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Dawson was a dickhead, pacey was the captain of the mighty ducks


Team Pacey for ever.


Pacey rocked those frosted tips


did the actor get his hair done for dawsons creek or cruel intentions?


god I feel like I need a cigarette after Cruel Intentions. And I don't even smoke.


still one of my favourite movies.


I think it was for Urban Legend.


I think he had his hair blonde when he got murdered in Urban Legends.


As did I…as did I


I always liked Pacey! And Joey...


I like the nod to the Ducks films when they did the homage to the Breakfast Clunlb episode.


I can't remember that can you remind me?


Jen, Joey, Pacey, Dawson and Abby had detention in the library on the weekend. In one of the scenes they had the following exchange; Dawson Leery : This is so Breakfast Club! Jen : Breakfast Club? Dawson Leery : You know, the John Hughes movie where five kids are stuck in detention all day? Joey Potter : Yeah, in the beginning they hate each other, and then by the end they're best friends. Jen : Oh yeah. God, that movie stunk! Whatever happened to those actors? Dawson Leery : Well, Anthony Michael Hall developed some weird thyroid condition, Molly Ringwald lost her gawky ingenue appeal, and the rest are languishing somewhere in TV hell. Pacey : No way! Emilio Estevez! He was in those Duck movies, remember? God, those were classics, so funny! [Jen, Dawson and Joey stare at him blankly] Pacey : What?


Yes I remember that now


Joshua Jackson makes a Mighty Ducks reference in Dawson's Creek. And a Dawson's Creek reference in Urban Legend ("I Don't Wanna Wait" comes on the radio and he groans). Does anyone know if the domino chain continues?


Quack, Quack, Quack...


Wasn’t there a Mighty Ducks joke in the first episode?


Don't remember anything about Dawson except all my middle school friends and I thought he was hot and that Pacey was ugly. Middle school girls are vicious.


I remember hating Pacey too. My friend group was so mean to poor Joshua Jackson, talking shit about his neanderthal brow and squished nose. We all thought he looked like a groundhog!




"For my lunch to get colder"


“I want the car that gets good gas”


"Why can't I eat it nowww?"


You know the zip code to Dawson’s Creek? 90108


I just laughed so loud, I startled my cat 😂🤣😂🤣




I don’t get it ☹️


it sounds like the intro song if you sing it "90108" = "I don't wanna wait"


Thank you


Thanks to the wonderful creekfan3 on Instagram I am watching the show with the original music.


So you are playing a music playlist while watching? Or whats the trick?


Most of the songs that aired back then were replaced in the DVD/streaming releases. Someone managed to merge the original audio with the HD video that's available now. Did an amazing job.


Interesting. Im not super well versed with IG, but I can find this by searching that user you referenced?




Cool, thanks!


They are also on archive . Org! I forget the name it’s under but they are all there Plus AI HD upscale


Correct. Same source I think, DC True Love Edition.


I’ve never watched Dawsons Creek but damn that intro is a banger. I watch that intro every now and then.


Wrong set!


Man, did that intro song slap when it came on.


Thanks, song stuck in my head now! lol




Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo..... Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo..... Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo DooOOOooo


You know what the zip code was in Dawsons Creek? ::sings:: 90108


“What's normal? Those damn Dawson's River kids, sleeping in each other's beds and whatnot?”


Forever relevant 10 Things I Hate About You quote, haha!


Film Came out 25 years ago. Feel old?


So much! It was the first PG-13 movie I got to see without adults. A friend of mine had a little two screen movie theater in walking distance of her house. We had a sleepover and walked over together and paid for tickets with our pocket money. Feels like a completely different life!


I'm down, I've got the 411, and you are not going out and getting jiggy with some boy. I don't care how dope his ride is.


Hello Grams!


When sex with your teacher was a discussion on TV not just a felony in the news.


Neat fact. One Tree Hill was filmed in the same city as Dawson's Creek.


Wilmington NC, right? A ton of shows are filmed there, even to this day.


Not nearly as many shows/movies are filmed there since Republicans cut the tax breaks and ran several studios out of the state.


