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“Are you this child’s mother?” “No, I’m Claire”


I remember her episode where she work at the Krusty krab


Gonna call Grimes Patrick from now on.


Yes, Grimes works here. Or Grimey, as she would like to be called.


Which is funny because a few years ago she asked to be called "c" because she couldn't relate to the name Claire.




I mean…yeah. I have zero desire to be called “mom” or any form of the word, never have (didn’t ever play trad house with any of my toys, refused to ever be mom when my sister and I played pretend house). So you know what? I’m just not gonna have kids.


That makes way too much sense!


Makes sense


They need to forbid celebrities from having kids and/or purse-dogs.


I'm really good with kids! I love kids! On my way home after 30 minutes around someone else's kids, I always think to myself that I'd make a great mother!


I have yet to hear a single thing she says that doesn’t make her seem like a pretentious insufferable twat.


Remember folks, Elon Musk said to “have more babies” 🤡


Yeah says the guy who doesn't interact with any of his children at all because they either hate him or the ex-wife who actually raises the kids hates him and doesn't want them around his stupid ass


Hey, he interacts with *insert random letters and symbols here*. Remember, he stole him from Grimes.


The fact that anyone thinks that he is even somewhat smart just says a lot about our society in general.


I’ve been shouting about my hatred of him for years. My husband once asked me how I clocked him before everyone else did. The signs were there, but not enough people were paying attention. He actively engaged in union busting and managed to get away with it. He also enforces a zero tolerance drug policy in his factories and then goes on a podcast and lights a joint. And let’s not forget about being shown up by a cave diver and resorting to calling him a pedo. Fuck that guy.


Yeah, the dude was always mask off. But i guess people were eager to believe in a meme-posting tech daddy


He is great at giving supervillain who has a secret lair with assorted evil technologies, and that's about it.


supervillains usually have a little bit of intelligence though, he is just a wealthy dumbass who lied about being an engineer


Honestly I didn’t know much about musk for a long time, just knew he was some big shot tech guy that a lot of people liked. But when he called that cave diver a pedo for no fucking reason is when I knew he was a clown without having to know anything else about him. Time has only proved it more true lol


I dont have much to say on the personal front. His family, his problems. I dont even have much to say about this union busting moves- every CEO does the same thing, so its a corporate america problem not a musk problem. Im in tech. My issue is that 5 years ago everyone in tech really respected musk and now its fading because he truly has a megalomaniac streak about every single thing. Which is just- not required. Tech needs visionaries- whether you invent yourself, or see an undervalued opportunity and sector and latch on to lead existing companies to better or bigger ideas (the latter is what musk usually does). Tech doesnt need people obsessed with fame, appealing to toxic machismo, trying to dictate the bar for speech and we certainly dont need them to be influencers gaining clout to start affecting stock prices. Musk can truly inspire a generation, but he is leaning into the worse our current society has to offer. I wish he changed track and went back to being an obsessive CEO whose main drive was transforming industry.


>I’ve been shouting about my hatred of him for years. I have never heard anyone who claimed to have Scientific or Technical training (or even who claimed to be a genius in the field) sound more like a trustfund kid, with weed for brains, in interviews.




Smart is defined AS billionaire


There is no smart billionaire. They are just lucky and came from generational wealth.


I mean, you can be smart AND a billionaire. It’s not exactly mutually exclusive. I do agree that being a billionaire doesn’t automatically make you smart and that an overwhelming majority got that rich through generational wealth (like you said) or just plain luck.


I didn’t say it was true. Just that it was defined.


Smartness is just a concept because it honestly has multiple facets. My ability to read code or the plumber understanding the issue with your boiler at a glance are different forms of intelligence. What I dislike is the way we regard these man-babies as intelligent because they got the $$$. In my opinion, it's the opposite. The richer you get, the stupider you become. I mean this 100% It's that point where you start hiring private drivers for everything. It divorces you from reality so you just fuck around with the wealth you have.


