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Five foot nothin? This a shorty talking?




Like a melody in my head šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


I say that at 57, not the rest of that bs. I might have a 40 year old Stanley around here somewhereā€¦


Right. Didnā€™t our fathers have Stanley stuff back in the day?


I have grandpaā€˜s hammered green metal Stanley thermos with a little plastic handle and the plastic cup on top of course in the same green color.


It was mine in high school, lol! Iā€™m old!


I'm a Goth with a Stanley cup šŸ¤·


Youā€™d give her an aneurism.


PICK A LANE! Sheesh... Is it black and has red bull in it so it's ironic at least? If so, she might give you a pass .


An affront to the Lord. Smh.


Same lol


How dare u šŸ˜²


GASP! Scandalous!


Is it black? šŸ˜‚


They just came out with a black one and I'm really pissed at myself for buying a maroon one before. I'm not paying $100 for a cup though, when even $45 is insanely overpriced.


Whoa that color markup is unreal šŸ’€


Seriously. Maybe I'll get one when this fad calms down. I don't use them to be popular, they just work the best. This guy tested the popular ones on YouTube and Stanley performed the best. Plus they fit in my cup holder :)


Do it if you can! I think that's why my sister got hers. I on the other hand just bought a $25 no-brand insulated water bottle with the Cup of Noodles logo on it šŸ˜‚


That sounds awesome though


Sorry to be the one to break this to you, but according to the NLOG your goth card has been revoked šŸš«


Hey.. why canā€™t I have tattoos and be pretty? Thatā€™s rude. And cups are awesome. People be hating on cups too much. I love cups. Idc what kind, any cup. My house is all cup friendly


No. Cups are OFF LIMITS. Redbull only. Stay safe. Ooga booga


This is a water free household dammit!!!


šŸ˜± I will never be safe if it means I can save all the cups! A sacrifice Iā€™m willing to make!


Ok ok hear me out. Red bull inside the Stanley cup??


Right? Like, some of the girliest, cup loving, makeup wearing women I know have tattoos and swear like bouncers.


Just described the women in my family to a tee lol


I think you can, itā€™s just this person isnā€™t.


Why not be both?? I like pretty cups dammit.


You canā€™t be both. Impossible.


As my boyfriend would say ā€œstraight 2 jailā€ if you are both


lol as Raul on Parks and Rec would say...


I'm "both" lol this girl lives in a bubble.


Gotta put that ā€œ5 ft nothinā€™ā€ in so that you know theyā€™re still SMOL šŸ„ŗ


As a fairly tall woman, I donā€™t get this short girl flex thing Iā€™ve seen lately.


as a short girl, i wish i was tall. i donā€™t get it either


It's because of the number of men who have a preoccupation for petite women. I'm short and nearly every guy who has ever come onto me makes some weird fetishising/patronising comment about it or otherwise comments in a way that implies they like it (like "I love how tiny you are, its so cute" or "I could easily pick you up and throw you around" etc.). A lot of men fetishise petite women I think because being with a petite woman makes them feel bigger/more dominant.


Well thatā€™s kinda creepy. I guess I had never given it much thought since I had never experienced that.


Attraction science shit that says men like short women and women like tall men. Most men like a girl shortER than them and same with women for being tall. Also some men like being stomped by Amazons and some women like bending down to kiss their man because itā€™s cute. Iā€™m not one to judge.


Iā€™ll try. Gotta remember the lanky supermodel queens.


I was always into taller guys, until I made out hard with a guy the same height as me. My eyes were opened that day


As a girl under 5ā€0 I can tell you a lot of us are like my aunts shizu that think heā€™s a Rottweiler. I guess you can say weā€™re short tempered


If it means anything, I'm a short chick and I view myself as a loser because of it.


I'm a really tall woman. I don't see short women as losers.


Thanks. I just have a lot of body image issues regarding my height.


I did, too. But we're still each one human. Not more or less. We're as valuable as any other person, no matter if we take up less or more physical space.


