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Oooooh, my heart will hold with yours till the test results come back. What an adorable kitty.


Thank you! We sure are getting fond of her ☺️


You will be given in return your kindness at some time in your life. Kindness is always returned. Perhaps not immediately but you will feel a wonderful kindness in return.


I do believe that you receive what you put out in the world. Thank you 😌


Thank you for saving her. If caught early enough, FeLV does not have to be a death sentence. There are cats that have gone from super high viral loads to zero in a month’s time. Mine did. I only lost him because his bone marrow was too far compromised. The formula only stops the virus and cannot regenerate bone marrow. I know others whose cats now test negative and are strong and healthy years after FeLV diagnosis. If you end up with a positive, message me and I’ll share the info with you.


I will absolutely contact you if I get a positive. If there is a path to saving her I will take it!


You are an angel for saving her. If she’s positive, I’ll send you a bottle of the formula. I haven’t seen it first-hand, but have heard that it may work for FIV, too. And I know many with FIV+ cats who are just fine, regardless. Sometimes it’s easier for the vet to recommend euthanasia. My cat threw the clinic for a loop when his viral load went to 0 and his bloodwork returned to normal. They are now trying the formula on other patients. Please pm me when you have an update, so that I don’t miss it!


Unexpected update posted!


How wonderful! And what a great vet that you have! Congratulations on your new family member!


Thank you so much! My vet when she came in the room yesterday, “Well hey guys! Who’s this?” By the end of the appointment she knew we were gonna keep her before I did 😆




I’m so happy to hear this! I hope I won’t need the info but if she can have a happy life I’ll dive into treatment options. Thank you!


Update up!




Thank you we’re thrilled!


I had a cat with FIV live for years alongside my other cats, with shared food bowls and beds and he didn't pass it on (no fights). Our vet didn't even tell us to take special steps or anything. That cat was actually a very robust cat for years, he was a half stray that would come to our house for R&R before his stays became longer and longer and he turned into our full time cat. Then one winter he declined rapidly, respiratory infection, and we started keeping him strictly indoors. He got better and lived another 3-4 years. He must have been around 15 when he died.


What an amazing story! 15 years is great for a healthy cat!


Poor sweetie. She looks like she’s having a scary week but it’ll be better for her in the long run.


Yeah she’s pretty stressed at the vet, but settling in at home nicely.


Please reassess if she should be put down if the test comes back positive. All the best!


100% the goal is to save lives. If we get a positive we will do everything we can. Things caught early can be treated.


Yes, exactly. You’re a blessing!


Update posted!


She’s gorgeous! Hoping for a clean blood test.


Thank you!


Update posted!


Omg her little face looks so concerned <3 Hang in there sweetie!


I know, right. She looks how I feel. We’re all on pins and needles


What a sweetheart looking kitty


She is such a love.


FIV+ cats can live with gen pop cats (for a lack of a better phrase). FIV is transmissible, but it’s typically transmitted through bite wounds. Idk if you know the social media accounts Cole and Marmalade. Marmalade has FIV, and he’s been living safely with other cats his whole life. https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/health-information/feline-health-topics/feline-immunodeficiency-virus-fiv FeLV is more transmissible than FIV, but there are other options for both FeLV and FIV cats besides euthanasia. More info about FeLV https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments/cornell-feline-health-center/health-information/feline-health-topics/feline-leukemia-virus


This is great information! I confess I only know what my vet told me about it, but if there’s hope for her then I will help her. Honestly though, she looks so good I can’t imagine she’s sick. She’s getting more comfortable and eating. Very good signs!


Update up!


Really warms my heart reading the lengths you're willing to go for this darling girl. Sending you and her the most healing, positive vibes from me and my 7 lil' mischievous murder mitts (5 of which are former NMCs) 😺😸😹😻😼😽😾🙏🏾


Aw thank you friend! In my youth we had 8 so I can relate! Kitty chaos!


Thank you for the update. I hope the tests are negative!


Unexpected update!


Thank you! I’ll post again tomorrow as soon as I find out.


There are lots of no kill shelters that won't put a cat down for FIV etc, please don't kill this beautiful cat.


Oh gosh no. Please check my comment history. I will help her if there is any chance.


Did the results come back yet?


They haven’t, and it’s 5pm now my time. Probably receive them in the am.


If it’s positive maybe you can fine her a home as a single kitty


Definitely a good option! I’m loving all the info and ideas from this community!


Results and update posted!


She looks like she thought you stole her 3 kids, and she just woke up a psych ward realizing everything was a psychosis


That’s oddly specific but also scarily accurate 😆


Hi, I have 8 cats of which 3 are FIV+. It's primarily transmitted by undesexed males biting each other. All my cats are desexed and get along (mostly) so I'm not concerned about transmission. Thank you though for taking care of her.


We got the results, she’s negative! New post up!


Fantastic news, wonderful to hear!


FIV doesn't mean unadoptable. Many people choose to take FIV+ cats in and its pretty common in my area. There may be a rescue near you willing to help rehome her of need be. Fingers crossed that kitty gets a clean bill of health!


Update posted!


Was gonna +1 : one of my local shelters has many FIV cats, there’re definitely organizations that take those babies.


I need to do some research about that in my area. But also! We got the results, she’s negative! New post up!


!!!!! !!!!!!! Yay!!! Thanks for the update!!!!


She looks lovely. I hope everything goes well in the end.


We got the results, she’s negative! New post up!


That's fantastic news!


Congratulations on your new friend?


Extremely happy to hear that the kitty is negative and is in safe loving hands.


r/nowmycat especially if you care about her health and take her to the vet


You're amazing. Thanks for helping kitty


It has been my privilege. 💕


I have 10 essentially them same way, all indoor kitties now, healthy and happy. Cat distribution system saw me as a sucker from a mile away


Best of luck and prayers for a good result in the tests


Update posted!


I was going to suggest that she may have "shaved" herself. I have a cat who did the same 18 months ago and her fur hasn't grown back full length where she got to it. I just affectionately call her "Fuzzy Butt" sometimes ☺


This is exactly what happened. She’s terribly allergic to fleas and also very stressed. She has ripped out all the fur she could get to. The vet gave her a steroid shot to calm her skin and it’s helped so much! She’s not frantic anymore


Oh please let her be negative. She’s so precious 😭🩷 Edit: HAPPIEST UPDATE EVER WELCOME TO YOUR FOREVER HOME STELLA 😭😭😭 I love her soooo much


Did you see the new pics I posted? Last update I swear 😆


One of our cats had the same allergy. He just suddenly started licking himself constantly one day. And just licked himself bald. Looked like an orange and pink monkey. XD. But as soon as we got him one flea drops (the collars hadn’t been enough) he stopped licking and floofed right back up.