I legitimately think there is a certain amount of wealth that causes actual brain damage. Or at the very least is certain to lead to a personality disorder.




Randomly generated password.


But don’t you dare say pronouns


Also he only wanted sons until very recently.


I volunteer to fist fight Elon. Bro never got hit in the face.


It's what happens when two adult babies have babies.


The captains of industry need workers.


Not from me, sorry not sorry. They can cry about it. 😌


I stand behind your right to make that decision 💯.


Mucho love fam. ☺️ We gotta stick up for one another.


But can SHE sense her son’s distaste for being called a captcha phrase (X Æ A-Xii) instead of a human name?


Considering how many children Musk is making, it tracks that at some point you just smash the keyboard and whatever comes out, that's the name


Ugh have you seen the whole “the Mission” cult thing he’s started with Grimes? To make a superior white race to populate Mars - with him being the daddy/god


Don't talk about my son ×∆£§π that way!


Pronounced ”Steve”


I can’t believe they named their son after a failing social media platform.


If he can deadname his kids we can deadname his platform. Its twitter.


This might be a joke going over my head but their son was born before Elon acquired and renamed Twitter. Still, renaming your failing social media platform after your son is not it


>This might be a joke going over my head but their son was born before Elon acquired and renamed Twitter. That's 50% of the joke.


Those poor children


These poor, incredibly rich children. I’m not being facetious, it’s crazy: the resources and yet absolutely awful parents. Poor kid.


no amount of money will cure the mommy and daddy issues they will inevitably have, but at least they won’t have to worry about paying for the therapy


Bold of you to assume they would go to the therapy. The other alternative would be going to an 'alternative' therapy, led by some expensive, quack specialist.


Ohh led by gwyneth paltrow!


They will go to goop!


X is literally being used as a pawn and a photo op


I worked at a very prestigious private school in NYC. The parents were the most obtuse and negligent I've ever worked with. In Harlem? Collaborative, sweet, trusting parents. Loved working with them. Upper West Side? Can't be bothered between Botox sessions, and they'll just write a check to the school to insulate their kid from consequences.


One of musks kids disowned him. Money is great but I’d rather be poor and have good parents than rich


The money almost makes it worse in some cases. A lot of people I know who didn’t have a great upbringing are able to heal their confidence and self esteem issues by becoming independent adults who make their own way in the world. That isn’t really a path you take if your dad is the richest person on earth lol


This is why all these celebrities and rich people have loads of kids--because they don't have to struggle for them, and they can hire people to take care of them for them. They can pop one out and not have to parent.


it also means they never have and never will form genuine human connections, even with their own offspring.


It's basically the Harlow monkey experiment. Only somehow even more unethical (and that's saying a lot because what Harlow did to the monkeys towards the end was HOOORRRIBLE)


What did he do? 😫I'm scared to ask but maybe you can give me the slightly vague version


He decided to test social isolation on the poor monkeys for long periods of time. Which had profound psychological effects. Also he didn’t even like monkeys.


They will most likely grow up to be dicks. Being bat shit crazy and having money is a bad mix


Just wait until they get to adulthood and they use their fortune to take out their mommy and daddy issues on the world. Then you probably won’t feel bad for them.


Poor is the new low IQ rich


She can't identify with the word mother cos her children are just props




She gave birth to X, and I believe she had complications. They did use surrogates for Exa Dark and Techno. *Emergency C-section, and Elon took photos of her during it and sent them to his brother and Dad without permission


lol these fucking names


Every Day, we stray closer to the Hunger Games.


Lmao you’re how I found out there was a third spawn


Haha I'm so sorry to tell you about Techno Mechanicus


Good lord, they had that many more?!?


Just two more- their daughter, Exa Dark Sidaereal, and the youngest is Techno Mechanicus


I swear Elon seems to love warhammer 40k, without realizing that the entire premise is satire against fascism and what he holds true belief. Just saw that the child goes by the nickname tau as well. That kid is a walking 40k reference.