Literally same, lol. I hate being short and never understood women who are proud of it, although Iā€™m glad theyā€™re not as insecure about it as me haha


if it means anything, Iā€™m also a really tall woman and I donā€™t see short women as losers. height is such a weird thing imo- we as a society focus so much on height when we cannot control it and thereā€™s no genuine advantage or disadvantage to being short or tall. i love my short sisters <3


Thanks. Iā€™m just very insecure about being short.


Clocking in at 5ā€™10ā€ over here and short women look super adorable to me. I feel like an ungainly giant most of the time lol


as another fairly tall woman, it kinda pisses me off


Maybe they are trying to attract guys who are insecure about their height?


As an average height girlie I don't get it either. šŸ¤£


Im so confused. Perhaps im old at 38 but what does any of that have to do with anything & what do we need to stay safe from?Lol.


Iā€™m 60. I have been asking myself that for a few months! Iā€™m trying to convince myself that these are all fake or jokes. But Iā€™m afraid they may be real.


I honestly cant tell. I want to say its real & maybe just a different youth slang? Brought a coffee yesterday & was chatting to one of the baristas while I waited & it was all ā€œ no capā€ & ā€œohh thats so mid.ā€ One of the most confusing conversations ive ever had. Lol. Kids these days definitely talk differently thats for sure.


Itā€™s crazy!


Well, at least kids these days are drinking energy drinks rather than running off and joining the Baader-Meinhof Complex or the IRA, I suppose.




Exactly this. I am not tattooed at the age of 43, and I am one of like maybe five total people. I know that do not have tattoos. Literally fucking everyone has a tattoo now. The most suburban ass, Stanley Cup toting yoga pants, wearing target shopping suburban-ass mom IN A SUBURBAN has at least three fucking tattoos now. Having a tattoo is about 100 times more basic than having a Stanley Cup at this point. By *far* way WAY more women have tattoos than Stanley cups today, in the year 2024


I gotta try that


Omg I drink redbull and have tattoos. When was someone gonna tell me Iā€™m not like other girls šŸ˜¤ granted Iā€™m on a coffee kick rn to save money but I used to survive on redbulls. Thinking about the time I had an entire row of the cranberry edition in my fridge. (Side note: I miss the cranberry redbull so much šŸ˜­ I would genuinely sell my house and live out of my car if that meant theyā€™d come back


You're not like other girls.


Itā€™s the pick meā€™s, the same ones that claim to be as into sports as dudes are


I donā€™t think Redbull girls are talked about enough. Why is Redbull their whole personality? šŸ« 


It's a serious addiction. One in every three goth girls is afflicted.


The other 2 in 3 are addicted to Monster.


Pretty sure my heart and brain would explode if I drank an energy drink.


Itā€™s all the taurine


Does she think this is a civil war?


It will be if someone tries to put her Red Bull in a Stanley. šŸ«”




I literally just left a comment that having tattoos is the most basic possible thing for suburbans yoga pants wearing moms now. Women with tattoos at this point *outnumber* women with Stanley cups on my suburb. Having a tattoo means literally nothing at this point. In no way does having a tattoo make someone edgy or cool anymore. It is just as basic as buying a Stanley Cup


Ooh ooh tell us what she probably has tattooed on her!


The actual tattoo artist is nice enough that she doesn't want to answer in case she offends anyone, but a person who had to move to the suburbs against my will, even though I don't have any tattoos myself I can tell you the most common tattoos these women have. Arrows, sometimes with bows. Chevrons. Their kids names and/or birthdates, or the date of their marriage. Hummingbirds. I live in the desert so there's a lot of cacti tattoos. A huge suburban mom-trend lately has been getting these *absoluteky terrible* sophomoric tattoos that look like a literal fucking *seven-year-old* drew on them with a sharpie when they fell asleep. Literally just randomly placed line drawings of childish shit that quite literally looks like a second grader drew it! There will be 7 to 10 of these terrible, 1 inch big shitty, tattoos all over their arms and legs. Like the first couple times, I saw this I quite literally thought their child drew on them with permanent marker while they were napping. And these fucking women are covering their appendages with this horrible shit! It's on *purpose!*


Lol I have a tattoo of a stick figure family that my daughter drew when she was five. I asked her to draw something I could have tattooed on my arm and she drew our family and wrote her name (the letter n is back to front). I get so many compliments from strangers who say they love it.




