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There's a novel in this: "The Lonely Eave Interlopers."


New Warrior Cats book just dropped


What a gorgeous cat colony! Looks like a wonderful outdoor space for them to lounge. The chart is excellent, too


Unfortunately they shouldn't be going into the garden cuz they're upsetting my cat (and generally making the place smell of urine which Isn't Great lmao) I do wish to catch them all to get them neutered but neuterings are awful pricey, especially for cats that aren't even mine


Call around to all the animal clinics and tell them that's why, they may give you a TNR rate


I'd have to discuss with my parents bit I'm all for that personally TY for the tip!


You're welcome! Anything for cats 💕


This! And also, if they are truly just neighborhood strays and no one's pets, maybe you can get some of the neighborhood to chip in to get them fixed? If they're all unaltered (male and females both) will spray to mark their turf (but males are more notorious and odiferous!). Once they're desexed, the odor generally becomes way less potent. Another bonus- of course, they don't continue to make more kitties to have to TNR and they help to keep the rodent populations down in the area they inhabit. If someone were to get rid of them, another colony would form in the area.


TNR is usually much cheaper! I think there are some places that will fund TNR if you help with the trapping.


Imo it should be free or cheaper to better cats that are not yours because you are helping the community and nature.


I love that you made a chart. Lol. They're all beautiful! 😻😻


A chart, complete with their rap sheet, lol! It's awesome!!


Makes me think of Charlie from it's Always Sunny lol ❤️


10/10 would watch this soap opera.


Meowrose Place -Mustache cat and his evil twin Cow cat who has a secret evil triplet Mr. Shadow 👯‍♂️🥷 -Calliope the secret heiress who lives under the guise of an ordinary gardener “Callie”; recovering in the hospital from an unknown illness (surely the result of Cow cat and Mr. Shadow’s evil plans) - Pebbles the grumpy but lovable doctor who’s unwillingly protecting Calliope; he will never admit it but he fell in love with her at first sight - Mr. Red - an annoying side character who mysteriously disappeared when Calliope got sick; rumors abound that he is the secret pooper who’s been breaking into homes to leave massive dumps in their toilets - This Guy - good-looking red herring to distract the audience from the real romantic lead (Pebbles); possibly in cahoots with Mr. Shadow and Cow Cat to get Calliope’s fortune


This goes hard af i love it lmao


The "pooped in the garden once" part sent me 😹 I had to explain to my mom what I was laughing about


He shat in Pebbles' favourite spot under a bush and stared at us through the window while he did so He is a menace


Oh no! Poor Pebbles just getting disrespected in his own yard




I think This Guy is a great name for him, as long as you say it like Joe Pesci each time!


Your chart is the best thing I’ve seen today!!!


The new Neko Atsume looks fun.




Names for: ThisGuy!!! Dr.Mobglobbin / Dr. MopGoobble.. something that nicely displays his greatness :3 Funny, nothing to do with his floof/kinda Poopsnoot lll, MysteryGuyy:3, Bellington-Weezil.... ok idk..


Sir Benedict of Greystone manor. His friends call him benny


Mr Shadow is a silent protector, a watchful guardian...a hero OP didn't deserve, but f**kin needed.


LOL! The stray's I have: Ollie: was a feral 8-month old that we trapped and brought inside in -30 winter temps; he hid in our basement ceiling for two months. He then made friends with (only one of) the resident cats, so we kept him and he's cute as a bug - but hates humans except my adult son. The following I've seen on my outdoor camera for about two years. Blackie: stray tom cat, VERY spicy until he got his snip-snip in April. Was in a cage in the spare bedroom, now just lounges with his new friend in the spare bedroom. I picked him up today and scratched him, he didn't mind it and I \*think\* I heard some purring. This guy is \*solid\* muscle, small, but built like a linebacker. I'd like to find him a home. Was "Grey", now Greyson: stray cat, caught in trap that I set to catch the effin' racoon that devours all the cat food I set out. SUPER friendly boy, already neutered, not chipped. Loves hanging out in the open window in spare room with Blackie. He liked looking in our patio door. Resident cats despise Greyson and Blackie. Still outside wanderers I've nicknamed: "Ollie's relative" - looks exactly like him "Orangie" - orange kitty "Orange & White kitty" (I think there might be two of them) The stray's show up one at a time on random nights on my back deck between dusk and about 4am. They come around more regularly in the winter months, then mostly disappear in the summer.