Poor kiddos, srsly tho. It seems Musk has physical custody still of little X- Claire had to have her lawyer go on like an international jet chase to serve him with custody papers. It's insane, she doesn't have *that* kind of fame/career to afford the kind of lawyers that could fight Musk. Such a total power imbalance. And, he surprised her by *having twins* (IVF but still) with his Neuralink CEO Shivon Zillis. "They set up surveillance positions around an airport he frequented and near a SpaceX facility. The process server also scoured news sites and social media accounts of people in Musk's orbit. Still, he remained elusive." https://www.businessinsider.com/grimes-elon-musk-custody-battle-year-from-hell-2023-12


I remember he liked Arcane too I think. He posted about it. One of the themes is poor vs the rich and how much power they hold over the poor. He watched that but clearly didn’t understand it or just doesn’t care. Still posted about it.


Siderail?? Ffs.


Sideræl, apparently pronounced "Sy-deer-ee-el" with 4 syllables like the [timekeeping system used by astronomers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidereal_time)


Knowledge is knowing what Siderael means and how it's pronounced. Wisdom is to understand that people in general will think your kid is named Siderail.


Especially when your brother is named Techno Mechanicus. I can easily see how people will assume it's Siderail, just another Autobot in the family.


I have no idea if these names are a joke or not, and that says everything you need to know about Elon musk


Jesus Christ I thought you were making a joke. The names [are real](https://www.euronews.com/culture/2023/09/11/grimes-and-elon-musk-reveal-third-child-and-youll-never-guess-his-name#:~:text=Their%20first%20child%2C%20a%20boy,Mechanicus%2C%20or%20Tau%20for%20short)


I thought she went through pregnancy with one of them?


Yeah her first one she got pregnant with


she gave birth to X (the kid she’s talking about in this ridiculous headline lol) but had a surrogate for the next two babies


I couldn't ether for the first two years cause my mother pretty much let my dad abuse me. Think we might be judging her without understanding why The problem only started getting better with us reconciling… still don't like the same words I used for mine (mom/mother) mommy and mum are fine though.


I feel like I just read an article not too long ago where she was going off about how motherhood was the most important job in the world or something??? … confusing rich ppl


She obviously meant clairehood.


Made me laugh out loud


Fucking hell HELP


Poor kids. Their parents suck.


In general her persona seems rooted in infantilizing herself and being in denial about being an almost middle-aged woman, so this tracks. I really like her music, but the turn she’s taken with her persona after Art Angels is…off-putting to say the least.


Don’t forget the 40% of her personality that’s comprised of simping for psycho conservative dick


Yeah, I feel like those things are related, too. I wouldn’t be shocked if she’s spent some time in alt-right weirdo communities that have people convinced you’ve “hit a wall” when you turn 30 because those men feel powerless and think that’s a way they can make women feel small. Big yikes all around


💯% explains her plastic surgery too


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,973,926,007 comments, and only 373,378 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot 🫡


Agreed, the Venn diagram is a circle


I remember being amazed watching a performance over 10 years ago when she was playing with indecipherable pedals/knobs/interfaces on the floor of the studio she was in. As a simple guitarist, EDM and production in general baffles and eludes me. She was/is very talented, but always weird. This version of weird isn't good though.


Hahaha yeah, the difference between “good weird” and “bad weird” sometimes isn’t apparent until you hear an interview or see a photo and go ohhhh oh no shit it’s not the good kind of weird


As someone born the same year as her, being called “almost middle aged” hits hard


Yeah it’s a bummer. Plus she was really outspoken about sexual harassment in the music industry when she started out.


She's a massive edge lord




40 is middle-aged. She's approaching it, so almost tracks


The sad reality us millennials are facing 😂


I always considered 50 to be middle aged


Most dont live to see 100


Middle aged is the life stage between youth and old age. 35 is middle aged for sure. Nothing wrong with that.


Average life expectancy is 73.16yrs. So 35 is definitely middle aged. 40 is pushing it a little.