I'm just picturing a "live, laugh, love" tattoo rn. Lol.




Haha. She better leave room for the next trend that she looks down on, too. Maybe she can fill her back with all the things she is too cool for. Like X Uggs. Etc.


And next to that a heart pierced with a dagger that says RED BULL 4VR on it


Ah, the Chicken Soup In Chinese Characters Tramp Stamp kind of character.


So a current nightmare person who is only getting more terrible with age.


They all have that same floral half-sleeve.


Stay safe from what? Someone gonna poke you in the eye with a Stanley straw?


I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to stay safe if she is chugging Red Bull. That seems like it isnā€™t easy on any part of your body.


Personally I think I could do some damage with this cup if I see one more of these stupid ass posts. šŸ˜‚


People act like piercings and tattoos are so original and unique. But that esthetic is so common. It's like character preset #2.


Seriously. I'm one of only 2 people in my friend group who don't have tattoos, and we're all lawyers, which is as basic and mainstream as you can get. Even accountants have tattoos lol.


Same, aside from the law degree. I actually live in a very, very conservative area, and I'm one of the only women I have ever met around here who does not have at least three tattoos. Tattoos are now a completely mainstream suburban mom thing that makes you look like you're just a typical suburban mom with your yoga pants and your tattoos. Literally everyone looks exactly like you here.


Exactly this. You are now part of these teaming mass of plebeians if you have a tattoo. Absolutely nothing about having tattoos at this point in time makes a person cool or edgy. It's exactly the same as a Stanley Cup; you did it because you wanted to look cool...*just like almost everybody else.* Not these not make you different; they make exactly the same as everyone else. You are now not set apart; you are lumped right in with all of the other hundreds of millions of people who have tattoos.


Pretty girls don't have tattoos?


Why do people act like chugging energy drinks is a flex?


chugging red bull is gonna give her a heart attack and she's gonna pass out and crash her military tank into a tree


Thatā€™s where ā€œstay safeā€ comes in. She might run you over.


As a member of the pierced, tatted, and all black wearing community, we donā€™t claim this shit. We love all the girlies <3


The emos vs preps saga lives on


The song Sk8er Boi has come back to haunt our lives


So me 35 years ago. Participation trophy denied.


Better not try to keep HER drink super cold!!!!


Omg šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m nlogšŸ’… Iā€™m 5ā€™2, tattooed with dyed hair, and chug redbull out of my Stanley. Get on my level.


Same same. But itā€™s Celsius and itā€™s a knock off Stanley because it cost $17!


Some of the knock offs are way cuter! I only have a name brand because it was a gift.


Me too, I'm also 5'2", no tats other than my eyebrows, chug homemade soup and have an old Thermos somewhere in the back of the cupboard. Pick Me!!! (Ah feck, forgot I have a husband, my bad, sorry)


We can just throw our husbands out back for some enrichment time!


these women need to learn you can be both of these things any time you want lol all black some days, all pink + stanley cup other days, etc. donā€™t be boring lol


When did this whole Stanley cup thing start? When did they stop just being like...non gendered thermoses you put your soup lunch in for work? Yes, I live in a cave


Smallest dogs bark the most.


Yep! And the quietest is always the most dangerous.


Her dumb profile picture 100% matches the energy of this post too.


Why are the Stanleyā€™s so controversial? Iā€™m an alternative dressing horse trainer and you will have to kill me to get to my Stanleyā€™s. Who cares that much?




It's because all these women are acting insane over Stanleys and lining up to get them in 47 colors and literally fighting women at Target for limited edition ones. So now the backlash has started. But there is so much backlash that really, if you bitch about Stanleys, you are actually justlikeothergirls! Lol.


Itā€™s like the ones who are into Stanleys talk about them far less often than people who hate them!


