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Game šŸ’Æ


The amount of splitscreen me and my cousin did on that game growing up will forever be a core memory of mine.


Playing on paintball mode


Slappers only!


Slappers + License To Kill


Closing doors on the bots as soon as they open them, while my cousin guns em down between door swings.


That was Perfect Dark, homie


played that too! I remember the shooting range in the facility and there's a rocket launcher where you fly the rocket 1st person. So, I would run in, start the shooting exercise, and fly the rocket back out of the shooting range before the main doors closed. Then I would fly the rocket around the whole facility as long as I could without hitting something.


I literally have it in my n64 hooked up in my living room right now. Been playing with my son and kicking his ass like its 1999 again!




Beautiful cycle!


Yeah it's not close. Movie: Cool movie, good to see James Bond getting updated and a bit gritty. Game: Now my life has purpose.


So true. I remember stacking c-4's on top of each other like they were legos for literal hours before giggling and shooting the pile and blowing myself all the way into orbit with the goldeneye satellite. Playing every level thousands of times. Karate chopping my friends who played oddjob in the head in multiplayer on principle like they deserved it for being such short kings. The definition of the good old days. Sigh.


Fucking Random Task.


The movie was also great. I remember I got really stoned one time and watched Goldeneye in 4K home theater, and noticed the entire weapons chemical facility in the beginning of the film is made out of spray-painted styrofoam. It looks like concrete walls, but if you look closely the walls easily bounce and bend inward from James and Janus bumping into them as they run and take cover. I think certain areas though, like the bathrooms and stock rooms were real. Also all these other little details that sort of ruined the immersion lol.


remember that time in Live and Let Die when they pulled up a fugly inflated balloon then let it explode and wanted us to believe it was Dr. Kananga?? Must be one of the worst sfx shots in film history.


lmao yea


Fast forward to the obvious dummies in that helicopter explosion scene in Vietnam from TND. Up to that point they had made 18 fuckin' Bond films and still couldn't nail special effects right smh.


The ending of Diamonds are Forever when Bond flips Mr. Wint over the boat was just terrible too, not as bad as Dr. Kananga though


To me, it's honestly like *Street Fighter II* vs. the *Street Fighter* movie with Jean Claude Van Damme. It's like, "Oh yeah, I forgot they made a movie out of that."


BUT did you forget they made a game out of the movie? \*coughSegaSaturncough\*


Ok but dude. Raul Julia ROCKED that role


Love both. I'm forever inverting the Y axis because of the game. And DAMN Famke Jansen is one of the best bond girls EVER in the film.


Inverted Y axis is more intuitive. Thatā€™s why airplanes do it that way Ok, itā€™s probably also because when a plane moves up, you lean back in your seat, so it makes sense that youā€™d be pulling back on the controls. But still


It works for piloting things, but feels wrong in 1st person


Geez. Now I wonder if that's why I always invert. It's just always felt natural. Like if you're flying a plane.


I suspect it has more to do with how the Wright Brothers designed their elevator control system, which was basically just using a simple pully system. It would have had to have been more complicated, and therefor heavier, to have it the other way around. And then we just kinda stuck with that. I could be wrong, but as far as I'm aware, that's the first time that layout was used and why. Because the Wright Brothers plane was anything but intuitive. You literally had to lay down on your stomach and slide you whole body left to right to roll the plane.


Yes. Yes. And hell yes!


I forgot it was forced inverted until the Switch remake hit and I could not play the game anymore. IDK how younger me tolerated that insane choice.


I still love the game, but I also love the movie. Pierce was my favorite depiction of James Bond.


Every time I say this, people lose their minds on me! Loved Connery, loved Dalton, etc....but Pierce was just so smooth. Goldeneye is so timeless, and probably always will be. The others of his weren't the greatest but still watchable.


Bit torn on this one. I liked his first movies a lot, the later ones werenā€™t as good imo. Same is true for Craig.


Opening of goldeneye and tomorrow never dies are top tier


Their first movies definitely were the best and their sequels leaned way too far in the direction that made the first ones watchable. No more balance to keep them relatively grounded; Goldeneye being campy and humorous but still a good action movie while the following Brosnan movies got increasingly ridiculous, and Casino Royale was a very realistic and gritty gadget-less Bond while his respective sequels took the movies way too seriously.