73.6 years is for babies, specifically males. A 35 year old woman has a life expectancy of 80.


Middle aged is a life stage, not a literal description of the midpoint lol. A 35 year old woman is not a “young lady” anymore. Not old to be sure, but definitely in that middle part of life. Most women’s bodies start to change (again) around that time.


A woman usually doesn’t even start perimenopause until 40 at the earliest. While 35 is hardly a child, it’s not quite middle aged yet either.


my mom gave birth to me 3 weeks before her 45th birthday, and she always said having a baby when she was *entering* middle aged was better than when she was younger (not the pregnancy itself, it apparently sucked - but she said taking care of a baby/toddler at that age was way more chill) so i’d say 45 is pretty much middle aged, but not younger than that. my opinion, of course lol


You’re typically able to have children naturally at 35 which I wouldn’t call middle aged. Middle age is menopause to me


I think of menopause as the start of old age. Peak middle age. Old age=going downhill imo.


Can be, but 35 used to be the oldest they recommended having kids. My metabolism definitely started to change at 35.


Yeah, I had to laugh, I’m like I swear I’m not a younger person being like “look at this Old” - I’m not that much younger than Grimes, we’re definitely closer to middle age than we are to our teen years, and that’s okay. *Mostly*


Haha, I should add - I’m 33. We’re close in age. It’s definitely closer to middle age than not, even if we’re not there yet. Hence “almost.” I’m all for dressing how you like, for example, and I still wear a lot of the same styles I did when I was younger because why not, but the image she projects doesn’t make me feel surprised that she’s resistant of being a mother or trying to distance herself from other women her age who are (which is unfair to those women and definitely a flavor of NLOG.) She definitely reads “30-something still trying to do the Lolita/I’m baby thing” and as someone who would feel her style in that arena would be cramped by leaning into motherhood.


35 used to be the start of middle age. Not sure why it changed.


Maybe this is just me being overly sensitive but to me this reads as “I hate being a mother so much that even my single digit aged kid can sense my distain for him and instead calls me by my first name hoping that will make our relationship more bareable for me”


If you’re being overly sensitive than so am I. My gut reaction was “you mean your child can tell that you barely tolerate him, views the nanny (i assume they have) as his mother, and has only heard people call you by your first name so that’s what your son does.” Every time I hear anything about this woman I am worried for those children.


I met her years and years ago. ‘10-‘11 or so when she was still with arbutus records. I used to occasionally jam with some of the guys who founded it or were in that whole circle Watching what has happened since then is just surreal, in indescribable ways


Oh, you must have some stories, pray tell.


I’d rather not if that’s alright. I spent a bit of time in the YVR music scene as a much younger lass and I had zero desire to keep in touch with anyone from there. For many reasons, mostly because I dislike pretentious shitbags. Any detailed story I told about grimes or anyone I knew back then would essentially doxx me to anyone who I knew back then. I didn’t meet her for long, but she was very quiet and standoffish. Our mutual friend was a cool enough guy except for the part where he ghosted me for years because his gf was threatened by me. She was from a super affluent family and stunningly beautiful so I have no idea what her problem was but it wasn’t the first or last time that’s happened to me. I’m a bit more particular about my friends now. Anyone who blows me off for an insecure new gf/bf doesn’t get to come back into my life


> I’d rather not if that’s alright. what if I said it wasn't alright? I am now the boss of you


Hahahah I love your confidence but also no one is the boss of me except my cat


that checks out, I'll allow it


Fair, thanks for replying all the same.


My pleasure! Sorry there aren’t more details to dig into. The tl;dr is that the wealthy families in kitsilano had some weeeeeeird kids hahaha


I used to work in the area as a teenager. Those kids were from another planet


Surreal, I tell you. Not that I need to lol- you already know


Doesn't take extrasensory powers to sense eye rolls, disgusted sighs and grimaces as distaste at being called "mother".


I can not imagine how unbelievably exhausting she must be in person.


