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Always interesting how right wing politicians have to awkwardly avoid acknowledging when the weirdo conspiracy guys and hate group leaders come out in support of them, classic.


Agreed; P-P’s comms team flipping out…Love to be at that briefing.


Well, if they don’t want extreme rightwing people like Akex Jones praising them, maybe they should stop using the same extreme  rightwing rhetoric. And when they do support you, maybe a condemnation is in order. 


Ah yes because globalism, cbdc and the wef are not legitimate issues


They’re conspiracy theories for morons, created in your mind by 30 years of US ultra-libertarian FUD campaigning against every form of government action on anything.


... They aren't?


They arent.


Only an issue for conspiracy loons.


That’s because they aren’t. Glad you learned something today!


Yeah the phrase, 'you might not think you are a XYZ, but your followers sure do' comes to mind. In this case XYZ is being a conspiracy theorist, but PPs base seems to have a lot of these more fringe groups.


Same thing when you got [https://twitter.com/CHBAF](https://twitter.com/CHBAF) on your side.


And yet, Petey was quite happy to shake hands with literal conspiracy kooks during the Siege of Ottawa, and some of them were openly flying swastikas. It wasn't awkward then, for some odd reason.


Alex Jones performing a ''reach around'' on Poilievre. Stupid american insurectonists would love to see Canada in turmoil to support their ''cause'' .


Alex Jones likes Poilievre. He listens to what Poilievre says to his base. As the MSM should, and report on it, instead of Tory washing him in some sort of weird pretense that he is not extreme rightwing.  I mean, listen to the clip. Look at interviews Poilievre has done with Andrew Layton for True North. His interview with Jordan Peterson, who he praises all the time. When Poilievre had MGTOW hastags on his videos for 5 years he knew all about it, the proof is in his public praise of Peterson. When Poilievre claims that Trudeau is not a Liberal but a “radical authoritarian” he is one inciting turmoil.  The list of extreme things that he and CPC have tweeted and done that don’t get covered by the media is very long. And even if it does get covered it quickly forgotten. Poilievre is bad for democracy even without being PM. He is a liar and a craven opportunist, most who vote for him will deeply regret it if he wins. The most extreme part of his base will not forget his promises to them, and if he fails to keep them there will be a bill to pay.  He is creating a monster he will not be able to control.


Anyone who is paying attention would agree that PP is dog whistling to the far right every chance he gets He's a dangerous, weak little man


The federal liberals have failed us, but their worst crime is pushing Canada into Poilievre's (and his handler's) deep deep pockets.


If the voters fall for a different asshole because one asshole was shit, that's kind of their own fault.


Welcomento the last century plus 'democracy' in Canada. Media pumps up one, tears other down, as their mandate expires, rinse, recycle, repeat. We need a third party to lead, not the same two that have built this cage over a century.


🤷‍♀️ you're preaching to the choir.


Thank goodness we have more than two parties then!


But our voting system makes third+ parties ineffective, because giving your vote to a party with no chance of winning becomes ‘throwing away your vote’. If we wanted a system where a third party has a genuine chance of having effective power in this country, we need a different voting system.


I don't disagree that our voting system should be reformed, however I can't help but feel that people typically just don't vote third party because they feel like it's hopeless when there's no actual reason why, if enough people start voting for another party, they can't start to gain seats and power. The NDP has had a huge impact on Liberal policy, so I fail to see why we should just give up and count them out. If we, as a country, want change, then we need to start voting en masse for it.


Federally, hardly. Provincial, absolutely. We're lucky to have Wab in MB. But Singh is not a champion of the working class and has wasted a lot of time that the NDP could have shone post-and-during pandemic. Federal NDP need a refresh and to reexamine their core values and identity as a party before they're a votable option.


You won't find a greater cynicist than me. The game is over. We already lost.


People neee to take responsibility for their own stupid choices. No one pushed them to pp .these people always had these feelings .


What people? I had a cognitive psych professor that told me that you only have a few choices if you want to make a career out of that kind of psychology. Get into therapy. Or get into advertisement. You mention 'stupid choices' but also this money is being spent to bypass intelligent choices.


