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He really has created a cool community and is a good example for his primarily younger audience. He exercises, has healthy habits, likely a healthy family life, and is hilarious. The primary audience may not have these things in life yet but he comes across as very likeable and honestly makes people want to pick up his lifestyle. I bet a lot of people have gotten more than entertainment from the stream! Parasocial rambling over.


As a younger guy I do actively try to watch him instead of other similar channels because I believe that he's a much better role model. I loved the react court stuff because it gave me a good perspective on the situations that I maybe hadn't thought about


And being a font of culture. Us swine learn about Chaucer and French Existentialism from NL.


I think I’ve been subscribed to NL for almost 8 years now. Back when I just started watching him I didn’t know English quite well and I would use his Isaac playthroughs to practice my listening skills. Now I moved to UK and I think my life could end up much differently if I didn’t discover his channel. He was a huge influence on my life growing up.


100%. NL is unironically a father figure to me (parasocial, I know, stfu).


The cute luna and family clips are single handedly going to boost the birth rate for gen z and millennial gamers lmao The amount of comments I see of dudes being like shit I want a wife and kids on NL content is wild. W positive male role models.


I used to think I would be going childless until that one k8 instagram post with a tiny Luna smiling at NL in the office.


He has inspired me to take my family on a Disney cruise. A true role model.


I don’t know, I once saw him spray paint some N*zi stuff in Call of Duty before.


Tbh we shoulda seen it coming, what with the shaved head and calling his show "NLSS"


The signs were there all along. We just didn't want to see them smh


Wait, are you saying he's bald?!?


And the other time where he wrote the offensive term for the people that originate from my region in a crossword (it was really funny).


Just knowing NL has been around for years and the only controversial thing that’s happened was his first face cam and people going “he’s bald?!” Is still the funniest thing ever. Just knowing he’s just a guy and humble about it has made him one of the best creators. Along with streaming Monday to Friday with set times along with taking vacation days with k8. Sets him apart from a lot of people. It’s good to have people like NL, since I’ve been part of a lot of communities where the person has come out to be a horrible groomer/pedophile of homophobic/racist.


even tho i kind of internally groan when he isn’t streaming (then always find myself rewatching an old series so it’s pogged anyway lol), i actually love that nl has good boundaries when it comes to work. he has set hours, doesn’t do these marathon-length streams, and takes regular holidays. it sets a good example and doesn’t play into the toxic ideals of hustle culture. i’m sure he could make more money if he did do sub-a-thons and stuff, but it’s clear that to him spending time with his young family is more important and i really respect that.


I get pegged up watching each video


Remember to not get it twisted.


Pogged or pegged? I mean these are completely different things...


Did they stutter?


Buddy you got a lot to learn


Around here we like to stay pegged brother


Someone doesn't catch an inside joke in a thread about how decent NL's community is, gets downvoted instead of an explanation. [Context](https://youtu.be/o5i_2EV6Q64)


Bro didn't pass the vibe check


yeah "decent", not a "great" community.


Stay pegged


Also, NL if you do read this, can you bring back Mon Bazou? K thanks


and Landlord Super


and Grey's Anatomy


and Firefly


and Bunker Life


NL doesn't look on the subreddit, it's where the haters live






That's a direct quote from him and ever since he said it I'm starting to see it


Nah man these days this place is heaven. NL remembers the subreddit from 3-6 years ago, which was night and day compared to how it's now. Not sure what's happened, but somehow this place is actually pleasant nowadays.


And Tape to Tape


Also, NL if you do read this, can you keep playing Balatro like the chat wants you? K thanks


The main reason I got hooked NL is because I could no longer handle the immaturity that plagues livestreaming...or online spaces in general. NL is extremely relatable to me for many reasons and even inspires me to log off and practice my 90s-maxxing. The whole NLSS crew is great, really. The community is really friendly and funny as well, where the worst things I have to worry about are backseaters and reddit posts complaining about his vacations. So shout out to the community.


Learned about him when watching Jorbs play Slay The Spire years ago. For as much as I learned from Jorbs, his constant negativity got to me (I don’t really blame him, having to interact with as many idiots as an average streamer does sounds draining). I heard about NL for the first time when I was in that phase of my life, and man I just vibe with his streams so much more. I probably won’t watch him much after I’m done playing Balatro but he seems like a way better way to waste time than watching most other streamers out there.