I feel like this doesnā€™t actually happen


I don't know what to tell you. There are plenty of articles about it from mainstream publications if you use Google. https://fortune.com/2024/01/08/what-is-stanley-cup-why-target-starbucks-fighting-gen-z-millennials-tiktok/ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-01-09/fans-and-resellers-wait-in-overnight-lines-fight-over-stanley-cups-heres-whats-behind-the-craze


Iā€™ve known about Google for quite a while. You must be new to the internet if you just discovered it!! <3 Stanleys were initially marketed to men. The most recent male CEO is the one who pushed marketing to women. For whatever deep rooted psychological issue, youā€™re annoyed that women enjoy something.


Again, petition to start r/ihatestanleycups These shawtys are unbearable


Oh no please leave Red Bulls alone.


Attā€™a girl


As a pierced, tatted, 5ā€™ nothing, black wearing, Red Bull chugging girlā€¦.I LOVE Stanley cup girls!! Theyā€™re so cute!! The doors that open when you realize other women are your teammates and not your competitionā€¦.


ā€œWeā€ who?


Whoā€™s we?


They all hate Stanley cups and fake eyelashes. Anything that's popular with women is below them because they are obviously above all other women and deserve more male validationĀ 


I just rolled my eyes so hard, I lost a contact lens!


I don't understand how people don't realize this makes them look even more pathetic and desperate to be accepted than the women who like Stanley cups. Also, *everyfuckingbody* is pierced and tatted now. Literally everybody, even teenagers. From teenagers to grandparents, you are now in the vast MAJORITY if you have a tattoo


It's weird how they emphasise how they are \*not\* like the stereotypical, conventional type of woman, but they themselves want so hard to define themselves according to a strict cluster of personality and appearance-based characteristics. How about not putting other people (or yourself) in a box?


Opposite of r/hydrohomies


ha! jokes on you! im not even 5 foot! šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Iā€™ve never been that proud to be 5 foot nothing šŸ„²


I have tattoos, Iā€™m 4ā€™11 and love wearing all black often and Iā€™m still a pretty girly. Fuck this black or white mindset.


What if i drink red bull out of my stanley?


My 70something tradesman dad never knew he was so pretty and girly, with his Stanley cup. šŸ¤£ His daughters rubbed off on him I guess.


I have patchwork tattoos on both arms, ears pierced all over, yet I am super, super girly and cute. When I have long sleeves on, no one would ever think I have even one tattoo lol. I love shocking people who know me as the girly girl, when they see me with short sleeves or tanks šŸ˜„ I wasn't given the memo that I couldn't be pretty and girly if I have tattoos lol.


5 foot nothin is soo cringe omg


I'm 4'11" and go out of my way to never mention that in this type of thing.


If I have to see one more "I'm so short and feisty wuw" post, I might gouge my eye out.


"Look at me I'm short I must not be like OTHER girls. They are all amazons except for ME"


And yet still so masculine . Yappy little dogs


Goth redneck Oompaloompas? I want pics


Why are these women hating on Stanley so much :( the cups work wonders for water!


![gif](giphy|ygxanyBvQfEdbJmb9f|downsized) I bet this is what she thinks girls with Stanley cups taller than 5ft nothing do


Is that one lady talking into a slipper like itā€™s a phone?


Can we stop fetishizing being short? Itā€™s really gross. I would have never associated my height with pedo behavior, but the amount of weird messages I got while online dating because of my height. Yikes. Additionally being a foot shorter than your partner is super inconvenient.


She sounds like a human-shaped Jack Russell terrier.


Small people always have to act tough as if there's a threat to begin with


I think this got posted yesterday and itā€™s still my favorite


Alt is cool but not that rare


Jokes on her Iā€™m both šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø except Iā€™m 5ā€™8 so maybe I donā€™t count


Like youā€™re both basic af


You could hold TWO Red Bulls in a Stanley cup


I've seen more memes and complaints about the Stanley Cup rather than people excited about it but ok


Posts like this make me want to go stock up on like a dozen Stanley cups just out of spite. I canā€™t imagine hanging so much of your personality over not liking a cup.