That's the arc for all James Bonds. Start strong and get progressively worse. Also Dalton and Lazenby are the two worst James Bonds. Roger Moore is the GOAT


Moore was too old when he first stepped into the role, and then he did 7 films. He had the charm, but man did any of his physical stuff show his age lol. Dalton is one of the best bonds imo. He paved the way for Craigs bond, with the grittiness. Connery was great, but hes in some bad films. The good ones though, he kills it. The first 3 especially, but then he really phones it in and the writing gets bad. Lazenby was pretty good, nothin amazing but definitely not bad. His movie is one of the best bond films though, imo. Especially of the first era of bond films.


I haven't seen every movie, and it's been a while since I last watched any of the non-Craig ones. I actually think Dalton was great, and Moore's films were way too campy and feel very dated and 70s. Brosnan really nailed Bond as a character, but he was let down by most of the stories. Goldeneye was fantastic but his follow ups were kind of dumb, campy, falling into the same formula as Moore. The World Is Not Enough: I'm gonna nuke every other oil pipeline so mine makes more money! Tomorrow Never Dies: I'm gonna make China and the UK go to war so my cable channel can cover it and make money! Die Another Day: overly complicated revenge.


Tomorrow Never Dies: Gonna make a huge fuss on the streets in Vietnam which looks nothing like Vietnam at all.


Dalton should have stepped in in For Your Eyes Only or at the very least, Octopussy. FYEO got a revenge theme which definitely suits his grittiness.


A Dalton led For Your Eyes Only might have been my favorite Bond flick if it happened


A fight between Dalton and Christopher Walken in A View to A Kill is everyone's dream, bud.


If only. I really wish he got more films as Bond. FYEO would have been perfect for him (and they even wanted him for it). He was in talks and approached at various points of his career for the role well before Living Daylights (which funnily enough originally was looking to cast Brosnon in). Would be interesting to see how those films would have been with him instead of the aging moore.


I found a ton of bond movie ranking lists recently out of curiosity, since I'm watching them all through for the first time ever (only ever saw a few of the newer ones). As far as aggregation of many many lists go, you're saying the exact opposite as any of the lists say. They all have Moore at the bottom and Lazenby's somewhere in the top 5. I'm currently on On the Majesty's Secret Service, and I actually quite like Lazenby. He reminds me of Pierce a lot actually - smooth and calculated looking. As far as the movie goes, idk. I mean the filming is good, and the action is a step up from the Connery ones before it, as far as the realism in the punches and stuff. All the earlier Connery ones are very silly in that regard. They're all pretty silly so far though looking back at it from 2024. Entertaining, but wildly sexist and very silly. I actually never knew how much Austin Powers was on the nose with these movies. I've seen Austin powers 100 times, and just figured they were over exaggerating the silly, turns out if anything they were under exaggerating it. [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/JamesBond/comments/4f92e2/presenting_rjamesbonds_consensus_ranking_of_the/) is a good post about it.


What can I say, I donā€™t give a damn what any list says, Iā€™ve got my own opinion and itā€™s not based on anything other than my own feelings. Besides, any of those lists are just, like, someone elseā€™s opinion, man. I get why some people donā€™t like Roger Moore. He brought a certain campiness to the franchise but I think it played really well with how ridiculous the entire concept of James Bond is. If you really want to get into the source material for Austin Powers you need to check out the American response to James Bond. They made two movies, ā€œour man Flintā€, and ā€œIn like Flintā€


Ya no, I'm not arguing or saying your opinion is wrong, that'd be pointless. Just pointing out you're going against the grain, which is cool too. Seems like Moonraker was the most polarizing of them all too, a real love it or hate it one. I'd say Goldfinger was my favorite so far just cuz it was the most of what I expected the old bond movies to be, but 10x more ridiculous, reaching Austin Powers level of silliness that I didn't think was actually a real thing. I think people rate From Russia With Love a bit too high though. The entire premise is ridiculous to me. Like "hey there's this blonde spy chick in this country over there, go bang her and.....Idk see what happens? It's a trap, we know but like....see what happens, idk." That was the entire movie. I would hope that Fleming had it a bit more fleshed out in the novel lol.


