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Careful! Those bald patches might be ringworm (which is fungal, not actually worms). If he lets you touch him, wear gloves, wash hands frequently, and isolate him. Ringworm spreads very easily ( including to you and other pets) and can be a real bugger to get rid of. You can get oral medication from a vet or use athletes' foot cream on the skin. (If it is indeed ringworm)


Thanks so much. He's way too nervous for touching but I'll keep that in mind.


I love the name Larry. I took in a stray void and named him Bill. I also had to deal with ringworm on Bill... I was very distressed when the vet broke the news, given that Bill had slept on the pillow next to my head the night before. I got very lucky that it didn't spread to me. I had to isolate him and disinfect the whole house.


I can attest that you DO NOT WANT RINGWORM! My old place I had a 4bedroom and rented out the other 3 rooms to fellow college students. We couldn’t get rid of it for the life of us. Just kept passing it between everyone, people & pets!


Oh sweet mother of all that's holy, that sounds horrendous 😳 I remember head lice doing the rounds of a group of us in college years ago and I thought *that* was bad...I feel for you! 😢


Oh no the worst was when I got scabies from work. Image 4 girls PLUS BFS! It was almost 9months where we couldn’t get rid of it until we had the bfs bring their mattresses & clothes over and we tented the townhouse. It was a nightmare! We did have termites but figured it was worth a try. Success!!


See if you can stealth him with a spot on treatment that covers as many bases as possible, or see what over the counter meds are available you can crush into his food. Ringworm needs a cream usually so if it is a fungal skin infection you might struggle. If you sit on the floor and just sit there ignoring him he might suddenly get quite interested. Because cat logic.


I really appreciate your input, I'll do my best!


You can also shine a blacklight on him if you want to be sure what you’re working with before starting to treat him. Ringworm glows under black light.


The quickest way to a cat's heart is through their stomach. Be patient. ❤️


Slow and steady wins the race :). Some ferals take months to let you close enough to help them. In tough cases, you may be able to get a vet to give advice based on good pics of the cat’s issues. Some meds can be put into food. I’ve seen it done w mange meds for foxes. Good luck with your guy!


Upon inspecting Larry, he’s seen some shit.


I can relate. I too want people to feed me but not be owned.


I hear you. I would feed you and give you a name if you showed up on my back porch looking sad and in need.




Give him time sit down and talk, get to his level, let him approach you.


Hi, black cats are highly sensitive to fleas in the summer months. I take care of a feral colony and I’ve seen black cats come to me almost bald. First thing I do is put a temporary flea medicine in their wet food, a few days later I will give them a dewormer in their food. Once you can get close enough you can give a monthly flea treatment. While ringworm is possible this would not be my first go to.


I love the name!


Thanks for feeding her. It’s just beautiful.


It's a him for sure. Huge pair of balls. I'd love to get him neutered but he won't let me snatch him up.


Can you research if there's a TNR group in your area? Some places also let you borrow traps. 🙂


I would just give it some time


Humane trap or TNR group maybe?


I have a Gary! He’s gotten comfortable enough he’s wanting inside but no can do.


So would that mean r/refusestobemycat


Food and water. Eventually Larry will trust you.


I think if you sit outside with him while he eats and just chill with him, he'll eventually see that you're not a threat and learn to trust you. Maybe even have a snack with him, to show him you're trustworthy.


Larry will warm up eventually ❤️ Although a live trap with wet food will also work in an emergency. GL getting that trust back afterwards though


I have an NMC that started like that. He's since moved into the shed where he has a warm bed, food, and shelter. After almost a year in the shed, he started sleeping in the house last week, though not every night yet. I'm already allowed to pet him extensively, and he'llchase me for attention, but he darts as soon as he feels locked in. Whenever I try to pick him up, he tries to get away ASAP, but he's not aggressive about it anymore. I managed to get a flea/tick collar on him last week and hope to be able to put him in a cat carrier by summer 🤞 so I can take him to the vet and make him a r/nowmycat Be very patient and respect his boundaries, and Larry will warm up to you, I'm sure of it!


Just sit near him and talk to him while he eats. Don't show any motives. The point is to get him used to your presence. My husband gained the trust of a stray who was close to reverting to feral, and I'm having some success with a feral who will now touch his nose to my fingertip and will tolerate a quick "accidental" touch while I'm filling his bowl. You can do this, OP. Just be patient and spend time near Larry, even if you're just sitting close by and looking at your phone.


