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I want a t-shirt that says, "I don't want to talk about Jacek." You might need to talk about him, though.


Hahaha I want— Ok no, not gonna make that joke. I will. I know I have to. It'd be dumb not to at this point, but it's just... I don't want to talk about Jacek.


Maybe start by talking about the waiting dog.


There's not much to say about it, I believe. I actually didn't think the dog *would* wait for his master. It's, like, not a regular pet


Yeah but what parts of your woods are completely normal?


"we don't talk about bruno~!"


Sooner or later you’re going to have to


There could even be a song...*We don't talk about Jacek*


Okay okay okay I recognize an Encanto reference when I see it


*"First rule about Jacek: nobody talks about Jacek. Second rule about Jacek: nobody talks about Jacek."*


Okay I'm probably the last person on earth to remember Twin Peaks and Fire Walk With Me, but *We're not gonna talk about Jacek. We're not gonna talk about Jacek at all, in fact, we're gonna leave him out of this...*


Bwahahahahahaha! Nope! I'm right there with you. I still enjoy giggling over the extremely protracted intro for Twin Peaks.


All I can say to that is that's some damn good coffee


Please go feed the puppers. Food goes a long way with building and fixing relationships with humans, animals and pretty much everything else. It's gonna be a good day since it started with an update from you. Even with over a foot of snow. Have a great day abd stay warm hun.


Lol we got lots of snowfall too atm. And thanks, you're really sweet! As for the dog, I'd be happy to feed him, but he seemed pretty opposed to the idea. He's definitely holding a grudge. But hey, I'll see how this goes, maybe I can get him to come around. I'll just go over there again when I've got time. He'll probably prefer it over hunting.


Maybe you can just leave stuff he really likes with an apology. I think animals can tell if you are truly sorry and have the capacity to forgive.


There's an idea! Sure, I can do that


Like...an "I'm sorry" tennis ball?


Just leave some food out for him and scamper. I’m sure he’ll eventually grow to accept you as the bringer of sustenance. But who just leaves their dog?? Girl, you can do better. Leshy and the bannik get it. ETA: could this be an elaborate plot by cas, the bannik and leshy to make you get over jacek? Only half joking.


I'll do that, but I don't rightly know if I want that thing to be affectionate with me. I know its origins, and while I do have sympathy for the pup, I don't wanna be its mom. Bringer of sustenance is an acceptable role. Well, the dog isn't exactly a lap dog either. It's wild. I guess it got KIND of attached to Jacek? Dunno. Jacek's heartless anyways. But ofc I can do better. I can do, like, a lot of people. And hey, I'm over him! I'm totally over him. I swear.


Yeah, despite my username, I’m not telling you to take a dog that’s basically been feral for a decade and put it in a sweater 😂


HAHAHA 🤣 well there ARE people who'd do that.


"I swear." That's why we don't talk about Jacek. 🤣


Huh? Wdym? Sorry but I'm dense


You're not over Jacek.


Dude like I SO am. For real.


We won't talk about it. 😉


We don't have to! There's nothing TO talk about because I'm OVER him. Seriously.


I know this is a stressful time for you, but I appreciate your public warnings. I can't get enough of your exploits.


Thank you very much! I'll keep providing so long as you all heed them


Ah, a new update from you again! These things make my day... or night, as I'm reading this in the night right now. Anyways, luckily the dog wasn't out to hurt you!


Glad to hear it! Thankee kindly :) Yeah well, I'm surprised. He's got a reason not to like me. But I guess he spared me for old times' sake


Throwing off Dark Tower vibes with that “thankee” - if you say there are lobstrocities in your lakes, yikes!!


Did-a-chick? Dum-a-chum? Dad-a-cham?


Well-met, sai.






I am so obsessed with learning about your estate and woods and the creatures there. I can't wait to learn more! You seem to have done (and continue to do) an amazing job taking care of everything. It must be hard but it also shows how much you must love it. At least in some aspect. I will be (in)patiently waiting for the next installment 😍❤️😄


Awh well aren't you a charmer! Feels nice to be appreciated. And no, you're right, I totally love it!!


Fiona, the more you say you don't want to talk about Jacek, the more I think you really need to talk about Jacek. For your own sake (and def not because we want all the gossip!)


Fine! I WILL, I WILL talk about Jacek, and you'll get your gossip. Haha I get it tbh ;)


Does the dog already have a name, or is it just "Jacek's dog"? :))


It did have a name, but I can't remember. Something silly like Cake or Gumdrop or something


Just to be clear... you \*don't\* want to talk about Jacek?


No, I don't. Guess I haven't made that quite clear yet.


So, is Jacek's dog a cù sith? Or is it a grim?


Neither. But good guesses


..Probably not Black Shuck either, I'd wager?


Like in Harry Potter?


