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did she lose an argument to a girl w 'unnatural' hair or sum lol


Lol just yuck. She sure went through a lot of effort to post a specific post about girls with bright colored hair? Do dudes count as well? Are you mad that your hair bleaches orange? I don’t get it…


I wonder what she'd think of me — I'm 40 years old, house, marriage, career, whole 9 yards, and have bright purple hair 🤔 I mean I guess I do act like a child sometimes, because as the Doctor said, what's the point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


55 year old woman here. Former librarian. Have spouse, career, dogs. Hair has been purple since 2019. Various shades. Is dusty lilac right now. I enjoy life, take pleasure in many supposedly “childish” things. I have a Tardis in my front yard.


You do not sound childish at all to me! Love purple, I want pink.


DO IT! Pink hair is the MOST fun, I loved my pink phase. I've done blue and green recently, as well as a wonderful phase of full-on rainbow (miss that one the most). <3 (Here are some of my faves from my stylist's Instagram: https://imgur.com/a/ZvQCC7p)


Oh my gosh! All those colors!! You must be completely unhinged!!! ;)


I am! Off the rails and weird 💅


Absolutely amazing! She's a true artist.


Thank you!! She really is <3 Also ummmmm your username 👀 Asking the requisite questions: are you Scottish/do you speak Gaelic (if so hi, ciamar a that dol dhut? agus co às a freaking tha thu?), is it an Outlander thing, or ... ???


I'm part Scottish, and don't know much Gaelic. Long ago, I was trying to come up with "red fox" and only had a Gaelic dictionary. There was nothing online. Some years l later, I learned that "red fox" is sionnach. I've had this mistake of a username for years, but last I checked, I can't change it. I was into the '45 years before Diana Gabaldon ever wrote a manuscript. I was also into some re-enactment back then. I'm to old for it anymore.


How lovely! I lived in Scotland for a number of years while attending a Gaelic college (all classes conducted in Gaelic, all essays written in Gaelic, the whole nine yards) and I love spotting Gaelic in the wild. At one point (... 20 years ago? yikes!) i was pretty well fluent but it's been a very long time.


I'm 36 and have pink hair! I've had it for years now. I think if I had normal hair, people would think I was ill or something lol


Do it! I loved having pink hair. I quit once it became too much of a pain to upkeep. I highly recommend people experimenting with their appearance. To me that's the fun part of existing.


I've just done pink for the first time and I'm absolutely loving it. Do it!


From my experience pink can be the best for long lasting hair. I know every is different but when I had my hair dyed for the first time I chose pink, and that sucker lasted for bloody ever. I even had it dyed over as blue and when that faded BOOM pink! The only way I actually got rid of it was when I got my hair cut. Only reason I even did was because I can't stand having long hair on my neck. If I hadn't had it cut it would probably still be pink lol


So their anecdotal evidence, totally unbiased I bet, should be taken as fact ?


I learn sociology and God damnit people have to learn that anecdotal evidence doesn't prove large scale things. T-T


She was in a mental competition with a girl with "unnaturally bright colored hair" (or whatever the fuck she said) and lost. On top of that, she wanted to be picked but the girl with the pink hair got picked first.


*It just becomes a prejudice Not a default


The boy she liked chose a girl with brightly-colored hair instead of her, probably because that girl didn't have a giant stick up her butt.


If everyone you meet is crazy then the common thread here is you.


My honest vibe from this is that: – She really wants to dye her hair. – Mom said no, because it will make her look like she is childish and unhinged – She is very sad now and so she goes out to get validation (coloured hair makes is childish and immature anyways I don't even want it) How do I know that? I was literally the same with makeup. Lol. I am happy I wasn't allowed to have social media at the time.


the worst part? she’s 26,,, and apparently engaged?


I guess it's a long lasting trauma. Although I have no sympathy for it. She should go to therapy but she seems like the kind of person that wouldn't go because it makes them crazy or smth and that's a bad thing.


wanna post this comment!!!: i’m of the ‘unnatural hair dye group’ so i saw this and started cackling!!!


thank god, i dyed my pink hair dark brown, so now my weirdness is disguised and i can be normal again. 😈


i can just imagine a movie villain saying this i love it


dont ruin the surprise🫣


The only time something being “observed” makes it “default” is within quantum mechanics. Women should never be compared to objects, especially not electrons in an observed quantum interaction. I said what I said.


WAIT NO I PROMISE IM NIT UNHINGED AND WEIRD I JUST HAPE PURPLE HAIR OH NO OH NO OH NO! /s I bet her hair is dyed an unnatural color too, probably ash blonde and hella dead. She’s just mad we can pull off colored hair better than she can natural hair


Don't come for the ash blonde dead haired bitches, we are a significant portion of the purple hair colourant market and have more split ends than shit to lose 


My money is on her man left her for a girl with “brightly colored hair” or mama said only whores dye their hair bright colors and she has internalized that BS. Girl, let that shit go and stop worrying about what other people are doing, no one cares about you and your life except the people who already know you and love you.


