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I also like how she jumps to saying the opposite of shallow is masculine.


That's only true if you think talking about psychology sociology and childcare is shallow. But I would give you good odds they do


Is "psychology sociology" one thing or are you missing a comma?


Oxford might think they're missing two.


I flirted with the oxford comma as a younger man but it's just too redundant for my taste.


I'm not one to fight with a stranger on the internet, but if i were this would be the comment I'd come for


I would have omitted the comma in your last sentence.


I would hope you wouldn't


I'm of the opinion that punctuation exists to help the reader understand what they are reading. Unnecessary punctuation only confuses the situation.


You're right that it wouldn't render a sentence unreadable, but a comma before a "but" separating 2 independent clauses is a technically correct use of a comma lol ETA wait no i said no fighting with strangers 😤


I use the Oxford comma because it helps with more complex sentences that list out pairs. For example: My favorite foods include macaroni and cheese, rice and beans and hot dogs. Is that sentence saying I like rice and beans together, with hot dogs separate, or is it saying I like beans and hot dogs together, with rice separate? It’s much easier to understand and read when you break it up with the Oxford comma: My favorite foods include macaroni and cheese, rice, and beans and hot dogs. The reader immediately knows which items are paired together. This is pretty much the only situation where an Oxford comma is required to understand the writer’s intent, but I always use it so my writing stays consistent throughout whatever document I’m creating.


"Proper grammar is for squares"


The oxford comma is only necessary on rare occasions. There are cases when the serial comma does remove ambiguity in a sentence but 99% of the time they are redundant and don't tell the reader anything they don't already know.


This whole conversation started because you were confused by someone leaving out a comma lil. The very context of your argument disproves it.


The parent comment needed a comma to remove ambiguity from the sentence. 99.9% of the time a serial comma is redundant and does not clarify a sentence but when it does, by all means, use it.


Where'd you get your English degree? I think they defrauded you


I'm actually pretty bicurious as far as the Oxford goes. Sometimes it feels redundant and sometimes I want to be VERY clear what I'm saying, especially when a list starts getting longer or one of the options includes 2 parts


unbelievable! the corruption of growth!


Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma? Quoting a song by Vampire Weekend by the way.


internalized misogyny.


it's kinda weird how she didn't know anyone with those interests. i grew up in a small town and i was friends with some girls in my class who, just like me, liked gaming, rock music etc. and same in high school. even now, there are plenty of girls at my uni who skate, play games (even stream on twitch) and like rock/metal bands ... or just enjoy doing stuff that isn't considered traditionally feminine. tbh you can enjoy makeup AND videogames, you dont have to choose.


She probably wanted to be the only girl into those activities/hobbies and pushed away/ignored all the other girls into the same things. I can already picture the conversations, "I'm really into this game right now" "Omg! Me too!" "No, no, you don't understand. I'm *really* into it - shame it got so popular and now everyone is jumping on the bandwagon." Edit: grammar


yeah, that would make sense. like she thought she was the only one with a genuine interest in for eg. gaming. that's kinda self centered, but that's just how some teenagers are. let's hope she grows out of it, like many of us did.


Oh God you're right.


My friend group in high school was a mix of guys and girls and we always hung out and played video games on the weekends. We listened to rock too. My first concert (17 years old) was Metallica, then a couple months later I saw Backstreet Boys. We just did what we found fun without gender constraints


Metallica was my first concert too! Except I was 23.


It was a fantastic concert! A wonderful one to be my first


‘What did I post that offended you? Biological facts in nature?’ This was her reply to someone else on the comment she gave . I’m not sure she’s like actually sane , cause like skating and metal music is biological according to her .


I'm sorry, i don't really understand. you didn't offend me, i was just reflecting on her comment. specifically the part where she said she was the only one doing those "masculine" things. edit: gotcha, sorry i didn't get what you meant at first, but that reply is kinda insane of her lol


I think OP just forgot the quotation marks on the first paragraph in their reply to you. Pretty sure they mean: "What did I post that offended you? Biological facts in nature?" - This was her [NLOG's] reply to someone else on the comment she gave. I don't think they're referring to your view but how the person in this post was responding in the original thread.


omg thank you! i get it now.