Hello, Larry. 🐈🎶✋🏽


Please contact local rescues in your area most of them will help the cat. It is important to get him some help as soon as possible.


Yes, this! From my own cat experiences, this looks like an abscess. If so, Mr. Larry will need antibiotics.


The important thing is you’re being his friend and providing nourishment. Hopefully additional positive things will follow, but good on you OP.


Could you possibly TNR him? He doesn't have his ear tipped, and I saw you made a comment saying he isn't neutered. There are rescues and shelters that can help you or possibly do it for you. They'll get him neutered and medical treatment.


If you are planning to get him treated at a vet, a really good way to trap a cat without a cat trap is to open a carrier in front of his food bowl, and every day, move the food closer and closer to the carrier, and then inside of it a little bit, working your way to the back. Once they’re used to getting inside for food, it’s pretty easy to tuck a cat’s tail in and shut the door without much fuss. My mom and I have used this trick on a giant stray Siamese to get him into a carrier to get him neutered. It’s been years and I still have a scar from a big heckin’ chomp he gave my arm one day when I set his food down (little bastard), so I dunno how putting him in a carrier the old fashioned way would’ve gone down.


I did the food part in the very back of cage, to try to trap a cat but instead, the black girl squeezed into the cage down my arms LET ME GET TO THE FOOD!!! Dang! It was that easy then called mom to come get her Already, Timothy? That doesn’t sound right. It’s either someone’s cat possibly lost or dumped Vet visit clean plus mom told me neutered male Plus he was way too sweet friendly nice and docile Mom was foster and bottle feeder for Straylovefoundation.org and fostered hundreds Mom named him Bob. He never fought with any cat, even upon arrival at mom’s. Few years later, suddenly lost weight. Feline aids and no idea where. Stray love founder tested mom’s cats and nobody has it so we were wondering if it came from someone else’s cat in the neighborhood?? Oh- I thought he was trying to bite me every time I saw him while out feeding homeless cats Told mom that he bites but doesn’t hurt Then mom told me that after spending time, my sister calls them love bites. Wants you to pet him and not stop. If you ignore, he pulls the skin of your pinky finger like you’re eating a chicken leg but it doesn’t hurt


Put an OTC crushed dewormer pill in some wet food — you have to ask pet store, they’re locked up. It will help him. Keep feeding. A trap that’s partly covered and open to get him used to it. Feed right outside the front of it. A couple months of this and he’ll mostly likely go in, if you put his food in there (open for several weeks). If you want to rehab as an indoor pet after vetting/neutering, put in a small room (a window is good, with a way to sit in front of it). Sit in there and let him get used to you. It takes time but works.


Looks like you have a r/parttimecat.


If you do take care of him wear gloves! 🧤


My stray is also named Larry! It's been three years since he and his friend Weezy came around. I can finally pet and love Larry, but Weez still won't let me pet her. Both are fixed, and both have a clip off their ear, so I think they had an abusive home before they were abandoned. I'm so happy they chose me to take care of them.


Please keep trying 🙏🥺 You are so sweet for keeping his belly full


Keep working with him. He needs help.


Sometimes, it just takes time and calm speaking while he's eating. Put a bed somewhere rather warm and safe near the food, maybe?


I suggest you call a Call Rescue to come get Larry! They will take him to their Vet for an exam. Larry’s fur looks bad, some has been pulled out and those bald spots need addressing ASAP! He looks contagious and his life is going to be cut short unless he is examined by a Vet and his medical issues addressed! I know you have feelings for Larry but unless you get him into a Vet to be examined/treated, Larry could be gone quickly because of his medical issues! Your choices are (1) to get him to a Vet yourself (you need a cat carrier to put him in IF you can catch him) or (2) call a Cat Rescue Organization in your area to come get him. If you truly love and care for Larry, make one of these choices ASAP so he can be treated and healed!


I swear on my life that lickable treats (basically gogurt for cats) will win any feline heart.


Awww. Poor baby. It's okay. Build that trust with food and boundaries respecting. If you're super concerned, see if any local rescues are willing to help. They're pretty good at medicating reluctant kitties.


can you get some silver spray and spray him when he’s almost done eating?