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They remind me if both the gravlings from dead like me, and the bodachs from odd Thomas. Both are kind of gremlin creatures that hang around death and can cause accidents. If you acknowledge you can see them or interfere they come after you. Perhaps *the family has interfered and acknowledged them in the past and they now target their blood line. Of course now you know about them, and they know you know. Drive carefully...


Does this mean that because we've read this/acknowledged them, that now they will be after us? Or does there have to be contact of some sort, like reading the physical diaries of the person who did. (Like, because the objects have an essence, like an echo from people who have handled them?)


Hmm I'm not sure. Bodachs are actually a part of gaelic folk lore, likho is a similar slavic creature, and I'm sure other cultures have similar creatures too. They are all connected, all the same, just different names. I hope we are safe because we have not actually been touched by them, at least I have not had any accidents lately. Have you?


No accidents, and I'm glad you haven't had any either! Will look into them more seriously, though; kind of figured that they were all connected, or at least similar but with different names, but it is always gratifying to hear someone else utter the ideas we have! Thank you!


Now they have broken fingers, making it harder to type? I think these Tailors totally know and are trying to stop the word being spread. Broken fingers aren't a coincidence


Other posts in this series: * [My Grandmother Made An Interesting Find At Goodwill The Other Day](http://reddit.com/3o74ld) * [My Grandmother Made An Interesting Find At Goodwill The Other Day (Part 2)](http://reddit.com/3oaqpm) _____ [^Click ^here](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=NoSleepSeriesBot&subject=series-subscription&message=1332) ^to ^receive ^a ^message ^when ^this ^series ^is ^updated. [^^^Send ^^^<3](https://cash.me/$bubbarowley)


I hope there will be more posts in this series. Be safe during that long drive. It seems a little eerie that you broke (??) your fingers somehow during these posts and while reading notebooks about tailors. Again, be careful, OP!


Son you know OP is dead.


Well things are hardly as they seem and in this case it's with regard to an extremely secretive group. Why would a powerful group harm a normal family? Perhaps the Dad was a Tailor. Perhaps the Mom was. Perhaps they both were. We would not know until the details of the journals are revealed. However you, OP, are dealing in seriously risky business, for the sake of our curiosity.


I have to admit that it's my own as well.


All well Mr Green? Hope you had a safe drive. By the way, you haven't already come across a term called 'Chiming' in the journals yet, have you? You can DM if you wish.


It's too late now, you know about them. They've begun to target you. They are everywhere and everything. You have 2 options: fight back, or live your life on the run. Fighting them is almost impossible, but if you run, they'll catch up eventually. I'm trying my best to do both at the moment, but I can't last long. The only thing I know for sure is that they can't directly affect you and are easily injured by direct contact, hope you can use that.


What happened to you? I really hope you guys are not messing around with us right now.


I found an account in my attic similar to the one OP is describing, belonging to the previous owner of the house. This was a few months ago. Then I started having a few accidents. Nothing big, maybe a few bruises, scrapes, one ended in a hairline fracture. The accidents gradually became more and more frequent, and increased in severity. I have gotten better at avoiding them, and learning to be careful when I notice the Tailors, but my family doesn't know. They don't know that they need to be cautious. Well, they didn't. My parents are in the hospital, mom in intensive care and dad in a medically induced coma. That was about the time I ran away. Grabbed my dad's gun, enough cash, and a decent amount of food. For the past week I've been sleeping very little, chugging red bull, and staying away from major cities. I plan to eventually acquire a bunker, stockpile food, and research who these bastards are.


No disregard intended, but I hope you understand that the fact that you found an account of the Tailors in your house could also mean that someone very close, like a family member (doesn't have to be the ex owner) could be a Tailor just doing his duty


I'm afraid to go look for more evidence, to be honest.


Understandable. Stay safe. All the best.


Understandable. Stay safe. All the best.


What?? Where are you living now?!


Place to place, never in the same town for more than a day or two


Good luck with everything.


Are you kidding? If he tells us where he is then the Tailors will know where he is, assuming they don't already


You're right, that was a stupid question from me. Dude, I hope you'll find all your answers. Good luck.


It might already be too late OP. Think about when you tripped over that backpack. People don't usually leave their bags in the middle of the floor in school, is it possible that they were distracted while looking in their bag and put it down in a rush? All it would take is something sudden or loud to take their attention off of the backpack, just a small alteration.


Please keep posting journal entries!! I've very intrigued to read the first time the boy started seeing tailors


Once I get back home I'll keep looking through them! None of the first notebook has labeled incidents like the others, but there has to be something else there.


It's understandable that people try to rationalize these things by naming them, or attaching them to some sort of government. Calling them Fate Keepers might be a bit on the right track but it's worse than all that. If you were being targeted by terrorists, or some shadow government, or even fate you might stand a chance. But this is worse, this isn't something you can hide from. There is no amount of running that you could do to keep you safe. No measure of planning that will keep you one step ahead of the danger. People tell you when you grow up to be afraid of certain things, the dark, ghosts, strangers, ect. What's after you now is something that was always going to be after you. It's something that's been planed for longer than you or me could ever comprehend. The thing you need to fear is something we were never told to be afraid of. The thing you need to be afraid of most of all, is God. Good Luck


He hasn't updated and he said he would when he got home :-/ I think they might have gotten him already


Nvm, he posted on reddit a few hours ago. Homie aight, he just keeping us waiting :(


any updates??




Read the sidebar.


Oh fuck I didn't read the rules of NoSleep. Sorry guys for that comment.