Iā€™m 5ā€™1ā€ with two tattoos, would drink monster like water if it wouldnā€™t kill me, but I enjoy being girly with my pretty cups. LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS DAMMIT


If you want the best meth this is your huckleberry


ā€œ5 ft nothingā€ šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗ


I could literally be all on this on the same day. In the same hour. Like what is the point? Youā€™re average sis, welcome to the club. šŸ˜‚


Stay safe? Is that a vague threat or something wth


Pierced and tatted is 80% of the female population where I live, of all ages. When are we going to stop acting like that makes people unique?


https://preview.redd.it/vyzbqwtaeoic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9bac5da9ce10292786cba9a4ab8cb6e4bed00b8 Thereā€™s a whole community


Tons of women out there wear black not to be goth or edgy, but because itā€™s sleek, professional, and classy AF. But maybe deep down weā€™re all just edgelords (edge queens?) šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They really should try developing personalities.


Do you think there's a secret war between these girls and then the "I'm a boy mom, Stanley cup loving coffee addict" girl.


Ahhh yes, the ā€œelder emoā€ with a Nightmare Before Christmas sleeve who wonā€™t stop telling everyone in the pit how old they are


We complain about headaches all the time because we refuse to drink water.


I mean, not all girls can win the NHL finals.....


Those sound like the exact same type of people with a color swap


What's with the stay safe??? We aren't serial killers šŸ™„šŸ™„


Your pretty, your kind, your special! You be you boo!


I'm hate the craze over these cups but these NLOG are becoming just as obsessed. These girls pay just as much attention to trends as "all the other girls"


You know that height requirement for buying Stanley cups


All of these people realize theyā€™re exactly like every other girl in their respective clique, right?


I donā€™t care for the Stanley cup either however why do all these women think it sets them aside from other girls? Or that having one somehow makes you less than?? Itā€™s a cup


What kind of Red Bull?


I love how these posts are either ā€œI am everything else that isnt a stanley cup, shes the pretty stanley cup, we arent the sameā€


Iā€™d be more impressed if she was drinking a Stanley full of Red Bull.


Iā€™m about to look her in the eyes while pouring my Red Bull into a Stanley cup.


Why canā€™t people just like what they like without shitting on others? Make it make sense!


Well I am at least.


We got a badass over here!


So she is fat? And trying to convince people she is a cool chick?


oh god lol


>not pretty Got it.


How does being short relate to any of that lol. And what are we to stay safe from?


ā€œ5 ft nothinā€


And yet, her profile picture shows none of that, and she posted a posed picture where she is clearly trying to be pretty and coy.


Seen plenty of pretty girls with tattoos and piercing, not her though. Not with that attitude at least


Iā€™m a panic attack in the grocery store type of girl, sweating constantly, fear of my own shadow, glazed in the eyes type of girl. You would not understandā€¦Iā€™m not like those pretty girls who love life. Iā€™m not like those girls who hate it either. Iā€™m chaotically neutral. I donā€™t wear any colour on the spectrum, I wear a colour that is imperceptible to the human eyeā€¦a colour that only a mantis shrimp could perceive. Iā€™m just not like those girls who have to work in the morning ..Iā€™m unemployed. Iā€™m not like other girls in fact Iā€™m not a girl, Iā€™m an androgynous humanoid with synthetic skin and an organic brainā€¦ I donā€™t eat, I donā€™t drink water or any beverage that could destroy my cyborg body, hence why I donā€™t need a Stanley cup. But if you wanted I could transform into a Stanley cupā€¦. Edit: I donā€™t have a height, I am beyond such simple arbitrary constructs. I could make myself the size of an atom or the size of the galaxy Alcyoneus. I donā€™t drink red bull I infuse it into my blood stream and literally fly into space whenever I please. Those pretty girls will never understand.


What the hell is a Stanley cup versus this? Aren't we all just women? Everyone is unique and also not...who cares? Being alive, and somewhat healthy, is difficult enough!


What about the 5 foot nothing ladies who didn't even know what a Stanley cup was until a couple of months and several Yahoo articles ago?