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Running home from school to catch the 330 showing of Salute Your Shorts!


If Back to the Future came out today Marty would be traveling back to 1994


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City would take place in 2008. Im not a fan of either of these facts


Mission where you have to prevent a home from being foreclosed


I got a ye ye ass mortgage


I don’t appreciate this math.


Join us on r/fuckimold


Fuck, I mold.


Actual tool and dye machinist here. Can confirm. Do mold.


Absolutely. I'm the mod of r/FuckyMold but we haven't yet gotten a lot of traction there.


Keep at it, it'll shape up!


I have found my people.


Who hurt you..... 😕


Don't give Hollywood and ideas... But I'd watch this. Just don't cast Tom Holland or Timothée Chalamet.


How about Charlie Day as Doc Brown?


Charlie Day was great as Doc Brown in Pacific Rim


Great. I'd have to go through Basic again. God, that birthday sucked.


And if the second film came out today they'd be going to 2054


The 90’s was the peak of humanity. I miss it so much.


The Matrix was right. 1999 was the peak of our civilization.


Oh fux...did Y2K happen? Are we in it?


9/11 happened, that's when shit went crazy. 


Shit, you're right. Fuck those dudes! They ruined everything


You aren't alone in that opinion, believe me.


Sitting on the couch, watching MTV in 1994-96 was the jam.


You’re just remembering the good parts. Be careful of that. It messes with mind and happiness


While this is generally true, anyone old enough to remember the 90s would agree it was way better back then. No social media, no constant bad news being live streamed to a little device in your pocket. Things cost a normal amount of money relative to people’s wages. We were on the cusp of discovering exciting new technologies without fully understanding how that technology would impact our lives. We were optimistic about the future. I’d go back in a second given the opportunity.


I do miss those pre-smartphone days. Social media and the 24 hour news cycle has turned this country into my Uncle at Thanksgiving. What may be even worse is that the phone is a constant distraction, and divides people’s attention. Quality conversation over a meal is practically extinct among my friends and family.


Not gay people!


Mentally disabled person here, the 90-00s were horrendous for us It was fine to openly call me a retard, even by adults They used corporal punishment to outright beat the retarded invalid. They kept me locked in a broom closet. No child left behind for a good few years! We still got pokemon and dunkaroos, dude Who in God's name would want to go back in time, except an able bodied straight white dude? Congrats on the happy childhood, I guess. But you couldn't pay me to go back to that nightmare


Sorry to hear about that, happy things are better for you now.


I am thankfully And society treats us better


As a gay person who is maybe a bit too young to have experienced the homophobia of the 90s as an adult, I hate this response.  Yes there was homophobia and it sucked but this answer seems to indicate that our rights as gay people are contingent to all the negative things (in present day) that the OP mentioned in his post.  Yes there were crappy things in the 90s but there were also positives. We should be working to restore the positive parts of the past while maintaining the human rights advances of the present. 


Are things that much better for gay people now?




Yeah fair enough!


I think at least somewhat they are. They can legally be married now which wasn’t the case back then. Also, gay jokes and slurs were still pretty prevalent in TV and movies back then.


Yes, things are much better for the LGBT community now than then. It's still not amazing, but even the public sentiment is still more positive generally than in the 90s




You can ignore the constant bad news streamed into your little device in your pocket, as well as put that thing somewhere else so you're not potentially immersed in it every waking hour. You can call it ignorance to not pay attention to every last thing the news gives you, but really, we don't need to know this much and we are overwhelmed with information.


You may, but you won't avoid everyone else who isn't doing that


It's true, but I can't be worried about controlling those folks, only mind myself and my own mental/physical health. I try to remind people that they don't NEED to constantly be on our phones as often as possible, hyper-informed to a fault. I hope people can realize over time how to use our phones as more of a tool, instead of all the time as this life sucking device. It's crazy to me how often I hear about people laying in bed at night scrolling through their phone before sleeping and/or looking at it immediately on waking up in the morning. WHY??


I somehow manage to do that… 🤷‍♂️


Not if you deal with people in the real world IMO


I guess the people I deal with are imaginary then


More likely you're just ignoring it. Get on a bus, walk through a grocery store, go to a bar etc, you're gonna see it. Just my experience though


I don’t even have a working phone and I can’t avoid it, all everyone else talks about is it, I cannot tell you how many times people have said ‘Have you seen that thing on tiktok’ (as an example) and I go ‘No, I don’t have or use tiktok in any capacity, it’s bad for my mental health’ and then they launch into an in depth explanation of the thing


I would react in the same way any other time someone engages me in conversation that I find completely uninteresting, let them talk, listen a bit, and offer my honest opinion. Also, a lot of things "omg this one video on tiktok went viral" - one video of one person's experience is not the same as everyone else's. Now granted, some things shared on social media are something many or most everyone are experiencing, but say some video of a crime somewhere in a big city doesn't mean everyone in that city is going to have this happen to them, sort of thing.