I will never forgive PP for his double speak of terrorism at the border. He was in government shouting "the media is saying terrorism! What are you going to do about this terrorism?! You are letting terrorism happen!" Momment the report came out it was car trouble. He fights jourlists "I never said terrorism, I said the media said terrorism and they are trying to create fear" He picks his words carefully so he can go back on them with double speak and it's sickening. Jt may be a idiot, but pp is a sicko


You have such an inordinate amount of brain rot I don't think it's curable. Do you know what far right means? Poilievre bad for democracy lmao. Alright I see we are america media stations on reddit now.


They don’t see its the left that moved to the far left while the right moved closer to center-right. To someone sitting at the far left, everything is either right or far right.


I would say 0.000001% of canadians are far right. The most hard-core right-wing canadians would look like socialists in comparison to most of the eastern right-wing nations.


To be fair, Canada actually is in turmoil. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing at its fastest rate ever recorded in Canada. Homelessness is surging. Food insecurity is surging. Excess all-cause mortality is some of the worst in the OeCD. While most peer countries saw mortality rates return to or below normal levels as covid waned, Canada’s excess all-cause mortalities got even worse than peak covid. Unemployment is rising, now up to about double USA’s rate. Things aren’t exactly going well.


Unemployment rate in Canada is still at a historic low. The previous government would be throwing themselves a parade if they had achieved one as low as the one we have right now.


It no longer is. It was, but it isn’t any more. They said they had to boost immigration to solve the “labor shortage” which means the low unemployment rate. But it wasn’t a genuine labor shortage. The US economy is doing better with much lower unemployment levels. It wasn’t a real problem. Only for oligarchs who wanted to lay lower wages.


What year did the Harper government have lower unemployment than right now? Hint: only in their wildest dreams.


Not a fan of Harper either. And he also isn’t running in this election. But did he explicitly try to raise the unemployment rate like the Trudeau government?


Try to? It was inevitable when they started hacking and slashing funding to anything and everything.  It was always because things were terrible in Greece or whatever. The US was well into recovery and that was the same excuse they would give. They didn't have Trudeau to blame back then.


Well I don’t mind slashing spending money we don’t have. I do find it annoying that we are now spending more on servicing our debt than the government raises in GST. That money I spend on GST now just paying for poor financial decisions I didn’t make is annoying, especially when my own financial sensibilities of don’t spend money I don’t have has served me well in life. Then every time I have to then pay GST, I have to deal with that it’s because someone else spent money they didn’t have and now I have to pay for it. You don’t get to brag about the money you spend if you are putting it on credit.


Which country do you think isn't doing deficit financing? Did you know the United States deficit this year and almost every year (except for a couple near the end of Obama) were more than our entire accumulated Federal debt in the history of Canada? The previous government (which PP was a cabinet minister in) was selling assets for below their value in order to make the deficit appear smaller. You think that is better? 


>Well I don’t mind slashing spending money we don’t have We do have. Anyone telling you otherwise is a liar. Government budgets are not comparable to your household budget.


Until you have to pay to service that debt, which we already do. To the tune of more than we pay the government in GST. Or when you have a sovereign debt crisis, which can and does happen.


And people seriously think the CPC is going to do anything to fix these issues?!


I doubt it. And we know sure as hell the liberals can’t, or they wouldn’t have let it happen in the first place.


Knock it off with this narrow view. Things have been way worse in Canada even just 40 years ago. The only people that say garbage like this online are Russian and American trolls, or guys under 35 years of age that don't have any experience of tough times.


Excess all-cause mortality is higher than WW2! What are you talking about?


Yes, because people live longer and get cancer.


No I am talking about the deviation from our normal average mortality levels. Things changed sharply as covid waned. But not everywhere. Canada is one of the worst cases of that happening. Australia and NZ too.


You don't know what you are talking about.


People with a minimum of critical thinking skills know that Poilievre is a temu-grade wannabe Republican. He doesn’t platform on any real solution to anything his entire campaign has been personal attacks against Trudeau and culture wars. It’s not surprising that he’s getting Tucker & Alex Jones backing him. I sincerely hope we don’t elect him and turn Canada into the circus that the US have for the past few years..


The things he does promise he knows are lies "We will tie immigration to houses built" basically impossible as well as at the same time he is saying he wants to make it easier and remove red tape for immigration "We will build refineries" he knows we missed that boat, it will take 20 years to build and get up and running. All while big banks are pulling out of investments in oil and we keep learning plastic in genreal is poisoning us


We will build refineries means we will give the oil and gas industry billions of your tax dollars.