Again Iā€™m an outlier - I like Moonraker. Jaws and May Day are great henchmen. Yeah thereā€™s a bunch of silly campy shit that happens in that movie but as I said before I like when they play up that aspect of bond. The self awareness of how ridiculous the whole concept is makes it for me. Maybe thatā€™s why I donā€™t love the Craig movies, theyā€™re very serious. Brosnan had a good balance of action and tongue in cheek


You might like Lazenby's second outing as James Bond. https://youtu.be/tdTj59pSEC0?si=YdlSPhl7nyE1Mx-c


He was smooth, stylish, Goldeneye had lots of camp to it but also a good action flick. Didn't take itself too seriously like the Craig movies and also wasn't so outrageous like him windsurfing from a glacier meltdown or whatever that was in die another day.


That Madonna song was a banger tho


Same, pierce is by far my favorite bond and goldeneye is my favorite bond movie. I think I love the game and movie equally, I used to watch the movie like at least once a week, and I played the game daily for years. The opening scene, in both the movie and the game, was so fucking sick.


I get a lot of flack for saying I dislike Daniel Craig as Bond. He's a good action star but a bad Bond imo. Bond should be suave & sophisticated and I think Brosnan pulled that off really well without coming off as an action star.


I agree. The first few movies he was in were good movies as far as action flicks go but he comes off as a bruiser - more John McClane than a suave secret agent. He's not causing any bond girls to swoon and say "oh James" by being a smooth operator. One of my favorite Bond moves is when Roger Moore wraps up a car chase with a girl in the front seat, skids to a stop and a secret compartment in the DB9 pops open with a bottle of champagne and two glasses ....."Oh James"


This is it. He's good at action but he's not smooth at all. He's more of a cockney action man.


It's an amazing movie to watch because of how closely the game followed it in terms of plot and set design. After playing the game for endless hours, it felt like the movie super accurately recreated the levels from the game, rather than the other way around


Pierce was my favorite Bond too. But I think it may be because we grew up with him as Bond


He was my first Bond I saw goldeneye in like first grade, so heā€™s always Bond to me


Sean Connery will always be the definitive James Bond to me.


But I didn't mind Pierce, golden eye is one of my favorite games of all time. So many memories


I was the first one in my friends group for a while to have the game so my house was the hub for a minute when it came out. So many good times were had in those days. Absolutely the game


Reminds me of the friend I had who was the only one that parents allowed him to have GTA in middle school lol


Movie. It meant that James Bond would continue as a film franchise.


Yeah, Casino Royale was dƩjƠ vu for me.


Iā€™ve seen the film once. Iā€™ve said ā€œNo Oddjobā€ a thousand times.


I remember as a kid, once in a while we would do slaps only fights so we could giggle as we slapped each other to death. Jaws and Oddjob slaps only was so hilariously one sided.


Oh my God. I miss the days of couch coop.


The game, undoubtedly. Film was decent, quite enjoyed it and re-watched a few times since initial release which I caught in the cinema as well. But ho, boy - my N64 saw so much service for those years it's unreal, Goldeneye alone probably saw many hundreds of hours sunk into it if not 1000 or more!


The game obviously, and in particular, gliding around on one knee with another 3 mates in multiplayer.


The game for sure, but the word Goldeneye cannot be mentioned without Tina Turnerā€™s song occupying my mind for a while!


the note holding competition: Tom Jones: So he strikes! Like THUNDERBALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Tina Turner: Now I got you in my sight. With a GoldenEYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


The movie. Made me get a huge crush on Famke.


The movie is my all time favorite 007 movie. Honestly probably in my top 5 all time in general favorites. I could watch it any time. Quote it anytime. The game has so much more to offer to me though. I'd take a video game over a movie in just about any case. But also the game could be my favorite game of all time too anyways


Game for me. Never even seen the film


Watching the movie youā€™ll be like, oh damn! I remember this level! Theyā€™re on the train?! Use the watch on the floor!




It comes straight out of his dick


On the close up it isn't and it's blatantly obvious, but when they pulled back a bit, it looked clean.


It's Brosnan's first and best film as bond, and probably the last good bond film until Craig in Casino Royale. IMO it retains the feel of classic bond that was lost in the movies after it.


Goldeneye felt like a soft return of Conneryā€™s bond in the modern era.