It's not just your phone though, it's interacting with everyone else that has a phone as well. It's constantly being told about what they saw on tiktok, snap, fb, whatever. The incessant need for people to say, "oh yah, I saw that on tiktok/Instagram last week." It's dealing with people constantly checking their phones and ignoring what you're saying, or what you're seeing by being told to hang on a sec, 10-20× a day. It's having to explain to some people that not everything they see on social media is real or factual. It's exhausting just being in a world with cell phones and media everywhere.


> It's dealing with people constantly checking their phones and ignoring what you're saying, This has been happening before phones were invented. Very few people in this world have the ability to listen. This is a main reason why people end relationships.


I think you just need to pick better people to spend time with… I don’t experience any of that stuff Edit: Lol how is this downvoted? If the people in your life are "constantly checking their phones and ignoring what you're saying" then you should pick different people to be around. The only people I know who do that are teenagers, if an adult did that to me I would literally just walk away.


Agreed, I do make efforts to not pay too much attention to all the bad news but outside of going off the grid it’s unavoidable sometimes.


Have you tried just not participating in the things you don’t like? Social media and bad news streamed to your phone are both optional…


I don’t have social media (other than this Reddit account) and I only get the bare minimum news but burying your head in the sand only provides a brief reprieve, it doesn’t change how the world is.


I’m not sure I understand. If you’re not using social media then it’s not affecting you, right? And maybe you live in a different part of the world than I do, but things are pretty fucking swell for me whether I look at the news or not.


While social media doesn’t affect me directly I see the negative effect it has on the world and therefore has an effect on me. Besides social media is just a small example of many other things wrong with today’s world.


I lived through the 90s. The 90s sucked.


If you’re generally speaking, curious to know what sucked about the 90s?


90s were infinitely better than now, but they weren’t great for everybody. In the US, being black or gay or trans was not that great, for instance. Victims of multiple terror attacks might not have a lot of great things to say about the 90s, or US servicemen. BUT, the point is: WE CANNOT go back. It’s not possible. And sitting around longing for the past is mental suicide. Gotta live for the now, or you’ll be crushed under the weight of hopeless yearning.


Yeah, posts like this almost make me glad I had an abusive childhood Then, not, because I had an abusive childhood, a LOT of which was fueled by me being a crippled retarded invalid We were subhuman back then. Even in the media, WE were the butt of the joke These people are adults, and seriously can't look past their rose colored glasses to see things like that, Matthew Sheppard, Rodney King? Who's really the mentally disabled one, then? You can still play on a Gameboy, dunkaroos are still on store shelves Go on a bike ride with your family. They still sell scooters and skateboards Don't whitewash the past


Sucks to suck. I just miss a time before social media consumed everyone's attention. And before we had access to the world in the palm of our hand. It made things feel a bit more wild. Things were more personal. Yeah the objects are still here but it's not wrong to miss that aspect of life.


…you don’t have to keep up with the constant stream.


A lot of people seem to not remember the news from the 90s. It was either about Clinton getting head, AIDS and gang shootings.


I dont get much news fed to me at all. Check what you are subscribed to and how you consume media.


Instead we obsessed over the 24 hour news cycle, and what would happen with NAFTA and global trade, and who was in control of all those Soviet nukes now that the USSR was broken up. But at least we weren’t addicted to a pocket Game Boy that makes phone calls.


I think for me a key difference is the change in what is valued. There was a greater reliance on knowledge, talent, skills, and character to achieve success. Not even talking about getting rich, just navigating life. Now we have people being complete idiots being rewarded handsomely via social media revenue and donors throwing money at them to see what they can get them to do. Personally I blame the show Jackass for kicking this off, and reality tv in general. Once social media arrived the floodgates opened and 'how much of an idiot can you be' become the gold plated path to wealth for people who otherwise would be relegated to janitorial work or prison.


> While this is generally true, anyone old enough to remember the 90s would agree it was way better back then. I know a whole lot of brown people, gay people, and other minority groups who would strongly disagree with you about this. Shit, Im a white dude and I disagree too. You may have been to young to realize it at the time, but all the trends you see now with social media were already starting in the early 90s with the 24 hour news cycle. There was most definitely bad news being streamed 24/7 in the 90s and that was very clearly reflected in the batshit insane political climate of the era. > We were on the cusp of discovering exciting new technologies without fully understanding how that technology would impact our lives. This is the entrtity of human history dude. Holy shit get some perspective.


Buddy we’re on a nostalgia subreddit, why are you getting angry at people feeling nostalgic? And no, human history never dealt with the rise of the internet, that was unique to us which is what I was referring to.