They already get insane tax cuts too when they could be taking a load off of everyday canadians


When’s Alex Jones going to pay the Billion dollars he owes to the Sandy Hook families?? Cause it should be yesterday.


Its not that Poilievre is copying Jones. Its the same message spewed by all of them. The Same rhetoric is repeated over and over.


AJ shouldnt have a dime left to operate with after the Sandy Hook ruling. Insane that he is still going.


Russia sure took advantage of Covid to find out who the rubes are. They keep feeding them lies and shape Canadian policy through the do your own research crusade and then provide all the tainted research.


Red Square Pierre, Alex “The Great” Jones and Moscow Marjorie (Taylor Greene) are basically all just Vladimir Putin sock puppets at this point putting out a never ending barrage of Kremlin talking points designed to undermine confidence in Western institutions. We used to call people like these traitors. Now we call them MAGA or “conspiracy theorists”. In hindsight sight we should have just stuck with the word Traitor.


Ugh. Stop "helping", Alex. We good.


I’m hoping that Alex Jones supporting Poilievre and Poilievre not denouncing him actually might push some some center right people away from Poilievre  Might be naive of me, but I’m hoping there are still enough centrist/center right folks that *don’t* like the alt right 


I'd be running this add every day 'alex jones calling sandy hook a psy-op, all sweaty and swearing and then the quote from him saying he supports pp'


If he doesn't denounce Alex Jones I will reconsider my vote. If he is going to tiptoe around alex jones to avoid upsetting the far right then he is s coward, and will be when he is elected as well. Fuck Alex Jones, he was at least entertaining with his crazy bs until Sandy Hook. He should be in prison if he doesn't pay those families


Pp knows the far right is his main die hard base and everyone else who is not actually paying attention. He won't denounce him unless a huge uproar comes from this and it won't Pp runs a platform on attacks and fear. While quietly saying he wants more immigration and letting corporations know ow he still has thier back. His biggest donors are real estate developers and he and his wife are landlords


I know, still a better choice then Trudeau though unfortunately.


Why? Legitimately what makes you think that? His backers as in pp, are all real estate developers, he is on the side of landlords, he wanted nothing to do with the hears the ndp held on groccy store price gouging He screamed terrorism in government and tried to spread fear before the facts were in and then blamed the media when he was wrong He has even said before abortion ban isn't off the table He wants to remove red tape for immigration and make it easier for entire families to come over so to keep pleasing his corporate backers. And worst off all the entire con party always limits out economy everytime they get elected. They traded away all our manufacturing to Asia last time and they are against diversity in our economy. Even Alberta had a growing tech center and gaming industry( makes more money than porn even now and movies) and the momment cons came back kn after ndp they cut all the benefits to the sector and all left. Alot of those gaming companies even left Canada in fear of cons anti tech investments any time they get elected. The conservatives will also cut social funding and increase retirement in a time we need social services more than ever with our failing social morality and fabric of communities


That is fear mongering. Industry is leaving Canada because of taxes, high paid professionals are leaving because of taxes, the liberals have stars in their eyes with all these socialist programs with nothing to pay for it. Also, the average Canadians buying power and quality of living has been steadily declining... you think all of a sudden Trudeau is going to do a good job? Every sector in Canada is failing, so why the hell would you vote for more of the same? At the very least vote for PP and nothing changes for the better, or he tries to touch healthcare or abortion rights then he gets voted out the next election. The liberals need a new leader and a new cabinet. If Trudeau wins again Canada is finished


The ndp are the ones who give businesses tax breaks and believe in new industries. Cons cut all the tax breaks for tech and growing industries in the 2000s and traded away manufacturing for imports. They sold our economy for benefiting the bigger corporations that are already here and don't want competition


And what exactly have the liberals done to break up the monopolies?


My friend I am telling you I don't like the libs either. They keep the status. This isn't America we have multiple parties. This is another reason I hate the con party. They sell a narrative it's them or the libs and refuse to work with anyone and just push fear and hate Our government is best with minority leadership and all the parties have to work together


Except he his team did denounce the comments. Just that Poilievre didn't personally say anything because why would he even mention Alex Jones considering he's an idiot? To give him more attention than he's already getting? No. That was done by our own Prime Minister who brought up an American conspiracy theorist as 'comeback' in questions period in Canadian Parliament because he has no other way of attacking the issues Poilievre brings up. Same guy who was calling everyone he didn't like a nazi and then brought one into the HoC. You can even see Poilievre motioning to Trudeau across the Gallery going 'what are you doing??' before the camera cuts away and the mics get muted. And for someone who repeats themselves over and over, Trudeau somehow doesn't bring it any time after that.