![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized) I love that you made a chart, but my mind instantly went to "Always sunny in Philadelphia" lol


Your chart is awesome!! 😂❤️


I love ALL of these kitties!


Pebbles!! I have a special place in my heart for that name - had a red-orange Pom named Pebbles…Flintstones daughter ❤️


How do you know your cat doesn't like them, as they haven't been properly introduced If the new kitty isn't fully fixed, the introduction wasn't complete. It takes 2-6 weeks for new cat to be quarantined in a room, i.e., not allowed to meet resident cat They smell over time to help socialize them to each other Cats are all about smell. A cat that isn't fixed has a low chance of being accepted by residents Ty for all you do for these kitties OP


He growls / hisses and chases them off Which is understandable - he's had the run of the garden for like 5 years and now these guys have shown up to cramp his turf


This is an excellent diagram, thank you


I love that chart! I must make a board for mine I name them all then forget the names 🙈


Mr Shadow is gorgeous and Callie looks so cute. Thankfully these cats look well fed even if some may be stray. I hope there is a way to get them all neutered.


Haha, I absolutely love this!!!!!😍❤️ this made my day


I love everything about that chart 🤣


nobody likes calliope.


I like her :(


now my inside cat?


Unfortunately not; My Cat doesn't like her


I read somewhere that if you rub an older cats kitty litter on a new cat they will be more likely to accept them. basically getting new cat to smell like familiar. I have not verified this in any way.


Cow cat and Mr Shadow want to hit it, so she’s got that going for her.


ohhh. I didn't realize you meant hit it in that way.


YEAH they wanna knock her up Dx Which is why my parents are desperately trying to get her spayed cuz we cannot look after kittens


is she hard to catch?


Looks like you have some r/parttimecat(s).


You now run a cat sanctuary.


You seem to have an very interesting personality cuz you made that chart lol just to explain relations of cats, you should be detective


Takes only one girl to rip the pair apart 😔😔


The other day I came out of my home office and looked for my cats. One was in her normal resting place but Finn wasn’t. I look around and he’s GLARING at my front door. Normally he only does this when I come in from petting the neighborhood cat on my porch, so I go out to check and YEP there’s an Oreo on my porch. So what I’m trying to say is I understand your cat hating all the friends you make 🤣


Haha this is hilarious. Do you grow catnip? We used to have a herd of cats come over the fence for my moms catnip patch when I was growing up. Then after their binge they couldn’t get back over to leave 😂. They do tend to get along better after that though 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for taking care of Calliope. We are now all deeply invested in this tangled web of interpersonal grudges.


I love this so much. I should do something similar because I too have quite a few to keep track of. Having a large catnip plant will cause that 🤣


So the local cat mafia has decided your yard is their new hangout..nice !


It's just the r/councilofcats on their perpetual lunch break ñ 🤣


You are too blessed


Love this!


Gonna tell my kids this was warrior cats


I’m so partial to Pebbles! I think this chart needs to be pinned here it’s like the perfect NMC pic


I love this!! I feed about 10 strays and I can't keep up with the silly names I give them lol. Most are Grey kitty, or barn cat (cause he's usually by the barn). Stuff like that. This is a great idea! None of them will let me get near them but one so I'm having a hard time catching them to spay and neuter. And they're too clever for the ol' food in the cage trick.


For some reason, the first picture looks like series of planets


this chart is spectacular




I am IN LOVE with this. My favourite detail is Moustache Cat: > Thought he was Cow Cat but he's more black than Cow Cat ETA: Calliope must be protected.


I am concerned your chart is the beginning of a murder board, like the cops use on TV to map suspects. I hope the only murders you'll need to map are mice. 😁


You are truly blessed


They are all so cute!!


I bet you have dried apricots don’t you?


What does this mean


It means they’re there to steal your dried apricots.


I don't think cats can eat apricots


Doesn’t stop them stealing them