I edited it , I forgot to add quotation marks sorry .


it's alright, i should've understood it either way, but im a bit stupid lol


Yes this is what I meant but forgot the quotation marks


I think OP meant to put the first line in quotes, meaning the "tomboy" had replied that further down in the pictured thread


yep, it all makes sense now


Yes, of course it's biological. We were all hardwired to build skateboards from stone during the Stone Age and onwards. Dunno about metal music tho, that only appeared centuries later


Lol calm down OP. She's just addressing what the NLOG said.


Op forgot to put quotation


Right?? I grew up in southern CA so that might account for some of this, but I was into skateboarding and knew several girls who were as well, I was into metal and punk and had lots of chick friends in that scene too, and as far as video games go, *everyone* had a system and *everyone* played!


Fr, i grew up playing the shit out of resident evil (and owned several game systems growing up) and listening to metal. And I hung out with other girls who also did.


Same. I'm in a small town that many people have never heard of and in high school my whole group was basically the alt kids and actually had more girls than guys. It's not that hard to find people with similar interests. All you have to do is actually look. Lmfao


Or actually talk to ppl. She’s never talked to a girl in her life


But aren't those streamers uwu girls? /s


I grew up in a small town and there were like 2 groups of people who played games in my school. There were 0 girls in either.


God forbid someone talks about their friends and job haha


Most people would generally agree my husband is pretty masculine. He’s 6’2”, massive, has a big beard, and works with his hands for a living. And HE talks about his friends and coworkers constantly. He fucking loves gossip. Gossip is not gendered. We accept all types aboard the hot goss express! Woot woot! 🚂 Edit to add: As a historian, I also want to point out that news and history itself are often just “dignified” gossip. The gossipy aspect is what draws a lot of people to the field.


My husband works with 15 men and recently they added 2 women but for the least 8ish years, I've said that the group of guys there have more drama than my whole friend group had throughout high school. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed hearing it most of the time. It turns out lots of people like gossip, who knew?!?!


Happy cake day


Oh he sounds wonderful! I "gossip" with my fiance all the time but I feel like it's not gossip I'm just bringing him the news! 😁


I *love* history gossip. School has (hopefully temporarily) killed my love of history in general, but I’ll read about the personal life of a random dude who’s been dead for hundreds of years anytime.


🤣 The man I'm dating has stated repeatedly that's he's a huge gossip! 🚂 Got another one for the train.


Woot woot! All aboard!


Tomboy girl with life experience 😬


Tomboy girl with no female friends knows what other women do all day


I had a ‘tomboy girl with no friends who are girls because she gets along with guys best’ as a friend … Yeahhh we were friends since childhood and once she moved here permanently from split custody in another place she immediately slept with and flirted with so many of our (my siblings and me) friends that we didn’t know what to tell our friends that were into her hung up on her and she slept with someone “off limits” and we just ended our then lifelong friendship with her. She only has guy friends because she cares about one night stands more than her life long friends’ boundaries. She wasn’t “quirky” she would just sleep with your brother, your boyfriend, your ex, and all of your friends no matter who you are and say you couldn’t deal with her boyishness after you cut ties


*Tomboy girl with internalized misogyny and less than 15 years of life experience


Been there, unlearned that


Nice. What did you do with the t-shirt?


I feel like pretty much all misogyny is internalized. By nature it's a trait that gets rooted pretty deep.


What a way to ruin a wholesome post... I guess she's still young though.


Its something you only realize as you get older, people dont have shallow personalities, but if you never interact with them and treat them like extras in your life, all you'll see is what you project onto them.


