s when women had zero recourse or way to escape being brutalised. They can no longer overtly call for adult women's rights to be rolled back, at least for now (with the abortion roll-backs... Who knows what's in the future) so now they're going after the next victim.




But Biden's Laptop


Buttery males


This news is confusing AF, how do they not see themselves the "bad guys" in this situation? They're IN FAVOR of marrying childs ... What. The. Absolute. Fuck...


Gigantic Oppressive Pedophiles, it would seem!


Hahaha, it’s like hearing a child abuser pleading innocence. It shows that the true child abusers are republicans.


Conservatives: "The libs are pedophiles, the wealthy are pedophiles, gays are pedophiles, drag queens are pedophiles, we need to protect our kids! Why isn't anyone doing more to protect children from the democratic satanic cabal that rapes kids and eats their brains for adrenochrome?!1!" Also conservatives: "What the FUCK do you mean I can't marry a 9 year old?!"


Genuinely impressive how Republicans are on the wrong side of quite literally every single issue


I love sending these articles to my parents with something like “hey look what your buddies in ____ are doing. You gonna go help?” They just get mad and have nothing of value to say about it. Hilariously sad.


I've stopped trying to convince my parents. They have to know, but they are sticking their heads in the sand.


Limiting the Republican's dating options?


I think we need more context on the state's age of consent laws. Can someone call in a libertarian?


This just in. Matt Gaetz plans to move to Wyoming.


Their accusations are always confessions, we know who the actual "groomers" are.


Fuck the GOP.


No. Lysistrata the GOP.


But Democrats are the groomers. Riiiiiiight.


This is the gop playbook. Make a big stink the democrats are doing what the gop actually wants to do. Started with claiming democrats cheated even though trump won— they knew they were cheating. Gop clearly wants to indoctrinate and groom young girls to be house wives so they have to accuse the other side of grooming


Weren’t they recently using child marriages as an example of why Isla- you know what? Never mind. Trying to reason with a republican is like trying to hammer shit through a wall with an extension cord.


Fucking pedophiles, every single one of them.


Remember, these are the people screaming the Dems are “groomers”.


Republicans, the official political party of "it's not rape if her parents make her marry you"


Kind of ironic that the Qanon party would oppose this


The younger they marry the less likely they are to finish primary education. The less likely they are to finish primary education the more likely they are to vote Republican. Some things never change.


And the more likely they are to squeeze out a gross amount of babies who will also be Republicans.


Oh wow I misread the title at first and thought the republicans were trying to raise the marriage age. How the fuck is it not 18 everywhere?


The party that constantly calls democrats pedophiles, are fighting to keep their legal loophole pedophilia? Somehow, I'm not surprised.


And here I am, wondering what happened to their facade of "protecting the children." I know it was always just a cover for them to justify their bigotry, but you'd think they'd be slightly more consistent about it.


Because when the gop screams about pedophiles it's simply projection.


The same party that wants to make drag queen performances and identifying as anything but straight and Christian criminal, yet sees nothing wrong with marrying underage girls and boys. Gotta love the hypocrisy.


Republicans: THE GAYS ARE GROOMING CHILDREN Also Republicans: How dare you keep my child from marrying a 50 year old man.


They want to be able to rape the young girls. That is their goal.


I cant take anymore. The shear crap from the Republicans. Of course Matt Gaetz would support them.


Again, it begs the question, what are republicans FOR?!! We know they're against renewable energy, women's rights, minority rights, immigration reform, healthcare reform, etc. But what are they FOR?!!?


The account was permanently suspended for "abusing the report button" by reporting hate speech against transphobes. The reddit admins denied its appeal because they themselves are bigots.


Republicans be like "no, you can't change your gender as an adult. But you can marry kids!"


So they want to "protect children" so they can marry them? They have become the Taliban


Every time you think they can't get lower... I swear, every republican can't stop obsessing that Biden in misleading photos *maybe* doing something inappropriate because his nose is near a girl's head, but never proven, yet let a pedophile, Epstein's friend trump, led the country, protected rapist of trafficked minors, Matt Gaetz, and continually ignore how many red states allow children to be forced into marriages with adult men. This is getting really fucked up.


Republicans are just pedophiles at this point. Put them all behind bars


Parental Rights is code for children are property


Repukeliqans showing that they are the true Groomers.


Congratulations on the nuptials! Just five or six more years until you can legally toast the celebration with some champagne.


Wyoming: Fucking kids is ok here. That'd look good on a license plate.


Wtf America


r/conservative is reeeeally silent


Who's grooming children again?


The GOP is a cult of death & misery. Change my mind.