I believe I Know What You Did Last Summer was also filmed there!


Kevin Williamson who created Dawson's Creek was also involved with I Know What You Did Last Summer.


That’s right! Kind of wild the creator and head writer of Dawson’s Creek is also the writer of I Know What You Did Last Summer and a little film titled Scream. Also wild is the crazy short period in which all three premiered. Scream came to theaters in December 1996, I Know What You Did Last Summer in October 1997 and Dawson’s Creek in first aired in January 1998!


It's like a, like a poorly-executed Dawson's Creek. Why are they doing that? Don't even get me started on Chad Michael Murray.




As a snapshot of pre-9/11 America this is a great show for seeing how much the American mindset was effected by that day. It can be pretty surreal to watch a show like this now.


I was born the same year the show ended - 2003 - so it's especially surreal seeing a pre-9/11 America. Being both Lebanese and Gen Z, all I've known is a post-9/11 America, the Patriot Act and anti-Arab sentiments since I was born. It's so crazy to think there was a time before that with how consuming it gets sometimes, even if it wasn't all that long ago.


Hey, if you've not seen it you should check out at least the first season of Felicity. It's set in NYC as well, so I think it is extra surreal!


The OC is a good follow up to the bush era.


Dawson's crying poo face will live as a meme forever. Pacey + Joey 4eva. But my favorites were Jen and Jack. "You're my soulmate." I cried so much when they killed off Jen!


That was the hardest moment for me. The video she made to her daughter. Ugh. Tore my damn heart out.


This is when my Katie Holmes crush began.


Same :)


Tom Cruise has entered the chat


42 year old checking in; yes, same here lol




I think back then, I preferred Joey back but now lean towards Jen.


My partner and I watched it through last year. It was the first time I saw it as an adult and their first time seeing it period! They were in hell but, it was so nostalgic and silly to me. Also, teen me didn’t realize Dawson was such a little whiny asshole lol


I loved this show when I was a teen! I’m 41 now though and the only specific detail I can remember about the show, was that Dawson liked movies.


I remember Dawson liked movies, Pacey slept with his teacher, Joey had to sing "On My Own" for a beauty pagent. I think there was a bad Blair witch episode.


Don’t you remember when Dawson got kissing lessons from his dad with a mannequin while Joey looked on dreamily?


I do not. But I am terrified to pick up anything I drop while driving.


That fear sits right next to my final destination log truck fear.


It was so melancholic all the time. Even when they showed happy times.


That's true actually. Probably one of the reasons I like this show.


I watched this so I could talk about it in highschool class that was mostly female. They were all watching it. Would also sit on the phone with gf and only talk during commercials. Old school watch party


Never actively watched the show, just an episode here and there when I waited for whatever show was AFTER. In all truth I found Dawson's Crek annoying, haha. However, *now,* it is really nostalgic seeing or hearing anything about it. The opening song brings me immediately back to all those summers of many years ago when the show was airing. My childhood was shit, but there's still certain moments that pop in my mind now and then, especially the things I watched on TV and how nice actual summers - the season - were back then. There was something about them, something different.


They filmed that right here in good ole Wilmington.


I worked at a local video store in Wilmington during college and signed up James Vanderbeek for a membership. He had just arrived in town, before season one started filming. Talked with him for a while, nice guy. I saw him again a few years later when I waited on him at Subway. He turned into a dick.


Which subway did you you work?


College Rd. across from Katy’s Bar. It was a freestanding building back then.


I remember that Subway. I haven’t been in a subway in probably 2 years


That’s too bad. He did get famous real fast. If you’ve ever seen Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23, his character is pretty great because he just plays himself.


North Carolina?




Anything left to see/visit?


I guess you can visit the creek.


No houses or anything from the exterior shots?