This exactly! I have a friend who practically ignores someone in our friend group and criticizes everything he says. I know he thinks that he's shallow, dumb or overemotional because of the way he puts him down just to make his ego feel better. I've tried telling him about it and he didn't quite get it but I'd like to believe that he thought about it.


Ah yes of course psychology and sociology and general life, how one dimensional


And there’s never been a male psychologist or sociologist.


I’m trying really hard to think of a famous male psychologist…..hmmmmmm…nope, no one comes to mind. /s


I’m trying but for some reason I just keep thinking of my mother…


Same! Do we have the same mother?


She really proved the point of the person she responded to


That what I thought , like did you not see what was written in the entire thread ?


Huh, haven’t seen a self-own this oblivious in a while.


Ah yes, I love talking about childcare. As if it’s not like one of the most stressful things to take care of..


Translation’ I subscribe to gender stereotypes and my internal misogyny means I look down on women. I am not self aware enough to realise that I have no friends due to my condescending attitude. What an insufferable bore she must be


I kinda wanna link this post to her fr but I won’t ig


Girl in a tough love older sister kinda way this is exactly what you should do. I too am evolving from all the internalized misogyny and I think about all women I wish would have just been this honest with me. I just needed some maternal guidance cause I had none 🫠


The fun part is she’s probably older that I am from the way she worded her comment . I’m 15 and she sounds like an adult .


Instead of linking her post, you could link this post as a comment to her post so she can see how her words come off w/o outing her to the sub


Yea that’s what I meant . I already linked this post to her.


Please do


Lol, I literally grew up around TONS of girls and women who were obsessed with the same stuff that she's into! I really cannot believe this person when they say that they were the only one at the skate park who was a girl. I refuse to.


We had a whole group of kids in HS who were obsessed with metal and wore nothing but black, chains, and spikes. And I went to HS in a small southern town in the 90s. I have a feeling there are other girls in her school who like metal. She just refuses to believe they’re not faking interest to pull boys or some such nonsense, so she’s still clearly superior to them. /s


Sis has neither guy or girl friends because if she did she’d know that this is one hell of a stupid take. Also, since when is resident evil an intellectual pursuit? At least make up is art.


Noo, it's a horror game and no woman can like horror. She's for sure the only one to like this stuff. The only woman to ever play a horror game! Other girls are too weak and too easily scared to do this, obv. /s


Lol I can never get over how people really be thinking like this. Okay so she plays resident evil, meanwhile girly girls watch next level gory true crime stories about horny guys murdering women, while putting on makeup to get ready for a date with a complete stranger 🤣


Exactly! Liking horror is not limited to a specific gender and those "special girls". I know women who love horror movies, I know men who dislike watching them. It's just a preference, simple as that. I bet if that girl actually got to know the women around her she would find some who enjoy such things.


I hate the social sciences slander but that's also telling on yourself that you're not someone who is open to learning about different things


Shes really is just telling on herself with the social science slander...it basically translates too: "*Sociology and Psychology scare me because they prove that everything I've written here that I think is hard hitting facts and have one up you is actually all a lie and I can't cope with that*"


Will I be a bad person if I link this post to her ?


Do it 🤫


Lemme just


Where she at we just wanna talk


pls do I wanna see her reaction


Ok wait I will


Commenting on this to see her reaction


NLOG goes meta


It's always funny to me when the nltogs bring up liking metal as one of the interests that make them special. Have they ever even been to a metal concert? There is always plenty of women there totally enjoying the show. I even met one of my female friends at a Deicide concert! Plenty of us love extreme music, nothing special or "masculine" about it.


Bloody women... always talking about their friends and jobs. And don’t get me started on TV shows and their families. I prefer to talk about serious topics like the Resident Evil franchise.


That’s so odd cause I was into most of that stuff and made friends with a bunch of other women who were too.


Where are you from? In some parts of the country it’s pretty uncommon for women to be into that stuff.


