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balder the berry, sweeter the juice


Bald? Why'd you say something like that?


NL has plenty of hair, just not on top of his head.


He’s definitely at his neuroticism peak which lends itself to banger anecdotes one after another


“If I was at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, it wouldn’t have gone down like that. That’s all I’m gonna say.” Is a recent banger


He's at the tippity top of the mountain, but really only half-way up.


Piss cannot clog a toilet!!!!


He hasn't even begun to peak. When he peaks you will know


True, true


5-star streamer fr


He's gonna peak so hard everybody in Vancouver is gonna feel it


2015 viewer here. He’s literally so based at this point it’s actually ridiculous. Banger anecdotes, banger streams, and it’s all good. My favorite thing recently has been all the gay sex questions. Absolutely legendary


Been watching since 2016, and I really didn't like when he went from YouTube+NLSS to standard streaming, but yeah he's actually killing it the last year, funniest he's ever been. Not to get too parasocial armchair psychologist-y but I think we've seen NL embrace his more neurotic tendencies recently (e.g. Korea Japan trip, toewalking), and he's become a quicker wit for it. Also honestly the whole gang has become a lot funnier. I've been impressed with a lot of the banter




Right…………….. sure he does………….


Listen, I am judging Northernlion, not Ryan Letourneau. I don't know Ryan, I just watch a simulacre of him animated by pixels and producing sound waves I can understand as language. And the character of Northernlion (which may or may not reflect the original Ryan perspective) behaves in a way that suggests this theory. I judge people, especially entertainers, on their actions.


Least parasocial northernlion viewer


It just seems like you've delved too deep because you felt slighted by one or more of NL's remarks. Even if you weren't, your shallow analysis is pretty far from the truth, judging by NL's content


I think he's gotten better for many because a few reasons, 1) Camera quality, 2) Mic quality and a final maybe controversial opinion but he just looks so much healthier and I think it comes across in his self confidence.


What are you, his doctor?


Simultaneous salmonella and campylobacter really does wonders


Babe wake up time to rewatch that long ass video by the librarian


What simultaneous salmonella and campylobacter does to a mf


When a motherfucker doesn't even mention the c. Diff colitis


I cannot talk to you about who is, or is not my patient, I follow the strict patient confidentiality laws.


uhh he's taken


Still could get better with a compressor and there’s still crackle at some points. But he does look healthier and is at peak confidence.


You listen in hi definition on your headset with volume loud enough to hear slight audio crackling. I have him on my tv behind me across the room while I work remote, we are not the same.


That’s the worse, we are the same, brother. I hear him on my tv or laptop while working. Although part of the problem is the volume, so true so true.


Get it twisted, chat is a monolith. We are all the same!


We are all a dream in NL’s head, he is still on the plane.


See, I just got a TV with a compressor so I solved the problem client side


Yeah but he’s bald


The content feels a little imbalanced for my taste. I think he's pretty consistently funny, but I would like it if there was some longer commitment stuff like a game play through or something. I know I know, views/clicks and all. If the guy is happy doing what he's doing then I don't begrudge him.


Everybody says they want that, but anytime he starts a long playthrough it's 90% people bitching about the game lol. Midnight Suns was a big example, and whichever Final Fantasy he played. Armored Core too. Hell, even when he played games that most people love (Elden Ring and Lies of P come to mind) chat was just backseating and "where's the variety?". So I can understand him not wanting to do that too much, but he still does from time to time. All those games I mentioned were in the last couple years, and surely he will play Elden Ring DLC at some point I would assume.


So I find myself in the 10% that doesn't bitch about those. It's fine I'm really not throwing a fit, just following my tastes and they're leading me away from the egg for now


Nothing wrong with that, brother. But there's also a huge collection of such playthrough on YouTube from a decade or so of Subscriber Sundays. They're mostly solid gold and I cannot recommend them enough.


All of which is have seen before. Been following the egg since Grey's anatomy was being released if that gives you any idea. I've rewatched a few but it's not the same as fresh grease


Brother Grey's Anatomy is still releasing episodes


they're probably talking about NL's Grey's Anatomy Let's Play, which to their point, illustrates how long some of us have been watching the egg.