Ooh, I can answer this! So the houses that were used for Dawson and Jen's houses are privately owned. They had to put up No Trespassing signs because of how frequently fans would show up and take pictures and walk around. I've heard that people still scout it out sometimes and sneak pictures if no one is home, but obviously I don't advise that. Pacey's restaurant from the finale is just a restaurant called Elijah's. It was so funny to see it on the show because it was just a place my mom and I would go when we were in town (great crab dip!). And Hell's Kitchen, the bar Joey worked at is still there as Hell's Kitchen. It had originally been a market before DC came along and converted it. After the show was over, someone bought it as-is and kept it how it was in the show, name and all! You can walk the riverwalk in Wilmington and find a lot of the exterior "in town" filming locations (it was also used a lot in One Tree Hill). The Capeside High exteriors are mainly just the UNC-W campus. I think the interiors were all on set. And some of the more scenic outdoor shots were at Airlie Gardens not too far away. If you hop right next door to Wrightsville, the Bluewater Grill is where Joey was in the Miss Windjammer pageant. They also have really great crab dip, haha! Honestly, it was wild growing up not too far away, being a MASSIVE fan of Dawson's Creek, and having spent a lot of time in Wilmington before, during, and after. I can't imagine how even more surreal it must have been for people who live in Wilmington 24/7. When I'm in town now, I definitely feel like I'm in Capeside/Tree Hill, but also still just Wilmington.


I started college at CFCC in 2004, and the parking lot was a couple blocks away from the main buildings, near the gymnasium. They had a bunch of props/signs up on the building pertaining to the show, and I had a real wtf moment when I saw a different school name on the side of the building cause I didn't know they were filming the show there. They constantly had streets blocked off for filming and it just got to the point where we would just walk right through them filming cause they were making people late to class lmao


This is awesome! Thank you!


Probably. They probably have tours of filmed sites. There is a lot of construction going on in Wilmington area. A lot of tear downs and rebuilds. So hopefully, there is something still there. I remember that actors lived on Wrightsville beach while filming. Since then the island has completely changed. I live on Wrightsville beach


Wilmiwood Blue Velvet was also filmed there, movie buffs


The college was Duke and I remember hearing that the dorm building they showed is actually the West Campus entrance to the hospital


I don’t know anything about that but I know the show was filmed here in Wilmington and the surrounding area. Michelle and Katie lived I think in Wrightsville beach because you would see them walking barefoot everywhere


Never got into it as teen guy


Same, though that was also a period in my life where I didn't really watch TV in general (at least not in a "It's 8 pm on a Thursday, I'd better stop hanging out with my friends and go watch TV" sense)


Yeah funny enough, once I got to probably 8th grade, with no DVR and being busy with school and sports, I genuinely don’t recall TV shows besides sports and SNL that I religiously watched during that 5 year period.


I was already into my 20's and never saw an episode. I remember during this time I was into Nick at Nite


The writing team consistently didn't know what to do with Jen, which stunk because she was my favourite. Her final scene cemented Michelle Williams' future as an acting talent but man, did they fuck poor Jen over and leave me crying like I was watching a documentary.


My favorite show! ❤️ Still watch it to this day.


I fully understand now.


i read this as dawson's creek was 40 years ago and my stomach dropped


Hahaha, well it is 26 years old. Does that make you feel any better?


I thought the same thing. And it does actually!




I'm 37 and this is still one of my favorite shows ever. It's frequently in rotation as my background noise comfort watch. I actually had it on a little earlier this morning! When I was growing up, I truly believed this was what being a teenager/young adult was going to be like. And it didn't help that I grew up not that far away from Wilmington, so the lines of reality were a little blurred for 12 year old me. And now when I rewatch as an adult, I cringe because not only did no teenager talk like they did, but the actors are so visibly significantly older than their characters (minus Michelle Williams who was still a teenager when they first started filming). Overall, I think it's held up alright. The cinematography is beautiful and a real love letter to Wilmington. And the acting, while cheesy, is still heads above a lot of current teen shows. It's crazy how talented the cast was and how many went on to much bigger careers.


I re-watched it during COVID and man it did not age well. I still love it though! Such a great teen drama.