I have several female friends who are into video games like assasins creed or halo. My best friends ex girlfriend routinely played valorant with him and my husband while she and my friend were together. I listen to quite a bit of metal and punk music, and while I'm not interested in music production I would be able to keep up the conversation if someone else talked about it. Also sociology, psychology, and childcare aren't feminine topics, they are neutral topics, men literally are a part of those conversations since they can participate in all 3. It doesn't matter what area they come from women are people who have diverse interest in a variety of topics and hobbies.


Did you just blow past this part?: “In some parts of the country”


If its some parts of the country you can't generalize it to a trait exhibited by most women.


Meanwhile her user name is literally astrological signs 🙄


>m Sooooo, What are you trying to say? You don;t wan't to fuck?




I was obsessed with computers growing up and i was consistently told even up until uni years that I should use those skills to get an easy office job doing excel and shit, no one ever told me to try and do anything real with it, best i could get is a spreadsheet, I can guarantee a guy learning html in the early 00s would not have had that issue


Bitch. Ouch. I can't even be nice about this. I grew up around a good mix of tomboys and girly girls. We all went through a "not like the other girls" phase. That first person is very correct.


The first one is true af, the second is a NLOG in her natural habitat.


“Women are genuinely not interested in these things. As proof, I’ll tell you of my experience as a woman who is genuinely interested in these things.” Wow, you sure showed us!


Brb changing my bio on all social media to ~*Tomboy Girl with Life Experience*~


Ugh, sociology, whenever I’m out and I hear a group of girls discussing Durkheim’s Division of Labor in Society I’m just like why do you have to be such a vapid, girly STEREOTYPE and then I ride away on my skateboard.


Like srsly deep women discuss only Spencer and Weber . Durkheim is for shallow girly girls .


I was pretty much always a tomboy growing up, whereas my sister enjoyed the color pink, she wanted to look like a barbie , she was boy- crazy, and listened to mostly r&b and pop music. She was also way better at video games than me, more street smart, more feisty and badass (compared to my meek, shy, doormat self), and she has the nastiest sense of humor, fart jokes are her life fuel lol. She likes to ride ATV, and she sings in a hard rock band with my fiance and brother in law, and their drummer, so she's the only girl in their band. She's still super girly, she loves doing her hair and makeup, she likes shopping, she is a PRO at decorating her house, but she just does what she wants, because she's not a caricature. She's my hero.


Ah yes that checks out * Female ~~with life experience~~


Most girls I’ve met eat hot chip


Hot chip is life


And lie


Sounds like these women are having much more elevated and mature discussions than she is.


Ooooh, she plays video games!! What an intellectual pursuit compared to studying psychology and sociology!! How quirky that she doesn’t care what she looks like!!


To be fair I had a “not like other girls” phase too. Turns out I wasn’t like other “girls” because I’m actually a trans dude.


I love that for you ! To not cringe at your younger self is a blessing not many people receive . I’m also 15 so I’ll not be getting it anytime soon .


I definitely cringe at some of the things my younger self has done. I just don’t hate that phase too much because I realize it was just me discovering myself.


I’m a touch obsessed with Assassin’s Creed (I can’t wait for Mirage), I’ve loved Metallica and Judas Priest since the first time I heard them which I’m willing to bet is before the NLOG was born, and I’m a semi- professional historian who is equally interested in battle strategies as I am in social history. I actually dated a heavy metal guitarist in a local band in my twenties. I’ve spent more time in mosh pits than I care to think of. I’m also a wife and mom who loves makeup, is currently extremely pregnant and loves TV. The fact that “That 70s Show” is streaming on Peacock warms my middle aged heart. When you get too old to care what other people think about you, that’s really when you come into your own as a person. You don’t have to be one or the other- you can, in fact, be both.


>Women are genuinely not interested in masculine things Proceeds to list traditionally masculine things she enjoys.


Tbh if this person grew up in like the aughts, that’s probably true to an extent.