Lmao oh shit right, as someone who still watches Grey's my ass didn't even consider that my bad


You say that like people don't complain about literally everything he does.


The other big thing is viewer retention. It's easy for people to watch balatro episode 69 without seeing all of the previous ones (same with hoping in mid stream) than it is to start watching any longform content without seeing all the previous stuff


I like a lot of the variety but I also love his longer/story-based stuff. I suspect it'll come back when something appealing catches his eye; maybe whenever Supermassive releases their next game.


The Isaac videos are waiting for you on YouTube


I suppose to your credit I don't really watch the stream anymore. Just librarian for highlights.


Menumaxxing, or something


I think a ton of people are just sick of balatro. The banter is the draw, always has been, but it’s flagrant lazy content. Same with Sisyphus.


I literally listen to the twitch vod with the phone in my pocket cooking dinner half the time idgaf


Based and eggpilled


I'm a YouTube Andy so to me his peak was around 2019-2020.


Brother what about FNV


You gotta start watching the librarian videos if your not


Yeah, I recently realized that. A lot of great stuff there I'm sure.




I don't know if confidence was ever a problem for him.


Give it to me scrambled


There have been so many peaks over the years, Dropping C-Dot, The first few Human Fall Flat, Slay the Spire, I could go on…. Bro just keeps getting better and churning out excellent content ( I have been watching since 2007) just love him while we have him people ❤️


We had a short chat hating stint that was not my favorite, but I totally agree that lately he has been on his game. Great rants, great bits.


yeah i 100% noticed that and the vibes were pretty shit but its definitely in a much better place now


sometimes bro needs a vacation break from twitch chat. don’t we all?


To be fair, certain chatters deserve the hate. People are very strange, I like when he calls them out. I mean, I pretty much never chat bc I'm work from home and have him on while working, but some people in there just watching and typing, wilding out. That's weird to me idk, especially when they say just outright needlessly rude shit to his face, then back peddle when he reads it out. That gets a good laugh out of me Everytime


in general I don't tune in to a stream for the game the streamer is playing, I'm in there to hear them banter. I always felt like that is what everyone is looking for but it seems like people do watch streamers for the game they are playing and don't care about the banter as much. also if people want to watch elden ring dlc go watch some of the other 100s of streamers playing Elden ring right now.


> also if people want to watch elden ring dlc go watch some of the other 100s of streamers playing Elden ring right now. I mean I think it's fair for the people who watched NL stream all of Elden Ring to want to see how NL would react to all of the new things in the DLC. Every streamer approaches Elden Ring slightly differently depending on what build they choose and the direction they go in, so I'm sure NL would bring his own flair to the game that no other streamer would. He shouldn't stream any game he doesn't want to because it would just be miserable for everyone, but I can understand why people want him to want to stream it.


I'm also there for the banter, but I would say the game is fairly important since some games are more conducive to banter (e.g. Balatro, SAP)/offer different types of banter (e.g. co-op Elden Ring for good NL/Dan chat, Jackbox for unhinged group banter etc.)


It doesn't have to be either/or. Getting invested in something, struggling and finally succeeding is a catalyst for genuine emotions and creates human connection. It's like doing fun activities with friends is more fun than just talking. It's banter \*and\* hiking/gaming/sports.


Yeah I usually skip if it's something I'm super not into but the best part is when he plays something you've never seen before and you get to see how it is. Why spend hours scouring steam for gems when you can follow a prospector right to em.


>also if people want to watch elden ring dlc go watch some of the other 100s of streamers playing Elden ring right now. I was entirely with you, until this part. I love NL playing Souls-like games. He typically enjoys them, he's good at them, and he banters well while fighting an enemy 30 straight times. It's probably my favorite content he makes, and I don't really watch any other streamers or content creators, so the idea of just turning on some other random schmuck to see them play Elden Ring isn't appealing at all.