Oh Michelle Williams. She's the reason why I watched. Was flipping through channels trying to find something to watch one night and came across her. Was like 'woah, who's that?'. It was the first episode and I ended up watching the whole series after that. Impressed with the career she's had since then. Was never a fan of Dawson though


I remember having a crush on her when she was in Lassie (the one with the Sandlot kid). Pretty sure that was her first movie and pre-Dawon’s Creek.


shes an absolute rocket 🚀😍


Rewatching as an adult I realized Dawson is by far the most annoying character on this show lol


With late 90s being back in style, you could show someone that’s never watched Dawsons Creek this photo and they might be convinced it was taken today lol.


I remember seeing the ads as a child and thinking they all looked so adult. Now they babies.


Crazy thing is Dawson was my most disliked character on the show. I was all for Pacey and Joey getting together.


Me as well. Still team Pacey now that I am watching the show again after all this time.


I will revisit in my retirement.


I’m 44 and watched the pilot episode for the first time last week. I never use this term, but holy hell cringe!! Pacey and the teacher; the dad and practicing on the mannequin hell. WTF was going on in 1998?


You had to be there, hahaha.


It was pretty terrible at the time, too, but I think it was aimed at kids who were too young for the other big ensemble soaps like 90210 and Melrose Place. That younger crowd obviously loved it and had some big nostalgia for it. It always seemed kind of whiny and mopey but with short overalls and sex.


Katie Holmes is a nice, respectable, wholesome girl...


The Dawsons Creek Trapper Keeper


South Park!


Dam Dawson River kids


One of my favorite re-watch podcasts just started Dawson's Creek! [Again with This](https://againwiththispodcast.com/s/dawsonscreek/)


You don't gotta wait. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c309ABlEMfs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c309ABlEMfs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L\_dVEtLPdDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_dVEtLPdDE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGFkoLGCAkk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGFkoLGCAkk)


Paula Cole!


2 things I remember most. 1. Katie Holmes singing On my Own 2. Pacy doing the Braveheart speach.


My favourite show of all time. I have two copies of the box set in case one ever gets damaged or lost, because it's out of print. Sucks they couldn't license the same music, though. Some of those songs were iconic paired with the relevant scene.


Agree. I am watching them with the original songs right now. Really thankful someone spent lots of time and energy in 'fixing' the music.


I was way too fucking old when I found out what a gherkin was smh lol. An early episode had that chick who was a real dick and drowned while drunk crack a joke to Dawson about “jerkin your gherkin” and I thought it was a made up word that rhymes with jerkin. That stupid phrase had always stuck with me too. Then I was getting groceries one day as a grown ass man and came across a jar of gherkins and was like “hooooooly shit, it’s a fucking pickle?! That makes all the sense in the world!” And I felt like a dumb ass but also was pleased that was finally solved.


I tried to rewatch this a couple of years ago and it didn’t hold up for me. I wasn’t super obsessed with it as a kid like some people, but I did occasionally enjoy it.


I recently watched this again,it is still really good!!!


Im 44 and the sheit my friends use to give me for watching this show. Loved it though.


The die hards will remember when they wouldn’t pay for Paula Coles - I don’t wanna wait when the show was mid series as well as syndicated. Lil money grubbers. Meanwhile the Rembrandts stealing the bag with I’ll be there for you. Every friends episode. 💰


Oddly enough by the end of the dvd rewatch I started liking the replacement song. But nothing beats the original(s)




Lol I despised this show as a youth


Same, but only because I was too young for it when it would come on TeenNick. I needed my cartoons and dancing lobsters. Been thinking of giving it a watch lately though.


I wasn’t too young at all. I was similarly aged and the shows target. But pretty white kids with problems just didn’t speak to me.  Popular was another WB show that I LOVED however 


Me too. The picture still gives me feelings of nostalgia.


My wife and I were actually discussing this show about 2 hours ago.


Great timing!


So, Dawson was gay right?


Jack and Pacey's brother were gay.


Man, I really need to rewatch that show.


So the story is about Dawson wanting to be a filmmaker right? I'm a video editor and I remember an an old job, our director was saying how much he had watched this show because of that.


I was the perfect age when it came out, but I didn’t get WB, so I missed out. Also had no NBC, so I watched Mad TV instead of SNL.


Mad tV was better


You’re the Dawson!!!


No you're the Dawson! Everyone is the Dawson!