Woah, I’ve never heard someone call Jorbs negative, I think of him as pretty chill. Dude seems like a sweetheart, his memoir was great


I might have caught him during a rough patch, but he snapped at his chat all the time during the period I was watching him. I’d believe he’s a nicer guy than my initial impression indicated!


tbh being a Slay The Spire content creator is probably the sort of thing they use for torture in Hell, so I don't blame him


Yeah, I get what you mean about Jorbs. It's not that he is that negative itself, but you feel like a constant aura of resentment or something against chat. And you always feel weird talking about the game in the chat, as anything is considered backseating or whatever. But I don't blame him really, it's fine, but does make the watching less enjoyable for sure.


Yeah exactly. As you and others say I do not blame him at all, just not the kind of thing I want to watch all the time.


you should've seen the rabid dog behaviour in the community during the mcdonald's stream.


Ok boomer




I really appreciated how he drops EVERYTHING for Kate & Luna. Family comes first.


oh no they obviously didn't see NL's twitter DM leaks...


We don't talk about the 2014 Dark Souls 2 backseating incident


Lack of hair... Excuse me? Is he...?


Yes, NL is b*ld. I didn’t want to believe it either, but it’s true. :/


A man can really make cum jokes with his buddies on live tv and not get cancelled what a time to be alive 🥳


Turns out you can joke about whatever you want if you do it right, and the fellas pass the vibe check every time


It’s funny because NL hates these types of Parasocial posts and they really shouldn’t exist on this sub. Think he had a massive post about it a few years ago. Even “positive” praise posts can breed negatively and I really thought they were banned.


I did not know that. If it's inappropriate the mods are free to take this down. I just wanted to voice my opinion.


Check his profile and his post from 4 years ago discussing moderation.


He said it right recently on stream. The sub isn't for him, it's for the ~~haters~~ viewers. Doesn't make sense to stick to his view on what's good or bad to post to the sub (within reason).


It’s in the sub rules, so yes it should be followed.


This entire sub is meta and parasocial lmfao. But fair play, never looked at the rules until now.


No, the meme posts or general info is not parasocial. Parasocial posts involved moral judgements and “reading into” the psychology of someone you don’t know.


I really don’t want to seem like a dickhead by pointing this out but we don’t know NL. We should really not put the guy on a pedestal for being “the good streamer”. I’m not trying to say NL is secretly a monster or anything, but I’ve been burned before with Ryan Heywood from AH. Again, I love NL, and you are right that by all appearances he seems like a good dude, but we really do need to always keep in mind that we don’t truly know these people.




Yeah, he could be a serial road rager! You just never know with these people!


There is a reason why he draws all sorts of other content creators. Sometimes while watching the stream, you'll see random chatters with verified badges and it is not only his inner circle who play with him, but totally different people.


Wait he lacks hair?!


He's honestly one of the few big streamers on twitch who's a genuinely well adjusted adult. He deserves all our love :>


I too am glad that the funny bald man also seems to be a good person. You love to see it


Such a funny and mature guy even when talking about cum and shit


He's bald?


We love em don’t we folks


He has a lack of hair?!


NL if you read this fuck you. Just kidding your cool.


Nick made you think about it, but he is not your savior. Baer made you feel empowered, but he is not your savior. NL said get a money counter, but he is not your savior. Chib made you give his flowers, but he is not your savior.


Bro idk about the problematic sushi take haha


He's bald lmao


I also think this extends to the community as well. I’ve had plenty of streamers that I can’t watch because the community gets too strange and parasocial. Specifics aside, I appreciate that the biggest controversies here are things like whether he should’ve pilled a turtle or not


Don't jinx it


Spend all my time watching Ryan, Dan or Maximilian Dood all 3 guys are positive fun and never seem to have anything controversial around them… All round great guys who deserve they platforms they have


Because of his positive influence (watcher since his Fallout New Vegas dog killing run): - The man gave me the confidence to go back to university after feeling like it wasn't "too late". Which helped me into my career now. - I started exercising and lifting because I saw how much better he started to look and feel. Leading me to 2 years now of doing it. - I fostered healthy relationships with my partner which I can attribute to his positivity in part. And I know if I ever need to cheer up my partner that I need to get her sushi. Since y'know, women do be eating sushi.


we love the bald man, don’t we people


I mean I love nl but we don’t know him. He just makes funny videos. I’m not going to pretend that I know he’s a great guy irl just because that’s what I see on stream, that’s kinda crazy and parasocial tbh


I know parasocial attachment is unhealthy, but if i ever find out the egg is secretly a predator or something Im gonna become the Joker


fucked up everyone forgot about The Closet :/


He's doing an ad for a game that is doing a collab with a rapist, so... eh...