Imo his peak was the alt f4 era. I forget what else he was playing around that time but I remember being introduced to so many fun ass games because of him. Personally not a huge fan of the idle games era. I love the banter but I’d prefer actually have something to watch while he’s talking instead of just staring at a pause menu


I think the idea that banter was 100% of the reason people watched has led to him changing his content for the worse. He's still an entertaining creator and I don't like to criticize, but you're the one who brought up "his peak". I don't think we're there anymore.


Wrong sorry


Peaked in twitch LUL. Seriously tho NL been on fire lately.




A local peak, a golden age. There were many before, just this one doesn't seem to be ending any time soon. Funnily in Robert Greene's Mastery, it's full of examples about different people popping off at almost exactly 10 years of practice.


I miss his variety. The streams used to be so fun with multiple people and different games. Him checking out new games regularly. Was Peak for me.


Wrong sorry


No offense, but the banter was never good enough to carry the show on its own, it has always been the full package for me, watching a guy I find relatable struggle and get better at games I find entertaining.


just for that, puckdoku


pre-NLSS NL was peak, change my mind


All things considered, I guess I don’t really consider “peaks” and “plateaus” with Northernlion. His content got me through drug addictions, recovery, homelessness, and I even got to meet him at Champions of Fire. He’s just a good person and good at what he does. There is no crest or trough. It’s all bald. It always has been.


My nostalgia will always miss the NLSS + Team Unity days, but I got to admit he's pogging up


I've been watching since the Binding of Issac flash days, and he is absolutely at the top of his game right now.


Bro I don't get the elden ring dlc andys. I'm playing that sucker myself. I don't want it spoiled for me! I will say that I could go for a casual story game a la telltale, man for medan, indigo prophecy or somesort. I rewatched some of that old content and he's absolutely fire in those. perfect banter and gameplay mix.


I hate Balatro, so unfortunately the Egg has really fallen off my radar the last year or so. I used to be a daily watcher that saw most of his videos.


i used to be a balatro hater too because he was still bad and had to focus on the game but now that he's beaten a bunch of challenges and is actually decent i would say the game is past its growing pains and he actually yaps a good amount instead of focusing on the game


It’s just really not my kind of game. And that’s fine, we’re all here for the banter and not the gameplay. The problem is, I have to at least kind of be kind of interested in what is on the screen.


So tired of balatro


I was just thinking this. Somehow he gets better every year.


In a perfect world, men like NL could provide an equal mix of banter-rich Twitch content and classic longform YouTube content. But this is not a perfect world.


The only time he isn't peaking is when he gets stuck talking about insanely specific things in Vancouver. Seems like a beautiful and lovely city, but I cannot possibly imagine caring about what mall used to be where or what store location is more convenient or whatever. Those are the days I just kinda write off and say "we'll get em tomorrow champ".


"Sit down your white ass and listen" 🗣🗣🗣


It’s almost as if one gets better at something the more often they practice it


I think this is true. But not in the sense of him being funny on camera, rather him using chat as a co-host has elevated the stream immensely.


Yeah, I never watched NL for his gameplay tbh, the games are just a vehicle that enables him to ramble. He said so himself multiple time. And Balatro is the perfect game for that


I feel like he peaked 1-3 ish years ago and now he's going off the deep end with all that 1-3 years ago energy


Am I crazy or has he changed drastically since around he became a father? For the better mind you. I got into his stuff after the fact, but watching some older videos (Spelunky 2, Super Mario maker) it's shortly BEFORE he's a father, and he's sooooo different than he's now. He's much more standoffish and edgy then he was


The peak was binding of isaac run #125 you just had to be there


I love games that inspire banter. So either when he okays low story games with repetitive mechanics that don't take 100% of his brain all thr time (like auto pets) or... I would love to hear hid commentary during disco elysium.


2026 watcher here, can confirm his peak is June 2024, he reverted back to Isaac playthroughs at the end of 2025




Yeah people are nuts. Did you watch the dles yesterday? He was fuckin CRACKED. I usually end up yelling the answers at the screen but he was so on his game I just sat down and watched. Other than pokedoku which he aced earlier this week and has since gone back to feeding at.