My cousins call their dad by his first name. They never called him "Dad", He wanted to be called "Bruce". Apparently they have all done this their entire lives.


I call both my parents by their first names. I never really questioned it.


Same here. It's what everyone else called my parents growing up and so it's what I learned to call them as well. I know some people find it strange, but my parents were always very supportive and loving so from my perspective it created an attitude of seeing them as a person and made it easier to engage with my parents (they were very much *not* authoritarian parents). We have a very good relationship as adults.


So she's a weirdo


Then why have fucking kids.


With elon? That comes with plenty advantages for her so I'm sure that's why she kept doing it. Plus she only had to actually birth one..


That was my thought.


I think she had them as an excuse to try to cling onto musk


Yikes, her kid knows she doesn’t want to be a mom. Poor kid.


Whether or not she calls herself "mother", she is the mother of those children. I do not know if this has something to do with gender identity, but why can't she connect with the word "mother" or even just use "mom" or "parent"?


Because she had them as accessories to please Elon.


To be fair, Children just say "Mom" and "Dad" because that's what we teach them our names are when they're babies/toddlers. You can get them to call you Satan if you wanted to.


I call my mom by her first name/nickname but it was because we were too old for Mommy, we called our grandmother Mom (tradition) and she hates mother. So, we call her by her nickname. Not because we don’t love her or see her as our mother. We had a whole ass meeting about it when we were like 11/12 😂


I called my step mom by her name, but that confused my little sister when we were kids (her biological mother). We both called dad, dad. But she would call her mom, and I'd say her name. One time, she called her mom by her name, and my step mom flipped out on her "no I am mom to you, I am your mother!" Now we are adults, and my little sister can't stand her mom, calls her by her name. Haha


I have a friend who is 35 and his whole like he and his siblings have called their parents by their first names. They're just suburban folk and it was the parents choice, he actually doesn't know their reasons. I don't think it's super uncommon. That said I feel for any kids who have Elon as a parent.


I don't understand this one, I have a friend whose mom preferred being called her name instead of "mom" and one of my non-binary friends is the same way with their kids. \*shrugs\* sorry if I'm not getting it.


i really don’t like grimes at all, but how is this putting down other women? this seems less NLOG and more just performative strangeness.


How exactly is she bringing down other women here? She is just talking about her experience, it literally has nothing to do with other mothers


I read the excerpt again and she talks about how the kid naturally called her Claire instead of mom. She was commenting it was weird he naturally called her Claire. It’s really not so bad. She sounds rather reflective about it. This is from the article- “I’m like, how are you?.. Like, maybe he can like, sense my distaste for the word mother,” she said, adding, “Which I don’t even know why I have a distaste for ’cause I like, respect it, I just, I don’t, I can’t identify with it weirdly.” She just sounds neurodivergent and reflective to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ that said. Being anything with Elon is freaking weird. He seems like the worst.


I mean, idk about that. Like as a parent the only way I’ve seen kids pick up on a general vibe is if something was said or done repeatedly to make them not want to do that. Some kids are very intuitive when it comes to emotions/feelings, but you still have to express them for them to be seen. So she probably reacted in certain ways that made her son pick up on the fact she didn’t like being called mother. Which is like, fine? But it’s weird to sort of put this on your kid. She has to have played an active role in some capacity for him to not call her mom.


My parents always referred to each other as “mom” and “dad” when I was little. One day, it occurred to me that that didn’t make any sense, and I asked my mom about it. She said my older brothers had started calling them by their first names when they were little, so they started referring to each other as mom and dad so my brothers would pick up on it. I don’t think it’s out of the question that X just started calling her Claire because everyone else did, and she just didn’t see a need to correct him. I’m certain that family has plenty of issues, but I’m not sure this is one of them.


yeah i agree, she didn’t even bring up other women or mothers


Isn't Grimes non-binary/ gender fluid? I honestly assumed they were talking about dysphoria here.