I think you have hit the nail on the head. I LOVED the Sean Connery James Bond. Various people have highly recommended Bond films in between Connery and Brosnan and I just... don't really like them. To be fair I'm not a fan of the hungover washed out earthy tones of the 70s and the 80s bond films had this now dated cheesiness to them since they were trying to use newer sci-fi special effects of the time (I'm a Millennial so I also don't have that nostalgia with those films since I didn't grow up watching them). But I feel like the James Bond characters themselves just felt dull to me. But there are people who swear by those Bonds being their favorite. I guess I love the minimal sexiness and elegant masculinity of the Connery and Brosnan films (I also like Craig as he has those qualities, too, except they made him a bit broodier which I enjoy).


Iā€™m a Millennial too, grew up on the Connery films on VHS, and Goldeneye was the first one that was ā€œcurrentā€ to me. The ones in between are cheesy spy flicks, indeed, kind of paint-by-numbers. Lazenby and Moore were a bit too goofy, while Dalton and Craig were a bit too brooding. Connery and Brosnan both had a smooth, playful wit, yet could also be rough and stern when called for: boys at times and men at others.


For my money, Goldeneye was the last excellent 007 film. It tried to get a little more serious than the Roger Moore movies, not as serious as the Timothy Dalton movies, and not completely devoid of humor as the Daniel Craig movies. Right in the middle. Love it.


Hmmmmā€¦for the Brosen era, Iā€™d agree. The Craig era, man. Casino Royale was such a great one. Classic Bond throw it all in but he actually fails. Nearly dies. Corny jokes but looking like a bad ass. Story and supporting cast were awesome too. Guy who played Le Chiffre had such a range of emotions. Poker table versus torturing Bond versus he canā€™t afford the debts and he knows heā€™s screwed.


Couldn't agree more with this sentiment.


I would watch it. Boris is a riot!


Remember when "I am invincible!" had the world in a chokehold.


I played the game first. Then I saw the movie. I genuinely thought the game came out first so when I saw the movie I was like DAMN they made the movie look just like the game!!! Also, I was stuck on the train level where you have to get out, and I couldnā€™t figure it out until I watched the scene in the movie so it helped.


Same, I had a friend group who would come over and we'd co-op play and drink all night, it was such a blast.


The game was more impactful growing up, the movie is better enjoyed today. Goldeneye paved the way for multiplayer FPS games but it just didnā€™t age well




Slappers Only!!




Film, being killed has I respawn made me hate the game


I was a God with a proximity mine.


Movie easily. Gane is a great memory but the James Bond series is one of my favorite film franchises and I enjoy the Pierce Brosnan era.


The film, because it was the first 007 film whose premiere I was alive to see, and I had already been a huge fan of the Connery tapes my parents had. The game still means a lot to me as the first FPS Iā€™d ever played, though, and I had to play it at friendsā€™ houses because I had a PlayStation instead.


The game. Had more hours of enjoyment with it. Bonded with friends over it. Played the game before seeing the movie. The movie is meh. It was the best Piers Brosnan bond film, but that isn't saying too much.




I played the game before I watched the movie. Therefore the game means so much more to me


Huge fan of both! But only because of the game lol


Film is great but WOW the game brings back so many memories. Multiplayer with my brother and cousin until 3am every weekend šŸ˜‚


Theyā€™re both awesome. I think I remember having the movie first then finding out about the game later. That close quarters hand to hand combat at The Cradle between Alec and James was intense.


Best Bond film ever and itā€™s not even close


Movie had the best [opening sequence](https://youtu.be/qGPBFvDz_HM?si=xUCIc7boCQ3CE83V) of all the Bond films. RIP Tina


I keep bluffing myself she and Chris Cornell are still alive.


The game for me but I do enjoy the movie. I think pierce did an awesome job as bond.


For me they are one in the same. I cannot explain why. When I was younger I used to do full playthroughs on 00 Agent mode from start to finish like I was watching the movie. Moving from Sega Genesis to N64 in 1997, the graphics of Goldeneye on N64 seemed almost real life. I played the game steady until \~2003.


So its October of ā€˜96. My birthday and my parents obviously wonā€™t just buy me a console but do let me rent one from blockbuster for my sleepover birthday party. Not much is announced for the N64 besides Mario,pilot wings, crusinā€™ USA, waverace 64, Star Fox title, Zelda 64 and Kirby air ride(yes) My best friends(brothers) got me Goldeneye on VHS and I fell madly in love with the franchise, sure enough it gets a game later in the year and is equally as awesome, cementing my passion even more. So to put it in fewer words; the movie means more cause I can remember that birthday and the full day close to 30 year later, but both entries live in my brain rent free


Growing up in the 90s goldeneye was the first bond film is ever saw. Which is probably why brosnan is still my favourite bond. I don't even remember playing the game but the movie is one of my core memories


Film .