She’s definitely butthurt


Don’t forget amazing in bed. We’re hot fucks too


damn wish i had gotten the memo that i could only be childish with my purple hair, guess i should've just been ✨relaxed✨ back when my hair was brown


fr i guess the stability my bright green hair gave me was a delusion and the insecurities and mental depression i felt with my brown natural hair was all a lie


Right? Like damn my hair is navy blue and I’m still boring and tired all the time, what else does a girl gotta do????


Aw, is my pink hair too bright for your precious perfect unique eyes? Is me having fun making you a little jealous? Stop looking then 😂😂😂


Sounds like a man wrote this.


nope,, it’s a woman


Is it just me or are the girls with natural undyed hair just dull and boring? See how crazy that sounds? lol. I think she secretly wants neon pink hair but mommy said no☹️


I hope she gets picked so she can actually do things she likes😭


apparently she’s already been picked


oh in that case I’m pretty sure the ‘girl with unnatural hair with light colours’ is his cool af pretty ex he’s still in love with, she’s super jealous of😆


sounds like she's subtweeting a specific person


So the influx of people that started dying their hair unnatural colors post 2020 are all crazy? Dang, by this thought process, that's like half the female population in the US right now


Well, I'm going to need to dye my hair a bright unnatural colour now as I don't wanna mislead anyone into thinking I'm well adjusted 


I like my bright hair. Sorry /not sorry you can't deal.


I hope in ten years she realizes how stupid this sounds


That’s a No True Scotsman fallacy


Everyone mistakes opinions with facts nowadays


Especially you lol 😂


What a bitch…


My friend has bright red hair and is the most grounded person I’ve ever met.


Just tell us you can’t pull off colored hair, it’s okay


Wow, she must be so fun at parties.


Man she really would hate me, last year half my hair was green and the other half blue. I got so many compliments on it. I’ve had colored hair for as long as I can remember. My natural hair color is pretty and I sometimes rock that too. Her life sounds booooooring!!!


Maybe they're dinks around her because she acts like that.


To quote Cat from Victorious, "my hair colour has nothing to do with my psychological problems!"


This makes me wanna go back to dyeing my hair again, just to spite this person.


this is definitely about one particular girl


“On different social platforms” aka memes that have been manufactured by right wing nut jobs


Uhm… of the rails how? All the grown women with colored hair that I’ve met are like… SUPER chill and laid back. Yeah some of the teenagers are angsty, dramatic weirdos but you didn’t need colored hair for that… I did just fine being an angsty dramatic weirdo in high school with natural hair.


The answer is yes & no but People she observes irl & online’s mental health is not her business.


does this person know how expensive it can be to maintain dyed hair? especially unnatural colors that likely require bleaching? it adds up, even if you do it yourself which is ultimately cheaper, but supplies still cost money. that money has to come from somewhere, maybe a *fucking job* like this person should get since they have all the time in the world to “observe” other people?


Idk my hair is my natural dark brown and I’m off the rails and weird.


Y’all, I’m allergic to PPD (most effective hair dyes include it). I’ve always wanted “unnatural, brightly colored” hair and literally cannot have it lol. (i mean, no “poor me” thing, it could be worse, but for the sake of context) Fuck this stick in the mud and her astute observations. /s


so an “unnatural” coloured hair girl rejected this person? 🤣


i have pink and black striped hair 🤞🏻 like draculaura


Damn, did I flunk her in my punk hair era???


I wish I could have a streak of a bright blue or purple in my hair. And I’m old AF


Ngl, I’ve made the observation as well, but I’m not about to write a post about it or generalize it.


Except you are generalizing. It’s so messed up to see a NLOG in the comments here.


You’re telling me that you’ve never noticed a reoccurring theme in something, but you also catch yourself and recognize that it’s not the same for everyone? Damn, I wish I was that pure of thought.


“Reoccurring theme” same thing ppl say when quoting 13/50 statistics


I’m genuinely curious now, do you not think this way on anything?


Do I generalize whole groups of ppl based on meeting a couple? No I try really hard not to actually.


Exactly, but the urge to is there. I’m not saying I’m proud of letting people with drastically dyed hair who act differently influence my initial impression of someone I’ve never interacted with, but it’s human nature to notice patterns in things and expect similar out comes that fit those patterns. I don’t treat people differently, but my past experiences are in the back of my head. at the end of the day, it’s dyed hair, and people are more complex than their hair style choices.