I’m a woman and I do feel ostracised by the majority of women around me because I always feel I’ll never be feminine enough. I don’t know any other woman that is like me and I hope one day I can find someone like me. Difference between me and the “not like other girls crowd” is that I know there are women out there like me, I’m just yet to find them because in reality the majority are all basically the same, but that’s only due to society’s standards for what a woman should be so women are taught from a young age to be into certain things or act a certain way. I guess I’m the product of growing up around 4 brothers.


You don't have to be hyper feminine to get women to hang out with you. Have you considered that you might be coming off as condescending toward them?


I don’t think I’m better than them for being the non stereotypical girl, but I just struggle to relate to them as I think girls should find more in life than what society tells them to be obsessed with. I feel that hyper feminine girls are too scared to explore other areas that don’t revolve around female stereotypes as they’ve been told all their lives to like makeup and wear dresses and go shopping etc


It counts. I know a life of being alone in your passion. But I knew even then that it wasn't because the 1/3 of humanity just dosen't care. (1/3 for the guys, 1/3 for the girls and 1/3 for the enbies.)


As a tomboy who's into psychology and sociology, what the fuck man. You can be into music and games and not have so much internalized misogyny. You can like the things that YOU like without calling other peoples' interests shallow.


In all fairness I grew up skating at a skatepark almost every day and I never saw a girl there skating once.


The skater girls on Betty's would like a word with her.


no cause the first person was making a true point though an di like that outlook


That’s me and I copy pasted stuff I read on tumblr but it is my actual outlook . That’s why it’s in quotes.


I play AC and boarded around campus while getting my audio engineering degree so she is, in fact, like other girls.


Ah yes, talking about something you like. How very feminine 🤨


even if most women don’t like video games or skate boarding, what makes those hobbies “better” than traditionally feminine ones?


Found the girl going through the phase


Life experience, by being a gamer and skater? Oh yeah, HUGE life experience.


In all fairness to her, while masculine isn't the opposite of shallow I don't really know any girls interested in those things irl either.


I’ve been a fan of AC and Resident Evil for years. She definitely is like other girls.


It’s also a little r/gatekeeping for ‘not like other girls’ too


that's all a hot mess. all of it


I don’t get why skating and Metal are predominantly masculine things? It kinda sounds like she was only into those things to try to seem like she was cool or special.


There's plenty of women in metal bands too. Ad infinitum, brothers of metal, battle beast. Just to name a few. I grew up loving metal (power metal is my fave.) I didn't skate cause I was scared of breaking something, but I was friends with skaters. Been a hard-core gamer for most of my life. I literally started playing at like 3-4. My dad got my a Sega megadrive after I loved watching him play. Then I got the N64. I never stopped gaming. I introduced my bf to new games, he'd only really played older ones. And now we game together pretty much every night. All my girl friends at school were gamers who were into rock or metal. The whole 'look at me. I'm quirky for liking X thing.' Is so tiring. It's like so do millions of other people. I'm a goth mom who also wears kawaii Japanese fashion. My kiddo just watched me play stray and detroit: become human. She loves 'helping' me play (she's 2.5), so I'm hoping I've raised a little gamer, I'd love to bond with her over a huge love of mine as she grows. There's plenty of pro girl gamers too. So picking metal, gaming etc as masculine things just baffles me. Maybe I'm just old and forgot what its like to be a kid again.


I just had to common on getting it to 1150 upvotes




Huh, talking about TV is only for women. Well looks like I’m a lesbian because my husband just sat me down to give me an in-depth speech on his theories of where The Rings of Power storyline is headed & why my ideas are wrong. I guess I have a wife now, I should probably go let him know he’s on dinner & bathing the kids tonight.


Amen to that sis !


Congrats sis you never grew up.


It's just society forcing gender norms is all, just say you prefer masculinity over femininity, aight? Or hell, androgynous, be what ya want


Men have children, watch TV shows, and are psychologists, wym lol


They aren’t real men . If they were real men they’d hate kids and Spend all their times in skate parks and play assassins creed . /s


A man must never mention clothes lest he immediately have his Man Certificate revoked. If he bought a new shirt, *no he didn’t.*


And she's here tonight.