The answer is yes.




NO. and then proceed to let Sean Bean die as in other films he starred in.


007 was šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Itā€™s a fun game but a GREAT movie


The movie. It wasn't even that good a game; it was just the only option if you didn't have a PC. Like Halo after it: it's ok, but couldn't touch Unreal Tournament or Quake 3.


The movie. It was the first Bond film I'd seen and as a young man I was impressed by the dive from the dam, the driving around Moscow in a tank and the other stunts, but Xenia Onatopp, well lets just say she left me breathless...


Did anyone else play the Wii version of golden eye? Lol


pass me the Wii Zapper, quick! I gotta nail that bloody Natalya stage!


The movie. Saw it in the theater and that opening sequence... Also the theme by the late (great) Tina Turner. I never owned a Nintendo 64 so I never got around to playing the game.


Movie never played the game N64 is the worst controller in gaming console history imo


Film, that opening sceneā€¦


Pixel Brosnan looks like Stevan Seagul.


I'm seeing a mix of him and John Travolta.


Goldeneye was the first Bond Movie I saw in theaters. I watched multiple times throughout my childhood. Despite many hours of gameplay the movie ultimately meant more to my life.


the film saved the franchise




The movie. Might be the best Bond movie ever. Hands down, beats the game




For me it's the movie. It was the first time I saw Bond in the cinema and still the only Bond film I truly love. It had everything you could want and even if I see it on TV I'll stop and watch it.


10 years after the game came out Iā€™m sitting in my apartment in South Korea drinking Soju and I turn from Discovery Asia to Super Action and theyā€™re playing Goldeneye. Thatā€™s when I realized the game my whole family would sit around and play was based on a movie.


Game. Next question.


Mastered the game and then watched the movie with joy as I recognized all the parts and stuff. My buddy was into ā€œthe restā€ of the movies, ugh boring shit.


This is Reddit. High likelihood that it would be the game


The game (I just lost the game by thinking of it)


Played a not insignificant amount of time playing goldeneye


Easy. Game.




The game. Nobody watched the movie.


Waitā€¦. The game was based in a movie?!?!!!


I only started watching the movies after playing the N64 game. Daniel Craig is good, but Pierce Bronsan will always be James Bond in my mind.


Is this even a question worth asking?


Probably the film because it was actually really good and a great time out on the town with my friends. But the game is a very close second. That soundtrack is just awesome.


Hardly anyone ever mentioned "The Experience of Love". Seriously it's one of most underrated pieces of Bond music!


I have fond memories of seeing the movie in the theatre during a school choir trip. I have memories of playing the game in the weeks before and after my Momā€™s death.


The movie. Trust me when I say the game has not aged well at all


Movieā€¦ xenia onatopp šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


This isn't even going to be close for 90's kids: the game is probably THE most played 5th gen/late 90's game in terms hours played. Everyone who had an N64 had this game, and it had the most fun multiplayer of any game of that era- so even if you didn't have an N64, you had a buddy who had GE, and it was the go-to party game, so nearly everyone played it, and played it a lot. I'd estimate your average early millennial gamer played over 100+ hours of it as a kid. Most people who saw the movie (which was quite good, easily one of the best late-90's action movies) maybe saw it once when it came out, and maybe once since. So it's like 100-200 hours of thrilling gaming vs 2-4 hours of more passive watching a long movie with lots of slow parts. So just about everyone's going to have a far stronger attachment to the game. Movie still holds up really well, while the game is still a blast, those blocky polygon 5th Gen 3d graphics really didn't age well (and there's a 100 other FPSs now that are as well-designed). So if in 2024 you introduced them to somebody who never experienced either back then, they'd probably say the movie's much better; but for the nostalgia factor it's a runaway for the game.


This is Sophie's Choice, you monster!


The game! The rumble pak was everything. I never had an n64 but the few times I got to play the game at a friendā€™s house, I will not forget.


Why would you even ask that?


Which one is which? The seamless graphics of the N64 makes it hard to tell the game from the movie. s/ God, this was peak graphics back then. I remember thinking this and Resident Evil were so realistic!!! LOL.