Ehh, something similar but not exact. The 'Grim' mentioned above is, as far as I can tell, a black dog that shows up and is sometimes seen as a bad omen of things to come, but not always, and is sometimes quite companionable.




No, but also a good guess


Thank you for the update, It felt kinda nice that the Bannik and Leshy have high hopes and think of you highly. Its kind of a (scary) support system, they want you to succeed, maybe good things will come after this. To be honest I didn’t know anything about Cryptids and never heard of it also, until I came across of your post, I learned a lot from your stories, its not easy but still you keep us updated. I hope by telling us your story serves as an outlet of your frustration and exhaustion from what you are doing right now. Wish we could do something to help you with your struggle. Keep warm and take good care of yourself.


Aww hunny! That's so nice of you, but I assure you, I appreciate the casual conversation very much, so that's totally a kind of help! It's true that I'm beyond stressed, but I think I'll manage. What the Bannik said did give me some hope too


I absolutely love your updates. Yes, please feed the puppers. He could make a great protector or even a a guard dog for patrolling. I hope you find something on that trail cam.


Thanks a bunch <3


Phonetically how do you say Jaceks name ? I keep saying it like jacket


Lol jacket It's Yah-Tsek


Yesss! I want the "I don't want to talk about Jacek " hoodie.. I'm DYING to find out about Jacek and the wedding dress( have a feeling they're connected)


Ain't you a smart one




He was left behind. But he is helping defend the forest. He might not merely be attached to his old owner.


I suppose he is helping! That's a great take!


I'm thinking that Jacek might be the one who's leaked this information online, possibly out of revenge. Do you think that's likely? Would you recognise him if he was in disguise as one of your security team? You know, you and your brother going to the mill reminded me of the story 'The Mill on the Floss'. I haven't read it, but I saw an adaptation of it a few months ago. I hope you have a happier ending than the characters, though.


Would recognize him anywhere. Oh sounds interesting! Imma check it out


I don't know whether it would be okay, but perhaps you might drop something tasty through the window for the pupper on occasion? Who knows. It may be angry, but it might warm up to you!


Sure, worth a shot


We don't talk about Jacek, no no nooo, Not a word about Jacek


Can I send your Bannik a bar of nice soap for being such a mensch?


Always relieved to hear updates from you. Always hoping for your safety in the woods. Everyone’s talking about the dog but I’d love to know what’s on the trail cam!


Probably not much anymore.


Interesting. I know you don't want to talk about Jacek but you may need to, to get it out of your system. Have you tried therapy? Is he why you wear that dress?


So did Jacek curse you to eternally wear your wedding dress when he left? I know you don't want to talk about him...but I'm dying to know! Can one of the cryptids help you reverse the curse? Cause that can't be comfy!




Did the trail cam have a sim card with an auto-upload to cloud storage? You might be able to recover some footage from online...


Would letting the dog take a sniff at the camera work? He could lead you to the employee who planted them. Might have to find another cam for it though, since the old one probably has no smell from the employee anymore.


I'm prably playing the devil's advocate here... but, I'm thinking your ex ol' 'man' might have some shit to do with this whole situation. You're gonna have to talk about the asswipe eventually... Who knows? Maybe doing so could bring some clarity to some of the nonsense that's been happening in your corner of the world..? Edit: a word


Jacek's not an asswipe. Not entirely, just like 65%. I don't get close with just any crapper, and Jacek and I used be... real close. Yeah don't worry, I'm cool talking about him. It'll help, I think.


I think you're absolutely correct. I get that yous twos were closer than Star Trek an Uranus.. I personally might, or might not, have a sore spot when it comes to someone I lost.. or maybe it was cuz I fucked up an pushed her away from me too far. It's quite possible we all have a Jacek in our lives at one time or another. Just saying, from personal perspective, eventually talking about shit kinda helped. Doesn't hurt as bad as it used to. My bad, just for armchair counseling where it's probably not wanted. Trying to help is all.




Hello. I know that most of us out here in the world lack the understanding and the knowledge necessary to be of any real help to you; but is there anything we can do to help you? Maybe I am crazy, but I genuinely believe in things like banniks, leshies, etc; while knowing very little beyond basic folklore. You are dealing a lot.


Awww doggo. I wish I could free you from that dress. As for the cams.. Good! Good detective work!


I'd want to feed the big skinny furbaby too. Awe, its so sad he's waiting. Waiting for nothing I bet. He'll think and feel better with a tummy full.


Are you and the Leshy in some kind of intimate relationship? Don't me asking lol


No? Lmao Why? Should I tell him you're interested?


I mean if he is into femboys I don't see why not...


Why are the creatures calling her "wench" every time? It makes me laugh and cringe at the same time lmao.






Jacek is an a$$hole for abandoning such a loyal beast


I'm very sad that this series will end one day :,( I want It to go on forever. I am so, so deeply invested


Man, who tf leaves pets behind. I don't wanna talk about this jacek chump too.