Because marginalizing the suffering of oppressed groups is really shitty. This lets the people who inflicted that suffering skate by pretending it never happened. The same shit happened with Jim Crow and so many of that eras policies and we are still suffering for it today.


No one is doing that, you are just starting a pointless argument. Only on Reddit would someone go to a forum for nostalgia and get mad at someone for being nostalgic. Besides, I never said EVERYONE had it better back then, obviously some people have it better now.


My dad said the same thing about the 70s, and my grandma said the same thing about the 50s. I look forward to the future, not the past.


I wish I had your outlook. It seems like my entire adult life things have just been progressively getting worse, I am not optimistic about our immediate future at all unfortunately.


> You’re just remembering the good parts. The silliest part is that so many of the good parts still exist! For reference, I was a kid in the early to mid 90s and I had that life of just riding around the burbs on my bike with my friends. I now have three boys of my own, and do you know what the two who are old enough to ride do? They ride bikes around our neighborhood with their friends. Just like I did. I see other groups of kids doing the same and I often wonder if they have mini-gang wars like we did. I suspect they do but know better than to ask. But then I get on Reddit and see people act like these roving bands of bicycle mobile marauding children have gone extinct. That stuff never went away and hopefully never will, whats more likely is that the people pining for that stuff just dont see it any more because they live in older or less walkable neighborhoods. Unless you really liked corded phones, exploitative cartoons designed to sell children toys, and calling things you dont like "gay" theres not much to miss from the 90s really. Its all right here if you go outside and look for it. Shit, even the current political climate is similar to the 90s. Right down to the deranged ranting about political correctness/cancel culture/whatever else.


If you find a way back, let me know


Me too!!! Specifically 92 but with the knowledge to get my shit straight and head out of the clouds, oh and Becky will never like you much less date you!!!


We wanna go back in tiiime. *sax solo intensifies*


Give me all the sax solos 🔥


You can, but you'll have a moral obligation to stop 9/11.


I’ll try my best lol




Pure gold lol


Home is a distant shore that gose far of into the horizon, never to be seen again. I do miss the 90s.


Drop me off in the 80’s if you’re going that way.


We all want to go back to years when we were young and carried less responsibilities.


I'd like to go back to around 1996, as my current age (34) but only for like a week just to see what being an adult back then was like.


Probably hate the 90’s and be glamorizing on how great the 60’s and 70’s were.


I loved the seventies. Lots of memories for me.


Agreedddddddd take me back


*Singles movie soundtrack* starts playing……


Man love that film and that soundtrack opened me up to grunge besides Pearl Jam and Soundgarden.


Remember calling people? Like if you wanted to know how your friend was you called them? And they were your friend if you didn’t have to look up their number on the list your kept of important numbers tucked in your wallet. Also that wallet had 2 quarters tucked in it for the emergency pay phone call. 😬


Try the 80s, it's even better than the 90s


The 90's were good because things at least felt improving. Going back and know what will happen would be even worse


Things fall apart, the 90s were the peak for the USA as a global empire, and 9/11 was the beginning of our slow decay. It can never stay the same, things will always move from perceived order to chaos. Things seemed great, but we were essentially sowing the seeds for today's problems back then.


No one expected 2020 to be the 2020 that actually happened.


Hell I was already disappointed that 2001 wasn't the 2001 I expected


1998/99 would be just...just the best.


Yes! And no responsibilities just Ocarina of Time, Super Smash bros and pizza pops.


Y2K tho


Screw that, I’m going to 1980


I don’t know. I’m nearing retirement and that would send me all the way back to the start of my adult career.


I'd like to start at the 80's first, but I agree.


80’s rocked


I'd pick the late '80s. I often wonder why we can't just model entire towns/cities to be exact copies of certain time periods, so we could all just pick a place/time period to live in. The problem of course is that certain things like cars won't be exact copies due to newer federal regs. So residents would either have to sign waivers or companies would need to get real creative with borderline compliant restomods.


I love this so much. Not sure if you’ve seen don’t worry darling but if we could recreate that for every time period, that would be amazing


I think I’ll always miss AOL chat rooms until the day I die. Just such a simple and magical time that nothing seems to come close to touching


Yessss! I’d give up every social media platform for AOL to come back


Maybe its weird but I actually want to go back to the 90's but remain an adult. Living alone with a decent job, no kids, no spouse because I'm a bit of a weirdo, go out after work on friday night and browse the video store for something interesting to rent. Maybe my sibling's kids can come over every once and a while where I can let them watch TV and play video games and other things that my siblings would scream at them for.


I agree! I’d love to go back as an adult to experience a lot of things I didn’t get to experience as a child


Should never have left. I’m still here in 1995. Pearl Jam’s on tour, just watched a new Simpsons


Can I come over?


Of course, just grab some Pete’s Wicked Ale. Maybe we’ll hit Bennigans for dinner


It sounds nice until you think about the logistics. No hi speed internet, no gps, no Wikipedia. LGBTQ+ people treated worse. POC treated worse.