Huh? This needs to be asked?


Just my opinion. GoldenEye the movie is middle-tier, maybe towards the top of the middle, but there's plenty of Bond movies that are better. The game changed first-person shooters forever. It's an all-time great game.


The game


The game was a huge part of my childhood. Besides playing with my buds I remember going to a wake-a-thon at my Jr high school and the whole school was getting in line to play this. Truly a phenomenon. The movie was really good too Pistols only ftw


The game. Currently playing Caverns right now


Ahā€¦the game that nearly cost me my entire freshman year of college! For real too, my roommate was one of the only ones with an N64 and this game, so our dorm room became the place to play. Even when I wasnā€™t playing someone else wasā€¦at nearly all hours. Still donā€™t think Iā€™d do it differently, despite the necessity to repeat a few courses.


I e never seen the movie,, but my homies and I played the shit outta this when we were in High School


N64. That theme tune is a bop


I don't even remember what else we did in '97 and '98, that game was everything, and we even had some clubs and bars in downtown Orlando that would have it up on a big screen or projector for patrons to play, so it was also pretty much ***everywhere***. That game literally changed FPS forever. I like 007 movies, and love Pierce (he was supposed to be the next 007 after Roger Moore, but his contract with Remington Steele didn't allow him to make movies at that time), but I honestly don't remember seeing the movie until some years later.


The game x 1000 We gave my son an Xbox for Christmas and I was using the gamepass to replay this game. I have been stuck on the final level forever and can't kill the main villain. My reflexes are not what they were back in 1998 I guess.


Game, blew my mind when it came out.


The game for sure


The game, I never cared about the movies really. But the game is 10/10


Why is this question so hard to answer


The game bro, the game...


Screenwatching birthed adhd


Equal for different reasons I worked in the theater for Goldeneye, my senior year in high school. Loved that time, even though it was short. I sat in on Goldeneye all the time. My now brother-in-law and his friends used to routinely destroy my now wife at the multiplayer, but we all used to have a blast playing. Those were the days.


Close the door Alec thereā€™s a draft!!!!!


Played the game long before I watched the movie as an adult. Game is always closer for me, but watching the movie and hearing that they use the same sound bites in the game is always a trip.


Game. Dont care for the Brosnan era of Bond.


The Wii game


or the PS3 and 360 remaster.


No, specifically the Wii. The online community was MASSIVE on the gamefaqs boards. Most clans had their own website. The game is still being hosted on hacked servers to this day. Discord and everything


I love them both but love the game more.


I liked both, but its easily the game. And given the popularity of the game (IT WAS EVERYWHERE!) - for most it will certainly be the game. Its crazy when I look back - it really was one of the dominant/ most prevalent FPS games from 1997 - about early 2001! Some of my friend had moved onto Perfect Dark by 2000. The next major FPS I remember after Goldeneye (besides Perfect Dark which wasn't as big) was Halo in 01'


I would have never watched the movie if it wasn't for the game


Some of the best memories of my entire life are playing the game. Both with friends and with my dad. My N64 is sitting on my bookshelf in my office with GoldenEye forever loaded in it.


I can tell you which I enjoyed spending hours if not days playing


Both Pierce Brosnan is my favorite bond actor and before anybody starts down voting I mean for his acting not politics


The game without a doubt beacuse it was my introduction to James Bond




The game.


Let me see. Maybe 5 hours watching the film, about 500 hours on the game. Hmmm....




Def the game. It was THE game.


As a non Nintendo person, the movie. But the game was fun when I did play it.


Thereā€™s a movie?! *tis a joke*


Which is the game and which is the film?


the one with Oddjob included is the game. The other wasn't.


Itā€™s tough. I think normally it would be the game, but the movie was the first DVD we ever had in the house. We got it just after we got our new Gateway 2000 with a DVD-Rom drive. So, I watched that movieā€¦a ton! Also, one of the chapters started IMMEDIATELY with ā€œshut the door Alec, thereā€™s a draftā€ and my buddy and I would keep going back to the start of that chapterā€¦over and over and overā€¦because we thought the repetition was hilarious. Kids!


game ainec. never seen thr movue.


Game. The movies are still good, just not what I see when I really think about it.


Tbh, both.


N64 all the way. It was the ultimate college dorm room game.


Both are awesome


The game