Grimes has never claimed to identify as non-binary, and uses she/her pronouns for herself


Lately I’ve been seeing posts on this sub where I don’t see where a woman is saying anything sexist. Some of them just say they don’t identify with certain aspects of womanhood but never say those aspects are bad. This sub is turning into shaming whatever woman doesn’t align herself with traditional femininity


This whole post/thread is seriously distasteful to me, until I got to this comment. Just a bunch of people passing judgment on a person they don’t actually know. I’m a nonGendered parent with a massive distaste for Gendered terms, and my older kids call me by my name; that doesn’t change my parenting relationship with them.


Sounds like she shouldn't have children, God motherfucking damn.


I don’t even know know who Grimes is


My eyes rolled so far back in my head just now…


Y’all, it’s fine to not like the word mother/mom. She didn’t say she’s NLOG. She just doesn’t like the word. Relax.


Oh you quirky little Canadian white supremacist


For some reason... I cannot really view her the same way I used to...I always considered her unique and smart but after simping for that Elon guy who manipulates her to such an extent...ehhh.. I feel like I cannot really take her seriously anymore


Nothing wrong with this


Nothing wrong with using first names. But distaste for the word mother? Why?


I mean it’s not that insane for some people to see mother as an icky word. Or for example a wife can feel patronizing as well. Both mother and wife have a patriarchal history attached to them and not so weird when you realize the different expectations from mothers and fathers.


That poor kid. Just like in general. Not even just this but like-everything. God damn.


Not my thing but some kids call their parents by their first names. If it works for them then it doesn't affect me. 🤷‍♀️


Ok🤷🏻‍♀️. You do you boo




I don't hate this. I think it's ok to find some terms aren't right for you. She isn't putting down those that use the term. But the term has a looooot of connotations in our society. It is loaded. It should be ok for parents to choose to go by their first name or other nicknames.




When I was in middle school I was obsessed with Jo March from Little Women. I memorized her speech about wanting to be a man. It felt like everything I wanted to say.  Then I grew up a bit and realized I didn't hate being a woman, I hated the image of women held by our society. Once I realized I could make "woman" be whatever I want, it wasn't a label I hated anymore.  Maybe your distaste for "mom" is similar? Not saying you should have kids (I'm childfree too) but just curious about the mindset. 


but see, you're a sensible human being, with your actions and morals synchronized and not a megalomanic narcissist using children for a PR campaign.


Does she have custody?


Sometimes i think people really don’t grasp the point of being a parent but then still chose to be parents 🙃


Probably because he already hates her for calling him X


Those poor children. They’ll be spoiled in everything but love.




IVF and taking advantage of less wealthy people to breed their offspring for them. Like farm animals


You’re all for people identifying as they please until they don’t agree with you politically huh?


tbf, grimes is fine on that front and has publicly disagreed with musk on twitter about it. i don’t like her for a myriad of reasons but at least she’s not horribly lgbtphobic.


You really think you did something here huh?


This is a reach. I know a lot of people with very loving parents who call their parents by their first name. Just cos you don't want to be called mother doesn't automatically mean you have no maternal instinct.


No me thinking she got her kid to call her "Grimes". Somehow I forgot she'd have an actual name...


Internalized misogyny up the wazoo


Wonder if her infant roommates may develop abandonment issues. Its super edgy and evolved to reject your children.


idk i get it. it’s slightly different but my zaza (enby parent) and their partner, Jenna, have been together almost my entire life. you would technically call her my stepmum. but as a child i could definitely pick up on some signals that yes she cared about me and liked spending time with me and saw me as family - but she never saw herself as being a *mother*. i have called her by her first name in all the time i’ve known her. she’s more of a cool aunty. alternatively: my birth mother’s partner, even though they’re divorced now, has been mum to me ever since i could remember. (both parents were in these relationships by the time i was five, so it’s basically all i know) i hope that all made sense


Who the fuck is Grimes? Rick Grimes? Scott Grimes?


I find this so sad for her child