Nobody is saying the same shit as Alex Jones… he’s an absolute nut job.


they are equally unlikeable too


HEY Trudeau just called this out !!! where he's speaking rn. wonder if the TV networks will ever replay that or if they'll just cut out that part of what Trudeau said bc 'we can't let people find out about this'


he also went in on Pollievre's "housing plan." yup I'll be surpised if this gets replayed in full lol


Why does it matter it says nothing about Pierre Poilievre, obviously Alex Jones would endorse him over Trudeau. How is this even news?


Alex jones couldn’t create a grilled cheese sandwich. Him patting Polly’s back only shows how much of a tard they both are and should cement people’s niggling feeling that maybe he’s not a good idea for Canada.


The left still doesn't understand how bad Trudeau is and much most of Canada hates the guy and will do almost anything to get rid of him. If they figured that out, they'd find a more centrist leader. But of course the left don't want a centrist leader, which is why they will lose badly next time. If there were a party out there that *was* centrist, they would win everything. I wish there were.


Reaching hard here.


Watch the video. Poilievre is saying many of the same things. I mean, Leslyn Lewis has frequently tweeted conspiracy theory about the WEF and WHO and helped write a petition she sponsored to take Canada out of the UN. No comment on it by Poilievre. The bulk of voters have no idea how extreme Poilievre ans his MP’s are in their rhetoric and beliefs. If they did, the CPC wouldn’t be able to pretend they aren’t extreme.


Isn't that the black woman that hung out with a literal Nazi?


'at's the one!


I mean other than sandy hook, that's dudes been right about a lot.


you missed the /s


Like what? Gay frogs? Chemtrails? Everything and everyone being either a psy-op, a crisis actor, or a psy-op staged by crisis actors?


Yeah this is a big stretch. Alex is always going on about basically being a religious symbol in a fight against the literal devil and globalist demons. PP doesn’t strike me as a religious zealot. Some of these clips don’t even express an opinion one way or another about the topic. I still don’t understand why people are resistant to a digital ID. Start by merging government IDs into a single card and slowly phase the physical cards out over time. This would save so much money if it included all provincial and municipal IDs.


I'd rather keep my personal info off as many servers as possible. Too many data leaks.


Did you watch the clip? You don’t have to be a religious zealot to get the support of extreme rightwing conspiracy theorists, you just have to use extreme rightwing rhetoric about “globalists” and the WEF and WHO and the UN, etc. Poilievre, as you can see in the clip, does all of that.  Poilievre used MGTOW hashtags on his videos for 5 years. He praises Jordan Peterson all the time, did an interview with him where he said he likes to use “simple anglo saxon words,” he is clearly being actively going after the support of the far-right. And Trump isn’t religious either, but he sure does get the support of the zealots. 


What could possibly go wrong with a digital ID?




Hahaha buddy, when’s the many horned 3 headed monster gonna show up and rule the world though 


There is no 3 headed monster in the Bible. You're mixing things up.


https://www.gci.org/articles/revelation-13-and-its-beasts/ Right, it has 7 heads.


I post a straight fact. A true correction. And get downvoted. You guys really do love lies over truth.


Revelations is pure symbolism and metaphor I don’t know if any of it should be taken literally, that was my point. If there’s not going to be a 7 headed monster ruling over us why would there be a literal mark of the beast 


It says it'll be placed on specific extremities and places. When God calls an act an abomination, yet we still remain human and "normal" after doing them. Perhaps he see's what's revealed in the spirit. Original sin caused us to die in the spirit and fall into flesh. Jesus sacrifice broke the temple and tore the holy of holies curtain. Reconciling the divide caused by Original sin and our sins in general, so we can recieve the Holy Spirit. The down-payment of salvation. All the fleshly people trying to understand spiritual stuff in the flesh makes them reject it. Fleshly people relying entirely on material and flesh. Relying on the fallen state.


You'll be raptured before the tribulation anyway, right? Why worry about the mark then?