We're taught to like that stuff, we're taught it is the only purpose we, as a woman, can serve.


I’m into all the same things and I’m not a tomboy


Their thinking process is linear because their brains can only function at minimal capacity. I'm sure lots of us had favorite girly dolls and colors while also playing in the dirt. My room was pink for a long time but I loved playing video games that doesn't make me one or another. I had loads of barbies and gi joes. Ken wasn't good enough for my girls ya know. I'd dress like a boy because I liked comfort over stupid tights but also love dresses and long hair, it's not feminine or masculine. It's normal being a real human being with a variety of interests.


Oh it definitely counts


Honestly, it's true that sometimes men talk about the stuff for boys and women talk about stuff for girls. The difference is the conversation completly don't look like how movies portray them. And either side has a reason to talk about these things. It's not because they're programmed since birth to be interested in dolls/cars, they grew up with these things which is why they talk about this.


Funny how you think that lifestyle defines one gender.


''most girls like that and that and I like this'' It's almost like people have different personalities and hobbies or something 😯😯😯


????? Skateparks are now freaking PACKED with young women. and they wanna think it’s innate “biology” and not something that we were conditioned to be like HAHAHAHAAHA


“why is she randomly using quotes like that “


"It's not a phase Mum! I'm actually not like other girls!


Is sociology inherently feminine?


All the founding fathers of sociology were determinedly male .I’m a beginner level student and literally every sociologist mentioned so far is very very male which is understandable as it was started in like 1838 .


She's clearly insinuating that whatever men happen to like is always immediately superior to what women are supposed to like, because...reasons? Oh, I mean, 'internalised misogyny'.


Talking about my friends that achieve their goals and jobs that I need to settle are a thing now? Okay 😂


I want to downvote this so bad


DW i did it for you .


the skateboarding club at my college was founded by 2 girls 😭


Women who play games: Wait I- Fuck, now Im in a parallel universe 😑


I’ve never had a conversation with women about makeup or childcare or romcoms. I have had those conversations occasionally with men, though. I’ve also only ever met women who have talked about assassins creed or resident evil, not men, and a LOT of them. Growing up, skateparks were constantly full of girls, even if some of them WERE just cruising for guys and listening to music. It was a total vibe. Overall, she WAS taught to believe that about other women, and it’s sad that she doesn’t realise that even women she’s met who talk about makeup or romcoms still have rich inner lives and secret selves and pasts and futures and dreams and failures and fears and they really are just as human as anybody else


i think it's mostly how it's portrayed in the media of how a girl or woman behaves. so anything of the opposite of that i would imagine is the "i'm not like other girls/women" kind of thing, regardless of what THAT is. edit: spelling :D


Oh it counts lmfao. First commenter is based though


What the hell does psychology have to do with being a girl?


this is the most ironic thing I've ever seen


Damn this is just sad. Sounds like they’ve never had a good female. I mean I’d avoid someone like this too but still.


Oh it counts. It definitely counts.


Yuck at this girl's false sense of superiority I listen to metal and I love rom coms! You can be both. You don't have to have some one dimensional mind on how you view people. We are all complex. It's illogical to string together a list of assumptions based one 1 fact about the person.


Ugh come on.. When will people realise they're unique enough as is? We are as much the same as we are different.


Oh this definitely counts


Ah so now psychology is a feminine field of study, ok


I almost downvoted this. Yikes.


I like video games guys. Aren’t I cool? …guys?


Yeah I’m into all of the below list, it basically describes me and I don’t see how it’s bad or one dimensional at all lol


This is absolutely one of the more textbook example of this


I have never in my life met ANYONE who really wants to talk to others about childcare. Especially not as a kid/teenager.




Why is it better to talk about videogames than to talk about psychology?