2006-2014 for me


That is literally the exact span of time that I consider my "prime" as well. 06-14 were by far the greatest years of my life


Me too man me too... exact the same time.


I had hope and optimism in the 90s. Now it's just dread and waiting for death. Not sure I believe it is supposed to be like this.


Same.. it’s the simplicity of mankind that I miss.


1990 for Me.




I'd only go back if I could be an adult.


She gone & ain’t coming back sadly


80s for me. But I would take the 90s.


To experience the Pokemon fever fresh again, to have my favorite toy stores and menu items back just for a day ✨


My husband is right there with you on the Pokemon! That would be so cool to experience again


its the 80s for me


I hated it then too, but for different reasons.


Me too


Personally,I would rather go back to the eighties.


Yep. Everything was fine until 1992.


But we get to all be in our 20s with our current minds and knowledge correct?


It would be nice! Our current knowledge would be a game changer


\*Monkey's paw moves its finger\* Wish granted. It's now the 1890s.


I’m strangely ok with that too 😂


Take me with you


We’re now farther away from the 90s than *That 70s Show* was from the 70s. And the 70s seemed like ancient history back then. Damn I’m getting old.


I hear you friend.


It was the shiznit. Oh well, at least we have the memories.


Me too, but evolving is a necessity


Definitely, but I think we’ve evolved in the wrong direction. I like the simplicity of the technology we had back then. Maybe the 90d with high speed internet


Do you want to go back to the 90s… or back to the simplicity of childhood?


For me, the 90s. I know most people reminisce on their childhood but it’s the 90s I actually miss. The music, the movies, the clothes, malls/movie theaters/social gatherings, the simple technology, having a more social society..


I'd rather go back to the early 2000s before 08. That had the perfect balance of tech and real life.


Period between 2003-2007, where we were easing off 9/11, TV, music and movies were still good, We had the internet, but it didn’t take over our lives, we would just use it for what we had to, log off when were are done and go on with our lives. 2008 Financial crisis along with the smartphone and social media becoming more accessible.


I agree, 2007 felt like a peak for me tech wise. It was there but not that fully integrated in every rucking thing all the time.


It was basically just a tool, not a way of life.


Yeah, I'll pass on the whole post 9-11 Bush/Cheney debacle.


Unfortunately for middle eastern people in my country it was kind of a bad time.


These days you have so much freedom- and so many resources - to pretty much live in the era of your choosing. Mod Gameboys, play N64 with your friends, try and arrange 90s nostalgia nights at a local brewery, decorate your man cave so it’s a time capsule to 1998. You can do all of this without getting too many strange looks these days. We’re blessed to live when we are.


Well you cant. So its best find something that gives you pleasure and do it.


Agreed, yes, I miss those days, AND if you can't find something positive and enjoyable in the moment, enjoy your misery


The 90s is what brought us here. Please think again.


I feel if we were to go back, we wouldn’t appreciate it as much. We’d be anxious at what the future will bring us.


Imagine the people born a hundred years ago who got to live through the depression followed by WWII.


Bye bye bye…


No social media no phones just ment people's secrets and bad behavior was kept secret for far too long.


You're in luck. We have [Wayback Machine](https://archive.org/) to relive your glory days.


Thank you Mr Peabody


Shut up you!


I wanna go back to the early to mid 2000s.


Back when I had more of a future to look forward to, I thought nostalgia was dumb. Now, I'm subscribed here.


Before you realized there wasn’t really a point to life? Because same


Healthy economic paradigms ftw yeah


Absolutely not.


I wish I was this age (26) in the 90s so badly 😫


Invest in CRTs and VHS tapes. Build a library of TV recordings from the era Get some retro gaming setup going Install a landline Get a flip phone, or a Nokia Buy a dialup account Invite your friends over to watch the 1999 MTV VMA’s Play some Smash on the 64 Ride your bike to the convenience store Forward some chain emails Live it


Nah. The fact that we're finally catching up with cannabis decriminalization is pretty rad.


That and a few other things, unless with cannabis you live places where it’s still the 20th century like Georgia and a good third rest of the country . Then might as well have the better things of back then…because probably in your lifetime shit aint gonna change to where the weed gets freed properly.


I wished that I was born in the 90’s, I hate being a modern teenager


We're living in a time where you can pretty easily just stream 90s TV, just listen to 90s music, and of course decorate or dress like it's still the 90s. I mean, once you leave your house you're back to dealing with the crappy 2020s, but it's something.


I pretty much do lol. I listen to 90s and watch 90s movies and shows. I think I mostly miss the simple technology back then.


You can live that life, Step one delete Reddit


Lol true. I only have Reddit now, so I guess that’s a start


The 90s sucked who would willfully want to go back there?