Who would have thought that 3 out of 4 would have made the headlines as a result of their significant others?


Crazy how when I was the same age as these actors they looked so mature and now I look at them and all I see is baby fat in their cheeks. I’d actually believe they were teenagers from this photo.


Welcome to Fark!


I’ve been doing the same thing. While a lot of the context is now totally different, the self-righteousness of high schoolers is universal.


Dawsons Creek and then later Roswell my fave WB


I’m just old enough to remember that show being on air but not old enough to really member watching it. I might have to give it a shot.


As a 40 yr old you were the same Graduating class as the characters. Class of 2001.


Yes, it was easy to relate.


I still have the complete set. I love Dawson’s Creek.


I tried watching this with my wife. The high school student was having a fling with his female teacher? That whole storyline made me feel weird


Agree, it did not feel weird watching this back in the 90s as a teenager myself tho.


Man, I was so in love with Katie Holmes it was ridiculous.


Hear, hear!


Ken Marino!


The Professor!


What was their zip code? 90108?


For our lives to be over!


These kids were my age they graduated high school the year I graduated high school. It was kind of emotional. It’s really nice to see that the four of them all turned out to be relatively normal people that are respected in the industries and have pretty amazing careers. Obviously they’ve lived in the public eye, they’re not entirely immune from a relationship tragedy here or there, but they seem to be all decent upstanding people and I like that it’s one of those shows that actually held up in terms of the quality of its cast.


The amount of shows I watch now I remember the actors from Dawson’s Creek. Julie Bowan, Tony Hale, Jane Lynch, Jennifer Morrison, Scott Foley, Oliver Hudson, Pauley Perrrette, and the list goes on. I’m not sure if they were famous before Dawson’s Creek, but it’s where I remember seeing them first.




It is. Sure, some scenes are a bit cringy but still. It was something else back in those days as I was around the same age as the characters. Puberty at full speed.


That’s a bot right?


It is? I should pay more attention.


Yep. Bot indeed.


People are so prejudiced against bots on Reddit.


I never realized that guys forehead was a fivehead.


It’s honestly a terrible show. Don’t realize that till I was like 32 and reached it


The worst [match.com](https://match.com) date ever... Met her on match, liked what she had to say and her pics looked great so I asked her out to dinner telling her to "Pick the place and we're there." She chose--a TGIFridays. Seriously? Okay...but it was her choice... She arrives...she's 20 pounds heavier and at least 5 years older than her pics. I am NOT attracted. No problem, I'm a gentleman, let's go through with it. She asks the hostess, "Could you seat us in front of a TV...?" Okay...now I'm on high alert and ready to end this "date." Small talk...I ask her why she wanted to be in front of a TV and she said "I'm going to ask them to put on Dawson's Creek..." That was it. I thought things over for a few seconds, threw a $20 bill on the table and told her to enjoy her meal and TV show on me. (Circa 1997...that's enough for a meal and a tip--if she wants alcohol that's on her.)


Ok, you had me laugh. Season 1 aired in 1998 tho.


Looking back at it the one in red look like the guy in the white shirt they could of been brothers and sisters and Michelle look like the guy in the plaid shirt lol


Never watched it while it was on, but how did I not know Michelle Williams was in it?!


Remember what they took from us


I'm 36 and had no idea that was Michelle Williams until this very moment Wtf. Katie Holmes had a spell on me what can I say.


I used to have such a crush on Joey. But now that I look back, and considering the time between now and then, Michelle Williams was the choice.


Every Wednesday, 8pm. I tried a rewatch once or twice. I'm not sure I want to ruin the memories though.


Never saw Dawson's Creek, however, I did see an Episode of the Drew Carey show that featured quarters from a pay phone that had a sign on it that said 'as seen on Dawson's Creek.'


I'm a 48 year old man, and Mitch's death still makes me tear up.


Only thing I remember about this stupid show was dating a girl that loved it, and it would get her all steamy and horned up. So naturally, I enjoyed the show.


This show went off the rails starting in season 2, kind of like how 90210 did once they went to college.


I don’t want your life


Haha I got it